season one

One afternoon at Winterfell, a young Bran Stark is practicing archery in the castle courtyard with guidance from his brothers Robb Stark and Jon Snow. Robb and Jon can't help laughing when Bran's latest arrow goes high over the wall, even worse than the last shot, but after their father Lord Eddard Stark, Warden of the North, amusedly chides the two, he encourages young Bran to keep at it. The youngest son, Rickon Stark, watches his brothers until Eddard and his wife Catelyn Stark’s youngest daughter Arya - who has left needlework where their other daughter Sansa is - hits Bran's bullseye with an arrow before Bran can. Bran chases Arya while Eddard, Catelyn, Robb and Jon laugh until the Master-At-Arms Rodrik Cassel, accompanied by Eddard’s ward Theon Greyjoy, informs Ned and Catelyn news of a Night's Watch deserter who has fled from their home at Castle Black, for which the penalty is death. The Night’s Watch is a military order which holds and guards the Wall to keep the wildlings from crossing into the Seven Kingdoms.

The law decrees that as a deserter from the Night’s Watch, Will is an oathbreaker and must be executed. Ned takes three of his sons with him - Robb, Jon and Bran - to witness the execution due to it being a Stark custom among sons to carry out executions themselves. Also joining Eddard is his ward Theon Greyjoy, Rodrik Cassel and his leading guard Jory Cassel. Will accepts his fate, but warns Eddard about the appearance of White Walkers first, asking that word be sent back to his mother. Eddard carries out the execution himself, using the ancestral Valyrian blade of their house, Ice. Young Bran witnesses an execution for the first time without flinching, earning praise from his half-brother Jon. Eddard explains to Bran that the reason he was made to execute Will was because "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." When Bran asks his father about Will's talk of White Walkers, Eddard dismisses it as a madman's ramblings, insisting that the Walkers have been gone for centuries. The party sets out for Winterfell. On their way back to Winterfell, they find a dead direwolf - a species of wolf not seen south of the Wall in centuries - and her newborn pups. Jon convinces Lord Eddard into allowing the young Starks to adopt them instead of abandoning the pups to die. Jon points out that a direwolf is the sigil of House Stark: given that there are five direwolves and five trueborn Stark children, it must be a sign that the Stark children are meant to have the pups. In order to make this point, Jon intentionally leaves himself out of the count of Stark children, and when Bran asks about this, Jon responds that he is not a Stark. Just as they are about to leave, however, he finds the runt of the litter, an albino, which crawled away from its mother's corpse. Theon remarks, "The runt of the litter, that one's yours, Snow."

Some weeks later, as the direwolves are quickly growing, preparations are underway for the arrival of King Robert Baratheon and his Queen Cersei Lannister. The Great Hall is being dressed up for a large feast to welcome their honored guests and Catelyn Stark ensures that Jon, Robb and Theon are all groomed for the king’s arrival. When the Baratheon and Lannister entourage arrive, Theon stands behind the Stark household as the King and Queen enter the courtyard. Upon King Robert’s approach, Theon witnesses Eddard’s reunion with his old friend. What started out as a formal greeting, after nine years of not seeing each other, Robert breaks the tension with a joke that puts the Stark family more at ease with their arrival. King Robert meets all of the Stark children, with the exception of Jon, of course, who is given another example of his treatment as a bastard son. Robert warmy hugs Eddard and Catelyn, ruffles Rickon's hair, shakes hands with Robb, asks Arya her name, informs Sansa that she is a beauty and that Bran will be a soldier. Queen Cersei also greets the Starks, though more reservedly. Robert then requests Ned to join him in the Stark family crypts before the evening feast.

The King’s arrival later sets off a chain of events that lead to Eddard accepting the King’s request to join him in the capital city of King’s Landing as his new Hand, with his two daughters Sansa and Arya departing with him. While Theon stays behind at Winterfell, the bastard Stark sibling Jon Snow also departs, in order to join the Night’s Watch at the Wall. House Stark is also shaken as young Bran has mysteriously fallen from a high tower at Winterfell and now lies comatose. One evening after the departure of Eddard, a grieving Catelyn sits with the comatose Bran when a hired assassin attacks her in attempt to kill the boy in his bed, but they are both saved by Bran’s growing direwolf, Summer, who brutally mutilates the assassin. Shortly after the attack, Catelyn searches the tower where Bran supposedly fell from and finds a strand of long, blonde hair near the only window of the tower. This prompts her to hold a meeting in the godswood, where Theon is in attendance, as he learns of the evidence Catelyn has found that implicates Queen Cersei and House Lannister in Bran's fall and failed assassination. Theon and Robb Stark suggest taking revenge through military action, but Maester Luwin counsels patience. After the meeting, Catelyn and Ser Rodrik Cassel quickly depart for King's Landing to inform Eddard of her discovery, leaving Robb in command of the castle. Shortly after Catelyn departs Winterfell, Bran wakes from his coma without the ability to walk, and has no memory of the incident.

Some weeks later, Theon summons Hodor, the castle's dim-witted but giant-like stableboy, to help carry the crippled Bran down to the Great Hall, where Robb is meeting with Queen Cersei’s younger brother Tyrion Lannister, who is traveling south from the Wall. As tensions rise between the Starks and Lannisters, Robb insinuates that Tyrion is not invited to stay. When Theon arrives with Bran, Tyrion gives Bran the design of a saddle which will allow him to ride, even in his current state. He explains that Bran can train a horse to respond to the reins and his voice, as he can't use his heels. When Robb asks why he is helping, Tyrion explains that he has a weakness for "cripples, bastards and broken things." Due to this kindness, Robb says he can stay, but Tyrion says he would prefer the brothel in town. As Tyrion prepares to leave, Theon comes to him and rather condescendingly sends him off, recommending the prostitute Ros at the brothel. Tyrion asks Theon why Lady Catelyn was not present to receive him and concludes that Catelyn is not in Winterfell. He also taunts Theon about how the son of the ferocious Balon Greyjoy has been reduced to playing lackey in Winterfell to his captors, which infuriates Theon.

Days later, in Winterfell's courtyard, Theon is practicing archery, as Maester Luwin teaches Bran about the Great Houses of Westeros, the regions they control and their words. First up are the Iron Islands, Theon’s home. Bran accurately replies what their words are and what their sigil is. Theon cheerfully notes that the Ironborn are famed for their skills at navigation, archery and lovemaking; Luwin dryly notes their fame also for failed rebellions. Afterwards, Theon invites the prostitute Ros to his room for the night, though strictly this is not allowed under the castle rules. Theon notices a gold medallion around her neck and guesses Tyrion Lannister gave it to her. He asks her about Tyrion's prowess in bed and Ros replies that he's surprisingly good. She asks him if he’s jealous, as Theon says no, explaining: “The Greyjoys have been Lords of the Iron Islands for three hundred years and there isn’t a house in Westeros that can look down on us, not even the Lannisters.” Ros then innocently asks about the Starks. Theon asserts that he’s been Lord Stark's ward since he was eight years old, but Ros points out that that is just another word for a hostage. Angry, Theon says that his father Balon fought for the freedom of his people. Ros teases him, saying he's a very serious boy. After expecting payment, Theon declares that he doesn't want to pay for it, so Ros tells him to get himself a wife.

Some time later, in the Wolfswood, Bran successfully tests the riding saddle Tyrion had gifted him, as Robb and Theon discuss the news of the grave events that have occurred in King's Landing, which resulted in the injury of Eddard Stark as well as the death of his guard captain Jory Cassel at the hands of the Lannisters. Theon advises Robb to seek retribution on the Lannisters for their crimes against House Stark. He explains that Lord Eddard has been injured, and Jory and the other Stark men have been killed. For Theon, the justice of the matter is simple, blood has been spilled and only blood can pay for it. He tells Robb that it is his duty, and Theon warns Robb that, as he has been left as acting lord, it may be necessary for him to call up the bannermen of the North. “War may be coming.” Robb thinks that marching on the Lannister home of Casterly Rock is not what he should do now, and these decisions are too important to be made hastily. Robb insults Theon by reminding him that it is not his house. They then discover that Bran has wandered off on his horse, and go looking for him. Robb finds a group of wildlings threatening Bran and trying to steal his horse. Robb kills two, but another wildling holds Bran with a knife to the throat. Theon sneaks up from behind and shoots the man with his bow, angering Robb as this was endangering Bran. The remaining wildling, a woman named  Osha, yields and begs for her life. Robb agrees to take her in as a servant to Winterfell.

Afterwards, Theon is riding a horse along the road from Winterfell, when he comes upon Ros riding on the back of a turnip cart, en route to King’s Landing. Surprised that she is able to afford the expense, Theon is pointedly told by Ros that some of her patrons are more generous than others. Theon recognizes the criticism against him, and starts making dire predictions of what she will find in the capital. He informs her that she will stop being popular the day she runs into a drunken lord who, blaming his impotence on her, will damage her looks. Ros laughs these concerns aside and asks what reason she would have for staying. Theon would certainly never be making her Lady Greyjoy, mistress of the Iron Islands. He tells her to stop talking foolishness. Ros goes on to inform that she has heard that Lord Stark had been attacked and wounded by the Lannisters, adding that “war is coming.” She explains that all the fit men would soon be marching off and many would never be returning. Alas, there is nothing worth staying for in Winterfell. As she is riding away, Theon throws her a coin and asks to see under her skirt one last time. Ros laughs as she complies with laughter. Theon declares that he will miss her, and she agrees. He watches with sadness as she leaves.

Some time later, Theon attempts to bully Osha, the wildling woman captured during the recent raid and attempted capture of the crippled Bran. When Theon enters the chambers where Osha is now working as a servant to Winterfell he informs her that where he comes from they do not show mercy to criminals. Theon adds that if she was to attack a lord in the Iron Islands they would have chained her during low tide and watch her slowly drown. Theon then tries to throw his weight around, insisting that she call him "my lord," even though his father Balon still holds the title and he has spent most of his life at Winterfell. Osha, however, is unimpressed with his antics. She points out that he is not entitled to this, as his father is still alive. Maester Luwin then enters the room amidst Theon’s aggression towards the wildling woman. Luwin dimisses Theon, who reminds him that he of all people should know that being a guest and a prisoner are not necessarily mutually exclusive. After Theon departs, the maester then questions Osha about why her band of wildlings crossed the Wall and were fleeing "as far south as south goes." Osha claims that the ancient White Walkers have awoken after a millennia and are coming south to breach the Seven Kingdoms, to Luwin's skepticism.

Days later, Robb summons his bannermen to war when sudden word comes of King Robert’s death during a boar hunt and Lord Eddard's arrest in the capital over an act of treason against the new king, Joffrey Baratheon, Queen Cersei’s sadistic young son. Theon asserts that it is good that Robb is afraid because it shows that he isn’t stupid. Afterwards, as the Northern bannerman gather in the Great Hall, Theon witnesses Greatjon Umber threatening to withdraw his men from the host when Robb refuses to let him lead the vanguard. Robb counters the Greatjon by saying he is welcome to do so, but as soon as he is finished with the Lannisters, he will march back north to route the Greatjon from his keep and hang him as an oathbreaker. As the Greatjon moves to draw a weapon, Theon rises from his chair to defend Robb, as Robb’s direwolf Grey Wind darts down the table and bites off two of the Greatjon's fingers. Robb recites that it is “death to bear steel against your liege lord,” but then diffuses the situation by excusing Greatjon's aggression, saying that “doubtless, the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me.” This draws laughter from the rest of the men. Afterwards, as the Northern army marches south, Theon advises Robb at strategy meetings and greets Lady Catelyn when the army meets her on the road. That evening, when a Lannister scout is captured, Theon obscures their maps and battle plans, to Greatjon Umber's amusement.

After a few days, Robb's army has reached the Twins, a heavily fortified castle that provides passage into the Green Fork of Trident River. Theon Greyjoy shoots down a flock of messenger ravens, so no word of their presence can be relayed, but finds nothing more but messages to extended family members. To enter the castle would be perilous for Robb, so Catelyn Stark enters to negotiate their crossing the river. Though held by House Frey, bannermen to Catelyn Stark's father Hoster Tully, Lord Walder Frey has not yet taken up arms. When called up, he insitss that he’d been preparing to march, and was just waiting for all his forces to arrive. In reality, he waited to see which side was winning before deciding whether to get involved. Now, as House Tully’s army has been defeated and Riverrun is held by the Lannisters, he wants to know why he should be helping Robb and taking up arms against King Joffrey. After some hard bargaining between Catelyn and Walder, they strike a deal: the Freys will join Robb's cause, allow him to cross and commit troops to his army, but in return both Robb and his sister Arya Stark must each marry one of Walder's own children. Robb reluctantly agrees, though notes that Arya won't like it. Robb must also take Olyvar Frey as a squire.

The next morning, the Lannister army finds that the Starks have stolen a march on them; they are about to be attacked and have to hastily prepare for battle. Tyrion Lannister gives a rousing speech to his hill tribesmen, but as they charge for the front he is first nearly trampled and then knocked out by an accidental blow to the head from someone's club. When he regains consciousness on the back of a wagon, a sellsword named Bronn informs him that the Lannisters won the battle, but it was a feint. As a diversion, Robb sent a small portion of his army to confront and delay Lord Tywin Lannister’s forces, while the main army marched on Riverrun. Lady Catelyn and Ser Rodrik Cassel are waiting in the Whispering Wood as they hear sounds of battle. Suddenly, Robb and Theon return from their victory with a prisoner: Ser Jaime Lannister, Queen Cersei’s twin brother. The Battle of the Whispering Wood has lifted the siege of Riverrun, and Jaime's army has been destroyed. Theon suggests that they kill Jaime and send his head to his father, but Robb refuses, fearing that his sisters will be harmed. When Robb laments the loss of 2,000 of his men, Theon assures him that songs will be sung of their bravery. Robb responds that they will not hear them. Robb then gives a speech to his army and tells them that they have won a great victory, but the war is far from over.

Meanwhile in King’s Landing, the imprisoned Eddard Stark is brought before the people of the capital and their new king, Joffrey Baratheon. To spare his own life, Eddard is forced into admitting to false treason, however, the sadistic King Joffrey has him executed instead, as witnessed by both of his daughters, Sansa and Arya. Once news of Ned’s execution arrives to Robb’s camp, a grieving Robb and his bannermen debate whether to cooperate with the late King Robert’s brothers, Stannis or Renly Baratheon, in the war against King Joffrey, as both have laid claim to the throne. Renly has greater forces, but Stannis is the elder Baratheon and next in line of succession. Greatjon Umber questions why the northerners should be told what to do by rulers in the south at all, reminding them that the North was independent of the other kingdoms before the reign of House Targaryen. With the dragons extinct, Umber declares there is only one king worthy of his allegiance and bows before Robb, calling out, "The King in the North!" Theon then stands to ask if they are brothers, now and always. When Robb's answer is yes, Theon swears his sword and fealty to Robb. The other Northern bannermen take up the cry and bow before the new King in the North, swearing fealty to Robb as well.

“Ah, the runt of the litter! That one's yours, Snow.”

— ‘Winter Is Coming

“You’re not a boy anymore! They attacked your father. They’ve already started the war! It’s your duty to represent your house when your father can’t.”

— ‘A Golden Crown

“Can't resist some northern ass? If you like redheads, ask for Ros.”

— ‘Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

“Kill him, Robb; send his head back to his father. He cut down ten of our men.”

— ‘Baelor

“I'm a Greyjoy. We've been lords of the Iron Islands for three hundred years, there's not a family in Westeros that can look down on us. Not even the Lannisters.”

— ‘The Wolf and the Lion

“Am I your brother, now and always? … My sword is yours, in victory and defeat, from this day until my last day.”

— ‘Fire and Blood

 season two

Several months later, at the Stark camp in the Riverlands, prisoner Alton Lannister is brought to King Robb’s tent to hear the terms he will deliver to his family in the capital. Robb’s demands include the release of his two sisters, the return of his father's remains as well as all of those who served Eddard. He also demands the recognition of the North as a free and independent kingdom. In return Cersei’s brother, Ser Jaime, will be released from their captivity. Theon then approaches Robb alone in the entrance of his tent and asserts that the Lannisters will reject the terms. Robb, however, expects them to do so. Theon assures that they can fight the Lannisters in the field indefinitely, but that the war will not be won until Robb takes King’s Landing. Theon insists that they need a fleet to take the capital and that his father Lord Balon has both ships and men who know how to sail them. Robb reminds Theon that his father once fought against House Stark in the Greyjoy Rebellion, however, Theon counters that they were fighting King Robert for freedom from the Iron Throne, comparing their cause to Robb's. He claims that Balon will listen to him because he is Balon’s only living son and concludes that while he is not a Stark, Eddard raised him to be an honorable man and that they can avenge him together.

Some days later, Theon travels back home to the Iron Islands on a merchant ship and has sex with the captain's daughter. Theon informs the girl that he is expecting a warm reception, however, is crushed when there is no one to meet him when he disembarks in Lordsport. A woman then offers him a ride to his home of Pyke, which he hasn’t visited since he was a young boy. Theon attempts to seduce her throughout the journey on horseback. Upon arrival, Theon is further disappointed when his father Balon questions his loyalty and his memory of his roots having spent nine years as a ward of House Stark. He delivers Robb Stark's letter suggesting an alliance against House Lannister, for which Robb will make Balon the King of the Iron Islands again. Theon’s guide enters and he is shocked to realize that she is actually his sister Yara Greyjoy after Balon greets her warmly and puts his arm around her. Yara hid her identity to Theon in order to see what kind of man he grew up to be. Balon rejects Robb’s proposal and compares Theon unfavorably to his sister. Balon insists that he will follow the Ironborn tradition of paying the “Iron price,” meaning to take something through force, and asserting that no one will give him his crown. When Theon warns his father that he will not defeat the Lannisters, Balon insinuates that he has no intention of fighting the Lannisters.

Some days later, Theon enters his father's chambers alone and gazes around silently as Yara enters behind him. He catches sight of her and she asks if he is angry with her. He berates her for pretending not to be his sister when they were first reunited. Yara counters that it was him that failed to recognize her. He retorts that when he last saw her she looked like a fat little boy, as Yara insists that he had the same appearance when he left. Their father enters and Yara greets him respectfully while Theon follows suit, only slower. Balon goes to his table which holds a map of the Seven Kingdoms and details his plans. He is going to attack the North as he knows that it is poorly defended while Robb Stark is fighting in the Westerlands. Balon assigns thirty long ships for Yara to sail to Deepwood Motte. Theon then asks his part as Balon informs that he will have one ship to raid fishing villages along the Stony Shore. Theon claims that Balon is being pragmatic by avoiding the enmity of their potential ally in Robb. He reminds Balon that Robb will give them Casterly Rock in exchange for fealty. Balon counters, however, by making Theon repeat the House Greyjoy words “We do not sow.” Balon describes reaving as their way of life and accuses Theon of having become weak living with the Starks. Theon responds by reminding Balon that he gave him to House Stark after his defeat in the Greyjoy Rebellion. He angers Balon with the bitter memory and Balon hits him in the face, then begins to storm out of the room. Theon calls after him, pointing out the unfairness of his hatred. Balon pauses as his son harangues him, but then strides on. Yara accuses Theon of wanting Balon to bow down to his “other family,” though Theon denies seeing the Starks that way.

Afterwards, Theon reads over a letter he has written warning King Robb of his father Balon’s plans. After a long and steely gaze, Theon ultimately makes his decision of allegiance and burns the letter at his desk. He is then brought outside on the shores of Pyke by Balon and Yara, along with a small contingent of Greyjoy men, as they witness his baptism by the Drowned Man in a show of loyalty to his blood relatives. The priest recites: “Let your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel." Balon and Yara both watch as Theon proclaims his faith in front of the priest to the Drowned God, the deity who is worshipped on the Iron Islands. Theon then recites the common prayer exchanged by those who follow the Drowned God: '“what is dead may never die.

Some weeks later, Theon looks at his ship as she rests at anchor off Lordsport. He notices a group of sailors exiting a tavern and introduces himself, informing them that they are to raid along the Stony Shore, promising them gold and women. One of the men, Black Lorren, tells Theon that he has been reaving and raping since before he was born and has no use for Theon’s ideas on how to do it and that he could do the job himself. Theon asserts that, if Lorren tries to take his ship, he will hunt him down and hang him as a traitor. Yara then arrives and congratulates Theon on his first command but questions the loyalty of Theon’s crew. Dagmer Cleftjaw then emerges from the tavern, offers to take Theon to the ship and explains that he is to act as his first mate. Dagmer informs that his crew will not respect Theon until he has proved himself, as Theon ponders how when his father has ordered him to attack fishing villages. Dagmer tells him that his crew are all Iron Islanders and asks Theon how they respond to orders. Theon sees the wisdom of Dagmer’s words and suggests that Torrhen’s Square lies near to the Stony Shore. Dagmer then wonders if Theon doubts their ability to take it. Theon assures that they could, but would only be able to hold it for a few days. He adds that Winterfell would hear of their victory and affectively lure Stark men away from the castle in order to take it back. Theon considers this opportunity, and then instructs Dagmer to take him to his ship.

Some time later, at Winterfell, Theon’s plan is successful as he and his men seize the poorly defended Winterfell. Maester Luwin frantically sends off a messenger-raven before he is captured while the castle is stormed. Bran Stark is awakened by Theon and Dagmer Cleftjaw, who commands the Stark boy out into the courtyard and orchestrates Bran’s public surrender of the castle in front of the people of Winterfell. Theon tells the assembly that his father has declared himself King of the Iron Islands by donning the ancient crown of salt and rock. He then informs that Balon also claims the North by right of conquest and that they are now King Balon’s subjects. Theon instructs Maeste Luwin to send ravens to Balon at Pyke as well as to his sister Yara at Deepwood Motte to inform them of his victory.  Ser Rodrik Cassel is also captured by Theon's men as he is returning from Torrhen's Square. He spits in Theon's face. Theon then orders for Rodrik’s imprisonment, but Dagmer Cleftjaw insists that Theon must kill him, or lose face in front of his Ironborn raiders. A terrified Bran reminds Theon that he said that no harm would come to the people if he yielded, as Theon counters that Rodrik could not keep his mouth shut and chose to disrespect him in front of his men. Theon asks Rodrik if he has any last words, and Rodrik says “Gods help you Theon Greyjoy, now you are truly lost.” Theon, under duress of the begrudging execution, botches the beheading of Ser Rodrik, requiring several hacks and a kick, horrifying Bran and the people of Winterfell.

That evening, the wildling servant Osha is brought before Theon, as she earlier pledged her service to him. He asks why he should trust the word of a lying savage and she insists that she is not a liar. Theon then declares that all wildling are lying savages with no loyalty. Osha claims to hate the Stark and notes that she’s done what she had to in order to stay alive. She offers to serve Theon and he wonders how, warning her not to ask for a spear again. Osha assures him that there are other ways to serve and suggests that she knows things. Theon derisively asks what she knows as she says that the Free Folk know savage things, all the while unlacing her dress. Theon dismisses his guard as Osha undresses further. She stands naked as Theon informs that he always wondered what she had under her clothes. She says that it comes at a price and asks for her freedom. Theon says she will have it if she serves him well. Afterwards, when Theon is fast asleep. Osha sneaks out of his room but is halted by a Greyjoy guard in the godswood. She kisses him passionately to distract him before stabbing him in the throat. Osha then whistles twice as Bran, Rickon and Hodor emerge with the direwolves, as the party escape into the woods.

The following morning, Theon awakens to find that Osha has escaped with the two Stark boys and their direwolves. Theon berates the Ironborn raider Black Lorren for allowing the crippled Bran to escape, as well as his six-year-old brother Rickon. When Black Lorren counters that Theon is also to blame for sleeping with Osha and letting his guard down, Theon furiously beats him. Theon leads his Ironborn men, as well as a concerned Maester Luwin, on horseback to hunt down the boys, alongside tracking hounds. Some time into their hunt, the search leads them to a shepherd's farm, but the farmer says that he hasn't seen anyone. Dagmer Cleftjaw, however, finds some walnut shells that lead them to believe that Bran and Rickon were recently there at some point, but the hounds can't get the scent. Theon then declares that the hunt is over and commands Maester Luwin back to Winterfell: he knows where they are, and his mercy has been exhausted. When Theon then returns to Winterfell, he announces that he is going to show Winterfell what happens to those who are not loyal to him. Theon hoists two bodies of small children, burned black and beyond recognition, to either side of the main gate. Seeing them, Maester Luwin cries out in grief and anguish, believing Bran and Rickon have been killed.

Some time later, a lookout announces riders approaching and the gates are opened. Theon stands in the center of the courtyard as his sister Yara leads a column of riders in. She circles around him as he slowly realizes that she has brought far less than the five-hundred men he requested. Afterwards, in the Great Hall, Yara asks which of the boys was tougher “the cripple or the six-year-old?” The barb brings a laugh from her men, as Theon insists that he treated the Stark children with honor and was repaid with treachery. Yara counters that it was dishonorable to butcher them. Theon then notices her men watching him and berates her for not bringing enough reinforcements. He wonders how Yara expects him to hold the castle with so few men. Yara then reveals that she is not leaving any of her men at Winterfell and has come to bring Theon home. In disbelief, Theon asserts that Winterfell is the heart of the North. Yara, however, advises him that Winterfell is too far from the sea, and they can't successfully defend it with so few soldiers, and the North is rising against him. She implores him to return home with her instead of dying alone in Winterfell. Theon insists that he does not intend to die. Yara softly looks into his eyes and tells him that he was a terrible baby. She recalls that he was always crying and never slept and remembers a night when he was particularly loud, and she went to visit him. When Theon saw her, he stopped screaming and smiled up at her. Yara ends the discussion by urging him not to die so far from the sea.

Later on, Theon looks at the charred corpses of the boys he has hung over the gates as Dagmer approaches. Theon informs that they should be buried, however, Dagmer advises they should keep the corpses up as a warning to would-be traitors. Theon pulls a pouch from his belt and goes to hand it to Dagmer, explaining that it is gold for the farmer, to compensate him for his trouble and the loss of the two children they killed. Dagmer explains that his trouble is done, as he killed both the farmer and his wife as well. Maester Luwin then crosses the courtyard and notices Osha sneaking into the catacombs with loaves of bread. Luwin stares thoughtfully at the charred bodies, realizing that Theon has only faked the boy’s deaths. Luwin then privately confronts Osha in the catacombs as she informs that they went as far as the farm, but then evaded capture by doubling back. Osha asks about the bodies at the gate as Luwin relates his suspicion that they were the farmer’s boys and warns her not to say anything to Bran as the Stark boy would blame himself. Osha promises to say nothing, however, Bran overhears their conversation around the corner.

Some weeks later, Winterfell is suddenly surrounded by Northmen under the command of Roose Bolton on orders from Robb Stark. Besieged with no hope for relief, Theon vents his frustration to Maester Luwin at being constantly reminded how fortunate he was to be a prisoner of the Starks. Luwin advises Theon to flee to the Wall and join the Night's Watch so that he might save his own life and attempt to redeem himself, adding he knows Theon is not the ruthless man he is pretending to be. Theon admits to Luwin that he has done terrible things in his futile attempts to gain power and respect but he refuses to deviate from the course he has set, saying he has gone too far to ever pretend to be anyone else. Theon adds that Jon Snow will likely kill him in revenge for allegedly killing Bran and Rickon. He then readies his men for a glorious death in battle, giving a rousing speech, but is suddenly betrayed and knocked out by Dagmer, who turns him over to the Northmen so the rest of them can return to the Iron Islands. Luwin attempts to aid Theon but is fatally stabbed in the abdomen by Dagmer, who then has Theon dragged away to whereabouts unknown. Upon their exit, Winterfell is set ablaze while Bran, Rickon and Osha escape from the catacombs and head further North towards the Wall.

“You act as if I volunteered to go. You gave me away, if you remember. The day you bent the knee to Robert Baratheon, after he crushed you. Did he take what was yours then? You gave me away! Your boy! Your last boy! You gave me away like I was some dog you didn't want anymore. And now you curse me because I've come home.”

— ‘What Is Dead May Never Die

“It's better to be cruel than weak.”

— ‘A Man Without Honor

“Any last words, old man?”

— ‘The Old Gods and the New

“Yes, my captors were so very kind to me, you love reminding me of that. Everyone in this frozen pile of shit has always loved reminding me of that. You know what it's like to be told how lucky you are to be someone's prisoner? To be told how much you owe them? And then to go back home to your real father...”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

“Why on earth would I take the word of a lying little savage like you? … All wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty to anything or anyone.”

— ‘The Old Gods and the New

“Mothers will name their sons for us! Girls will think of us with their lovers inside them! And whoever kills that fucking horn-blower will stand in bronze above the shores of Pyke! What is dead may never die!”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

 season three

Some months later, in an undetermined location, Theon has been chained up in a dungeon after being knocked out before the Sack of Winterfell. Men come in, some wearing Ironborn clothing, and interrogate him. When Theon asks what they want, one of his captors says he wants to do "this," and starts prying his fingernails off with a knife. Afterwards, they use a foot press to torture him, while also slowly turning a screw into his foot until it is bleeding freely, repeatedly asking him why he captured Winterfell, but apparently not caring about the answers he gives. Theon at first tells them the simple truth: that he wanted to take and hold Winterfell while the North was vunerable to impress his father Balon, then starts frantically lying, stating that he hates the Starks and is their enemy, desperately trying to figure out what his captors want him to tell them. When the guards then leave they put a bag over his head. A servant boy comes over to Theon and unwinds the foot press, and tells him that he has been sent by his sister Yara to rescue him. However, he must wait until nightfall when the castle is asleep, so he puts the bag back on and the desperate Theon is left alone crying for help.

Later that evening, as promised, the servant boy returns to Theon’s torture quarters, informs him to keep quiet as he unties him and then assists him in escaping. The servant brings Theon outside and gives him a horse, informing him to follow the rising sun and ride east. He further adds that Theon’s sister will be waiting for him. Theon thanks him and says he'll make him a lord of the Iron Islands for this, but the boy aseerts that they aren't in the Iron Islands. Some hours after daybreak, Theon rides on horseback over a lush green valley when his captors hunt him down. A prolonged chase on horseback through the woods then ensues. Ultimately his pursuers split into two groups and trap Theon between them, and he is knocked off his horse with a flail. Theon's captors pin him to the ground, and pull down his pants down: the leader  declares that he intends to rape the terrified Theon as punishment for trying to run away. However, the servant boy, Theon's savior, returns at the very moment of his assault and snipes all of the captors from afar using his bow, rescuing him at the last minute. As the servant boy then approaches the traumatized Theon, he says: “Come, my lord. You’re a long way from home and winter is coming.”

Some time later, Theon is told by the boy that he is being led to Deepwood Motte, which was captured by his sister Yara. He states his concern that some of the guards may betray Theon, so it is best to sneak into the castle through the drains. As the boy fumbles around with keys at a locked gate, Theon asks if his father Balon knows he was taken captive, as the boy says that he doesn't know. Theon declares that he probably did but left him for dead. Filled with remorse, Theon then laments that his “real father” Eddard died when his head was cut off in King's Landing, that he had a choice between two families, and made the wrong choice. Theon explains that now he’s destroyed everything he ever cared about, and his real home of Winterfell is burned to the ground. Theon then apologizes aloud for having two innocent boys killed. The boy is surprised, and Theon explains to him that Bran and Rickon escaped, so he had to fake their deaths so he wouldn't seem weak in front of the Ironborn. Theon is then led into a dark chamber when the servant lights a torch... revealing the same X-shaped cross that Theon was chained to when he was being tortured. Theon was led in a complete circle, back to the very same dungeon he "escaped" from. Other guards come in and the boy shouts to tie Theon up again, and that it was Theon who killed the other guards when he tried to escape. The boy, giving commands, is revealed to be one of the head torturers, and Theon's entire "escape" that he led him on was nothing more than another form of torture, sadistically toying with him.

Some weeks later, the servant boy who has revealed himself as the main torturer abruptly awakens Theon with the loud sound of a horn, as he continues his mental and physical torture. A delirious Theon exhaustedly tries asking for water, as his captor then informs him that he wishes he had some for him while picking up a mug and pouring the remains of his own water out on the floor. The captor then begins teasing Theon as he cites Theon’s admission of his feelings towards his father Balon and his betrayal of House Stark. He then informs Theon that now he knows the Stark boys are alive, he will hunt them down himself. The boy then threatens to remove Theon's pinky finger if he cannot guess the boy's true identity and their current location. He gives the impression that Theon guessed correctly when Theon states that the torturer is the younger brother of Torrhen KarstarkRickard Karstark's son, and that they are in Karhold, the seat of House Karstark. But then the boy informs Theon that this is incorrect and that he was lying. He then begins flaying Theon's finger while telling him that he is torturing Theon purely for his own amusement. 

Later on, in his prison, Theon is released from the cross to which he is chained up to by two  beautiful and flirtatious girls. The women lay Theon down on a bed and then proceed to  dramatically seduce him. They say repeatedly that they have heard that the heir to Pyke is well endowed and are hoping to get first hand experience. Theon is distrustful at first, fearing that this is another of his tormenter's tricks. One of the girls then displays disappointment towards Theon when massaging his genitals, as he isn’t able to don an erection. The girls then undress themselves, as Theon then cannot help himself but be aroused when one of the women straddles him and writhes over his pelvic area. Suddenly, the familiar horn sounds and the boy  enters. Theon is terrified and tries to escape, but is struck hard on the head and then flung to the ground. The boy claims he too has heard about Theon's famous body part and assumes that it must very well be Theon’s favorite physical attribute. When the sadistic youth then brandishes an odd knife, Theon realizes the boy means to castrate his penis. Horrified, Theon begs for mercy but the boy quips that this is mercy, as he's not killing Theon, merely altering him. Two large men hold a screaming Theon down while the boy moves in to emasculate him.

Meanwhile, some weeks later at the Twins, House Frey leader Lord Walder has turned his allegiance against King Robb and Lady Catelyn as result of Robb breaking his marriage pact to the Freys when marrying another woman named Talisa Maegyr. As Walder has agreed to marry one of his daughters instead to Catelyn’s brother, Edmure Tully, House Frey invites the King in the North, his new bride and Catelyn to their castle for a wedding. Upon House Stark’s arrival, King Robb, Catelyn and the rest of their Stark entourage are all slaughtered as result of Robb’s betrayal. After the Red Wedding massacre, it is then revealed that King Robb’s advisor Lord Roose Bolton was an accomplice alongside Walder, who both conspired with the Lannisters against their King in the North. Lord Bolton reveals to Walder that he has a bastard son named Ramsay Snow, who is the captor and torturer of Theon Greyjoy. Back at the Dreadfort, home of House Bolton, the sadist Ramsay Snow eats his breakfast of a thick sausage, taunting Theon about his recent emasculation by pointing to his sewn up and blood-stained trousers. He laughs as  Theon finally begs for death as a release from his nightmare. Ramsay, however, informs him that he is more valuable alive than dead so the answer must be no. Ramsay then notes that  Theon reeks, and decides that that shall be his new name: “Reek”. Theon refuses to acknowledge the name, insisting twice that he is Theon Greyjoy, but after Ramsay beats him, he finally breaks down, informing that his name is “Reek”.

Some time later, at Pyke in the Iron Islands, Balon Greyjoy reads a message from Ramsay Snow, while his daughter Yara Greyjoy cautiously opens a box crudely carved with the Greyjoy kraken sigil. As Ramsay's letter explains the box contains "Theon's favorite toy.” The message bluntly says that the Ironborn have until the full moon to withdraw from the North and sail back to “those shit-stained rocks you call home,”or receive more bits and pieces of Theon. “He cried when I took it away from him. Leave the North now or more boxes will follow with more Theon.It was in fact Ramsay and his soldiers from House Bolton who burned Winterfell to the ground: he simply sent false reports for his father Roose to deliver to Robb Stark which claimed that the Ironborn were responsible, as the Boltons were preparing to betray the Starks months before the Red Wedding. Despite the gruesome message, Balon acts indifferent to Theon's situation since he defied his father’s orders and his sister’s common sense. Furthermore, Baloon explains that he cannot further the Greyjoy line as the contents of the box now prove. However, Yara does not share her father's attitude toward her last living brother. She then announces her intention to take her fastest ship with her fifty best men, sail around Westeros, besiege the Dreadfort, and liberate Theon from Ramsay’s captivity.

“I took Winterfell on my own. To take the North while it was vulnerable… Hold it, rule it… Why did you do that?! I told you! … I took it to bring glory to my house and to my father! … Wait, wait, I… I took it because I hated the Starks. I hated them for holding me prisoner. I wanted to hurt them.”

— ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words

“I'll tell you everything, please… If I win, you'll let me go? … Please.”

— ‘The Climb

“Those men… they said my father knew what they were doing to me. Did he?”

— ‘And Now His Watch Is Ended

“Please. No. No! Mercy, please! Please, mercy! Mercy!”

— ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair

“I could never be a Stark. But ironborn, that's what I was born to be. I paid the iron price for Winterfell. I murdered those boys... Just some poor orphans living with a farmer. I let Dagmer slit their throats and I let him burn the bodies, so I could keep Winterfell and make my father proud… My real father lost his head at King's Landing. I made a choice... and I chose wrong. And now I've burned everything down.”

— ‘And Now His Watch Is Ended

“Reek... My Reek”

— ‘Mhysa

 season four

Some months later, in the forests surrounding the Dreadfort castle, the sadist Ramsay Snow  hunts a peasant girl for sport, accompanied by Theon, whom Ramsay now addresses by his new name, Reek. In attendance of the hunt alongside the two men is Myranda, one of the girls who tried to seduce Theon before his castration, along with a pack of savage hounds that Ramsay owns. The peasant girl flees in terror as she races against the hounds all the while dodging Ramay’s arrows he is shooting from a distance. She is eventually brought down and then torn to pieces by the hounds, as Theon is made to witness, to his horror.

Afterwards, Lord Roose Bolton returns to the Dreadfort accompanied by a detachment of his army, including a man named Locke and Roose's new wife, Walda Bolton, who is from House Frey. Ramsay greets his father and his new step-mother, as well as privately congratulating Locke for his maiming of the “Kingslayer,” Ser Jaime Lannister. Roose then requests to see Ramsay's captive Theon Greyjoy, who is then brought to Roose's chambers, where Roose is infuriated to hear about his torture. Roose notes that as Balon Greyjoy's sole surviving male heir, Theon was a valuable hostage. He also states that now having been named Warden of the North, Lord Tywin Lannister will not help him reclaim the North from the Ironborn. Roose adds that he intended on trading Theon for Moat Cailin, a fortress currently held by Greyjoy forces which prevents the main Bolton army from returning north. Ramsay retorts that he already sent terms and Balon refused him. After ordering Theon/Reek to shave him, Ramsay cajoles him into admitting that Bran and Rickon Stark are still alive. He then reminds his father that the boys are now heirs to House Stark following Robb's death, and nearly all the Northerners will rally behind the boys rather than Roose if they learn they are alive. Ramsay, knowing how close Theon was to Robb, gleefully taunts him by revealing details of the Red Wedding. Despite being clearly shaken, knowing the man he considered a brother is dead at the hands of his new masters, Theon does not openly react. Roose dispatches Locke with orders to find and kill Bran and Rickon, as “Reek” suggests that Jon Snow might either be sheltering the boys at Castle Black or at least may know where they have gone. Ramsay then advocates killing Jon as well, given the fact that he has Stark blood and could become a threat, since the Northeners will rally behind him or he will simply seek revenge. Roose then gives Ramsay orders to take Theon and an army to Moat Cailin and reclaim the fortress from the Greyjoys.

Several weeks later, Yara Greyjoy prepares her troops for their assault on the Dreadfort to rescue her brother,  Theon. Back when Ramsay castrated Theon’s genitals, he had sent the remains in a box to Pyke where Balon and Yara received it, along with a threatening letter. As she sails towards House Bolton’s holdfast, Yara reads the letter sent by Ramsay Snow, threatening to flay all Ironborn who do not depart from the North. Meanwhile, as Ramsay takes Myranda's virginity as they engage in rather violent sex, Yara and her troops land at the Dreadfort and scale the walls of the castle. They then quietly take out the guards as they search for Theon. When interrogating a guard, Yara learns of Theon's location, which is the dog kennels. Despite promising not to, Yara then kills the guard. Once Yara and the Ironborn locate Theon in the kennels, he sits in a cage and is startled by their arrival. Yara opens the cage, but Theon refuses to go with her, believing it is another cruel trick played by his torturer. Ramsay and several Bolton troops then enter and a fight ensues, with several Bolton and Greyjoy soldiers killed. In a state of delirium, Theon tells Yara that his name has always been Reek, as he then bites her and cowers in his cage. Ramsay releases the hounds and Yara is forced to retreat to her ship. When one of the Ironborn asks her about Theon, Yara informs that Theon is "dead." 

Shortly after the failed rescue, Ramsay makes a bath for Reek as a reward for his loyalty. Ramsay is pleased that Reek didn’t let “those creatures who came in the night” take him away, noting his loyalty. Reek then assures Ramsay that he didn’t want them to take him and emotionally informs him of his fear of the incident, stating how scared he was. Ramsay then orders Reek to remove his rags but he hesitates, as he fears the bath is another trick of his captor. As he hesitantly removes his clothing, Ramsay stares maniacally at Reek’s naked body and where his mutilated appendage used to be. Once in the tub, Ramsay starts washing Reek and asks him to verbalise his love for him, as Reek states: “Yes, of course, my Lord.” Ramsay then asks for his assistance with his new plan to assault Moat Cailin from the Ironborn. However, in order to do so, Ramsay informs Reek that he needs to pretend to be someone he is not. When Reek enquires as to what guise he’ll be taking on, Ramsay informs him that he will be: “Theon Greyjoy”.

Some days later, Ramsay Snow sends Reek, forced to reassume his former identity of Theon Greyjoy, to meet with the Ironborn garrison holding the Northern fortress of Moat Cailin, which bars the armies of House Bolton from returning to the North. Before entering the fortress, Ramsay asks Reek what to tell the garrison, as he responds by saying that he is “Theon Greyjoy, son of Balon and heir to the Iron Islands.” Ramsay then pointedly asks him what is he really, as Theon then despairingly replies with “Reek.” Ramsey notes to remember what Reek is and what he is not. Theon then rides into the fortress to find corpses lying everywhere from a combination of numerous attacks and a disease that is running rampant. The remaining Ironborn are sick, under-equipped and outnumbered. The garrison commander named Ralf Kenning rebuffs the offer made by Ramsay of safe passage in exchange for surrender. Ralf clearly believes Theon to be an imposter as well, however, he is quickly cut down by one of his men, who accepts it on behalf of the soldiers in desperation of returning home. The Ironborn officially surrender to Ramsay, but he has them killed and flayed regardless. In the aftermath, Ramsay meets with his father and presents him with the Greyjoy banner that was flying over the fortress. In recognition, Roose presents Ramsay with a decree of legitimization, making him officially a member of House Bolton, and no longer a bastard named Snow. Delighted with the news that he will succeed his father as Warden of the North, Ramsay and Reek then accompany the Bolton army to their final destination: the ruins of Winterfell. 

“Sorry, my Lord.”

— ‘The Lion and the Rose

“I’m Theon Greyjoy, son of Balon, bear to the Iron Islands… I’m Reek… I’m Reek… Always. Forever.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper

“You can’t trick me. Tell him! Tell him you couldn’t trick me! … Not Theon! Reek! My name is Reek! … No! I've never been him! Please- I'm Reek, good Reek, I've always been Reek!”

— ‘The Laws of Gods and Men

“I was born on Pyke to Balon Greyjoy. His third and last living son. I am your prince. I swear it by the Drowned God. What is dead may never die.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper

“I didn’t want them to take me. I was so scared! I didn’t want them—”

— ‘The Laws of Gods and Men

“You are fading from sickness. You are badly outnumbered. You’re hundreds of miles from the sea. Lord Bolton implores you to protect your men and abandon this fortress you can no longer hold. Do this and he will be just and fair with you as he has been with me.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper