‘the last of the Starks’

Directed By: David Nutter / Written By: David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
Original Airdate: May 5, 2019
Following a victorious battle against the White Walkers, the survivors of the Great War congregate outside the castle walls as Jon Snow leads a mass funeral and cremation for the dead, including Jorah Mormont and Theon Greyjoy. Afterwards, in the Great Hall, the survivors then attempt to celebrate over their victory, though with many lives lost during battle the mood is somber at first. As they continue drinking, the survivors’ spirits begin to lift as Queen Daenerys Targaryen hails Arya Stark as the “Hero of Winterfell” for killing the Night King. Meanwhile, in King’s Landing, after learning of their victory, Cersei Lannister plans for Daenerys’ inevitable attack on the capital by inviting the smallfolk inside the gates of the Red Keep to act as human shields.

main cast

Following the victorious battle against the White Walkers, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are gathered into funeral pyres, as Jon Snow then gives a eulogy that it is the duty of those who survived to keep them alive in memory for generations to come. He notes to the survivors in his eulogy: “Our fellow men and women, who set aside their differences to fight together, and die together, so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid.” He also quotes the funeral speech used for members of the Night's Watch, he announces that they were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the pyres: Sansa Stark weeps over Theon Greyjoy's body, taking a pin with the Stark direwolf sigil off of her own gown and adding it to his chest, to show that he was a Greyjoy and had redeemed himself as a Stark. A devastated Daenerys Targaryen then lights Ser Jorah Mormont's pyre, as Jon lights the young Lyanna Mormont's pyre. Meanwhile, Arya Stark lights the pyre for Ser Beric Dondarrion as Samwell Tarly lights the pyre of Eddison Tollett. As the pyres go up in flames Daenerys in particular is absolutely distraught at losing her longest confidante and advisor, Ser Jorah.
That night, the survivors hold a large victory feast in the Great Hall of Winterfell, though so many died that the mood is somber at first. Gendry Baratheon gets up to go look for Arya, but as he passes the high table, Daenerys calls on him, noting that he is Robert Baratheon's son. She then declares that she will make Gendry the new Lord of Storm's End, as a reward for his heroism. When he informs her of his bastard status, Daenerys addresses this by announcing that in her power as queen, she officially legitimizes him as a Baratheon, reviving what was an extinct Great House. As Gendry and the room celebrate, Tyrion Lannister quietly notes to Daenerys - with approval - that this wasn't an altogether altruistic move, but politically wise. The mood in the Great Hall is eventually lightened and becomes more celebratory, as everyone starts drinking heavily and boasting about their deeds in the battle. Tyrion then goes to speak with Ser Davos Seaworth, who is contemplating the larger meaning of Melisandre’s death as well as her service to the Lord of Light. Tyrion asserts that pondering over this subject won’t make Davos any happier. Davos states that he's not trying to be happy, as Tyrion then remarks this as a good thing: "We have defeated them but we still have US to deal with." Tyrion then approaches Bran Stark and states that, as Eddard Stark's last trueborn son, he should be the lawful heir to Winterfell and the North. Bran, however, insists that as the Three-Eyed Raven, removed from human affairs, he won’t ever be a Lord now. Meanwhile, Tormund Giantsbane encourages Jon to chug an entire horn of wine in one go, and raises his own horn to “the Dragon Queen!” Daenerys then makes her own toast to room: "To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell!" Jon and Daenerys share a smile, which is noticed by Sansa who then leaves the table. Meanwhile, Tyrion settles into playing his favorite drinking game with Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, and Podrick Payne. At the high table, Daenerys becomes more and more downcast as she looks around the hall at the groups of people. Lord Varys notices Daenerys' shift in mood and isolation, quietly becoming concerned for her mental state. Daenerys gets up to leave the hall. Tyrion, Jaime, Brienne and Podrick continue their drinking game, which comes to an end when Tyrion correctly guesses that Brienne is a virgin. She awkwardly excuses herself from the Great Hall, as Ser Jaime trails behind her. As she makes her exit, Tormund drunkenly propositions Brienne, but is rebuffed by her and the intervention of Jaime. Comically heartbroken, Tormund then commiserates with Sandor Clegane until he leaves with two serving girls. Sansa then joins the Hound, who is sitting alone at the table, as she reflects on the last time they saw each other when she declined to leave King’s Landing with him. Sandor states that he heard she was taken by Littlefinger and then "broken in rough" when marrying Ramsay Bolton. Sansa admits that without either of those men she would have stayed a “little bird” her whole life.
Noticing Arya’s absence from the feast, Gendry slips out and finds her practicing archery. Arya is elated for Gendry’s news of legitimization, but he then states that he doesn't know how to be a lord, and it won't mean anything to him if she isn't by his side. Gendry gets down on one knee and begs Arya to marry him, and become the new Lady of Storm's End. Arya is deeply moved by this, but is at a loss for words. She pulls him in for a passionate kiss. Despite this, Arya then declines the proposal. She asserts that while he deserves a wonderful wife, she doesn't think she'll ever be a proper "Lady" or ever get married. Arya insists that any woman would be lucky to marry Gendry, but alas states: "that's not me,” once again echoing the words she once said to her father years earlier. Arya continues to practice her archery as Gendry is left heartbroken. Some time later, after the feast has finished, a very drunk Ser Jaime shows up at Brienne's chambers in the castle. Jaime pours himself some wine as he comments on Tormund’s affections for Brienne, as she then notes his jealousy, which his doesn’t deny. Quite suddenly, they both then start undressing each other, largely with Brienne’s assistance due to this hand. Before they kiss, Jaime admits that he’s never slept with a knight before and she replies that she’s never slept with anyone before.
Daenerys finds Jon in his chambers later that night and they kiss and start to undress, before Jon stops himself due to the recent discovery of their blood relation. Daenerys laments that she wishes Jon never told her about his true identity because otherwise, she'd be happy. She is afraid others will press his claim and take the throne from her. Jon tries to assure her he doesn't want the throne. Daenerys tells Jon it doesn't matter what he wants or how many times he swears fealty to her - he didn't want to be King in the North either. Jon gets on one knee before her and says that he'll refuse the crown because she is his queen. Daenerys begs Jon not to tell anyone else about his parentage, fearing that it will destroy them. Jon insists that he must tell his sisters because he owes them the truth about who he is and is certain they will keep it a secret. However, Daenerys believes the only way they can live together is if Jon keeps his identity a secret from everyone. Jon then urges to Dany that “you are my queen, nothing will change that. And they are my family. We can live together.” Daenerys coldly replies with “We can. I just told you how.” After an intense linger, their physicality towards each other changes immensely.
The following day, Daenerys holds a war council, as she resumes her conquest of Westeros. Grey Worm informs that half of the Unsullied and most of the Dothraki were killed in the battle, as Jon adds about half of the Northern armies were destroyed as well. Daenerys asserts that they must attack King's Landing and rip Queen Cersei Lannister out root and stem. Tyrion, however, warns her that a direct assault on the capital would result in so many civilian casualties that it would make the smallfolk hate her, so their focus should be to turn them against Cersei instead. Sansa also counters that their men are exhausted from fighting the army of the dead and need rest, to which Arya silently agrees. Jon interjects that the North will honor its allegiance to Daenerys and they will just have to leave the badly wounded back home and march south with a smaller army. With the meeting adjourned, Jon and the Stark siblings visit the godswood to discuss Sansa and Arya’s distrust towards Daenerys. Arya concedes that Jon did the right thing when he bent the knee to Daenerys, as they needed her dragons and army, but adds that they're doing the right thing now when insisting to Jon that they don't trust her. Jon protests they can't only trust the people they grew up with, as Arya asserts that she only needs her family, as they are the “last of the Starks.” Jon responds that he's not a Stark, as Sansa and Arya disagree. This then prompts Jon to reveal the truth of his parentage. Once Sansa and Arya both swear to secrecy, Jon has Bran inform them of this revelation.
That evening, the Lannister brothers are drinking at the local inn of Winter Town when Jaime informs Tyrion of his new development with Brienne. The very drunk Tyrion states his happiness that now he can finally be the one mocking a brother for being with a taller woman. Suddenly, Ser Bronn bursts through the door, pointing a crossbow at them. He informs the pair that Cersei hired him to assassinate both of them. Tyrion, too drunk to care, doesn’t take Bronn seriously, only for Bronn to punch him in the nose so hard he nearly breaks it. Bronn asserts that their sister is not likely to win the war against Daenerys when he saw for himself what her dragons can do, adding that he would prefer to bet on the winning side. Bronn also adds that Cersei offered him the large castle of Riverrun as a reward, and asks Tyrion what "double" Riverrun looks like. Tyrion then casually suggests Highgarden itself. Jaime insists that no "cutthroat" like Bronn would ever be accepted as the Lord of Highgarden. Nonetheless, Tyrion assures Bronn that he will be granted Highgarden. Before departing, Bronn promises that if Tyrion doesn't hold up his end of the bargain he will kill them. After leaving, Jaime asks if they're seriously going to give Highgarden to Bronn, to which Tyrion only says he won't worry about it for now, as that assumes they will all survive the final war against Cersei.
The following morning, as Sandor Clegane leaves Winterfell, he hears the sound of another horse approaching him and finds Arya. Arya moves to ride alongside him, as he enquires why she is leaving her home again. Arya vaguely hints at her intentions, as Sandor likewise does, both stating they have unfinished business in the south. It becomes clear to both of them that they intend to seek their long-awaited revenge on Cersei and Ser Gregor Clegane. Sandor cryptically articulates that he doesn’t think he’ll return to Winterfell, as Arya echoes the same sentiment. The two proceed to ride south towards the capital, reminiscent of when they were together years before. Meanwhile, Daenerys and her dragons also depart from Winterfell, though she notes Rhaegal’s injured take-off from the ground. Along the battlements, Sansa witnesses the the dragons flying overhead when she is joined by Tyrion, who insists that Daenerys will be a good queen. Sansa anxiously informs that she doesn't want Jon to go to King's Landing because the men of her family "don't do well there," as her father, grandfather and uncle were all killed in the capital. Tyrion weakly states that he believes in Daenerys, however, Sansa then asks him what he'd say if there was "someone else, someone better?" With this, Sansa then informs Tyrion of Jon’s true parentage as a Targaryen.
Some time later, in the castle courtyard of Winterfell, Jon is getting ready to leave south with the army, while Tormund and Samwell come to bid farewell. Tormund informs Jon that he is also leaving to return north with his people: the surviving wildlings will travel to Castle Black. Once spring arrives and the winter snows have cleared, they will then return to the now-safe lands beyond the Wall. Jon states that the Free Folk are welcome in the North, but Tormund declares that the lands north of the Wall are their home. When Jon says this is farewell, Tormund says, "You never know. You've got the north in you. The real north." They hug goodbye. Jon then spots his direwolf Ghost in the courtyard, who was badly wounded in the battle, having lost his right ear, but managed to survive and is up and about. Jon instructs Tormund to take Ghost with him as a direwolf has no place in the southern kingdoms, and would be happier in the northern forests, where other direwolves still live. Gilly then bids Jon farewell with a hug, as he then realizes that she is pregnant again, this time with Samwell's child. Gilly proudly informs that if it's a boy, she hopes to name it "Jon". After congratulating the couple, Jon then shares a long hug with Samwell and tell each other they were the best friend each other had. Jon then rides out of the castle as Samwell, Gilly, Tormund and Ghost look on.
dragonstone / king’s landing
Some time after departing the North, Daenerys soars over her fleet on Drogon, with Rhaegal by their side. Dragonstone island comes into view as Daenerys is happy to catch sight of her ancestral home after spending time in the North and treated like a foreigner. Her joy, however, quickly turns to horror as a gigantic scorpion bolt appears out of nowhere, burying itself deep inside Rhaegal's chest: Euron Greyjoy's fleet is mounting a surprise attack, his ships now equipped with huge ballistas. These new weapons Qyburn designed for Cersei are much more powerful, punching deep through Rhaegal's iron-hard scales. The first bolt in his chest is soon followed by a second to his wing. The injured dragon's blood-curdling roar of agony is silenced when a third bolt impales him through the throat. Overwhelmed by shock and blood loss, Rhaegal plunges into the sea, where he sinks beneath the surface of the water and drowns. Distraught and enraged, Daenerys tries to make an attack run with Drogon on Euron's ship, but all of the scorpions start raining bolts at her, and she barely manages to turn away and escape with her life. Euron's ships then target their ballistae at Daenerys' fleet, smashing them to splinters. The survivors of the destroyed fleet then drag their way onto the nearby shore of Dragonstone, including Tyrion and Lord Varys. Grey Worm stands ashore, only to realize in horror that Missandei isn't with them.
Following the attack and Euron’s return to the capital, Cersei gloats with the Greyjoy lord over their victory while watching the city gates from the Red Keep, as thousands of refugees flood into the city. Qyburn acknowledges that Cersei's true intention is proceeding as planned: thousands of smallfolk are coming into the city to seek "protection" behind its walls from Daenerys' army, when in truth Cersei wants them there as human shields. She knows that Daenerys doesn't want to be seen as a tyrant, and the risk of heavy civilian casualties will deter her from making a direct assault. Cersei feels that the Northern and Targaryen armies are so exhausted after fighting the White Walkers that she can regain the upper hand, securing more strength by the day with new allies. Cersei then proudly declares that “the lion will rule the land, while the kraken rules the sea - and their child shall rule it all.” A surprised Euron looks to Qyburn, who nods in acknowledgement that Cersei is pregnant, as Euron falsely presumes with his own child after their single night together. Cersei then turns to Missandei, who was taken hostage during the attack at Dragonstone. With her distraught captive bound in chains, Cersei sarcastically gloats that Daenerys is the “Breaker of Chains” indeed.
Back at Dragonstone, a furious and bereaved Daenerys meets with her remaining advisors in the Chamber of the Painted Table. Grey Worm grimly says they should storm the capital city at once in order to save Missandei. Lord Varys, however, believes this to be a mistake, as Cersei Lannister has not kept it a secret from them they she has swelled the city with refugees to use as human shields. He pleads that trying to remove Cersei's tyranny like this would itself be an act of tyranny, and turn the people of Westeros against her. Tyrion agrees with Varys, insisting that they must offer Cersei the option to flee Westeros with her life. Daenerys, barely restraining her rage, nonetheless relents: not because she thinks Cersei will ever surrender, but because she would look bad if she didn't at least go through the motions of offering it to her. This way, everyone in the Seven Kingdoms will know that Cersei is the one to blame when Daenerys brings the sky crashing down on King's Landing. Following the meeting, Tyrion and Varys meet alone in the throne room. Varys outright questions if Daenerys is fit to rule, and if perhaps Jon would make a better monarch. Tyrion weakly tries to argue that Daenerys has to be strong, and instill fear in her enemies and pointedly asks if he thinks Daenerys will accede. Varys silently shoots him a look, implying that he means they should assassinate her if she chooses to attack the capital. Horrified, Tyrion can only mutter that Daenerys will make the right choice.
Some time later, word has arrived to Winterfell of the ambush outside of Dragonstone. Ser Jaime arrives in the courtyard to see that Sansa and Brienne have just received a messenger-raven informing them of the attack on Daenerys' fleet and capture of Missandei. Sansa wryly notes to Jaime that they will execute his sister for this, as there is no way Daenerys would let her surrender with her life now. Late that evening, Jaime gets up from the bed he now shares with Brienne, not able to sleep. Brienne eventually awakens to find Jaime that has left, then rushes to catch him outside as he saddles a horse, preparing to ride south in order to save Cersei. Brienne starts crying and pleading with him that he doesn't need to go and that he is a good person now. Jaime bitterly tells Brienne that he isn't: he threw Bran out of a window for Cersei, killed his cousin Alton Lannister to get back to her, and nearly killed every man, woman and child in Riverrun for her as well. Brienne urges that Cersei is hateful - to which Jaime responds: "So am I,” as he then rides away, leaving a heartbroken Brienne weeping alone.
king’s landing
Meanwhile, Daenerys and her advisors approach one of the gates of King's Landing to negotiate a surrender and the release of Missandei. Cersei stands atop the gatehouse with Euron, Ser Gregor and the chained Missandei. Tyrion approaches the gate to parley, urging Cersei's unconditional surrender. Qyburn, however, points out that the Northern and Targaryen armies have been badly depleted and exhausted by fighting the army of the dead, while the capital is now reinforced with the Golden Company. Cersei’s new defenses mean that it would be a risk for Daenerys to attack with her last remaining dragon and would kill innocent civilians. Tyrion nonetheless pleads with his sister again as Cersei's archers get ready to shoot him. However, after consideration, Cersei motions for them to stand down. A desperate Tyrion urges that she is not the monster she thinks she is, and that her one redeeming quality is her love for her children. He notes that while Cersei might prefer to go down in flames, dragging Daenerys with her, it would also be condemning her unborn baby to death. After a long pause Cersei then quietly tells Missandei that if she has any last words, now is the time. A defiant Missandei shouts "Dracarys!" which is the command for dragonfire. With a nod from Cersei, Ser Gregor then decapitates Missandei with a single swing of his sword, her head falling onto the ground below. Daenerys, seething with rage, silently turns away and withdraws from the city.
*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

“You think I’m a good man? I pushed a boy out of a tower window, crippled him for life. I would have murdered every man, woman, and child in Riverrun, for Cersei. She’s hateful, and so am I”
“But I’m not a lady. I never have been. It’s not me”
“Have you considered the best ruler might be someone who doesn’t want to rule?”
“You boys are a pair of gold-plated cunts, do you know that?”
“You’re not a monster. I know this because I’ve seen it. You’ve always loved your children. I beg you, if not for yourself, then for your child”

episode four music

inside the episode

did you know?
The episode title refers to Arya's statement "We're family. The four of us. The last of the Starks". Within the episode, Gendry is legitimized as the (nominal) new lord of a revived House Baratheon - making him quite literally "the last Baratheon".
The fates of a few missing characters from the Battle of Winterfell is revealed. Ghost and Rhaegal did, in fact, survive though injured (Ghost bloodied and missing an ear and Rhaegal with holes in his wing). Yohn Royce and Maester Wolkan also survived.
Jon states that the deceased "were the shields that guarded the realms of men"; clearly this is a reference to a line from the oath of the Night's Watch "I am the shield that guards the realms of men". Jon saying that "We shall never see their like again" also comes from the traditional eulogy delivered for a fallen member of the Watch.
The first time in the show that Lannisters, Targaryens, Starks, and Baratheons share a scene. For that matter, it's the first time that Starks, Lannisters, and a Baratheon have all been in the same scene since Season 1.
Queen Daenerys Targaryen officially legitimized King Robert Baratheon's bastard son as "Gendry Baratheon" in this episode, making him the new Lord of Storm's End, and thus the new head of a revived House Baratheon. It is fitting that Davos Seaworth and Brienne of Tarth are the first to toast him, as both of them are nobles from the Stormlands and started out directly serving Gendry's own uncles in earlier TV seasons (Davos under Stannis, Brienne under Renly).
It goes unsaid in the episode that as Robert's son, Gendry actually has some Targaryen blood in him. In the books, Robert's grandmother was a younger Targaryen princess, making him the second cousin of Rhaegar and Daenerys - thus Gendry is Daenerys's second cousin once removed, and Jon Snow's third cousin.
Bran Stark says that his wheelchair is the same design as the one "Daeron Targaryen built for his crippled nephew, 120 years ago". This is apparently a reference to King Daeron II Targaryen, known as Daeron the Good, who was a prince around that time. It is an invention of the TV series, however, that Daeron ever had a nephew who needed a wheelchair.
Bronn gives a short speech remarking on how he may be a cutthroat, but all of the Great Houses started out as cutthroats, who gained lands and titles, then their sons and grandsons declared themselves kings. Given that he is saying this to Tyrion and Jaime, this may be specifically a reference to the legendary founder of House Lannister, Lann the Clever - who allegedly swindled House Casterly out of Casterly Rock using only his wits.
When Bronn hits Tyrion, the latter complains "You broke my nose!"; Bronn responds he didn't. This is perhaps a reference to the difference between the books and the show about Tyrion's nose: in the books, it was cut off by Ser Mandon Moore during the Battle of the Blackwater. In the TV show, he was just badly slashed but kept his nose. The decision to keep his nose was due to a combination of CGI budget, pragmatism, and affecting the actor's performance.
While planning the siege of King's Landing, the Riverlands, the Reach, and the Stormlands aren't mentioned at all. It is especially strange that the Stormlands aren't mentioned, especially since Daenerys had just legitimized Gendry and restored House Baratheon.
Missandei's death means that there is no longer a single non-white female member of the TV show's recurring cast. After Ellaria Sand was sentenced to death in Season 7, Missandei was also the only non-white member of the Starring cast. Grey Worm, however, was promoted to Starring cast for Season 8 - meaning he is now the only non-white recurring cast member out of the entire large cast of the TV series.
Actress Nathalie Emmanuel was actually digitally inserted into Missandei's death scene: it was filmed on-location at a great physical height, so the production team (accurately) feared that spy photos would easily reveal the identity of the major character that Cersei has executed. Emmanuel filmed her scenes separately on a sound stage, which were then added in by green screen.
Tyrion saying the last 20 years of warfare, murder, and misery were all because Robert loved a woman that didn't love him back is a vast oversimplification. While Rhaegar's "abduction" of Lyanna might have been a major factor in the outbreak of Robert's Rebellion, it was really Aerys's brutal and unjust executions of Rickard and Brandon Stark, along with calling for the heads of Eddard and Robert that started the war.
Showrunners Benioff and Weiss have admitted in the DVD commentaries and interviews that they simply like that actress Lena Headey can perform "motherly", or that Peter Dinklage can perform "sympathy". There is no in-universe reason for Tyrion or Cersei’s behavior, they just wanted to push the actors into big scenes to show off their range - as they openly admit.
With the death of Rhaegal, it is unclear if this means that the race of dragons is doomed for extinction once again, as Drogon no longer has any potential mates with which to breed with. The process of reproduction for dragons is shrouded with mystery in the novels: Although it is established that dragons are born from eggs, the process itself by which dragons breed is unknown.