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khal drogo

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Portrayed by Jason Momoa

Status: Deceased

Origin: Vaes Dothrak

Episode Appearances: 10

First Seen: ‘Winter Is Coming

Last Seen: ‘Valar Morghulis


Khal Drogo is a chieftain of a Dothraki khalasar and is often referred to as "The Great Khal". The Dothraki are famed nomadic horse-lords of the eastern continent of Essos beyond the Narrow Sea. The Dothraki are fierce warriors, skilled in battle, unrelenting in combat and known for savagery towards outsiders. Amongst their own people they have a code of honor, albeit still a harsh and unforgiving one.

Drogo is a legendary warrior, known for his savagery, brutality, and lack of relent or remorse to his opponents. The fearsome khal had never been defeated in combat and because of this, as is custom with the Dothraki, his braid reaches down below his waist. He is ruthless in battle and highly skilled, able to kill an armed man in seconds flat with just his bare hands.

A “khal” is a Dothraki warlord, commanding a khalasar or tribe of tens of thousands of warriors and non-combatants. To become khal, a Dothraki warrior must perform tremendous feats of bravery, daring and martial valor, as well as being ruthless and canny enough to avoid the machinations of his enemies and rivals. Drogo is an exceptional Dothraki khal for commanding such a large khalasar at a young age. It is said that if a khal cannot ride, he cannot lead. Drogo is guarded by bloodriders including Qotho. “Ko” (or generals) in his khalasar include Pono and Jhaqo, men who guard him, follow him in battle and, when Drogo dies, it is their duty and honor to follow him even then to continue serving him. Drogo currently desires the most beautiful and exotic woman in the world as his “khaleesi” (or wife), and has enlisted Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos to help him find such a woman.