margaery tyrell

Portrayed by Natalie Dormer
Status: Deceased
Origin: Highgarden
Episode Appearances: 26
First Seen: ‘What Is Dead May Never Die’
Last Seen: ‘The Winds Of Winter’
Margaery Tyrell is the only daughter of Alerie Tyrell and Mace Tyrell, the Lord Paramount of the Reach. The Reach is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Tyrell is one of the Great Houses of the realm, as well as one of the wealthiest. It is a vast, fertile, and heavily-populated region of southwestern Westeros. Margaery was raised in privilege in the family seat and regional capital of Highgarden, alongside the matriarchal leader of House Tyrell, her grandmother Lady Olenna Tyrell. She is close to her brother, Ser Loras Tyrell, popularly known the Knight of Flowers. Margaery is also close to her handmaidens, Sera Durwell and Mira Forrester, who followed her since leaving Highgarden. Margaery is as beautiful as she is clever, which she uses to her advantage to strengthen House Tyrell’s position.
Throughout history, House Tyrell has played by the strategy of siding with whoever is most likely to win in a conflict. During the Targaryen Conquest, they surrendered Highgarden to the forces of Aegon the Conqueror, and in return the Tyrells were elevated as the new Lords of the Reach. During Robert's Rebellion, they remained loyal to House Targaryen, as they owed their rule of the Reach to the Targaryens. However, after King Aerys II Targaryen's death, the Tyrells surrendered and swore fealty to the usurper king, Robert Baratheon. In the current generation, House Tyrell is a stable and loving family, with none of the internal rivalries that are to be found in House Lannister or House Baratheon. Thus the relationships between the family are genuine and uncomplicated. At the start of the War of the Five Kings, which is dividing the Seven Kingdoms against the new reign of Joffrey Baratheon, Margaery is sent to the Stormlands in order to wed rivaling king, Renly Baratheon.