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oberyn martell

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Portrayed by Pedro Pascal

Status: Deceased

Origin: Sunspear

Episode Appearances: 7

First Seen: ‘Two Swords

Last Seen: ‘The Mountain and the Viper


Prince Oberyn Martell, also known as the Red Viper of Dorne, is a member of House Martell, the ruling family of Dorne, the younger brother of Doran Martell and his late sister Elia Martell. Oberyn is nicknamed "the Red Viper" for his knowledge of poisons and for his deadly style of combat. Dorne is one of the nine constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. It is the southernmost part of the continent of Westeros and has a harsh desert climate. Dornishmen are ethnically distinct, being largely descended from Rhoynar refugees who intermarried with the local population of Andals and First Men roughly a thousand years ago. As a result, they have very different customs and traditions compared to the other regions of Westeros. Oberyn is known as an accomplished warrior, but he is just as infamous for his sexual appetite, which extends to both men and women. Oberyn's paramour is Ellaria Sand, his wife in all but name, who is also the mother of five of Oberyn's infamous eight bastard daughters, all of whom he has relationships with. Despite his liberal attitude towards sexuality, Oberyn is very devoted to his family, as well as Ellaria.

Prince Oberyn trained at the Citadel in his youth, in order to become a maester. Although he ultimately grew bored and abandoned his studies, he managed to forge several links in a maester's chain, and became well versed in the use of poisons in the process. When he was sixteen, an older nobleman caught Oberyn in bed with his mistress and wife, and challenged Oberyn to a duel. Oberyn won and several days later the man died from festering wounds, likely because Oberyn had poisoned his blade. Oberyn has also traveled to Essos in his youth when he served in the mercenary company known as the Second Sons. He was very close with his sister, Elia, and took her death very hard. As the result of Robert’s Rebellion, he has a strong and fierce hatred for House Lannister, especially towards Tywin Lannister, whom he believes ordered his sister's murder at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane.