‘the old gods anD the new’

Directed By: David Nutter / Written By: Vanessa Taylor

Original Airdate: May 6, 2012

At Winterfell, the arrival of Theon Greyjoy would have once been welcomed but with the return to his Ironborn roots the castle has come under siege. Down in King's Landing, the Lannisters send Myrcella Baratheon away to Dorne to ally with House Martell and keep her from harm's way as an attack by Stannis Baratheon looms in the distance. In Harrenhal, Arya Stark keeps her true identity shrouded from Tywin Lannister which could be compromised with the arrival of Littlefinger. Overseas in Qarth, Daenerys Targaryen vows to take what  is hers when the Spice King denies her a fleet. Beyond the Wall, the legendary Qhorin Halfhand gives Jon Snow a chance to prove himself when they come upon a charismatic wildling woman.

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At Winterfell, Theon Greyjoy and his Ironborn men suddenly arrive to seize the poorly defended castle. As the castle is stormed, Maester Luwin frantically sends off a messenger raven before he is captured. Bran Stark is awakened by Theon and Dagmer Cleftjaw, who commands the Stark boy out into the courtyard to publicly surrender the castle in front of the people of Winterfell. Theon tells the assembly that his father Balon Greyjoy has declared himself King of the Iron Islands. Theon explains that his father now claims the North by right of conquest and that they are now King Balon’s subjects. Theon then instructs Luwin to send ravens to Balon at Pyke and to his sister Yara  Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte to inform them of his victory.  Ser Rodrik Cassel is also captured by Theon's men as he is returning from the distraction set at Torrhen's Square. When Rodrik spits in Theon's face, Dagmer Cleftjaw insists that Theon must kill him or lose face in front of the Ironborn. Theon asks Rodrik if he has any last words, and Rodrik says “Gods help you Theon Greyjoy, now you are truly lost.” Theon, under duress of the begrudging execution, botches the beheading of Ser Rodrik, requiring several hacks and a kick, horrifying Bran and the people of Winterfell.

That evening, Osha is brought before Theon as she requests to serve him. He asks why he should trust the word of a lying savage, adding that all wildlings are lying savages with no loyalty. Osha, however, declares that she has done what she had to in order to stay alive, claiming to hate the Starks for her imprisonment. She offers to serve Theon as he warns her not to ask for a spear again. Osha suggestively informs that there are other ways to serve. Theon derisively asks what she knows and while unlacing her dress she says that the free folk know savage things. Theon dismisses his guard as she undresses further. Osha stands naked and he says he always wondered what she had under her clothes. She says that it comes at a price and asks for her freedom. Theon says she will have it if she serves him well. Afterwards, when Theon is fast asleep in bed, Osha sneaks out of his room but is halted by a Greyjoy guard in the  godswood. She kisses him passionately to distract him before stabbing him in the throat. She whistles twice as Bran, Rickon and Hodor emerge along with the boys’ direwolves, Summer and Shaggydog. Osha hurries them as they escape into the woods.

the westerlands

Meanwhile, King Robb Stark walks through his camp in the Westerlands when he spots Talisa Maegyr, the healer he had met in the aftermath of the Battle of Oxcross, who has continued to follow his campaign. When Robb approaches her, Talisa is writing a letter and he greets her as Lady Talisa. She claims to be unsure if she is a lady, according to Westerosi customs, adding that her father sold lace on the Long Bridge of Volantis in the continent of Essos, and that her family lived above her shop. Robb then mentions that they have found a pretty spot as Talisa asks if they will be there long. He replies that he cannot discuss troop movements with her as she retorts that she is not a spy. They share a laugh when Robb replies saying that is exactly what a spy would say. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth, whom both escaped the Stormlands after Renly Baratheon’s mysterious murder. Robb introduces Talisa to his mother as Catelyn then asks her surname, which she does not recognise. Talisa explains that it is an old name in her home of Volantis. She excuses herself and Catelyn watches Robb’s reaction to her departure. She warns him that he is not free to follow his heart and cautions him not to forget his betrothal to House Frey. Robb’s advisor Roose Bolton interrupts them with news from Winterfell.

After reading the news in his command tent, King Robb is in disbelief as Lady Catelyn paces behind him. With reports from multiple sources confirm this Robb is furious with his friend Theon's betrayal. Robb asks about his young brothers and Roose says that there has been no word of them, while also reporting news of the execution of Rodrik Cassel. Catelyn says that she warned Robb never to trust a Greyjoy. Robb’s intention now is to march his army back to the North to repel the invasion but Roose counsels that Robb still has a war to win in the south. Robb angrily asks Roose how he can call himself King if he cannot hold his own castle. Roose advises that the few hundred soldiers left scattered in the North can be rallied by his bastard son, Ramsay Snow, who is in the North at the Dreadfort, and warns that retreating the entire Northern army group would lose everything they have gained. Robb agrees, but insists that Bolton's men take Theon alive so Robb can look him in the eyes and ask "Why?" before personally executing him.


At the castle of Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister hosts another war council in his chambers as Arya Stark continues to serve incognito as his cupbearer. Tywin orders Arya to fetch a book for him and realizes she can read. A Lannister captain then announces the arrival of Lord Petyr Baelish while Arya freezes in fear of recognition. Tywin asks for news from the capital and Littlefinger explains that he has come from Renly Baratheon’s camp. Tywin jokes about the duration of Renly’s reign and repeats the rumor that he was murdered by a woman. Arya pours wine, carefully keeping out of Petyr’s vision. Littlefinger informs that there have been talk of other forces at work, as Tywin dismissively declares that men love to blame demons when their grand plans fall apart. Baelish then offers to broker an alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell. Tywin asserts that the Tyrell host has returned to Highgarden. Arya then spills wine on Petyr’s hand and apologizes as stares at her as he says that it was only wine. Tywin draws Petyr’s attention back to him when he asks if he would ride there himself, who informs that he would leave that night with Tywin’s permission. Tywin states that he will consider this before then dismissing Arya. As Arya leaves, Littlefinger begins to detail a meeting with her mother Catelyn.

Some time later, Arya peers at a letter on Tywin’s desk reporting 10,000 men heading for the Golden Tooth in the Westerlands while Robb Stark is moving south along the coast. Tywin catches her and asks her who taught her to read. She says that it was her father and when pressed Arya claims that her father was a stonemason who taught himself to read. Arya then steals the letter while Tywin reminisces about his own father. Arya reads the letter outside but then bumps into Amory Lorch, who takes it from her and asks why she has it. She claims that she was asked to deliver it to the armoury. Amory looks at the letter and wonders why Tywin would do that. Arya then flees across the courtyard and he gives chase. She hides from him and he turns back towards Tywin’s chambers. She searches for Jaqen H’ghar and urgently names Amory as the second kill. Jaqen accepts her instruction but she insists that he must be killed now. Jaqen says that he will act when the time is right and she explains that she is in danger. Jaqen sighs acceptance. Ser Amory opens the door to Tywin’s chamber and then collapses forward with a dart in his neck. Tywin calls for his guard.

king’s landing

Meanwhile, the royal court including King Joffrey Baratheon, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister, Prince Tommen Baratheon and Sansa Stark are at the docks seeing off Princess Myrcella Baratheon as she departs in a ship bound for Dorne. Myrcella sobs as she rows away from her family. As per Tyrion Lannister's plans, Myrcella will stay in Dorne with House Martell until she comes of age to fulfill the marriage alliance to their youngest son, Trystane Martell. Cersei is heartbroken and warns Tyrion that she will not forgive him for sending away her only daughter and insists that she hopes he will one day truly love someone so that she can inflict the pain of taking them away from him. The High Septon of the Faith of the Seven then offers a blessing for Myrcella’s departure. The streets of the capital city are overflowing with starving refugees from the War of the Five Kings, as Cersei ignored both Tyrion and Janos Slynt's earlier warnings that something had to be done to care for the starving peasants or there would be mounting discontent regarding her son's rule. As the royal party travels back to the Red Keep through the crowded streets, the starving refugees and commoners of King's Landing plead for bread and hurl insults at King Joffrey, and ultimately, someone throws cow excrement into Joffrey's face. A riot subsequently erupts and spreads throughout the city. The royal party's guards are soon overwhelmed, and Tyrion witnesses the High Septon being brutally torn apart by the angry mob. Joffrey, Cersei and Tyrion barely make it back to the castle unscathed. Tyrion is enraged by Joffrey's shocking stupidity, for massively overreacting to having cow dung thrown at him, only inciting more violence. Joffrey shrieks that Tyrion cannot speak to him in that way. Tyrion then slaps his nephew across the face. The scant two thousand City Watch guards have difficulty containing the riot, and chaos reigns throughout the city. Tyrion realizes to his horror that Sansa Stark was lost in the crowd and points out her importance as a hostage or the fact that if any harm comes to her, the Starks may retaliate by executing his brother, Ser Jaime Lannister. Amidst the chaos of the riot, Sansa is dragged away by a mob of angry men and is about to be raped, when Sandor "The Hound" Clegane arrives and slays her assailants. He carries Sansa to the castle and orders handmaids to take care of her. Tyrion thanks him for saving Sansa's life, but Sandor bluntly responds that he didn't do it for him. Later that evening, while tending to Sansa’s wounds, Shae insists that she is to trust nobody, as “life is safer that way.”

beyond the wall

Beyond the Wall, the scouting party of the Night's Watch led by Qhorin Halfhand has left the expeditionary base, their main force set up at the Fist of the First Men, and continues searching for the wildlings in the Frostfangs mountain range. Qhorin and his men, including Jon Snow, surround the camp of the wildling lookouts. Qhorin signals the attack and they swiftly kill all but one of the wildlings. Jon pins the survivor against a rock but stays his hand when he sees that his captive is a woman. Jon asks her name and learns that she is called Ygritte as Qhorin tells Jon that she was reaching for an axe when he stopped her and that given half a chance she will kill him. Qhorin asks what awaits them beyond the pass and Ygritte says that there are more free folk than they have ever seen, however, when Qhorin asks why they are in the Frostfangs, Ygritte does not answer. After Qhorin details the reason she must be killed, Jon says that he will do it himself. Qhorin leads the rest of his men away and tells Jon to meet them at the summit. Ygritte then asserts to Jon that he need not kill her because she is sure that her king Mance Rayder would take him in. He withdraws the point of his sword and Ygritte turns her neck towards him, asking him to strike hard and true. He then raises the blade and hesitantly strikes against the rock in front of Ygritte. She then hits his leg with a stone and runs off, however, after a quick chase he tackles her to the ground.

Later, as darkness falls, Jon leads the imprisoned wildling Ygritte across rocky ground, her arms bound to a rope he is holding. She asks if his brothers of the Night’s Watch have deserted him and offers to tell him which way to go. Jon informs Ygritte that they will sleep where they have stopped, as she then flirtatiously suggests that they would stay warm if they are close. With Jon showing no reaction to the suggestion, Ygritte asserts that he will freeze to death before she does, which eventually convinces Jon to lay beside her. When she asks if he thinks his Black Brothers are looking for him, Jon informs her that they will find him. Ygritte then calls him stupid but brave. Jon urges her to get some sleep before they start walking again at first light, however, Ygritte begins to wiggle her hips against his pelvis, as he then tells her to stop moving. She states that she was just trying to get comfortable but continues to repeat the action to his equal titillation and annoyance.


Meanwhile, in Qarth, Daenerys Targaryen paces in a courtyard of the Spice King’s manse, alongside Xaro Xhoan Daxos, as Kovarro stands guard for his impatient khaleesi. Xaro reminds her that she could have avoided requesting ships from the Spice King by marrying him instead. Daenerys says that she already has a husband and Xaro counters that she is too young to mourn Khal Drogo forever. The Spice King, in late fashion, descends the stairs and loudly greets Daenerys. She thanks him for being a gracious host and directs the discussion to her purpose by saying that she wants the use of his ships to reach Westeros. He sarcastically says that he needs his ships to move spices from port to port and that he applies logic to his business investments and sees her as a poor proposition because she lacks an army or support in Westeros. Daenerys offers to triple any investment he makes in her taking the Iron Throne but he insist that while he admires her passion he trusts in logic. He then dismisses her as a little princess as she angrily asserts her heritage and vows to take what is hers, with “fire and blood”. The Spice king replies that she might take it, but not with his ships.

After the meeting, Daenerys and Xaro walk through the gardens of his home as she describes her difficulty securing support from the merchants of Qarth. Along with the Spice King, the Copper King and the Silk King have also refused her. Xaro tells her that he came to Qarth with nothing and worked hand to mouth on the docks before attaining his fortune. He asks her if she believes the path from poverty to wealth is always pure and honorable, adding that he has done things righteous men would condemn but has no regrets. He then opens the door to a courtyard and Daenerys steps through to discover four of Xaro’s guards dead on the ground. Xaro calls for his men to bar the gates and sound the alarm as Daenerys rushes to her apartments and Kovarro  draws his arakh, following her. After passing two dead Dothraki on her steps she enters her room to find that her three dragons are missing from their cage and her handmaiden Irri lies dead on the floor. In panic, she screams out for her dragons. Meanwhile, somewhere else in the city, a hooded figure carries a large cloth covered box on his back up the stairs towards a stone tower. As the figure climbs the steps the stolen dragons inside the box cry out for their mother.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

I will take what is mine, with fire and blood I will take it
— Daenerys Targaryen
I want you to know what it’s like to love someone, to truly love someone, before I take her from you
— Cersei Lannister
We’ve had vicious kings, and we’ve had idiot kings, but I don’t know if we’ve ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king!
— Tyrion Lannister
We’ll stay warmer if we stay close. Bet you freeze to death before I do
— Ygritte
Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy. Now you are truly lost
— Rodrik Cassel
A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing. A man cannot make a thing happen before its time
— Jaqen H'ghar

 episode six music


 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The title refers to the Old Gods worshiped primarily in the North and the Seven-Faced god of the Faith of the Seven, also referred to as the New God or Gods. In the series their oaths featured in the preceding episode "The Ghost of Harrenhal."

  • The episode won a Creative Arts Emmy Award for Make-Up (Non-Prosthetic) in September 2012.

  • When Tyrion admonishes Joffrey that if Sansa dies the Starks will kill his captive "uncle" Jaime, saying "You owe him quite a bit, you know!". This is a callback to the Season 2 premiere, "The North Remembers," in which Joffrey told Cersei that he'd heard of the "rumors" being spread by Stannis that Joffrey is really Jaime's bastard son; he just refused to believe they could be true. Joffrey scowls at Tyrion's insinuation about his relationship to Jaime.

  • The first time that Sansa is called "little bird." Sandor "the Hound" Clegane is the only character who calls her by that nickname.

  • The scenes depicting Jon and Qhorin beyond the Wall are filmed on-location in Iceland. The frozen landscape and glaciers in the background are real, not CGI or a matte painting.

  • The letter on troop movements in the war that Arya steals from Tywin's desk reads: "Marching ten thousand west to Lannisport through the Tooth (Golden Tooth). Estimate to reach you by week's end. Scouts report Robb Stark moving troops south by coast. Alert Serrett he should turn east at Silverhill." House Serrett are the lords of Silverhill, located in the southern Westerlands, south-east of Lannisport.

  • In "What Is Dead May Never Die" Balon Greyjoy orders Yara to seize Deepwood Motte. Although it is not explicitly mentioned in the show, Theon's order to Luwin in this episode "send a raven to Pyke informing my father of my victory here and one to Deepwood Motte to my sister" confirm that Yara has accomplished the mission off-screen; it is unclear, though, whether it occurred before or after Theon seized Winterfell, and no other details are given about it.

  • Similarly, the capture of Moat Cailin by the ironborn also happens off-screen at unknown point of the plotline, and without specific details. In contrast to Deepwood Motte, Balon does not give anyone specific orders (at least not on-screen) to seize Moat Cailin, and there is no mentioning in the show that it has been captured till Season 4 episode "The Lion and the Rose"; the only source of information of that military action is Season 2 bluray: War of the Five Kings feature.

  • Irri does not die in the books. It was reported that this was not a creative choice but forced, because actress Amrita Acharia had to leave production due to not being able to obtain Norwegian citizenship (even though most of her family has it), and thus not being able to extend her EU work visa. However, Acharia denied this false rumor in a Reddit AMA, calling it "completely wrong" and stating that she does have Norwegian citizenship, and that there were no visa issues.

  • According an interview Amrita Acharia gave after this episode aired, a death scene for Irri was actually filmed but was not included in the final edit of the episode: "I’m waiting for Daenerys to come back so I’m running up the stairs. “Khaleesi, are you back yet?” And the dragons are gone. Out of nowhere, there’s a noose around my neck. I think it’s hard to be strangled on screen because obviously to an extent to make it look real, you really have to be a bit strangled. So I had massive bruises on my neck the next day. I was proud. Battle scars. Death scenes are fun." Acharia also pointed out that the Daenerys/Irri sex scene which occurred in the third novel will now never happen.

    • A deleted scene later surfaced revealing that it was actually Doreah who personally strangled Irri to death, instead of just indirectly betraying her to her death. As this is from a deleted scene it is not canonical and should not be considered to have actually happened.

  • Upon receiving the bad news about the fall of Winterfell and Ser Rodrik's death, Catelyn exclaims: "I told you, never trust a Greyjoy!". Catelyn never said that: in "The North Remembers" she told Robb that Balon Greyjoy was untrustworthy; she did not tell Robb that he should not trust Theon or the Greyjoys in general.

  • Daenerys tells the Spice King that she will take what is hers "with fire and blood". This is perhaps a reference to the house words of the Targaryens - "Fire and Blood".