davos seaworth

Portrayed by Liam Cunningham
Status: Alive
Origin: Flea Bottom
Episode Appearances: 42
First Seen: ‘The North Remembers’
Last Seen: ‘The Iron Throne’
Lord Davos Seaworth, also known as the Onion Knight, is a landed knight and a reformed smuggler. His ship used to ply the Narrow Sea, smuggling goods from the Free Cities into the Seven Kingdoms. Davos was born in Flea Bottom, the poorest slum in King's Landing and his father was a poor crabber. He became a sailor while very young to escape the slums and his ship Black Betha became infamous for sneaking into harbors while avoiding detection.
During Robert's Rebellion, Davos aided Stannis Baratheon while he was besieged in Storm's End, by delivering smuggled onions and other foodstuffs into the castle. The supplies helped Stannis' forces survive until the end of the war. For this service, Stannis rewarded Davos with knighthood and lands. However, Stannis also cut off four of Davos’ fingertips as punishment for his past smuggling crimes. Davos submitted to this punishment willingly, judging it a fair exchange in return for improving his family's future prospects. It was the first instance Davos had ever seen of true justice being served. He chose the name "Seaworth" for his family's new noble house, as a reference to his smuggling past. Highborn members of older houses disparagingly called Davos "the Onion Knight" for his actions, but he has embraced this title and proudly took an onion on the sail of a black ship for a sigil.
Davos is one of Stannis' most loyal and reliable vassals but is treated with disdain by some of the other lords of Westeros for his low birth. He is one of the only men who can influence Stannis' decisions, because he values Davos' honest advice above that of noble-born flatterers. Davos has several sons, including Matthos, who serves with him on his ship and acts as scribe for Stannis. He is proud of his son's education but remains illiterate himself. Stannis' wife Selyse despises Davos, but their daughter Shireen is like a daughter to him.