king’s landing

King's Landing is the capital, and largest city, of the Seven Kingdoms. Located on the east coast of the continent in the Crownlands, just north of where the Blackwater Rush flows into Blackwater Bay. King's Landing is the site of the Iron Throne and the Red Keep, the seat of the King of the Andals and the First Men. It enjoys a warm climate and life there is luxurious for those that can afford it, although it is not without its slums such as Flea Bottom. The city is overpopulated and dangerous at the best of times, despite being policed by the City Watch.
King's Landing was founded by King Aegon I Targaryen, King of the Andals and the First Men. He established a small wooden fort atop the hill, named the Aegonfort in his honor, where his ships first landed from Dragonstone, and used this as a base for his campaign to conquer the continent. Having achieved his goal, he established the new capital on the site of his original fort. The city expanded rapidly under his descendants and populated to approximately half a million people. King's Landing has suffered occasional attacks during its existence, most notably during the civil war known as Robert's Rebellion, when Lord Tywin Lannister betrayed King Aerys II Targaryen and ordered his army to brutally sack the city before turning it over to Robert Baratheon as a sign of fealty.
During the War of the Five Kings, the problems in King's Landing have multiplied. The worst of these are the food shortages exacerbated by an influx of refugees into the city seeking the protection of the city walls from the war, this even led to a gruesome riot at one point early into the war during which the High Septon perished, along with many other citizens. Despite its opulence and status as the capital, King's Landing is often referred to in a derisive manner by outsiders, likely due to corruption and poor standards of living such as water filtration. A recurring theme is the stench of human waste; the crowded population and sea breeze means such smells are particularly pungent.
Near the end of her war, Daenerys Targaryen, her dragon Drogon, and her united forces launched an attack on King's Landing. The defending army surrendered, but Daenerys proceeded to burn the city with Drogon, collapsing parts of the Red Keep and indiscriminately killing civilians and soldiers alike. Then following the assassination of Daenerys Targaryen and the election of Bran Stark as the new King, Tyrion Lannister is named Hand of the King and leads the effort to rebuild the city with the new small council.
Notable places shown in the series are: