‘the bear and the maiden fair’

Directed By: Michelle MacLaren / Written By: George R. R. Martin

Original Airdate: May 12, 2013

After climbing the Wall, Jon Snow, Ygritte and the survivors of the wildling party head to Castle Black while Bran Stark’s party continue their journey towards the Wall. Elsewhere in the North, Theon Greyjoy’s captor introduces new levels of torture. At Slaver’s Bay, Daenery Targaryen has decided to take the city of Yunkai after meeting with one of the wise masters who has refused to surrender. In King’s Landing, Margaery Tyrell consoles Sansa Stark as her arranged marriage to Tyrion Lannister has been fast-tracked. In the Riverlands, Arya Stark flees from the camp of the Brotherhood but her freedom is short lived. Meanwhile, Jaime Lannister leaves Harrenhal but when he learns the fate of Brienne, he forces the men to return on a rescue mission.

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Following the Sack of Astapor, Daenerys Targaryen's army marches on to Yunkai, the next great city of Slaver's Bay. Daenerys and Ser Barristan Selmy are confident they can take the city, given that Yunkai are famous for training sex slaves rather than soldiers. However, Ser Jorah Mormont expresses his concerns that the city's defenders will not fight them on the battlefield but will rather strengthen their position behind the city walls and utilize guerrilla tactics against her army. Jorah also advises that conquering Yunkai does not help them with their main goal of leaving Essos and pressing on to retake Westeros. Daenerys, however, is adamant on freeing the slaves of Yunkai, who number in the hundreds of thousands. She orders Grey Worm to send a messenger to the city, and inform Yunkai's slaver rulers that they must either surrender or suffer the same fate as Astapor. Daenerys then holds an audience with a Yunkish herald who is carried into her camp by slaves. Upon his arrival, Missandei announces the newcomer as Razdal mo Eraz, one of the "Wise Masters" of Yunkai. Razdal attempts to discourage her from attacking his city by claiming that numerous armies throughout history had tried and failed to conquer it. However, Daenerys is undaunted and comments that a hard-fought battle will give her Unsullied army much-needed practice. Razdal asserts there is no need for their factions to fight, and that Yunkai is willing to overlook her attack on Astapor. He then notes that the Wise Masters will even provide her with the gold and ships needed to transport her army to Westeros. In exchange, they ask that Daenerys leave Yunkai in peace. A stern Daenerys makes a counter-offer: she will spare the lives the slave-masters of Yunkai only if every slave in the city is set free, and given as much food, clothing and property as they can carry in payment for their services. She then warns that if her offer is rejected, Yunkai will be shown no mercy. Razdal is offended by her demands and when he threatens to use Yunkai's "powerful friends" to destroy her, Dany’s dragons then threaten him. When the slave master protests that he’s been promised safe conduct, Daenerys responds that her dragons made no such promise and they take offense to him threatening their mother. While the dragons hover over the chests of gold Razdal offered Daenerys, he is unable to reclaim them. After Razdal storms out of the pavilion muttering curses, Daenerys tells Jorah to find out more about Yunkai's "powerful friends" before she commits herself to an attack on the city.


In the Red Keep of King’s Landing, neither Sansa Stark or Tyrion Lannister are particularly happy about their impending marriage. Margaery Tyrell consoles Sansa, reminding her that Tyrion is far from the worst Lannister and that he might be able to make her happy. It suddenly dawns on Sansa that she will have to procreate with Tyrion and Margaery notes that she’s heard good things about Tyrion’s skills as a lover and that he may be surprising. Bronn, meanwhile, points out to Tyrion that he can easily wed Sansa and get a son and heir from her to placate his father and keep having sex with Shae in private. However, Tyrion is less than enthusiastic about having a wife, a mistress and the entire North despising him. Bronn points out that Tyrion is wasting his time trying to be universally loved.

Meanwhile, Lord Tywin Lannister enters the throne room to answer a summons from King Joffrey Baratheon, who requests an update on what the small council has been doing. Tywin informs Joffrey that the king can always attend the meeting should he desire it, which turns into a conversational power play between the two. Joffrey then changes the subject to Daenerys Targaryen as Tywin is surprised that Joffrey even knows about the exiled princess. Tywin admits the reports are apparently true that the last Targaryen is not only alive, but has successfully hatched the first dragons the world has seen in almost two centuries. Tywin reminds Joffrey that the last Targaryen dragons were stunted inbred creatures who weren't grand weapons of war. Moreover, Tywin says that even if Daenerys' dragons do turn out to be as strong as the dragons of centuries long ago, they are on the far side of the world in Essos and no threat to Joffrey's rule. Tywin also warns his grandson that he should heed his advisor's council on matters he does not comprehend. When Joffrey protests that he hasn't been counseled on anything, Tywin says he is being advised at this very moment and says that he will inform Joffrey should he deem it necessary. Before taking his leave Tywin smiles slightly with an even slighter bow leaving a browbeaten Joffrey squirming on the Iron Throne. Their exchange leaves no doubt as to who is really ruling the kingdom.

Later that evening, Tyrion's fears prove accurate. Shae shares her opinions on his impending marriage to Sansa and insists that they can still run away. Tyrion questions what he would do in Pentos and asserts that his position as a Lannister is not something he’s prepared to give up. He swears to her that it will not be like that and he will buy her a good home with fine clothes and servants. When he mentions children she bluntly informs that she does not want children who can never see her father or wants the risk of them being murdered if his father Tywin Lannister ever finds out about them. As Shae leaves his chamber she tells him that once he’s tired of fucking her she will be nothing.

At daybreak, en route to the island of Dragonstone, a ship that is carrying Melisandre and Gendry pass through Blackwater Bay. Melisandre looks out towards King’s Landing and mentions the change of landscape since the Battle of Blackwater. Melisandres stare at the wreckage of Stannis Baratheon’s fleet that had been destroyed by wildfire several months ago. She asserts that her presence might have turned the tide of battle for Stannis. The captured Gendry then mentions that all of his running and fighting has led him back to King’s Landing, even if in passing. Melisandre asks him if he misses the capital, his father’s house in particular, as he then replies with the fact that he’s never had a father. When she asks Gendry if he’s ever wondered where he got his strength and skills from, he dismisses the conversation stating that he’s a lowborn from the slums of Fleabottom. Melisandre is surprised to learn he is unaware of his father's identity and explains to him that she and her mother both were slaves. She then encourages him in saying that his blood is noble. As they pass by the Red Keep, Melisandre then reveals to Gendry that he is the bastard son of the late King Robert Baratheon.


the north

Still unaware of where he is in the North, Theon Greyjoy is released from the cross to which he is chained by two beautiful girls, Myranda and Violet. The women lay Theon down on a bed in his dungeon and proceed to seduce him. They say repeatedly that they have heard that the heir to Pyke is well endowed and are hoping to get first hand experience. Theon is distrustful at first, fearing that this is another of his tormenter's tricks. Theon cannot help himself but be aroused when one of the women who has become naked straddles him and begins a rocking motion.  Suddenly, the familiar horn sounds and the boy enters. Theon is terrified and tries to escape, but is struck hard on the head and is flung to the ground. The boy claims he too has heard about Theon's famous body part and announces it must very well be his favorite body part. When the sadistic youth brandishes an odd knife, Theon realizes the boy means to remove his penis. Horrified, Theon begs for mercy, but the boy quips that this is mercy as he's not killing Theon, merely altering him. Two large men hold a screaming Theon down while the boy moves in to emasculate him.

the gift

Meanwhile, after surviving the perilous climb of the WallJon SnowYgritte and the wildlings make their way towards Castle Black through the Gift in order to await Mance Rayder's signal to begin the attack on the Night's Watch. Afterwards Jon confronts Orell about cutting his and Ygritte's rope loose during the climb on the Wall, which nearly killed the both of them in the process. Orell tells Jon that he doesn't see Ygritte complaining about what happened because she is a wildling and understood what needed to be done in a pressurized situation. Orell adds that this is the reason Jon will never be able to keep Ygritte. During the journey through the woods, an envious Orell teases Ygritte, asking if Jon has promised her status and a castle. He then proclaims that she should be “with one of your own,” before stopping her to confess his feelings and promising to be good to her. When Orell asks Ygritte if she loves Jon, she shakes her head yes. Orell then states that he would be a better man for Ygritte than Jon Snow would. However, he is flatly refused by Ygritte, who threatens Orell when he attempts to grab her. Before leaving her side, Orell insists that she won’t love Jon once he betrays them.

Later on, after entering an abandoned settlement in the Gift named Queenscrown, Jon and Ygritte hunt a deer while the latter pokes fun at Jon’s noble background. When Jon discusses noblewomen to her, Ygritte questions their frailty having been raised a warrior. Jon stares into her eyes, stating that all girls are not like Ygritte, who then confesses that “girls see more blood than boys.” When Jon then mentions taking her to Winterfell one day, Ygritte confidently suggests taking him there one day, once the wildlings have taken back their lands. Jon tries to persuade her, however, that the wildlings' cause against the Night’s Watch is doomed to failure. He reminds her that six Kings-Beyond-the-Wall have attacked the southern lands in the past thousand years and all have been repelled. Jon assures her that if they are to press on with the attack, they will all die. Despite the confrontation, Ygritte eventually relents and pulls Jon into a passionate kiss, declaring that “if we die, we die, but first we’ll live.”

Elsewhere, Bran Stark’s party make camp for the night, as Osha grows increasingly more tiresome of the Reed siblings. She rhetorically questions aloud to Hodor why Jojen Reed gets to sit and talk with Bran all day while everyone else has to do all of the work. As Osha remains distrustful, she interrupts Jojen speaking with Bran to ask what he is telling him, adding that he is filling Bran’s head with black magic. She then reacts with horror when Jojen mentions that they intend to go beyond the Wall instead of Castle Black. Osha is outraged and asserts that she will never go back north of the Wall again. Jojen insists that through his vision he has seen that Bran’s brother Jon is no longer at the Wall and their intended expedition is to now find the three-eyed raven. Bran further explains that with the loss of his legs the raven is all he has now, adding that maybe he fell from the tower for a reason. An enraged Osha refuses to go with them, declaring that none of them understand what lies beyond. She painfully recounts her past to Bran, Jojen and Meera Reed, informing them that her husband Bruni had disappeared one night and the other wildlings were convinced that he simply left her. However, Osha knew this was not the actions of her husband. She then continues to explain that he indeed come back one night, but she didn’t recognize him as her husband any longer. He was a “dead man walking,” who then attacked her until she stabbed him and burned her hut down with him inside. Osha declares that there is nothing left for men beyond the Wall and asserts that she promised Maester Luwin to take them no further than Castle Black.

the riverlands

In the Riverlands, as they travel to The Twins, King Robb Stark’s army has set up camp for the night, delaying their journey due to heavy rain. Lady Catelyn Stark warns her son Robb, as well as his advisors, that the prickly Lord Walder Frey will take their delay as a deliberate insult to him, but her brother Edmure Tully points out that Frey is getting the wedding he wanted; his sister counters that he is getting a wedding, but not the one he wanted, glaring at her son and his wife Talisa Maegyr as she says so. Catelyn then points out that Walder Frey wanted one of his daughters wed to a king, as Robb then retorts that Edmure is the best match House Frey has been offered in its history. That evening, after her and Robb finish having sex, Talisa starts writing in on her parchment. When Robb asks her who she is writing to in Valyrian, Talisa confirms it is for her mother. Upon questioning, she tells Robb that her mother does not yet know that her daughter is a queen. When Robb mentions that this will be a surprise to her, Talisa coyly suggests that it would be one of many surprises. She then asks him when all of this is over if one day would he come with her to Volantis. Upon his promise to her that he will, Talisa then mentions that her mother would love to meet him… “and their grandchild.” A stunned Robb turns to her in disbelief. She asks if he is angry but is quickly relieved by his elated reaction. Robb passionately informs her that he loves her and that she is his queen.

Meanwhile, at Hollow Hill, the base camp of the Brotherhood Without BannersArya Stark is further disillusioned with the Brotherhood for selling Gendry to Melisandre, as well as the release of Sandor Clegane. As she sits across the campfire from Ser Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr, they both question her sullen mood. Arya remarks that she does not like traitors as they took the gold when giving up her friend. When Beric insists that he didn’t want for the boy to be taken, he explains that the red god, R’hllor, is the one true god and what he commands they must obey. Anguy then returns to report that he has found a Lannister raiding party less than a day’s ride south. As the Brotherhood immediately start rallying around the journey, Arya rages to them that they are now heading in the opposite direction to her family in Riverrun. A frustrated Arya then makes a break for it amidst the bustling Brotherhood preparing for an attack and runs out of the cave to take the opportunity to escape into the night. Once Arya is far enough from the exit of the cave she squats in hiding behind a tree to assess her surroundings and avoid getting captured. She then makes another break for it, however, her short moment of freedom is halted by her capture. Not by the Brotherhood, but by Sandor Clegane who was waiting for a moment to seize her.



Over at Harrenhal, Ser Jaime Lannister arrives in Brienne of Tarth's chambers to say goodbye before he leaves for King's Landing. He informs her that Roose Bolton has demanded she stay behind with Locke. He tells Brienne that he owes her a debt. Brienne tells Jaime that if he keeps his word to Catelyn Stark the debt will be paid. Jaime promises that he will return the Stark girls to their mother. The next morning, Roose Bolton, who is also about to depart Harrenhal for the Twins, requests that Jaime pass on his regards to Lord Tywin. Jaime then requests for Roose to also send his regards to Robb Stark. Later on, the group stops for Qyburn to medicate Jaime's healing stump. Jaime notes that Qyburn's work is more effective than Grand Maester Pycelle and asks why he was expelled from the Order of Maesters. Qyburn tells him that it was because his experiments were "too bold". Qyburn then informs Jaime that Lord Selwyn Tarth offered 300 gold dragons for his daughter Brienne's return, but Locke refused; believing that Lord Selwyn has all the sapphire mines in Westeros. Locke, feeling cheated, would make Brienne the men's entertainment for the night. Jaime senses a feeling of obligation to Brienne, knowing it is his fault for Locke believing there is a fortune in sapphires in Tarth. He then blackmails  Steelshanks into returning to Harrenhal, threatening that on arrival he will tell his father that Steelshanks was the one who chopped his hand off. Steelshanks relents and escorts Jaime back to Harrenhal. Upon their arrival at Harrenhal, Ser Jaime is shocked and furious to find that Locke and his cronies have thrown Brienne into the castle’s fighting pit, and she faces an angry bear with only a wooden sword to defend herself. Jaime orders Locke to pull her out of the pit and offers to pay whatever ransom he wants, but Locke dismisses the offer, getting more satisfaction out of the spectacle of Brienne being torn apart. In desperation, Jaime leaps into the pit to assist her. Before the bear can harm either of them, Steelshanks shoots it with a crossbow, distracting the beast long enough for Jaime and Brienne to be pulled out of the pit. Locke tries to stop them from leaving the castle again, but Jaime angrily informs him that Lord Bolton cares more about getting him back to King's Landing alive than keeping one of his pet thugs happy. As Jaime is backed up by Steelshanks and his men, Locke is unable to stop them. Ser Jaime then departs Harrenhal with Brienne and Qyburn in tow.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

You’re mine, and I’m yours. And if we die, we die. But first we’ll live
— Ygritte
So go buy yourself a golden hand, and fuck yourself with it!
— Locke
Tell Robb Stark I’m sorry I couldn’t make his Uncle’s wedding. The Lannisters send their regards
— Jaime Lannister
You waste time trying to get people to love you, you’ll end up the most popular deadman in town
— Bronn
I’ve seen wet shits I like better than Walder Frey
— Brynden Tully
I don’t pay you to put evil notions in my head. The ones already there don’t need company
— Tyrion Lannister

 episode seven music


 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The title of the episode comes from The Bear and the Maiden Fair, a popular song in Westeros.

  • It is the second episode in the series in which no actual characters have died, following "Lord Snow".

  • Martin himself didn't write the scenes that include the bear (which all occur in one big chunk at the end of the episode). In the DVD commentary, George R.R. Martin explains that he didn't write any of the scenes with Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Snow in this episode (in which Ramsay emasculates Theon). The novels didn't state that Ramsay cut off Theon's genitals, though it was vaguely implied that he had.

  • Parts of this episode were filmed in Los Angeles, USA, because they involve a live actor-bear (named Bart the Bear) and there are various legal restrictions on international transport of large animals such as bears. As director Michelle MacLaren explained, she chose Bart out of three potential stunt-bears: one from Utah (Bart), one from Canada, and one from Europe. Bart was then flown from Utah to California, where a partial duplicate of the bear pit set at Harrenhal was built in a Los Angeles studio parking lot. Just the pit part was built: the extras crowded around the top of the pit were filmed on the full set in Northern Ireland. Gwendoline Christie and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau were the only cast members flown out to Los Angeles, to film on-set with the bear. The footage from within the pit was then digitally married with the footage of the extras crowded around the top on the duplicate set.

  • Christie explained that she was actually with Bart the bear in the pit, though in real life the crew was being friendly to the bear and saying encouraging things to keep him calm. Christie said that she did every stunt in the bear pit - except for one, when she has to pretend that the bear is hitting her. A stunt double was used for that specific, brief shot, though in real life Bart was just playfully pawing at the stunt man. Due to wear and tear from all the stunt work in the bear pit scene, the costume team actually had to make six identical copies of Brienne's dress (once it gets very badly torn, for continuity reasons, they can't just stitch the original back up).

  • This is the third episode to raise the issue of Margaery Tyrell's ambiguous virginity. In this episode, Margaery uses Sansa's own words to deflect the conversation. Her virginity is similarly an ambiguous matter in the books.

  • Margaery tells Sansa "my mother taught me". This is the only reference in the show to Alerie Tyrell (without actually mentioning her name).

  • This marks the first time that Joffrey and Tywin have actually interacted in person - this is somewhat indicated within the story itself, as Joffrey has summoned Tywin to complain that he's leaving him out of small council meetings.

  • This episode also indicates that a new member of the Kingsguard has been appointed to fill the vacancy left by the death of Ser Mandon Moore and the desertion of the Hound - which had left only three living Kingsguard in the Red Keep: Ser Meryn Trant, Ser Boros Blount, and an unnamed Kinsguard this wiki identifies as Ser Preston Greenfield - as no Kingsguard is seen dying in the Riot of King's Landing it is also assumed Ser Preston survives, unlike his book counterpart. This wiki will assume the fourth Kingsguard is Ser Balon Swann as this character has the least impact in the book plot as of A Storm of Swords.

  • Word has finally reached the highest levels of the Red Keep that Daenerys Targaryen has hatched three live dragons in the distant east of Essos. Varys has been aware of this for several months, and mentioned it to Tyrion in "The Prince of Winterfell," but they decided to focus on the impending Battle of the Blackwater. Tywin was probably notified about the dragons by Varys, but Joffrey must have heard it somewhere else. Viserys previously described the dragon skulls kept in the throne room when he was having sex with Doreah in "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things" - except in that episode, Viserys said that the dragon skulls were arranged so that they got progressively bigger as they got closer to the Iron Throne, while in this episode, Tywin says that the smallest skulls were near the Iron Throne and the largest were on the far side of the room. Viserys (and the books) said that the skull of the smallest one wasn't much bigger than that of a dog's skull, but Tywin says the smallest was the size of an apple. Joffrey points out that the biggest skull was the size of a carriage: when Arya stumbled upon a stored dragon skull while wandering the Red Keep's dungeons in Season 1's "The Wolf and the Lion," it was indeed bigger than a carriage.

  • Talisa states in Robb Stark's army camp as he leaves Riverrun for the Twins that the War of the Five Kings has lasted two years now. This reinforces the general principle that one TV season equals one year within the story continuity. Talisa then reveals she is pregnant with the heir to the North. This is a departure from the books: Robb's wife Jeyne Westerling did not conceive a child prior to Edmure's wedding.

  • Jaime tells Qyburn he saved half a million people - the population of King's Landing. Given that two decades passed since that day, the city population has probably increased, thus that number is currently inaccurate; it is unlikely, though, that it doubled itself, as stated in later episodes. In "A Storm of Swords", Tyrion tells Oberyn Martell there are half a million people in King's Landing, referring to the present population.