stannis baratheon

Portrayed by Stephen Dillane
Status: Deceased
Origin: Storm's End
Episode Appearances: 24
First Seen: ‘The North Remembers’
Last Seen: ‘Mother's Mercy’
Stannis Baratheon is the second-born son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont, the younger brother of King Robert Baratheon and older brother of Renly Baratheon. Steffon was the head of House Baratheon and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands until he died when the boys were young. Robert inherited their father’s titles as the eldest son. His brother Robert led a rebellion against King Aerys II Targaryen, deposing and replacing him as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Stannis fought for Robert during the war and was besieged at Storm's End for much of the conflict where he was rescued from starvation by the smuggler Davos Seaworth, who brought a ship full of onions into the castle. Stannis knighted Davos as a reward but also punished him for his smuggling by cutting off four fingertips from his right hand. Davos' son Matthos Seaworth serves as a scribe for Stannis.
A proven warrior, Stannis went on to conquer Dragonstone, the historical seat of House Targaryen, but failed to capture the remaining Targaryen heirs, Viserys and Daenerys, who had fled to the Free Cities. During a rebellion led by Balon Greyjoy, Stannis destroyed the Iron Fleet, and commanded a siege at Great Wyk. Despite Stannis' service during the war, Robert made their youngest brother Renly, who was too young to have fought in the war, the Lord of Storm's End, which Stannis took as an affront. Stannis was made Lord of Dragonstone and served on his brother's small council as Master of Ships. Though not outright cruel or malicious, he is a stern and humorless man, making him the least popular of the Baratheon brothers. He married Selyse Florent, though they share a loveless marriage and a single child; their daughter Shireen Baratheon. Stannis is highly antisocial, and prefers the solitude of Dragonstone in comparison to the company of his brothers. He later converted to the Lord of Light under the influence of a Red Priestess named Melisandre and his household have largely followed his conversion.