‘what is dead may never die’

Directed By: Alik Sakharov / Written By: Bryan Cogman

Original Airdate: April 15, 2012

In King’s Landing, at the Red Keep, Tyrion Lannister tests his status as acting Hand of the King and plots three alliances through the promise of a betrothal for his niece Myrcella Baratheon, much to his sister Cersei’s anger. Elsewhere, Catelyn Stark arrives in the Stormlands on her son Robb Stark’s orders to forge an alliance of her own. However, King Renly Baratheon, his new wife Margaery Tyrell and her brother Ser Loras Tyrell have other plans in mind. Over in the Iron Islands, Theon Greyjoy returns home for the first time since he was a child in hopes to coerce his father Balon Greyjoy to ally with House Stark. However, Balon maps out his own strategy of attack. At Winterfell, Maester Luwin tries to decipher Bran's recurring dreams of a three-eyed raven.

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CRAsTER’s keep

Craster drags his captive Jon Snow back to his keep following their confrontation in the forest. After catching Jon spying on him while he left the baby in the forest for the White Walkers, Craster has beaten him bloody. As result, he angrily orders the men of the Night's Watch out of his home, blaming Jon. In private, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont questions Jon about his actions, as Jon realizes that Jeor has known all along that Craster is sacrificing his sons. However, Mormont considers Craster too valuable a contact to risk offending, as he is one of their few sources of information and shelter beyond the Wall. Mormont himself is disgusted by Craster's human sacrifices and his incestuous relationships with his own daughters but he will not interfere, and forbids Jon from doing so, as Craster has helped many members of the Night's Watch, among them, Benjen Stark. Jon reveals seeing ​something take the child and Jeor predicts that whatever it was Jon will see it again. Before the Night’s Watch head out Samwell Tarly gives  Gilly a thimble that once belonged to his mother Melessa. He promises to come back for her when they make the return journey to Castle Black.


Meanwhile, Bran Stark experiences another strange dream at Winterfell and is able to see the castle through his direwolf Summer's eyes.  Maester Luwin then sends Hodor to rouse Bran from his sleep, as Summer follows Hodor to Bran's chamber and sits on his bed. Bran also can see himself through the wolf's eyes when he awakens. Afterwards, during his lessons, Bran informs Maester Luwin about his wolf dreams and relates them to stories of people that can live inside animals, something he once heard from Old Nan. Maester Luwin tries to reassure Bran that they are only dreams, however, Bran insists that his dreams are different. He then reminds the maester that he and his brother Rickon Stark shared the same dream of their father Eddard Stark’s death. In response, Luwin shows Bran the Valyrian steel link on his master's chain. and explains that it represents the study of the higher mysteries. He declares that despite his studies he never found true magic. Luwin then helps Bran to bed and asserts that the dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the Children of the Forest are forgotten.

the stormlands

In the Stormlands, Catelyn Stark is brought to King Renly Baratheon's camp by his outriders. She finds his men watching a duel between two fully armored knights. Renly himself and his new Queen Margaery Tyrell watch from a wooden dais. Margaery stands and cheers on her brother Ser Loras Tyrell as he disarms his opponent who manages to step under a swing of his axe and knock him off his feet. Loras yields as Renly congratulates the combatants as they stand and calls the winner forward. The crowd are shocked when the fighter removes their helm and is revealed to be a woman; Brienne of Tarth. Renly tells her that she is everything that her father promised as Margaery says that Loras fought valiantly. Renly names Brienne champion and offers to grant anything that she requests, which is to join his Kingsguard. After Catelyn greets Renly and Margaery, Renly promises to avenge the death by presenting Catelyn with King Joffrey Baratheon's head when he takes King's Landing. Loras interrupts to ask if Robb Stark has marched against Tywin Lannister yet. Catelyn denies knowing Robb's strategy and warns Renly to take the war more seriously, saying that his men are the knights of summer and winter is coming. A courteous but distant Brienne then shows Catelyn to a tent assigned to her. Catelyn compliments her performance in the tournament, calling her Lady Brienne. Brienne credits Renly for motivating her to fight and informs Catelyn that she is no Lady.

Later that evening, Renly tries to initiate sex with his lover Loras but is rebuffed.  Loras reminds him of the importance of fathering an heir and goes to fetch his sister Queen  Margaery. When Margaery enters he warns her that he may have drunk too much. She reaches for his crotch and he blames the wine for his lack of arousal. She offers to take care of it and unlaces his britches. He breaks off their kiss and apologizes. She offers to ask Loras to come in and help. He is stunned at her forwardness. She says that she could turn over so that Renly can pretend that she is Loras if he would prefer. He claims to not understand what she means. She smiles and says that he can be open with her and should save his lies for court because he will need a lot of them. She sits next to him on their bed and says that their enemies will be thwarted if he gets her pregnant. She offers him the choice of how he would like to do it; either with her alone or with her and Loras. She says that he can choose because he is a king and kisses him on the cheek.

the iron islands

Meanwhile, at Pyke on the Iron Islands., Theon Greyjoy enters his father Balon Greyjoy’s chambers alone. He gazes around silently as his sister Yara Greyjoy enters behind him. He catches sight of her and she asks if he is angry with her. He berates her for pretending not to be his sister when they were first reunited. She counters that it was him that failed to recognize her. He retorts that when he last saw her she looked like a fat little boy. She says that he had the same appearance when he left. Their father enters and Yara greets him respectfully as Theon follows suit. Balon goes to his table which holds a map of the seven kingdoms and details his plans. He is going to attack the North. He knows that it is poorly defended while Robb Stark is fighting in the Westerlands. He assigns thirty long ships to Yara to take Deepwood Motte. Theon asks his part and Balon says that he will have one ship to raid fishing villages along the Stony Shore. Yara twists the knife by saying that his ship is named Sea Bitch. Theon tries to argue against the whole strategy and Balon accuses him of divided loyalties. Theon claims that he is being pragmatic by avoiding the enmity of their potential ally in Robb. He reminds Balon that Robb will give them Casterly Rock in exchange for fealty. Balon counters by making Theon repeat the House Greyjoy words “We do not sow.” Balon describes reaving as their way of life and accuses Theon of having become weak living with the Starks. Theon responds by reminding Balon that he gave him to House Stark after his defeat in the Greyjoy Rebellion. He angers Balon with the bitter memory and Balon hits him in the face then begins to storm out of the room. Theon calls after him, pointing out the unfairness of his hatred. Balon pauses as his son harangues him but then strides on. Yara accuses Theon of wanting Balon to bow down to his “other family.” Theon denies seeing the Starks that way.

Afterwards, Theon reads over a letter he has written warning Robb Stark of his father's plans. After a long and steely gaze, Theon ultimately makes his decision of allegiance and burns the letter at his desk. Afterwards, he is then brought outside on the shores of Pyke by Lord Balon and his sister Yara, along with a small contingent of House Greyjoy men. There they witness Theon’s baptism by a Drowned Priest in a ritualistic display of loyalty to his blood relatives. Balon and Yara look onwards as he proclaims his faith to the Drowned God, the deity who is worshipped throughout the Iron Islands.

king’s landing

In the Red Keep, Cersei Lannister hosts an awkward dinner for her children Tommen and  Myrcella Baratheon as well as her captive Sansa Stark. Myrcella asks when Sansa and King  Joffrey will wed and Cersei tells her that it will be after the war. Tommen asks if Joffrey is going to kill her brother Robb and Cersei says that he might, adding that regardless Sansa will do her duty anyway. Sansa chokes down her helpless anger. Afterwards in her chambers, Sansa is startled when she hears a knock at the door. Shae enters and explains that she is Sansa's new handmaiden though she was unaware that she was to have a handmaiden and realizes that Shae is not from Westeros. As Shae stands waiting to be told what to do, Sansa becomes doubtful of her experience, yet expects the local standard. She vents her frustration on Shae and as she is speaking it is obvious that the stress of the evening has left her close to tears. Shae offers to leave, but Sansa, realizing her loneliness, asks Shae to brush her hair.

Flexing the muscles of his new position as Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister tests the loyalty of the small council by feeding them each a different plan for a marriage alliance involving his niece Princess Myrcella. He first meets with Grand Maester Pycelle in his dining room and compliments his knowledge before then asking him to keep a confidence. He tells him that he is hoping to make a marriage alliance with House Martell in Dorne by offering Myrcella's hand to their heir Prince Trystane Martell. Tyrion specifies that Pycelle should not speak to the Queen. He then has a similar meeting with Lord Varys but claims that he wants to marry Myrcella to Theon Greyjoy and afterwards then offers a third variation to Petyr Baelish, this time saying that he will wed Myrcella to Robin Arryn of the Vale. Petyr wonders at Tyrion's motivation given his fractious relationship with Lysa Arryn but Tyrion claims that he is rising above their past dealings. Petyr asks what is in it for him and Tyrion says that he will award him Harrenhal. Petyr is enticed but feigns concern over Tyrion's treatment of Janos Slynt, the previous Lord of Harrenhal. Tyrion assures Littlefinger that he is needed, whereas Slynt was not.

Afterwards, Tyrion enters his dining room to find Cersei waiting for him, who is irate about his plans for her daughter Myrcella. Cersei says that she will not allow Myrcella to be shipped to Dorne as she was sent to Robert Baratheon but Tyrion says that Cersei cannot stop the plan now. She becomes hysterical, smashing glasses from his table. Tyrion cautions her that Myrcella would be in grave danger if King's Landing was sacked, demanding to know if Cersei wants to see her daughter raped and murdered like the children of House Targaryen during the Sack of King's Landing. Tyrion promises Cersei that if the city falls, they will put Myrcella's pretty little head on a spike next to hers. Cersei tells him to get out and shoves him over before sinking into a chair.

Following the conversation with Cersei, Tyrion has uncovered that Grand Maester Pycelle acts as her informant. Petyr Baelish, however, is furious about being involved in Tyrion's deception. When being confronted by Littlefinger, Tyrion placates him by offering an opportunity to act as an envoy to Renly and Catelyn in the Stormlands, which Baelish accepts. Once Bronn reports to Tyrion, he has the Lord Commander arrest Pycelle for his treachery. After the arrest, Tyrion then meets with Lord Varys who reports that Shae is settling into her new role as Sansa’s handmaiden. Varys also remarks on the loss of a second small council member with the imprisonment of Pycelle, congratulating Tyrion on the ploy. Varys then provides Tyrion with a riddle, using it to illustrate that power is an illusion maintained by rulers.

the riverlands

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Riverlands, Arya Stark sits up cleaning her sword while the rest of the recruits are fast asleep. Yoren enters and sits across from her. He notices her watching him and asks what she wants. She then asks him how he sleeps with the terrible things that he has seen. He says that he prevented her from seeing her father's execution. She says that she cannot forget seeing the Queen, Joffrey and Sansa standing next to him on the podium. He tells her about the murder of his brother by a boy named Willem. He says that he thought constantly about revenge and eventually made it a ritual to say the killer's name before falling asleep. When Willem returned to town, Yoren killed him with an axe and then took his horse to ride to the Wall and join the Night's Watch to avoid prosecution. He urges Arya to get some sleep but they are interrupted by horns sounding outside. Yoren wakes his recruits and marshals them for a fight. He warns Arya and Gendry to stay out of sight and flee north if the fight is lost. Lommy Greenhands picks up Gendry's bull helm as the recruits rush outside. When one man trips and drops his torch, it sets fire near the prisoner wagon. The recruits are met by Ser Amory Lorch  and a force of House Lannister men who have come for Gendry. Amory Lorch orders Yoren and the recruits to drop their weapons, however, Yoren remains defiant as Lorch orders him shot. Yoren takes a quarrel to the shoulder but kills the crossbowman before he can reload. Yoren fights alone, killing several men before Lorch himself kills Yoren by driving his sword through the back of his neck. Gendry and the other recruits then join the fight while Hot Pie cowers in the bushes. Arya is distracted by Jaqen H’ghar calling for help, as the cage has been set on fire and the prisoners aren’t able to escape. She hands him an axe before rushing to join the fray and is then knocked over by Polliver, one of the Lannister men. He takes Needle from her as Lorch orders the survivors to be rounded up and taken to Harrenhal. With an arrow in his leg, Lommy calls for help from the ground as Polliver approaches. When Lommy says he’ll have to be carried Polliver pulls the boy forward and stabs him through the throat with Arya’s sword. Lorch then demands the survivors to identify Gendry. Arya sees the other recruits begin to look at Gendry and as a diversion she says that they have already killed him. She then points out Gendry’s bull helm that Lommy had taken and now lays next to his dead body.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

You think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe? Ned Stark had a piece of paper, too
— Cersei Lannister
I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours, and keep you safe from all harm
— Brienne of Tarth
You gave me away! Your boy! Your last boy! You gave me away like I was some dog you didn’t want anymore. And now you curse me because I’ve come home.
— Theon Greyoy
Cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats
— Tyrion Lannister
How is being a weakness a compliment?
— Shae
Power is a curious thing, my lord…Power resides where men believe it resides. It’s a trick, a shadow on the wall. And, a very small man can cast a very large shadow
— Lord Varys

 episode three music


 inside the episode

did you know?

  • "What is dead may never die" is a common saying in the religion of the Drowned God on the Iron Islands. The answer to the phrase is "But rises again harder and stronger." In the episode the phrase is begun by Theon Greyjoy during his baptism and completed by the Drowned Man conducting the ceremony.

  • This episode marks the first time that House Martell of Dorne is introduced into the narrative, as Tyrion is planning a marriage-alliance with them. They were previously referred to in Season 1's "The Wolf and the Lion," but they were only mentioned in passing during Bran Stark's geography lesson, and out of context viewers who haven't read the books wouldn't have understood how important they are.

  • Renly's sexual relationship with Loras was implied in the books, but happened largely "off-screen." Author George R.R. Martin has confirmed that they were lovers. When Renly departs from Catelyn to share an intimate moment with Loras in his tent, he tells Catelyn that he is retiring for the evening to "pray." In the books, this is a frequently used excuse.

  • Tyrion finds out which member of the small council is spying for his sister by giving each suspect a unique piece of information, and then seeing which one his sister finds out about. This method, commonly known as a "Barium meal test," has been used in intelligence agencies for decades. In the books, Tyrion's three "interviews" happen sequentially, and involve a large amount of "inner monologue" from Tyrion's point of view as he contrasts each interview with the previous one. The TV series instead intercuts each of the three interviews, showing each of the men's reactions to Tyrion's questions.

  • Cersei becoming so angry with Tyrion about "selling" Myrcella into a marriage alliance that she shoves him, knocking him down backwards against some steps, was not in the script. It was ad-libbed by actress Lena Headey on the spur of the moment, and both she and Peter Dinklage just acted through it.

  • As originally scripted, for the scene in which Tyrion and his guards burst into Pycelle's quarters to arrest him, Pycelle was being pleasured by the prostitute Daisy, and Pycelle was entirely naked. Actor Julian Glover objected to this, as did his wife, ultimately the writers relented and modified the scene so he is still wearing his robes.

  • This episode marks the first time that Cersei's two younger children, Myrcella and Tommen, have significant dialogue. Tommen never had any speaking lines before this episode. Myrcella had only one brief line in all of Season 1 (asking "Is Bran going to die?" in "The Kingsroad"), and a brief line to Tyrion in the Season 2 premiere (saying "I'm glad you're not dead"). Thus this episode marks the first time that either of them has multiple lines of dialogue exchanged back-and-forth with other characters.

  • Due to production delays, filming of the fight scene at Renly’s camp had to be pushed back to September 2011, while the remnants of Hurricane Irene swept in across the Atlantic Ocean. As they were already behind schedule, it was not possible to postpone filming the scene any further. This was something of a problem for the cast, who were still wearing the summer clothing. Many cast members were at least wearing their armor, but Natalie Dormer was wearing a light summer gown, and as a result was freezing during the filming of this sequence. Between takes, the costume department would rush to cover Dormer in blankets and give her hot water bottles. Dormer recounted, "that tournament scene was just unfortunate."

  • The scene of Samwell giving Gilly a thimble that belonged to his mother as a promise he'll return isn't from the novels, and was added during re-writes. Cogman said he wrote a general "I'll be back for you" scene, but Benioff and Weiss told him to re-write it and add more depth to it.

  • This episode marks the first and only time the Children of the Forest were mentioned in the series, before they actually appeared in the Season 4 finale. On the reference Maester Luwin makes about them in the episode, Cogman later remarked: "This is the series' first mention of the Children of the Forest. Slipped this one in here!"

  • The moment where Renly asks a servant in his army how his injured foot is doing was actor Gethin Anthony's idea, to show that Renly is the kind of ruler who cares about his subordinates (i.e., unlike Joffrey).

  • The set for the main hall of Pyke castle is a redress of the same set used as the main interior hall of Winterfell (the large interior sets are designed to be modular for re-use).

  • The scene of Theon burning the warning letter he was going to send to Robb wasn't in the original outline of the episode. Originally, the scene was going to directly transition from Yara giving her "you have to pick a side" speech to Theon's baptism. Later, Cogman realized that the story lacked a middle beat, so he added in the little scene of Theon burning the letter, with no dialogue, filmed on a minimal set (one of the reasons why it is so dark).

  • When Littlefinger arrives to confront him, Tyrion seems lost in thought - which was Peter Dinklage's idea. At this moment, Tyrion has just figured out that Pycelle was Cersei's spy (and is about to confront him over it), so as Cogman originally scripted it Tyrion would be feeling great about himself and satisfied that his plan worked. Dinklage, however, felt that Tyrion would still feel some empathy for Cersei, because her daughter Myrcella is indeed going to be shipped away for a marriage-alliance - so instead, Dinklage chose to play Tyrion as deep in troubled thought when Littlefinger interrupts him. Cogman later said, "He was dead right and the scene is better for it."

  • George R.R. Martin has said in the past that Varys's riddle asking what "power" truly is was one of the most important speeches in the entire novel series, pointing out one of the main thematic questions. The TV writers knew this, but the speech actually wasn't in Cogman's original outline for the episode and very nearly missed appearing in the show at all.

  • Cogman originally scripted the closing fight scene between Yoren's recruits and the Lannister guards as a much bigger battle scene but it had to be cut down due to budget constraints. The moment of Yoren explaining how he killed Willem, giving Arya the idea for her kill list/daily prayer, was a rewrite inserted later by Benioff and Weiss. The moment of Polliver taunting and killing Lommy was originally outlined to occur in the next episode, so Vanessa Taylor actually wrote that dialogue. It was moved back into this episode as the season was streamlined in post-production.