season one

One afternoon at Winterfell, a young Bran Stark is practicing archery in the castle courtyard with guidance from his brothers Robb Stark and Jon Snow. Robb and Jon can't help laughing when Bran's latest arrow goes high over the wall, even worse than the last shot, but after their father Lord Eddard Stark, Warden of the North, amusedly chides the two, he encourages young Bran to keep at it. The youngest son, Rickon Stark, watches his brothers until Eddard and his wife Catelyn Stark’s youngest daughter Arya - who has left needlework where their other daughter Sansa is - hits Bran's bullseye with an arrow before Bran can. Bran chases Arya while Eddard, Catelyn, Robb and Jon laugh until the Master-at-Arms Rodrik Cassel informs Ned and Catelyn news of a Night's Watch deserter who has fled from their home at Castle Black, for which the penalty is death. The Night’s Watch is a military order which holds and guards the Wall to keep the wildlings and other threats from crossing into the Seven Kingdoms.

The law decrees that as a deserter from the Night’s Watch, Will, is an oathbreaker and must be executed. Ned takes Robb, Jon and Bran with him to witness the execution due to it being a Stark custom among sons to carry out executions themselves. Also joining Eddard is his ward  Theon Greyjoy. Will accepts his fate, but warns Eddard about the appearance of White Walkers first, asking that word be sent back to his mother. Eddard carries out the execution himself, using the ancestral Valyrian blade of their house. Young Bran witnesses an execution for the first time without flinching, earning praise from Jon. Eddard explains to Bran that the reason he was made to execute Will was because "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." When Bran asks him about White Walkers, Eddard dismisses it as a madman's ramblings, insisting that the Walkers have been gone for centuries. The party sets out for Winterfell. On their way back to Winterfell, they find a dead direwolf - a species of wolf not seen south of the Wall in centuries - and her newborn pups. Jon convinces Lord Eddard into allowing the young Starks to adopt them instead of abandoning the pups to die. Jon points out that a direwolf is the sigil of House Stark: given that there are five direwolves and five trueborn Stark children, it must be a sign that the Stark children are meant to have the pups. In order to make this point, Jon intentionally leaves himself out of the count of Stark children, and when Bran asks about this, Jon responds that he is not a Stark. Just as they are about to leave, however, he finds the runt of the litter, an albino, which crawled away from its mother's corpse. Theon remarks, "The runt of the litter, that one's yours, Snow." Robb himself names his Grey Wind.

Some weeks later, as the direwolves are quickly growing, preparations are underway for the arrival of King Robert Baratheon and his Queen Cersei Lannister. The Great Hall is being dressed up for a large feast to welcome their honored guests while Robb, Jon and Theon are all groomed for the king’s arrival. Robb displays antipathy toward Prince Joffrey Baratheon, noting that he is a "right royal prick.” When the Baratheon entourage later enter the courtyard, Robb witnesses his father Eddard’s reunion with his old friend King Robert. What started out as a formal greeting, after nine years of not seeing each other, Robert breaks the tension with a joke that puts the Stark family more at ease with their arrival. King Robert meets all of the Stark children, with the exception of Jon, of course, who is given another example of his treatment as a bastard son. Queen Cersei also greets the Stark family, though much more reservedly. Robert requests Ned to join him in the Stark family crypts before the evening feast, so he can pay his respects to his deceased former lover, Lyanna Stark, who was Robb’s aunt. At the feast, Robb helps his mother maintain discipline, removing his sister Arya when she starts flicking food at Sansa, despite his amusement. The next morning, Robb joins his father and King Robert for a hunt, as it is then confirmed that Eddard has agreed to be Robert’s new Hand of the King.

Some days later, young Bran lies comatose and badly wounded after a fall from climbing a castle tower. Shortly after, Jon visits him to say his farewells, as he is about to depart from Winterfell in order to join the Night’s Watch at the Wall. He tells his unconscious brother that he will visit him when his duties permit, and maybe Bran can come and visit him at Castle Black one day. Catelyn then coldly tells him to leave, as his bastard-born status has always been a bone of contention within House Stark, reminding her of Eddard’s infidelity many years ago. Jon kisses Bran on the forehead and awkwardly leaves as Eddard arrives to also say goodbye, now having accepted Robert’s request as the new Hand of the King in the capital of King’s Landing. He assures Catelyn that he has no choice but to go but she dismisses this, telling him that men always say that when honor calls. She asserts that Eddard does have a choice, and he has made it, adding that she can’t cope with Bran’s fall by herself. Ned declares that she can, and must. Outside in the courtyard, Robb sees his half-brother off, as he asks Jon if said goodbye to Bran. Robb then confidently assures Jon that Bran will survive, as Jon notes that Starks are hard to kill. Robb states that Jon will be “all in black” the next time they meet, which Jon agrees with, stating that the color of the Night’s Watch suits him well. They warmly one another before Jon departs.

Some time after Eddard departs with Sansa and Arya to the capital, Maester Luwin visits Catelyn in Bran’s chamber. He informs that the management of the castle requires her attention. Catelyn angrily says she cannot leave Bran’s side, as Robb arrives and asserts that he will make the appointments and look at the accounts. After Luwin takes his leave, Robb opens the shutters so Bran can hear the direwolves howling for him and then asks his mother when she is planning to leave Bran’s room. He notes that the most dangerous time for Bran is past, but Catelyn refuses in case anything happens. Robb declares that her other children need her, stating that Rickon is six, doesn't understand what is happening and spends his days following Robb around, asking where his mother is. Catelyn asks Robb to close the window, but as Robb turns he sees fire and smoke in the distance from another part of the castle. He rushes out to investigate. Several moments later a hooded man slips into the room and is surprised to see Catelyn. The man tells her that Bran is dead already and this will be a mercy, drawing a sharp and elaborate dagger. Catelyn fights him off, cutting her hands against the blade in the process. Bran's direwolf then charges into the room and tears out the would-be assassin's throat. Catelyn looks gratefully at the animal as he jumps onto Bran’s bed and stands guard over him.

The following morning, Catelyn investigates the tower from where Bran fell. Scouring the interior for clues, she finds a single strand of golden hair on the floor and comes to a sudden realization. Catelyn then summons Robb, Theon, Maester Luwin and Ser Rodrik to the godswood next to the castle and tells them that she suspects that the Lannisters tried to kill Bran because he might have seen something in the tower, which would explain his mysterious fall as well as this second attempt on his life. Catelyn asserts her suspicions that the Lannisters are plotting against the crown. Ser Rodrik then produces the assassin’s weapon, noting it is far too fine of a blade for such a low-born cutthroat. The hilt of the weapon is dragonbone and the blade is Valyrian stee. It is understood by the group that someone must have given it to the assassimn. Robb angrily denounces the Lannisters for their acts, suggesting that if it is war they want, he will give it to them. Theon promises to support him, but Maester Luwin stops their boastful talk, pointing out that they do not know the truth yet. Someone must inform Lord Eddard of their findings. Robb offers to go, but Catelyn replies that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. She will go instead, leaving Bran to their care and Robb in charge of Winterfell. Catelyn refuses to take any men with her, but accepts Ser Rodrik as a bodyguard.

Coincidentally, some hours after his mother’s departure, Bran wakes from his coma without either of his parents by his side, no memory of the events leading to his fall and without the ability to walk. Afterwards, a crow flies into Bran's bedroom and starts cawing at him. Old Nan, a senior servant to Winterfell, tells Bran to ignore it, as crows as are all liars. She then tries to cheer Bran up, offering to tell him a story about Ser Duncan the Tall. Bran asserts that he hates her stories and prefers scary stories. Old Nan retorts by asking him what does he know about fear. She then starts to tell him about the Long Night, when the land froze thousands of years ago and out of that darkness the White Walkers came. Robb then enters and interrupts her fabled tales from centuries ago, dismissing Old Nan. Robb then passes off Nan’s stories as tall tales, stating that once she had told Robb that the sky was blue because they all lived within a giant’s blue eye. He then asks Bran how he fell, but Bran still can’t remember. Robb is puzzled, as he's seen Bran climb a thousand times in all weather and never fell. Bran asks if it’s true that he will never walk again and Robb nods in confirmation. Bran insists that he’d rather be dead. A shocked Robb chides his little brother for expressing such thoughts, but Bran reiterates his feelings, as a boy who wants nothing more than to grow up as a knight.

Days later, a sleeping Bran dreams that he is practicing his archery in Winterfell's courtyard when a raven flies into the yard. Curious, Bran follows it, as it flies into the entrance to the family crypts beneath the castle. Bran then notices that the raven has three eyes before waking up in his bed, startled. Theon arrives to summon Bran to the Great Hall, as Robb has commanded it. Theon then summons Hodor, a large simple-minded servant of the castle, to carry him down to the hall. In the hall, Robb receives Yoren, a man of the Night’s Watch, and Tyrion Lannister, the youngest of the Lannister siblings, who is paying a visit as he heads back down to the capital. Robb very pointedly offers hospitality to any man of the Watch, silently letting Tyrion know he is not invited to stay at Winterfell. Upon Bran’s arrival, Tyrion asks him if he remembers anything about being pushed, as Luwin confirms that he cannot remember anything. Tyrion then asks Bran if he likes to ride. Bran confirms, but notes that he will not ride again due to his injury. Tyrion assures him that with the right saddle even a cripple can ride. He then hands Bran a design for a saddle. Tyrion informs that with it he can ride as well as any boy. Robb asks Tyrion why he is doing his brother a kindness, as Tyrion insists that he has a weakness for “cripples, bastards and broken things.” Robb then offers Tyrion the hospitality of Winterfell, but Tyrion refuses it, saying he’d rather take his ease in the nearby brothel.

Sme weeks later, Bran tries his new saddle on a ride in the Wolfswood and is thrilled to find that it works. Meanwhile, Robb and Theon sit in the center of the clearing as they watch Bran happily riding. However, Robb has received news of grave events that have occurred in King's Landing, as the Lannisters have attacked and killed several of Lord Eddard’s men, with he himself injured in the leg. Theon asks Robb when he plans to tell Bran about them, but Robb insists that the time isn't right. They come to realize that Bran has disappeared on horseback. Meanwhile, Bran continues to ride further into the woods as four unkept wildlings start creeping after him, trying to stay hidden. They sneak up and surround Bran, as a wildling woman named Osha grabs the horse reins. Bran informs that he is unable to get off the saddle due to the design of the straps, allowing them to see that he is crippled. During the ambush, he is cut on the leg, allowing him to discover that he is immune to pain as well as being immobile. Robb and Theon race in and defend Bran, killing three of the wildlings. The lone woman, Osha, puts her hands together and begs for her life, insisting that if Robb will spare her, she promises to serve House Stark. Robb decides to keep her alive, to her great relief.

Some weeks later, word has reached Winterfell that a drunken King Robert has died after being injured by a boar during a hunt. Robb’s father Eddard then challenges the legitimacy of Robert's heir, Prince Joffrey, with the recently-discovered evidence of Queen Cersei’s incestuous infidelity with her brother Ser Jaime Lannister. However, Eddard is then arrested for treason as the young Prince Joffrey is coronated as the new king and Cersei forces Sansa Stark to write to Winterfell and request that Robb swear fealty to Joffrey. This results in Robb assembling the North’s bannermen to unite their armies in fighting the Lannisters. After the bannermen arrive, Robb holds a feast for them. Greatjon Umber assumes that he will lead the vanguard, and is offended by the suggestion that he would be made to march behind a Glover, threatening to withdraw. In response, Robb promises that, after the conflict with the Lannisters, he will be hanged for breaking his oaths to House Stark. When the enraged bannerman goes to draw a weapon, Robb's direwolf Grey Wind sets upon him, biting off two of his fingers. Robb recites “that it is death to bear steel against your liege lord” but then diffuses the situation by excusing Greatjon's aggression, saying that “doubtless, the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me.” The Greatjon roars with laughter and accepts Robb's commands. Afterwards, Robb then says farewell to his young brothers, Bran and Rickon, as he then departs Winterfell.

Some time later, Lady Catelyn and Ser Rodrik intercept Robb's army who have set up camp in the Neck as they press further south towards the Lannister army in the Riverlands. Robb initially exclaims with excitement upon seeing his mother, but stops short of embracing her lest he look weak in front of his Northern bannermen. Catelyn looks at her son with understanding, later embracing once their liege-lords have left their tent. Once they are in private, she tells Robb he has no choice but to go to war. Catelyn adds that Robb can’t lose, for the sake of Eddard and his sisters. She strongly asserts that if Robb is defeated, Lord Tywin Lannister will show no mercy to their family who are imprisoned in the capital. Later on, Robb and his lords are debating on the route of their march, and on whether to march directly against Tywin's army or against his son Jaime’s army who is currently besieging Riverrun. To get to Jaime, they need to cross the Green Fork of the Trident River, and the only crossing is at the Twins, held by the notoriously prickly and easily-offended Lord Walder Frey. A Lannister scout is then captured, and Robb sends him back to warn Lord Tywin that twenty thousand Northern soldiers are marching against him.

Some days later, Robb’s army have reached the Twins, the heavily-fortified crossing over the Trident River. To enter the castle would be perilous for Robb, so Catelyn enters to negotiate with Lord Frey. Though House Frey are bannermen to Catelyn's father, Hoster Tully, ruling Walder has not yet taken up arms with them. When Catelyn mentions this, Lord Frey says that he had been preparing to march, and was just waiting for all his forces to arrive. Catelyn understands, however, that in reality, he waited to see which side was winning before deciding whether to get involved. Now, as House Tully's army has been defeated and Riverrun is held by the Lannisters, Walder wants to know why he should be helping Robb and taking up arms against Joffrey Baratheon and Tywin Lannister. After some hard bargaining between Catelyn and Walder, they strike a deal that will allow Robb to cross the river, as well as commit troops to his army. In return, both Robb and his youngest sister Arya must each marry one of his own children. When Catelyn arrives back at Robb’s camp and informs him of the negotiations, he ultimately feels that he has no choice and reluctantly agrees to the proposal. Robb asks Catelyn about the beauty of Frey’s daughters, to which she can remember only one rather unfavorably, much to Theon’s amusement.

The next morning, the Lannister army finds that Robb and his army have stolen a march on them, as they are about to be attacked and have to hastily prepare for the Battle of the Green Fork. Leading the vanguard, Tyrion Lannister is knocked out by an accidental blow to the head from one of his own men’s club. When he regains consciousness on the back of a wagon, Bronn informs him that the Lannisters won the battle, but it was a feint. As a diversion, Robb had sent a small portion of his army to confront and delay Lord Tywin's forces, while the main army marched on Riverrun to attack Jaime's army. Meanwhile, Lady Catelyn and Ser Rodrik are waiting in the Whispering Wood as they hear sounds of battle in the distance. Suddenly Robb returns from his victory with his guards and their new prisoner: Ser Jaime Lannister himself. The Battle of the Whispering Wood has lifted the siege of Riverrun, and Jaime's army has now been destroyed. Ser Jaime suggests they end the war now with a bout of single combat between himself and Robb, but Robb refuses and has him imprisoned. Robb laments that his diversion sent twenty-thousand men to their deaths. He gives a speech to his army and tells them that they have won a great victory, but the war is far from over.

Some days later, the news of Lord Eddard Stark’s execution in the capital has reached the Stark camp in the Riverlands. Lady Catelyn stoically walks through the encampment and receives the condolences and respect of the northern bannermen, who bow to her as she passes. She makes her way into the woods around the camp.  Once she is out of everyone's sight, she breaks down, practically hyperventilating with grief. Hearing something from deeper in the woods, she finds her distraught son Robb hacking his sword at a tree in anger and grief. Catelyn calls to him and tells him he is ruining his sword. Robb drops the sword and falls into her arms, vowing to kill the Lannisters who murdered his father. Catelyn comforts him and promises him revenge, but only after they rescue Sansa and Arya first. That evening, Robb and his bannermen debate whether to cooperate with Stannis or Renly Baratheon in the war against the illegitimate King Joffrey. Though Renly has greater forces, Stannis is the elder Baratheon and next in line of succession. Greatjon Umber reminds them all that the North was an independent kingdom before the Targaryens threatened them with their dragons. With the dragons gone, Umber declares there is only one king worthy of his respect and allegiance and bows before Robb, calling out, "The King in the North!" The northern bannermen then take up the cry and bow before the new King in the North, swearing fealty to Robb.

“I hear the prince is a right royal prick… Go on, Tommy, shear him good. He’s never met a girl he likes better than his own hair.”

— ‘Winter Is Coming

“Tell Lord Tywin, winter is coming for him. Twenty thousand northerners marching south to find out if he really does shit gold.”

— ‘The Pointy End

“They come into our home and try to murder my brother? If it’s a war they want—”

— ‘The Kingsroad

“I sent two-thousand men to their graves today… Once victory does not make us conquerors. Did we free my father? Did we rescue my sister from the queen? Did we free the North from those who want us on our knees? This war is far from over. ”

— ‘Baelor

“I’m not your boy, Lannister. I’m Lord of Winterfell while my father is away.”

— ‘Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

“I'll kill them all! Every last one of them! I will kill them all!”

— ‘Fire and Blood

 season two

Some months following his father’s execution, King Robb is shown into the cell of Ser Jaime Lannister in the midst of his camp on the Riverlands. Jaime wonders why Robb has not kept him in the castle of one of his bannermen as Robb explains that he knows Lord Tywin would bribe and threaten his bannermen into giving Jaime up. Jaime needles that Robb does not trust his bannermen and Robb counters that he trusts them with his life but not with Jaime's life. Jaime is then startled by Grey Wind circling the cage as Robb says that he is only insulting himself because he was defeated and held captive by a boy. Robb then warns that Jaime might be killed by a boy as his direwolf enters the cell to stand behind him. Robb tells Jaime that he has received Stannis Baratheon’s letter and knows that Jaime is Joffrey's true father and correctly asserts that he pushed Bran out of the tower because he caught Jaime with Cersei together. After Jaime insinuates that without proof it is purely gossip, Robb says that he is sending peace terms to King's Landing. Jaime claims that Robb does not know Tywin if he expects him to negotiate as Robb retorts that Tywin is starting to know him. Jaime then informs that three victories do not make a conqueror to which Robb states that it is better than three defeats. Robb leaves Grey Wind alone with Jaime as the direwolf rushes forward, snarls and snaps at Jaime's face. Jaime cowers and closes his eyes. When he opens them the direwolf has left.

Afterwards, Robb sends his prisoner Ser Alton Lannister to King's Landing with peace terms. His demands include the release of his sisters, unaware that Arya fled from the from the capital following Eddard’s execution. Another demand includes the return of his father's remains along with the remains of all those who served him. His final demand is the recognition of the North as a free and independent kingdom. Theon Greyjoy appeals to Robb to send him back to his home of Pyke to seek an alliance with his father Balon Greyoy, citing their need for a fleet in order to attack King's Landing should the peace terms be rejected. Once in private, Lady Catelyn then counsels her son against putting trust in Balon Greyjoy because of his history of rebellion. She then asks Robb to consider exchanging Jaime for his sisters, but he insists that they cannot exchange Jaime for his sisters and maintain the loyalty of his bannermen. After getting heated with one another over this, Catelyn asks to return to Bran and Rickon at Winterfell. Robb, however, tasks her with seeking an alliance with Renly Baratheon in the Stormlands and sends Ser Rodrik instead to Winterfell. Catelyn promises to leave at first light and Robb kisses her forehead before promising that they will be together again soon.

Some weeks later, in the Westerlands, the Northern army under King Robb leads a surprise night-time assault against an encamped Lannister army. The Battle of Oxcross is a smashing victory, following through on Robb's promise to give Cersei "another Whispering Wood."  The next morning, Robb surveys the battlefield while his bannerman, Lord Roose Bolton, argues that they should kill all of the Lannister soldiers they took prisoner, but Robb refuses, not wanting to give the Lannisters an excuse to torture his sisters. Robb then witnesses a battlefield healer treating a Lannister soldier, who protests when she tells him she has to amputate in order to save his life. Robb helps hold him down as she saws off the leg. The woman, who introduces herself as Talisa Maegyr of Volantis, criticizes Robb for the need of this war. Robb explains that he doesn't want the Iron Throne, just revenge on Joffrey for his father’s death. Talisa is shocked to learn that he doesn't care which king takes the throne after they defeat Joffrey, having declared for neither Baratheon brother. He just wants them to leave the North alone afterward. She points out that for all the bloodshed they have caused, he hasn't hurt the ones who killed his father. The men they slaughtered were not Tywin's main army but unwilling soldiers. Robb attempts to compliment her, but Talisa again quips on his need for revenge.

Some time later, King Robb walks through a new camp that’s been set up in the Westerlands when he spots Talisa, who has continued to follow his campaign. When Robb approaches her, Talisa is writing a letter and he greets her as “Lady Talisa.” She claims to be unsure if she is a lady, according to Westerosi customs, adding that her father sold lace on the Long Bridge of Volantis in the eastern continent of Essos, and that her family lived above her shop. Robb then mentions that they have found a pretty spot, as Talisa asks if they will be there long. He replies that he cannot discuss troop movements with her, as she retorts that she is not a spy. They share a laugh when Robb replies saying that is exactly what a spy would say. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Lady Catelyn and Brienne of Tarth, whom both escaped the Stormlands after Renly Baratheon’s mysterious murder. Robb introduces Talisa to his mother, as Catelyn then asks her surname, which she does not recognize. Talisa explains that it is an old name in her home of Volantis. She excuses herself and Catelyn watches Robb’s reaction to her departure. She warns him that he is not free to follow his heart and cautions him not to forget his betrothal to Lord Walder and House Frey. Robb’s advisor Roose Bolton interrupts them with urgent news from Winterfell.

After reading the news in his command tent, Robb is in disbelief when learning of Theon’s betrayal, who has seized Winterfell for House Greyjoy. As Catelyn paces behind him, Robb is furious with his friend’s betrayal and asks about his young brothers, Bran and Rickon. Roose informs that there has been no word of either, while also reporting news of the execution of Ser Rodrik, who attempted to stop Theon and his Ironborn men. Catelyn asserts that she warned Robb never to trust a Greyjoy. Robb’s intention now is to march his army back to the North to repel the invasion but Roose counsels that Robb still has a war to win in the south. Robb angrily asks Roose how he can call himself King if he cannot hold his own castle. Catelyn asks Robb to send her to talk to Theon but Robb insists that there will be no more talking and that Theon will die for his treachery. Roose advises that the few hundred soldiers left scattered in the North can be rallied by his bastard son, Ramsay Snow, who is in the North at the Dreadfort, and warns that retreating the entire Northern army group would lose everything they have gained. Robb agrees, but insists that Bolton's men take Theon alive so Robb can look him in the eyes and ask "Why?" before personally executing him.

Days later, Robb receives the returning captive Alton Lannister, who was dispatched to the capital to offer peace terms to Cersei Lannister on behalf of the King in the North. Robb asks for the Queen Regent’s response and Alton admits that Cersei tore the letter in half. Robb then thanks Alton for acting with honor, although as he’s still their prisoner, Robb orders Lord Rickard Karstark to provide him with a clean cell and a hot supper. Rickard then reports that their cells are overflowing since taking further prisoners at the Battle of the Yellow Fork. Robb orders a new pen for Alton and says that he is to be held with his cousin, Ser Jaime, under the guard of Rickard’s son Torrhen Karstark in the mean time. Talisa then enters his tent to inform that she has run out of medical supplies she brought with her and is unable to replace some of them. Talisa reveals that she is aware of his plan to force the Crag to surrender and asks him to obtain the supplies from the maester there. He then asks her to accompany him to the castle and speak to the maester herself. She is hesitant but accedes when he says he wants the wounded men of both sides to be treated well. While Robb is gone Ser Jaime escapes, killing Alton and Torrhen Karstark. When he is recaptured, Lord Rickard threatens to behead him to avenge his son. Instead, Catelyn sends her sworn sword, Brienne of Tarth, to exchange Jaime for her captive daughters without consulting Robb.

As they return from the Crag, Talisa questions Robb about his impending betrothal to House Frey. He explains that the bridge was important, particularly at the time because his father was still alive and he believed that he could rescue him if he could cross the river. Talisa informs Robb that when she has spoken with people from the North they have told her how much they loved Eddard Stark and that she would have liked to have met him. A pair of riders flying a Stark pennant then approach the pair. The lead rider is a messenger who brings the news to Robb that Ser Jaime has escaped during the night. Immediately following his return to camp, Robb and Rickard Karstark burst into Lady Catelyn’s tent and demands that she tells them that news of her involvement in Jaime’s escape are not true. Catelyn insists that she acted for her daughters. A furious Robb, talking over her protests, asserts that he has been betrayed by her because she knew that he would not allow her to release Jaime, but did it anyway. Catelyn explains that with news that Bran and Rickon were captured at Winterfell she thought that returning the Lannister knight might buy freedom for Sansa and Arya. Robb tells Catelyn that Jaime has played her for a fool and commands his men to guard his mother day and night.

That evening, King Robb meets with Roose Bolton in his command tent to discuss the seizure of Winterfell. Robb expresses concern that Theon will harm his brothers if they storm the fortress, though Roose argues their value. Robb then orders Roose to send word to his bastard son Ramsay that he will grant mercy to any Ironborn who surrender, except for Theon. Roose expects Theon’s men will quickly turn against him when they have the offer. Talisa then enters the tent, greeting them both and apologizing for interrupting. After Roose departs, Talisa tries to console Robb with regards to the litany of issues he’s been dealing with and he apologies to her for his mood. While pouring wine for her, Robb asks how she went from the life of a noblewoman in Volantis to performing battlefield surgery in Westeros. Talisa shares her history with him, as well as a vow she had made for herself, to not waste time on trivial concerns of nobility and to never live in a slave city again. She then stands up and apologizes for going on when Robb had shared his problems initially. Robb immediately joins her in standing and blurts out that he does not want to enter the arranged marriage with House Frey. She hesitantly admits that she does not want him to marry the Frey girl either. They intensely stare at one another until Robb draws her into a passionate kiss, and hastily undress one another.

Some time later, Robb visits his mother Catelyn in her tent to discuss his plan to break his betrothal to House Frey in order to marry Talisa. Catelyn is still confined to her tent having released Jaime Lannister without Robb’s consent. She counsels that Lord Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross and urges Robb to remember his vow or face severe consequences. Further attempting to steer him away from this decision, she informs Robb that she and Eddard didn't love each other when they first married, but that they grew to love each other over time. Catelyn predicts that Robb and his betrothed might build a similar love over time, emphasizing that it might not be as passionate but that doesn’t necessarily equate to strong relationship. Robb then questions if he can expect to slowly build a loving relationship with one of Walder Frey’s daughters. Catelyn warns Robb that if he treats his oaths recklessly then his people will do the same. Robb rejects her counsel, however, stating that she has no right to criticize him following her release of Jaime. That evening, a septon conducts a secret marriage between Robb and Talisa in the woods. He binds their hands together with a ribbon and proclaims their souls bound together in the sight of the seven for eternity. He asks them to turn to one another and say the words. They name the Seven gods and say “I am [theirs] and [they] are mine from this day until the end of my days.” They kiss tenderly and then hold one another close.

“You insult yourself, Kingslayer. You've been defeated by a boy. You're held captive by a boy. Perhaps you'll be killed by a boy.”

— ‘The North Remembers

“He was the best man I ever met. I know children always think that about their fathers… He once told me that being a Lord is like being a father, except you have thousands of children and you worry about all of them… He told me he woke with fear in the morning and went to bed with fear in the night. I didn't believe him. I asked him, "how can a man be brave if he's afraid?" "That is the only time a man can be brave," he told me.”

— ‘The Prince of Winterfell

“From this time until the end of time, we are a free and independent kingdom.”

— ‘The North Remembers

“Most kings grow up as princes. They spend their whole lives preparing for the crown. I was raised to be Lord of Winterfell.”

— ‘The Prince of Winterfell

“Tell your son, Bran and Rickon's safety is paramount. And Theon... I want him brought to me alive. I want to look him in the eye and ask him 'Why?'... and then I will take his head myself!”

— ‘The Old Gods and the New

“Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger. I am hers and she is mine. From this day until the end of my days. ”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

 season three

Some time later, in the Riverlands, the morale of King Robb’s army is starting to wane with the news of House Lannister’s victory over rivaling king Stannis Baratheon, as well as their newly-formed alliance with House Tyrell. In frustration, Robb launches a new offensive to the east that takes the great castle of Harrenhal, which Lord Tywin had been using as the main Lannister forward base in the Riverlands prior to his return to the capital. Roose Bolton starts preparing for a siege as they close in on the castle, but Robb is skeptical a siege will be necessary as Ser Gregor Clegane cannot defend a ruin. Sure enough, they see that the castle has been abandoned as Tywin withdrew his garrison to King's Landing to counter the attack of Stannis at the Battle of the Blackwater. Tywin also didn't bother wasting any men on a token defense of the castle, and the Stark army takes control unopposed. As Robb and his men enter the ruins of the castle they are further demoralized to find that two hundred Northern and Riverlands prisoners of war were massacred and the courtyard is choked with piles of bodies. Roose assures him that their best hunters are in pursuit of the “Kingslayer,” Ser Jaime, as Robb and Lady Catelyn find the corpse of a sworn bannerman to House Tully. Robb then orders that a cell be found for his mother, as his new wife Talisa tends to a survivor of the massacre named Qyburn.

Days later, at Harrenhal, Roose interrupts Robb and Talisa in the council chamber with bad news from two messenger-ravens. First, Robb's maternal grandfather Hoster Tully has finally died after a long illness at his castle of Riverrun. Second, Roose delivers a letter from his bastard son Ramsay Snow, stating that the Ironborn torched Winterfell and put all of its inhabitants to the sword, and then fled all before his force arrived there. There has been no sighting of Bran or Rickon Stark, and though Robb hopes that they are still alive, there is a strong possibility that they are dead. Moreover, there has been no word of Theon Greyjoy. This double-blow reduces Catelyn to tears and she laments that she had not seen her father in years. She is horrified at the thought that Bran and Rickon were in danger while she was away and could not protect them, and are now likely dead. Later on, Roose is left in command of Harrenhal with a detachment of his army while Robb leads his main host to Riverrun. Rickard Karstark angrily says that this is a waste of time, though Robb points out that Catelyn's brother, Edmure Tully, is now lord of Riverrun and his levies will reinforce their army. Robb asks if Karstark has lost faith in their cause, and Karstark says he still believes in revenge. He then adds that Robb lost the war the day he married Talisa, a political nobody, thus breaking his marriage-alliance with House Frey.

Days later, at Riverrun, the funeral of the recently deceased Lord Hoster Tully is held on the banks of the river. King Robb has arrived with Catelyn and Talisa, who look on with the assembled crowd on the dock. Edmure Tully attempts to light the funeral boat on fire with a flaming arrow but fails three times, much to everyone’s embarrassment. Just as the boat is about to disappear around a bend of the river, Catelyn’s uncle, Brynden Tully, pushes his nephew out of the way and skillfully makes the shot with one attempt. Inside the castle, Robb swears to Rickard Karstark that justice will be served. He then confers with Brynden and Edmure to discuss the Lannister’s marriage-alliance with House Tyrell. They have superior numbers and wealth. Edmure begins to speak of his recent victory at the Battle of Stone Mill and his capture of Willem and Martyn Lannister, but Robb points out that he didn't stop fighting because his sisters are held captive. Considering that Tywin didn't stop to negotiate when his own son Jaime was captured, taking his nephews hostage will have no impact. Edmure asserts that multiple Lannister soldiers died, at which Robb then shouts that they need their men more than Tywin does. At this point, the Lannisters are in a strategic position that they can afford to be patient, and grind down Robb's forces through simple attrition.

Some weeks later, the young prisoners Martyn and Willem Lannister awake to hear shouting and fighting outside the door to their cell. Lord Rickard fights his way into the room with some of his own men and has both squires killed. Afterwards, Rickard has the corpses laid out on the floor in front of Robb in the castle’s meeting room. Robb is disgusted, remarking that Karstark needed five men to brutally murder two unarmed squires. Rickard insists that it was a father's vengeance as Robb then points out that these boys had nothing to do with the death of his sons, who were both killed by Ser Jaime. Brynden Tully then punches Karstark but Robb tells him to leave him alone. Rickard has lost faith in Robb, saying the King in the North will just give him a scolding, though he should probably call him "the King Who Lost the North" after he allowed Winterfell to fall. Robb then orders all of Karstark's men hanged, however, Catelyn and Talisa warn him that the Rickard’s men will abandon his cause and return home if he executes their lord, and they are already badly outnumbered. However, Robb ignores their pleas, and he has Karstark brought out to the courtyard to be executed during a driving rainstorm. Rickard points out that the Starks and Karstarks are kin as Robb says that their blood relationship did not stop Rickard from betraying him and won't stop Robb from executing him now. Rickard says it isn't meant to stop Robb: he wants it to haunt Robb until the day he dies. With his last words, Rickard says that Robb will be cursed as a kinslayer and that Robb is no king of his. Obedient to the laws of his father who said that “the man who passes the sentence must swing the sword,” Robb pronounces the sentence of death and personally beheads Lord Rickard.

Later on, as predicted, the Karstarks withdraw their soldiers from his army and Robb openly admits to Talisa that she was right. Eyeing the map with Talisa, Robb decides his only remaining option is to strike where his enemy is weakest. Robb decides that with the main Lannister army-group under Tywin Lannister now positioned all the way to the east in King's Landing, he needs to return to the Westerlands and make an all-or-nothing assault against Casterly Rock. This will make the Lannisters lose face and bring momentum back to his army. However, with the loss of the Karstark forces, they don't currently have enough men to consider the attack. The only way they can gain enough soldiers is if Robb can win back the allegiance of House Frey, whose thousands of soldiers withdrew from Robb's army when he broke his promise to make a marriage-alliance with them by marrying Talisa instead of one of Walder Frey's daughters. Thus, Robb must try to repair his alliance with House Frey.

Days later, King Robb, along with Catelyn, Brynden and Edmure, meet with Walder Frey’s sons, Walder Rivers and Lothar Frey, in order to discuss an alliance for his planned attack on the home of House Lannister at Casterly Rock. The Frey brothers carry Lord Walder’s demands for an alliance, which includes a formal apology from Robb himself for his violation of the oath he took to marry one of his daughters. Robb admits that he was wrong in his betrayal and happily agrees to give a formal apology. Frey also demands that as restitution for the betrayal he will take that castle of Harrenhal and all of its lands and incomes. Edmure, however, starts to argue this but Robb cuts him off and agrees to this arrangement, stating that once it is no longer needed for the war Harrenhal is expendable as it is not part of the North. The final request is for Edmure to marry Roslin Frey, one of his daughters, within a fortnight. If this is not agreed upon, the alliance will be broken. Brynden argues over a marriage taking place when they are in the middle of a war, to which Black Walder replies with his father’s distrust of long engagements provided Robb’s recent break of oath. Edmure is reluctant to marry a woman he has never met, but Robb stresses: “If we don’t do this, and do it now, we’re lost.” Eventually, Edmure is convinced to go through with the arrangement.

As they travel to the Twins, Robb’s army has set up camp for the night, delaying their journey due to heavy rain. Catelyn warns her son and his advisors that the prickly Walder Frey will take their delay as a deliberate insult to him, but her brother Edmure points out that Frey is getting the wedding he wanted. His sister counters, however, that Walder is getting a wedding, but not the one he wanted, glaring at Robb and Talisa as she says so. Catelyn then points out that Frey wanted one of his daughters wed to a king, as Robb retorts that Edmure is the best match House Frey has been offered in its history. That evening, after her and Robb finish having sex, Talisa starts writing on her parchment. When Robb asks her who she is writing to in Valyrian, Talisa confirms it is for her mother. Upon questioning she tells Robb that her mother does not yet know that she is a queen. When Robb mentions that this will be a surprise to her Talisa coyly suggests that it would be one of many surprises. She then asks him when all of this is over if one day would he come with her to Volantis. Upon his promise to her that he will, Talisa mentions that her mother would love to meet him… and their grandchild. A stunned Robb turns to her in disbelief. She asks if he is angry but is quickly relieved by his elated reaction. He tells her that he loves her and she is his queen.

Some time later, continuing towards the Twins, King Robb consults with his mother Catelyn about attacking Casterly Rock. Robb claims that it is a dangerous move, but if Tywin Lannister's castle is taken away from him - the lords of Westeros will realize that he is not invincible. Catelyn points out that the plan requires the cooperation of Walder Frey and also informs that in case reinforcements arrive from King's Landing before the castle is taken the Stark host will be destroyed. She silently examines the map, and vengefully tells her son Robb in a harsh voice "Show them how it feels to lose what they love." Shortly after, Robb's army arrives at the Twins, the castle seat of House Frey, for his uncle Edmure's wedding to Roslin Frey. Enduring  Lord Frey's insults directed towards him and his wife Talisa, the King in the North makes a public apology to Lord Frey's daughters and granddaughters for breaking his promise to marry one of them. Walder then accepts the apology and offers the Starks, and their men, his hospitality during the festivities.

Meanwhile, Robb’s youngest sister Arya, who fled the capital after their father’s execution, arrives across a river from the Twins with Sandor "the Hound" Clegane, who captured her on the road and is expecting to deliver Arya to her family in exchange for money. The young Stark girl looks in the distance towards the castle, anticipating a reunion with her family that has been years in the making. That evening, inside the Twins, an anxious Edmure is introduced to his new bride Roslin Frey as the ceremony then begins. However, during the unveiling he discovers, much to his relief, that she is a beautiful young woman and not like her other siblings at all, commonly deemed unattractive. The wedding and the feast that follows are quite celebratory and lively affairs, with all the participants in high spirits as King Robb and Queen Talisa affectionately display their excitement with regards to their recent pregnancy. Edmure himself is quickly besotted with his new bride Roslin and his attentions are focused solely on her. Catelyn’s uncle Brynden, having drunk too much wine, excuses himself from the celebration to "find a tree to piss on." As the festivities reach the height of the evening, Lord Walder calls out for the bedding ceremony. King Robb agrees to this, as the bride and groom are then carried off to their wedding bed. Roslin herself is carried off by the male guests and is followed closely by Edmure, who is collected by the women of House Frey. Talisa comments on the strange custom, but Robb excuses it as proof of consummation. When stating that pregnancy is alternate evidence, Talisa informs Robb that they will name their child Eddard if it ends up being a boy.

After the festivities begin to wind down, Catelyn becomes suspicious when she notices Walder Rivers close the banquet hall doors and the musicians in the gallery begin playing "The Rains of Castamere" - the song commemorating House Lannister's brutal victory against the rebellious  House Reyne years ago. Walder Frey rises to make a toast to Robb, and Catelyn, seated beside Roose Bolton, notices that the Lord is wearing protective chain mail under his clothing. Realizing they are in a trap, Catelyn slaps Roose and screams a warning to Robb, but by then it is too late. Walder signals his men to attack and, in what becomes known as the infamous Red Wedding, Lothar Frey draws a knife and repeatedly stabs the pregnant Talisa in the stomach, killing her unborn child. Before he can react, Robb is shot by multiple crossbows, falling to the floor. Numerous other Stark men are killed or set upon by Frey soldiers. Catelyn is then shot in the back and also falls to the floor. Outside, Arya and the Hound arrive at the Twins in disguise and are turned away by Frey guards. Arya then gives Sandor the slip and sneaks past the gate guards, only to witness Frey men kill Stark soldiers and Robb’s direwolf Grey Wind. She makes a desperate run for the castle, but is stopped by the Hound, who tells her that it is too late. When Arya won't stop, Sandor knocks her unconscious before carrying her out of the castle to safety. Inside, a wounded Catelyn crawls to safety beneath a table as Walder motions the soldiers to cease their slaughter. Walder mocks Robb as he limps to his dying wife and holds Talisa in his arms as she passes. Catelyn then limps out from her hiding spot to seize Walder’s cowering  young wife from under his table. She holds a knife to the girl's throat and threatens to kill her if Walder does not negotiate an end to the attack. Walder refuses her, recalling the betrayed oath that Robb would marry his daughter.  She begs they take her hostage and that Robb, who hovers over Talisa’s corpse, be allowed to leave. He questions why he should agree to such terms to which Catelyn responds by swearing on her honor as both a Tully and a Stark that if he does not let Robb go she will kill his wife. Walder nonchalantly responds, "I'll find another." Robb stands and utters "mother" as Roose, who had fled the hall when the massacre began, seizes Robb, whispering "the Lannisters send their regards," before stabbing him in the heart. Robb maintains eye contact with Catelyn as he collapses to the floor. Mad with grief at the death of her son, Catelyn cries out in anguish and kills Walder's wife. Now catatonic with grief, she stands there and accepts her fate, allowing Black Walder to slip up behind her and viciously cut her throat. She falls to the floor with a thud. Outside the walls of the castle, Frey soldiers ambush the Stark army in its own camp. What follows is not a battle but a one-sided massacre, as the Northern army is taken completely by surprise due to the betrayal of their supposed allies. The betrayers torch all of the camp's tents, with many men burning alive inside of them. Frey men wildly mutilate the dead and dying. From one of the twin towers of the Frey stronghold, Roose Bolton watches the massacre from high above. Meanwhile, Sandor Clegane attempts to slip away on horseback with the unconscious Arya amidst the carnage by casually riding away while carrying a Frey banner. Before they can leave, Arya regains consciousness - as she and the Hound turn to find a group of Frey men shouting as they march through the main gate. The Freys have horrifically desecrated Robb's corpse by decapitating him, then crudely attaching the severed head of his direwolf Grey Wind in its place. Drunk in their victory, the Freys gleefully parade the mutilated body around the castle on a horse while mockingly chanting "King in the North!,” which is met with by cheers by Frey soldiers. Sandor is horrified by the gruesome spectacle, while he holds Arya, who looks on with a dead stare. The Hound then rides away with the devastated Arya.

*In the aftermath of Robb’s death, follow Arya, Sansa, Bran or Jon’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“The Lannisters have been running from us since Oxcross. I'd love a fight. The men would love a fight. I don't think we're going to get one.”

— ‘Valar Dohaeris

“You are my queen… I love you. Do you hear me? I love you.”

— ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair

“This one was only the watcher. Hang him last so he can watch the others die.”

— ‘Kissed By Fire

“All men should keep their word, kings most of all. I was pledged to marry one of you and I broke that vow. The fault is not with you, and any man would be lucky to have any one of you. I did what I did not to slight you, but because I loved another.”

— ‘The Rains of Castamere

“I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war.

— ‘The Climb


— ‘The Rains of Castamere