ellaria sand

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Portrayed by Indira Varma

Status: Deceased

Origin: Hellholt

Episode Appearances: 13

First Seen: ‘Two Swords

Last Seen: ‘The Queen's Justice


Ellaria Sand is the paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne and a bastard of House Uller, carrying the bastard surname "Sand", as is custom with all bastards in Dorne, one of the nine constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. It is the southernmost part of the continent of Westeros, located thousands of miles from the North, who experience a harsh desert climate. Dornishmen are ethnically distinct from the rest of Westeros, being largely descended from Rhoynar refugees who intermarried with the local population of Andals and First Men roughly a thousand years ago. As a result, they have very different customs and traditions compared to the other regions of Westeros.

House Uller is one of House Martell's most powerful vassals, and reputed to be impulsive and unpredictable. There's a saying in Dorne that goes "Half of the Ullers are half-mad, and the other half are worse." The Dornish, are considered a passionate and fiery people, and have more relaxed views on sexual morality than other parts of the Seven Kingdoms. Since Dorne joined the Seven Kingdoms through peaceful alliance and a marriage contract, its people were allowed more indulgences than the other regions conquered by the Targaryens in war. In particular, the rulers of Dorne are allowed to style themselves "Prince" rather than "Lord" and inheritance always passes to the eldest child regardless of gender, in contrast to the male-favoring primogeniture practiced elsewhere in Westeros. Ellaria herself is an adventurous, carefree, and spirited woman who shares her lover Oberyn's tastes and zest for life. She also had a rather fickle disposition towards violence. Another prominent characteristics is her relaxed attitude to sexuality, especially monogamy. Ellaria has five children with Oberyn and a strong affection for her eldest daughter, Tyene Sand. She also treats Oberyn's three other daughters (including Obara and Nymeria) with respect, despite them not being her own children.