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 Sansa stark

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Portrayed by Sophie Turner

Status: Alive

Age: 20 (in her final season)

Date of Birth : 285 AC

Origin: Winterfell

Episode Appearances: 59

First Seen: ‘Winter Is Coming

Last Seen: ‘The Iron Throne


Thirteen-year-old Sansa Stark is the eldest daughter and second child of Lady Catelyn Stark and Lord Eddard Stark, the ruling liege of the North. She was born and raised at Winterfell with a younger sister, eleven-year-old Arya, an older brother, seventeen-year-old Robb, two younger brothers, ten-year-old Bran and six-year-old Rickon Stark, as well as a half-brother, Eddard’s seventeen-year-old illegitimate son, Jon Snow. Sansa grew up having a distant relationship with Jon, due to her mother's influence, as the Lady of Winterfell had always found it difficult to treat a bastard the same as her own children, knowing the infidelity that occurred in her relationship.

Sansa is traditionally feminine as her interests are sewing, embroidery, poetry, singing, dancing, literature, etiquette, history and music. Sansa naively believes in the tales and epic romances in which every princess gets her honorable knight in shining armor to sweep her off her feet. Sansa was infatuated with the traditional romances about mythical figures like Jonquil, and historical figures like Duncan Targaryen. When she was young she dreamed of being a queen like Cersei Lannister, and that just like in the epic songs she would meet her knight in shining armor.

Sansa has been described as tall, slim, womanly and beautiful, destined to be a lady or a queen. She has blue eyes and thick auburn hair that she inherits from her mother, who came from House Tully in the Riverlands region prior to her marriage to Eddard Stark. Lady Catelyn insists that Sansa is even more beautiful than she was when she was younger. She is often seen in contrast with her sister Arya, who has neither her looks nor her accomplishments in feminine activities and comportment.

Maester Luwin aided Catelyn during Sansa’s delivery and in her eleven years has been tutored by Septa Mordane. Sansa became infatuated with Ser Waymar Royce when the young man stopped at Winterfell on his way to Castle Black. Theon Greyjoy, the ward of Lord Eddard, has pondered wedding Sansa and being accepted by Eddard as a son.