Directed By: Tim Van Patten / Written By: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss

Original Airdate: April 17, 2011

A Night's Watch deserter is tracked down outside of Winterfell, prompting swift justice from Lord Eddard Stark, and raising concerns about the dangers in the lawless lands north of the Wall. Returning home, Eddard learns from his wife Catelyn Stark that his mentor, Jon Arryn, has died in the capital of King's Landing, and that King Robert Baratheon, along with his entourage, is on his way north to offer him the position of the king's Hand. Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea in the Free City of Pentos, Viserys Targaryen hatches a plan to win back the Iron Throne by forging an allegiance with the nomadic Dothraki warriors by giving its leader, Khal Drogo, his lovely sister Daenerys Targaryen’s hand in marriage.

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Beyond the Wall

In the western continent of Westeros, three rangers of the Night's Watch: Ser Waymar RoyceWill and Gared depart from the Wall in order to investigate reports of wildlings in the Haunted Forest which lies to the north, beyond the Wall. Will, the best scout in the group, eventually discovers a number of wildling corpses that have been dismembered and arranged in a circular, ritualistic fashion upon the snowy ground. Before fleeing from the scene, Will then finds a dead wildling girl who has been pinned to a tree. Once Will reports back to the others, Ser Waymar believes this to be the handiwork of the wildlings themselves, declaring them as “savages”. He overrides the older Gared's advice that they should return to their home of Castle Black to report the situation to the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch,  Jeor Mormont. Waymar instead insists on seeing the corpses for himself to determine what killed them. Will stresses that they could befall the same fate as the butchered wildlings, but Ser Waymar commands him to get back on his horse. When the trio eventually reach the site, the bodies have suddenly disappeared, seemingly without any trace of their existence. A sarcastic Waymar informs Will that his “dead men” seem to have moved camp, though Will insists that this was where he saw the massacre. Gared then orders Will to scout around the area. After Will departs, Gared finds a bloody piece of clothing buried underneath the snow. Further investigations are curtailed, however, when a tall and otherworldly figure with glowing blue eyes, a White Walker, arrives and kills Ser Waymar with ease. Meanwhile, a terrified Will overhears Gared screaming in the distance, while also witnessing their three horses racing away in terror. Will then turns around and in the distance sees the dead wildling girl from earlier, who is now walking around and is donning the same ice-blue eyes as the White Walker. After fleeing through the Haunted Forest, Will then runs into Gared, who is being pursued by the White Walker that killed Waymar. Before the Black Brothers of the Watch can reach each other, the White Walker quietly approaches Gared from behind, grabbing him by his hair and swiftly beheading him with one clean cut. The creature is not alone, as more than one can be seen standing behind it’s leader. The White Walker then tosses Gared’s severed head at the horrified Will's feet, who then flees further out of the forest back towards the Wall in order to find safety.


Across the Narrow Sea, on the Eastern continent of Essos, Prince Viserys Targaryen and Princess Daenerys Targaryen have lived in the hospitality of Magister Illyrio Mopatis for several years since having been exiled from Westeros by the usurper king, Robert Baratheon, who had seized the Iron Throne from House Targaryen. Following Robert’s Rebellion, the Targaryen siblings remain the last of their royal house, as their father King Aerys Targaryen was slain during the rebellion. Years after fleeing to the Free City of Pentos and finding refuge with Magister Illyrio, Viserys has arranged to wed his sister Daenerys to Khal Drogo, the warlord of a large Dothraki khalasar of forty thousand warriors. In return, Drogo will provide Viserys with the army he needs to reclaim the throne from King Robert. Daenerys prepares for the Khal’s arrival as she steps into a hot bath that has just been drawn. This greatly distresses her maid, who believes the water is still too hot and will scald her. However, an unflinching Daenerys seems to not be affected by its temperature, appearing to remain unharmed as she slowly submerges into the water. Afterwards, Khal Drogo arrives on horseback alongside his khalasar. He takes a quick glance at the timid Daenerys and then rides away without saying a word. Viserys expresses his concern of Drogo’s refusal, but Illyrio assures him that if he did not approve of Daenerys, they would have known. Daenerys eventually vocalizes that she is not pleased with the arrangement and does not want to marry Drogo. Viserys insists that Daenerys will marry him, because in return, Drogo will give Viserys the army he needs to retake the throne. Viserys adds that he would let his sister be raped by all forty thousand of Drogo's men, as well as their horses, if it resulted in reclaiming the Iron Throne.

Some time later, along the coast outside of Pentos, the barbaric wedding of Khal Drogo and Daenerys is held. There is feasting and dancing, as the young bride looks on with trepidation. Amid the savage festivities, two Dothraki get into an altercation over a girl they are both pursuing. The men first pummel each other with their fists, but then swords are quickly drawn and one kills the other. Illyrio jests to Viserys that a Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a “dull affair”. Meanwhile, the bride and groom both receive many gifts, but for Daenerys, two of them are particularly interesting to her. The first is a selection of books that contain stories, as well as songs, from the Seven Kingdoms. It is gifted to the princess by Ser Jorah Mormont, an exiled knight of  House Mormont, whom Daenerys correctly assumes is from Westeros. He informs her of his Northern origin of Bear Island and that he served her father King Aerys for many years. Ser Jorah then swears fealty to Viserys as king and offers him his support and advice, which is accepted. The second gift intrigues Daenerys the most, as Illyrio presents her with a box containing three beautiful, scaly stones. According to Illyrio, these are dragon eggs from the Shadow Lands  beyond Asshai that have turned to stone with the passing of time. Daenerys curiously handles the stones with delicacy. For his gift, Drogo then gives Daenerys a beautiful white mare. Daenerys says the mare is beautiful and wants to thank Drogo, asking Jorah what the Dothraki word for “thank you” is. Jorah informs Daenerys that there is no such word in their language, which only emphasizes her . After Drogo lifts Daenerys onto her new horse, Viserys quietly commands his sister to make Drogo happy. Leaving the festivities before sunset, Drogo and Daenerys then ride down to the shore where they consummate their marriage on the beach. However, Daenerys is visibly distraught when Drogo continues to undress and force himself upon her.


In King's Landing, the capital city of Westeros, the bells ring out to commemorate the death of Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon. As the Silent Sisters prepare his body for burial, Queen Cersei Lannister looks on. Upon his arrival, she confesses her fears to her twin brother, Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard. Cersei informs Jaime of her worry that Jon Arryn discovered something that he shouldn't have, and may have told someone. Ser Jaime informs his sister that she worries too much, while she replies that he doesn’t worry enough. Cersei then recalls the time Jaime showed no caution when he once jumped a hundred feet into the sea along the cliffs of their ancestral home of Casterly Rock. Jaime insists that there was nothing to be afraid of, at least until she told their father, Lord Tywin Lannister. Jaime then tells her not to worry, stating that if King Robert knew the truth they would both be dead already. Cersei then suggest for Jaime to position himself as the new Hand of the King. Jaime, however, declares his disinterest, considering the job too much work. Cersei accuses him of taking nothing seriously.

the north

Following the incident with the White Walkers, the Night’s Watch ranger Will has fled south of the Wall in terror, rather than returning to Castle Black to warn his brothers of the new threat. As this goes against his vows of the Night’s Watch, Will is apprehended by outriders loyal to House Stark. Meanwhile, at Winterfell, the home of House Stark, Lord Eddard Stark, Warden of the North, and his wife Lady Catelyn Stark watch their young son Bran practice archery while he is being helped by his older brother Robb, the eldest Stark child, as well as Ned's  illegitimate son named Jon Snow. The youngest son, Rickon, watches his brothers until Eddard and Catelyn's youngest daughter, Arya - who has left needlework where their eldest daughter  Sansa is - hits Bran's bullseye with an arrow before Bran can. Bran then chases Arya in frustration while the rest of the family laugh. Eddard and Catelyn are suddenly interrupted with the arrival of Ser Rodrik Cassel, the master-at-arms of Winterfell. He brings word to Ned that a Night's Watch deserter has been found and apprehended.

As the law decrees that any deserter must be executed, Lord Eddard takes three of his sons with him - Robb, Jon and Bran - to witness the execution due to it being a Stark custom among sons to carry out executions themselves. Also joining Eddard is his ward Theon Greyjoy, his leading guard Jory Cassel and Ser Rodrick, Jory’s father.  After warning Eddard about the White Walker, Will accepts his fate as a deserter and asks that word be sent back to his mother. Eddard then carries out the execution himself. Young Bran witnesses an execution for the first time without flinching, earning praise from his half-brother Jon. Eddard explains to Bran that the reason he was made to execute Will was because "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." When Bran asks his father about Will's mention of White Walkers, Eddard dismisses it as a madman's ramblings, insisting that they have been gone for centuries. On the way back to the castle, the party find the dead carcass of a direwolf - a species not seen south of the Wall in centuries. A piece of a stag’s antler protrudes from the direwolf’s throat. The female died after giving birth, however, as her five pups are found huddled close to their mother’s corpse for warmth.  Eddard advocates killing the pups out of mercy rather than leaving them to starve to death, but Jon Snow exclaims to his father that this is an omen. He notes that the direwolf is the symbol of House Stark and as Eddard has five trueborn children, they should have the five pups. With Bran looking on beseechingly, Eddard eventually allows for this, but only if they are cared for and raised by the children themselves. Before leaving, Jon finds a sixth pup, an albino runt of the litter. Theon mockingly points out that this one belongs to Jon, who adopts the sixth pup, appropriately naming him Ghost, while Bran and Robb name theirs Summer and Grey Wind.

Some time later, a messenger-raven eventually brings news of Lord Jon Arryn's sudden death to Winterfell. Outside, Lady Catelyn joins Eddard in the godswood, underneath Winterfell’s weirwood tree, to deliver the news to him. Upon arrival, Catelyn informs Ned that she still feels like an outsider when visiting the godswood, as the tree represents the Old Gods of the Forest, yet she was brought up with the Faith of the Seven. When Catelyn relays the tragic news of Lord Arryn’s death, Eddard is particularly stricken as Arryn had served as a father-figure to him when he was fostered at the Eyrie. Catelyn also informs him that King Robert Baratheon and much of the royal court are currently riding towards Winterfell. With this news, Eddard realizes that King Robert means to name him as the new Hand to replace Jon Arryn. Ned ponders refusal, feeling his place is at Winterfell. Catelyn urges that he can always say no to his old friend Robert.

Over the next few weeks, the Stark children grow used to their rapidly-growing direwolves as Winterfell prepares for their guests. Lady Catelyn informs Maester Luwin that the queen’s dwarf brother, Tyrion Lannister, has enough candles in his chambers, as he is known to be a great reader. Meanwhile, the young men of the house get groomed, as they gossip about Queen Cersei, a reportedly great beauty. Later that afternoon, Bran is caught by his mother climbing on the rooftops of the castle, just as the royal party comes into view. He promises to stop, but Catelyn knows he is lying. The Stark family and their retainers then gather in the courtyard. Arya’s absence is noted but she manages to arrive ahead of the party wearing a knight's helmet. Eddard takes the helm from Arya's head while Robb and Jon smile fondly at her. When the royal party arrive, Robb notes a smile exchanged between Sansa and the queen’s son, Prince Joffrey Baratheon. Arya starts identifying members of the royal party, but Sansa tells her to shut up. Eddard watches in slight bemusement as King Robert, who is a portly man, requires help to dismount his horse. He greets Eddard by telling him he’s gotten fat. When Eddard raises a questioning eyebrow at the king’s own size, they both burst into laughter. Robert warmly hugs Eddard and Catelyn, ruffles Rickon's hair, shakes hands with Robb, asks Arya her name, tells  Sansa she is a beauty and that Bran will be a soldier. Queen Cersei also greets the Starks, though more reservedly. After the short introductions Robert then demands to see the crypts and pay his respects to Eddard's deceased sister,  Lyanna Stark, much to Queen Cersei's impatience. After Robert and Eddard depart, Cersei sends Jaime to find their younger brother Tyrion.

Eddard takes Robert into the crypts and asks for news of Jon Arryn. Robert tells him that it was a fever that burned right through him before anything could be done. They reminisce about Arryn, whom they both saw as a father figure. He never had to teach Eddard much, but he set Robert to rights. Robert regrets he didn’t always listen to him. Robert asks Eddard to serve him as Hand of the King. Eddard says he is not worthy of the honor, but Robert tells him it isn’t an honor. He wants Eddard to run his kingdom for him while he eats, drinks and whores his way to an early grave. Robert tells Eddard that he helped him win the Iron Throne  and now he can help him keep it. If Eddard’s sister had lived, they’d have been bound by blood. Robert says it’s not too late, and also offers to betroth Joffrey to Sansa and join their houses. Eddard is stunned. Robert then pays his respects at the tomb of  Lyanna Stark, his late betrothed. He places a feather in the hand of her statue. He tearfully asks Eddard why he buried her in such a cold, dark place. She should have been buried on a hillside somewhere, with the sun and clouds above. Eddard tells him that she was his sister, a Stark of Winterfell, and this is her place. Robert replies that she belonged with him. He still dreams of killing Rhaegar Targaryen every single night. Eddard tells him that it is done and the Targaryens are gone. Robert replies, "Not ALL of them."

Meanwhile, Jaime Lannister strays away from the grounds of the castle to a small village named Winter Town in search of his brother Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion left the royal party early whilst on the road to seek the pleasures of the village brothel, where he makes the acquaintance of a prostitute named Ros. Feigning ignorance of who he is, Ros gossips about King Robert Baratheon being in Winterfell, along with the queen and her twin brother, who is reported to be the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms. Tyrion asks about her other brother, "the clever one." Ros replies that the rumor is that the clever one is a little lecher who is called “the Imp” and is "Prone to all manner of perversions”. Ros, laughing, tells him they have been expecting him. His brother Jaime then walks in and tells Tyrion they are being feasted by the Starks at sundown and begs him not to leave him alone with these people. Tyrion reluctantly agrees. Because time is short, Jaime sends another three girls in to join Tyrion and Ros to help matters long.

That evening, Sansa and Catelyn prepare for the feast as Sansa begs her mother to convince Eddard to accept the king’s offer, though Catelyn remains wary of the prospect. Later, outside the feast, Jon Snow works at his sword practice, angry that Catelyn thought it would be inappropriate that a bastard should attend the festivities. His uncle Benjen Stark, First Ranger of the Night's Watch, arrives to join the feast, and Jon asks him to take him back to the Wall with him. Benjen agrees to consider it. Tyrion Lannister then arrives and talks to Jon, suggesting that he is too pricklish and quick to take offense when his illegitimacy is pointed out. He should take the insult and wear it like armor, so that no one can hurt him with it. When Jon angrily asks Tyrion what he knows about it, Tyrion replies that "all dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes."

Meanwhile, inside the feast, Queen Cersei and Lady Catelyn exchange cordial words. Cersei seems more impressed by Sansa, thinking that she will be a great hit at court. Jaime Lannister then bumps into Eddard and tells him he is glad to hear that Eddard might be coming south with them. He also remarks that Robert will likely hold a tournament to celebrate if Eddard accepts his offer, noting that competition on the field has gotten a little stale. Irritated, Eddard says he does not fight in tournaments. Jaime tries to bait him, asking if he is too old for it. Eddard replies that when he fights a man for real, he does not want him to know what he can do. Jaime is surprised by the response and compliments Eddard for it. Following the feast, Eddard and Catelyn lie in bed as they discuss how fat Robert has gotten. Catelyn then tells Eddard again that he can still refuse the offer, and if Robert has a problem with that he can talk to her about it. They are interrupted by Maester Luwin, who has received an urgent message for Catelyn. The letter is from her sister, Lysa Arryn. Catelyn is surprised to see that the message has come from the Eyrie, the seat of House Arryn in the Vale. Catelyn thought her sister was still in the capital. Catelyn reads the letter and immediately burns it. She tells Eddard that, according to Lysa, the Lannisters are plotting against King Robert. They arranged Jon Arryn’s death and the king’s life is in danger. Lysa has fled to the Vale with her son to prevent any action being taken against them. Luwin gives them his counsel: Robert trusts Eddard more than any other man. If there is a plot against the king, Eddard is the best man to smoke it out in the capital. Catelyn angrily replies that Eddard has spent half his life fighting wars for Robert and does not owe him anything. She tells Eddard that his father  and brother once rode south and never came back. Luwin points out that that was a different time and a different king.

The next morning in the courtyard, Tyrion Lannister exchanges pleasantries with Sandor Clegane, Prince Joffrey's bodyguard. Tyrion is severely hungover and is trying to work out what he’s doing going out with the hunting party. Meanwhile, as Lord Eddard and King Robert meet in the courtyard to go hunting Robert thanks him for accepting his offer, as he knows it was not an easy choice to make. Robert tells Eddard he is the last true friend he has left. Before riding out, Eddard exchanges a smile with young Bran Stark, who is watching him leave. After Eddard’s departure, Bran then defies his mother’s command and goes climbing again, this time up the side of one of Winterfell’s towers. While scaling he hears someone moaning and peers through a window to find the queen and her brother engaged in a sexual act. Cersei spots him and warns Jaime, who grabs Bran. Jaime looks out the window to make sure nobody else is watching and only sees Bran’s direwolf Summer. He turns to Bran and asks how old he is. When Bran replies "ten," Jaime remarks with a sigh, "The things I do for love." With that, he pushes Bran out of the window as the boy plummets to the ground.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword
— Ned Stark
He only stops eating when it’s time for a drink
— Catelyn Stark
In my dreams, I kill him every night
— Robert Baratheon
Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you
— Tyrion Lannister
I would let his whole tribe fuck you, all 40,000 men, and their horses too, if that’s what it took
— Viserys Targaryen
The things I do for love
— Jaime Lannister

 episode one music



did you know?

  • The episode title is the house motto of House Stark and has widely been used in the marketing of the TV series, the books, and other spin-offs. The motto serves as a warning to be prepared for winter (seasons are extremely unique and last years in Westeros), as it shall bring chaos with it.

  • A real dead stag - not a prop - was used for the scene where the direwolf pups are found. The actors found the smell during the filming of the scene revolting, as it had been dead for two days at that point and was decomposing.

  • The scene in which the Starks find the direwolf pups was the very first scene written by George R.R. Martin in the first book of the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. It is the second chapter that appears in the book, because the "Prologue" scene with the three Night's Watch scouts being attacked by White Walkers was inserted before it, but the Prologue was written later. Martin said he didn't even know what kind of book it would be until he wrote that scene. After about three days, he knew it would be fantasy. This scene foretells the whole first book: the direwolf (sigil of House Stark) has come too far south and gotten in a fight with the stag (sigil of House Baratheon). Just as Eddard goes south with King Robert to be his right hand in the war coming, Robert is disemboweled and dies alone, while Eddard is killed by a blow to the neck and leaves all his young heirs to fend for themselves.

  • During the scene where the seven Starks welcome King Robert, he hugs Ned and Catelyn, ruffles Rickon's hair and shakes hands with Robb. Interestingly, all the four Starks with whom Robert makes a physical contact - are subsequently killed; the three Starks whom Robert does not touch - survive the show. This strange contrast, which can be dismissed as a mere coincidence, led to a fan theory that Robert's "touch of death" somehow cursed the Starks (similarly to the alleged curse of Harrenhal).

  • The Winterfell courtyard is normally a car park and gift shop. The setting had to be extensively redressed to make it look like an actual courtyard.

  • Mark Addy's costume was so heavy that he could not get off his horse without steps and the help of three people. So in editing they had to cut away when he starts to dismount and then cut back to see him drop to the ground. In the book, King Robert is a taller man, but Mark Addy's performance made his character seem imposing.

  • The crypts under Winterfell are normally a wine cellar and were used in later episodes for a cell under the Red Keep in King's Landing.

  • The pool in the Winterfell godswood was filled with black paint, to make it more reflective.

  • Scenes at Illyrio's manse were shot at the President of Malta's summer residence (later also used for scenes in the Red Keep's garden). The production was not permitted inside the building. In the book Drogo sees Dany for the first time at a party inside the manse. The series version has Drogo remain on his horse and then leave, but this does not occur in the books.

  • Daenerys's interior scenes at her bath were done at a different location, in a different city. The scene with her on the balcony looking outside at beautiful scenery was just a painting. Her Pentoshi bath slave was formerly Miss Malta 2006.

  • Some early scenes in Malta were filmed with Emilia Clarke and Harry Lloyd using violet contact lenses, as in the novels the Targaryens have violet-colored eyes. However, the lenses did not look right and were distracting the actors from their performances, so were dropped.

  • Filming of the wedding scene on the beach was disrupted by a gale from the sea that partially demolished the set. Maltese authorities were also dubious about the nudity in the scene, but ultimately allowed shooting to continue.

  • Actors Kit Harington, Alfie Allen and Richard Madden prepared for the haircutting scene - in which all three were shirtless - by engaging in vigorous exercises and holding their breath to enhance their abs, to the hilarity of producer David Benioff.

  • The broken tower, used for the scene where Bran is pushed out of the window, was later redressed, to serve as Bran's bedroom for the rest of the season.

  • In the tower sex scene, Lena Headey is replaced by a body double for the nude parts. Lena Headey was pregnant when this episode was shot, so there are a lot of scenes where Cersei is filmed standing or sitting behind a table or wearing a coat with a thick fur trim or dresses with long sleeves that she holds in front of herself.

  • An earlier version of the episode was shot as the series pilot episode. While similar, it had several key differences, mostly in casting: Jennifer Ehle played Catelyn Stark / Tamzin Merchant played Daenerys Targaryen / Jamie Campbell Bower played Waymar Royce and Richard Ridings played Gared. Another difference is that the pilot featured scenes shot in Scotland (where Doune Castle stood in for Winterfell) and Morocco (where sets left over from Kingdom of Heaven stood in for Pentos), while the final version of the episode was mostly shot in the studio and on location in Northern Ireland and Malta.

  • The scene with Eddard and Robert in the crypts and later in the courtyard where Robert thanks Eddard are the only complete scenes to survive intact from the pilot shoot. Alfie Allen (Theon) can very briefly be glimpsed with blonde hair in the latter scene. These scenes are shot on film rather than the digital recordings made for the rest of the series, something most notable in the crypt scene.

  • Some additional shots from the pilot are used and dropped into otherwise re-shot scenes. Sansa's coverage during her discussion with Cersei and Catelyn at the feast is from the pilot (while Cersei and Catelyn's reactions are from the re-shoot), while a single shot of Jamie Campbell Bower as Waymar Royce is left in the prologue sequence.

  • During Daenerys's wedding feast, when one Dothraki disembowels another, Khal Drogo looks on in approval and utters an unsubtitled line. It was not subtitled because it wasn't part of the developed Dothraki language, but an ad-lib by actor Jason Mamoa. The line he said was "i te waka", which is the refrain from a well-known Maori haka (war dance). Mamoa himself performed a Maori haka in his audition tape for the role of Khal Drogo. To make the line fit within the universe, language consultant David J. Peterson later retroactively established that what Drogo said in Dothraki was "itte oakah", meaning "test your might" - an in-joke reference to the line from the infamously violent Mortal Kombat video game.

  • The wildlings' corpses are not simply scattered around - they are arranged in a symbolic pattern of a diamond shape, bisected by a vertical line. The significance of this pattern is revealed in the seventh season. In the books, there is no mention of such pattern.

  • This is the only episode in which the entire Stark family is together.

  • Lysa's letter and the first conversation between Jaime and Cersei suggest that the Lannisters are responsible for Jon Arryn's death; both, however, turn to be "red herrings", when the truth is revealed in the episode "First of His Name".