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Portrayed by Nathalie Emmanuel

Status: Deceased

Origin: Naath

Episode Appearances: 38

First Seen: ‘Valar Dohaeris

Last Seen: ‘The Last of the Starks


Missandei was born on the island of Naath in the Summer Sea, off the coast of the continent of Sothoryos. It is known as a land of peace where war does not exist. However, because of their tranquil nature, the peaceful Naathi are frequent targets of slaving raids from Slaver's Bay, a region of Essos on the opposite side of the Summer Sea. As is typical for the people of Sothoryos, Missandei is dark-skinned and possesses the typical Naathi features.

A large species of butterfly on Naath is a carrier for a horrific disease that makes the flesh slough off of a man's bones, but the Naathi themselves are immune to it. This deterred slavers for generations. However, they eventually realized that the butterflies are only active during the day and would execute their evening raids. Despite slave raids, Naath has still technically never been "conquered" by outside forces due to fear of staying too long and catching the fever. Missandei's village was attacked and burned by slavers when she was five years old. She was then enslaved and taken to Slaver's Bay, where she was eventually put to work as an interpreter for the slaver-master Kraznys mo Nakloz, one of the Good Masters of Astapor. Missandei speaks nineteen languages including High Valyrian, Low Valyrian, Dothraki, the Common Tongue of Westeros, and has some knowledge of the functionally dead Ghiscari.