‘first of his name’

Directed By: Michelle MacLaren / Written By: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss

Original Airdate: May 4, 2014

In King’s Landing, Tommen Baratheon is crowned King as Tywin Lannister informs his daughter Cersei of the financial necessity to maintain their relationship with House Tyrell. In Meereen, Jorah Mormont advises Daenerys Targaryen of Joffrey's death as they contemplate attacking King's Landing by sea. She’s also informed that the freed slaves in Yunkai have now been re-enslaved by their old masters and a coup in Astapor is forming as well. Meanwhile, Sansa Stark and Littlefinger arrive at the Eyrie where he introduces Sansa as his niece Alayne, though her aunt Lysa Arryn is aware of her true identity. Beyond the Wall, Jon Snow returns to Craster’s Keep to deal with the mutineers, who now hold the captive Bran Stark and Reed siblings.

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the riverlands

While on the road in the Riverlands, young squire Podrick Payne proves to be a hindrance to Brienne of Tarth, as he still hasn’t adjusted to riding horseback with confidence. When Brienne asks if he was ever taught to ride a horse, Podrick informs her that there wasn’t much call for riding when squiring for Lord Tyrion Lannister. Afterwards, around a campfire, Podrick accidentally sets fire to a rabbit he were cooking. An aggravated Brienne attempts to get rid of Podrick by releasing him from the vow that he swore as her squire, but to no avail. The pair are bound for Castle Black, where Brienne believes Sansa Stark may have taken refuge with her half-brother, Jon Snow. Brienne then questions Podrick about his duties as squire to Tyrion. Pod notes that his job was mostly pouring wine, alongside other menial tasks. Brienne then queries if Podrick did anything related to combat, who reveals how he killed Ser Mandon Moore of the Kingsguard by shoving a spear through his head during the Battle of the Blackwater in order to save Tyron’s life. After hearing this, Brienne softens and grants Podrick a bit of respect, allowing him to assist in removing her armor.

Meanwhile, in the Riverlands and on the road towards the Vale of Arryn, Arya Stark and Sandor Clegane are at camp for the night before continuing their journey. As Arya stares into the fire she recites the names of everyone on her kill list. When the Hound asks her to “shut up” she insists that she cannot sleep until she recites the names. The Hound softens as he mentions that hate is as good as anything to keep a person going and that they can both cross a name off a list if when they come across his brother, Gregor Clegane, also known as The Mountain. As Sandor is insistent to get some sleep Arya asserts that she has one more name to recite before finishing. After a long pause she turns her back to go to sleep and recites Sandor’s name. The following morning, Arya and Sandor are sparring with their swords, as well as their mouths when verbal jabs are continually struck towards each other. In particular, when the Hound disparages Arya's water dancing technique and then insults her deceased Braavosi teacher, Syrio Forel, for being defeated by a glorified thug like Ser Meryn Trant. Arya defends Syrio and then jabs Sandor’s armor with her sword. He then slaps her to the ground and flings one more barb towards her when handing Arya back her sword, as he then scoffs at the miniature size of it.

king’s landing

Meanwhile, in the throne room of King’s Landing, Tommen Baratheon is crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms on the podium in front of the Iron Throne to enthusiastic applausee. After the ceremony Cersei Lannister meets with Margaery Tyrell along the gallery of the hall. Margaery compliments Tommen by saying he sits on the throne as if born to it. Cersei enquires whether Margaery still mourns for the deceased Joffrey Baratheon, which is met with a polite response. Cersei then admits to Margaery that Joffrey would have been her nightmare and goes on to comment on the things that he has done has shocked her. However, she informs that no matter what they do you never love a child moreso than your first. Cersei ponders who the last decent king was and asserts that Tommen could be the first man in over 50 years that deserves to sit on the throne. Margaery suggests that this could be consolation for all the horror that put him there. Cersei then requests Margaery’s help, as if to make a peaceful gesture towards her, saying that “a mother is not enough”. Remaining wary, however, Margaery comments on the fact that she soon won’t know what to call Cersei, “sister or mother”, much to Cersei’s chagrin.

Some time later in the small council chambers, Tywin Lannister reveals to his daughter Cersei  their problem with the Iron Bank of Braavos, as Lady Olenna Tyrell had previously warned him. They unfortunately owe “a tremendous amount”, and the gold mines of the Westerlands actually ran dry three years ago. Therefore, even though Tywin admits the Lannisters can trust nobody except themselves, he is insistent that they need the Tyrells' wealth and resources on their side. Cersei suggests coming to some arrangement with one of the Bank’s representatives, but Tywin dismisses the idea, since the Bank is a monolithic structure that cannot be avoided, cheated or swayed. Tywin insists they need the Tyrell’s investment in the crown more than ever, implying that Margaery is to remain Queen by now marrying Tommen. When the topic of Tyrion’s imprisonment circles around, Tywin informs that while as a mother Cersei has every right to discuss the matter, however, as he will be one of the presiding judges he cannot discuss the impending murder trial with her. She informs her father that she respects that and there is no need to discuss it. However, before leaving, she then coldly replies to Tywin and asks him to ponder what her brother Tyrion deserves for lighting the Lannister legacy and their future on fire, still insistent that he is the culprit who poisoned Joffrey.

Later on, in the gardens of the Red Keep, Prince Oberyn Martell is writing poetry on his parchment when Cersei requests a coversation. Oberyn admits that while he’s not a very good poet he learned from one his daughters, adding that he has eight kin. Upon discussing his family Oberyn mentions his deceased sister Elia Martell, to which one his daughters was named after. Cersei ponders that even as he’s a legendary and feared fighter of high station he still couldn’t save his sister as she likens her own experience of losing her son. Oberyn then tries to ascertain whether Cersei truly believes her brother murdered Joffrey. When he mentions that through the trial they will learn the truth, Cersei responds by saying “we will have a trial anyway,” insinuating that truth isn’t necessarily the result of a trial. Cersei then asks Oberyn of a favor as she hasn't seen her daughter, Myrcella Baratheon, in over a year. Cersei asks him to have someone sail a new ship made for Myrcella down to Dorne since she missed her last  nameday. Prince Oberyn promises to have the ship sailed down to the Dornish capital of Sunspear for Myrcella. Cersei then softly asks Oberyn to let her daughter know that “her mother misses her very much.”


Over in Essos, in her new headquarters atop the Great Pyramid of Meereen, Daenerys Targaryen learns of Joffrey's death and his brother Tommen's coronation. She then is irritated to learn that  Daario Naharis has captured Meereen's navy without her explicit orders to do so, but mulls over the possibility of setting sail for Westeros and taking the capital with her 8,000 Unsullied soldiers and 2,000 mercenaries of the Second Sons. Ser Barristan Selmy is optimistic about their chances, believing that old Westerosi families will flock to their cause once Daenerys crosses the Narrow Sea, swelling their numbers. Ser Jorah Mormont, however, is less enthusiastic and explains that while 10,000 troops should be enough to take the capital from its exhausted defenders, there's still the rest of the continent of Westeros to worry about. Her advisors then reveal more troubling news: the Wise Masters of Yunkai have bounced back and re-enslaved every freed man, and although the former slave city of Astapor remains free, the council that Daenerys installed has been deposed by a butcher named Cleon, who is staging a coup. Daenerys dismisses everyone but Jorah and muses that her plans are in shambles. He reminds her that she is the last Targaryen and the Mother of Dragons, but Daenerys insist that she needs to be more than that. She laments that if she cannot keep order in three cities, she has no hope of controlling the Seven Kingdoms come the time. When Jorah asks what her plan of action will be Daenerys states that she is resolved to remain in Meereen and "do what queens do" by ruling.



Sansa Stark and Lord Petyr Baelish arrive safely in the Vale of Arryn. Upon their arrival at the Bloody Gate, Baelish introduces Sansa to the guards as his niece “Alayne”. Inside the Eyrie, Sansa tries to slip into her alias, however, Lady Lysa Arryn insists not to bother hiding around her own flesh and blood. Lysa laments Sansa's treatment in the capital, though ignoring her niece's attempts to defend Tyrion Lannister's character. Robin Arryn is delighted to see Petyr, while his mother reminds him never to reveal Sansa's identity. The moment Robin escorts Sansa to her chambers, Lysa insists on marrying Littlefinger immediately, claiming that they already had a wedding night many years ago. She then references poisoning her former husband Jon Arryn's wine and framing the Lannisters, using these actions as proof of her love for Petyr. This act of treason was the catalyst for the events that led Sansa, Arya and their father Eddard Stark to King’s Landing, which started the war between the Starks and Lannisters. Littlefinger is unable to deter Lysa’s wishes, particularly when she reveals that a septon and witnesses have been waiting outside the main door. A delighted Lysa declares that she will scream so loudly that night that they will be able to hear her across the Narrow Sea. Later that night, an exasperated Sansa attempts to sleep, as Lysa tries to fulfil that promise in consummating her marriage.

The following day, Lysa has a meal with Sansa, who indulges herself, though Sansa becomes a self-conscious when Lysa begins telling stories of her late sister Catelyn Stark’s eating habits during their youth. Lysa encourages Sansa to keep eating, as Petyr had three crates of lemons brought from the Crownlands just for Sansa's cakes. She also rants about Catelyn's initial affections for Sansa’s uncle Brandon Stark and how he once nearly killed Petyr. Lysa suddenly degenerates from a kindly aunt into a psychotic newlywed, half-mad with jealousy, when demanding to know why Petyr cares so much for Sansa. Lysa demands to know if Sansa has slept with him, like his whores have. A horrified Sansa insists that she is still a virgin and that Baelish thinks she's just a stupid girl who doesn't know anything. Lysa then immediately relents and comforts Sansa, assuring her that she believes her, and that since neither Petyr nor Tyrion have slept with her, Sansa can proceed to marry her cousin Robin. Sansa seems unsure of what to make of this information, as tears roll down her face when pulled into a hug with Lysa.

craster’s keep

On the outskirts of Craster's Keep, Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch arrive to deal with the mutineers, as planned. New recruit Locke volunteers to scout around the keep for the traitorous party they were sent to eliminate. During his reconaissance, Locke finds the hut where Bran Stark, Hodor and Jojen and Meera Reed are being held captive. Inside the hut Jojen’s greensight takes over and he envisions Bran at the great weirwood tree and insists that they have to make it to the tree and this capture is not the end of them. When Meera then asks “how do we know the end?”, Jojen responds by saying “you’ll know”, as his right hand goes up in flames without as much of a flinch from him. He stares at it curiously and almost peacefully. Reporting back to Jon Snow, Locke tells them that only eleven traitors are present and most of them are drunk. He also lies about the hut where Jon's brother Bran and his group are being imprisoned. Believing Locke, Jon agrees and tells the party they attack at nightfall.

Later that evening, the drunken mutineer Karl Tanner enters the prisoners' hut and attempts to rape Meera, but her brother Jojen distracts Karl when he reveals his possession of greensight and then claims to have seen Karl dead before the night is out. At that moment, the mutineer Rast rushes in to warn Karl the keep is under attack as Jon Snow's and his party swiftly rush through the defenses. Amidst the chaos outside, Locke slips into the tent and attempts to abduct Bran for his own personal gain and with intention to hand over the Stark heir to Roose Bolton at the Dreadfort. However, as Locke carries him outside Bran wargs into Hodor and uses Hodor’s body to kill Locke, who is strangled to death. After Bran exits Hodor’s mind, Hodor then runs back into the hut to free the Reed siblings while Bran spots his brother Jon fighting the mutineers. Yearning to reunite with Jon cries out his brother’s name but he is too far away to be heard amidst the battle. The Reeds them join Bran and Jojen prevents him from going to his brother, reminding Bran that they must continue onward to reach the three-eyed raven. Bran reluctantly leaves Jon, though he is comforted in seeing the Night's Watch swiftly overcome their enemies. He instructs his party to free his direwolf Summer and continue their journey beyond the Wall.

Leaving the conquered battle outside, Jon finds Karl Tanner inside the keep and confronts him in single combat. Karl's use of dirty tactics learned in his criminal past gives him the upper hand. Before he can finish off Jon, however, one of Craster's wives named Sissy stabs Karl from behind. When Karl rounds on her, Jon gets back to his feet and drives his sword Longclaw  through the back of Karl's skull, killing him instantly. In the aftermath of the battle, four brothers of the Night's Watch, including Locke, are found dead, while all the traitors but one are accounted for. Locke's true intentions were never discovered by Jon. The sole surviving mutineer, Rast, runs in terror through the forest until he reaches the cage where Ghost was held. He notices someone has opened the cage but before he can absorb this, the direwolf lunges out of nowhere and kills him. Ghost then finds his way back to Jon, who is overjoyed to see his companion again. Speaking to Craster's wives, Jon warns them that Mance Rayder's army and worse besides will soon reach their location and offers to take them to safety south of the Wall, but the women refuse, preferring to set out on their own and to burn Craster’s Keep to the ground. Before departing back for Castle Black, Jon, Eddison Tollett, Grenn and Craster’s wives watch the Keep burn, symbolizing the Watch’s defeat as well as the liberation of the women who suffered at the hands of Craster and the mutineers.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

I’m almost done, only one name left… The Hound
— Arya Stark
Know your strengths, use them wisely, and one man can be worth ten thousand
— Petyr Baelish
I know you don’t like them. I didn’t like your husband. Used to pat me on the back a lot. I didn’t trust him
— Tywin Lannister
What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?
— Cersei Lannister
Mostly I poured wine
— Podrick Payne
I will not let those I have freed slide back into chains. I will not sail for Westeros… I will do what queens do. I will rule
— Daenerys Targaryen

 episode five music

 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The episode title references the opening scene with King Tommen Baratheon’s coronation in King’s Landing. Tommen's coronation is not mentioned at all in the novels; the only indication he has become the king is that people refer to him by that title, starting from chapter 67 of the third novel. Obviously, there had to be a formal coronation ceremony.

  • This episode finally reveals the mystery of who murdered Jon Arryn, whose death set the main narrative of the story in motion in the very first episode of the TV series. Littlefinger ordered Jon's own wife Lysa Arryn to poison him, and then had Lysa write a letter to her own sister, saying that the Lannisters were responsible. This letter is what led Eddard to accept Robert's offer to be the new Hand, to discover what happened to Jon. This explains why, in Season 1, Lysa bizarrely refused to send the armies of the Vale to join forces with the North and the Riverlands against the Lannisters. At the time, the only excuse she gave Catelyn was that she was worried for her son's safety, even though she alleged that the Lannisters had killed her own husband and the boy's father. In reality, Lysa betrayed her own family (the Arryns, the Tullys, and the Starks) because of her fanatical obsession with Petyr. She didn't join forces with the Starks because this might have tipped the odds against the Lannisters and quickly ended the war, while Littlefinger wanted to drag out the war to create as much chaos as possible.

  • Lysa's intention to marry Sansa to her first cousin Robin Arryn, while unusual in this context (due to his age and stunted mental abilities) is not considered incest in the Seven Kingdoms. As in real-life aristocratic families, first cousins have been known to marry in Westeros to secure political alliances.

  • Sansa mentions that lemons for lemon cakes do not grow as far north as the Vale. Actually, citrus fruits in Westeros only grow in the southernmost kingdom, Dorne. The novels later explicitly state that the Vale has to import lemons from Dorne.

  • Oberyn Martell mentions to Cersei that he has eight daughters: this is the first time that it has been confirmed that all of his bastard daughters, known as the Sand Snakes, exist in the series continuity. The four oldest of Oberyn's bastard daughters were each by different women, and after he began his relationship with Ellaria Sand he had four more daughters with her, all of them bastards because he never formally married Ellaria. Elia Sand, the only one of his daughters that he mentions in this episode, is his oldest daughter with Ellaria. She is the same age as Sansa Stark.

  • Cersei's remark to Margaery that the realm hasn't actually had a good king in nearly fifty years is fairly accurate. Joffrey ruled for barely three years filled with civil war, while Robert Baratheon was a soldier who won the throne on the battlefield but didn't know how to govern, instead feasting and whoring while his Small Council ran the realm for seventeen years. Before that, the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen ruled for over twenty years, eventually degenerating into a reign of terror – though like with Robert, these were mostly prosperous years because Aerys' Hand (Tywin Lannister) was the man actually holding the realm together. In the books, the last king generally held to have been a good ruler was Aerys II's grandfather Aegon V Targaryen: Aerys II's father Jaehaerys II had very poor health and died young after only three years on the throne, though Ser Barristan remembers that he ruled well in that brief time. The series continuity officially cut Jaehaerys II, however, to streamline the Targaryen family tree, so in the show Aegon V was actually the Mad King's father, not his grandfather.

  • Cersei refers to Joffrey as her firstborn son: the TV continuity actually invented that Cersei had an (as yet unnamed) son by Robert before Joffrey, but he died of a fever in infancy (as explained in Season 1 episode 2 "The Kingsroad." While her line might be forgetting this change, Cersei might also just be speaking loosely: "my first born surviving son." Infant mortality is not uncommon even among the nobility in Westeros, and even in the books some parents only count the order of their children who lived to maturity.

  • In the Season 4 premiere, Olenna Tyrell remarked to Tywin that the Lannisters will need House Tyrell's help to pay off their massive debts to the Iron Bank. He attempted to wave it off by saying that he didn't fear the Iron Bank, but Olenna chided him that they both knew that he was lying, because a man of his intelligence knows that he should fear it. Now, in private, Tywin freely admits to Cersei that there is no way that he can evade, cheat, or intimidate the Iron Bank: the only thing he can do is somehow pay back the money they owe.

  • The scene of Oberyn talking with Cersei in the gardens and then looking out over the sea was the last scene that Pedro Pascal filmed for Season 4.

  • Arya's discussion with the Hound about Syrio Forel brings up a point from the books. The Kingsguard is supposed to be an elite group but many of the members of Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard were political appointments made to secure ties with families, neither very honorable men nor particularly skilled. In this episode, Sandor scoffs that Meryn could never have defeated a real master swordsman – which he would be a reasonable judge of, as Sandor knew Meryn for years while serving at court. Arya thinks Meryn killed Syrio, but she never actually saw Syrio die: in both the books and series, she simply heard them beginning to fight as she ran away through the outer hallway. If Syrio did somehow manage to fight off Meryn and escape, however, it has not been revealed as of the current novel, and his fate remains ambiguous.

  • Littlefinger has Sansa adopt the cover identity of "Alayne," his niece, so no one will find out who she is and alert the Lannisters. In the books, he actually passed her off as "Alayne Stone," his own bastard daughter ("Stone" is the special surname used for bastards in the Vale, just as "Snow" is in the North).

  • Daenerys' forces do not capture any of Meereen's navy in the books: some of the ships were burnt in the harbor by Daenerys's soldiers, and the rest fled. In this episode, her council states that they captured 93 Meereenese warships, capable of transporting 100 soldiers each; on the fifth novel, Victarion Greyjoy sails to Meereen with a fleet of that number of ships, but has not reached there yet, and nearly half of that fleet is lost on the way. If Daenerys acquired so many ships on the show, what reason did she have to remain in a city that many of its residents hate her and wish her dead? The novels make a point that the lack of ship transport is one of Daenerys's main reasons to stay in Meereen: the only practical way to reach Westeros is by sea.