Portrayed by Finn Jones
Status: Deceased
Origin: Highgarden
Episode Appearances: 20
First Seen: ‘The Wolf and the Lion’
Last Seen: ‘The Winds of Winter’
Ser Loras Tyrell is the son of Lady Alerie Hightower and Lord Mace Tyrell, the Lord Paramount of the Reach and Warden of the South. The Reach is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Tyrell is one of the Great Houses of the realm. Loras was raised under privilege in the family seat and regional capital of Highgarden. Loras is the heir to Highgarden, as well as the Tyrell lands and titles. His status, along with his skills as a tournament knight and his good looks, makes him possibly the most sought-after bachelor in all of Westeros.
As a skilled knight famed for his many tournament victories and ostentatious showmanship, Loras is very popular with the smallfolk and with young women in particular. Regarded as one of the most skilled knights in the Seven Kingdoms, Loras is one of the few who has on rare occasion managed to defeat the formidable Ser Jaime Lannister in a joust. He is commonly known as the "Knight of the Flowers," as a rose is the sigil of House Tyrell and he thus wears armor elaborately engraved with flowers. Ser Loras is the former squire and current lover to Lord Renly Baratheon, the younger brother of King Robert Baratheon. Their relationship is carried with discretion as result of its socially distasteful nature.

inside the character

season one / two

In the capital city of King’s Landing, the famed knight Ser Loras Tyrell attends a tournament that is being held for the new Hand of the King, Lord Eddard Stark. Eddard himself sits next to his daughter Sansa Stark as the competitors arrive for the first joust: Ser Loras, the Knight of Flowers, and Ser Gregor Clegane, also known as the Mountain for his sheer size and strength. Ser Loras gives Sansa Stark a red rose whilst exchanging a look with his secret lover, Lord Renly Baratheon in the stands, the younger brother to King Robert Baratheon. Renly takes a bet against an advisor to the king named Lord Petyr Baelish, who favors Clegane. The joust begins and Loras quickly unseats Gregor, whose horse falls to the ground. Renly cackles in delight while Baelish tells Sansa that it was clever of Loras to ride a mare in heat, as it threw Gregor’s stallion into confusion. Ser Gregor finally gets up. Furious, he summons his squire with his sword and then decapitates his horse in a rage. Gregor then smashes Ser Loras off his horse and attacks him with his sword. Loras is barely able to raise his shield in time. Before he can be overwhelmed, however, Gregor's brother, Sandor Clegane, jumps in the way and the two siblings, who share a violent history, exchange blows for several moments before King Robert orders them to stop. Sandor immediately kneels and Gregor storms off the field in anger. Ser Loras thanks Sandor and holds his arm aloft to be cheered by the commons over their shared victory.
Afterwards, Loras visits Lord Renly’s private quarters as he shaves Renly’s chest for him. Renly informs the Tyrell knight about the small council meeting and his brother Robert’s decision to kill an exiled Targaryen princess named Daenerys. Loras thinks Renly is jealous, however, the youngest Baratheon sibling insists that Robert and their older brother Stannis Baratheon believe that no-one is a man unless they've been to war. Renly adds that Robert was rather distasteful with the decision to kill Daenerys, and jokes that when the king talked about killing her the table lifted six inches. Loras admits that it's a shame Robert cannot muster the same enthusiasm for his wife, Queen Cersei Lannister. Renly grants that the Lannisters do have an outrageous amount of money, despite being unpleasant in every other respect. As Loras then begins to undress Renly, he declares that Renly would make a wonderful king, insisting that he is kind and just, but also resolute when needed and does not love killing for the sake of it. Loras then explains that his father, Lord Mace Tyrell, could bankroll his claim and Loras would fight for him. Renly, however, points out that he’s fourth in line of the succession.
Several months later, following the assassination of King Robert and execution of Lord Eddard at the hands of the Lannisters, Ser Loras has fled with Renly to the Stormlands. Following Loras’ advice, Renly now lays claim to the Iron Throne, which is now occupied by Queen Cersei’s eldest son, Joffrey Baratheon. Eddard’s execution followed his discovery that Cersei’s three children were not King Robert’s and are actually a product of incest from her twin brother Ser Jaime Lannister. As result, this has sparked the start of the War of the Five Kings, which also includes Renly’s older brother Stannis, who rivals Renly and the illegitimate King Joffrey for the throne as well. Catelyn Stark, the mother of the king in the North, Robb Stark, arrives at King Renly’s camp in the Stormlands and she finds his men watching a duel between two fully armored knights. Renly and his new queen, Margaery Tyrell, watch from a wooden dais. Margaery stands and cheers for her brother Loras as he disarms his opponent. His rival manages to step under a swing of his great axe and knock him off his feet. When Loras yields and both combatants remove their helms, the crowd is shocked when the fighter is revealed to be a woman: Brienne of Tarth. Queen Margaery insists that her brother fought valiantly, as Renly agrees with her. He then names Brienne champion and offers to grant anything that she requests. Brienne asks to join his Kingsguard and he accepts, much to Loras’ chagrin.

Later that evening, Renly passionately starts to undress Loras and notes his badly bruised chest before kissing the marks. Loras stops him and complains about Brienne's appointment to the Kingsguard being a further humiliation after she bested him in the tournament. Renly cites Brienne's devotion and then realizes that Loras is jealous. Loras denies jealousy, mocking her as "Brienne the Beauty". Renly begins to undo Loras's britches, saying that he will make it up to him. Loras stops him again and insists that Renly must devote his attentions to another Tyrell tonight. He reminds Renly of his responsibilities to their alliance and warns him that his vassals are gossiping about his bride Margaery still being a virgin two weeks after their marriage. Renly is disbelieving of Margaery's virginity, however, Loras states that his sister is still officially a virgin, before going to fetch her. When Margaery then attempts to seduce Renly, he blames the wine for his lack of arousal. To his surprise, she offers bring Loras back in to assist. Renly is stunned with her forwardness when Margaery suggests turning over so that he can pretend that she is Loras. He claims to not understand what she means, however, Margaery insists that he can be open with her and should save his lies for court. She then states that their enemies will be thwarted if he gets her pregnant and offers him the choice of how he would like to do it: with her alone, or with her and Loras together. Margaery expresses that he can choose either because he is a king, as she then sensitively kisses him on the cheek.
Some days later, Ser Loras and Queen Margaery walk through the camp as night falls. They find Lord Baelish waiting for Margaery, as Loras then leaves her to enter Renly’s tent. “Littlefinger,” who is now an advisor to King Joffrey, asks Margaery for help finding his tent. He then notes her reference in having her own tent, questioning the status of her marriage and suggesting if the pressures of command keeps Renly from sharing a bed with her. Margaery informs that, while naive to warfare, she thinks that the side with the greater number usually wins. Baelish counters that if warfare were simply arithmetic, then mathematicians would rule the world. He then questions Ser Loras entering Renly’s tent, as Margaery retorts that the place of a Kingsguard is by his king’s side. Littlefinger rhetorically asks who was at the king’s side on their wedding night, as Margaery questions his interest in their marriage. Baelish states that it is quite interesting to both him and the realm, as he needles that the marriage of a wealthy girl always breeds interest, if nothing else. After asserting her devotion to Renly as her husband and king, Margaery leaves Littlefinger outside of his tent.
The following morning, Loras and Brienne escort King Renly and Catelyn Stark to their parley with Stannis Baratheon on the coast of the Stormlands. Renly looks at his brother’s banners and wonders why Stannis’ version of the stag is aflame. A Red Priestess named Melisandre explains that Stannis has taken the fiery heart of the Lord of Light for his sigil. After looking upon the beautiful priestess, Renly jokes that he now knows why Stannis has found religion late in life. Melisandre admonishes Renly to kneel before the “Lord’s chosen” and states that Stannis was born amidst salt and smoke. When Renly jokes that she makes Stannis sound like a ham, Stannis warns his brother of his tongue, as Catelyn then admonishes them to stop bickering and remember that they are brothers. She urges that they share a common enemy in King Joffrey and the Lannisters, as Stannis retorts that all who deny him the throne are his enemies. Renly then declares that no-one wants Stannis for their king and that a man without friends is a man without power. Stannis insists that he will give Renly the night to reconsider and offers to restore Renly to his seat on the small council in King’s Landing and will also name him as his heir. Stannis then adds that if Renly does not kneel he will destroy him. Renly reminds Stannis of his numerous supporters and says that they will make him king. Before departing, Melisandre warns Renly to look to his sins because "The night is dark and full of terrors."

Some time later, King Renly's camp prepares for the coming battle with the forces of his brother Stannis. Lady Catelyn meets with Renly in his command tent while Brienne stands watch inside. Renly has Catelyn swear that her son, Robb Stark, has no interest in challenging him for the Iron Throne, as House Stark seek Northern independence from the crown. Renly then stands before a mirror as Brienne helps him out of his cloak. Suddenly an unnatural gust parts the tents opening and black smoke rushes inside. Catelyn and Brienne are stunned while Renly watches transfixed in his mirror. The smoke coalesces into a human shape and stabs Renly through the chest from behind. In the mirror, a dying Renly can see that its face resembles his brother Stannis. The smoke dissipates and Renly collapses to the ground. The guards then rush into the tent to find Brienne kneeling over Renly’s dead body and threaten her life. Brienne is forced to swiftly kill them both after they attack, and she then returns to Renly’s side. Catelyn implores Brienne to leave, fearing that she will be blamed for Renly’s death, adding that she cannot avenge him if she is dead. Brienne then guides Catelyn out of the tent through a concealed exit.
The following morning, Lord Baelish watches from the clifftop as Stannis Baratheon’s fleet approaches the coast. Renly's army quickly disintegrates following his murder, with the forces of House Tyrell fleeing to their home of Highgarden and the rest of his bannermen joining Stannis. Inside the command tent, Loras stands vigil for his lover while Renly’s widow, Margaery, paces anxiously behind her brother. Littlefinger then enters and informs the siblings that Stannis is closeby, as Loras asserts that he will not run from Stannis and neither he nor Margaery believe that Brienne was responsible. Littlefinger asks Loras what he most desires and learns that it is revenge. Baelish assures the Tyrell knight that he’s always found revenge to be a pure motivation, but cautions Loras to be smart if he wants justice. After Loras exits the tent, Margaery stares at Renly’s body and remarks on her husband's good looks and Littlefinger agrees with her, calling her “Your Grace.” Margaery solemnly informs him that Renly did not win his claim and that she was never truly a queen. Littlefinger asks her if she wants to be a queen, as she responds that she wants to be “the Queen.” She finally turns her gaze to him, with determination in her eyes, and Baelish knowingly smiles back at her. Some days later, Margaery checks in with her grieving brother, who blames himself for pushing Renly towards the throne. She stresses to Loras that while Renly was a “kind, sweet man,” he is now gone and House Tyrell needs him. After confessing his love for Renly, Loras sobs in his sister’s arms.
Several weeks later, Littlefinger is successful in alliance negotiations with the Tyrells, and their forces arrive in time to the capital of King’s Landing with Lord Tywin Lannister’s forces. Loras dons Renly's armor to fight alongside the Lannisters in the Battle of the Blackwater, though Stannis himself escaped battle at the last minute. Loras accompanies Lord Tywin to the throne room to announce their victory. Some days later, King Joffrey hosts their new allies in the throne room and awards Baelish in front of the royal court for his service in brokering the alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell. When Joffrey invites Ser Loras to name his reward, the knight asks that the young king wed his sister Margaery in order to unite their houses. Margaery states that she’s heard of Joffrey's courage and has come to love him from afar, while Joffrey informs her that he has heard of her beauty and reciprocates her feelings. The king’s mother and Queen Regent, Cersei Lannister, theatrically intervenes to assert that the small council have agreed that it would be improper for Joffrey to wed Sansa Stark as planned, citing the recent “treachery” of House Stark. The king plays along and agrees to wed Lady Margaery instead, to her delight. In private, Sansa is overjoyed to be free from the sadistic king, until Baelish stresses that, if anything, she is in more danger without protection of her engagement. However, Baelish does assure her that he will help her escape from the capital.

season three

Some time later, King Joffrey and his retinue are being carried in sedan chairs through the crowded streets of Flea Bottom, the capital's poorest district. They halt when Lady Margaery unexpectedly vacates her chair as she wishes to visit an orphanage. Once inside, Margaery talks to a young boy whose father was killed during battle. Margaery gives him a toy knight and says his father fought to protect the city from bad men. She then tells the children they will be cared for and the sacrifice of their fathers will not be forgotten as toys are handed out to the rest of the orphans. That evening, Ser Loras and Margaery host a private dinner for King Joffrey and his mother Cersei, where the siblings discuss adapting to life in King's Landing. When Cersei criticizes Margaery's recent goodwill visit to Flea Bottom, Loras waxes poetic about his sister's charitable work in the Reach. Joffrey seems placated by Loras's words, however, Cersei is not. The Queen Regent’s enmity is increased when Margaery states that Tyrell blood runs warm (implying Cersei's has a cold-blooded in nature). Loras and Margaery are then pleased to hear that hundreds of wagons stuffed with food and supplies are being sent by House Tyrell in their support of aiding the capital. After trading veiled insults with both her son and future daughter-in-law, it becomes clear that Cersei doesn't trust the Tyrell siblings.
Days later, Sansa Stark is escorted by Ser Loras to meet with Margaery and their grandmother, Lady Olenna Tyrell. During their walk, Sansa tries to remind Loras of their first meeting at the Hand's Tourney many months before. Although Loras has clearly forgotten about it, he plays along to avoid insulting her. He takes his leave when Margaery meets them in the gardens. Lady Olenna, who is a cunning and intelligent woman that speaks her mind, bluntly states that her son, Lord Mace Tyrell, was a fool for supporting Renly Baratheon's claim to the throne, despite being betrothed to Margaery before his death. Olenna then asks Sansa tell her the truth about what King Joffrey is like, as he is to now marry Margaery. Sansa is initially reluctant but then breaks down and angrily recounts how Joffrey had said he would show her father Eddard Stark mercy, only to behead him in front of her. After Olenna’s insistence that she can trust her not to repeat whatever is said, Sansa blurts out that King Joffrey is "a monster.” Olenna is disappointed, but entirely unsurprised, given the rumors about Joffrey's public outbursts. Sansa is worried that this means House Tyrell will cancel their proposed marriage alliance, which could mean Sansa will be stuck with Joffrey again. However, Olenna assures her that her son Mace is too intent on Lady Margaery entering into a royal marriage to cancel it for anything.
Weeks later, Lady Olenna walks through the gardens with Lord Varys, an advisor to King Joffrey, and while polite, she instantly sees through his niceties, asking him to get to the point. Varys expresses concern that Lord Baelish is going to try to take control of Sansa since the war is not going well for the Starks, and if King Robb were to be defeated, the man who controls Sansa ultimately will control the North. While they are all engaged in the intrigues of court politics, Baelish has utterly no limits on what he will do to achieve power: he would burn the entire realm down if it meant he could be king of the ashes. Olenna agrees and asserts that the solution is rather obvious. Shortly after, Lady Margaery finds Sansa in the godswood outside the Red Keep and dismisses the Lannister guards, threatening to tell the king that they refused her if they don't leave. She invites Sansa to visit her home of Highgarden someday. Sansa is confused, as “Queen Cersei” won't allow her to leave the city, but Margaery wryly points out that the “Queen Regent” might not want her to, but once she is queen she’d happily share Highgarden's pageantry with a friend... “or a sister.” Margaery points out that if Sansa were to marry Ser Loras, then she would belong in Highgarden anyway. The thought of finally escaping Lannister captivity and becoming a Tyrell makes Sansa choke out tears of joy.

Some days later, apparently willing to go along with the plan, Ser Loras invites Sansa to watch him spar, although out of earshot he laments that he doesn't have a real challenge. While Margaery and Sansa discuss their impending weddings, Loras meets his new squire, Olyvar, who flirtatiously states that he would like to see Loras spar with a worthy opponent. Afterwards, Loras and Olyvar share sexual encounter in private, where he informs his squire of his new engagement. Loras asks how Olyvar realized that he preferred the company of men, as even his intended bride has no idea of his proclivities. Olyvar assures him that the situation is actually more common than is typically realized. Later on, Olyvar then passes the new of Loras’ engagement on to his true employer: Littlefinger. Following this, Lord Baelish then meets with Sansa, offering her a place on his ship that will take him from the capital, to the Vale of Arryn. An unexpectedly calculated Sansa tells him that they should wait until after Joffrey's wedding, primarily because she fears for his safety if the plan fails. A master manipulator, Littlefinger is clearly suspicious of her motives, but doesn't press the matter. Instead, he says he is touched by her concern for his safety, insisting that she call him "Petyr." Unbeknownst to Sansa, the plan to wed Loras then fails when Cersei grows increasingly suspicious of the Tyrells after learning of the arrangement through Baelish. This news prompts Lord Tywin Lannister to arrange for Cersei instead to marry Loras and Tyrion Lannister is now to wed Sansa, in order to curb the ambitions of House Tyrell and to bind two great houses closer to the Lannisters.
Ser Loras and Sansa begin to spend more time together in the following weeks, not yet having been made aware of their new marriage plans put into motion by Tywin Lannister. Outside in the gardens, Sansa attempts to get closer to Loras by discussing their impending wedding but Loras is clearly uncomfortable being so close to her. Loras, however, states that he has always wanted a big wedding with lots of guests and a good tournament, though he only seems to remember that there will be a bride involved once Sansa gives him an expectant look. She realizes that Loras seems more excited by the food and the wedding joust than by her. Regardless, Sansa then expresses her happiness and looks forward to moving to his home at Highgarden. With this sentiment, Loras agrees with Sansa, insisting that King's Landing is "the most terrible place there is." Shortly thereafter, Loras and Sansa are both made aware of the new arrangements, and both of them are extremely unhappy about the prospect of marrying into House Lannister.
Weeks later, Ser Loras stands beside Margaery and Olenna in the Great Sept of Baelor where Sansa weds Tyrion Lannister in front of the royal court. The ceremony itself is a grim affair, as King Joffrey smugly escorts Sansa to the altar in place of her late father Eddard. The young king then petulantly removes the stool upon which his dwarf uncle Tyrion was to stand on in order to cloak Sansa in Lannister colors, eliciting snickers from the congregation. Tyrion, in the face of humiliation, asks Sansa to kneel as he places the cloak around her. That evening at the wedding feast, Loras and Margaery are seated with his grandmother Olenna, who talks about what the dynamics of the Lannister and Tyrell families will be once Loras is married to Cersei. Olenna irritates Loras after reminding him that his sister is soon to be his stepdaughter-in-law. Margaery then shoots her grandmother a withering glare when Loras eventually storms out. Meanwhile, Tyrion spends the wedding feast mostly by getting deeply drunk. Once he notices Loras looking down upon the festivities from the upper gallery, Tyrion raises his glass in sympathy. Loras then finds Cersei alone on the upper gallery and looking out of the window into Blackwater Bay. When Loras approaches his betrothed in order to make small talk, Cersei wastes no time in brushing him off and walking away.

season FOUR

Some months later, Ser Loras attends King Joffrey and Queen Margaery's wedding ceremony, which takes place in the Great Sept. Conducted by the High Septon, they are wed in front of gods and men. Following the ceremony, the royals gather outside the Red Keep for a lavish wedding feast, where Lady Olenna and Lord Tywin discuss the extravagance of the union between their grandchildren. Meanwhile, Loras enjoys a brief flirtation from afar with a Dornish prince named Oberyn Martell when he then runs into Ser Jaime Lannister. Jaime attempts to intimidate Loras into calling off his own impending wedding, warning him that Cersei will murder him in his sleep, along with any children they may conceive together. Despite having no affection whatsoever for Cersei, Loras retorts to Jaime that he will never be able to marry Cersei either, clearly aware of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. He walks off, leaving Ser Jaime nonplussed. Joffrey then speaks to the crowd about contemplating history as five dwarves ride out of a large golden lion, representing Joffrey, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Robb Stark, and Balon Greyjoy, each of the five kings in the War of the Five Kings. The dwarves put on a performance and make crude sexual acts which entertains Joffrey, though is found too confronting by most of the court, including Margaery who watches her king with disdain. Ser Loras leaves in anger after watching the crude depiction of his deceased lover Renly riding a mount that resembles himself. Once finished, a delighted Joffrey prepares to give the champion dwarf a purse but then mockingly suggests that Tyrion fight him as well. In front of royal court, Tyrion cleverly retaliates the insult by referencing Joffrey’s failed leadership during the Battle of Blackwater. Humiliated that his uncle outwitted him in front of his guests, Joffrey petulantly pours wine over Tyrion's head and orders him to serve him wine as his cupbearer. Margaery eventually interrupts the tense moment between the pair and announces that it is time to cut the pigeon pie. Sansa and Tyrion then attempt to leave the feast but Joffrey commands Tyrion to serve him wine to wash down the pie. Tyrion hands the goblet to Joffrey and he quickly drinks all of it. Joffrey then tries to speak but begins coughing as he grabs his throat, while Margaery exclaims that he is choking. Joffrey collapses face down and begins vomiting and convulsing as Cersei rushes in and turns Joffrey over on his back. A court fool named Dontos Hollard suddenly approaches Sansa and urges for her to escape with him. As he convulses, Joffrey points an accusatory finger in Tyrion's direction, as Tyrion examines the wine goblet. Joffrey's eyes turn red and blood runs from his nose. He soon stops convulsing and quickly dies in Cersei’s arms, who sobs with grief and then orders the Kingsguard to seize Tyrion for poisoning her son. A fleeing Sansa, however, is able to escape the capital despite Cersei ordering her arrest as well.
Some weeks later, Ser Loras is in attendance with the rest of the court during Tommen Baratheon’s coronation as the new King of the Seven Kingdoms. Following the ceremony, Cersei meets with Margaery along the gallery of the hall. Margaery compliments Tommen by stating that he sits on the throne as if born to it. Cersei enquires whether Margaery still mourns for Joffrey, which is met with a polite response. Cersei then admits to Margaery that Joffrey would have been her nightmare and goes on to comment on the things that he has done has shocked even her. However, she informs that no matter what they do, you never love a child moreso than your first. Cersei then asserts that Tommen could be the first man in over fifty years to deserve sitting on the throne. Margaery suggests that this could be consolation for all the horror that put him there. Cersei asks if Margaery still wants to be the queen, to which she replies that she hasn't thought about it. Cersei ignores the obvious lie and insists that Tommen will need someone to guide him, saying that “a mother is not enough.” Margaery informs Cersei that she will have to speak to her father, Lord Mace. She then comments on the fact that she soon won’t know what to call Cersei, “sister, or mother.”

Some weeks later, Tyrion Lannister’s trial for the accused murder of Joffrey is held in the throne room in front of the court, with King Tommen recusing himself. Instead, a group of three judges are appointed to oversee the trial: Lord Mace Tyrell, Prince Oberyn Martell and Lord Tywin Lannister. Ser Loras and Margaery are both seated next to each other to watch over the proceedings, and although Margaery has been made aware, it is unknown if Loras himself is knowledgeable of the fact that his grandmother Olenna was the one who poisoned Joffrey. As the trial begins, Cersei has organized several witnesses to testify against Tyrion on the stand, such as Lord Varys, Ser Meryn Trant and Grand Maester Pycelle, who exhibits the poisoned necklace Dontos Hollard gave to Sansa Stark, which at some point had been found when Dontos’ body was recovered in Blackwater Bay. Later, as recess ends, Ser Jaime speaks with Tyrion and urges him to plead guilty, and also advising him to "keep your mouth shut. No more outbursts." Returning to the trial, Tywin then orders a surprise witness to the stand: Shae. His former lover’s appearance astounds Tyrion, whom he thought had left the capital. Shae testifies that Tyrion and Sansa planned Joffrey’s murder together, claiming that Sansa wanted vengeance for the murder of her family. She also tells the judges of Tyrion's sexual desires, embarrassing him in front of the crowd. Before she can continue however, Tyrion, enraged beyond sense, angrily demands that he be allowed to confess his crimes. He angrily roars about how he saved King's Landing but should have let Stannis Baratheon kill everyone, much to the horror and disgust of the people in the court. Tyrion then claims to be guilty. His father Tywin formally asks for him to admit to the court of the murder, however, Tyrion denies this, saying he is guilty of a "far more monstrous crime. I am guilty of being a dwarf!" Tywin scoffs at Tyrion's claims and says he is not on trial for being a dwarf. Tyrion angrily says he has been on trial for that his entire life. Tywin asks if he has nothing to say in his defense. Tyrion then says he has nothing to say in his defense, however, reveals his true feelings about Joffrey, denying the murder but saying he wished to have killed Joffrey himself. Tyrion then turns his fury towards Cersei and says that watching her "vicious bastard" die gave him more relief than "a thousand lying whores". He then roars to the court that he wishes to be the monster they think he is and would gladly give his life to watch everyone die from drinking poison. This enrages everyone in the court as Tywin then orders Tyrion back to the dungeons. Before he can be escorted out, Tyrion bellows that he will not lose his life for a crime he did not commit and, knowing that he will get no justice, demands a trial by combat. Loras and the rest of the court express much surprise of this demand.
Later on, Lannister guardsmen escort the shackled Tyrion to the arena, where a large crowd has assembled for his trial by combat, though Loras and Margaery themselves are not in attendance. Tyrion grows apprehensive as his champion, Prince Oberyn, is battling against Gregor Clegane, the infamously brutal knight Loras jousted with during the Hand’s Tourney. After impressing the crowd with a display of acrobatic spear maneuvers, Oberyn goes on the attack, stabbing at Gregor and constantly moving out of the knight's reach, forcing Gregor to tire himself out. As he evades Gregor, Oberyn repeatedly taunts Gregor by constantly bringing up his part in the murder of his sister, Elia Martell, and her children during Robert’s Rebellion. As Oberyn starts winning, Tyrion remains optimistic, but his hopes are quickly shattered in the moment when Ser Gregor knocks Oberyn down and crushes his head in and sealing Tyrion's fate. As Tyrion is struck with horror, Lord Tywin announces to the court that the gods have made their will known and Tyrion is sentenced to death. Some time later, however, Ser Jaime releases his brother from his cell in the middle of the night and has arranged for his escape from the capital. After they part ways, Tyrion decides to pay his father Tywin a visit in his quarters and murders him with a crossbow before departing from King’s Landing.

season five / six

Following the murder of Lord Tywin at the hands of her brother Tyrion, Cersei Lannister is escorted to the Great Sept for Tywin's funeral, surrounded by numerous lords and ladies, including Queen Margaery, who she glances at suspiciously. Cersei informs the High Septon they will all have to wait a little longer while she has a moment alone with her brother Jaime and their father's corpse. That evening, during Tywin's wake, Cersei is approached by Ser Loras, who babbles on with platitudes about her father, but she ignores him, as she is intently watching her son Tommen with Margaery, who share some few words while holding hands. Later on, while in bed together, Ser Loras and his squire Olyvar contemplate a birthmark on Loras' thigh, which Olyvar thinks resembles the shape of Dorne. The pair then discuss the possibility of visiting Dorne someday, or anywhere that is far away from King's Landing. Queen Margaery then walks in on the two of them, stating that she and Loras are late for dinner with King Tommen and insists that Olyvar leave. After Olyvar’s exit, Maragery complains to Loras about his lack of discretion, especially in the Red Keep, however, Loras retorts that since his sexuality is an open secret anyway, there isn't much point in discretion. He also opines that as Tywin is dead, no one will force Cersei to marry him, which he adds is unfortunate for Margaery, as Cersei will now remain in the capital, free to harass Margaery. Loras is puzzled by Margaery's relaxed attitude, as she then cooly replies with "perhaps," alluding to some scheme in the works regarding Cersei.
Weeks later, Ser Loras attends the wedding ceremony for his sister Margaery and King Tommen. Cersei herself remains stone-faced throughout the ceremony. Meanwhile, in the last few weeks an extreme religious faction called the Sparrows have risen in popularity and the Faith Militant that work beside them storm the streets of the capital, attacking taverns, brothels and street vendors selling idols from other religions. Inside Littlefinger’s brothel, Olyvar is struck and ignored as they barge in and assault the patrons. While this occurs, Lancel Lannister leads a squad of the Faith Militant to then apprehend Ser Loras while he is sparring in the practice yard. In her quarters, Queen Margaery is furious over her brother’s arrest. King Tommen then goes to his mother Cersei and demands that Loras be released at once, though Cersei calmly points out that she didn't arrest Loras, so he should speak to their leader, the High Sparrow. Tommen naively thinks the High Sparrow will do as he requests, so he heads to the Great Sept but the Faith Militant refuse the king’s entrance. Tommen is surprised at this, yet does not want to risk bloodshed so, realizing this is not going to end well, he meekly withdraws back to the Red Keep. Margaery is even more upset at how ineffectual young Tommen is and states that she is going to bring her grandmother Olenna back to the capital to deal with this.
Some time later, the High Sparrow himself interrogates Ser Loras in front of King Tommen, Cersei and the Tyrell women. Loras denies the accusations against him, insisting that Renly Baratheon was his friend and his king, adding that he was wrong for supporting Renly’s claim. He further testifies that he also has never laid with any man. Assuming the interrogation has concluded, the Tyrells try to leave, however, the High Sparrow asks to question Queen Margaery, who then also denies any knowledge of these allegations. The High Sparrow then calls in Olyvar, in character as Loras’ squire, who claims that the accusations against Loras are in fact true. Olyvar also testifies that Margaery walked in on them once in bed, but did not seem surprised. To support his testimony, Olyvar tells the High Sparrow of a birthmark Loras has that is shaped like Dorne, much to Loras' shock and fury. Deciding that this is more than enough evidence for a holy inquest, the High Sparrow has Loras arrested. Furthermore, since Queen Margaery bore false witness before the gods as well, she is also arrested. As Margaery is forcefully dragged away, she calls out for King Tommen in panic, who is paralyzed with indecision, while Lady Olenna contemptuously regards Cersei's barely-contained smug expression.

Several months later, Septa Unella enters Queen Margaery’s cell and leads her to a private meeting with the High Sparrow. The Sparrow asks Margaery what she would do if he allowed her to leave that day. Margaery replies that she wants to return to her family and her husband King Tommen. The High Sparrow respects her love for her family but tells her that attachment leads to sin, citing his previous experience as a cobbler. Margaery manages to impress the Sparrow with her knowledge of “The Book of the Stranger,” which she admits that Septa Unella had read at her. The High Sparrow agrees that Unella has a habit of reading at people instead of to them. He then recounts how in his youth, he was a womanizer, a drunkard and then underwent a conversion experience the morning after an orgy, as his drunken guests lay naked all around his house. Tired of what he was now perceiving as a meaningless existence, the High Sparrow turned his life around and became a devoted member of the Faith of the Seven. He then left his job as a cobbler and devoted his life to the poor and destitute. Believing he has found a way to reach Margaery, the Sparrow allows her to visit her brother Ser Loras. She then finds a dejected Loras lying on the floor of his cell, who has lost the will to continue resisting. He is worn out and beaten down by the Faith Militant's treatment of him over the past few months. Margaery tries to get him to stand up for himself and calls him the future of the Tyrells, but Loras states that he just wants his imprisonment to end and wants to acquiesce to their demands. Margaery urges to Loras that the High Sparrow is trying to use them to break each other.
Some weeks later, everyone is getting ready for the trial being held for Loras, as well as Cersei, who has been betrayed by the High Sparrow. The crowd amasses inside the Great Sept, along with Queen Margaery and Lord Mace Tyrell. As Grand Maester Pycelle heads to the Sept, a small child stops him and whispers something into his ear that changes his course. Meanwhile, inside the Sept, the Sparrows bring Ser Loras in first. Instead of having a trial, Loras confesses to his crimes and tells the High Sparrow that he wishes to devote his life to the Faith of the Seven. The High Sparrow tells him that this would mean that he renounces his family name and his future lordship of Highgarden, as Loras tearfully agrees. The Sparrows then grab him, hold him down and carve a seven-pointed star into his forehead. His father Mace actually tries to fight his way through the crowd to stop them but Margaery, her voice trembling, holds him back. Shocked by this action, Margaery afterwards protests to the High Sparrow for mutilating her brother. The High Sparrow then informs her that he promises to allow Loras to leave the Sept after Cersei faces her trial as well. At the same time, King Tommen prepares to depart the Red Keep for his mother’s trial but Ser Gregor Clegane prevents him from leaving his room. Inside the Sept, Lancel Lannister informs the High Sparrow that Cersei has yet to leave the Red Keep, so the High Sparrow asks him to go retrieve her. As Lancel is walking out, one of Qyburn's "little birds" lures him away to the catacombs beneath the Great Sept. Meanwhile, Grand Maester Pycelle follows the whispering child, who is another little bird, into a room where Qyburn awaits him. Qyburn apologizes to Pycelle for the inconvenience, then multiple children surround the grand maester and begin stabbing him repeatedly to death. Below the Sept, Lancel continues to follow the young boy, who drops the torch that he was carrying. When Lancel goes to pick up the torch, the child stabs him in the spine and runs off. Paralyzed from the waist down, Lancel looks around where he is laying and discovers that there is a cache of wildfire, one of those the “Mad King” Aerys Targaryen secreted beneath King's Landing as part of his plan to deny the city to his enemies when facing certain defeat at the end of Robert's Rebellion. As Lancel crawls closer to the main source of the illuminated green liquid, Lancel sees that the wildfire is about to be set off with three candles at the end of the hall that are almost burnt out. He desperately crawls toward it in an attempt to put the candles out. Meanwhile, an impatient and increasingly worried Queen Margaery realizes that something is very wrong as they continue to wait for Cersei and King Tommen’s arrival. She immediately confronts the High Sparrow and insists to him that this is a trap, frustratedly informing him that Cersei understands the consequences of her absence and she is absent anyway, adding that “she does not intend to suffer those consequences.” However, the High Sparrow does not listen to her astute assessment of the situation. Margaery then yells out to everyone that they all need to leave immediately, however, the Faith Militant block the doors instead, preventing anyone from exiting. Down below, Lancel does not make it to the candles before the wildfire ignites, flooding the tunnels with green flames. Inside the Sept, Loras and Margaery cling to each other as they share a look of terror with the High Sparrow. Loras, Margaery, Mace and the rest of the gathered nobles then hear the muffled explosions below before the fire punches through the floor and burns everyone inside the building to such intensity that the Sept then shatters and crumbles to rubble, leveling the city for a mile around. Cersei, looking out of her window, grins maniacally at the explosion even as the screams of the dying ring through the air.
*In the aftermath of Loras’ death, follow Olenna’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“It’s not a gift. No one gave it to me. I’m good because I work at it, every day of my life since I could hold a stick… Where is it written that power is the sole province of the worst? That thrones are only made for the hated and the feared? You would be a wonderful king.”
“I’ve dreamed of a large wedding since I was quite young. The guests, the food, the tournaments. And the bride, of course… Have you ever been to Highgarden, my lady? [King’s Landing] is terrible, isn’t it? The most terrible place there is.”
— ‘The Climb’
“Who gained the most from our king’s death? I will put a sword through [Stannis’] righteous face! Renly would have been a true king, a good king.”
“They all know about me anyway. Everybody knows everything about everyone. What’s the point in trying to keep a secret in a place like this?”
— ‘The Wars to Come’
“Your Grace, my sister Margaery, her husband was taken from us before… She remains innocent. I would ask you to find it in your heart to do us the great honor of joining our houses.”
— ‘Valar Morghulis’
“I confess before the Seven and freely admit my crimes. I lay with other men, including the traitor Renly Baratheon. I perjured myself before the gods. I am guilty of depravity, dishonesty, profligacy and arrogance. I see that now. I humble myself before the Seven and accept whatever punishment the gods deem just.”