season one

Following the mysterious death of King Robert’s Baratheon’s hand, Jon Arryn, the king rides north and recruits his long-time friend Lord Eddard Stark to replace him. Upon Lord Eddard’s arrival in the capital city of King’s Landing, he is immediately sent to meet with King Robert’s small council, who are made up of four other members aside from his new position as Hand of the King: Lord Varys, the Master of Whisperers; Renly Baratheon, the Master of Laws and the youngest of King Robert's two brothers; Grand Maester Pycelle, the king’s personal maester and advisor; and Lord Petyr Baelish, known as "Littlefinger", the realm’s Master of Coin. The meeting is convened, to Eddard’s surprise. It is customary for the king to attend such meetings, however, Robert’s brother Renly informs Eddard that the king never takes part in the meetings, as Varys then, more politely, says that Robert has many burdens but allows his small council to take care of the "small matters" of the realm. Littlefinger notes that they are the "lords of small matters". Renly passes a proclamation from Robert to Eddard, reporting that the king has ordered the realm to stage a tournament in honor of Lord Stark's appointment. After discussing the realm’s debt against the expense of such an event, Eddard informs the council that there will be no tournament. He apologizes for his tone, explaining that he is still weary from his travels. Varys insists to him they serve at his pleasure.
Afterwards, Catelyn Stark, a childhood friend to Baelish and the wife of Lord Eddard, has made her way down to King’s Landing with Ser Rodrik Cassel. They attempt to sneak into the city, however, they are spotted by one of Littlefinger's men. They are taken to meet Littlefinger at a brothel he owns, where Lord Varys is also waiting. Varys explains that one of his 'little birds' told him they were coming. Catelyn is angered by the way they've been treated, but asks Littlefinger for aid in finding the people who tried to have her son Bran Stark killed. Lord Baelish is able to answer this quickly stating that the elaborate dagger wielded by the assassin used to be his, but he lost it in a gamble with Tyrion Lannister, the brother of Queen Cersei Lannister. Littlefinger then fetches Lord Eddard to meet his wife, but Ned suspects a trick and pushes Littlefinger up against a wall outside the brothel wanting to know what his game is. Catelyn then appears, and Eddard is pacified. After hearing news of Bran’s attack, he vows to expose House Lannister to King Robert. Littlefinger agrees to be his ally in this, for the affection he once bore Catelyn as a youngster. That evening, Catelyn takes her leave of Eddard and King’s Landing, regretting that she cannot stay and see her daughters, Sansa and Arya Stark, but it’s safer this way.
Some days later, during a meeting of the small council, Lord Eddard learns that the forthcoming tournament to celebrate his appointment is seeing the city swell with visitors, and has already resulted in a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race. He tells Littlefinger that money will have to be found to strengthen the city guards, as well as lending twenty of his own men to Janos Slynt's command, until the tournament is over. Following the meeting, Lord Baelish meets with Eddard and suggests that he keep his investigation into Jon Arryn's death lower in profile, revealing that Grand Maester Pycelle has informed him of Eddard's possession of a book titled ‘The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms’. He also gives Eddard some interesting intelligence: Jon Arryn's former squire has been knighted and will fight in the forthcoming Hand's tourney. He also advises him to investigate an armorer located in the city. Eddard decides that Littlefinger may be more trustworthy than he first thought, but Baelish discourages him from thinking that way. Eddard then sends Jory Cassel to question Jon Arryn's former squire, Ser Hugh of the Vale, which eventually leads Eddard to a smithy in the slums of the capital where he meets a bastard son of King Robert’s named Gendry, who is unaware of his royal blood.

Later on, Lord Baelish joins King Robert and the royal court in attendance of the first day of a tournament that honors the new Hand of the King, though Lord Eddard himself has not arrived as yet. Eddard’s eldest daughter Sansa Stark tries to catch Prince Joffrey Baratheon's eye, but he avoids looking at her, due to an incident that occurred along the Kingsroad where he was attacked by Arya Stark’s direwolf. Noting the exchange, Lord Baelish asks if they are having a lover’s quarrel, as he introduces himself as a friend of her mother Catelyn. Arya then asks why he is called Littlefinger, as he informs that was born on the smallest of the Fingers and was very small as a boy, so it was a clever joke. The first tilt is held. The first of the combatants is Ser Gregor Clegane, a gigantic man over seven feet in height. He is called "the Mountain". He is the elder brother of Sandor Clegane, Prince Joffrey's bodyguard. His opponent is Ser Hugh of the Vale. On their second pass, Gregor's lance takes Ser Hugh in the throat, killing him. Littlefinger notes this was an unfortunate accident. He asks Sansa if she has ever heard the tale of “the Mountain and the Hound.” He goes on to explain that when they were children, Gregor found Sandor playing with his toy knight by the fire. Gregor never said a word; he just took his little brother by the neck and held his face in the fire until his skin burned. That is how Sandor got his scarred appearance. Littlefinger then suggests not repeating this story to the Hound.
On the second day of the tourney, Baelish sits in the stands as Lord Eddard is seated next to his daughter Sansa. The competitors arrive for the first joust: Ser Gregor and Ser Loras Tyrell, the youngest son of the powerful House Tyrell and already a famed tournament knight. Ser Loras gives Sansa a red rose and exchanges a look with Renly Baratheon in the stands, who then takes a bet against Littlefinger who favors Clegane. The joust begins and Loras unseats Ser Gregor, whose horse falls to the ground. Renly cackles in delight while Littlefinger then puts his hand on Sansa's shoulder, then removing it at a look from Eddard, and tells her it was clever of Ser Loras to ride a mare in heat, as it threw Gregor’s stallion into confusion. Ser Gregor finally gets up. Furious, he summons his squire with his sword and then decapitates his horse in a rage. He smashes Ser Loras off his horse and attacks him with his sword. Loras is barely able to raise his shield in time. Before he can be overwhelmed the Mountain's brother, Sandor Clegane, jumps in the way and the two exchange blows for several moments before the king orders them to stop. Sandor immediately kneels and the Mountain storms off the field in anger. Ser Loras thanks Sandor and holds his arm aloft to be cheered by the commons over their shared victory.
Afterwards, Lord Varys finds Baelish in the Great Hall staring at the Iron Throne. Varys informs him that he admire’s Littlefinger's industry, being the first to arrive for a small council meeting and usually the last to leave. Littlefinger suggests that Varys should come and visit his brothel that evening and that the first boy is on the house. Varys retorts that he is confusing business with pleasure. Littlefinger then states that his establishment caters for all inclinations. As they continue to banter, a threatened Baelish takes a jab at Varys and asks him what has happened to his testicles, and if they are kept in a box somewhere. Varys quips back, stating that he doesn't know and that it’s a shame since they were once so close. Varys then reveals that he knows about Littlefinger's assistance in Eddard's investigation of Jon Arryn's death and reminds Littlefinger of the consequences that may befall him should the Lannisters discover his involvement. In response, Littlefinger reveals that he already knows about Varys having met with both Eddard and Magister Illyrio Mopatis just earlier that day, implying he knows of Varys' allegiances across the Narrow Sea. Their conversation is interrupted by Lord Renly, who informs them that Robert will be joining them at their small council meeting. Littlefinger is surprised by this, as Varys asserts that Robert’s appearance is due to disturbing news from “far away.”

At the meeting of the small council, King Robert tells Eddard that Daenerys Targaryen is pregnant and her son will have a claim to the throne. He wants her and her brother Viserys Targaryen dead as soon as possible. Eddard states that this act would be dishonorable and beneath their dignity. Robert explodes in fury, telling Eddard that he has seven kingdoms to rule and honor does not come into it. Eddard asserts that this makes them no better than the “Mad King” Aerys Targaryen, infuriating Robert even more. He asks the council to speak their advice to Eddard. However, the other members of the council: Pycelle, Renly, Littlefinger and Varys, all concur that Daenerys must die for the good of the realm. Eddard urges to Robert that he will not support this, explaining that he followed Robert into war twice with no doubts or hesitation, but he will not follow him into this. Robert angrily snaps that Eddard is the King's Hand; he will do as commanded or Robert will find another. At that, Eddard removes his badge of office and leaves it on the table. A furious Robert orders him to leave and go back to Winterfell before he takes his head as a traitor. As Ned is packing, Littlefinger arrives and offers to take Ned to the last place Jon Arryn went before he "fell ill,” which ends up being Lord Baelish’s brothel. There Ned meets another one of Robert's bastards. This time, the bastard offspring is a baby girl mothered by a prostitute named Mhaegen. Mhaegen remarks that her child has Robert's nose and black hair. Eddard asks Lord Baelish why Arryn was searching for Robert's bastards but he insists that he doesn't know.
Some time later, with King Robert off on a hunt, Lord Eddard sits on the Iron Throne in his stead as a group of refugees come to tell of how their villages have been destroyed. Eddard hears tales of a huge knight ravaging the Riverlands. He realizes that it's Ser Gregor Clegane, who is likely under Lannister orders to punish the Riverlands - which are held by House Tully, the former house of his wife Catelyn. Even though King Robert told him to make peace with the Lannisters, Lord Eddard could not bring himself to let this injustice stand. Eddard strips Gregor Clegane of his knighthood, land, and titles, and sends Lord Beric Dondarrion with a retinue of one hundred knights to arrest and execute him in the king's name. He also orders Grand Maester Pycelle to send word to Casterly Rock, demanding Lord Tywin Lannister's presence in court to explain his bannerman's actions or be branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm. Lord Baelish and Pycelle are both concerned with the harshness of these orders and Eddard's actions against the Lannisters, but Eddard wants to see justice done.
Some time later, Eddard continues to investigate the mystery surrounding Jon Arryn’s murder only to discovery that Prince Joffrey, along with his two younger siblings, are the product of incest between Queen Cersei and her twin brother Ser Jaime Lannister. With King Robert away on the hunting trip, Eddard confronts Cersei with his discovery, informing her that this is the secret Jon Arryn died over. The queen coolly admits that her children are not Robert’s indeed, as Eddard urges her to flee from the capital before he informs the king. However, shortly after, King Robert is mortally wounded while on the boar hunt. Wishing him a peaceful death, Eddard withholds his discovery. Robert has Eddard write his will, naming Eddard Protector of the Realm to rule until Joffrey comes of age. Eddard, however, doesn’t name Joffrey specifically and instead refers to Robert's successor as his “rightful heir”. Afterwards, Eddard informs Lord Baelish the truth about Joffrey's parentage. Littlefinger suggests that they keep quiet, acknowledge Joffrey as king and make him their puppet. If he proves intractable, they can reveal the truth and crown the more malleable Lord Renly instead. However, Eddard considers this treason. Baelish realizes that even though Lord Eddard has Robert's edict naming him Regent and Protector of the Realm, he doesn't have the men he needs to seize control from Cersei. He needs the loyalty of the City Watch. Littlefinger understands that the honorable Eddard Stark can't come right out and ask him to bribe them, but agrees to do what needs to be done.
Following this, Eddard is summoned to the throne room by "King Joffrey," confirming Robert’s death and further Lannister control. Outside he arrives to find Varys and Littlefinger waiting for him. Varys informs him that Renly Baratheon has fled the city in fear of his own life. Upon entering the throne room, Joffrey smugly sits on the Iron Throne. He immediately demands oaths of fealty from his councilors and subjects. Instead, Eddard gives Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, the proclamation naming him as Lord Protector of the Realm. To Ser Barristan's shock, Cersei Lannister takes the "paper shield" and tears it up. Instead, she suggests that Eddard bend the knee and swear allegiance and in return he will be allowed to safely return to his home of Winterfell. However, the honorable Eddard responds that Joffrey has no claim to the throne and commands that Janos Slynt to take the queen and her son into custody. Janos and the City Watch ignore Eddard’s command and instead immediately kill his men. In the midst of the chaos, Littlefinger then sneaks up behind Eddard and holds a knife to his throat, saying, "I did warn you not to trust me".

Following Lord Eddard’s arrest, the Lannister guards couldn’t locate Arya Stark, who has now fled the Red Keep, however, they were able to apprehend Sansa, whom is brought before Queen Regent Cersei and the small council. Cersei, along with Baelish, Varys and Pycelle inform Sansa of her father’s arrest and manipulate her into writing a letter to her older brother Robb Stark, asking him to bend the knee peacefully to King Joffrey. They add that Eddard's fate may depend on what his son and the other Northern lords do. Afterwards, King Joffrey holds court and Janos Slynt is to be made Lord of Harrenhal as a reward for his loyal service. Cersei then dismisses Ser Barristan Selmy as head of the Kingsguard, noting that the time has come for an honorable retirement. Selmy is confused, pointing out that Kingsguards serve for life, but Joffrey angrily says that Selmy is too old, and wasn't able to protect his father, King Robert. Varys announces that Selmy is to be given a castle and land in recognition of his years of service, but the old knight, insulted by what he sees as being offered "a hall to die in and men to bury me," takes off his armor, throws his sword at Joffrey's feet and storms out. Sansa then approaches and begs Joffrey for her father's life, claiming that the medicine he was taking for his injured leg was responsible for his treasonous talk. Joffrey says that her sweet words have moved him and he will spare Eddard, only if he bends the knee to him and acknowledges him as king. Sansa assures him in front of the royal court that her father will do so.
Later on, the missing Arya Stark walks around the streets of the city far from the Red Keep, unwashed and starving. In hungered desperation she attempts to capture a pigeon. Suddenly, she notices a commotion of smallfolk hurrying along and then follows the crowd to the Great Sept of Baelor. Unable to see the steps of the Sept, she climbs onto the pedestal of a statue of Baelor Targaryen and sees her father Eddard being brought in chains to the steps of the temple. On the steps, where Littlefinger stands amongst the royal party, Eddard is given a chance to confess his "crimes." He weighs his choices as he sees both Arya and Sansa present, and chooses to save them by making a false confession. He then declares that Joffrey is the true king in order to appease the young ruler. King Joffrey then informs that he could be merciful and send Eddard to the Night's Watch as his mother suggested and as Sansa has begged. He instead acknowledges that as women they are "soft" and treason must never go unpunished. The sadistic king then commands Ser Ilyn Payne to bring him Eddard’s head. The crowd goes into an uproar. Arya tries to make her way through the crowd, drawing her sword to save her father, but a friend of Eddard’s named Yoren stops her and shields her from seeing her father's death. A screaming Sansa is restrained by guards, while a visibly horrified Cersei frantically tries to persuade her son to reconsider, as does Varys, but there is no time. Ser Ilyn draws Eddard's own sword and cuts his head off with a single blow.
Some days following Eddard’s execution, Littlefinger and Varys speak in front of the Iron Throne. Varys asks how Littlefinger envisions himself sitting on the Iron Throne. When Littlefinger flips the question and asks this of Varys, Varys assures that he must be one of the few people in the city who doesn't want to be king. Littlefinger quips that he is one of the few men in the city who isn't a man, referring to him being a eunuch. Baelish then proceeds to ask if they took both the "pillar" as well as the "stones." Varys retorts by asking him if he spends a lot of time wondering what is between his legs. Their banter continues as Baelish pictures that it looks like a “gash,” similar to a woman, as Varys then sarcastically states that he’s flattered to be pictured at all. Their swipes, however, then turn to an admission of mutual admiration. They are interrupted by King Joffrey’s arrival, as they all then head to a small council meeting.

“Ah, the Starks. Quick tempers, slow minds.”
— ‘Lord Snow’
“I learnt that I’ll never win. Not that way. That’s their game, their rules. I’m not going to fight them, I’m going to fuck them. That’s what I know, that’s what I am. And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want… Oh, everything, my dear. Everything there is.”
“Distrusting me was the wisest thing you’ve done since you climbed off your horse.”
— ‘Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things’
“I did warn you not to trust me.”
“Brothels make a much better investment than ships, I’ve found. Whores rarely sink.”
“It’s hard for them to simper and bow without heads.”
— ‘Fire and Blood’

season two

Some weeks later, Cersei Lannister continues to govern from King's Landing as the Queen Regent to her son, King Joffrey. The small council is in session to discuss the Conclave's announcement that the long summer has ended. Lord Varys states that a long summer typically means an even longer winter. Facing an imminent winter, Cersei orders the city gates barred to prevent further refugees from entering the city. She is perturbed by the arrival of her brother Tyrion Lannister, who has returned to the capital and has been named acting Hand of the King by their father Lord Tywin. Varys is handed the decree by Tyrion and confirms his new position as Hand until Tywin’s return. Cersei orders the council to exit the room in frustration, fearing that her brother is scheming to usurp her power. After Littlefinger and the rest of the council exit, Tyrion proudly informs Cersei that since she failed to prevent the death of Eddard Stark, she has been viewed as the disappointing child by Tywin and is blamed for the execution and the resulting rebellion in the North, led by Robb Stark. Tyrion then wins her temporary acceptance when he pledges to free their brother Ser Jaime from Robb’s captivity in the Riverlands. However, he insists that in order to facilitate a prisoner exchange, they need to find the missing Arya Stark, who fled from the capital following her father’s execution.
Cersei later meets with Lord Baelish and requests his assistance in locating Arya. He suggests that she will return to Winterfell if she has escaped, however, Cersei informs that she has had no word of Arya being sighted from her friends in the North. Cersei then fingers the mockingbird clasp on Littlefinger’s coat and notes that he created his own sigil, adding that his choice was appropriate for a self-made man with many songs to sing. Baelish responds by saying that some people are not born into the right families and must find their own way. She then needles Baelish about his unrequited love for Catelyn Stark, as he counters by alluding to her incestuous relationship with her brother Jaime. Littlefinger adds that such relationships becoming common knowledge is an especially awkward situation for a prominent family. He then goes on to say that prominent families often forget a simple truth. Cersei takes his bait, as he then states that “knowledge is power.” An angered Cersei responds by threatening his life in a demonstration of her control over her guards, ordering them to seize Baelish and cut his throat. She then almost immediately rescindes the order and warns Baelish that “power is power.”
Some days later, Cersei reads Robb Stark's peace terms aloud to the small council before tearing them up. Tyrion suggests that they at least return Eddard Stark's remains as a gesture of good faith. Pycelle then reports a messenger-raven from Castle Black, as Varys interjects that the wildlings are becoming increasingly troublesome. Tyrion notes that the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, Jeor Mormont, is asking for more recruits, Cersei insists that they cannot spare. Tyrion reads a troubling passage: “the cold winds are rising, and the dead rise with them.” Pycelle dismisses it as northern superstition as Tyrion relays Jeor's encounter with a wight and asserts his reliability. He reminds Cersei that the Night's Watch is the only thing that separates them from what lies beyond the Wall. Following the meeting, Littlefinger returns to his brothel to find one of his prostitutes named Ros struggling to continue her work after having witnessed the recent murder of Mhaegen's infant daughter, one of King Robert’s bastard children who was killed during the massacre ordered by Joffrey. Baelish comes into her room and Ros confides in him. However, Baelish compares her to a beautiful girl he purchased from a Lyseni pleasure house for an exorbitant price. As the girl was so sad Baelish gained no money from her and he sold her to a Lord who wanted to "transform" her, a man who derived pleasure from things most men would find unthinkable. After this thinly-veiled threat, when Littlefinger asks Ros if one day off will make her smile again, Ros smiles and assures him it will.

Flexing the muscles of his new position as Hand of the King, Tyrion later tests the loyalty of the small council by feeding them each a different plan for a marriage alliance involving his niece Myrcella Baratheon. He first meets with Pycelle and compliments his knowledge before then asking him to keep a confidence. He tells him that he is hoping to arrange a marriage alliance with House Martell in Dorne by offering Myrcella's hand to their heir Trystane Martell. He then has a similar meeting with Lord Varys but claims that he wants to marry Myrcella to Theon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Afterwards he then offers a third variation to Lord Baelish, this time saying that he will wed Myrcella to Robin Arryn of the Vale. Baelish ponders Tyrion's motivation given his fractious relationship with Lysa Arryn, but Tyrion claims that he is rising above their past dealings. Baelish asks what is in it for him and Tyrion says that he will award him Harrenhal for brokering the arrangement. Afterwards, Cersei implodes on Tyrion for arranging her daughter to be sent to Dorne. As Pycelle is now exposed as Cersei’s secret informant, Tyrion has him arrested. Meanwhile, Lord Baelish is furious about being involved in Tyrion's deception. However, Tyrion placates him by offering him an opportunity to act as a political envoy in the Stormlands to the rivaling king, Renly Baratheon.
Some time later, upon his arrival at King Renly’s camp in the Stormlands, Renly greets Littlefinger as his “favorite whoremonger” and criticizes his lack of loyalty, provided that Baelish is an advisor to King Joffrey. Baelish asserts that he is a practical man, as Renly curtly informs of his dislike of Littlefinger, demanding to know why he is paying a visit. Littlefinger looks to Renly’s guard, Brienne of Tarth, as Renly insists that her loyalty comes without charge. Baelish then informs that Renly still has friends at court who think Eddard Stark was mistaken in not supporting Renly’s claim. However, Renly declares that Baelish is trying to protect himself in the face of his inevitable victory. Littlefinger, nonetheless, offers to open the gates of the capital to Renly. That evening, Baelish then approaches Renly’s new queen, Margaery Tyrell, and asks her if the pressures of command keep Renly from sharing a bed with her. Margaery informs that, while naive to warfare, she thinks the side with the greater number usually wins. Baelish counters that if so, mathematicians would rule the world. He then questions her brother Ser Loras entering Renly’s tent, as Margaery asserts that the place of a Kingsguard is by his king’s side. Littlefinger rhetorically asks who was at the king’s side on their wedding night, alluding to his knowledge of Renly’s homosexuality. She then questions his interest in their marriage, as he insists that the marriage of a wealthy girl always breeds interest to the realm. Margaery notes his bachelor status, as Baelish informs that he’s been unlucky in his affections. She then states that it might be for the best, as he seems confused by the notion of marriage and asserts her devotion to Renly as her husband and king. She leaves him outside his tent. Afterwards, Littlefinger then visits Lady Catelyn and she receives him in anger over his previous betrayal of Eddard, which played a part in his eventual execution. Baelish insists that he begged Ned to serve as Protector of the Realm, but Catelyn bluntly asserts that he repaid their faith in him with treachery. Stating his love for her, Baelish tries to take her arm as she then grabs a knife and forces him to back off. When Baelish asks if she wants to see her daughters, Catelyn asks if they truly have Arya. He repeats the lie and then proposes that the Lannisters would trade her daughters for the imprisoned Ser Jaime. Catelyn informs that Robb will not agree to those terms, as Baelish suggests she consider the terms on her own. He then adds that he has a gift to display Tyrion Lannister’s goodwill, as a chest of Eddard’s remains is brought into the tent. Baelish asserts that Eddard was an honorable man and deserves burial with his family. An emotional Catelyn again orders him to leave. When she is alone with her late husband’s remains, she allows herself a moment to cry before closing the chest.

Some time later, Renly Baratheon is murdered in his tent under mysterious circumstances, though it is widely understood that his older brother Stannis Baratheon is responsible, who is also vying to take the Iron Throne from Joffrey. The following morning, Lord Baelish watches from the clifftop as King Stannis’ fleet approaches the coast at dawn. Renly's army disintegrates, with the forces of House Tyrell now fleeing to Highgarden and the rest of his bannermen joining his brother King Stannis. Baelish joins Margaery and Ser Loras as they grieve over Renly’s body. Margaery says that Renly’s Kingsguard, Brienne of Tarth, killed him, however, Loras asserts that neither of them really believes that, despite reports. He asks her who stood to gain the most from killing Renly and Littlefinger answers “Stannis.” Baelish asks Loras what he most desires and learns that it is revenge. He says that he has always found revenge to be a pure motivation but warns Loras that he will not have a chance to kill Stannis if he stays. He then cautions Loras to be smart if he wants justice, as Margaery states that he cannot avenge Renly from the grave. After Loras exits, Margaery informs Baelish that Renly did not win his claim and that she was never truly a queen. He then asks her if she wants to be a queen and she responds that she wants to be “the Queen.” She finally turns her gaze to him, and he smiles back at her.
Days later, at the castle of Harrenhal, Lord Tywin Lannister hosts a war council in his chambers, as none other than the missing Arya Stark serves incognito as his cupbearer. The unaware Tywin orders Arya to fetch a book for him and realizes she can read. A Lannister captain then announces the arrival of Petyr Baelish while Arya freezes in fear of recognition. Tywin asks for news from the capital and Baelish explains that he has come from Renly Baratheon’s camp. Tywin jokes over the short duration of Renly’s reign, as Arya pours wine, carefully keeping out of Littlefinger’s vision. Baelish informs that there have been talk of other forces at work and Tywin dismissively says that men love to blame demons when their plans fall apart. He then offers to broker an alliance between House Lannister and Tyrell, though Tywin asserts that the Tyrell host has returned to Highgarden. Arya then spills wine on Petyr’s hand and apologizes, as he stares at her stating that it is only wine. Tywin draws Littlefinger’s attention back to him when he asks if he would ride there himself. As Arya is dismissed, Baelish begins to detail the recent meeting with her mother Catelyn.
Several weeks later, Littlefinger is successful in negotiating with the Tyrells and their forces arrive in time to King’s Landing with Lord Tywin’s forces and claim victory at the Battle of the Blackwater against Stannis Baratheon’s army, though Stannis himself escaped battle at the last minute. Following their victory, King Joffrey hosts their new allies in the throne room and, in front of Baelish and the royal court, he proclaims his grandfather Tywin as the ‘Savior of the City’ and the Hand of the King. Joffrey then awards Baelish the castle of Harrenhal for his service to the realm in brokering the alliance between House Lannister and Tyrell. Joffrey formally states that the castle and the lordship will be held by Petyr's sons and grandsons until the end of time. Littlefinger accepts and jokes that he will need to acquire some sons, to the amusement of the court. Varys then grimaces as his rival is elevated. Ser Loras then asks that Joffrey wed his sister Margaery in order to unite their houses. Cersei theatrically intervenes to assert that the small council have agreed that it would be improper for Joffrey to wed Sansa Stark, citing the treachery of House Stark. The king plays along and agrees to wed Margaery instead. In private, Sansa is overjoyed to be free, until Littlefinger points out that it will not stop Joffrey from tormenting her. He stresses that, if anything, she is in more danger than ever, as she still remains captive, and now has no protection from her engagement. However, Baelish does assure her that he will help her escape from the capital in the near future.

“Some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family, others have to find their own way… Prominent families often forget a simple truth, I've found… Knowledge is power.”
“I have always found revenge to be the purest of motivations.”
“That was poorly handled. Sometimes those with most power have the least grace.”
— ‘The Night Lands’
“It is my belief that a moment of chaos affords opportunities lost soon after.”
“I understand that you don't like me and, while that saddens me greatly, I do not come here today seeking your affection. When you march on King's Landing, you may find yourself facing a protracted siege, or... open gates.”
— ‘Garden of Bones’
“Look around you. We’re all liars here – and every one of us is better than you.”
— ‘Valar Morghulis’

season three

Several weeks later, Sansa Stark and her handmaiden Shae and are sitting on the docks watching the merchant ships passing by Blackwater Bay. Sansa tries to get Shae to play a game where they make up stories for each ship, but Shae is uncooperative, asking why she needs to make up a story when she can find out the truth. Sansa tells Shae that she enjoys the game because the truth is either "terrible or boring." Lord Baelish then arrives to talk to Sansa in private and he informs her that he is waiting for word of an assignment that will take him far from the capital. He might be able to smuggle Sansa away from King’s Landing with him, but she must be ready to leave at a moment's notice. She agrees, but advises him not to give her too many details since she is a terrible liar. Meanwhile, the prostitute named Ros, who accompanied Baelish to the docks, has a private word of her own with Shae. Ros mentions that the two of them have done well for themselves, digging themselves out of where they started to become attached to important people. Ros then insists that Shae is to watch out for Sansa, and to watch out for her with Baelish.
Some weeks later, Lord Tywin Lannister calls the first meeting of the small council since he arrived in the city and assumed his position as Hand of the King. Tywin is upset with his three advisors, Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle, as none of them can locate his son Ser Jaime Lannister, even though the entire Northern army has heard of his escape from Robb Stark’s camp. Varys then makes a jab at Littlefinger's recent, titular promotion as Lord of Harrenhal and impending betrothal to the eccentric Lysa Arryn. Tywin states that this will cement support from the Vale of Arryn, which has been neutral in the war up to now. Tyrion Lannister points out that if Lord Baelish departs for the Vale that leaves a vacancy on the small council, and Tywin reveals that he has appointed Tyrion as the new Master of Coin to replace him. Tyrion quickly points out that he has no prior experience in finance. With backhanded compliments, Cersei Lannister makes it clear that this promotion is really intended to give him an opportunity to make mistakes that he’ll ultimately be blamed for. Later on, Tyrion, Podrick Payne and Ser Bronn drop by Petyr’s brothel and visits him in his office where he keeps his ledgers. Podrick loads them all into a cart as Ros flirts with the young squire. Littlefinger informs that the brothel was the safest place to keep such records, but Tyrion notes that his brothel hasn't been the safest place for bastards, referencing the massacre of King Robert’s bastard children where an infant girl was slaughtered. Before Tyrion’s exit, Baelish states that he hopes Tyrion does well in the position.
Some weeks later, Cersei Lannister approaches Littlefinger in a courtyard, and informs him that she fears the Tyrells do not have the Lannisters' best interests at heart, but her father Lord Tywin won't listen. Therefore, she asks that Littlefinger use his spies to try to find out what they're up to, because he has a good working relationship with them after brokering the Lannister-Tyrell alliance. He agrees, but Cersei warns him that this had better produce more results than when she previously asked him to find Arya Stark, who was right under his nose when visiting Harrenhal. Meanwhile, in the gardens of the Red Keep, Sansa and Margaery watch Ser Loras spar when Sansa relays her skepticism to the queen-to-be that Joffrey will let her leave the capital. Margaery, however, is confident he will do it to please her, once she is his wife. Loras then calls out to his new squire Olyvar, whom seems to be vying for his affection. Following the sparring session, Ser Loras sleeps with Olyvar in his chambers. As they finish, Loras mentions that he is engaged to be married... a fact that Olyvar quickly passes on to his real master, Littlefinger. Afterwards, Lord Baelish meets with Sansa, offering her a place on his ship that will travel to the Vale of Arryn. Sansa practices lying for a change, and tells him that they should wait until after Joffrey's wedding to Margaery, as she fears for his safety if the plan fails. Baelish quickly realizes that her true motivation is the secret marriage arrangement with Ser Loras. He doesn't question Sansa over the matter, but does report this news to Cersei afterwards.
Days later, Lord Varys finds Baelish sitting in the throne room. The pair discuss the Iron Throne with regards to the pageantry and propaganda that creates nations and cements dynasties. Varys asserts that he serves the realm, but Lord Baelish scoffs that "the realm" is an invention of Aegon the Conqueror. Littlefinger then informs Varys that he is aware of the arrangement he had with Ros acting as spy for him, and that as result he has given her to "a friend" who is eager for a new experience. Baelish maniacally revels in the chaos that he has caused, likening chaos to a ladder for those brave enough to climb, rather than a pit to be lost in, as Varys and everyone else sees it. Meanwhile, the “friend” Littlefinger has implied to Varys is none other than King Joffrey, who coldly sits in his chamber with his crossbow. He stares at Ros’ lifeless and bloodied corpse that has been tied to his bed and is filled with arrows. Afterwards, looking out on Blackwater Bay, a distraught Sansa Stark heavily weeps as she watches Littlefinger's ship sailing away without her. With Petyr’s departure to the Vale of Arryn, her plan to escape King's Landing is now in tatters.

“You said King’s Landing was your home… You’re the property of the Crown. Stealing you would be treason, if you were to tell just one person--”
— ‘Valar Dohaeris’
“I can’t tell you how touched I am of your concern for my welfare. I hope you know that I’m your friend, Sansa. Your true friend.”
— ‘Kissed By Fire’
“They're only numbers- numbers on paper. Once you understand them, it's easy to make them behave. You want a real challenge? Try whores.”
“The realm… Do you know what the realm is? It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie.”
— ‘The Climb’
“She may not be the grandest ship in the world, or the fastest. But she’s mine… I’ve always wanted a ship, now I want a dozen. Strange, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter what we want. Once we get it, we always want something else.”
— ‘Kissed By Fire’
“Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.”
— ‘The Climb’

season four

Several weeks later, during his wedding feast, King Joffrey is mysteriously poisoned and succumbs to his death in the frantic arms of his mother Cersei. As the royal court witness in shock, Cersei immediately accuses her brother Tyrion and he is apprehended. Amidst the chaos, Sansa herself, who begrudgingly had to marry Tyrion while Littlefinger was away, flees from the feast and through the streets of the capital with Ser Dontos Hollard, who is working for Lord Baelish. The pair eventually come upon a small row boat, which Ser Dontos then rows out into Blackwater Bay. They come upon a large ship and as Sansa is taken aboard, she is greeted by Lord Baelish. Littlefinger remembers that he still owes Dontos his fee, but Baelish instead has two men kill the man with crossbows. Baelish then explains to a terrified Sansa that Ser Dontos was a drunken fool and an unreliable ally who only assisted in her escape for money, and would have turned her in for money as well. To prove his point, Littlefinger informs Sansa that the necklace around her neck that Dontos had given her prior to the wedding, and passed off as a family heirloom, was actually made weeks ago on Petyr's orders. Sansa is confused and horrified, but Littlefinger promises to keep her safe as they sail away from the capital.
As they sail through the Narrow Sea, Sansa accuses Baelish of having Joffrey murdered. At first, Littlefinger evades the accusation, pointing out that he has been away for weeks. Sansa then defends Tyrion’s innocence and concludes that Baelish is too smart to trust a drunk like Dontos to be his accomplice. Impressed with her instincts, Baelish admits that Tyrion is, in fact, innocent, and reveals Sansa's own part in Joffrey's death - Dontos' necklace was the murder weapon and someone slipped a poison-filled stone into Joffrey's wine during the feast. Baelish confesses that while his friendship with the Lannisters was fruitful, Joffrey was too volatile and more a hindrance than a benefit as an ally. More importantly, Joffrey's death was something that his "new friends" wanted very much, and a gift is always helpful to make a new friendship "grow strong," quoting the house motto of the Tyrells. Back in King’s Landing, Olenna Tyrell, Queen Margaery’s grandmother, wastes no time and mentions the prospective marriage between Margaery and the new king, Tommen Baratheon. She insists that Cersei will turn Tommen against Margaery by the time they marry if Margaery doesn't act fast. Fortunately, Cersei is distracted with the murder of Joffrey and the accusation of her brother Tyrion. Margaery insists that Olenna cannot be certain of Tyrion's innocence. However, Olenna states that Tyrion certainly is innocent and confesses that she would never have let Margaery marry "that beast", revealing she was the one to slip the poisonous stone from Sansa’s neck into Joffrey’s goblet.
Some time later, Baelish and Sansa arrive safely at the Eyrie and he introduces her to the guards as his niece. Sansa attempts to slip into her alias, but her aunt Lysa Arryn, sister to the late Catelyn Stark, tells her not to bother hiding around her own flesh and blood. Lysa laments Sansa's treatment in the capital. Robin Arryn is delighted to see Littlefinger and his mother Lysa reminds him never to reveal Sansa's identity. In private, Lysa insists that she wants to marry Baelish immediately, claiming that they already had a wedding night many years ago. She then references poisoning her former husband Jon Arryn's wine and framing the Lannisters, using these actions as proof of her love for Baelish. This act of treason was the catalyst for the events which started the war between the Starks and Lannisters and resulted in Lord Eddard’s execution. Littlefinger is unable to deter her marriage request, particularly when Lysa reveals that a septon and witnesses have been waiting outside the main door. A delighted Lysa declares that she will scream so loudly that night that they will be able to hear her across the Narrow Sea. Later that evening, an exasperated Sansa attempts to sleep as Lysa tries to fulfil that promise in consummating her marriage to Lord Baelish.

Weeks later, while wandering the Eyrie's snow-covered courtyards, Sansa walks around the courtyard and then decides to build a snow replica of her home of Winterfell. After she is finished, Sansa is then joined by her cousin Robin Arryn, who chances upon her and seems impressed with her efforts in building the castle. The cousins get along until Robin asks where the Moon Door is in her replica of Winterfell. Sansa explains that Winterfell doesn't need a Moon Door but she then agrees to add one, but in the process, Robin accidentally knocks over a tower. Robin insists she replicate the tower. This irritates Sansa and Robin then throws a tantrum in response, destroying the snow castle. Unable to control her anger over his actions, Sansa slaps Robin in the face. Sansa immediately softens and tries to apologize, but before she can Robin threatens to tell his mother Lysa and then runs away. Lord Baelish witnesses the incident and after walking down the stairs into the courtyard, he assures Sansa that he will deal with her aunt Lysa, whom he says should have disciplined her child long ago. Littlefinger muses on how he should have been Sansa's father, however, he then tells Sansa that she is more beautiful than her mother Catelyn. Though increasingly uncomfortable at his approach, Sansa freezes and doesn’t pull away when he suddenly kisses her. She remains in a state of shock and confusion. Unknown to the pair, the kiss is seen by Lady Arryn. Afterwards, Sansa is summoned by Lysa to the High Hall of the castle, where she sits over the open Moon Door awaiting her niece and looking down into the mountainous depths of the Vale of Arryn. Lysa delights in telling Sansa the gory details about Moon Door executions. Sansa then begins to grow concerned when Lysa comments on how far the drop is to the ground. Suddenly, Lysa then viciously grabs Sansa and holds her down to face the opening of the Moon Door. She threatens to throw Sansa through the door for kissing Littlefinger, admitting to her witness of their physical engagement. Her threat is stopped, however, when Baelish arrives and swears by everything he can think of that he will send Sansa away. Lysa releases the terrified Sansa and embraces Baelish, who assures Lysa that he only ever loved one woman. After a long pause, deeply staring into the eyes of desperation, he admits to Lysa that the one woman he loved is her sister Catelyn. Lysa has only an instant to contemplate this betrayal, as Littlefinger then shoves her out of the Moon Door and looks down as she plummets to her death hundreds of feet below.
Some days later at the Eyrie, Lord Baelish is testifying before a tribunal consisting of Lord Yohn Royce, Lady Anya Waynwood and Ser Vance Corbray with regards to the death of Lady Arryn. Lord Royce makes it clear from the start of his distrust for Littlefinger, stating that as a “money-lender and whoremonger” he’s been licking Tywin Lannister’s boots for so long that it’s a wonder Petyr’s tongue isn’t black. Since the incident, Baelish has been attempting to spin the death as a suicide, but the lords don't believe him, given Lysa's devotion to her son Robin Arryn. Lady Waynwood insists that Lysa adored her son and doesn’t see her abandoning him by choice. Lord Royce also states the suspicion of Lysa’s sudden death, which occurred so soon after her marriage to Littlefinger. They rebuff Littlefinger's explanations of suicide and predisposition of “melancholy” in favor of speaking with the only other witness: his “niece Alayne,” the guise of Sansa Stark. After confirming that Littlefinger can stay for her testimony, Sansa then reveals her true identity and recounts to the tribunal the tale of her captivity and escape from King's Landing, as well as the cruelty of House Lannister. She then continues, truthfully informing of Lysa's mental instability and jealousy. With regards to her death, however, Sansa changes a few details and testifies that Littlefinger only kissed her on the cheek and because of this Lysa threw herself through the Moon Door in despair. Sansa breaks down in tears and the lords are convinced by her testimony, but while none of them are looking, she gives Littlefinger a stone-faced look as her deception has saved them both.
Following the tribunal, Baelish escorts Royce and Waynwood down the stairs into the High Hall where Royce comments on Lady Arryn’s instability and apologizes for the harsh treatment towards Littlefinger. Baelish then admonishes the lords for hiding away in the Vale during the War of the Five Kings, questioning their loyalty because they refused Catelyn Stark's plea for assistance in the conflict against the Lannisters. When asked who he thinks they should back, he responds that they should back "Robin Arryn, Lord of the Vale." When the lords claim that Robin is just a sickly boy, Baelish responds by declaring that "even sickly little boys can become powerful men," and that it is time for young Robin to leave the nest. Afterwards, Baelish visits Sansa and asks why she lied on his behalf. Sansa explains that she has no idea what Royce, Corbray and Waynwood would want from her if he were eliminated, but that she does know what it is he wants. Littlefinger seems impressed that she made such a calculating decision, but attempts to cast doubt on her certainty, by asking if she really knows what he wants. Some time later, as Littlefinger and Robin Arryn prepare to depart on a tour of the Vale, a now raven-haired Sansa accompanies them in her new look as “Alayne”. Baelish stares at her intently, clearly intrigued by her recent transformation, and she returns his smile knowingly.

“Saved you? My lady, he followed my orders. Every one of them. And he did it all for gold. Money buys a man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever.”
“Oh, my sweet wife. My sweet, silly wife… I have only loved one woman, only one, my entire life… Your sister.”
— ‘Mockingbird’
“A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused, if they don’t know who you are, what you want – they can’t know what you plan to do next.”
— ‘Oathkeeper’
“Better to gamble on the man you know than the strangers you don't?”
“Know your strengths, use them wisely, and one man can be worth ten thousand.”
“People die at their dinner tables, they die in their beds, they die squatting over their chamber pots. Everybody dies sooner or later. And don’t worry about your death, worry about your life. Take charge of your life for as long as it lasts – that is what it means to be Lord of the Vale.”