daario naharis

Portrayed by Michiel Huisman (seasons 4-6)
Ed Skrein (season 3)
Status: Alive
Origin: Tyrosh
Episode Appearances: 21
First Seen: ‘Second Sons’
Last Seen: ‘The Winds of Winter’
Daario Naharis is a Tyroshi sellsword, employed as a lieutenant in the Second Sons, a sellsword company operating in Essos, with members recruited from various Free Cities and fighting as heavy cavalry. Typical sellswords, they are a rough-and-tumble private army who fight for coin and the highest bidder. Daario is apparently held in high enough regard by the company's co-captains, Mero and Prendahl na Ghezn, that they allow him to join them in contract negotiations. According to a low-born Daario, his mother was a prostitute who sold him at twelve years old to a slave master due to her declining income, alcoholism and his unruly behavior and tendency to get into fights. He was trained as a pit fighter and had his first match in the pits when he was sixteen. Rising to fame and earning his master so much money that at the time of his master's death, Daario was rewarded with freedom. He chose to fight as a sellsword for the Second Sons some time after that. Besides being fluent in the common tongue of Westeros, Daario is also fluent in Low Valyrian due to his Tyroshi origin. Daario also seems to speak some Dothraki.
Daario has an unusual code for a sellsword; he won't sleep with prostitutes and only kills soldiers who are trying to kill him. He does this because he feels that otherwise there is no sport and it is not exciting. Daario has said that the gods gave men two things to entertain themselves with before they die: the thrill of having sex with a woman who earnestly wants it, and the thrill of killing a man who is trying to kill you first. Daario is a highly skilled and capable warrior. Being trained a pit fighter since the age of 12 and then fighting as a sellsword after that, mostly all of Daario's life has revolved around fighting. During his years as a pit fighter he learned to fight with several different fighting styles; like a Dothraki screamer, a Norvoshi priest and a Westerosi knight. Daario's weapons-of-choice are a Dothraki arakh and a Myrish stiletto, both which have gold-plated custom-made hilts in the shape of beautiful, naked women. His fighting style is based on speed and quick, accurate strikes with few, mostly finishing, blows based on pure strength due to his relatively small size and lean build compared to the larger, stronger opponents he frequently faced in the fighting pits.