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Portrayed by Jerome Flynn

Status: Alive

Episode Appearances: 36

First Seen: ‘Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

Last Seen: ‘The Iron Throne


Bronn is an enigmatic mercenary or “sellsword”: a highly trained, extremely lethal, and a feared independent soldier who has no official allegiance to any lord or country, but who instead hires out his services for payment.

The quality and reputation of sellswords ranges across a very wide spectrum. They are often professional soldiers, moving from one temporary contract to the next, though particularly poor-quality sellswords might just be a gang of untrained thugs. However, even sellswords who receive no "formal" training make a living by engaging in combat on a regular basis. Thus even a mercenary that is initially low-born and without expensive training will gain a great amount of combat experience ("hands on" training) throughout his career. Provided that he survives that long, a veteran sellsword may become a highly skilled fighter. A sellsword that has significantly distinguished himself in combat may even be rewarded by being dubbed a knight, though this is uncommon. Knights tend to look down on sellswords, due to their usually low-birth and their reputation as rogues.

Very little is known about the elusive Bronn’s past or family, except that he had a younger brother whom Bronn describes as "a real pest" and that both of his parents viciously beat him. Bronn somehow first found out that men void their bowels when they die when he was only five years old. Bronn also claims that he killed a woman before he was twelve years old, though it was in self-defense as she was attacking him with an axe.