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House Mormont of Bear Island is an extinct vassal from the North that held fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. House Mormont’s original lands were on Bear Island, a remote island in the North of Westeros that lies within the Bay of Ice on the western coast. The island remains relatively poor and is densely forested with a large bear population, which earned the island its name.

It is still unknown how capable House Mormont was in terms of warfare, but they were likely well-trained since Lady Maege Mormont, the head of the house, was among the lieutenants under the King in the North, Robb Stark. However, the Red Wedding significantly weakened House Mormont. The death of Maege and the mass slaughter at the Twins had greatly affected House Mormont's position in the North. They still remained staunch Stark loyalists by refusing Stannis Baratheon’s cause. Following this, Maege’s young daughter and heir, Lyanna Mormont, agreed to help Jon Snow and Sansa Stark's request in reclaiming Winterfell from House Bolton, by offering men during the victorious Battle of the Bastards. Some time later, House Mormont and the other Northern houses join the Starks and House Targaryen forces during Battle of Winterfell against the White Walkers and their army of the dead. However, Lady Lyanna is killed when a wight giant breaks through the Winterfell gate and crushes her to death, though not before she manages to stab it in the eye, killing it.

Another member of House Mormont included Lady Maege’s older brother, Jeor Mormont, the former head of the family who later served as the 997th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Jeor was eventually killed during a mutiny beyond the Wall at Craster’s Keep when some of his own men rebelled against him. Lord Jeor’s son and famed knight, Ser Jorah Mormont, became Lord of Bear Island when his father joined the Night’s Watch, however, he was stripped of his lordship and exiled from Westeros upon the discovery of his involvement in slave-trade. Jorah later went on to serve the dragon queen, Daenerys Targaryen, until his death during the Great War alongside his niece Lyanna, which then brought House Mormont to extinction.

House Mormont's heraldry consisted of a rampant black bear on a white field, surrounded by a green escutcheon. Their house words were "Here We Stand."

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House Mormont's ancestral home of Bear Island is said to have been a gift from their liege lords House Stark, which earned them the everlasting loyalty of House Mormont. The Starks are said to have won the lands in a wrestling match between King Rodrik Stark and an Ironborn lord who presumably held the island at the time. King Rodrik then appointed the Mormonts to rule there.

House Mormont is one of the oldest and proudest Northern houses. Lord Jeor Mormont ruled the house honorably and with distinction. He chose to 'retire' from the role of lord and took the black, joining the Night's Watch and rising rapidly through their ranks until he became Lord Commander. Jeor felt able to do this as his son, Ser Jorah Mormont, had proven to be a great warrior, winning immense honors during the Greyjoy Rebellion and the following tourney. Lord Jorah proved an effective ruler for several years, until he disgraced himself in an incident involving slavers. Lord Eddard Stark stripped him of his title and lands and, rather than face justice, Jorah fled to the Free Cities in the eastern continent of Essos. Jeor's younger sister Maege became the ruling Lady of Bear Island, to Jeor's disquiet. However, as members of the Night's Watch serve for life he was unable to return to Bear Island to resume his former rule.

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