‘the ghost of harrenhal’

Directed By: David Petrarca / Written By: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss
Original Airdate: April 29, 2012
A bloody end to the Baratheon sibling rivalry drives Catelyn Stark to flee with Brienne of Tarth from the Stormlands as Littlefinger has to act quickly to forge a new alliance. At King's Landing, Tyrion Lannister's source alerts him to King Joffrey Baratheon's flawed defense plan against his uncle Stannis as well as a mysterious secret weapon. On the Iron Islands, Theon Greyoy must prove his salt and sail to the Stony Shore to prove he's worthy to be called Ironborn. In Harrenhal, as Tywin Lannister’s new cupbearer, Arya Stark receives a promise from Jaqen H'ghar, one of three prisoners she saved from the Gold Cloaks. Beyond the Wall, the Night's Watch arrive at the Fist of the First Men, an ancient fortress where they hope to stem the advance of the wildling army.

main cast


the iron islands
On the Iron Islands, after having left his home of Pyke, Theon Greyjoy looks at his new ship as she rests at anchor off Lordsport when a group of sailors exit a tavern. One sailor named Black Lorren asks Theon where he and his men are headed, as Theon informs him that they have been commanded by Lord Balon Greyjoy to raid along the Stony Shore. With intention of recruiting Theon promises the sailors gold and women, if they do their jobs well. Yara Greyjoy then arrives and congratulates Theon on his first command, and he thanks her for coming to see him off. She questions the loyalty of Theon’s crew, and he has no answer. Dagmer Cleftjaw emerges from the tavern and offers to take Theon to the ship and suggests that Torrhen’s Square lies near to the Stony Shore. Theon says that they could take it but would only be able to hold it for a few days. He explains that Winterfell would hear of their victory, and then House Stark would send men of their own to take it back. Theon considers this opportunity, and then instructs Dagmer to take him to his ship.

Now settled into her host Xaro Xhoan Daxos’ manse inside the walls of Qarth, Daenerys Targaryen instructs her young dragon Drogon to breathe flame on the meat by saying “dracarys”, the High Valyrian word for dragon fire. Drogon does as she commands, charring the meat and is able to feed himself from now on. Doreah informs Daenerys the dress on her bed was made for her as a gift from Xaro. Daenerys recalls her gift from Illyrio Mopatis, saying that the last time a rich man gave her a gown it was because he intended to sell her into marriage with Khal Drogo and then instucts Doreah to seduce some of Xaro’s fellow citizens to obtain more information. Xaro then hosts a reception for Daenerys in his gardens when Pyat Pree approaches to welcome her on behalf of the Warlocks of Qarth. He reaches for her hand and offers a demonstration of their power. After placing an emerald jewel into her palm, Pyat asks her to look deeply into it. He declares that she might see herself within its many facets. An identical copy of Pyat Pree then seemingly appears from nowhere across the garden. It speaks with his voice, saying that you might see yourself more than once. The first Pyat Pree then invites her to visit the House of the Undying before he exits. Daenerys asks Xaro what the House of the Undying is and Xaro dismisses it as the dusty library of the warlocks.
On the way to bringing Daenerys to a Valyrian stone vault below his mansion, Xaro enquires how long she’s known that her advisor Jorah Mormont has been in love with her. She denies this as fact. At the vault Xaro says that the only thing that opens the door is the key he wears around his neck. Daenerys wonders what is inside and if he plans to give her all of his wealth. He says that she can have half and that she only needs to marry him. She laughs at the unromantic proposal as he informs that he came from nothing but has the wealth to fulfil her ambitions. Xaro then tells her that the time is right to inform her of the death of King Robert Baratheon. Daenerys returns to her bed chamber and seeks the counsel of Ser Jorah who warns against attempting to take the throne with a bought army and accepting the reports of Xaro. Daenerys warns him not to speak to her like a child as Jorah says that he only wants to see her on the throne. She asks why and he describes how he sees her, saying that although she denies it she has a gentle heart and would be a great ruler. Jorah adds that he sometimes looks at her and cannot believe she is real. His honest admission of his feelings creates an awkward atmosphere. He insists that she should find her own way back with a single ship and can win the allies that she needs in Westeros. Ser Jorah then adds that he will leave Qarth to find a good ship with an honest captain.

Meanwhile, in the great hall of Winterfell, Prince Bran Stark holds court for his people. After having seen everyone Bran informs Maester Luwin that he is going to go for a ride before dark and calls for Hodor. Before his exit, Ser Rodrik Cassel enters the great hall calling for Bran and reports that Torrhen’s Square is under siege, as Bran then insists that they must help their bannermen. Rodrik nods agreement and says that even with most of their forces fighting for his brother, King Robb Stark, he can gather two-hundred decent men. Afterwards, Hodor then carries Bran across to the stables. Osha walks with them and Bran questions her about the significance of his dreams. Osha says that must make the dream meaningless and Bran accuses her of lying. Bran says that she did not give him an honest answer and she quibbles that it is not the same as being a liar and establishes that his dreams have featured the three eyed raven. Bran asks her what they say about the three eyed raven north of the Wall. She refuses to answer, saying only that they say all kinds of crazy things beyond the Wall.

the stormlands
Meanwhile, King Renly Baratheon's camp is a hive of activity as his troops prepare for the coming battle against the forces of his brother King Stannis Baratheon in darkness. Renly has Catelyn Stark swear that her son, King Robb, has no interest in challenging him for the Iron Throne. Renly rises and then stands before a mirror while Brienne of Tarth helps him out of his cloak. An unnatural gust parts the tents opening and black smoke rushes inside. Catelyn and Brienne are stunned while Renly watches transfixed in his mirror. The smoke eventually coalesces into a human shape, as it once did after Melisandre gave birth to it. The mystical creature, whose face resembles Stannis, then stabs Renly through the chest. The smoke dissipates and Renly collapses forward to his death. The guards rush in and assume Brienne is responsible, threatening her life. She fights both of them off, swiftly killing them. Catelyn comforts her and implores her to leave, fearing that Brienne will be hanged as result. Brienne refuses to leave Renly’s side until Catelyn tells her that she cannot avenge him if she is dead.
Afterwards, Lord Petyr Baelish watches from the clifftop as King Stannis Baratheon’s fleet approaches the coast at dawn. Renly's army disintegrates, with the forces of House Tyrell fleeing to Highgarden and the rest of his bannermen joining his brother King Stannis. He joins Margaery and Loras Tyrell as they grieve over Renly’s body. As Loras claims revenge for his lovers’ death Margaery says that Renly did not win his claim and that she was never truly a queen. Littlefinger asks her if she wants to be a queen and she responds that she wants to be “the Queen.” She finally turns her gaze to him, and he smiles back at her.
Some time later, upon arrival, Ser Davos Seaworth walks through Renly’s camp with Stannis, who has assumed control of the camp and Renly’s army. Davos says that he needs to speak to Stannis about what happened in the cave. Stannis reminds Davos that he instructed him not to speak of it and says that his enemies will no longer be able to resist him and that he will soon be sitting on the Iron Throne. Davos warns that nothing is worth the cost that Stannis will endure and then explains that having Melisandre at his side when he takes King's Landing will make her responsible for the victory. Stannis considers his words for a moment and then announces that they will move without Melisandre. He then assigns Davos to lead the fleet into Blackwater Bay.
Some time following their escape from Renly’s camp, Lady Catelyn and Brienne of Tarth stop by a river to water their horses. Brienne insists that the shadow resembled Stannis Baratheon, however, Catelyn is unconvinced, adding that they should be one more days ride from Robb’s camp and will report she has seen and then return to Winterfell, as her sons need her. Brienne confides that she did not know her mother and Catelyn sympathises that her mother died on the birthing bed when she was very young. Brienne asks if Catelyn will give her leave to pursue Stannis but Catelyn warns Brienne that Stannis has a great army. Brienne asserts that she is as good as any of Stannis’ guards and self recriminates about fleeing with Catelyn who then reassures Brienne that she cannot be faulted for Renly’s death, adding that she serves no-one by following him into the earth. Catelyn says that Renly’s enemies remain Robb’s enemies. Brienne says that while she does not know Robb she would be willing to serve Catelyn. She says that Catelyn has a woman’s courage and asks her not to hold her back from Stannis when the time comes. Catelyn promises as asked and Brienne lays her sword on the ground between them. She swears an oath of fealty to Catelyn before the old gods and the new. Catelyn takes Brienne’s hand and reciprocates the oath.

the fist of the first men
The men of the Night's Watch march through deep snow to the Fist of the First Men. Lord Commander Jeor Mormont tells Jon Snow that Qhorin Halfhand cannot have arrived to meet them or he would have sounded his horn. Having reached the fortified summit the rangers prepare their camp. Samwell Tarly is amazed at being in such an ancient place, telling his companions that it was fortified by the First Men in the long winter thousands and thousands of years earlier. A horn sounds, halting the rangers. Jon pauses before saying that a single blast is for rangers returning while wildlings would have triggered two blasts. Sam adds that three blasts are used for White Walkers as he read it in a book. Qhorin then approaches and reports sighting something on a distant mountain to Mormont. He cautions that if the wildling scouts see them the fire will grow into a warning beacon for their king Mance Rayder. Jeor asks how many wildlings have joined Mance and Qhorin says that it seems that they all have and advises they sneak in to the wildling camp and kill Mance to scatter his army before it can march on the Wall. Jon requests to join Qhorin and Jeor reminds him of his responsibilities as a steward. Jon confidently counters that he has killed a wight, unlike many rangers. Sam offers to take on Jon’s duties and Jeor agrees to let him go. He tells Jon that he hopes he will make a better ranger than he did a steward.

king’s landing
Meanwhile, inside the Red Keep of King’s Landing, Tyrion Lannister joins his sister Cersei Lannister on a balcony in her chambers to deliver the news of Renly Baratheon’s death. He elaborates that some say Catelyn Stark was responsible, some blame a member of Renly’s Kingsguard and others say that it was Stannis Baratheon himself. Tyrion warns her that Lord Varys had a less positive reaction, warning that Renly’s armies are joining Stannis. Cersei then attempts to change the subject, asking if Tyrion should be doing something else like sealing her daughter Myrcella Baratheon in a crate so that she can be shipped away. Tyrion insist to Cersei again that his niece will be safer in Dorne and then returns the discussion to the pressing threat of attack and their need to ready the city for assault. Cersei says that Tyrion need not concern himself over it and that King Joffrey Baratheon is preparing the siege preparations personally. Tyrion asks for specifics and Cersei refuses to discuss it. However, Tyrion’s cousin and spy Lancel Lannister later admits that Cersei has met with the Alchemists' Guild and they have stored thousands of pots of wildfire.
Afterwards, Tyrion and Bronn visit Wisdom Hallyne in the basement of the Guildhall of the Alchemists to discuss wildfire. As Tyrion holds a vial of the green wildfire he recalls an old sailor’s proverb “Piss on wildfire and your cock burns off.” Hallyne says that he has never conducted that particular experiment, but he adds that it could be true because the substance burns so hot that it can melt wood, stone, steel and flesh. Hallyne adds that wildfire was the key to the power of House Targaryen after their dragons died out and the Guild has been perfecting it since the reign of King Maegor Targaryen. Bronn asks what the purpose of wildfire is and Hallyne says that it can be used in catapults. Tyrion asks how much they have and Hallyne picks up a lamp to lead them deeper into the guild’s tunnels. Once they reach the cellar Hallyne opens the door to reveal rows upon rows of shelves filled with pots of wildfire. Tyrion steps in and looks about in wonder as Hallyne informs that they have been working tirelessly since receiving Cersei’s orders and have amassed 7,800 pots. Bronn repeats his fears about it being a bad idea as Tyrion informs Hallyne that they will no longer be making wildfire for his sister. They will now be making it for him in secrecy.

At Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister hosts a war council with five of his officers within his chambers as Arya Stark serves them food, acting as Tywin’s cupbearer. Tywin rejects a suggestion stating that the Starks will struggle to sustain their army through winter, saying that the Northmen are more capable than they are of coping with cold. Amory Lorch says that their spies have reported growing discontent amongst the Northern Lords, who want to return home to gather the harvest. Tywin is dismissive, saying that they are at war and no-one is content. Tywin then informs that they have underestimated Robb Stark for too long, adding that their enemy has a good mind for warfare and is worshiped by his men. Arya brings a jug of wine to the table and Tywin halts her to ask where she is from. She claims to have grown up in Maidenpool. He questions her about the lords of Maidenpool, testing her truthfulness. She is able to name House Mooton, but cannot recall their sigil. He says that she is a northerner and again asks her where she is from. This time she claims to be from Barrowton, ruled by House Dustin and correctly states their sigil. Satisfied, he then asks her for a northerner’s view of Robb Stark as Arya says that Robb is known as the young wolf and is said to ride into battle on the back of a giant direwolf. She adds that they say that he cannot be killed. When Tywin asks what she believes, she says that anyone can be killed.
On the walkway outside Arya sees Jaqen H’ghar approaching in Lannister armor and hides from him. When she reaches the water butt, she finds a helmet and realizes that Jaqen has left it behind. He returns and cautions her to keep his identity secret, adding that he kept her secret when hiding as a boy. He then informs that a man pays his debts and that he owes her three. Arya misunderstands him and he explains that only death can pay for life and that she saved him and the two other prisoners. He means to repay both her and the Red God by taking three lives on her behalf. She is intrigued at the idea of being able to choose anyone. She asks Jaqen to kill the Tickler, Ser Gregor Clegane's interrogator. Later on, Arya watches Gendry tempering a newly forged blade in the smithy at Harrenhal. He swings the blade and she criticizes his stance, telling him he should be stood side face. He wonders who she thinks he is fighting and she counters that he is practicing for a fight and should do it properly. A woman screams in the adjacent courtyard and they rush to see what has happened. They find the body of the Tickler surrounded by Lannister men-at-arms. Hot Pie is among the stunned onlookers. Arya looks up at the ramparts and sees Jaqen casually eating an apple. He puts a single finger to his face. She smiles down at the justice she has wrought on the torturer.
*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

“There are times when I look at you and I still can’t believe you’re real”
“Speak three names, and a man will do the rest”
“He’s gone, Brienne. You serve nothing and no one by following him into the earth”
“No. I want to be the queen”
“Loyal service means telling hard truths”
“They shall come day and night to see the wonder born into the world again. And when they see they shall lust, for dragons are fire made flesh, and fire is power”

episode five music

inside the episode

did you know?
In the novel "A Clash of Kings", the series of murders at Harrenhal perpetrated by Jaqen H'ghar are attributed to a ghost. The episode features the murder of the Tickler by Jaqen at Arya Stark's request.
In the book, Arya self-encouragingly calls herself "the ghost in Harrenhal".
This episode marks the death of King Renly Baratheon.
The night this episode aired, actor Finn Jones (who plays Renly's lover, Ser Loras Tyrell) posted to his Twitter account, "When the sun has set, no candle can replace it." This is actually a famous quote that Loras uses later in the book series.
Renly's death reduces the number of factions in the war to four: Joffrey Baratheon, Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy, and Stannis Baratheon. Of course, due to geography if not ideology, Stannis isn't actively fighting Robb, because they're on opposite sides of the Lannisters' position in the middle of the continent.
This only includes the factions that are currently fighting each other in open warfare. House Tyrell, House Martell, and House Arryn are still active players in the ongoing political machinations of Westeros, e.g. Margaery Tyrell in this episode.
For the first time since she left Pentos, Daenerys is brought up to speed on the current political situation in Westeros, including the death of Robert Baratheon, and the fact that four rival kings now vie for the throne (word of Renly's death evidently not having reached across the Narrow Sea yet).
Daenerys says "Dracarys" to Drogon, the young dragon, to encourage him to breathe fire. Dracarys (pronounced "drah-KAH-ris") is the High Valyrian word for dragonfire.
When Renly is meeting with Catelyn Stark, he says that the oath of fealty he wants Robb to swear will be the same one that Eddard Stark swore to Robert Baratheon "eighteen years ago". In Season 1, the events of Robert's Rebellion were consistently said to have occurred seventeen years ago. This reflects the passage of time by Season 2.
Bronn refers to what Joffrey did to the "birthday present" that Tyrion sent him (which occurred in the preceding episode). In the culture of the Seven Kingdoms, people actually use the term "nameday", not "birthday", because babies are named on the day they are born. "Nameday" has been consistently used on-screen throughout Season 1 and Season 2. This may have just been a dialogue error by the actor.
Wisdom Hallyne, the head of the Alchemists' Guild, is played by Roy Dotrice, who narrated the audiobook versions of all five novels currently in the A Song of Ice and Fire series (and thus in a sense is "reprising" his role as Hallyne). Roy Dotrice was originally supposed to play the role of Grand Maester Pycelle, but fell ill shortly before production on the TV series began and had to decline. His health later recovered, however, allowing him to join the cast as Hallyne.
This is the only episode in which House Tallhart is mentioned (by Dagmer).
This is the second and last time in the show (following "The Night Lands") that the ironborn are referred to as "iron islanders". This phrase is never used in the books.
It is the first time that Daenerys is referred to as "First of Her Name".
According to the novels and "Blood & Fire", there were two more Targaryen princesses called Daenerys: the first was the secondborn child of King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne, who died in the age of seven as a result of a deadly plague known as "Shivers"; the second was the daughter of King Aegon IV. Since both never ruled as queens, Daenerys Stormborn is not the "Third of Her Name" but the first.