the free cities

The Free Cities are nine powerful, independent city-states located across the Narrow Sea from Westeros. They occupy the western end of the continent of Essos, and are engaged in extensive trade contact with the Seven Kingdoms and lands further east. The overall range of their respective territories is roughly equal in size to the lands of Westeros south of the Neck. Each of the nine Free Cities has its own unique history and distinctive culture. They were founded centuries ago as colonies of the Valyrian Freehold. When the Freehold and its dragonlords were destroyed in the Doom of Valyria four hundred years ago, the empire fragmented, and a chaotic period of warfare known as the Century of Blood enused. When the dust settled, the Free Cities emerged as autonomous entities, dominating much of the land between the river Rhoyne and the western coast of the continent. In general, the Free Cities and have a much more urbanized and mercantile culture than Westeros: Each city controls large swaths of territory (often, not much smaller than one of the Seven Kingdoms), with most of them controlling towns larger than some Westerosi cities. Slavery is also practiced in most of the Free Cities - except for Braavos, which has strict laws banning the practice. For centuries, it has been common for exiles from the losing sides of wars in Westeros to flee across the Narrow Sea to the Free Cities to seek refuge and fortune.
Lorath: considered the least-known and least-powerful Free City, located on an island southeast of Braavos, in the Shivering Sea.
Lys: located on an island in the Summer Sea, close to the Stepstones and protected by a formidable navy. Lys is a city of vice, famed for its pleasure houses, which produce the most skilled prostitutes in the known world. Its people tend to be fair skinned, blonde haired, and blue eyed.
Myr: a seaport on an arm of the Narrow Sea. Noted for its skilled craftsmen and their products, particularly optical lenses and fine lace. Lys and Myr have been bitter rivals for centuries, perpetually fighting over the Disputed Lands between them. Its people tend to be dusky skinned and dark haired.
Norvos: a major inland city, located on the Noyne River northeast of Pentos. It is situated in the hill country in the north of Essos, known as the Hills of Norvos. The Bearded Priests of Norvos rule over the city as a theocracy. Norvos is renowned for its axes.
Qohor: a major inland city, located in the immense Forest of Qohor near the edge of the Dothraki Sea. Noted for its immensely skilled blacksmiths, who can even reforge Valyrian steel. Qohor maintains a garrison of Unsullied warrior-eunuchs which it buys from Slaver's Bay to defend itself against the Dothraki.
Tyrosh: a major seaport and mercantile city that is located on an island close to the Stepstones, and is thus the Free City closest to Westeros. Due to its location, it is often seen as a major hub for hiring the services of various professional sellsword companies. Tyroshi are known for extravagant clothes, flashy armor and rich taste.
Notable places shown in the series are: