ramsay bolton

Portrayed by Iwan Rheon
Status: Deceased
Origin: The Dreadfort
Episode Appearances: 20
First Seen: ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words’
Last Seen: ‘Battle of the Bastards’
Ramsay Snow, later Bolton, is the illegitimate bastard son of Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, and the unidentified wife of a miller. Years ago, Roose Bolton discovered that a local miller had wed without his permission. He had the miller hanged and violently raped his wife under the tree where the miller was hung. Ramsay was born shortly afterwards, and his mother brought him to the Dreadfort, his father's castle, for Roose to acknowledge as his son. Roose very nearly killed Ramsay and almost had his mother whipped, but relented upon realizing that the child was indeed his.
Ramsay is Roose's only living child following the death of Domeric Bolton, as well as the only possible heir to House Bolton until the birth of a child by Roose's new wife, Walda Frey. Ramsay keeps a pack of dogs, which he employs for hunting. He is also in a relationship with the kennelmaster's daughter, Myranda.
Ramsay stays behind as castellan of the Dreadfort when his father left for the south to fight in the War of the Five Kings alongside the King-in-the-North, Robb Stark. After King Robb’s home of Winterfell is seized by Theon Greyjoy, Ramsay is dispatched by Roose to re-take it for their king. Ramsay's forces besiege the castle and he infuriates Theon by blowing a horn all through the night. The next morning, Theon rallies his men to defend the castle, but he is betrayed by his men, who accept Robb Stark's offer of mercy if they surrender and hand over the heir of House Greyjoy. However, the castle is sacked by Ramsay afterwards and instead of letting the Ironborn walk free, he flays them alive and imprisons Theon in the dungeons of the Dreadfort.