
Portrayed by Carice Van Houten
Status: Deceased
Age: 400 (in her final season)
Date of Birth : 100 BC approx.
Origin: Asshai
Episode Appearances: 29
First Seen: ‘The North Remembers’
Last Seen: ‘The Long Night’
Lady Melisandre, often referred to as the Red Woman or the Red Witch, is a Red Priestess of the Lord of Light, a deity that is not widely worshiped in the western continent of Westeros. She is also close counselor to King Stannis Baratheon in his campaign to take the Iron Throne. Originally born a slave in Asshai centuries ago, Melisandre came from very humble beginnings, as her mother was also a slave and grew up in severe poverty. She claims to wield powerful magical abilities, particularly the power of prophecy. Melisandre wears a large ruby necklace that seems to glow whenever she performs her magic. This same necklace also hides her ageing, prolonging her life in the process.
Some years ago, she crossed the Narrow Sea, almost four centuries old, and came to the court of Stannis Baratheon on the island stronghold of Dragonstone, to preach her faith. Stannis and the majority of his household then converted to her religion, and she became a close adviser to Stannis himself, believing him to be “the Prince that was Promised” of ancient prophecy: the reincarnation of Azor Ahai. Due to the great distances separating them, the Westerosi know very little about Asshai, save that it is a great seaport and that its people are exotic. Beyond Asshai lies an area known as the Shadow Lands, which are said to lie "under the Shadow". What exactly is casting "the Shadow" is not known, nor is the exact nature of "the Shadow." People and things from Asshai are known as Asshai'i. The Asshai'i language is unique, rarely heard in Westeros or even western Essos, and rumored to be used in powerful magic spells.