
Directed By: Matt Shakman / Written By: Dave Hill

Original Airdate: August 13, 2017

After demolishing the Lannister-Tarly army with Drogon and the Dothraki, Daenerys Targaryen returns to Dragonstone as Jon Snow continues to convince her of the looming threat against the White Walkers. Meanwhile, Jorah Mormont returns to Daenerys’ service, completely cured of greyscale. At the Citadel, Samwell Tarly grows increasingly frustrated with the maesters as they continue to ignore the advancement of the army of the dead. In King’s Landing, Tyrion Lannister has been sent to ask his brother Jaime to convince Queen Cersei to parley with Daenerys. Afterwards, Jon and Jorah travel to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea to recruit a select few for their dangerous mission to go beyond the Wall and capture a White Walker as proof to the Seven Kingdoms.

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the goldroad

In the aftermath of the Battle of the Goldroad, Ser Bronn pulls Jaime Lannister from the depths of Blackwater Rush, and onto the shore, after Jaime's failed attempt to slay Queen Daenerys Targaryen. As they catch their breath, Bronn asks Ser Jaime what he was thinking when attempting to kill Daenerys, to which a convicted Jaime asserts that he was trying to end the war. The sellsword then informs Jaime that the only reason he rescued him is that nobody gets to kill him until Bronn gets the reward he's due from the Lannisters. A shell-shocked Jaime then remarks on the destructive power one dragon alone has unleashed and surmises that they are in great peril if Daenerys deploys all three in future battles. When Jaime then laments over his duty to report what happened to his sister, Queen Cersei Lannister, Bronn remarks that it would be safer for him to jump back into the river than deal with her wrath. Meanwhile, Tyrion Lannister grimly assesses the carnage out on the battlefield, witnessing the ashes of wagons, horses and soldiers alike.

Afterwards, the Lannister-Tarly survivors are then rounded up by the Dothraki army and taken before Daenerys. Daenerys appeals to the prisoners of war, bringing up the rumors of her alleged brutality that has been spread around Westeros by Queen Cersei. She assures them that she is not here to murder, but to destroy the wheel of power that rolls over the rich and poor alike, to no one's benefit aside from people like Cersei. Daenerys then offers them a choice: bend the knee and join her to build a better world with her, or refuse and die. As if to reinforce this point, Drogon roars menacingly from his perch behind Daenerys. Most of the survivors quickly kneel, with the exception of Lord Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon Tarly. Randyll refuses to trade his honor for his life, claiming he has chosen his queen. Tyrion proposes to Daenerys about having them committed to the cells instead, but Daenerys, being ruthless yet pragmatic, does not wish to grant the reputation of putting traitors in chains, or many would take advantage. She resumes her sentencing for them both, as father and son hold hands. Drogon unleashes his dragonfire, burning Randyll and Dickon alive and reducing them both to flame and ash in seconds, killing them instantly in front of their own soldiers. Terrified, the remaining soldiers instantly kneel as Tyrion reflects uneasily over the execution.


In the godswood of Winterfell, Bran Stark sits alone by the weirwood tress and wargs into a flock of ravens in order to inspect the whereabouts of the army of the dead. Through the ravens, Bran eventually comes upon the undead army, led by the White Walkers and the Night King, as they travel south towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, one of the only three castles along the Wall that remain guarded by the Night’s Watch. Bran’s reconnaissance continues until the Night King sees the soaring ravens, at which Bran then severs the connection. He urgently commands Maester Wolkan that they need to send out messenger-ravens at once. Meanwhile, Arya Stark observes her sister Sansa Stark presiding over a meeting of the Northern lords, who insist that the King in the North should have remained in the North. The lords imply that they’ve made a mistake in choosing Jon Snow as their ruler. However, Sansa insists that Jon is their king who is doing what he believes is best for their people. Following the meeting, Sansa confides her frustration with Arya, who calls Sansa out for diplomatically handling their concerns instead of shutting the lords down. Arya thinks that Sansa should not let them get away with insulting Jon, and hints at assassinating them. Sansa disagrees, however, to which Arya then calls attention to the fact that Sansa is using their parents' chambers and that she still thinks she's better than everyone else. Arya then assumes Sansa might need the support of the Northern lords if she wishes to seize the North from Jon for herself. Hurt by the accusations, Sansa informs Arya that she has "work to do." Arya leaves Sansa, but not before asserting a passive-aggressive “milady” upon her exit.

Later on, Arya grows increasingly suspicious of Sansa and her relationship with Lord Petyr Baelish. She then begins to spy on Littlefinger as he is walking through the grounds of Winterfell and conversing with the two Northern lords who hold issue with Jon’s absence. Arya then follows Littlefinger to his personal quarters and finds him in discussion with Maester Wolkan. Arya eavesdrops while he asks the maester if he’s sure that "this" is the only copy, as he’s handed a message scroll. Assured that it is, Baelish informs that "Lady Stark thanks you for your service." After Wolkan leaves, Baelish briefly enters his room, then exits, locking the door. Arya then breaks into his chamber and rummages through his study. Hidden under his mattress, she finds the scroll, which turns out to be the message that Sansa wrote years ago to their late brother Robb Stark urging him to bend the knee for King Joffrey Baratheon. Arya is horrified by the letter, unaware that Sansa had written it under duress while she was imprisoned in the capital by Cersei Lannister. Arya rolls up the scroll and sneaks out of the room, oblivious to a grinning Littlefinger, who watches her from behind a dimly-lit wall, indicating that the letter itself had been planted on purpose in order to manipulate her against Sansa.



Upon her return to Dragonstone, Jon Snow witnesses Daenerys Targaryen land Drogon in front of him on the cliffs of the island. Drogon roars at Jon at first but then hesitantly approaches Jon, stretching out his head to face the King in the North. Jon stands his ground and after a few moments, he and Drogon seem to be transfixed on one another. Jon then inches closer to Drogon and is allowed to make contact, stroking the dragon’s snout, much to Daenerys' astonishment. She dismounts, at which point Drogon then flies off. Jon states that her dragons are "gorgeous beasts," as Daenerys explains that they are not beasts to her, as they are her children. Dany then informs Jon of her victory over the Lannisters along the Goldroad. When Jon Snow observes that she was not gone for long, Daenerys curtly replies that no she wasn't, and she now has fewer enemies to deal with. They then discuss what is needed to help people. Daenerys then asks Jon about what his advisor Ser Davos Seaworth meant by "taking a knife in the heart for his people." Jon avoids discussing the matter, claiming that Ser Davos gets carried away, but before Daenerys can press him further, they are interrupted by the surprise arrival of Ser Jorah Mormont, who is escorted onto Dragonstone by the Dothraki. Ser Jorah informs her that has been cured of his greyscale and requests to return to her service. A delighted Daenerys embraces him, saying that it would be her honor. She then introduces him to a wary Jon, but this is diffused when Jorah tells him that his late father, Eddard Stark, was a great man.

Some time later, Tyrion Lannister and Lord Varys discuss the execution of Lord Randyll and his son Dickon. Varys informs Tyrion about how he had distanced himself from King Aerys Targaryen’s role in killing Rickard Stark and his son Brandon Stark. Tyrion continues to insist that Daenerys is not her father, and Varys agrees up to a point: she may not have her father's madness, but she certainly has a growing ruthless streak, which in Varys' view must be curtailed by Tyrion's more sensible and pragmatic counsel. He then urges for Tyrion to find a way to make her listen. They then discuss a sealed scroll from Winterfell that contains a message from Bran Stark– which Varys has already read.

Afterwards, discussing the scroll at a council meeting, Jon informs Daenerys of the news of his half-siblings Bran and Arya Stark's return to Winterfell. He asserts wanting to return home to Winterfell, concerned by Bran's warning of the army of the dead closing in on the Wall and advancing on the North. Daenerys notes that Jon doesn't have enough men to fight the army of the dead as Jon then asks her again to join him. However, Daenerys is worried that Cersei will take advantage of the situation if she turns her focus to the army of the dead. Tyrion then proposes bringing a wight south to King's Landing in order to prove that the army of the dead is real in order to convince his sister and hopefully come to a truce. Varys opines that it is suicide trying to appeal to Cersei but Tyrion argues that he can persuade his brother Jaime to assist. It’s noted that Ser Davos, a former smuggler, might be the only one who can sneak Tyrion into the capital, who reluctantly agrees, but also thinks such a mission is risky even for him. Ser Jorah then volunteers to go beyond the Wall to help capture a wight while Jon volunteers to lead the expedition, since the wildlings won't follow Jorah and he is the only one who has the most experience facing their enemy. Upset over the idea of Jon leaving, Daenerys responds that she did not give him permission to leave but Jon reminds her that he is the King in the North. He tells her she has the power of life and death over him but that he trusted her even regardless of being a stranger. Jon pleads with her to return the favor by now trusting him.

king’s landing

Meanwhile, Jaime Lannister returns to King's Landing to inform Queen Cersei of their defeat. He flatly insists that the Lannisters have no chance of defeating Daenerys, even if Cersei were able to buy enough mercenaries to replace their losses; Qyburn's scorpion did little more than anger Drogon, and neither the Lannister soldiers nor any mercenaries will be able to match the huge horde of Dothraki. Cersei snidely asks Jaime if they are expected to surrender to a queen whose father he betrayed and murdered, mockingly remarking that Tyrion could intercede for them with Daenerys as an apology for killing Joffrey and their father Tywin Lannister. Jaime reveals to Cersei that Olenna Tyrell confessed to Joffrey’s murder. Jaime talks his disbelieving sister through it, asking her rhetorically if Olenna would have preferred Margaery Tyrell to marry the sadistic Joffrey or the good-natured Tommen Baratheon. Effectively, Olenna would have become the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms behind the scenes. Feeling cheated of yet another vengeance, Cersei insists that Olenna ought to have died screaming. Jaime says she's dead, nonetheless, along with the rest of House Tyrell, and that they will go the same way unless they are careful. Jaime sees no other path to victory; Tyrion now stands against his own siblings with a foreign invader in possession of a large army and three ferocious dragons. Cersei dismisses his protests, however, making it plain she intends to fight to the death rather than surrender her throne, and expects the same from Jaime and the rest of the Lannister military.

Some time after sailing to the capital, Tyrion and Ser Davos arrive at a secluded beach close to the Red Keep. Tyrion remarks that he murdered his own father the last time he was here, with Davos coolly remarking that Tyrion murdered his son Matthos the last time he himself visited the city, reminding Tyrion of the wildfire he used against Stannis Baratheon’s fleet during the Battle of Blackwater. A meeting is then arrange by Tyrion and Bronn in the cellar beneath the Red Keep, as Bronn leads a surprised Jaime to meet with his brother. Jaime is initially angry that Bronn has arranged the meeting, as Bronn then excuses himself. Tyrion compliments Jaime on shrewdly and unsentimentally abandoning the Lannister seat of Casterly Rock, insisting that his plan would have made their father proud. Jaime barks at Tyrion, urging to not speak about Tywin and asserting that he once told Bronn that if he was to see his brother again he would cut him in half. Snapping, an emotional Tyrion points out that Tywin knew he was innocent but still condemned him to death nonetheless, having hated him all his life for being born a dwarf. When Jaime demands to know what Tyrion wants, his brother responds that Jaime knows Daenerys will win the war, however, she is willing to make peace with Cersei under certain conditions. Tyrion informs that Daenerys has a more important request than bending the knee.

Meanwhile, Ser Davos visits Flea Bottom and eventually finds Gendry Baratheon in a smithy. Joking that he thought Gendry might still be rowing, Gendry confirms that no one has given him a second glance and realizes that Davos has come to him for something important. Having never been happy with serving the Lannisters, who murdered his father King Robert and tried having him killed, Gendry explains that he's been preparing for such a moment and readily agrees to leave with him. When Davos warns it will be dangerous and that he should take one of the swords, Gendry points out he was never taught to fight properly and is only good with a hammer. Gendry then retrieves a war hammer: a maul with a stag's head design, likely forged himself and referencing his Baratheon roots. Afterwards, on the shore, Davos and Gendry prepare to leave but are spotted by a pair of Gold Cloaks. Davos pretends to be a smuggler and bribes the guards with coin. He strikes up a conversation with the guards and shows them that he is transporting fermented crab, an aphrodisiac that is popular with the city's brothels. He uncovers the crab while pulling the cloth aside to hide the war hammer. The guards are satisfied with Davos' explanation and prepare to depart, but Tyrion arrives at that exact moment. Realizing it's too late to turn back and not look suspicious, Tyrion walks past them to the boat while looking downward. However, one of the guards recognizes him by his scar and asks him to stop. They realize that he is indeed Tyrion Lannister, and immediately see through Davos' deception. Before they can react, however, Gendry kills them both by smashing their skulls in with his hammer. Davos, slightly exasperated, introduces Gendry to Tyrion, who wryly states: "he'll do".

Later that evening, Jaime informs Cersei that he met with Tyrion. When Cersei asks if Daenerys wants to negotiate a surrender, Jaime tells her that the dragon queen is seeking an armistice due to the looming threat posed by the White Walkers and their army of the dead. Cersei knows that Bronn secretly organized the meeting between Tyrion and Jaime. Cersei then notes that an alliance with Daenerys may be a wiser move, but she still retains her determination to destroy any force that stands against her. She also asks if Jaime plans to punish Bronn for arranging the clandestine meeting with Tyrion. Cersei then reveals that she is pregnant with another of Jaime's children, one who she believes will someday be the heir to the Iron Throne. After reflecting on their late father's advice that "the lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep," Cersei hugs Jaime and whispers in his ear that he is never to betray her again.



Some time later, Ser Davos and Tyrion return to Dragonstone with Gendry. At the dragonglass mines, Gendry meets Jon, who is supervising the diggings and excavations. Gendry remarks that Jon is a lot shorter than he expected – and immediately blurts out his true parentage, on the assumption that Jon will value honesty and will appreciate the idea of Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon's bastards joining forces. Gendry volunteers to accompany Jon on his mission to the North to capture a wight and convince Queen Cersei that the true war lies to the North. Afterwards, as Jon Snow and his party, including Ser Jorah, prepare to depart on boats for  Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, Daenerys and Tyrion arrive to bid them farewell. Tyrion reminisces with his former traveling companion as he then hands him the coin used to pay for Jorah and himself by the slave-trader Yezzan, hoping it will bring him luck for the wight hunt. After speaking with Tyrion, Daenerys jests that she and Jorah should be used to saying farewell to each other. Jon then arrives at the beach as they are saying goodbye. Jon playfully quips to Daenerys that if their mission is unsuccessful and he doesn’t return she at least won’t have to deal with the King in the North anymore. Daenerys responds that she’s "grown used to him," hinting that she may have feelings for him. Jon wishes her good fortune in the wars to come before he leaves. Daenerys and Tyrion watch as Jon, Jorah and their party depart on their boats for Eastwatch.



Meanwhile, at the Citadel in Oldtown, a conclave of maesters read the message from Winterfell that was sent by Bran warning of the army of the dead, but they are dismissive of his account. Samwell Tarly, who is present at the meeting, only to swap out some books, vouches for the Stark boy and insists that Bran spent several years surviving in the wilds alone. One maester mockingly tells Samwell to practice with inscribing instead of entertaining myths and fables. Samwell, however, counters that they should use their position as maesters to warn the people to prepare for the coming night. Archmaester Ebrose opines that Bran's message could be genuine, but also could be misinformation spread by Daenerys. The maesters agree to send a letter back to Winterfell to investigate Bran's claims further but, as they regard White Walkers as legendary beings, they clearly want to believe Ebrose's misinformation theory and remain skeptical of his claims. After Samwell leaves, one of the other Archmaesters asks if it's true that Sam's father Lord Randyll and brother Dickon were recently burned alive by the dragon queen. Ebrose confirms this, but admits that he hasn't had the heart to tell Samwell yet.

Later that evening, in their quarters, Samwell inscribes as Gilly reads High Septon Maynard's diary aloud. Samwell is too distracted to take in everything Gilly informs him of within Maynard’s diary, inclusive of the man’s own bowel movements that was recorded. Gilly then lands on a passage and informs Samwell that the High Septon issued an annulment for Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell so that he could marry another woman in Dorne. The enormity of the discovery is lost on both of them, with Gilly ignorant of the events of Robert's Rebellion, and Sam being preoccupied with his own misery. Samwell complains about maesters having to inscribe annulments and bowel movements when the key to defeating the Night King is likely to be sitting in the library. In exasperation with his situation, Samwell makes his way to the library, grabbing several books and other items. After a contemplative look at the atrium of the library, he then meets Gilly in the courtyard of the Citadel where she and Little Sam wait for him in a wagon. When Gilly asks if Sam is sure whether he wants to give up his studies, Samwell replies that he is "tired of reading about the achievements of better men," quoting his father Randyll. The trio then ride off into the night and head towards Winterfell, the seat of House Stark.

eastwatch by the sea

After landing at Eastwatch, Jon Snow and his band meet with Tormund Giantsbane, who thinks that Jon's new plan is suicidal, and mockingly asks which of the two ferocious queens is it they need to convince, as Jon replies both. Ser Davos volunteers to stay behind at Eastwatch because he regards himself as a liability, given his age and relative lack of fighting ability. Afterwards, Jon learns that the Night's Watch has detained a handful of members of the Brotherhood Without Banners, including Ser Beric DondarrionThoros of Myr and Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. Jon and his team meet with the prisoners in the cells beneath Eastwatch, where the entire group swiftly establish their reasons for hating each other, given past histories. Gendry Baratheon opines that they should not trust Thoros because the Brotherhood sold him to the Red Priestess Melisandre, raising Davos and Jon's hackles. Thoros, in turn, is surprised to see Ser Jorah Mormont, an old comrade and rival from the Siege of Pyke. Though the wildlings, Jorah and the Brotherhood Without Banners all distrust each other, they decide to put aside their differences to fight against the army of the dead. Sandor Clegane then quips over the freezing cells. After the Brotherhood is released, Jon, Jorah, Tormund, Gendry, Sandor, Beric, and Thoros all exit Eastwatch's gate together and set out into the lands beyond the Wall on their dangerous mission to capture a wight.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki


I’m tired of reading about the achievements of better men
— Samwell Tarly
We both want to help people. We can only help them from a position of strength. Sometimes strength is terrible
— Daenerys Targaryen
So we fight and die, or we submit and die. I know my choice. A soldier should know his
— Cersei Lannister
Listen to me, cunt. Till I get what I’m owed, a dragon doesn’t get to kill ya, you don’t get to kill ya, only I get to kill ya
— Bronn
Nothing fucks you harder than time
— Davos Seaworth
I put must trust in you. A stranger. Because I knew it was the best chance for my people. Now I’m asking you to trust in a stranger because it’s our best chance
— Jon Snow

 episode five music

* Many thanks for your rips Game of Tens

 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The episode title is a reference to the castle and port of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, one of only three manned castles left on the Wall. As the only castle on the Wall located on the sea and the closest to Hardhome, it is the most likely place that the White Walkers would attack. Eastwatch is the second manned castle on the Wall to appear on-screen - the third castle overall, if one counts the abandoned ruins of the Nightfort which Bran and Samwell passed through in Season 3.

  • Tyrion's own dialogue specifically questions why Randyll Tarly won't submit to Daenerys Targaryen, given that he fought for her own father during Robert's Rebellion (famously winning the only Targaryen victory of the war, at the Battle of Ashford), and that Cersei hasn't even been his queen for long, in fact she got the throne by killing his rightful queen (Margaery Tyrell). Randyll acknowledges that while Daenerys might be Aerys II Targaryen's daughter, she's just a foreigner to him as she did not grow up in Westeros. He also makes it clear that he hates Cersei and only served her grudgingly as what he perceived as the lesser of two evils.

  • Tyrion and Varys express their concern that burning the Tarlys will make Daenerys seem like her father, the Mad King, who burned his enemies alive in the throne room. David Benioff explained that Daenerys isn't supposed to be outright vindictive or crazy, but ruthlessly rational, and it's supposed to be unclear if she or Tyrion are correct. In her view, she gave Tarly a several chances to bend the knee and he refused knowing what would happen, and his execution helped convince other wavering Lannister survivors to bend the knee.

  • The opening shot of Bran Stark using his warging powers to enter the minds of ravens follows through on the original Three-Eyed Raven's promise in the Season 4 finale that he would never walk again, but he would learn to fly.

  • The Northern lords, and particularly the Vale lords, question if they should have made Sansa Stark the Queen in the North because Jon has been away for so long, not dealing with their immediate concerns. As others have pointed out, Bran is Ned Stark's last trueborn son and thus should rank ahead of Jon (an illegitimate son) and Sansa (a daughter) in line of succession - but Bran has essentially indicated that he wants to abdicate.

  • To be clear, as Sansa is walking down a corridor with Arya in Winterfell, she doesn't say that Jon expected the Northern lords "to wait here like a ghost". The line is a little muffled, but subtitles confirm she said that Jon expected the lords to "sit and wait here like Ghost", that is, his direwolf. Bryan Cogman confirmed that a scene of Jon saying goodbye to Ghost before he left in "Stormborn" was filmed, but cut for time. Thus Ghost didn’t actually appear in Season 7.

  • Adele Smyth-Kennedy, who plays the Winterfell servant that Littlefinger talks to, is actually one of Emilia Clarke's stand-in doubles for wide-shots and pickup-shots from behind.

  • When Samwell leaves Oldtown and the Citadel, he quotes that he's had enough of "reading about the achievements of better men" - which is how his father Randyll derided the scholarly work of the maesters to Sam in Season 6's "Blood of My Blood".

  • Drogon approaches Jon Snow inquisitively and sniffs his hand, even letting Jon touch his nose. In the novels, it is thought that only those of the Targaryen bloodline can successfully bond with dragons, and Jon is unknowingly Daenerys's own nephew. Drogon's friendly reaction to him is a major confirmation of his real parentage.

  • Gendry Baratheon returns in this episode, after being absent since the Season 3 finale. Notice that color scheme that Gendry uses to decorate his war hammer: not just a stag sigil for House Baratheon, but a gold stag on a black hammer. This is the reverse of the normal Baratheon heraldry, a black stag on gold. Bastards in Westeros are forbidden to use their parents' heraldry if they have not been legitimized, so a frequent custom is for bastards to reverse the colors of their parent's heraldry (which is permissible).

  • Showrunner D.B. Weiss admits that the wight-hunt that Jon is going on is an invention of the series, an idea "we came up with" which isn't based on events in a future novel. Jon didn't really need to go on an epic wight-hunt in the books: as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, in the fifth novel, he already started ordering his men to try to capture wight stragglers, and specifically, to leave two corpses they found beyond the Wall in the ice cells atop it (which are impossible to climb out of with a ladder), to wait and see if they will reanimate.

  • It is unclear where the rest of the Brotherhood Without Banners went. There are at least a hundred or so men in the partisan group, but only Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, and Sandor Clegane are present at Eastwatch. All of these other background members were even seen in the Season 7 premiere, traveling as a group with these three lead members. Tormund says he imprisoned these men when he found them snooping around near the Wall, so it's possible that the others simply retreated or that Beric, Sandor, and Thoros were scouting ahead of the main party.