season five

Some time later, Baelish attends a sword jousting session for Lord Robin Arryn at Runestone, the seat of House Royce. Sansa, still under the guise as Alayne, and Littlefinger watch over Robin's struggles while sparring with another young boy. Lord Yohn Royce, also in attendance, is visibly unimpressed with Robin's sub-par skills at swordsmanship. While watching Robin spar, Sansa witnesses Baelish receive a scroll from a messenger-raven, which he quickly hides. Yohn Royce has agreed to take Robin as his ward and train him to fight, but is not optimistic of his abilities, stating "he swings a sword like a girl with palsy." Though Littlefinger told Lord Royce that he and Sansa would be traveling to the Fingers, where House Baelish rules, after departing Runestone they instead head west. Sansa asks if they have anything to fear from Lord Yohn as Littlefinger explains that he doesn't trust the retainers and soldiers who saw them, and is taking Sansa somewhere the Lannisters will never find her.

Along their journey, Baelish and Sansa stop for lunch at an inn, where she tries ale for the first time. Sansa can't see what all the fuss is about, although the entire episode is designed to catch Littlefinger off-guard so she can ask about the message he received back at Runestone. Baelish doesn't answer the question beyond indicating that the old saying "dark wings, dark words" doesn't apply in this instance. Meanwhile, Brienne of Tarth, who made a vow to Sansa’s mother to returns her daughters to Winterfell, arrives at the inn to dine with her squire, Podrick Payne, former squire to Tyrion Lannister. Podrick spots Sansa with Baelish, and Brienne tells him to ready the horses as Brienne then interrupts Sansa and Baelish. She declares herself for Sansa, mentioning her sworn vow to Lady Catelyn. Baelish doubts that Sansa would want a sworn shield who let both of her previous masters die, even when Brienne reveals the true but somewhat unbelievable circumstances of Renly Baratheon’s death. Sansa seems inclined to agree with Littlefinger, pointing out that Brienne was present at Joffrey's wedding, to which the warrior replies that neither of them wanted to be there. Sansa denies Brienne's request and Littlefinger urges that she stay at the inn as the road is not safe, and seeing this as a trap, Brienne escapes with Podrick on the horses they take. They are chased through a forest as Brienne fights the men off while Sansa and Littlefinger leave the inn to continue their journey.

As their journey closes, Sansa is horrified to see Moat Cailin. There is only one reason Baelish could be taking her there - he means to return her to Winterfell, straight into the arms of the Boltons, who have taken over her home since the fall of House Stark. Recalling their earlier discussion of a marriage proposal, Sansa realizes that the arrangement is not for him and furiously declares that she would rather die than marry Roose Bolton, who colluded with House Frey in the massacre that resulted in her mother and brother’s deaths. Littlefinger corrects her and clarifies that she will be marrying Roose’s bastard son, Ramsay. He insists that nobody will look for her there, and suggests that this is her best opportunity for revenge. Sansa reluctantly agrees. In the distance, Brienne and her squire Podrick watch Sansa enter the castle and decide to continue watching her movements from afar. At Winterfell itself, the Boltons greet Sansa and Littlefinger upon their arrival. After a tense moment, Sansa graciously accepts Roose's welcome, putting on an air of politeness that protected her in King's Landing. Afterwards, Baelish speaks with Ramsay and subtly warns him not to inflict any harm on Sansa. He also speaks with Roose regarding the validity of Sansa's marriage to Tyrion. Littlefinger insists that since Tyrion never slept with Sansa, their marriage is invalid. Roose declares that he is only interested in Sansa's name, not her virtue and then questions Littlefinger’s motivations having essentially betrayed the Lannisters by freeing Sansa. Roose then presents a letter for Baelish from Cersei Lannister which arrived from the Eyrie, and demands to read his reply before it is sent off.

Some days later, Sansa visits her family's crypts underneath the castle. She comes to the tomb and statue of her aunt Lyanna Stark as Lord Baelish arrives, stating his assumption in finding her here. Sansa remarks that her father Eddard never talked about his sister Lyanna, but she would at times find him down in the crypts lighting candles at her tomb. After informing Sansa of the time he once saw Lyanna at a tournament, Littlefinger then explains that he is heading back to King's Landing, because Cersei sent a letter requesting his presence. Sansa will be alone with House Bolton but he explains his plan to her: Stannis Baratheon will have to attack the Boltons soon if he is to beat the coming winter, and he bets that Stannis will probably win and then make Sansa the new ruler of the North, as the last (known) surviving Stark heir. Sansa then asks what will happen on the off chance that Stannis gets killed, and Littlefinger explains that marrying Ramsay Bolton now will at least leave Sansa in a position among the Boltons to destroy them from within. Either way, Sansa will be Littlefinger's powerful "ally" in the North. After bidding her a farewell, Littlefinger kisses Sansa on the lips, and then departs.

Some weeks later, Baelish arrives in King’s Landing and is on his way to meet with Cersei when he is confronted by her cousin Ser Lancel Lannister and some other Sparrows, members of a fanatical religious movement that has risen within the capital. Lancel warns Littlefinger that they have purged the city of its corrupt ways, and the new King’s Landing will not tolerate his business of prostitution, however, Baelish quickly dismisses these threats. Afterwards, he then meets with Cersei, who denies any involvement in Ser Loras Tyrell’s arrest by the Faith Militant, a military order serving the religious movement. Baelish is not fooled and warns that House Tyrell will not tolerate this insult. Cersei then explains she is suspicious where his loyalties truly lie and asks him whether she can rely on the Vale of Arryn to fight for the throne if the time comes. Baelish assures her that he will always counsel loyalty to young Robin Arryn. Baelish then reveals that Sansa Stark is back in Winterfell, where Roose Bolton has arranged for her to marry his son Ramsay. Cersei is infuriated by the Boltons’ betrayal but Baelish suggests letting the Boltons and Stannis Baratheon fight each other, and when the victor is still recovering from the battle, step in and defeat them. He then proposes that the soldiers of the Vale could join the fight but Cersei is unsure of Baelish’s ability to lead an army. Baelish convinces her, stating that he "lives to serve," though Baelish asserts that all he wants in return is to be named Warden of the North. Cersei agrees to talk to King Tommen Baratheon about this.

In the following days, Cersei has orchestrated the use of the religious faction’s strict laws against House Tyrell. Not only has Ser Loras been arrested for acts of homosexuality, but Queen Margaery has also been imprisoned for lying during the inquest in defense of her brother’s denial. Later on, outside the Great Sept of Baelor, Lady Olenna Tyrell receives a letter bearing Lord Baelish's seal. Afterwards, Littlefinger meets with Olenna in his ransacked brothel as the pair share a tense conversation. Olenna reminds him of the role they both played in the late King Joffrey Baratheon’s murder, and that, should House Tyrell fall, she will have no reason to keep his involvement a secret any longer. Littlefinger then explains why he has returned to King's Landing - he dared not refuse Cersei's summons and was obliged to give her information, resulting in his prostitute Olyvar coming forward and testifying against the Tyrells, citing his sexual relationship with Loras. Baelish then informs, however, that he will give Olenna the same thing that he gave Cersei: “a handsome young man” — implying, in this instance, to be Lancel Lannister, who had an incestuous affair with his cousin some years ago. In retaliation, Olenna later brings this information to the High Sparrow, which then results in Cersei’s arrest.

“You've been running all your life. Terrible things happened to your family and you weep. You sit alone in a darkened room, mourning their fates. You've been a bystander to tragedy from the day they executed your father. Stop being a bystander. Do you hear me? Stop running.”

— ‘High Sparrow

“[Roose is a] dangerous man. But even the most dangerous men can be outmaneuvered. And you’ve learned to maneuver from the very best.”

— ‘Sons of the Harpy

“There's no justice in the world. Not unless we make it. You loved your family… Avenge them.”

— ‘High Sparrow

“We both peddle fantasies, Brother Lancel. Mine just happen to be entertaining.”

— ‘Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

“The Eyrie is mine. The last time the Lords of the Eyrie formed an alliance with the Lords of the North, they brought down the greatest dynasty this world has ever known. ”

— ‘High Sparrow

“It was an establishment like no other. A sheer range of appetites catered to desires that didn’t even exist until we invented them… The past is the past. The future is all that is worth discussing.”

— ‘The Gift

 season six

Several months later, at Runestone, the young Robin Arryn trains in archery with Lord Yohn Royce. However, Robin is just as pitiful at archery as he is at swordsmanship. Lord Baelish then arrives with a retinue of guards from the Vale. After greeting Robin, Baelish gifts him a pet falcon as a belated name-day present, much to Robin’s delight. Lord Royce reminds Baelish that he had told him that he was taking Sansa with him to his keep at The Fingers, but Royce received word that she instead has been married to Ramsay Bolton at Winterfell. Littlefinger excuses himself with a lie, stating that on the way to The Fingers, he and Sansa were set upon by a large force of Bolton men. A confrontation between Baelish and Royce ensues, in which Baelish accuses Royce of giving away the information regarding the location of Sansa to House Bolton. When Royce accuses Baelish of slander, Littlefinger reminds him that Robin is the Lord of the Vale, and asks for his judgment. Robin then asks Baelish if they should throw Lord Royce from the Moon Door, which prompts the surrounding knights, including those loyal to Royce, to muster themselves. Royce swears his loyalty to Robin, and he is let off without punishment on Baelish's recommendation. Royce comes to the dark realization that Littlefinger has long had control over Lord Robin. Baelish and Robin then decide they have to gather the Knights of the Vale to march north and aid Sansa in fighting the Boltons at Winterfell.

Some time later, at Castle Black, Sansa Stark receives a message bearing the sigil of House Baelish, asking her to meet in the Gift at the village of Mole's Town. Accompanied by Brienne of Tarth, Sansa furiously confronts Lord Baelish upon sight, as this is the first time she has seen him since he left her at Winterfell with Ramsay Bolton. Since then Sansa has escaped and found refuge at Castle Black, home of the Night’s Watch. She asks Littlefinger if he was aware what Ramsay was capable of. Baelish deflects, saying he has the knights of the Vale waiting at Moat Cailin to aid Sansa. As she is mistrustful of him when he claims he had no idea of Ramsay's abusive treatment of her, Sansa then describes her traumatic wedding night and what Ramsay did to her. Littlefinger looks on in silent horror and apologizes to her, offering to protect her now. She then tells him that she doubts his ability to protect her or even himself, threatening to have Brienne kill Baelish. He then insists he'll do whatever she asks, to which Sansa firmly responds with the command for him to leave and never come back for her. Littlefinger obeys, but not before informing that her great-uncle Brynden Tully has recaptured Riverrun and recommending she seek him out and the remaining loyal Tully forces. Sansa says she already has an army, her brother Jon Snow's army of wildlings. "Half-brother," Baelish clarifies.

Some weeks later, during the Battle of the Bastards at Winterfell, as the Stark forces face imminent destruction, a horn sounds out in the distance as Sansa and Littlefinger arrive with the knights of the Vale. On horseback, they begin to cut down the Bolton soldiers from behind to disrupt the encirclement. As Ramsay Bolton watches his soldiers cut down, he decides to retreat inside Winterfell, but a giant named Wun Wun is able to break down the castle gates, allowing wildling archers to pour into the castle; the last vestiges of the Bolton garrison are then quickly slaughtered. The giant is nevertheless overwhelmed by arrows and finally killed by Ramsay's shot. Despite defeat, Ramsay taunts Sansa’s brother Jon Snow and fires three arrows at him with his bow, but Jon blocks them all with a shield and knocks Ramsay to the ground. Jon proceeds to savagely beat him with his fists, while Ramsay doesn’t attempt to fight back, grinning maniacally and convinced Jon won't kill him. Jon stops pulverizing Ramsay upon noticing Sansa, realizing she has more right for revenge than he does, and subsequently orders Ramsay locked up as a prisoner. Later that evening, Sansa witnesses Ramsay’s brutal execution.

Some days later, with Winterfell restored to House Stark, Sansa is approached by Littlefinger in the godswood. She recalls how she had prayed in it every day as a little girl, always dreaming of being somewhere else. Sansa then asks Baelish what his ultimate ambition is, as he declares it is sitting on the Iron Throne with Sansa at his side. He tries to kiss her for a third time but she rebukes him. As she walks away, Baelish informs her that although he officially aligned House Arryn with Stark, reprisals would come from the capital. Sansa reminds Littlefinger that he's declared for other houses before and this did not stop him from switching sides to ensure his own interests. Before she leaves, Littlefinger once again reminds her of Jon's illegitimate birth as a bastard. Afterwards, the Northern and Vale lords arrive to discuss the new situation in the North. Jon warns them all that the war is not over - their true enemy, the Night King, "won't wait out the storm. He brings the storm." Lyanna Mormont insists that she doesn't care if Jon is bastard-born because he has Ned Stark's blood in his veins. With that, she acclaims Jon as the King in the North, as the assembled lords of the North and the Vale follow suit, displaying their approval of Jon as their king. Jon then looks over at Sansa, and she smiles back at him. Her smile fades, however, when she glances at Littlefinger, the only other person not cheering, who gives her an unimpressed and knowing look.

“Tell me, Lord Royce… How many people knew of my travel plans with Sansa Stark? I shared my intentions with you and no one else.”

— ‘Book of the Stranger

“I would do anything to undo what’s been done to you. I know that I can’t.”

— ‘The Door

“Our Lord has spoken. Gather the Knights of the Vale. The time has come to join the fray.”

— ‘Book of the Stranger

“The past is gone for good. You can sit here mourning it’s departure or prepare for the future.”

— ‘The Winds of Winter

“Do you want me to beg for my life? If that's what you want, I will. Whatever you ask that is in my power, I will do.”

— ‘The Door

“Every time I'm faced with a decision I close my eyes and see the same picture. Whenever I consider an action I ask myself, 'will this help make this picture a reality? Pull it out of my mind and into the world?' And I only act if the answer is "yes". A picture of me on the Iron Throne... and you by my side.”

— ‘The Winds of Winter

 season seven

Some time later, in the Great Hall of Winterfell, Littlefinger is in attendance as the King in the North, Jon Snow, organizes the defense of the North against the army of the dead. He asks that all maesters start searching for dragonglass and orders for all able-bodied men and women to be trained in combat. When Lord Glover balks at the idea of arming his young granddaughter, Lyanna Mormont remarks that she certainly will not remain idle, giving her assurance that every girl on Bear Island will also be trained. Lyanna once more reminds the older lords of their place, as they then agree. The next order of business is the possibility of the White Walkers getting past the Wall; if they do, the first obstacles they encounter will be the castles of Last Hearth and  Karhold, the seats belonging to the two Northern houses that fought alongside the Boltons. Lord Royce opines that the castles should be demolished for their lords' treachery, but Sansa interjects that while the castles committed no crimes, the Karstarks and Umbers should be stripped of their castles as punishment. However, Jon advocates forgiveness, insisting that children will not be punished for the crimes of their fathers. Despite Sansa's insistence, Jon asserts his decision, as she reluctantly obliges. Jon then summons Alys Karstark and Ned Umber, asking them to reaffirm their loyalty to House Stark. They oblige and kneel before King Jon.

In private, Jon chides Sansa for questioning his decision-making in front of the lords. He tells Sansa that while she is his sister and she can question his decisions, doing so in public undermines his position with the lords. When Sansa responds that the late King Joffrey did not tolerate dissent, Jon assures her that he is not Joffrey. Sansa tells Jon that she knows he is nothing like Joffrey and assures Jon that he is good at leadership, but she wants him to be wiser than their deceased father and brother. Maester Wolkan then delivers a message from the newly-crowned queen, Cersei Lannister: though she is apparently not opposed to House Stark reclaiming the North from House Bolton, she demands that they submit to her authority. Afterwards, Brienne and Podrick spar with swords as Lord Baelish and Sansa watch from above. Sansa dismisses Littlefinger’s attempt to get under her skin by stating that she is safe at Winterfell and has Brienne as her sworn shield. She retorts that she only wants peace and quiet when he prods her that she looks unhappy. Brienne then joins Sansa and Baelish in the gallery and after Littlefinger departs Brienne questions Sansa as to why he is still at Winterfell. Sansa replies that the Knights of the Vale helped to turn the tide during the Battle of the Bastards. Sansa then assures Brienne that she is aware of Littlefinger’s intentions.

Days later, after receiving a message from the Citadel, Jon gathers the Northern lords to announce that the letter reveals there is dragonglass beneath Dragonstone. Jon adds that Tyrion Lannister has invited him to the island to meet with the dragon queen, Daenerys Targaryen, and then announces his decision to travel there and convince her to join their fight. Jon accepts that he is taking a risk, but stresses the need of Daenerys' aid if the North is to be saved. Sansa reiterates her objection to Jon going, and Jon tells Sansa that he is appointing her as ruler of the North in his absence. Afterwards, in the crypts beneath Winterfell, Lord Baelish finds Jon, who is visiting his father Eddard’s tomb, and vouches that Tyrion can be trusted. When Jon, who clearly distrusts Littlefinger, says that Petyr shouldn't be there and that they have nothing to say to each other, Baelish replies that Jon should be grateful to him for saving him from death at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Littlefinger then informs him that he loves Sansa, as a disgusted Jon then lashes out and seizes Baelish by the throat, slamming him into a wall. He tells Baelish, "Touch my sister and I'll kill you myself." Outside, Jon and several horsemen prepare to ride south to White Harbor while Sansa watches from the battlements. Before Jon leaves, he and Sansa bid farewell. Baelish, emerging from the catacombs, gazes at Sansa after Jon’s departure.

Some time later, Lord Baelish and Sansa learn from Maester Wolkan that they have about four-thousand bushels of wheat left. Sansa realizes that they don't have enough food for the coming winter. She advocates building granaries to stockpile for a famine. Sansa also orders Lord Yohn Royce to see that the armor made for their armies is outfitted with leather to keep warm. While walking, Lord Baelish asserts that command suits Sansa, however, their discussion turns towards the continued threat of Queen Cersei, which has been put to the side in order to focus on the coming war against the army of the dead. Sansa sarcastically thanks Lord Baelish for reminding her of Cersei’s treachery, stating her awareness of how dangerous the Lannister queen remains, citing the murders of her family. Littlefinger urges her not to split focus and fight every battle in her mind and to look for threats in every corner: “Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before.” They are then interrupted by a guard who tells Lady Stark that she has received a visitor, who turns out to be her younger brother Bran Stark, the crippled heir of Winterfell, whom she hasn’t seen since departing their home several years ago with their father Eddard.

Days later, at Winterfell, Littlefinger meets with Bran Stark in private. Apparently hoping to exploit disunity among the Stark children for his own personal gain, he tries to ingratiate himself with Bran. Lord Baelish gives Bran a gift, the very same Valyrian steel dagger that a cutthroat once tried to kill Bran with while he was in a coma right after he was pushed from a tower at Winterfell by Jaime Lannister, resulting in his disability. Bran, uninterested in the dagger, absentmindedly asks Littlefinger who it belonged to. With a wry look, Littlefinger responds that, in a way, this is the question which started the entire War of the Five Kings. Bran's mother Catelyn Stark took the dagger south with her to King's Landing in an attempt to ascertain who it belonged to, as she was convinced the Lannisters sent the cutthroat to kill Bran. She left the dagger in the capital with Eddard, from whom Littlefinger recovered it. Baelish then tries to manipulate Bran by remarking on how much chaos he must have lived through to get back to Winterfell. In response, Bran looks at Littlefinger and says, "Chaos is a ladder," something Littlefinger once said to Lord Varys in King's Landing years ago. A quote of Littlefinger’s which Bran couldn't possibly have been physically present to hear. Visibly unnerved, Lord Baelish is then startled by the arrival of Bran’s companion Meera Reed, who enters Bran’s chambers. He takes his leave of Bran, calling him "Lord Stark", though again Bran insists that he's not a lord.

Some time later, coincidentally, Winterfell is also greeted by the surprise return of Arya Stark, who hasn’t been seen since Lord Eddard’s execution. After settling back into her childhood home, Arya interrupts Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne as they spar in the castle courtyard. Arya asserts that she'd like to spar with Brienne, the woman who beat Sandor Clegane in combat. Sansa and Lord Baelish watch silently from the walkway above. Brienne goes easy on her at first, but Arya completely outmaneuvers the statuesque woman using a combination of the training she’s received over the years. Surprised that such a young girl is so skilled, Brienne stops holding back, leading to a more grueling sparring session. Brienne actually manages to knock her sword out of Arya's hand, but she simply switches to the Valyrian steel dagger that was gifted to her from Bran after receiving it from Baelish. Arya uses her speed and agility to compensate for Brienne's strength and size to overwhelm her. Ultimately, they reach a stalemate, each of them holding a blade at the others' throat. Brienne asks Arya who taught her to fight like that, and she simply responds, "no one". Littlefinger and Sansa are both baffled by Arya’s lethal skill-level. As Sansa leaves the gallery, Arya and Littlefinger then stare at each other suspiciously for a lingering moment.

Later on, Arya grows increasingly suspicious of Sansa and her relationship with Littlefinger. She then begins to spy on Lord Baelish as he converses with the two Northern lords who hold issue with Jon Snow’s absence. Arya then follows Littlefinger to his quarters and finds him in discussion with Maester Wolkan. Arya eavesdrops while he asks the maester if he’s sure that "this" is the only copy, as he’s handed a scroll. Assured that it is, Petyr informs that "Lady Stark thanks you for your service." After Wolkan leaves, Baelish briefly enters his room, then exits, locking the door. Arya then breaks into his chamber and rummages through his study and furniture. Hidden under his mattress, she finds the scroll, which turns out to be the message that Sansa wrote years ago to their late brother Robb urging him to bend the knee to King  Joffrey. Arya is horrified by the letter, unaware that Sansa had written it while under Cersei’s imprisonment in an attempt to save their father from execution. Arya takes the scroll and sneaks out of the room, oblivious to a grinning Littlefinger, who watches her from behind a wall, indicating that he planted the letter himself in order to manipulate her against Sansa.

Days later, tensions rise between the siblings after Arya confronts Sansa about the letter. Sansa later asks Baelish where Arya got the letter from, unaware that Baelish orchestrated the entire incident. Sansa informs Baelish that she is commanding 20,000 men who answer to Jon but not to her. Littlefinger insists that the men will trust her because she can rule. Sansa does not trust the loyalty of the Northern lords, citing their history of switching sides. She counters that the discovery of the letter will turn her liege lords and men against her. Sansa then confides in Baelish about her strained relations with Arya, as Littlefinger suggests that Sansa talk to Brienne who swore to protect both of Lady Catelyn's daughters from harm's way. Trusting Baelish, Sansa accepts his advice. The following morning, Sansa receives a letter from Queen Cersei requesting the lord and ladies of Westeros to attend a parley in the capital. Sansa meets with Brienne, who advises her not to leave Winterfell. Instead, Sansa decides to send Brienne as her representative. Brienne then warns her that it is too dangerous for Sansa to be left alone with Baelish. Sansa insists that her men are loyal to her, but Brienne warns that Littlefinger might be bribing them behind her back. Sansa insists that she can take care of herself.

Some time later, Littlefinger and Sansa continue to discuss Jon’s absence, as Baelish comments on the fact that a marriage alliance between her brother and Queen Daenerys might be mutually beneficial. They then discusses the potential threat of Arya. Baelish attempts to manipulate her as usual, encouraging her to think as he does. He tells Sansa to ask herself what Arya's worst possible motivation is. Seemingly overcome with horror at the thought that Arya would want to take her place and reign as Lady of Winterfell, it seems that Sansa decides to do something about it, to Baelish's silent delight. Afterwards, Sansa orders Arya be brought to the Great Hall, where she and Bran are seated at the great table. The hall is lined with Stark and Arryn men, as well as a few key lords and, of course, Baelish waits with a malicious smile. Arya is brought in and asks Sansa if she "really wants to do this?" Sansa asserts that it's not about what she wants, it's about justice. She then proceeds to rattle off a list of crimes perpetrated against House Stark whilst staring at Arya. Sansa declares: “You stand accused of murder, you stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges..., as she suddenly switches her line of sight from Arya to Littlefinger. Sansa then asks Lord Baelish how he intends to answer the charges. Completely thrown, Littlefinger tries to figure out what is going on. Sansa reveals his murder of her aunt Lysa Arryn, as well as his use of Lysa to poison and murder her husband, Jon Arryn, the former Hand to King Robert Baratheon. She uses his own words against him and accuses him, quite correctly, of orchestrating the conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters that has ultimately engulfed the Seven Kingdoms for the better part of the last decade, including the betrayal and death of their father Eddard. Littlefinger tries to deny this, but Bran uses his gift of greensight to recall the exact words Baelish once said to Lord Eddard as he held a knife to his throat before his arrest. Swiftly realizing that the trial is an elaborate ruse, as was Arya and Sansa’s staged rivalry over the last few days, Lord Baelish demands that Lord Royce, the Lord Protector of the Vale, take him to safety. However, Royce refuses him. In desperation, Baelish falls to his knees and pleads for his life, insisting yet again how much he loved their mother Catelyn and how much he now loves Sansa. Sansa, however, is unswayed by his pleadings and sentences him to death. She asserts to Littlefinger: “I'm a slow learner, it's true. But I learn… When you brought me back to Winterfell, you told me there's no justice in the world, not unless we make it. Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish. I will never forget them.” She then shares a look with Arya. As Littlefinger tries to speak again, Arya walks up and slits his throat with the same Valyrian steel dagger that lay at the heart of his plotting over the years. Baelish then bleeds out, slumping dead to the floor, while the Northern and Vale men and women watch dispassionately. At long last, the War of the Five Kings has now ended, with justice served to the person responsible for it all.

*In the aftermath of Littlefinger’s death, follow Sansa’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“Why aren't you happy? What do you want that you do not have?”

— ‘Dragonstone

“The other dagger, the one that took her life. I would have stopped that dagger with my own heart, if I could have.”

— ‘The Spoils of War

“You have many enemies, my king, but I swear to you, I'm not one of them. I love Sansa... as I loved her mother.”

— ‘Stormborn

“Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?'”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

“Don’t fight in the north or the south. Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend, every possible series of events is happening, all at once. Live that way, and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before.”

— ‘The Queen's Justice

“Sansa, I beg you! I loved your mother since the time I was a boy… I loved you. More than anyone… Sansa!”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf