Portrayed by Oona Chaplin
Status: Deceased
Origin: Volantis
Episode Appearances: 11
First Seen: ‘Garden of Bones’
Last Seen: ‘The Rains of Castamere’
Talisa Maegyr was born in the Free City of Volantis, the oldest and largest of the Free Cities, located on the eastern continent of Essos. Volantis lies on the southern coast of Essos, where the mighty Rhoyne River meets the Summer Sea. It was founded as a colony of Valyria many centuries ago and is a large port city. People from Volantis are known as Volantene.
When Talisa was twelve years old, her parents went to a wedding and left her with her younger brother. They and other children went for a swim in the Rhoyne. While Talisa was distracted, her brother drowned. She and her friend pulled him to the shore, but he had already passed by that point. Suddenly, a slave came and pushed Talisa away then performed CPR until her brother was revived. Had Talisa reported him, it would have meant death for the slave, as it is punishable by death to touch someone of nobility. Talisa was so inspired by the slave's selfless act, that she decided two things. Firstly, that when she came of age, she would not waste her years living in typical fashion of a highborn noblewoman. Secondly, Talisa vowed to herself to never live in a place where slavery was legal again. To this end, she sought and obtained medical training and relocated to Westeros, where slavery is outlawed.

inside the character

season two

In the Westerlands, the Northern army under King Robb Stark leads a surprise night-time assault against an encamped Lannister army. The Battle of Oxcross is a smashing victory for House Stark amidst the War of the Five Kings. The following morning, Robb surveys the battlefield while his bannerman, Lord Roose Bolton, argues that they should kill all of the Lannister soldiers they took prisoner, but Robb refuses, not wanting to give the Lannisters an excuse to torture his sisters, whom he believes remain captive in the capital of King’s Landing. Robb then witnesses a battlefield healer treating a Lannister soldier, who protests when she tells him she has to amputate in order to save his life. Robb helps hold the man down as she saws off his leg. The woman, who introduces herself as Talisa Maegyr of Volantis, criticizes Robb for the need of this war. Robb explains that he doesn't want the Iron Throne, just revenge on King Joffrey Baratheon for the death of his father, Lord Eddard Stark. Talisa is shocked to learn that he doesn't care which king takes the throne after they defeat Joffrey, having declared for neither Stannis or Renly Baratheon. He just wants them to leave the North alone afterward. She points out that for all the bloodshed they have caused, he hasn't hurt the ones who killed his father. The men they slaughtered were not Lord Tywin Lannister’s main army but unwilling soldiers. As she leaves, Robb tells Talisa that the soldier was lucky she was there to save him and she responds by saying it was unlucky for the soldier that Robb was
Some weeks later, King Robb walks through a new camp that’s been set up in the Westerlands when he spots Talisa, who has continued to follow his campaign. When Robb approaches her, Talisa is writing a letter and he greets her as “Lady Talisa.” She claims to be unsure if she is a lady, according to Westerosi customs, adding that her father sold lace on the Long Bridge of Volantis in the eastern continent of Essos, and that her family lived above her shop. Robb then mentions that they have found a pretty spot, as Talisa asks if they will be there long. He replies that he cannot discuss troop movements with her, as she retorts that she is not a spy. They share a laugh when Robb replies saying that is exactly what a spy would say. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Robb’s mother Lady Catelyn Stark. Robb introduces Talisa to his mother, as Catelyn then asks her surname, which she does not recognize. Talisa explains that it is an old name in her home of Volantis. She excuses herself and Catelyn watches Robb’s reaction to her departure. She warns Robb that he is not free to follow his heart and cautions him not to forget his political betrothal to House Frey. Robb’s advisor Roose Bolton interrupts them with urgent news from their home of Winterfell.
Days later, Talisa enters Robb’s tent to inform that she has run out of medical supplies she brought with her and is unable to replace some of them. Talisa reveals that she is aware of his plan to force the Crag to surrender and asks him to obtain the supplies from the maester there. He then asks her to accompany him to the castle and speak to the maester herself. She is hesitant but accedes when he says he wants the wounded men of both sides to be treated well. As they later return from the Crag, Talisa questions Robb about his impending betrothal, as it has been arranged months ago that he would marry one of Lord Walder Frey’s daughters. He explains that the use of Walder’s bridge was important to the war, particularly at the time because his father was still alive and he believed that he could rescue him if he could cross the Trident River. Talisa informs Robb that when she has spoken with people from the North they have told her how much they loved Eddard and that she would have liked to have met him. A pair of riders flying a Stark pennant then approach the pair. The lead rider is a messenger who brings the news to Robb that their captive Ser Jaime Lannister was freed during the night by his mother Catelyn in hopes that returning the Lannister knight might buy freedom for her daughters, Sansa and Arya.

That evening, King Robb meets with Roose Bolton in his command tent to discuss the recent capture of Winterfell. Robb expresses concern that Theon Greyjoy will harm his brothers if they storm the fortress, though Roose argues their value. Robb then orders Roose to send word to his bastard son Ramsay that he will grant mercy to any Ironborn who surrender, except for Theon. Roose expects Theon’s men will quickly turn against him when they have the offer. Talisa then enters the tent, greeting them both and apologizing for interrupting. After Roose departs, Talisa tries to console Robb with regards to the litany of issues he’s been dealing with and he apologies to her for his mood. While pouring wine for her, Robb asks how she went from the life of a noblewoman in Volantis to performing battlefield surgery in Westeros. Talisa shares a story with him about her brother once having been saved by a slave. She asserts that she made a vow to herself that day to not any waste time on trivial concerns of nobility and to never live in a slave city again. Talisa then stands up and apologizes for going on when Robb initially had been sharing his problems with her. Robb immediately joins her in standing and blurts out that he does not want to enter the arranged marriage with House Frey. She hesitantly admits that she does not want him to marry the Frey girl either. They intensely stare at one another until Robb draws her into a passionate kiss, and hastily undress one another.
Some time later, Robb visits his mother Catelyn in her tent to discuss his plan to break his betrothal to House Frey in order to marry Talisa. Catelyn is still confined to her tent having released Jaime Lannister without Robb’s consent. She counsels that Lord Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross and urges Robb to remember his vow or face severe consequences. Further attempting to steer him away from this decision, she informs Robb that she and Eddard didn't love each other when they first married, but that they grew to love each other over time. Catelyn predicts that Robb and his betrothed might build a similar love over time, emphasizing that it might not be as passionate but that doesn’t necessarily equate to strong relationship. She then warns Robb that if he treats his oaths recklessly then his people will do the same. Robb rejects her counsel, however, stating that she has no right to criticize him following her release of Ser Jaime. That evening, a septon conducts a secret marriage between Robb and Talisa in the woods. He binds their hands together with a ribbon and proclaims their souls bound together in the sight of the seven for eternity. He asks them to turn to one another and say the words. They name the Seven gods and say “I am [theirs] and [they] are mine from this day until the end of my days.” They kiss tenderly and then hold one another close.

season three

Some months later, in the Riverlands, the morale of Robb’s army is starting to wane with the news of House Lannister’s victory over rivaling king Stannis Baratheon, as well as their newly-formed alliance with House Tyrell. In frustration, Robb launches a new offensive to the east that takes the great castle of Harrenhal, which Lord Tywin Lannister had been using as the main Lannister forward base in the Riverlands prior to his return to the capital. Sure enough, they find the castle has been abandoned as Tywin withdrew his garrison to King's Landing to counter the attack of Stannis at the Battle of the Blackwater. Tywin also didn't bother wasting any men on a token defense of the castle, and the Stark army takes control unopposed. As Robb and his men enter the ruins of the castle they are further demoralized to find that two hundred Northern and Riverlands prisoners of war were massacred and the courtyard is choked with piles of bodies. Roose assures him that their best hunters are in pursuit of Jaime Lannister, Lady Catelyn then finds the corpse of a sworn bannerman to her father, the head of House Tully. Robb then orders that a cell be found for his mother, as Queen Talisa herself tends to a survivor of the massacre named Qyburn.
Days later, in the council chamber of Harrenhal, Talisa discusses with Robb her mother's prejudices towards Westerosi people. When Robb asks Talisa if she thought she’d ever marry one, Talisa states that she never thought she’d ever marry. Roose Bolton interrupts the pair with bad news from two ravens. First, Robb's grandfather, Hoster Tully, has finally died after a long illness at his seat in Riverrun. Second, Roose delivers a letter from his son stating the Ironborn torched Winterfell and there has been no sighting of his young brothers, Bran or Rickon Stark, and there is a strong possibility that they are dead. This reduces Lady Catelyn to tears as she laments that she had not seen her father in years. She admits being horrified at the thought that Bran and Rickon were in danger while she was away and could not protect them. Later on, during their travels, Talisa approaches Catelyn, who is putting together a prayer wheel to the Seven gods. She explains that they can only be made by mothers who are praying for the welfare of their children. Talisa listens intently as Catelyn then reveals a time when she had previously made a prayer wheel. It was for a young Jon Snow, the bastard son of the late Lord Eddard, whom she resented as a representation of her husband’s infidelity. At first, the thought that Jon could die made her inwardly pray for his end. However, Catelyn then became horrified at herself for thinking such a thing. Though Jon eventually recovered, Catelyn couldn’t rise to the occasion as mother to the boy. She admits to Talisa that the gods are punishing her with this war.
Days later, at Riverrun, the funeral of the recently deceased Lord Hoster Tully is held on the banks of the river. Queen Talisa stands alongside Robb and Catelyn as they look out to the river with the assembled crowd. Catelyn’s brother, Edmure Tully, attempts to light the funeral boat on fire with a flaming arrow but fails three times, much to everyone’s embarrassment. Just as the boat is about to disappear around a bend of the river, Catelyn’s uncle, Brynden Tully, skillfully makes the shot with one attempt. Inside the castle, Robb swears to his bannerman Rickard Karstark that justice will be served for the death of his sons at the hands of the escapee Jaime Lannister. Robb then confers with Brynden and Edmure to discuss the Lannister’s marriage-alliance with House Tyrell. They have superior numbers and wealth. Edmure begins to speak of his recent victory at the Battle of Stone Mill and his capture of Willem and Martyn Lannister, but Robb points out that he didn't stop fighting because his sisters are held captive. Meanwhile, in the prison cells at Riverrun, Talisa bandages the minor wounds of Willem and Martyn, only fourteen and fifteen years old. One of them asks if Robb really transforms into a wolf eats the flesh of his enemies. Talisa insists that Robb only eats the flesh of children during a full moon. She asks a guard if it's currently a full moon, and reassures the now terrified child that he is safe.

Some weeks later, the young prisoners Martyn and Willem Lannister awake to hear shouting and fighting outside the door to their cell. Lord Rickard fights his way into the room with some of his own men and has both squires killed. Afterwards, Rickard has the corpses laid out on the floor in front of Robb and Talisa in the castle’s meeting room. Robb is disgusted, remarking that Karstark needed five men to brutally murder two unarmed squires. Rickard insists that it was a father's vengeance as Robb then points out that these boys had nothing to do with the death of his sons, who were both killed by Ser Jaime. Brynden Tully then punches Karstark but Robb tells him to leave him alone. Rickard has lost faith in Robb, saying the King in the North will just give him a scolding, though he should probably call him "the King Who Lost the North" after he allowed Winterfell to fall. Robb then orders all of Karstark's men hanged, however, Catelyn and Talisa warn him that the Rickard’s men will abandon his cause and return home if he executes their lord, and they are already badly outnumbered. However, Robb ignores their pleas, and he has Karstark brought out to the courtyard to be executed during a driving rainstorm. Rickard points out that the Starks and Karstarks are kin as Robb says that their blood relationship did not stop Rickard from betraying him and won't stop Robb from executing him now. Rickard says it isn't meant to stop Robb: he wants it to haunt Robb until the day he dies. With his last words, Rickard says that Robb will be cursed as a kinslayer and that Robb is no king of his. Obedient to the laws of his father who said that “the man who passes the sentence must swing the sword,” Robb pronounces the sentence of death and personally beheads Lord Rickard.
Later on, as predicted, the Karstarks withdraw their soldiers from his army and Robb openly admits to Talisa that she was right. Eyeing the map with Talisa, Robb decides his only remaining option is to strike where his enemy is weakest. Robb decides that with the main Lannister army-group under Tywin Lannister now positioned all the way to the east in King's Landing, he needs to return to the Westerlands and make an all-or-nothing assault against Casterly Rock. This will make the Lannisters lose face and bring momentum back to his army. However, with the loss of the Karstark forces, they don't currently have enough men to consider the attack. The only way they can gain enough soldiers is if Robb can win back the allegiance of House Frey, whose thousands of soldiers withdrew from Robb's army when he broke his promise to make a marriage-alliance with them by marrying Talisa instead of one of Walder Frey's daughters. Thus, Robb must try to repair his alliance with House Frey.
As they travel to the Twins, Robb’s army has set up camp for the night, delaying their journey due to heavy rain. Catelyn warns her son and his advisors that the prickly Walder Frey will take their delay as a deliberate insult to him, but her brother Edmure points out that Frey is getting the wedding he wanted. His sister counters, however, that Walder is getting a wedding, but not the one he wanted, glaring at Robb and Talisa as she says so. Catelyn then points out that Frey wanted one of his daughters wed to a king, as Robb retorts that Edmure is the best match House Frey has been offered in its history. That evening, after her and Robb finish having sex, Talisa starts writing on her parchment. When Robb asks her who she is writing to in Valyrian, Talisa confirms it is for her mother. Upon questioning she tells Robb that her mother does not yet know that she is a queen. When Robb mentions that this will be a surprise to her Talisa coyly suggests that it would be one of many surprises. She then asks him when all of this is over if one day would he come with her to Volantis. Upon his promise to her that he will, Talisa mentions that her mother would love to meet him… and their grandchild. A stunned Robb turns to her in disbelief. She asks if he is angry but is quickly relieved by his elated reaction. He tells her that he loves her and she is his queen.

Some time later, continuing towards the Twins, King Robb consults with his mother Catelyn about attacking Casterly Rock. Robb claims that it is a dangerous move, but if Tywin Lannister's castle is taken away from him - the lords of Westeros will realize that he is not invincible. Catelyn points out that the plan requires the cooperation of Walder Frey and also informs that in case reinforcements arrive from King's Landing before the castle is taken the Stark host will be destroyed. She silently examines the map, and vengefully tells her son Robb in a harsh voice "Show them how it feels to lose what they love." Shortly after, Robb and Talisa arrive at the Twins, the castle seat of House Frey, for his uncle Edmure's wedding. Enduring Lord Frey's insults directed towards him and his wife Talisa, the King in the North makes a public apology to Lord Frey's daughters and granddaughters. He apologozes for breaking his promise to marry one of them. Walder then accepts the apology and offers the Starks, and their men, his hospitality during the festivities.
Meanwhile, Robb’s youngest sister Arya, who fled the capital after their father’s execution, arrives across a river from the Twins with Sandor "the Hound" Clegane, who captured her on the road and is expecting to deliver Arya for ransom money. The young Stark girl looks in the distance towards the castle, anticipating a reunion with her family that has been years in the making. That evening, inside the Twins, an anxious Edmure is introduced to his new bride Roslin Frey as the ceremony then begins. However, during the unveiling he discovers, much to his relief, that she is a beautiful young woman and not like her other siblings at all, commonly deemed unattractive. The wedding and the feast that follows are quite celebratory and lively affairs, with all the participants in high spirits as King Robb and Queen Talisa affectionately display their excitement with regards to their recent pregnancy. Edmure himself is quickly besotted with his new bride Roslin and his attentions are focused solely on her. Catelyn’s uncle Brynden, having drunk too much wine, excuses himself from the celebration to "find a tree to piss on." As the festivities reach the height of the evening, Lord Walder calls out for the bedding ceremony. King Robb agrees to this, as the bride and groom are then carried off to their wedding bed. Roslin herself is carried off by the male guests and is followed closely by Edmure, who is collected by the women of House Frey. Talisa comments on the strange custom, but Robb excuses it as proof of consummation. When stating that pregnancy is alternate evidence, Talisa informs Robb that they will name their child Eddard if it ends up being a boy. After the festivities begin to wind down, Catelyn becomes suspicious when she notices Walder Rivers close the banquet hall doors and the musicians in the gallery begin playing "The Rains of Castamere" - the song commemorating House Lannister's brutal victory against the rebellious House Reyne years ago. Walder Frey rises to make a toast to Robb, and Catelyn, seated beside Roose Bolton, notices that the Lord is wearing protective chain mail under his clothing. Realizing they are in a trap, Catelyn slaps Roose and screams a warning to Robb, but by then it is too late. Walder signals his men to attack and, in what becomes known as the infamous Red Wedding, Lothar Frey draws a knife and repeatedly stabs the pregnant Talisa in the stomach, killing her unborn child. Before he can react, Robb is shot by multiple crossbows, falling to the floor. Numerous other Stark men are killed or set upon by Frey soldiers. Catelyn is then shot in the back and also falls to the floor. Outside, Arya and Sandor arrive at the Twins in disguise and are turned away by Frey guards. Arya then gives Sandor the slip and sneaks past the gate guards, only to witness Frey men kill Stark soldiers and Robb’s direwolf Grey Wind. She makes a desperate run for the castle, but is stopped by the Hound, who tells her that it is too late. When Arya won't stop, Sandor knocks her unconscious before carrying her out of the castle to safety. Inside, a wounded Catelyn crawls to safety beneath a table as Walder motions the soldiers to cease their slaughter. Walder mocks Robb as he limps to his dying wife and holds Talisa in his arms as she passes. Catelyn then limps out from her hiding spot to seize Walder’s cowering young wife from under his table. She holds a knife to the girl's throat and threatens to kill her if Walder does not negotiate an end to the attack. Walder refuses her, recalling the betrayed oath that Robb would marry his daughter. She begs they take her hostage and that Robb, who hovers over Talisa’s corpse, be allowed to leave. He questions why he should agree to such terms to which Catelyn responds by swearing on her honor as both a Tully and a Stark that if he does not let Robb go she will kill his wife. Walder nonchalantly responds, "I'll find another." Robb stands and utters "mother" as Roose, who had fled the hall when the massacre began, seizes Robb, whispering "the Lannisters send their regards," before stabbing him in the heart. Robb maintains eye contact with Catelyn as he collapses to the floor. Mad with grief at the death of her son, Catelyn cries out in anguish and kills Walder's wife. Now catatonic with grief, she stands there and accepts her fate, allowing Black Walder to slip up behind her and viciously cut her throat. She falls to the floor with a thud.
* In the aftermath of Talisa, Robb and Catelyn’s deaths, follow Arya’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“You’re fighting to overthrow a king, and yet you have no plan for what comes after?”
— ‘Garden of Bones’
“You have nothing to fear. My husband doesn’t eat children. Unless it’s a full moon. It’s not a full moon tonight, is it? See? Nothing to fear.”
— ‘Kissed By Fire’
“Why are you so sure I’m of noble birth? What if I told you my father sold lace on the Long Bridge, and my mother, my brother and I lived with him above our shop? Not very noble to accuse a lady of dishonesty… I always thought I was a brilliant liar.”
“Will you come with me one day to Volantis? When all of this is over. I know [my mother would] like to meet you. And her grandchild… I have your little prince or princess inside me.”
“I decided two things that day. I would not waste my years planning dances and masquerades with the other noble ladies. And when I came of age, I would never live in a slave city again.”
“Your mother is less in need of rescue than any woman I've ever met. And I like her. But if she had her way, I would be back in Volantis playing my harp and you would be sitting over there eating blackberries out of Roslin Frey's hand… If it's a boy, I know what we should name him... Eddard. Don't you want to teach little Ned Stark how to ride horses?”