Thanks for visiting! A silver lining during the pandemic is that I finally had the time to start building the media site I’d wanted to years ago. As more series are in development, the intention is to build the site as expansive of the franchise that time can allow for, but it’s a slow work-in-progress.
I have rampaged the internet already when attempting to locate most official Thrones videos that I could still find. A lot of BTS material, to my knowledge, is difficult to find as the official Youtube channel has removed a mountain of them. Hope I’ve covered most BTS so far though, that copyright hasn’t dictated anyway. Please contact me if you come across any broken or incorrect links, as well as any videos that are no longer working or appear unavailable. Also, if you know of any content I’ve missed out on, please feel free recommend them to me. Thanks!
Due to a recent change in HBO’s copyright laws on Youtube, I am slowly re-uploading all HD episode clips that have been affected by the sudden deletion of my former channel
Any unofficial or fandom-created video content that has been included on the site has been embedded and linked directly to the creator’s channel