bran stark

Portrayed by Isaac Hempstead Wright
Status: Alive
Age: 17 (in his final season)
Date of Birth : 288 AC
Origin: Winterfell
Episode Appearances: 40
First Seen: ‘Winter Is Coming’
Last Seen: ‘The Iron Throne’
Ten-year-old Bran Stark is the second son and fourth child of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark, formerly of House Tully. Eddard, or ‘Ned’, is the head of House Stark, Lord Paramount of the North and Warden of the North to the King of the Seven Kingdoms, Robert Baratheon. The North is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Stark is one of the Great Houses of the realm, who rules the region from their seat of Winterfell.
Bran was born and raised at Winterfell with his older seventeen-year-old brother, Robb Stark, thirteen-year-old sister, Sansa Stark, eleven-year-old sister Arya Stark, six-year-old younger brother, Rickon Stark, and seventeen-year-old "bastard half-brother" Jon Snow. Bran was named after Eddard's elder brother, Brandon, who was brutally executed by the former King of the Seven Kingdoms, nicknamed the ‘Mad King’, Aerys II Targaryen, along with Bran's paternal grandfather Rickard Stark.
Bran favors his father Eddard in appearance, having thick dark hair and eyes, historically similar to most of House Stark, whereas some of his siblings like Sansa and Robb share more of a likeness with their mother Catelyn, with blue eyes and lighter features. He is a strong-willed but sweet and thoughtful boy, well-loved by his family and household. Bran dreams of being a knight of the Kingsguard in the capital city of King’s Landing, and his favorite hobby is climbing the walls of Winterfell, using its old rooftops and passageways to get around.