robb stark

Portrayed by Richard Madden
Status: Deceased
Age: 19 (in his final season)
Date of Birth : 281 AC
Origin: Riverrun
Episode Appearances: 21
First Seen: ‘Winter Is Coming’
Last Seen: ‘The Rains of Castamere’
Robb Stark is the eldest child of Lady Catelyn Tully and Lord Eddard Stark. According to his mother Catelyn, Robb was conceived on her wedding night to Eddard at Riverrun, the seat of House Tully, Lady Catelyn’s family. His father Eddard left his mother the morning after their wedding to fight in Robert's Rebellion and did not return until after his friend Robert Baratheon had usurped the Iron Throne from the “Mad King,” Aerys Targaryen. This was some short time after Robb was born, assisted by Maester Luwin. After the war and Robb’s birth, Catelyn brought her newborn son to House Stark’s ancestral home of Winterfell.
As the eldest child and heir to Winterfell, Robb Stark was likely named after Eddard’s friend and new king Robert Baratheon. He is nicknamed the “Young Wolf” by friend and foe alike. Robb has two younger trueborn brothers, Bran and Rickon Stark, and two sisters, Sansa and Arya Stark. He also has a close relationship with his illegitimate half-brother Jon Snow, who is shunned by some in the family as a bastard child of Eddard’s. However, as they are the same age, Robb and Jon trained together at arms ever since they were big enough to walk, and played at being knights and heroes. Following the victorious Greyjoy’s Rebellion against Lord Balon Greyjoy, Eddard returned with a young hostage named Theon Greyjoy, the last male heir of Pyke who was assigned as Eddard’s ward. Robb and Jon both became close to their father's new ward, whom Robb counts as his best friend outside of the family.
Robb has been trained from childhood to wield a sword and wear armor by Winterfell's Master-at-Arms Ser Rodrik Cassel, and is highly proficient with both for his young age. He is fair, caring, and willing to do anything to keep his family safe. He has a keen sense of honor and justice, which he received from his father, as well as a keen mind for warfare and strategy. Robb’s sense of honor drives both his personal and professional decisions. Similar to his father as well, he expects that others operate according to a similar moral code, which to his detriment can leave someone like Robb vulnerable to more deceitful political operators.