season six

Whilst Brienne avenges the death of King Renly by executing Stannis Baratheon, Sansa Stark and her father Eddard’s former squire, Prince Theon Greyjoy, use the battle as a distraction to successfully escape Winterfell. However, as they run through the Wolfswood they realize that Bolton men are chasing them with Ramsay Bolton’s vicious hounds. Theon tries to hide their scent by crossing a river. Guiding a frightened Sansa, they make it across and hide by a fallen tree, with Theon hugging Sansa to try to keep her warm. Hearing the dogs still after them, Theon tries to lead them away, telling Sansa to keep heading north for Castle Black to meet with Jon Snow. When the Bolton hunting party come upon the tree, Theon jumps out and claims that Sansa was hurt when they jumped and he left her to die, but the hounds quickly locate her. The leader mocks Theon over what Ramsay will do to him now and prepares to bring them back to Winterfell. Brienne and Podrick suddenly arrive and a fight begins. Brienne kills most of them while Podrick displays the techniques she taught him, managing to kill one. He is then attacked by another and briefly holds his own before being knocked down, but Theon grabs a sword and kills the Bolton man. Sansa then accepts Brienne into her service as they continue their journey.

Some time later, while making camp in the woods, Theon and Podrick begin to prepare a fire while Brienne reveals to Sansa how she briefly met her sister Arya in the Vale of Arryn not too long before her initial run-in with Sansa at the inn. Sansa is delighted to hear that her sister is alive and well, as this is the first she’s heard of Arya since her disappearance from the capital. Brienne adds that she spent three days searching for Arya but was unable to find her after defeating the Hound. When Sansa asks how she looked, Brienne comments that she looked well but wasn’t exactly dressed like a lady. With a smirk Sansa tells Brienne that she wouldn’t have expected her to be. Sansa is then reluctant to talk about her experiences under Ramsay Bolton's captivity. She admits that she should have accepted Brienne’s help sooner, as Brienne assures her that it must have been a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Theon decides to part with the group and head for his home in the Iron Islands. Sansa implores Theon to come with them as her half-brother Jon will protect them. Theon refuses, fearing Jon will have him executed, as he betrayed their brother Robb as well as killing two farm boys and falsely claiming them as Sansa’s brothers Bran and Rickon. Sansa promises Theon she will tell Jon the truth about her brothers and urges him to join the Night's Watch so his crimes can be forgiven. Theon reveals that he does not want to be forgiven, as he can never make up for his crimes. When Sansa realizes that Theon cannot be convinced to come with them, she bids him farewell, and the two share an emotional hug.

Some weeks later, Brienne and Podrick have safely escorted Sansa to Castle Black to reunite her with her brother Jon Snow, who is now the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. As the trio ride through the gates the horns sound for the arrival of travelers. Before dismounting in the courtyard, Brienne catches the eye of a wildling named Tormund Giantsbane, who unsubtly gazes at her in curiosity. After hearing the alert of the horns, Jon Snow enters the courtyard to witness the return of his sister. After a long pause of disbelief the Stark siblings tearfully embrace as many years have passed since they were last at Winterfell together. Afterwards, in the courtyard of Castle Black, Brienne interrupts a conversation between Jon Snow’s advisors Ser Davos Seaworth and the Red Priestess named Melisandre, whom Brienne recognizes as Stannis' former advisor that she’d met during the parley with Renly Baratheon in the Stormlands. Still bitter over the death of Renly, Brienne warns Melisandre that she does not forget or forgive her involvement in the murder. She also informs the pair that she executed Stannis after he admitted using Melisandre’s blood magic to assassinate Renly.

That evening, Brienne and Podrick share a meal with Sansa, Jon and his fellow Black Brother Eddison Tollett, as well as the wildling Tormund. A Bolton messenger on horseback arrives from Winterfell with a letter from Ramsay. In the letter, Ramsay states that he has the youngest Stark boy, Rickon, prisoner at Winterfell. He threatens that if Sansa is not returned to him, he will slaughter every wildling under Jon's protection, let his men rape Sansa and feed Jon and Rickon to his hounds. Ramsay signs the letter the “Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North,” prompting Sansa to realize that this means Ramsay sadistically killed his father Roose. When Tormund asks Sansa how many men are in the Bolton army, Sansa recalls 5,000. Jon then asks Tormund how many he has who are able to fight, as the wildling confirms he has only 2,000 in shape to fight, not enough to match Ramsay's five thousand. Sansa tells Jon that the houses of the North will unite behind him as the son of the last true Warden of the North, Eddard Stark, and they need to go back to Winterfell to save it and their brother Rickon. Jon agrees to take Ramsay down so they save Rickon and take back their home.

Some time later, Sansa receives a message bearing the sigil of House Baelish, asking her to a meeting in the neaby village of Mole's Town. Accompanied by Brienne, Sansa furiously confronts Littlefinger in a ruined house within the village, asking if he was aware what Ramsay Bolton was capable of. She asks him if he knew the truth about Ramsay all along. Lord Baelish changes the subject and quickly deflects, stating that he has the Knights of the Vale waiting at Moat Cailin in order to aid Sansa against the Boltons. She is distrustful of him, however, when he eventually claims he had no idea of Ramsay's sadistic nature. Sansa then describes her wedding night and what Ramsay did to her as Littlefinger looks on in silent horror. He apologizes to her, offering her protection now. Sansa states her doubt in Baelish's ability to protect her or even himself, threatening to have Brienne kill him. He insists that he'll do whatever she asks, as Sansa commands him to leave and never come back for her. He obeys, but not before declaring that her great-uncle Brynden Tully has recaptured her mother Catelyn’s home of Riverrun. He recommends requesting assistance from Brynden and the House Tully forces. Sansa takes an alliance with “the Blackfish” into consideration, but refuses help from Baelish, warning him never to speak to her again. Sansa asserts that she already has an army, her brother Jon's army of wildlings. "Half-brother," Baelish clarifies as he walks away.

Afterwards, a war council is called at Castle Black, and is attended by Brienne, Sansa, Jon, Podrick, Melisandre, Davos, Tormund and Eddison Tollett. The ever-growing council discuss the need for more men to defend them, since the Karstarks and Umbers, two vassal houses in the North, have declared for Ramsay. Ser Davos suggests asking House Manderly, as Jon then points out that they can summon the rest of the minor houses as well, such as the Mormonts, Glovers, Cerwyns, and Mazins, to rival their enemies. Sansa states that "the North remembers" - the people of the North will risk everything for the name Stark. She then reveals her great-uncle’s retaking of Riverrun, though she claims she learned via one of Ramsay's ravens in order to stop Jon from pursuing Littlefinger. Sansa subsequently tasks Brienne and Podrick with securing Brynden's help while she and Jon leave Castle Black to start building their army. Brienne expresses concern at leaving Sansa, trusting Jon to protect her but remaining wary of Ser Davos and Melisandre, who helped Stannis kill Renly. When Brienne asks Sansa why she did not trust Jon with Baelish's information, Sansa does not answer. As the various factions begin their departures from Castle Black, Brienne is left uneasy as Tormund continues to relentlessly display his affection towards her just before she rides off with Podrick towards the Riverlands.

Some weeks later, Brienne and Podrick arrive in Riverrun to deliver Sansa's letter to Brynden Tully, however, upon arriving they discover that the combined forces of House Lannister and House Frey are besieging the castle. When surrounded by Lannister horsemen Brienne informs them that she has come to see Jaime Lannister. Brienne then discreetly meets with Ser Jaime and informs him that she has come to secure Brynden's help in retaking Winterfell, which is not possible as Jaime is laying siege to Riverrun. Brienne convinces Jaime to let her negotiate with Brynden so that he and his men can leave the castle at night in order to travel to Winterfell. Jaime agrees to grant him safe passage but must surrender by nightfall. Brienne also attempts to return her sword to Jaime as the use for it has been fulfilled with Sansa brought to safety. However, Jaime tells her to keep it because it is hers. She reminds him that, should she fail to get Brynden to surrender, her oath to Catelyn Stark would compel her to fight against Jaime. Clearly moved by his admiration for her, Jaime replies, "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Brienne and Podrick then enter Riverrun to negotiate with Brynden. However, he refuses to relinquish his ancestral seat. Brienne then informs him of her oath to aid his grand-niece and shows him Sansa's letter. While sympathetic to his grand-niece, the Blackfish is unable to help. Brienne then tells Podrick to find a maester and organize a messenger-raven to Sansa.

Later that evening, the captured Edmure Tully, brother to Catelyn Stark, is given a final ultimatum from Jaime, who has threatened the lives of his remaining family if the castle is not surrendered. After his release and once inside the castle, Edmure orders the Tully garrison to lower the drawbridge and surrender. Jaime and the Lannister and Frey hosts then march into Riverrun and occupy the castle. At one of the castle's exits, Brynden helps Brienne and Podrick into a boat to ensure their escape. Brienne tries to convince Brynden to come along, but he insists on not running away from his fight. He tells Brienne to continue serving Sansa, assuring her that she will do a better job of it than he has done. As Brienne and Podrick escape, Brynden stays behind for a final stand against several Lannister soldiers. Shortly after, on the ramparts, Jaime is informed of Brynden’s death. Jaime then sees Brienne and Podrick rowing away on their boat back north. He quietly waves goodbye, to which Brienne waves back. Meanwhile, House Stark and their supporters come out victorious during the battle for Winterfell against House Bolton, now extinct after the death of Ramsay. Having retaken their home, Sansa is now the Lady of Winterfell while Jon Snow has been named the King in the North.

“Lady Sansa, I offer my services once again. I will shield your back and keep your council and give my life for yours, if need be. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New.”

— ‘The Red Woman

“Davos and the Red Woman helped a man murder his own brother with blood magic. And when Stannis paid for his crime, where were they? Already out looking for a leader with better prospects… And that wildling fellow with the beard--”

— ‘The Door

“I saw Arya. With a man. I don’t think he hurt her. She didn’t want to leave him, he didn’t to leave her… I spent three days looking for her. She disappeared… She looked good. She wasn’t exactly dressed like a Lady.”

— ‘Home

“One last thing, Ser Jaime… Should I fail to persuade the Blackfish to surrender and if you attack the castle… honor compels me to fight for Sansa’s kin… To fight you.”

— ‘No One

“Yes, it’s in the past. Doesn’t mean that I forget… or forgive. He admitted it, you know?… Stannis. Right before I executed him.”

— ‘Book of the Stranger

“Your family is in the North. Come with us. Don’t die for pride when you can fight for your blood.”

— ‘No One

 season seven

Some months later at Winterfell, the King in the North, Jon Snow, organizes the defense of the North against the army of the dead, an ancient threat that is currently marching towards the Seven Kingdoms from beyond the Wall. Brienne in attendance at the Great Hall, as Jon asks that all maesters start searching for dragonglass, requests for Tormund and his people to man Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and orders for all able-bodied men and women to be trained in combat. When Lord Robett Glover balks at the idea of arming his granddaughter, Lady Lyanna Mormont remarks that she certainly will not remain idle, giving her assurance that every girl on Bear Island will be trained alongside the boys. The next order of business is the possibility of the White Walkers getting past the Wall; if they do, the first obstacles they encounter will be the castles of Last Hearth and Karhold, the seats belonging to the two Northern houses that fought alongside the Boltons. Lord Yohn Royce opines that the castles should be demolished for their lords' treachery, but Sansa interjects that while the castles committed no crimes, the Karstarks and Umbers should be stripped of their castles as punishment. However, Jon advocates mercy, insisting that children will not be punished for the crimes of their fathers. Despite Sansa's insistence, Jon asserts his decision and then summons Alys Karstark and Ned Umber, asking them to reaffirm their loyalty to House Stark. They oblige and kneel before King Jon.

Later that afternoon, Brienne later tutors Podrick in the Winterfell courtyard rather sternly, but is struck by Podrick when Tormund Giantsbane appears and momentarily distracts her. Brienne then punches Podrick to the ground without hurting him seriously and rebuffs the wildling’s advances when Tormund tells Podrick that he’s a lucky man for getting beaten down by Brienne. Meanwhile, Sansa watches Brienne and Podrick spar from above the courtyard when Lord Baelish approaches, commenting that Brienne is an impressive woman. Sansa curtly asks what Littlefinger wants, as he assures that he is only concerned with her happiness and safety. Sansa dismisses Littlefinger’s attempts to get under her skin by stating that she is safe at Winterfell and has Brienne as her sworn shield. Sansa retorts that she only wants peace and quiet when he prods her that she looks unhappy. Brienne, having seen their interaction from below, moves over to intervene, and Baelish scurries off. When Brienne asks why Littlefinger is still at Winterfell, Sansa replies that his Knights of the Vale helped to turn the tide during the  battle for Winterfell, though Brienne quips that Baelish is after something else.

Some days later, Maester Wolkan brings Jon a message from his friend Samwell Tarly in the  Citadel. Brienne is in attendance at the Great Hall when Jon gathers the Northern lords in the main hall to inform that Sam's letter reveals there is a vein of dragonglass beneath the island of Dragonstone. He adds that Ser Jaime’s brother, Lord Tyrion, has invited him to Dragonstone to meet with the dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen, as Tyrion is now the Hand of the Queen to Daenerys and working against House Lannister. Jon announces his decision to travel to the island in order to convince Daenerys to join their fight against the White Walkers. Lords Yohn Royce and Robett Glover voice their opinions that a Targaryen cannot be trusted, citing the atrocities committed by Daenerys’ father, King Aerys. Lyanna Mormont then urges the King in the North to stay at home. Jon accepts that he is taking a risk but stresses that the fight against the army of the dead is more important, and they need Daenerys' aid if the North is to be saved. Jon emphasizes that the North is his home and he will never stop fighting for it, however, Sansa maintains her opposition to Daenerys' request after hearing Jon's intent of accepting the invite to the island. Jon, nonetheless is resolute and tells Sansa that he is appointing her as ruler of the North in his absence as the Lady of Winterfell. Sansa accepts, much to Brienne’s delight.

In the following weeks, with Jon away, both of Sansa’s remaining trueborn siblings, Arya and Bran, have both finally returned to Winterfell. After the siblings reunite they proceed through the courtyard together, as Brienne and Podrick witness them from afar. Pod insists that Lady Catelyn would be proud of Brienne, but she chides that she did next to nothing. Podrick disagress with "my lady," and Brienne starts to correct him that she doesn't consider herself a "lady," but stops halfway and just thanks him for the compliment. Shortly after, as Brienne and Podrick train in the courtyard they are joined by Arya, who asks to spar with Brienne - “the woman who beat the Hound in combat.” Brienne goes easy on her at first, but then Arya skillfully outmaneuvers her and achieves many openings that would be a killing blow if she wanted them to be. Surprised that such a young girl is this well-trained, Brienne stops holding back, leading to a grueling sparring session. Brienne manages to knock Arya’s sword out of her hand but she simply switches to a Valyrian steel dagger that she has in her belt. Arya uses her speed and agility to compensate for Brienne's strength and size to overwhelm her - until Brienne manages to land a kick on Arya's chest that sends her falling down. Ultimately, they reach a stalemate, with each of them holding a blade at the others' throat. Arya takes her leave of Brienne, both mutually impressed, as Sansa looks down in the courtyard baffled at how her sister reached such a deadly skill level. Arya herself then glares at an equally surprised Littlefinger.

Some weeks later, tensions start to arise between Sansa and Arya after the latter discovers a hidden letter that Sansa wrote to her brother Robb Stark years ago that asked him to swear fealty to King Joffrey in exchange for sparing their father Eddard. The letter was kept by Littlefinger and planted in Sansa’s room, as he predicted that Arya would find it. After a heated argument between the siblings, Sansa confides to Lord Baelish, who insinuates that since Brienne swore an oath to Catelyn Stark to protect both of her daughters, it could also mean having to protect one from the other. Later, Maester Wolkan informs Sansa that Winterfell has received an invitation to the capital from Queen Cersei requesting a parley. Sansa meets with Brienne, who advises her not to leave. Instead, Sansa decides to send Brienne in her place since she could reason with Jaime Lannister. Brienne warns that it is too dangerous for her to leave Sansa alone at Winterfell with Baelish. Sansa insists that her men are loyal to her, but Brienne warns that Littlefinger might be bribing them. Brienne then offers to leave Podrick, however, Sansa insists that she can take care of herself.

Some weeks later, Brienne and Podrick arrive in King's Landing ahead of Jon Snow's party and welcome them on their arrival. Brienne is shocked to see Sandor Clegane alive and alongside Jon’s party. As they walk to the Dragonpit for the parley meeting, Brienne tells the Hound that she thought he was dead. He remarks that she came pretty close to rendering him so. Brienne insists that she was only trying to protect Arya, as the Hound assures that he was as well. Brienne then informs that Arya is alive and home at Winterfell. At the meeting, Brienne shares an uneasy glance with Ser Jaime as he escorts his sister Queen Cersei to her seat. Brienne sits silently during the proceedings, witnessing Daenerys Targaryen's dramatic entrance on dragon-back. Daenerys and Jon try to warn Cersei of the greater threat coming for them all, but Cersei dismisses it as a ploy. To prove their claims, the Hound returns with the crate containing a captured wight that Jon and a hunting party retrieved from beyond the Wall. When Sandor kicks the crate over, the enraged wight spills out and launches itself out toward the nearest target - Cersei. Visibly horrified, Cersei recoils in horror as Sandor pulls the wight back on a chain and slices the creature in half. The assembled look on in shock as the wight's upper half still moves around. Jon then steps forward and demonstrates the use of dragonglass or fire can kill them effectively. Jon bluntly states that if they don't win the coming war, such a fate awaits every person in Westeros. Upon enquiring, Daenerys informs Ser Jaime that the undead army number at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei offers terms but refuses to deal with Daenerys and calls on Jon to keep the truce and to stay out of any future conflict between the two queens. Jon, however, says that he cannot serve them both - and reveals to all assembled that he has already bent the knee for Daenerys. Cersei then storms out, content to let the Starks and Targaryens battle the undead alone. As the meeting disperses, Brienne accosts Jaime and begs him to convince Cersei to join them in this war. However, it is Tyrion Lannister who changes her mind, as he meets with her in private. On Cersei’s return to the Dragonpit, she declares that the Lannister army will march north to fight alongside them. Afterwards, Brienne departs King’s Landing with Jon, Daenerys and their united armies, as they head back towards Winterfell to begin their preparations for the battle against the White Walkers. Meanwhile, at Winterfell, Sansa and Arya have deceived Littlefinger, who had assumed his efforts in turning them against each other was well underway. Their false tension was a ruse that ultimately leads to a trial where Baelish is executed for orchestrating the feud between the Starks and Lannisters.

“Why is Littlefinger still here? … He wants something.”

— ‘Dragonstone

“It’s not safe… I’m not worried about me! It’s not safe leaving you with Littlefinger… And you trust their loyalty? You trust he hasn’t been speaking to them all behind your back?”

— ‘Beyond the Wall

“I did next to nothing… I’m not a La-- ”

— ‘The Spoils of War

“Thought you were dead… I was only trying to protect her… She’s alive, Arya… Winterfell… The only one that needs protecting is the one that gets in her way.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

“Nice sword. Very nice dagger… I can go find the Master of Arms for you, my Lady… You can’t use that my Lady, it’s too small… Who taught you how to do that?”

— ‘The Spoils of War

“Ser Jaime… We both just saw what happened. We both saw… that thing… Fuck loyalty! This goes beyond houses and honor and oaths. Talk to the Queen.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

 season eight

Some time after the parley at King’s Landing, Brienne has returned to Winterfell to help organize the defense of the castle against the army of the dead. She waits outside in the courtyard with Sansa and Bran for the arrival of Jon, Daenerys and her united army of Dothraki and Unsullied soldiers. When Daenerys' dragons fly above the castle, the town people flee in fear as Daenerys smiles at her dragons overhead. Sansa warily watches from Winterfell's battlements as Drogon and Rhaegal circle above. Once inside the courtyard, Jon reunites with Bran, whom he last saw in a coma several years ago, and then embraces his sister Sansa, who keeps a wary eye on his queen. Sansa and Daenerys are then introduced to one another. Sansa formally, yet begrudgingly, welcomes Daenerys as the dragon queen thanks her, remarking that Jon told her about the beauty of the North and Sansa herself. Bran curtly interrupts that there is no time for pleasantries, informing Jon and Daenerys that the Night King has resurrected her deceased dragon, Viserion, who has now become part of their undead army that has now breached the Wall and is marching south.

Afterwards, Brienne sits next to Lyanna Mormont in the Great Hall, who voices her anger that many lords and ladies have towards Jon bending the knee to Daenerys, since they named him their King in the North. She presses that “you left Winterfell a King and came back a-- I’m not sure what you are now.” Jon gravely answers that he said he would protect the North, and the only way they could do that is with allies. Lord Tyrion, as Daenerys’ Hand of the Queen, speaks up to insist that they'd all be dead already without Jon - and that the remaining Lannister army will soon arrive to reinforce them as well. The lords and ladies in the Great Hall resume their objections, as Brienne witnesses their frustration. Tyrion insists they must fight together in the face of the onslaught of the White Walkers and their undead army. Sansa asks how they are meant to feed Daenerys' large army and two fully-grown dragons. She scoffs, "What do dragons eat, anyway?," to which Daenerys quips, "Whatever they want." Sansa and Daenerys cast a side-gaze towards one another, understanding that they’re disagreements have only just begun.

Some time later, Jaime Lannister makes the long journey to Winterfell on horseback. As he dismounts from his horse in the courtyard, he is surprised to see Bran waiting for him - the boy he shoved out a window and crippled in this very castle years ago. Ser Jaime is then immediately brought to the Great Hall to stand in front of Daenerys, where Brienne is in attendance. The dragon queen remarks to Jaime that his sister Cersei had pledged to send her army north, but as he is alone it appears Cersei lied. Jaime makes it clear that she lied to him as well, and that she never had any intention of sending her army but asserts that he promised to fight for the living. Tyrion tries to step in, but Daenerys quickly stops him as Tyrion was wrong about his sister as well. Sansa insists that they can't trust Jaime, as he tried to destroy her family the same as he did Daenerys'. Jaime asserts that they were at war and everything he did, he did for his house and family and would do it all again. Bran interjects: "The things we do for love," which is what Jaime said to Bran before pushing him out of the window of the tower. Brienne then steps forward on Jaime's behalf and informs Daenerys that Jaime is indeed a man of honor. Looking to Sansa, Brienne adds that without Jaime, she wouldn't be alive. She also notes that he armed and armored her in order to bring Sansa home because he swore an oath to her mother. Sansa eventually agrees that they should let Jaime stay, without seeking approval for this from Daenerys first. Daenerys looks at Jon and asks his advice on the matter as Jon asserts that they need every man they can get. Daenerys eventually acquiesces and frustratedly exits the hall. Brienne shares a glance at Ser Jaime before departing herself.

Afterwards, Ser Jaime is talking with his brother Tyrion on the ramparts of the castle but is distracted as he watches Brienne in the distance, who is overseeing sword training in the yard. Jaime walks out of the castle gate where moats of traps, catapults, and men are training, one of them being Podrick. He eventually reaches Brienne and they greet one another formally. Jaime comments on Podrick’s improvement, as Brienne insists that he still has a lot to learn. Jaime then informs her that he has been told she is commanding the left flank during battle. She states it is great ground and with the rise it would give good advantage. Quickly, she finally turns to him and asks what he's doing, knowing they've never had a conversation this long without him insulting her. He finally admits that he came to Winterfell because he's not the fighter he use to be, and that he'd be honored to serve under her command, if she'd have him.

Later that afternoon, the sound of the horn brings Jon out into the courtyard, where he finds Tormund Giantsbane, Eddison Tollett and the rest of the Night's Watch dismounting from their horses. Unfortunately, the new arrivals bring bad news: the castle of Last Hearth has fallen and anyone who has not reached Winterfell by now have joined the army of the dead, who should be arriving before daybreak. As night falls, Brienne is in attendance of the war council with all of the prominent commanders to discuss strategy. Jon notes that even with weapons of dragonglass and Valyrian steel, and the defenses they have laid, the army of the dead outnumbers the living too heavily for them to have a chance at winning a conventional battle. He then suggests to make the Night King their primary target; given that if he raised every monster in the army of the dead they should also die with him. Jaime predicts that the Night King, knowing this weakness, will never risk himself on the battlefield, but Bran interjects that he will come for him as his ultimate desire is to erase all memory of the world of men, something which Bran now possesses as the Three-Eyed Raven. Davos Seaworth then suggests the dragons will be helpful on the battlefield but Jon notes they need the dragons near the godswood to protect Bran who will be luring the Night King in for an ambush. Jon adds that they'll hold the dragons back to keep the Night King from suspecting a trap, then when their enemy makes his move for Bran, they'll strike. Arya then asks if dragonfire will kill wights, to which Bran can only reply he has no idea, as no one has ever tried it before.

Later that evening, as the looming battle nears, Brienne and Podrick join the Lannister brothers for wine, but she orders a half cup for Podrick, since the battle could start at any moment. Tyrion serves Podrick a full cup anyway. They are also joined by Tormund and Ser Davos, who also attempt to distract themselves in merriment from what is to come. Tormund instantly hones in on Brienne, bragging how he killed a giant at the age of ten. He then informs the group how he received his surname by being nursed by a giant for three months. The rest of the group looks on, unsure how to react to such a story, as Tormund guzzles down his milk from a horn. Soon the subject turns to knighthood, and Tormund, unsure of the concept of being or becoming a knight, asks Brienne why she isn't one. Brienne simply replies: "tradition." Ser Jaime refills his drink and mentions aloud, that the tradition isn't necessarily true. He states that any knight can make a knight. At first, Brienne isn't sure what to do, but after looking at Podrick, who gives her the faintest of smiles and a nod, she stands and moves away from the group so that she can kneel. Bringing his sword with him, Jaime gives Brienne her knighthood, before adding "arise Brienne of Tarth, a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms." With everyone applauding, Brienne stands and gives a tearful smile to the small group in the room. However, their celebration is quickly interrupted by the arrival of the White Walkers and their army of the dead.

Night has fallen and Bran is wheeled to the godswood to wait as bait while Jon and Daenerys ride their two dragons away from the castle, to not alert the enemy to their presence. Outside the gates and on the battlefield, Ser Brienne and Ser Jaime command the left flank as Daenerys’ lieutenant Grey Worm readies the Unsullied army. From the blackened distance, the Red Priestess, Melisandre, arrives on horseback just in time to aid their army and magically lights a fire on each end of the Dothraki’s weapons, as they then ride into battle and crash into the seething horde of wights. The infantry around Winterfell can hear the chaos in the distance, as Dothraki war cries turn to screams of terror and the flames from their swords are quickly extinguished. The undead rush down from the north and slam into the defenders around Winterfell like a tidal wave. Jon and Daenerys make strafing runs on the undead army with dragonfire but more keep coming and does little to affect their outnumbered defenses. A full retreat into the castle is ordered, as Grey Worm commands the Unsullied to form up a rearguard to protect the withdrawal of their few remaining forces. Melisandre uses her powers again, this time to light the entire trench ringing Winterfell, as it bursts into flames. However, the Night King directs his horde of the undead into a concentrated charge across several sections of the fire: many hundreds burn, but eventually their sheer mass extinguishes the flames, breaching the outer defenses. Thousands of them start swarming around the base of Winterfell's great stone walls, then climb over each other in a mass, using their strength to grip into stone. As they continue climbing the castle walls, Jaime is nearly overwhelmed by a dozen wights, but Brienne carves her way to him using her sword and saves him. The siege takes a turn for the worse as the Night King uses his resurrection power to raise all of the defenders who died in the battle up to this point into wights. As Brienne and Jaime fight for their lives in the overrun courtyard, the Night King reaches the godswood to meet Bran, as predicted, but not all goes to plan as Jon and Daenerys have lost the use of their dragons and cannot protect Bran. As the Night King draws the sword sheathed on his back for the killing blow, Arya Stark stealthily leaps at him from behind with her Valyrian steel dagger. The Night King instantly reacts, spinning around to catch her by the throat, but with her free hand she drives the blade into the center of his chest, shattering him into ice. With the Night King killed, the few surviving defenders witness the undead suddenly drop and fall apart, as the magic animating their dead flesh has been broken. As the Great War comes to a victorious end, dawn breaks over Winterfell.

Following the victorious battle against the White Walkers, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are gathered into funeral pyres, as Jon then gives a eulogy that it is the duty of those who survived to keep them alive in memory for generations to come. He notes to the survivors in his eulogy: “Our fellow men and women, who set aside their differences to fight together, and die together, so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid.” He also quotes the funeral speech used for members of the Night's Watch, he announces that they were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the pyres: Sansa weeps over Theon Greyjoy's body, taking a pin with the Stark direwolf sigil off of her own gown and adding it to his chest, to show that he was a Greyjoy and had redeemed himself as a Stark. A devastated Daenerys then lights the pyre for her closest advisor, Ser Jorah Mormont. The survivors also bid farewell to the young Lyanna Mormont, as well as Eddison Tollett and Ser Beric Dondarrion.

That night, the survivors hold a victory feast in the great hall of Winterfell, though so many died that the mood is somber at first. The hall eventually becomes more celebratory as everyone starts drinking heavily and boasting about their deeds in the battle. Lord Tyrion settles into playing a drinking game with Brienne, Jaime and Podrick. Jaime and Brienne playfully argue over whether or not she told him that she was an only child, but Brienne ends up having to take a drink. Jaime then informs Brienne that she once danced with Renly Baratheon. Brienne looks at Podrick, who smiles and shrugs as the only person she has told this to. Tyrion tells her to drink. As they continue playing, Brienne correctly guesses that Tyrion was married to someone else before his arranged marriage to Sansa. She then takes another guess that Tyrion is drinking wine but prefers ale. Tyrion yells, "No!" and Brienne must take another drink. Brienne and Jaime exchange smiles, as Tyrion then drunkenly guesses that Brienne has never slept with anyone. Confronted by this, Brienne doesn't answer and stands up, insisting that she must relieve herself. Tormund drunkenly propositions Brienne, whom he is smitten with, but is rebuffed by her and the intervention of Jaime. Following the feast, a very drunk Jaime enters Brienne's chambers. He pours himself some wine and things quickly escalate as he starts undressing, with Brienne following suit. He admits he’s never slept with a knight before and she replies with never having slept with anyone before. They passionately kiss as result of the building tension they’ve shared over the years.

Some time later, Brienne attends the discussions regarding Daenerys resuming her conquest of Westeros. Grey Worm informs that half of the Unsullied and most of the Dothraki were killed in the battle, as Jon adds about half of the Northern armies were destroyed as well. Daenerys insists that they must attack King's Landing, and rip out Cersei root and stem. Tyrion warns her that a direct assault on the capital would result in so many civilian casualties that it would make the smallfolk hate her, and they must once again try to encircle Cersei - starving out the city until the commoners revolt against her. Daenerys remains resolute, however, Sansa counters that their men are exhausted from fighting and need rest, to which Arya silently agrees. The dragon queen asserts that the longer she waits, the more time Cersei has to gather new strength and new allies. Jon reaffirms his loyalty to Daenerys' cause and states that the North will march to King's Landing, much to his sisters' displeasure. Daenerys declares to the war council that this will be the last war they have to fight in the Seven Kingdoms - adding "all of them". Sansa and Daenerys exchange a tense look. Once Daenerys exits, Arya asks Jon for a word in private.

Some time after Jon, Daenerys and their united armies have departed from Winterfell, Ser Jaime arrives in the courtyard to see that Sansa and Brienne have just received a messenger-raven  informing them of an attack that Cersei ordered on Daenerys' fleet. The attack resulted in the death of one of her dragons, as well as the capture of her advisor Missandei. Sansa wryly notes to Jaime that they will execute his sister for this, as there is no way Daenerys would let her surrender with her life now. Later that evening, Brienne awakens to find Jaime gone and rushes to catch him outside as he saddles a horse, preparing to return south to Cersei. Brienne starts crying, and pleads that he doesn't need to go to her and is a good person now. Jaime bitterly asserts that he isn't: he threw Bran out a window for Cersei, and killed his cousin to get back to her. He then notes that he nearly killed every man, woman and child in Riverrun for his sister. Brienne declares that Cersei is hateful - to which Jaime responds: "So am I." He then rides out of the castle, leaving Brienne weeping alone. As Ser Brienne remains at Winterfell, Jon and Daenerys lead their armies to King’s Landing for battle. An all-out war in the city then commences as Daenerys, in complete rage, brutally scorches the entire city along with its innocent civilians. The fall of the castle results in the deaths of both Cersei and Ser Jaime, who failed at rescuing his sister in time. With Daenerys blinded by her quest for power, she illustrates to Jon and Tyrion that she cannot be trusted anymore. Tyrion quits as her Hand, and in anguish Jon assassinates Daenerys, resulting in both of their arrests by her Unsullied army.

Several weeks after the destruction of King’s Landing and the assassination of Queen Daenerys, Brienne, Sansa, Arya, Bran and the other leaders of the Great Houses of Westeros meet in the capital to discuss Jon and Tyrion’s punishment for their treason. Jon is not in attendance though Tyrion has been escorted to the trial. When Sansa asks where Jon is, Daenerys’ lieutenant Grey Worm replies that he decides what to do with their prisoners as the capital belongs to the Targaryen forces now. Sansa explains that there are thousands of Northmen outside the city gate and, as result, harming Jon wouldn't be in his best interest. Grey Worm insists that his army needs justice for Daenerys's assassination and demands that Jon cannot go free. Tyrion reminds him that he does not get to decide that as the power rests with their new king or queen. When it's pointed out there currently isn't one, Tyrion asserts that as the most powerful lords and ladies gathered, they can elect one of themselves. When asked his opinion, Tyrion responds that more than anything: “stories unite people.” Proposing an elective monarchy, he concludes, "And who has a better story than Bran the Broken? A crippled boy who crossed the Wall and became the Three-Eyed Raven. He's all our memory. Who better to lead us to the future?" Sansa objects, however, by mentioning that Bran cannot father any children. Tyrion assures that this is a good thing since sons of kings are often cruel, referencing the sadistic King Joffrey. Tyrion asks Bran whether he will accept the crown, as Bran replies, "Why do you think I came all this way?" Tyrion waits for the reactions of the other leaders as Ser Brienne and the rest of the lords slowly start saying "aye" one by one. Sansa remains hesitant, stating that she believes her brother will be a good king, but the North will once again be an independent kingdom as it has been for hundreds of years. Bran understands and gives his assent to her demand. He then commands Tyrion to be his Hand of the King as atonement for his wrong-doings through the years. As Grey Worm is still unsatisfied with the lack of punishment on Jon specifically, in avoidance of further warfare, King Bran later exiles an understanding Jon to the Night’s Watch to live out the rest of his days in atonement. With King Bran remaining in King’s Landing to rule under a new monarchy, Sansa and Arya also eventually depart from the city to journey towards their new lives- Arya on her travels outside of Westeros and Sansa as the Queen in the North ruling under an independent kingdom.

Some weeks later, as King’s Landing is being rebuilt, Ser Brienne is made Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, with the emblem of a raven now present on the armour of the sworn brotherhood, an ode to King Bran's status as the Three-Eyed Raven. Sitting alone in the White Sword Tower, the quarters of the Kingsguard, Brienne skims through the Book of Brothers, the recorded deeds of the knights who have served as guard over the last three-hundred years. When she comes across the late Ser Jaime’s entry, Brienne woefully decides to complete it, as it hadn’t been updated in several years. Whilst tearing up, she records all of his deeds since the beginning of the War of Five Kings and right up to his death. Quill in hand, Brienne writes that Jaime “pledged himself to the forces of men and rode north to join them, alone. Faced the army of the dead, and defended the castle against impossible odds until the death of the Night King. Escaped imprisonment and rode south in an attempt to save the capital from destruction”. Brienne praises his actions and completes his entry informing that Jaime had "died protecting his queen." As she starts to cry, Brienne puts the quill down and closes the book.

Later on, the Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister, awaits the rest of the newly-formed small council to arrive for their first meeting under King Bran’s reign. Brienne and the rest of the new council arrive, which includes Davos Seaworth as the new Master of Ships and Samwell Tarly as the new Grand Maester. Also joining the small council is the new Master of Coin, Ser Bronn, a former sellsword who has been a close ally to both Lannister brothers. Samwell Tarly gifts Lord Tyrion with a book he partly wrote about the War of the Five Kings named “A Song of Ice and Fire”. Tyrion assumes that this historical reference doesn’t paint him in the best light, as Samwell awkwardly informs that he is not mentioned at all. King Bran is then brought into the council room by Ser Podrick, who has also joined the Kingsguard following his knighthood that was bestowed on him by Brienne. Tyrion and the rest formally greet Bran upon his arrival and once everyone is seated, the king enlists his advisors to find Masters of Whisperers, War and  Law, while he himself will look for Daenerys’ last remaining dragon, Drogon, through his powers of greensight, who was last spotted flying east. Upon King Bran’s exit, Tyrion recites “we serve at your pleasure, Bran the Broken. Ruler of the Six Kingdoms and protector of the realm. Long may he reign.” Lord Commander Brienne and the rest of the small council then continue their discussions on the reformation of the kingdoms in the dawn of a new era.

“You don't know me well, Your Grace, but I know Ser Jaime. He is a man of honor. I was his captor once, but when we were both taken prisoner and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me, Ser Jaime defended me... and lost his hand because of it… Without him, my lady, you would not be alive. He armed me, armoured me and sent me to find you and bring you home, because he'd sworn an oath to your mother.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“I've never slept with anyone before.”

— ‘The Last of the Starks

“What are you doing?… I think you know… We have never had a conversation last this long without you insulting me. Not once.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“They’re going to destroy that city. You know they will… You’re not like your sister. You’re not. You’re better than she is. You’re a good man and you can’t save her. You don’t need to die with her. Stay here. Stay with me. Please. Stay!”

— ‘The Last of the Starks

“Women can't be knights… Tradition. I don't even want to be a knight.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“[writing] He died protecting his Queen.”

— ‘The Iron Throne