Season Five

Westeros is on the brink of collapse, and many are seizing what they can while the realm implodes. With Tywin dead and Tyrion gone, Queen Regent Cersei is now head of House Lannister and tasked with the burden of continuing her father's legacy. Followin his murder, the crazed boy-king Joffrey Baratheon is succeeded by his younger and more pliable brother, Tommen. In the deserts south of Westeros, the people of Dorne, led by Ellaria Sand, demand vengeance for the death of Prince Oberyn, who died in a trial by combat at the hands of Gregor Clegane.
Stannis Baratheon withdrew from his island stronghold Dragonstone to reach the Wall and with his home territories in the Stormlands overrun, he needs to win the allegiance of Robb Stark's defeated bannermen, to rally the North again as a springboard against Lannister rule. Stannis looks to the support of Jon Snow, who therefore must walk a political tightrope between Stannis and his vows, since the Night's Watch is sworn to strict political neutrality.
East of Westeros, after murdering his father, Tyrion Lannister has fled across the Narrow Sea to the Free Cities, his future intentions alongside Lord Varys are unknown even to himself. Further east in Slaver's Bay, Daenerys Targaryen's hold over Meereen has become very precarious, as ruling the city is becoming much more difficult than conquering it was. Her three dragons, now growing to dangerous size, have become uncontrollable and she can no longer rely upon them to defeat her enemies on the battlefield. Unbeknownst to her, word has spread to Westeros that the last living Targaryen heir has hatched three live dragons. No longer a mere curiosity halfway across the world, several different factions in Westeros are now pondering how Daenerys and her dragons will factor into the already confusing and multi-sided civil war still tearing the Seven Kingdoms apart.
“Who said anything about him?”
“Look at my face. It’s last thing you’ll see before you die”
“The freedom to make my own mistakes was all I ever wanted”
“Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell – they’re all just spokes on a wheel. This one’s on top, then that one’s on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground. I’m not going to stop the wheel. I’m going to break the wheel”