season one

In the North, Bran Stark, the ten-year-old son of Lord Eddard Stark, is practicing his archery in Winterfell’s courtyard. His father and mother, Lady Catelyn, are watching. His elder brothers  Robb Stark and Jon Snow, Lord Eddard’s illegitimate son, are helping him. Meanwhile, Eddard Stark’s two daughters, thirteen-year-old Sansa and her younger sister, eleven-year-old Arya, are practicing their needlework inside under the tutelage of Septa Mordane. Arya, however, is bored by the exercise and leaves. Outside, Bran misses the target, causing his brothers, including the youngest boy Rickon, to burst into laughter. Eddard scolds them, asking which of them was a marksman at ten. Bran goes to take another shot, but before he can another arrow whizzes past his ear and strikes the target perfectly. Bran turns around to see Arya standing there with a bow while his older siblings gawk in amazement. Annoyed, Bran chases Arya around the as Robb and Jon egg him on. The castle’s Master-At-Arms Rodrik Cassel then arrives to inform Ned and Catelyn news of a Night's Watch deserter who has fled from their home at Castle Black. The Night’s Watch is a military order which guards the Wall to keep the wildlings from crossing into the Seven Kingdoms. Later that day, Sansa adopts a pet direwolf, the most gentle pup from a litter of newborn direwolves, found by her brothers outside the castle. She names her Lady.

A month later, Sansa’s father receives word that the capital city of King's Landing has lost their Hand of the King, Jon Arryn, to a mysterious death. Winterfell then prepares for the arrival of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, whom Sansa deeply admires. On the morning of the royal party’s arrival, the Stark family members and their retainers gather in the courtyard. When the party rides into Winterfell, Arya starts identifying royal members, but Sansa tells her to shut up. Sansa is then instantly taken with the handsome Prince Joffrey Baratheon, who rides in on horseback. King Robert dismounts and warmly hugs his old friends Eddard and Catelyn. The king then ruffles Rickon's hair, shakes hands with Robb, asks Arya her name, informs Sansa that she is a beauty and that Bran that he will be a soldier one day. Queen Cersei also greets the Starks, though much more reservedly. King Robert asks Eddard to take him to the crypts so he can pay his respects to Sansa’s deceased aunt Lyanna Stark, his former lover. As Robert and Eddard leave, Arya ponders where “the Imp” is. An annoyed Queen Cersei then asks her twin brother Ser Jaime Lannister to find their missing brother Tyrion.

That evening, Sansa and and her mother Catelyn prepare for a great feast. Sansa gushes about Prince Joffrey’s good looks and hopes that he will like her. Sansa then asks how long they will have to wait to be married, as Catelyn informs her that her father has not even decided to accept King Robert’s offer as yet. Sansa is puzzled as to why he would refuse: the king’s Hand is the second-most-powerful position in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Catelyn asserts that Sansa would have to depart from Winterfell and leave her parents behind, but Sansa points out that Catelyn had to leave her home and family when marrying Lord Eddard. Sansa begs her mother to convince her father to accept the king’s offer as becoming queen one day is Sansa’s greatest dream. Afterwards, the feast is held and Sansa has a brief discussion with Queen Cersei and her mother before her sister Arya embarrassingly flings food at her in front of Prince Joffrey, much to her brother Robb’s hilarity. Catelyn catches Robb’s eye and he ushers Arya out of the room. The next day, her younger brother Bran suffers from a dangerous fall out of a nearby tower during one of his usual climbs and lies comatose, which has shaken the Stark family. Despite this event, Sansa packs for the journey south to King's Landing, as she and Arya will be joining her father, who has agreed to King Robert’s request to be his new Hand of the King in the capital, as well as the union of Sansa and Prince Joffrey.

Several days later, Sansa and the royal party reach the Crossroads Inn, a noted waystop on the Kingsroad. Sansa is walking through the crowds with her direwolf Lady and greets a new arrival at the party, a man with a frightening countenance who glares at Sansa. Joffrey’s bodyguard, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, pokes fun of Sansa, asking which of the two men frighten her more. Joffrey informs her that the man was Ser Ilyn Payne, the royal executioner. He then asks Sansa to walk with him along the river as they share a wineskin. Sansa is reluctant to drink, stating that her father only allows her to drink at feasts, but Joffrey asserts that as his betrothed, she can do as she pleases. They then hear sounds of fighting nearby and investigate. Sansa is apprehensive, but the prince fondles the hilt of his sword and promises to keep her safe. The pair then find her sister Arya practicing swords with Mycah, the son of the royal party's butcher. Joffrey mocks Mycah and commands him pick up his stick and test his skills against the prince's. When Mycah refuses, Joffrey cuts his face with his sword. An angered Arya hits Joffrey with a stick as Mycah runs off. Joffrey then holds Arya at swordpoint, threatening to gut her, but Arya’s direwolf, Nymeria, appears and bites his arm. Arya picks up Joffrey's sword and throws it into the river before running off with her direwolf. Sansa insists to Joffrey that she will go for help, and an angry and sullen Joffrey yells at her to go. Meanwhile, Arya forces her direwolf to run away, terrified for her safety. Afterwards, Eddard finds Queen Cersei and King Robert interrogating Arya in the tavern over the event. Eddard wants to know why he was not informed as Cersei demands to know why he is speaking to the king like that. The king checks her, asserting that Joffrey and Arya's stories are conflicting. Cersei then calls upon Sansa to tell them what really happened, but Sansa plays dumb, saying she couldn’t follow what was happening. Arya becomes angry, calling her a liar, and pulling her hair until Eddard separates them. King Robert, fed up, tells Eddard to discipline his daughter and he will do the same for his son. Eddard gladly accepts the judgment, however, Cersei asks about the direwolf and it is reported that Nymeria has fled with no trace of her found. However, Cersei insists they have another direwolf. The king acknowledges his wife’s request, as Arya and Sansa are confused until they realize that Sansa’s wolf Lady is to be killed in Nymeria’s absence. As they both protest, Eddard is incredulous, but Robert tells him that a direwolf is no pet and he should get Sansa a dog instead. A satisfied Queen Cersei asks Ser Ilyn Payne to do the deed. However, Eddard says he will do it himself because the wolf is of the North and deserves an honorable death. Eddard leaves the inn to kill the wolf and discovers that Mycah, the buther’s boy, has been killed on Joffrey’s orders. Meanwhile, as Eddard kills Sansa’s direwolf, as commanded, over at Winterfell her brother Bran Stark awakens from his coma, crippled and without any memory of the fall.

Some time later, Sansa, Eddard and Arya arrive at King’s Landing and are greeted by the Royal Steward in the courtyard of the Red Keep. He informs Lord Eddard that a meeting of the small council has convened and asks him to attend. Eddard orders his guard captain, Jory Cassel, to get the rest of the party settled while he attends the meeting. The court herald suggests that Eddard might want to change into something "more appropriate,” but Eddard just stares at him until he turns to lead the way. Once settled, Sansa and Arya share a meal with Septa Mordane in their new quarters, as Arya angrily stabs the table with her knife. She tells them that she is practicing for Joffrey, who is a liar and a coward, and that the butcher’s boy would still be alive if Sansa had told the truth. Mordane instructs Arya to leave the room. Eddard then arrives and gifts Sansa with a doll. Sullen, Sansa replies she hasn’t played with dolls since she was eight. Eddard looks helplessly at Mordane, noting that, "War was easier than daughters.”

Some days later, Sansa and Septa Mordance visit the empty throne room, as Mordane informs Sansa that one day her future-husband Joffrey will sit on the Iron Throne. She adds that one day Sansa will also bear a son and all the lords of Westeros will gather to see the little prince. Sansa is worried that she might only have daughters, like her friend Jeyne Poole's mother. Mordane assures her that in the unlikely event of that happening, the throne would then pass to Joffrey’s younger brother, Tommen Baratheon. Sansa says if that happens, everyone will hate her, like Joffrey does. Mordane insists that she shouldn’t keep bringing up the incident with the  direwolves as they are not pets. Sansa gets upset and moves to leave. Changing the subject, Mordane tests Sansa’s knowledge of history. Sansa knows that Aegon the Conqueror forged the Iron Throne and that Maegor the Cruel built the Red Keep. Sansa realizes that her uncle and grandfather were killed in this room and asks Mordane why. Mordane tells her that is best discussed with her father, and that Sansa must forgive him. Sansa says she will not.

Later on, Sansa, Arya and Mordane join the royal court in attendance of the first day of a tournament that honors their father as the new Hand, though Eddard himself has not arrived as yet. Sitting in the stands, Sansa tries to catch Prince Joffrey's eye, but he avoids looking at her due to the embarrassment of the direwolf attack. Noting the exchange, a royal advisor named Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish asks Sansa if they are having a lover’s quarrel and then introduces himself as an old friend of their mother, Lady Catelyn. Arya asks Baelish why he is called Littlefinger, as Septa Mordane admonishes her for being rude. However, Littlefinger doesn’t mind the enquiry and explains that he was born on the smallest of the Fingers, which are the peninsulas that extend into the Narrow Sea on the east coast of the Vale of Arryn. He also adds that he was very small as a boy, so it was a fitting joke. As the tourney then begins the first tilt is held. The first of the combatants is Ser Gregor Clegane, a gigantic man over seven feet in height, who is appropriately nicknamed "the Mountain" and is the elder brother of Joffrey's bodyguard, Sandor. His opponent is Ser Hugh of the Vale and on their second pass, Ser Gregor's lance takes Hugh in the throat, killing him. Littlefinger notes this was an unfortunate accident, then asks Sansa if she has ever heard the tale of the sibling rivalry between the Mountain and the Hound, Sandor’s alias. Baelish informs that when they were children, Gregor found his little brother playing with one of his toys by the fire and without a word he took Sandor by the neck and held his face in the fire until his skin burned. That is how Sandor received his scarred appearance. Littlefinger then suggests to both Stark girls not to repeat this story to the Hound.

The following day, as the tourney continues, Eddard takes his place in the stands next to Sansa and Lord Baelish. The competitors arrive for the first joust: Ser Gregor and Ser Loras Tyrell, the youngest son of the powerful House Tyrell. Ser Loras gives Sansa a red rose, to her pleasure, as she then worries for Ser Loras' health, but Eddard assures her that Loras rides well. With the first joust Loras unseats Gregor, whose horse falls to the ground. Littlefinger informs Sansa that it was clever of Loras to ride a mare in heat, as it threw Gregor’s stallion into confusion. Sansa insists that the honorable “Knight of Flowers” would never do that. Littlefinger agrees there’s no honor in it, but quite a lot of gold. A furious Ser Gregor then summons his squire with his sword and decapitates his horse in a rage. He smashes Ser Loras off his horse and attacks him with his sword. Before he can be overwhelmed, the Mountain's brother, Sandor Clegane, jumps and the siblings exchange blows for several moments before King Robert orders them to desist. Sandor immediately kneels and Ser Gregor storms off the field in anger. Ser Loras then thanks Sandor and holds his arm aloft to be cheered on by the commons.

Some time later, Sansa sits on her balcony doing embroidery as Septa Mordane comments that her new hairstyle makes her look like a lady of the south, insinuating that Sansa is changing and not for the better. Sansa wonders why she shouldn't wear her hair differently, as this is where they are now residing. The septa tries to impart the importance of remembering where you come from as Sansa then questions Mordane about her hair and origins. Mordane tries to talk to her openly as they once did when Sansa was her favored pupil and always showed perfect manners. However, Sansa simply stops her in mid-sentence and announces that she doesn't care. Even Mordane pointing out that this is rude doesn't elicit a response. Prince Joffrey then enters and apologizes for his recent behavior and gifts Sansa with a Lion of Lannister necklace, which he asks permission to put around her neck. Sansa is overjoyed, the necklace is the same as the one Queen Cersei wears, which Joffrey believes is only right since Sansa will be queen someday. He asks her to forgive him, swearing to never be cruel nor disrespect her again, "from this day unto my last day.” Joffrey seems to be sincere, but he had been instructed by Cersei to make things right with Sansa. When Joffrey kisses her, Sansa is completely in love. However, Septa Mordane, who is watching the scene, is not convinced. She purses her lips and looks away. The prospect of Sansa marrying Joffrey doesn't find favor with the septa any longer.

That evening, following an altercation with Cersei’s brother Ser Jaime Lannister, a wounded Lord Eddard brings his daughters together to inform that he is sending them both back to Winterfell. Arya first vocalizes her displeasure as she doesn’t want to leave her training. Sansa is incensed by her sister’s statement, feeling that losing a dancing instructor is nothing compared to breaking her betrothal to the prince. Lord Eddard assures Sansa not to worry, as he will choose another man for her to marry, one strong, gentle and brave. Sansa insists that she doesn't want someone like that; she wants Joffrey, much to Arya's amusement. Sansa desires birthing blonde babies, like Joffrey, her "golden-haired lion.” However, Arya asserts that he will be a stag  like his father. Sansa replies that Joffrey is nothing like the Baratheon king. This then prompts Eddard's sudden realization that Joffrey is not Robert's son and thus not the heir to the Iron Throne. Before departing to Winterfell, Eddard confronts Cersei of his newfound discovery regarding the parentage of her children. She unashamedly admits that all of her children were fathered by her twin brother Ser Jaime, thus denying a true claim to the throne for her son Joffrey. However, before Eddard can inform Robert, the king is mortally wounded by a boar while hunting and dies shortly afterwards. Eddard decides to not insensitively inform King Robert of this news while on his death bed. After Robert dies, Joffrey is swiftly announced as the new King of the Seven Kingdoms and Cersei has Eddard arrested for false treason.

Following Eddard’s arrest, the Lannister soldiers complete their purge of the Stark guards and household staff. Sansa and Septa Mordane hear sounds of fighting. When they are confronted by Lannister guardsmen led by Sandor Clegane, Mordane instructs Sansa to run and lock herself in her room while she stays to confront them. However, Sandor later finds and takes Sansa into custody. The guards also try to take her sister Arya into custody after interrupting one of her lessons, however, she runs away and her whereabouts remain unknown. Afterwards, Queen Regent Cersei and the remainder of the small council, comprised of Littlefinger, Grand Maester Pycelle and Lord Varys, summon Sansa to inform her that her father has been arrested for treason. They manipulate Sansa into writing a letter to her brother Robb Stark, asking him to bend the knee peacefully to King Joffrey. They add that Eddard's fate may depend on the reaction from Robb and the other Northern lords. Out of fear, Sansa agrees to write the letter.

Later on, King Joffrey holds court in the Red Keep. Janos Slynt, commander of the City Watch, is to be made Lord of Harrenhal as a reward for his loyal service. Cersei then dismisses Ser  Barristan Selmy as head of the Kingsguard, noting that the time has come for an honorable retirement. Selmy is confused, pointing out that Kingsguard serve for life, but Joffrey angrily says that Selmy is too old and wasn't able to protect his father, King Robert. Selmy's disgrace is only compounded when he learns his post as Lord Commander is to be given to Jaime Lannister, much to his disgust. Varys announces that Selmy is to be given a castle and land in recognition of his years of service, but the old knight, insulted by what he sees as being offered "a hall to die in and men to bury me," takes off his armor, throws his sword at Joffrey's feet and storms out, stating that he could still kill all five of the other Kingsguard present with ease. Sansa then begs Joffrey for her father's life, claiming that the medicine he was taking for his injured leg was responsible for his treasonous talk. Joffrey says that her sweet words have moved him and he will spare Eddard, if he bends the knee to him and acknowledges him as king. Sansa says he will.

After some time has passed, Sansa’s sister has been living on the streets of King’s Landing and continues to evade the Lannister guards. A starving Arya catches and snaps the neck of a pigeon with intentions of eating it but is distracted by the scores of people heading towards the Great Sept of Baelor. As she follows them in she witnesses her father Eddard escorted through the crowd for his trial. He spots Arya in the crowd, and then, as he is taken past Yoren, a trusted Night's Watch recruiter, he manages to signal in Arya's direction saying "Baelor,” hoping that Yoren can find Arya at the statue and take her to safety. On the steps of the Sept, an anguished Sansa stands alongside Cersei and King Joffrey. Eddard Stark acknowledges his "crimes" and swears loyalty to King Joffrey in front of the citizens of King’s Landing. To Sansa's utter shock and horror, however, Joffrey nevertheless orders to execute her father instead of granting mercy as he said he would. Distraught, Sansa is screaming and forcibly restrained. Despite her increasingly hysterical pleas for mercy for her father, Ser Ilyn Payne nonetheless carries out the execution with the Starks' own family greatsword Ice, prompting Sansa to faint in horror. Unbeknownst to Sansa, Arya flees the scene with Yoren, as their father had hoped for moments before his brutal execution in front of his two daughters.

Some time following the execution, King Joffrey is holding court and a singer named Marillion is brought before him, charged with making up an amusing but offensive song about his ‘father’  and Cersei’s relationship. The song says that the boar might have killed King Robert, but the lion in his bed had previously castrated him. Joffrey commands Ilyn Payne to cut out his tongue. Joffrey then takes Sansa up to the walls to see her father Eddard’s head mounted on a spike and makes her look at it. To her horror she also witnesses Septa Mordane’s severed head impaled on a spike amongst the several Stark guards and staff that have been slaughtered. He cruelly mocks her, promising he will give her brother Robb Stark's head next, as with the death of her father Robb has now been appointed the King in the North. Sansa quietly retorts that Robb might give her Joffrey's instead. Infuriated, Joffrey orders the Kingsguard’s Ser Meryn Trant to beat her, as Cersei has told him that a king himself should not hit his queen. With his back turned, Sansa moves up behind Joffrey, apparently preparing to shove him off the walkway to his death, but unexpectedly Sandor Clegane quietly stops her, dabs the blood off her lip and after Joffrey leaves, tells her to give the king what he wants. As Sansa remains a prisoner of King’s Landing, without her father or knowing the whereabouts of her sister, her brother Robb and mother Catelyn, who are waging war in the North, are now her only hope of survival.

“He’s so handsome. When will we be married? Soon or would we have to wait?”

— ‘Winter Is Coming

“He wouldn’t do that. He knows how much I love Joffrey. He wouldn’t! Please your grace, there’s been a mistake. Send for my father, he’ll tell you. The King was his friend.”

— ‘The Pointy End

“Stop it! Stop it both of you! You’re spoiling it! You’re spoiling everything!”

— ‘The Kingsroad

“As it please your grace I ask mercy for my father, Lord Eddard Stark, who is Hand of the King… I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy.”

— ‘The Pointy End

“I don't want someone brave and gentle and strong. I want him. He'll be the greatest king there ever was, a golden lion, and I'll give him sons with beautiful blond hair.”

— ‘A Golden Crown

“Or maybe he’ll give me yours.”

— ‘Fire and Blood

 season two

Some time later in King’s Landing, Sansa looks on as The Hound fights an unnamed opponent atop the walls of the Red Keep during a tourney to celebrate King Joffrey's nameday. His mace rains blows down on his smaller adversary, knocking aside his shield, disarming him and then knocking him over the edge of the wall. Joffrey rushes forward from his pavilion to look down on the fallen man. He shouts congratulations to the Hound and then asks Sansa if she enjoyed the duel as Sansa is deferent and subdued. Princess Myrcella Baratheon and Prince Tommen are also seated in the pavilion. Cersei’s younger brother Tyrion Lannister arrives in the city after months of traveling back to the capital and offers his condolences to Sansa on the death of her father Eddard. Joffrey takes offence, asserting that Lord Eddard was a confessed traitor. Tyrion counters that he was still her father nonetheless and reminds Joffrey of the recent death of his “father” Robert, so he should sympathise. Joffrey leans back to stare at Sansa as she names her father, her mother Catelyn and her brother Robb as traitors. Tyrion smiles and accepts her lie before enigmatically saying that he has work to do. He walks past Joffrey, ignoring questions about his purpose.

Several days later, Cersei hosts an awkward dinner for her children and her captive, Sansa. Princess Myrcella asks when Sansa and Joffrey will wed as Cersei informs her daughter that it will be after the war. Myrcella then remarks on the new dress she will have made for the day as Cersei prompts Sansa to respond. Sansa summons her usual line of devotion to Joffrey and makes her best attempt to placate Myrcella. Prince Tommen then asks if his brother Joffrey is going to kill Sansa's brother Robb as Cersei informs that he might. Upon being questioned if Robb’s death would please him, Tommen informs that he does not want this, however, Cersei insists that if Joffrey does Sansa will do her duty regardless. Sansa chokes down her helpless anger. Afterwards, in her chambers, Sansa is startled when she hears a knock at the door. When Sansa says to come in, Shae enters and explains that she is Sansa's new handmaiden. As Shae stands and waits to be told what to do, Sansa becomes doubtful of her experience. She vents her frustration on Shae, asserting that she does not have time to teach her how to do her job, but as she is speaking it is obvious that the stress of the evening has left her close to tears. Shae offers to leave, but Sansa, realizing her own loneliness, asks Shae to brush her hair.

Some time later, King Joffrey is furious when he hears of Robb Stark's decisive and continued victory against the Lannister forces. He has Sansa brought before the court in the throne room. At first, he sadistically menaces Sansa by brandishing a crossbow, pointing at her. Despite being terrified, Sansa refuses to give Joffrey the satisfaction of scaring her and continues to firmly pledge her loyalty. Annoyed, he reluctantly concedes to his mother Cersei’s insistence that they need Sansa alive, lowering the crossbow and ordering her to stand. Joffrey then sits down on the Iron Throne and commands Ser Meryn Trant to beat and strip her as punishment. Ser Meryn punches Sansa violently in the stomach and strikes her in the back of the legs, causing her to fall down. He then rips open the back of her gown. A furious Tyrion then marches into the throne room and puts a stop to the spectacle, berating Joffrey’s actions, as Sansa is his future wife and queen that he is publicly shaming. He points out the absurdity of punishing Sansa for her brother Robb’s actions. Now enraged, Joffrey bellows that as king, he can do whatever he pleases. Tyrion comforts the shaken Sansa and escorts her out of the hall. He also asks her if she wants to end her engagement to the king, but she continues to uphold her duty. Impressed, Tyrion remarks that she has learned how to survive around Joffrey and might just make it out of her situation alive, respectfully calling her "Lady Stark".

Some weeks later, Sansa attends the departure of Princess Myrcella for Dorne, whom against Cersei’s wishes Tyrion has arranged for her marriage to a Dornish prince named Trystane Martell. Sansa stands up to King Joffrey when he mocks his brother Tommen for crying. As the royal party returns to the Red Keep, Joffrey is struck by excrement thrown by the angry crowd. Joffrey then causes a city-wide riot by demanding that his guards kill all of the smallfolk present. Amidst the chaos, Sansa is separated from the rest of the group and as she tries to flee to safety, she is pursued by a group of men who nearly rape her. However, she is rescued by the Hound just in time, as the savage rioters violently hold her down and pull up her dress. Sandor carries the stunned Sansa over his shoulder back to safety. Later that evening, Shae treats her injuries and Sansa confides she thought the rioters were going to kill her, observing how they hated her and wonders why they would hate a stranger so much. Shae replies it is because Sansa has more than they will ever have, that her horse eats better than their children. Sansa insists she would have given them food if she had it, and she too hates Joffrey more than anyone. Shae warns her not to say such things and to trust no-one.

Days later, Sansa thanks The Hound for saving her life during the riot in the city and compliments him, informing that he was very brave. Sandor simply says that a dog doesn't need courage to fight off rats. Sansa is perturbed by his "hateful speech," but Sandor cautions that a day will come when his penchant for violence is all that stands between her and her "beloved" King Joffrey. Afterwards, Sansa awakens in her bed from a nightmare, only to find the sheets covered in blood because she has had her first period. As she will be expected to marry and conceive with Joffrey when she begins menstruating, Sansa panics and tries to get rid of the bloody sheets to remove the evidence but is caught by Sandor. She is then brought before Cersei, who in her own way tries to comfort her. Cersei reveals that the late King Robert had abandoned her to hunt as she birthed each of her children, but that her twin brother Jaime Lannister was by her side, noting that Sansa should never expect such devotion from Joffrey. Cersei asserts that while Sansa will never love him, she will love their children. She then advises Sansa to love no one but her children because "the more people you love, the weaker you are." When Sansa asks if she should love King Joffrey, Cersei solemnly answers, "You can try, little dove." 

Weeks later, the late King Robert’s younger brother Stannis Baratheon sails his large fleet into the bay outside of King's Landing, as he stakes his claim to the Iron Throne believing the truth in the rumors of King Joffrey’s true parentage, which denies Joffrey’s right as ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. As the next in line of House Baratheon, Stannis believes the throne is his by birthright following Robert’s death. His arrival triggers the Battle of the Blackwater. As the Lannister army assembles along the battlements of the city, Sansa is summoned to the throne room to say goodbye to King Joffrey before he joins his men on the battlefield. After a brief discussion with Tyrion Lannister, Sansa walks over to Joffrey, who informs her that she should see him off with a kiss and draws his sword, ordering her to kiss the blade. She kneels down to do so. Joffrey then claims that Sansa will kiss it again when he returns and she will taste his uncle Stannis’ blood. Sansa asks if Joffrey will slay Stannis himself as he hesitantly asserts that he will if Stannis is fool enough to come near him. She adds that her brother Robb always goes where the fighting is thickest. However, at the mere mention of her brother, Joffrey becomes irate, insisting that Robb’s turn will come and that Sansa can then lick his blood from his sword Hearteater as well. As King Joffrey leaves for battle, Sansa’s handmaiden Shae informs that some of the boys will never come back. Sansa replies that Joffrey will as the “worst ones always live.”

In Maegor’s Holdfast, Cersei brings young Tommen and the royal executioner, Ser Ilyn Payne, into a room filled with ladies, septas and handmaidens taking refuge from the battle. Sansa and Shae are already there as Sansa wonders why Cersei would have invited her to the fortress. Shae suggests that Cersei may hate her less than she hates everyone else. Sansa informs her doubt in this as she watches Cersei’s handmaiden pour the Queen Regent a glass of wine. Cersei calls Sansa over to her bed on the dais, stating that she had wondered where their “little dove” had flown. Cersei then observes Sansa’s pale face, asking if it is still her period. Sansa informs that it is as Cersei says that it’s fitting that the men will bleed out on the field while Sansa bleeds in the room. Cersei orders her handmaiden to pour Sansa some wine as Sansa asks why Ser Ilyn is present. Cersei claims that he is there to defend them. Ser Mandon Moore then enters and reports that the men have caught thieves attempting to escape, as Cersei orders Ser Ilyn to execute them. She informs that the only way to ensure the loyalty of the smallfolk is to make sure that they fear you more than they do the enemy. Sansa reminds Cersei that she claimed that Ser Ilyn was there to protect them. Cersei insists that he is, telling Sansa that traitors are a danger to them all.

Afterwards, Sansa holds hands with several women in the room as Cersei calls her over again, asking the Stark girl what she is doing. Sansa informs that she was praying as Cersei rudely comments on her perfection. As Sansa begins her usual lie about her love for Joffrey, Cersei cuts her off, telling her to shut up and calling her a fool. She orders Sansa to drink her wine deeply and assures that if her brother Tyrion is somehow able to win the battle then the women will tell tales of how her courage inspired them. However, Sansa wonders what will happen if the city should fall. Cersei predicts that the Red Keep would hold for a time, giving her an opportunity to surrender to Stannis Baratheon in person. She asserts that if it were anyone but Stannis she would hope for a private audience but knows that she has no hope of seducing him. Cersei asks if she has shocked Sansa, then informing her captive that a woman has weapons other than tears, adding that her best weapon is “between her legs” and she should learn how to use it. Cersei then elucidates that should the city fall, all the women there will be raped by Baratheon men. She asserts that when a man’s blood is up from battle, any woman looks good and Sansa will look like a slice of cake waiting to be eaten. A horrified Sansa drinks deeply from her wine glass.

As the long battle continues, an increasingly drunk Cersei informs Sansa that when she was little she looked so much like her twin Jaime that even her father Tywin Lannister couldn’t tell them apart. Cersei then adds that she could not understand at that age why they were treated differently as man and woman. She then complains that while she was being taught to be a lady Ser Jaime was being taught to fight, adding that her brother was heir to their home of Casterly Rock while she was sold to a stranger like a horse. Sansa reminds her that the marriage made her queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Cersei counters that Sansa will be Joffrey’s queen and invites her to enjoy it. Cersei notices Shae watching them from across the room, asserting that she has not seen her before. After an untrusting interrogation from Cersei, Shae is rescued by the arrival of Lancel Lannister, who reports on Tyrion’s destruction of the Stannis’ fleet and the landing of Baratheon troops. Cersei orders him to bring Joffrey inside, though he objects insisting that the king’s precense is needed for morale. Cersei again asserts that Joffrey be brought to his chambers, as Lancel exits. A drunkenly flippant Cersei sits back down and reveals to Sansa that she lied about Ser Ilyn’s purpose, as he is there to kill them should the Red Keep be breached.

Lancel later returns to Cersei and tells her that the battle has been lost. He informs that Stannis Baratheon’s troops are at their gates and that the Gold Cloaks lost all heart when King Joffrey left. Cersei then asks where Joffrey is, however, Lancel doesn’t answer and instead says that he wants to escort the king back to the battle. Cersei asks why she should care what Lancel wants as Lancel asks her to listen. She stands and pushes his wounded side. He then falls back into a stone pillar, screaming in pain. Cersei leads her son Tommen out of the room as Shae then tells Sansa to return to her chambers and bar her door to keep her safe should Stannis breach the keep. Inside her chambers, Sansa finds Sandor Clegane waiting for her inside. As he’s now quit the Kingsguard, Sandor tells her that he is going north and offers to take her with him where he can bring her to Winterfell to reunite with her family. Sansa is reluctant to leave the potential safety of being rescued by Stannis but he warns her that all men are killers. Nonetheless, her reluctance compels Sandor to leave the capital without her. As the battle starts to overwhelm the Lannister forces, Stannis' army is ultimately defeated by the arrival of Tywin Lannister alongside new allies to the crown, House Tyrell. Stannis intends on fighting to the end, but is dragged away in retreat by his men before an arrest, as the Battle of Blackwater comes to a close.

Some days following the battle, Sansa attends court as King Joffrey doles out rewards. His grandfather Tywin is named "‘savior of the city’ and replaces his son Tyrion as Hand of the King. Littlefinger is made Lord of Harrenhal and Ser Loras Tyrell is allowed to name a favor from the king. He asks Joffrey to marry his sister Margaery Tyrell, while Cersei looks over at Sansa deviously. Joffrey informs that he would be honored to return Margaery's love, but regrets that he is promised to Sansa. Cersei suggests Joffrey set Sansa aside because of her family's treachery as Joffrey then accepts the betrothal. Joffrey states that he will adore her from this day until his last - the same empty endearment he once offered Sansa. Sansa turns away, feigning sadness but allowing herself laughter once she has privacy. Sansa's joy is halted, however, by Littlefinger consoling her as she pretends to be upset. Baelish then crushes her hopes of freedom and warns her that her situation has worsened, as she will no longer have the token protection of becoming Joffrey's queen but will still remain his captive to torment. Baelish then informs her that she reminds him of her mother and vows to help her return home. Though Sansa is reluctant to trust him she maintains her facade, despite understanding that he is her only option of escape.

“My father was a traitor. My mother and brother are traitors too. I’m loyal to my beloved Joffrey.”

— ‘The North Remembers

“Does it give you joy to scare people?”

— ‘A Man Without Honor

“Pardon, Your Grace. I'm sure your dress will be beautiful, Myrcella. I'm counting the days till the fighting is done and I can pledge my love to Joffrey in sight of the gods.”

— ‘What Is Dead May Never Die

“Joffrey will. The worst ones always live.”

— ‘Blackwater

“He hated me, the man who hit me. I saw it in his eyes. Hated me… He never met me before, but... he wanted to hurt me.”

— ‘The Old Gods and the New

“I’m sorry your grace, you’re right, I’m stupid. Of course you’ll be in the vanguard. They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting’s thickest. And he’s only a pretender.”

— ‘Blackwater

 season three

Some time later, Sansa is sitting at the docks with her handmaiden Shae, watching the merchant ships passing by in the Narrow Sea. Sansa tries to get Shae to play a game with her where they make up stories for each ship, who they are and where they are going, for example. However, Shae is uncooperative, asking why she needs to make up a story when she can find out the truth. Sansa tells Shae that she enjoys the game because the truth is either "terrible or boring." Lord  Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish arrives to talk to Sansa in private and informs her that he saw her mother Catelyn not long ago, and she is eager to see her daughter. Baelish then informs that he’d also ran into her sister Arya, comforting Sansa with the news of her survival in escaping King’s Landing. Sansa impatiently asserts that he’s promised to take her home. Littlefinger informs that he is waiting for word of an assignment that will take him far from the capital. He adds that he might be able to smuggle Sansa away from King’s Landing with him, but she must be ready to leave at a moment's notice. Sansa agrees, both warily and eagerly.  Ros, one of Littlefinger’s brothel workers who accompanies him, talks to Shae away from Sansa and her employer. Ros asserts that she and Shae have done well for themselves, digging themselves out of where they started to become attached to important people. Ros then tells Shae to watch out for Sansa, and to watch out for her with Littlefinger.

Days later, Shae dresses Sansa in her chambers, as the handmaiden warns her about Littlefinger. She points out that Baelish has offered to help Sansa for nothing in return, which probably means that he's after something. Sansa naively insists that because he's an old friend of her mother Catelyn, she believes that should be reason enough. Shae suggests that Baelish is actually sexually attracted to Sansa, as he was to her mother at that age. This disturbs Sansa, but she thinks it is simply impossible, as Baelish is so much older than her. Shae continues to warn Sansa that Baelish is manipulative and men usually only want one thing from pretty young ladies, and love often isn't what they're after. Shae insists that if Baelish asks anything from Sansa, or touch her in any way, she is to inform her so Shae herself can put a stop to it.

Ser Loras Tyrell then arrives to Sansa’s chambers and escorts her to the gardens to meet with Lady Margaery and their grandmother, Lady Olenna Tyrell. Sansa reminds Ser Loras that they met once before at the Tourney of the Hand as Loras insists that he remembers, then taking his leave after passing Sansa to Margaery. Margaery then introduces Sansa to Lady Olenna, who is a cunning and intelligent woman that speaks her mind, bluntly saying that her son Mace Tyrell  was a fool for supporting Renly Baratheon's claim to the throne, despite being betrothed to Margaery before his death. Olenna then asks Sansa tell her the truth about what King Joffrey is like, as he is to marry Margaery. Sansa is initially reluctant but then breaks down and angrily recounts how Joffrey had said he would show her father Eddard mercy, only to behead him in front of her. She adds that Joffrey then forced her to look at her father's head on a spike. Realizing what she has just been saying, Sansa nervously attempts to backtrack, afraid to hold trust in anyone in the capital.  Lady Olenna continues to prod Sansa and it becomes obvious that she is visibly frightened about being overheard. After enough times of Olenna insisting that she can trust her not to repeat what she says, Sansa blurts out that King Joffrey is "a monster.” Olenna is disappointed, but entirely unsurprised, given the rumors that have been circulating about King Joffrey's public outbursts. Sansa is worried that this means the Tyrells will cancel their proposed marriage alliance, which could mean Sansa will be stuck with Joffrey again. However, Olenna assures her that her son Mace is too intent on Lady Margaery entering into a royal marriage to cancel it for anything.

Some time later, small council member Lord Varys approaches Lady Olenna regarding Sansa. Despite being the daughter and sister of traitors, Sansa remains a very valuable hostage to the capital. Varys asserts that if Sansa’s brother Robb dies, she becomes "the key to the North" as the Lady of Winterfell. This greatly increases the power of whichever house Sansa marries into, suggesting to Lady Olenna that Sansa should be married into House Tyrell. Afterwards, Lady Margaery finds Sansa praying outside in the Red Keep's godswood. Margaery dismisses the Lannister guards, threatening to tell the king that they’ve refused her if they don't leave. In private, Sansa and Margaery then engage in pleasant small-talk. Margaery plays a small joke on Sansa by saying that her cousin died of a pox which made her face melt off, but is just trying to brighten her spirits, though in the process is reminded that Sansa is still somewhat naïve. Margaery then invites Sansa to visit Highgarden someday, her home in the Reach. Sansa is confused, as “Queen Cersei” won't allow her to leave the capital, but Margaery wryly points out that “Queen Regent Cersei” might not want her to, but “Queen Margaery would be happy to share Highgarden's pageantry with a friend... “or a sister.” Margaery points out that if Sansa were to marry Ser Loras, then she would belong in Highgarden anyway. The thought of finally escaping Joffrey and becoming a Tyrell makes Sansa choke out tears of joy.

Days later, Sansa and Margaery watch Ser Loras spar with his squire, Olyvar. Sansa confidently remarks on Loras’ fighting ability, and inquires when they will wed. Margaery replies that she will "plant the seed" after she and Joffrey are married. Sansa is skeptical that Joffrey will let her go but Margaery is confident he will do it to please her, once they are wed. However, Ser Loras begins a sexual relationship with his squire, whom he tells of his engagement. Olyvar then passes that information on to his employer: Littlefinger. A short time later, Baelish meets with Sansa, offering her a place on his ship that will take him from the capital to the Vale of Arryn. Sansa practices lying for a change, and tells him that they should wait until after Joffrey's wedding, primarily because she fears for his safety if the plan fails. A master manipulator, Littlefinger is clearly suspicious of her motives, but doesn't press the matter. Instead, he says he is touched by her concern for his safety, insisting that she call him "Petyr." Unbeknownst to Sansa, the plan to wed Loras then fails when Cersei grows increasingly suspicious of the Tyrells after learning of the arrangement through Littlefinger. This news prompts Tywin Lannister to arrange for Cersei instead to marry Loras and her brother Tyrion to wed Sansa, in order to curb the ambitions of House Tyrell and to bind two great houses closer to the Lannisters.

However, still unaware of the new marriage arrangement, Sansa and Ser Loras spend more time together in the following weeks, though Sansa is far more enthusiastic about their impending marriage than he is, as he holds the secret of his sexuality tighter than ever. Loras admits he's always wanted a big wedding with many guests, fancy food and a good tournament. Though he only seems to remember that there will be a bride after Sansa gives him an expectant look. One subject where they do find common ground is their shared hatred of King's Landing, with Loras declaring the capital to be "the most terrible place there is." Meanwhile, Tyrion and Cersei discuss who has it the worst out of the four of them with this new arrangement. Afterwards, Tyrion then visits Sansa in her chambers and shoots his secret lover Shae a weighted look before breaking the news to Sansa of their impending wedding. Following this, Sansa looks out over Blackwater Bay as Littlefinger's ship departs without her. She is devastated to realize that both of her chances to leave King's Landing are now gone, and she has no choice but to marry into the family that killed her father and is keeping her hostage.

Some time later, Lady Margaery walks with Sansa in the gardens as her wedding to Tyrion looms closer. She is unhappy with the arrangement but Margaery consoles Sansa in the fact that Tyrion has been kind to her and that he is hardly the worst Lannister she could marry. Margaery’s insinuation is recognized by Sansa, who then apologizes for her insensitivity given Margaery’s own wedding to King Joffrey is in preparations. When discussing Sansa’s lack of attraction to the dwarf, as opposed to Ser Loras, Margaery insists that Tyrion might be able to make her happy, given his rumored skills as a lover. Margaery then informs Sansa of the variety of a woman's sexual interests, which baffles Sansa, asking if her mother taught her these things. Playing on Sansa's innocence, Margaery replies "Yes, sweet girl, my mother taught me."

The following week, Tyrion speaks with Sansa on the morning before their wedding, though he knows the Stark girl is not thrilled at the prospect of marrying him. Tyrion promises Sansa that he will not mistreat her, and Sansa agrees there are worse Lannisters she could be wed to, as noted to her by Lady Margaery. Before leaving Sansa’s chambers to allow her to finish dressing, Tyrion exchanges an apologetic glance at Shae, who, unbeknownst to Sansa, was brought to King’s Landing by Tyrion, as she is his lover whom he met on the road during his journey back to the capital some years ago. Tyrion was also the one to arrange Shae as Sansa’s handmaiden in order to avoid any suspicion of their relationship by his father Tywin or sister Cersei. That afternoon, the ceremony held in the Great Sept of Baelor is a grim affair. King Joffrey smugly escorts Sansa to the altar in lieu of not having a father. He then petulantly removes the stool upon which Tyrion was to stand on in order to cloak Sansa in Lannister colors as part of the ceremony. This display eliciting snickers from the royal court in attendance, though the scowl of Lord Tywin quickly silences them. Tyrion, in the face of humiliation, asks Sansa to kneel as he places the cloak around her shoulders. The new High Septon then begins the ceremony.

That evening, Tyrion spends the wedding feast mostly by getting deeply drunk and making light of his father's insistence that his inebriated state will render him unfit to impregnate his new wife. King Joffrey himself is also drinking too much wine, and losing what few inhibitions he has, his behavior becomes increasingly offensive to both Sansa and Tyrion. Joffrey taunts Sansa that she's still found a way to marry a Lannister. Joffrey then reflects that it doesn't matter which Lannister gets her pregnant, as he openly informs that he might want to rape her after Tyrion is done with her, while the Kingsguard hold her down. Joffrey then declares it is time for the bedding ceremony, which involves the men at the wedding stripping the bride and the women stripping the groom before carrying them off to the marriage bed. However, Tyrion angrily insists there will be no bedding ceremony. When Joffrey keeps pushing the matter, a furious Tyrion slams his dagger into the table and threatens that Joffrey will be “fucking his own bride with a wooden cock" if he doesn't let it drop. As the royal court stands in shocked silence, King Joffrey seethes with outrage and Tyrion defiantly glares at his nephew with pure hatred. After a tense moment, Tywin defuses the situation by agreeing that there will be no bedding ceremony, and placates Joffrey by claiming Tyrion's outburst is merely the result of his drunkeness. Taking the hint and using it as an excuse to avoid punishment, Tyrion visibly swallows his anger and begins to act far more drunk than he actually is, intentionally humiliating himself, insisting that he only made a bad joke. It isn't clear if anyone in the room, including Tywin or Joffrey, think that Tyrion's outburst was simply due to inebriation, but everyone plays along anyway to help the tension pass. Tyrion, while pretending to be so drunk he can barely stand, then escorts Sansa to their bedchamber.

Once they are alone in Tyrion’s quarters, now their shared quarters, an intensity fills the room as Sansa expects to lie with her new husband. Tyrion pours himself some wine as Sansa queries whether this is wise considering the amount he’s consumed already this evening. Tyrion insists that “nothing was ever wiser.” As the tension rises, Sansa nervously and slowly starts to undress. Tyrion ultimately tells her to stop, however, deciding that he will not consummate the marriage if she does not want to, and only will if she ever changes her mind. When Sansa questions what he will do if she never changes her mind, Tyrion sarcastically jokes "And so my watch begins" - implying that his marriage will be celibate for all-time like a brother of the Night's Watch. He then abruptly passes out on a nearby couch as Sansa takes the bed. The following morning, as Sansa and Tyrion awaken, Shae enters and notices with a hint of a smile that Sansa's bed sheets are not stained with blood, demonstrating that Tyrion's virgin bride is still a virgin and that he has not been unfaithful to the handmaiden.

Some weeks later, Tyrion and Sansa walk through the gardens in relatively decent spirits, as Shae trails behind them. A pair of passing gentlemen snigger at Tyrion, either for his dwarf status or due to rumors he has not consummated his marriage to Sansa. She insists to pay them no mind. Tyrion reminds Sansa that he's used to it, as he's always been a dwarf. He also states that he's not Joffrey, and would rather bide his time and humiliate them. Sansa playfully follows his line of thinking, and suggests "sheep-shifting,” something her missing sister Arya used to do to her. The practical joke involves secretly hiding sheep's dung deep within a mattress, so that the target always wakes up smelling of dung. Tyrion is amused by this but is confused by the term, though he realizes belatedly that Sansa has misheard the word "shit". Tyrion is then rescued from having to explain his wife's mistake by his squire, Podrick Payne, who calls him to a meeting of the small council. Immediately following the council meeting, Tyrion returns to his chambers and calls for Sansa, who regards him with a forlorn, tear-streaked face, confirming that she had just been informed of the grave news that has arrived to the capital. Tyrion’s father, Lord Tywin, had orchestrated an ambush on House Stark in the Riverlands, which resulted in the brutal murders of Sansa’s mother Lady Catelyn, as well as her brother Robb, the King in the North. Tyrion sensitively exits his chambers, leaving Sansa to mourn the casualties of the massacre in private, knowing that his sympathy would be cold comfort to the grieving girl.

“Because the truth is always either terrible or boring.”

— ‘Valar Dohaeris

“I’d never left Winterfell before I came to King’s Landing, but it sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to see it. And to leave this place.”

— ‘The Climb

“Joffrey did that. He promised he would be merciful and he cut my father's head off, and he said THAT was mercy. And he took me up on the walls and made me look at it… He's a monster.”

— ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words

“What if I never want you to?”

— ‘Second Sons

“I want to go home more than anything. But maybe it would better to wait. I’ve been thinking how dangerous it would be. Not just for me but for you. You’ve been so kind I’d feel terrible if anything happened to you.”

— ‘Kissed By Fire

“You cut a little hole in his mattress and you stuff sheep dung inside. Then you sew up the hole and make his bed again. His room will stink, but he won't know where it's coming from.”

— ‘Mhysa

 season four

Some time later, Sansa, Tyrion, Shae are sitting in a garden. Sansa is still distraught over the deaths of her brother Robb and mother Catelyn. All the while, Sansa is still traumatized from the loss of her father, her sister’s disappearance years back and her hostile captivity in the capital. Tyrion attempts to console his wife but fails; Sansa has heard the gruesome details of the Red Wedding massacre, how the corpses of her mother and brother were desecrated. Sansa then leaves for the godswood, not to pray but because it is the only place no one talks to her. 

As Sansa is alone in the godswood, she is watched by Ser Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth, a female warrior who had sworn her allegiance to Sansa’s mother before her death. Brienne expects Ser Jaime to uphold his oath to return Catelyn Stark's daughters to Winterfell in return for his freedom, but Jaime counters by pointing out the situation is complicated by Catelyn's death and Sansa's marriage to Tyrion. As Sansa is leaving the godswood, she is approached by Dontos Hollard, who thanks her for convincing Joffrey to spare his life during the king’s nameday some time ago. Dontos then gifts her with his mother's necklace as a token of gratitude. Sansa turns it down at first, not wanting to take something with such sentimental value, but after Dontos’ insistence she informs him that she’ll wear it with pride.

Some days later, Sansa attends a breakfast held for King Joffrey the morning before his wedding to Lady Margaery. During the festivities, Mace Tyrell gifts Joffrey a magnificent golden chalice with seven facets, one for each of the major houses in the Seven Kingdoms and wishes him and his daughter Margaery a long and happy marriage. Joffrey is then presented with a gift from his grandfather Tywin: a sword re-forged from Ice, the recently-destroyed ancestral sword of House Stark, which had been used spitefully to execute Sansa’s father Eddard. Sansa shoots the sword a grim look of understanding when this occurs, and is shocked when the sword is used to demolish Tyrion's gift to Joffrey: a copy of “The Lives of Four Kings”. King Joffrey then names his new weapon “Widow's Wail,” commenting that he will be reminded of Ned Stark's beheading each time he uses it. Sansa looks on in obvious grief. That afternoon, Joffrey and Margaery's wedding ceremony takes place in the Great Sept of Baelor conducted by the High Septon and they are wed in front of gods and men. At the end of the ceremony, Sansa comments to Tyrion bitterly that "we have a new queen.”  Tyrion encourages her to look on the bright side: at least she isn't the queen.

Afterwards, at the wedding feast, Lady Olenna approaches Sansa to offer her condolences over the Red Wedding and invites her to visit Highgarden when things settle down. During the exchange, Olenna toys with Sansa's hair and the necklace Dontos gave her in a grandmotherly fashion. King Joffrey then speaks to the crowd about contemplating history. Out of a large golden lion, five dwarves ride out, representing Joffrey, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Robb Stark and Balon Greyjoy, each of the five kings in the War of the Five Kings. The dwarves put on a performance, jousting, fighting and making crude sexual acts. Joffrey, his brother  Tommen, and Cersei laugh at the performance while the Tyrells, Lord Varys, Tyrion and Sansa, make little effort to hide their disgust. Ser Loras Tyrell leaves in anger after watching the crude depiction of his deceased lover Renly riding a mount resembling Loras, and Sansa looks on in obvious grief when the dwarf playing her brother Robb is killed after having his wolf's head knocked off. King Joffrey expresses his delight with the play and prepares to give the champion dwarf a coin purse but then mockingly suggests that Tyrion fight him as well as there may be a spare dwarf costume he could use. Tyrion cleverly counters this jape by sarcastically suggesting that the king should fight instead and show the same bravery he displayed during the Battle of the Blackwater. His comments draw a few stifled chuckles from the crowd, as the royal court are aware that Joffrey cowardly abandoned the field during battle. Enraged that his uncle outwitted him in front of all his wedding guests, Joffrey petulantly pours wine over Tyrion's head and orders him to serve him wine as his cupbearer. Tyrion begrudgingly approaches Joffrey, who then purposely drops the goblet and kicks it under the table. Sansa hands the goblet to Tyrion, and he fills it with wine and hands it back to Joffrey. The king then demands that Tyrion kneel before him but Tyrion refuses. Joffrey hands the goblet to Queen Margaery, who then places it at the edge of the table near her grandmother Olenna. Sansa and Tyrion attempt to leave the feast but Joffrey commands Tyrion to serve him more wine. Tyrion impatiently hands the goblet to Joffrey, who quickly drinks all of it. Joffrey then tries to speak, but begins coughing. He grabs his throat as Margaery exclaims that he is choking and cries out for help. Joffrey then collapses face down and begins vomiting and convulsing, visibly in excruciating pain. Cersei and Ser Jaime rush in and turn Joffrey over on his back. Dontos Hollard then suddenly approaches Sansa from behind and urges that she must come with him quickly. A dying King Joffrey points an accusatory finger in Tyrion's direction, as Tyrion examines the wine goblet. Joffrey's eyes then turn red as blood runs from his nose. Within seconds, the king stops convulsing and dies in Cersei’s arms, who sobs with grief. She anrgily commands the Kingsguard to seize Tyrion for poisoning her son. During the commotion, Sansa escapes with Ser Dontos, who races with her through the streets of King’s Landing. With King Joffrey dead, his mother Cersei mourns the for her eldest child and while still holding Joffrey in her arms, she realizes Sansa’s sudden disappearance. She shouts to the Kingsguard for Sansa to be found, while Tywin commands for them to seal the capital, so no one can leave the city. Dontos rushes Sansa through the streets as they then come upon a rowboat, which Dontos rows out to a large ship off of the coast. As Sansa is taken aboard, she is greeted by Lord Petyr Baelish, who has returned to the city to extract her. Littlefinger remembers that he still owes Dontos his fee for helping Sansa escape, but Baelish instead has two men kill him with crossbows. He then explains to a shocked Sansa that Dontos was a drunken fool and an unreliable ally who only helped Sansa for money. To prove his point, he shows her that the priceless necklace Dontos gave her was actually made a few weeks ago on Littlefinger's orders and one of the stones was filled with poison. A confused Sansa is horrified to learn of this, but Baelish promises to keep her safe as they sail the Narrow Sea.

Later on, as they continue along the Narrow Sea, Sansa accuses Littlefinger of murdering King Joffrey. At first, Baelish evades the accusation, pointing out that he has been away for weeks and that Tyrion could be the perpetrator. Sansa defends Tyrion, with an innate certainty that he is innocent, and also concludes that Baelish is far too smart to trust a drunk like Ser Dontos to be his accomplice. Impressed with her instincts, Baelish admits that Tyrion is, in fact, innocent, and reveals Sansa's own part in Joffrey's death - Dontos' necklace was the murder weapon, and someone slipped the poisonous stone into Joffrey's wine. Sansa is bewildered, because the Lannisters have done so much for Baelish, including granting him the seat of Harrenhal. Baelish confesses that while his friendship with the Lannisters was fruitful, it is best to keep enemies confused and his absence from the wedding means that he will never be suspected. Sansa declares that she doesn't entirely believe him: he's too clever to poison a king just to cause confusion. Baelish is again impressed, confirming that Joffrey was simply too volatile; a king like him as an ally was more of a hindrance to the Seven Kingdoms than a benefit. Petyr adds that more importantly Joffrey's death was something that his "new friends" wanted very much, and a gift is always helpful to help a new friendship "grow strong.” Quoting the motto of House Tyrell, Baelish infers that they were working with him all along.

Some time later, Sansa and Baelish arrive safely at the Vale of Arryn and introduces her to the guards as his niece. Upon arriving at the Eyrie, Sansa tries to slip into her alias, but her aunt,  Lysa Arryn, sister to the late Catelyn, tells her not to bother around her own flesh and blood. Lysa laments Sansa's treatment in the capital, ignoring her niece's attempts to defend Tyrion's character. Robin Arryn is delighted to see Baelish, as his mother Lysa reminds him never to reveal Sansa's identity, telling him to show his cousin to her chambers. The instant they leave, Lysa insists she wants to marry Petyr immediately, claiming that they already had a wedding night many years ago. She references poisoning her late husband Jon Arryn’s wine, who was Hand to King Robert, and framing the Lannisters for his death, using these actions as proof of her love for Petyr. This act of treason was the catalyst for the events that led Sansa, her father and her sister to King’s Landing, which started the war between the Starks and Lannisters. Baelish is unable to deter the overzealous Lysa, particularly when she reveals that a septon and witnesses have been waiting outside the main door. A delighted Lysa then declares that she will scream so loudly that night that they will be able to hear her across the Narrow Sea. Later that night, an exasperated Sansa attempts to sleep in her chambers as Lysa tries to fulfil that promise in consummating her marriage to Petyr.

The following day, Lysa has a meal with Sansa, who is relieved to be safe at last and indulges in the food, though she becomes a little self-conscious when Lysa begins telling stories of Catelyn's overeating in her youth. However, Lysa encourages Sansa to keep eating, informing that Baelish had three crates of lemons brought from the Crownlands just for Sansa's cakes. Lysa suddenly degenerates from a kindly aunt into a psychotic newlywed mad with jealousy and demands to know if he has slept with Sansa as he has his whores. Lysa also rants about Petyr’s love for her sister Catelyn, which nearly cost him his life when they were younger. Horrified, Sansa weeps and insisting that she is still a virgin and that Petyr thinks she's just a stupid girl who doesn't know anything, and who cannot lie at all so always tells the truth. Lysa immediately calms down and comforts Sansa, assuring her that she believes her, and that since she is still a virgin, Sansa can proceed to marry her cousin Robin. Sansa seems unsure of what to make of this information, but one thing is clear: King's Landing has made her a consummate actress.

Some weeks later, while wandering the Eyrie's snow-covered courtyards, Sansa builds a detailed snow replica of Winterfell’s castle, as she is then joined by her cousin Robin, who chances upon her and seems impressed with her efforts. The cousins get along until Robin asks where the Moon Door is in her replica. Sansa informs Robin that Winterfell doesn't need a Moon Door, but she relents and agrees to add one. In the process, however, Robin accidentally knocks over a tower and insists she also replicate the tower. This irritates Sansa and Robin then throws a tantrum in response, destroying the snow castle. Unable to control her anger, Sansa slaps Robin. She immediately softens and tries to apologize, but before she can Robin threatens to tell his mother Lysa and runs away. Lord Baelish witnesses the action and approaches Sansa, assuring her that he will deal with her aunt, whom he says should have disciplined her child long ago. Littlefinger then muses on how he should have been Sansa's father, however, despite such a comment he informs Sansa that she is more beautiful than her mother Catelyn. With this he then kisses Sansa, who is so shocked by his actions that she doesn't know how to respond. She tightens her body but doesn’t entirely resist, perhaps out of fear. Unbeknownst to the pair, the kiss is seen from above by Lady Lysa. Afterwards, Sansa is summoned by Lysa to the High Hall, where she sits over the open Moon Door awaiting her niece. Lysa delights in telling Sansa the gory details about Moon Door executions. Sansa begins to grow concerned when Lysa comments on how far the drop is to the ground. Suddenly, Lysa then grabs Sansa and threatens to throw her through the opening for kissing Petyr, admitting to her witness of their physical engagement. Her threat is stopped, however, when Baelish arrives and swears he will send Sansa away. Lysa releases the terrified Sansa and embraces Littlefinger, who assures Lysa that he only ever loved one woman - her sister Catelyn. Lysa has only an instant to contemplate this betrayal, as Littlefinger then shoves her out of the Moon Door and looks down as she plummets to her death hundreds of feet below.

Some short time after Lysa’s murder, Lord Baelish is testifying before a tribunal consisting of Lord Yohn Royce, Lady Anya Waynwood and Ser Vance Corbray. The lords are suspicious of Lysa Arryn's death, which occurred so soon after her marriage to Petyr. Littlefinger has been attempting to spin the death as a suicide, but the lords don't believe him, given Lysa's devotion to her son Robin. They rebuff Littlefinger's explanations in favor of speaking with the only other witness: his "niece Alayne”. After confirming that Baelish can stay for her testimony, Sansa drops the charade as Alayne and reveals her true identity as a Stark, relating the tale of her captivity and escape from King's Landing. Sansa continues, truthfully recalling Lysa's mental instability, jealousy and death, changing only a few details in saying Littlefinger only kissed her on the cheek and Lysa threw herself through the Moon Door in despair. Sansa then breaks down in tears and the lords are convinced, but while none of them are looking, she gives Littlefinger a stone-faced look.

Afterwards, Baelish visits Sansa and asks why she lied on his behalf. Sansa explains that she has no idea what Royce, Corbray and Waynwood would want from her if he were eliminated, but that she does know what it is he wants. Littlefinger seems impressed that she made such a calculating decision, but attempts to cast doubt on her certainty, by asking if she really knows what he wants. Shortly thereafter, Littlefinger and Robin Arryn prepare to depart on a tour of the Vale. A now raven-haired Sansa enters the hall to accompany them on their travels. She walks down the stairs wearing a feathered black dress with a plunging neckline, as she attempts to further distance herself from the years of pain her house name has brought upon her.

“I lie awake all night, staring at the canopy, thinking about how they died… Do you know what they did to my brother? How they sewed his direwolf's head onto his body? And my mother? They say they cut her throat to the bone and threw her body in the river.”

— ‘Two Swords

“Knocking things down isn't fixing them. It's ruining them.”

— ‘Mockingbird

“And what do you want?”

— ‘Oathkeeper

“Lord Baelish has told many lies. All to protect me. Since my father was executed, I’ve been a hostage in King's Landing. A plaything for Joffrey to torture or Queen Cersei to torment. They beat me, they humiliated me, they married me to the Imp. I had no friends in King's Landing... except one.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper

“I'm a virgin, I swear it. He loves you, Aunt Lysa. All he says is that I'm stupid. I'm a stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns and I'm a terrible liar, so I should always tell the truth. And I swear to you that he has never touched me. Not once, not ever.”

— ‘First of His Name

“If they'd've executed you, what would they have done with me?”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper