‘cripples, bastards and broken things’

Directed By: Brian Kirk / Written By: Bryan Cogman
Original Airdate: May 8, 2011
In King’s Landing, Eddard Stark looks to a book for clues to the death of his predecessor Jon Arryn, and uncovers one of King Robert Baratheon's bastards. King Robert and his guests witness a tournament honoring Eddard, while Sansa Stark imagines her future as a queen and her sister Arya envisions a far different future. At Castle Black, Jon Snow takes measures to protect a new Night’s Watch recruit named Samwell Tarly from abuse. In the Riverlands, Catelyn Stark rallies her husband's allies to make a point, while Tyrion Lannister finds himself caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Across the Narrow Sea in Vaes Dothrak, a frustrated Viserys Targaryen clashes with his sister Daenerys as she grows into her status with the Dothraki.

main cast


At Winterfell, Bran Stark has a nightmare in which he sees a raven with three eyes flying around the castle courtyard. After he wakes up, Theon Greyjoy summons Hodor, the castle's large and dim-witted stableboy, to help carry Bran down to the Great Hall, where Robb Stark is hosting a meeting with Tyrion Lannister and Yoren, both traveling down from the Wall together. When Bran arrives, Tyrion gives Bran a design of a saddle which will allow Bran to ride even in his current state; Tyrion explains to Robb that "you must shape the horse to the rider." When Robb’s ponders his generosity Tyrion informs that he has a soft-spot for "cripples, bastards and broken things." Due to this kindness, Robb says he can stay, but Tyrion says he would prefer the brothel in Winter Town. As he prepares to leave the castle, Theon comes to Tyrion and condescendingly sends him off, recommending the prostitute Ros at the brothel, unaware that Tyrion has already slept with her. Tyrion then asks Theon why Lady Catelyn Stark was not present to receive him and concludes that Catelyn is not in Winterfell. He also taunts Theon about how the son of the ferocious Balon Greyjoy has been reduced to playing lackey in Winterfell to his captors, which infuriates Theon. Tyrion then throws Theon a coin, stating that Theon’s “next tumble with Ros is on me.” A frustrated Theon watches Tyrion depart from the castle on horseback.

king’s landing
In the Red Keep, Sansa Stark visits the Great Hall, where the Iron Throne sits. She and Septa Mordane discuss the expectation that Sansa will have to provide Prince Joffrey with an heir. Sansa thinks the realm will hate her if she only has daughters, along with her belief Joffrey is still angry over the incident by the river and her anger at her father over her direwolf Lady's death. Meanwhile, during a meeting of the small council, Lord Eddard Stark learns that the forthcoming tournament to celebrate his appointment is seeing the city swell with visitors, and has already resulted in a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race. He tells Littlefinger that money will have to be found to strengthen the city guards, as well as lending twenty of his own men to Janos Slynt's command over the City Watch, until the tournament is over.
Following the meeting, Eddard talks to Grand Maester Pycelle about Jon Arryn's last few weeks before his death. Pycelle said he did all he could to save Jon Arryn, but the illness was sudden and severe. He recalls that shortly before his sudden illness, Arryn had borrowed a “truly boring book” about the lineages of the Seven Kingdoms, and his last words were, "The seed is strong." Taking the book with him, Eddard comes across his daughter Arya in the hall standing on one leg, as part of her training with Syrio Forel. Arya asks whether her brother Bran would be able to live in King's Landing with them now that he's awoken from his coma, but Eddard states that he would have to regain his strength first. Arya then comments that Bran had always wanted to be a knight but Eddard states that Bran will be able to do many other things such as become lord of a holdfast or sit on council. When Arya asks if she would be able to become any of those, Eddard instead tells her that she will marry a highborn lord and have children. However, Arya is not pleased with this response, telling her father, "that's not me." She goes back to balancing on one leg as Eddard looks on.
Afterwards, Littlefinger meets with Eddard and suggests that he keep his investigation into Jon Arryn's death lower in profile. He also gives Eddard some interesting intelligence: Jon Arryn's former squire has been knighted and will fight in the forthcoming Hand's tourney. He also advises him to investigate an armorer located in the city. Eddard decides that Littlefinger may be more trustworthy than he first thought, but Littlefinger discourages him from thinking that way. Eddard sends Jory Cassel to question Jon Arryn's former squire, Ser Hugh of the Vale. However, deducing that Jory was not a knight, Ser Hugh simply rebuffs him and refuses to speak with him due to his much lower rank. Eventually Eddard's investigation leads him to a smithy in the slums of the city called Flea Bottom. There he meets with master smith Tobho Mott and his apprentice Gendry, whose work Jon Arryn was also apparently interested in before his death. Tobho Mott has Gendry show Lord Eddard a bull's head helm he made as a sample of his work which Eddard commends, but Gendry adds that it's not for sale, much to Tobho’s embarrasment. Mott scolds him but Gendry states he made it for himself, and Eddard assures Mott he's not offended. Gendry then informs that Jon Arryn would drop by and ask other questions as well, such as if he liked being at Mott's smithy and if he was treated well, then onto who his mother was. Studying his face, Eddard then realizes that Gendry is one of King Robert Baratheon’s bastard sons, but can't work out why the late Hand of the King would be interested in this. It is known that Robert has many bastard children and shows little interest in any of them. On leaving, he tells Mott that if Gendry should become interested in wielding a sword instead of forging them, to send him to Eddard.

In the Red Keep, the king is amusing himself with several young ladies while Jaime Lannister stands guard outside. Jory Cassel arrives with a message for the king and as he waits for Robert to finish Jory tells Jaime they have fought alongside one another beforehand, at the Siege of Pyke. Jaime, realizing that Jory is a fellow soldier, becomes slightly friendlier. They remember Thoros of Myr storming the breach in the walls of Pyke with his flaming sword, and the Greyjoys being good fighters but honorless dogs. Jaime recalls seeing one of them at Winterfell, like a shark on a mountaintop. Jory replies it was Theon Greyjoy and, despite everything, he is a good lad. Jaime is doubtful. When Jory asks again if he can leave the message from Eddard, Jaime gets annoyed and says he doesn't serve Lord Stark. Jory leaves.
Shortly afterwards, King Robert attends the first day of the tournament. Sitting in the stands, Sansa tries to catch Prince Joffrey's eye, but he avoids looking at her. Noting the exchange, Littlefinger asks if they are having a lover’s quarrel as he introduces himself as a friend of their mother. Arya asks why is he called Littlefinger as he informs that was born on the smallest of the Fingers and was very small as a boy, so it was a clever joke. The first tilt is held. The first of the combatants is Ser Gregor Clegane, a gigantic man over seven feet in height. He is called "the Mountain". He is the elder brother of Sandor Clegane, Prince Joffrey's bodyguard. His opponent is Ser Hugh of the Vale. On their second pass, Gregor's lance takes Ser Hugh in the throat, killing him. Littlefinger notes this was an unfortunate accident. He asks Sansa if he has ever heard the tale of the Mountain and the Hound. When they were children, Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy knight by the fire, one of Gregor’s toys. Gregor never said a word; he just took Sandor by the neck and held his face in the fire until his skin burned. That is how Sandor got his scarred appearance. Littlefinger suggests not repeating this story to the Hound. Meanwhile, in Eddard’s chambers, Jory announces that the queen has arrived to meet with him. Cersei enters and talks to Eddard in private. She suggests putting the unpleasantness from the Kingsroad behind them. She asks him what he hopes to accomplish as Hand, and he simply replies to run the realm as best he can for King Robert. Cersei laughs, saying that all they can do is pick up the pieces that Robert leaves behind. He will simply do whatever he wants to do, when he wants. Eddard replies that if that is his lot, so be it. Cersei muses that Eddard is just a good soldier, happiest when taking orders. Eddard then states that he was trained to kill his enemies. Cersei coolly retorts that she was as well.

castle black
At Castle Black, Jon Snow is continuing to help train Grenn and Pyp. They are interrupted by a new arrival: Samwell Tarly of Horn Hill, a large, fat boy. He nervously announces he has come to take the black. Ser Alliser Thorne orders Rast to spar with him, but Samwell immediately drops his sword and falls to the floor, screaming that he yields. Thorne tells Rast to keep hitting him until he gets up again. Jon Snow intervenes, pointing out he's yielded already. Annoyed, Thorne sets Grenn, Pyp and Rast on Jon simultaneously, but Jon beats all of them. Now infuriated, Thorne orders Jon and Sam to clean up the armory as that's all they are good for. He storms off with Rast. Jon, Grenn and Pyp interrogate the new arrival. Sam admits that he is a coward; he wanted to fight but could not face it. He thanks Jon for his help and leaves. Grenn is worried that if people saw them talking to Sam, they might think they are cowards as well. Pyp points out that Grenn is too stupid to be a coward. Grenn, unable to think of a good comeback, settles for chasing Pyp off with his sword.
That evening, atop the Wall, Jon stands watch. He is joined by Sam. Ser Alliser has ordered him to be Jon's new watch partner, although he warns Jon that he doesn't have good eyesight. He’s also not good with heights. Jon asks him what he is doing on the Wall since he is scared of everything. Sam says that on the morning of his eighteenth nameday, his father Randyll Tarly came to him and said that he was not worthy of his lands and title. He told Sam to take the black and forsake his inheritance. If he did not, they would have a hunt, and somewhere in the woods Sam's horse would throw him and leave him to die, or so he would tell Sam’s mother. Sam realizes that Ser Alliser will make him fight again tomorrow, and he tells Jon he won’t get any better. Jon notes that he can’t get any worse, and they share a laugh. That night, Rast wakes up to find Jon's albino direwolf, Ghost, at his throat. Jon tells him that Sam will not be touched. Rast, scared, agrees. The next morning in the training yard, Thorne sets Rast against Sam, but Rast only touches him with the flat of his blade. Thorne then sets Grenn against him. Grenn, going overboard, asks Sam to hit him. When Sam barely touches him, Grenn drops his sword and falls to the floor yelling that he yields. Thorne is furious and tells Jon that this is not a game. He is training them to save their lives when they are beyond the Wall with the sun going down, when they need to be men and not snivelling boys.
Later, Jon and Samwell clean the kitchens. Sam is annoyed that, although the Night’s Watch vows forbid fathering children or taking wives, many of the officers sneak off to the brothel in Mole's Town on a regular basis. Jon is surprised that he cares, but Sam says that although he’s fat, he still likes girls as much as Jon, though they might not like him as much. He tells Jon he's never been with one. Jon surprises him by saying the same thing. He once tried with Ros back home but did not want to risk fathering a bastard, as his father did with him. They are interrupted by Alliser Thorne who asks them if they are cold. Samwell confirms that they are as Thorne then asks them if they remember the last winter, almost a decade ago. He tells them he spent six months beyond the Wall during the last winter and was trapped by a storm. The horses died first and were eaten, follow later by the men. Thorne says it is a shame they didn't have someone like Sam along as he’d have fed them for two weeks. He adds that they will be passed on to the Lord Commander for assignment but they won’t be ready and come winter they will die like flies.

vaes dothrak
Khal Drogo's khalasar has crossed the vast Dothraki Sea and reached the city of Vaes Dothrak, passing under an enormous statue of two rearing horses. Vaes Dothrak is the only Dothraki settlement and serves as their effective capital city. Viserys Targaryen is unimpressed, pronouncing it a place of mud and twigs and excrement, fit only for savages. Daenerys Targaryen tells him he should not talk that way about her people, but Viserys replies they are his people and his army. Frustrated, he rides ahead of the column. Daenerys asks Ser Jorah Mormont if her brother could really take the Seven Kingdoms with a Dothraki army. Ser Jorah points out that the Dothraki have never crossed the Narrow Sea and fear any water that their horses cannot drink. But, if they did cross somehow, the Dothraki would only win if they could fight an open battle. King Robert Baratheon is fool enough to oblige them, but his advisors are smarter. Ser Jorah notes that Eddard Stark still wants his head. Daenerys asks why Jorah sold slaves. Jorah says he had no money and an expensive wife. Daenerys asks where his wife is now and Jorah says in another place with another man.
That night, Viserys takes a bath with Doreah as she asks if Viserys has dragons blood in his veins. When he replies with the possibility she asks about their extinction. Viserys snaps that brave men rode the dragons, flying them forth from Valyria to build the greatest civilization the world has ever seen. The breath of the greatest dragon forged the Iron Throne out of the thousand swords of the vanquished kings and lords of Westeros. Doreah says she has always wanted to see a dragon and is impressed by their freedom. Viserys notes that after fifteen years in the pleasure house, Doreah is probably happy to see the sky. Doreah laughs, saying she wasn’t locked in and has seen many things in her life. Viserys dismays at having never seen a dragon but has seen their skulls which was used to decorate the throne room. The ones closest the door were the last ones to hatch, stunted and wrong-shaped. The most massive of all belonged to Balerion, whose breath forged the Seven Kingdoms into one. When Doreah asks him where are they now, he replies that he doesn’t know. He assumes that the usurper had them destroyed. She says that’s sad and he agrees, then gets angry: he didn’t buy her so she could make him sad and he didn’t buy her to teach his sister how to make Drogo happy. Annoyed, he tells her to "get on with it" as she awkwardly continues to pleasure him.
Viserys is enraged when Daenerys sends Doreah with an invite for him to dine with her, as he interprets this as a command. He drags Doreah into Daenerys' tent, and insults her dinner and the gifts of clothes she tries to give him. He is still dressed in his now ragged clothes from Pentos, having refused to dress like a Dothraki, whom he regards as savages. He sneers that next she will try to braid his hair like a Dothraki. Angered by his ingratitude, Daenerys retorts that he has no right to braid his hair until he is victorious in battle, which further infuriates him. In his anger, Viserys tackles her to the ground and tries to strike her, calling her nothing but a "horselord's slut", and warning her that she's "awoken the Dragon", but this time she fights back, hitting him in the face with a metal and leather belt. She tells a stunned Viserys, who can only gawp at her in astonishment, that she is the Khal's pregnant wife, implying Viserys means nothing to the Dothraki, and warns that if he raises a hand against her again, he will lose his hands. Afterwards, Daenerys confides in Jorah her realization that Viserys will never become king of Westeros. He is so weak and ineffectual that he couldn't command an army even if Drogo gave him one, to which Jorah agrees.

the riverlands
Catelyn Stark and Rodrik Cassel stop at the Crossroads Inn on their way back to Winterfell. They are accosted by a singer called Marillion as the door opens and Tyrion Lannister and Yoren enter to take a break en route to King’s Landing. The innkeeper tells them that she has no rooms but Tyrion holds aloft a coin and asks if anyone is willing to give up his bed for the night. A sellsword named Bronn replies yes as Tyrion thanks him. He then notices Catelyn in the corner and tells her he is sorry to have missed her at Winterfell. Catelyn, her identity exposed, stands and identifies several knights who serve bannermen of her father's, Lord Hoster Tully. Catelyn then identifies another knight wearing the sigil of House Frey, assuming their allegiance, before announcing to the whole inn that Tyrion was a guest in her household and betrayed that trust by conspiring to murder her son. She calls upon those knights present to help her seize him and return him to Winterfell to await the king’s justice. Several knights pull out their swords and level them at Tyrion, to his amazement.
*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

“You’re boys still, and come the winter you will die, like flies”
“Start the damn joust before I piss myself”
“I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things”
“Distrusting me was the wisest thing you’ve done since you climbed off your horse”
“As was I”
“The next time you raise a hand to me, will be the last time you have hands”

episode four music


did you know?
The episode takes its name from the phrase spoken by Tyrion.
This episode marks the first, and so far, only time in the series that no member of the starring cast was absent.
First mention of the Greyjoy Rebellion and two of its stages - the raid on Lannisport and the siege of Pyke.
First mention of Theon's brothers Rodrik and Maron and his uncles, though without mentioning their names.
Tyrion asks Theon whether his uncles were responsible to the destruction of the Lannister fleet, without mentioning their names; perhaps it is an intentionally vague line, so the writers could keep their options open. In the books, Theon has three paternal uncles - Victarion, Aeron and Euron Greyjoy, and one maternal uncle - Rodrik "the Reader" Harlaw; of these four, only Aeron and Euron have been portrayed in the show.
First mention of Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall, Lord Hoster Tully, Lord Walder Frey, Lord Jonos Bracken, Thoros of Myr and Lady Whent of Harrenhal.
Doreah says that she's seen a man who could change his face the way that other men change their clothes. This is a reference to a guild of assassins from Braavos, known as the "Faceless Men".
The scene with Viserys and Doreah in the bath discussing dragons was filmed for the previous episode but moved to this episode for timing reasons. Writer Bryan Cogman was unaware of this change until he saw the final episode. One of the dragons mentioned in this scene, Vermithrax, is a nod to the 1981 fantasy movie Dragonslayer.
Viserys mentions nine dragons: Ghiscar, Valryon, Vermithrax, Essovius, Archonei, Meraxes, Vhagar, Balerion, and the unnamed last dragon; of those, only the last four are mentioned in the novels.
Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner were not present for rehearsals during the tournament scene, so their reactions to Ser Hugh of the Vale's bloody death were not feigned. This was felt to add authenticity to the scene.
During the Tourney of the Hand, the banners of several noble houses are present. Besides the Stark direwolf, the Lannister lion and the Baratheon crowned stag, the black bear on green of House Mormont, the white sunburst on black of the Karstarks, the three black hounds of House Clegane and the counter charged black and white swans of House Swann can be clearly spotted.
It rained heavily during the shooting of the Tourney of the Hand scenes in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Ultimately the production team was surprised they were briefly able to film any of it at all.
Besides the entry on House Baratheon, The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms lists Houses Umber and Blackfyre as well.
The scene between Sansa and Septa Mordane in the Iron Throne room, the scene between Jaime and Jory Cassel, and the scene between Viserys and Doreah, were written at the last minute because the rough-cut of the episode was running short, and filmed in post-production reshoots. Note that they are all interior shots which didn't need to be filmed on-location.
The pirate to whom Doreah refers is Salladhor Saan, who makes his first appearance in season 2 episode "The Night Lands".
Doreah tells Viserys that has seen a man from Asshai with a dagger of real dragonglass. This is the first time that dragonglass is mentioned in the show, though its importance is not revealed till season three.