
Directed By: Mark Mylod / Written By: Bryan Cogman

Original Airdate: July 23, 2017

As Daenerys Targaryen wastes no time planning her conquest of Westeros, an unexpected visitor arrives at Dragonstone with news of a potential alliance. In King’s Landing, Queen Cersei Lannister demands fealty from several lords, while Jaime Lannister offers to elevate House Tarly over what is left of House Tyrell. Meanwhile, Arya Stark continues her journey towards the capital but after running into someone from her past she changes course. At the Citadel, Samwell Tarly attempts a controversial greyscale treatment on Jorah Mormont, against the advisement of the maesters. Meanwhile, as Yara and Theon Greyjoy sail the Narrow Sea with Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, Euron Greyjoy ambushes their fleet, resulting in devastation.

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At Dragonstone, members of Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s council comment on how the weather relates to the night of her birth and the storm that came with it. Contrary to what she would have believed, Daenerys informs that Dragonstone doesn't feel like home. She then comments on the fact that Tyrion Lannister’s sister, Queen Cersei, only controls parts of the Seven Kingdoms, to which Lord Varys suggest that this is due to the fact that many nobles despise her. Daenerys then grills Varys on his true loyalties, comparing his desire for a Targaryen restoration to that of her brother Viserys Targaryen. She also questions why he betrayed her father King Aerys for Robert Baratheon, to which he asserts that he represents the common people, and that his loyalty to them outweighs his loyalty to any monarch. Varys wryly remarks that if Daenerys only wants blind loyalty from him, she might as well execute him now, but if she’s willing to accept his services, he can give her enormous assistance. Satisfied, Dany asks him to swear to her that, if he feels she is failing the realm, he is to tell her to her face rather than conspire against her. Varys swears to do so. They are interrupted by the surprise arrival of Melisandre, who is welcomed due to the number of Red Priests who supported Daenerys in Meereen. Melisandre explains to Daenerys that she may have something to do with the prophecy of “The Prince That Was Promised”. Daenerys points out that she is "no prince", prompting Missandei to explain that the prophecy, written in High Valyrian, is gender-neutral. Melisandre further states that the King in the NorthJon Snow, also has a part to play in the prophecy. When Daenerys asks if Tyrion knows Jon, he explains that he once traveled with him to Castle Black. Daenerys learns of Jon’s role in unifying the Northerners and the wildlings against a common enemy. Tyrion insists that Jon will prove himself a valuable ally in Daenerys' bid to claim the Iron Throne. Clearly intrigued by the sound of this man, Daenerys requests that Tyrion write a letter to Jon, after asking him to come to Dragonstone and bend the knee.

Afterwards, in the Chamber of the Painted Table, Daenerys hosts a meeting with the leaders of her allies, who include Yara and Theon Greyjoy, as well as Lady Olenna Tyrell. Amidst discussion Daenerys stops an argument between Tyrion and Ellaria Sand, who represents the Dornish allegiance, as she was responsible for the death of his niece Myrcella Baratheon as payback for House Lannister. Ellaria still grieves over Oberyn, holding this against Tyrion as it was his trial by combat which resulted in her lover’s death. When Daenerys asserts that Ellaria must respect her Hand, they move on to discuss strategies. Tyrion assists Daenerys when explaining their plan to invade Westeros, as Cersei is trying to rally Westerosi lords to defend the capital against their foreign army. Daenerys and Tyrion agree with Yara's idea to immediately attack King’s Landing, but only by using their Westerosi armies. Meanwhile, the Unsullied will take Casterly Rock from House Lannister. Olenna and Ellaria balk at the thought of using their own soldiers, however, Tyrion insists that using the Unsullied and Dothraki would arouse the patriotism of Westerosi bannermen and potentially close ranks behind Cersei. In the meantime, Tyrion proposes for the Greyjoy fleet to escort Ellaria back to her capital of Sunspear in order to rally the Dornish forces and then ferry them up the coast to King's Landing, bypassing the Stormlands and allowing the siege to commence early. Daenerys accepts Tyrion's proposal and reminds the others on her council that she will not be attacking the capital, requesting consenting approval from everyone, which they give. Daenerys then requests a private audience with Lady Olenna. Once everyone has left, Daenerys admits that she understands Olenna is only on her side due to their mutual hatred for Cersei, rather than a love for Daenerys herself. In response, Olenna encourages her to be “a dragon,” rather than a "sheep,” like the other high lords and ladies.

That evening, Missandei visits Grey Worm to bid him farewell before his departure to Casterly Rock. Upon her arrival, she asks him if he intended on saying goodbye, but he coolly asserts that he will see her upon his return. In avoidance to mask her emotions, Missandei formally wishes him good fortune regarding the dangerous mission. As she attempts to exit, Grey Worm states that all the Unsullied have to face their weaknesses. Grey Worm then confides that Missandei is his weakness, and when she expresses confusion, he tells her that the Good Masters of Astapor tortured the Unsullied by exposing them to their worst fears. For example, a fear of heights means climbing a cliff, or if the young boy was afraid of drowning, he'd be thrown into the sea. If he drowns, it would be "good", and if he learns to swim, it would be "good" because only the fit survive. Grey Worm recalls that he was never the biggest, fastest or strongest but he was the most fearless warrior until he met Missandei. She replies that she also has to deal with fear. After a passionate kiss, Missandei strips naked and proceeds to undress Grey Worm. He is reluctant to remove his trousers in fear of horrifying Missandei with his castration scars, but eventually acquiesces to Missandei's wishes. The two of them then share an intimate sexual encounter.


Meanwhile, at the Citadel in Oldtown, Archmaester Ebrose and Samwell Tarly examine the imprisoned knight, Ser Jorah Mormont, whose greyscale infection has now spread to his torso. Ebrose informs Jorah that he should have cut off his lower arm instead of letting the infection spread. Provided the spread of the infection, Ebrose reports that Mormont is beyond saving. It is also noted that the greyscale will take over his mind in six months, “maybe fewer”. Within that time, Jorah still seeks to end his own life before that happens. Even when asked by Samwell if he can try, citing the knowledge of Princess Shireen Baratheon’s cured greyscale, Ebrose argues that Jorah is not a baby and remains adamant that the advanced condition will be his end. Ebrose also declares to Jorah that it is beyond their skills. While it is customary for infected smallfolk to be sent to live with the Stone Men in Old Valyria, Archmaester Ebrose gives Ser Jorah one more night in the Citadel. With an look at Jorah’s sword, Ebrose implies that Jorah will have the chance to take his own life in relative comfort before the night is gone. After Ebrose exits the cell, Jorah properly introduces himself to Samwell, explaining that there is no point writing to Lady Lyanna Mormont, as House Mormont has forgotten about him a long time ago. Afterwards in the library, a persistent Samwell asks Ebrose if he can try healing Jorah using a procedure developed by Archmaester Pylos. Ebrose, however, declares that it has been forbidden due to the dangerous nature of the operation on both sides, emphasizing that Pylos died himself from infection.

Later that evening, understanding the risk of his own infection, a determined Samwell decides to treat Ser Jorah and secretly visits his quarters after dark. His arrival interrupts Jorah who was in the middle of writing a farewell message to Queen Daenerys. Samwell asserts to Jorah that: "You're not dying today," and reveals himself as a brother of the Night's Watch who served under Jorah's father, the late Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Samwell then gives Ser Jorah rum to drink after taking a fortifying swig himself, insisting that the process will be painful and that he's performing the procedure without permission. Samwell's plan involves using a scalpel to separate and cut away Jorah's infected skin and then applying an ointment plaster to the exposed layer, though Jorah gives him a look that tells Sam he shouldn't bother trying to explain it to him. Despite experiencing the pain of having a large patch of greyscale skin debrided, Ser Jorah nods his consent for Samwell to continue the debridement.

king’s landing

At King’s Landing, in the throne room of the Red Keep, Queen Cersei Lannister gives a speech urging several nobles from the Reach to reaffirm their allegiance to the Iron Throne and not follow House Tyrell in supporting Daenerys Targaryen. She exclaims that the “Mad King’s” daughter would destroy the realm “as we know it.” Cersei warns them that the Targaryen's combined Dothraki and Unsullied armies she has brought with her from Essos would pillage their lands and homes, as well as rape their women. She then notes to the Reachmen that this certainty is how Lady Olenna Tyrell rewards centuries of service and loyalty. Cersei continues to slander Daenerys by noting that she is no different from her father, as she then highlights the hundreds of noblemen Daenerys crucified in Slaver’s Bay. One of the noblemen in attendance is Samwell’s father, Lord Randyll Tarly, whose house serves as bannermen to House Tyrell. Lord Tarly points out to Queen Cersei that Daenerys has three dragons, the same number that Aegon the Conqueror had when he invaded Westeros. When he then asks how she proposes to stop the dragons, Qyburn interjects and replies that he is working on a solution regarding this concern. Afterwards, Ser Jaime Lannister follows Randyll Tarly out of the throne room and meets with him in private to request his new appointment as Jaime’s general. However, Tarly is unwilling to break his fealty to Lady Olenna and asserts his wariness of the Lannisters, who "cut throats at weddings.” Ser Jaime reminds Lord Tarly, however, that he also swore an oath to the Iron Throne, and assures him that Cersei is preferable to Daenerys and her foreign armies. Jaime then promises that Cersei will make Tarly the new Warden of the South.

Some time later, Qyburn leads Cersei beneath the Red Keep. As they walk past the gallery of dragon skulls, Cersei recalls not having seen them since King Robert had “his trophies” removed from the throne room. She asserts that Robert couldn’t keep the skulls around if it made him look small. Qyburn then informs Cersei that his spies, the little birds, have reported that one of Daenerys' dragons was wounded by a spear at Meereen, showing that the dragons are not invincible. Qyburn then displays a ballista launcher and reassures her that this weapon will be able to hurt dragons. Cersei then tests the ballista on the nearby skull of Balerion the Black Dread, the giant dragon of Aegon the Conqueror. She is very pleased when the bolt successfully pierces through the massive, hard skull.


At Winterfell, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark and Ser Davos Seaworth discuss a letter they’ve received from Tyrion Lannister, who has invited him to meet with Queen Daenerys Targaryen on the island of Dragonstone. Jon asks for Sansa's opinion and while Sansa remembers that Tyrion was kind to her and was unlike the rest of his family, she wonders if the message is truly from Tyrion. Jon confirms the letter's authenticity as it ends with the line "For all dwarfs are bastards in their fathers' eyes," which is what Tyrion once told Jon when they first met. Regardless, Sansa worries that it’s too big of a risk and Jon concedes that now is not the right time to go to Dragonstone. Ser Davos opines, however, that Daenerys will make a good ally in the war to come as: “what creatures just happen to breathe fire?

Some time later, Maester Wolkan brings Jon a message from Samwell Tarly in the Citadel. Jon then gathers the Northern lords in the main hall and announces that Sam's letter reveals there is a vein of dragonglass beneath Dragonstone. He adds that he’s been invited to meet with Queen Daenerys and announces his decision to travel to Dragonstone and convince her to join their fight against the White Walkers. Lords Yohn Royce and Robett Glover voice their opinions that a Targaryen cannot be trusted, citing the atrocities committed by Daenerys' father. Jon accepts that he is taking a risk but stresses that the fight against the army of the dead is more important, and they need Daenerys' aid if the North is to be saved. Jon emphasizes that the North is his home, it is part of him, and he will never stop fighting for it. Sansa reiterates her objection to Jon's departure, to no avail. Jon asserts to Sansa that he is appointing her as ruler of the North in his absence as his sister and as a Stark. Sansa accepts. Afterwards, in the crypts beneath Winterfell, Lord Petyr Baelish finds Jon, who is visiting his father Eddard’s tomb, and vouches that Tyrion Lannister can be trusted. When Jon, who clearly distrusts Littlefinger, asserts that Petyr shouldn't be there and that they have nothing to say to each other, Baelish replies that Jon should be grateful to him for saving him from death at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Littlefinger tells him that he loves Sansa as a disgusted Jon then lashes out and seizes Baelish by the throat, slamming him into a wall. Jon warns Baelish: "Touch my sister and I'll kill you myself." Outside, Jon, Ser Davos, and several horsemen prepare to ride south to White Harbor while Sansa watches from the battlements. Before Jon leaves, he and Sansa bid farewell.


Meanwhile, in the Riverlands and en route to King's Landing, Arya Stark encounters Hot Pie at the Crossroads Inn, where she’d last seen him years ago. She immediately starts accosting him to give her some pie and ale. Hot Pie informs her that he has become a seasoned pie-master, as Arya mentions that she has had some experience baking two pies, alluding to Lord Walder Frey’s sons. When Hot Pie then asks Arya if the “big lady,” Brienne of Tarth had found her, Arya confirms that she had but not explaining their encounter in the Vale where she left Sandor Clegane to die. When asked where she is traveling to, Arya informs Hot Pie of her journey to the capital. Hot Pie informs her that Queen Cersei has blown up the Great Sept and wonders why she is not heading to  Winterfell. Arya declares that House Bolton now occupy the castle. Hot Pie, however, reports to Arya that the Boltons are now dead following the battle for Winterfell against her half-brother Jon Snow, the King in the North. In the moment of receiving this news, Arya quickly decides to head north again to Winterfell, deferring her plans to attack Cersei. With the thought of Jon returning to Winterfell, Arya gets up with haste to the leave the inn. Hot Pie insists for her not to worry about paying for the cost of the meal since she is a friend. He then remarks on his stupidity for not realizing she was a girl - and a pretty one. Before she leaves, Arya tells her friend to not get killed, and Hot Pie assures her that, like her, he's a survivor. Arya then rides her horse into the frost-covered forest of the Riverlands.

Some time later, Arya makes a small campfire in the woods, as it nears sunset. As she warms herself by the fire, she is suddenly ambushed by a large pack of wild wolves, which startles her horse. Surrounded, Arya pulls out her sword Needle to defend herself, though the wolves do not attack. Suddenly, Arya finds herself face to face with a now fully-grown Nymeria, much to her astonishment, who appears to be the leader of the pack. She pleads for her direwolf to return with her to Winterfell, and though Nymeria recognizes her former owner, the wolf instead retreats with her pack back into the woods. Arya realizes that Nymeria is no longer the same pup she once knew, mirroring her own growth and independence since the last time they both saw each other. Softly, and with a small smile, she murmurs, “that's not you,” echoing what Arya once said to her father, Lord Eddard Stark, years ago when he suggested that someday she would marry a powerful lord.


Meanwhile, on the Narrow Sea, Yara and Theon Greyjoy sail with the Iron Fleet alongside their Dornish allies: Ellaria Sand, her daughter Tyene, and Tyene's half-sisters Obara and Nymeria. In their quarters, the Sand Snakes are lying in bed and argue about killing Lannisters. Elsewhere, Ellaria drinks Ironborn liquor with Yara and Theon, which she compares unfavorably to Dornish wine. Ellaria asks Yara if she had ever been to Dorne, to which Yara responds that she has been there a few times. Ellaria responds that there is a boy in every port in Dorne and Yara tells her, "A boy, a girl. Depends on the port." As they begin to flirt with one another and Ellaria motions for Theon to get her more wine, Yara explains Theon is not a servant but will be both her advisor and protector once she's killed her uncle. Ellaria then invites Theon to have a threesome with her and Yara, but Yara tells Ellaria to leave him be. While Yara and Ellaria began kissing, Yara's ship is suddenly struck. On the deck above, Theon and Yara discover that their fleet has been ambushed by Euron Greyjoy's portion of the Iron Fleet. Euron's flagship rams into Yara's ship and lands a boarding party, with their uncle at the forefront of the attack. Yara and her men, along with the Sand Snakes, fight fiercely but are overwhelmed by Euron's soldiers. Ellaria’s daughter Tyene retreats below decks to protect her mother on Yara's orders, while Obara and Nymeria fight against Euron's men. Obara fights Euron, who quickly kills her by impaling her with her own spear. Nymeria then attacks him with her whip but Euron swiftly outmaneuvers her and strangles her to death with it. Though Tyene herself kills several Ironborn below deck, she and Ellaria are also overwhelmed and taken captive. With the entire fleet burning, Euron captures Yara and then goads "little Theon" to come save her. Theon readies himself to come to his sister's aid, but he instead panics when Euron's men begin mutilating the wounded sailors, suddenly reminding him of the tortures that he suffered at Ramsay Bolton's hands. A devastated Yara, unable to escape her uncle, witnesses Theon as he quickly returns to his despondent and traumatized “Reek”-like state. A terrified Theon jumps overboard while Euron laughs with cruel glee. Upon surfacing, Theon clings to floating driftwood, as Euron's fleet starts sailing to the capital with his captives. Theon watches helplessly as their entire armada is decimated in flames and the ship carrying his sister slowly disappears into the night.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You’re a dragon. Be a dragon
— Olenna Tyrell
Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I’ll use them
— Lord Varys
Touch my sister and I’ll kill you myself
— Jon Snow
I was never the biggest, never the strongest, but I was bravest, always. Until I meet Missandei from the Isle of Narth. Now, I have fear
— Grey Worm
I can’t believe I thought you were a boy. You’re pretty!
— Hot Pie
Nymeria, it’s me, Arya. I’m heading North, girl. Back to Winterfell, I’m finally going home. Come with me... That’s not you
— Arya Stark

 episode two music

* Many thanks for your rips Game of Tens


 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The title refers to Daenerys Targaryen, and how she received her personal sobriquet, "Daenerys Stormborn". Right before the rebels arrived at King's Landing at the end of Robert's Rebellion, her pregnant mother was sent to safety on Dragonstone. Her mother went into labor soon afterward, during a massive storm that smashed to pieces what little was left of the Targaryen fleet anchored at Dragonstone, before dying in childbirth. Being born during this ill-omened storm, she earned the nickname "Daenerys Stormborn".

  • Varys' scene with Daenerys was actually much longer, as he gives a summary of the current political situation across all of Westeros for her to plan out her next move - this was actually filmed, but edited for time/focus. Writer Bryan Cogman explained that a scene between Ghost and Jon was not only scripted but filmed, yet it was cut from the final version of the episode.

  • Cogman remarked that while filming Season 7, even the actors were surprised at times at how fast the pace is going, that is, how much time passes off-screen between scenes: we see a character writing a letter sent by messenger-raven, someone else receiving it in another part of Westeros, then the original sender reacting to a response letter in the same episode. Cogman emphasized that this isn't inherently a contradiction in the internal timeline of the series, it's simply that the pace of the narrative is officially faster i.e. in Season 1, Ned Stark and his family travel from Winterfell to the Crossroads Inn within a single episode, because many weeks of travel happen off-screen.

  • Melisandre introduces herself to Daenerys by saying, "I am called Melisandre." She uses the word called as opposed to saying, "My name is Melisandre". This may be a hint to the novels, in which it is revealed in Melisandre's POV chapter in the fifth novel that this isn't her original name: long ago, when she was a child, her original name was "Melony". When she was sold at a slave auction, she was referred to as 'Lot Seven'.

  • All of the dragon skulls in the Cersei scene are real props, not CGI. First, the art department made 3D sculptures, then the props department made full-sized skulls based on them out of polystyrene. Head sculptor Darren Fitzsimons stated that the prop of Balerion's skull is "about 30 feet long, 11 feet high, and 16 feet wide," and it took his team six weeks just to sculpt it (before painting and plastering). They kept a real sheep skull in their office as a comparison when making the surface texture.

  • Dickon Tarly (Samwell's brother) was recast starting in this episode: Freddie Stroma played him in his one, debut episode in Season 6, but he couldn't return for Season 7 due to a scheduling conflict. The role is now taken up by actor Tom Hopper. As a wink to the audience to explain the change, when Jaime meets the Tarlys he doesn't recognize Lord Randyll's son and mistakenly asks if his name is "Rickard", causing him to announce to both Jaime and the audience that he is in fact Dickon Tarly.

  • In the exterior sets of Winterfell, the various stone direwolf engravings and statuettes have been restored. When the Boltons took over, the production team made it a point to show that all of them had been smashed or defaced, off-screen. Since the Starks took back control, they apparently set about restoring those as well. In the crypts, a statue of Eddard Stark has been erected in his memory, as is traditional for every Stark buried there.

  • Hot Pie returns in this episode, after being absent since Season 4, in which he met Brienne and Podrick, informing them what he knew about Arya Stark. In this episode, Hot Pie asks Arya if Brienne found her; she confirms it, but does not divulge why she did not go with her. Hot Pie indicates that the "Battle of the Bastards" is known by that name in-universe, referring to it as such.

  • Arya Stark's direwolf Nymeria finally returns after being absent since Season 1. The showrunners explained why Nymeria didn't come with Arya, and what Arya meant when she said, "That's not you". It was a direct callback to the Season 1 scene in which her own father Ned said that she's grown up to be a proper lady and rule over a castle, but Arya said, "That's not me" - she wanted to keep being a tomboy and learning to use a sword. She wasn't denying it was Nymeria that she saw - as the showrunners state, what Arya meant was she realized and accepted that, like herself, a direwolf can't be tamed.

  • In the novels, Archmaester Ebrose is specifically the archmaester of medicine, and he is indeed one of he best medical minds in all of Westeros. Moreover, he is mentioned as authoring several major studies on infectious diseases (including dangerous plagues from other continents, such as the "butterfly fever" from Naath, Missandei's island home).

  • Screencaps reveal the content of Jorah Mormont's suicide note, which he writes in his chamber while eyeing his sword: "Khaleesi, I came to the Citadel in the last hope that the maesters could treat me, as you ordered. Even with all their arts, I am beyond any cure but the grave. I have had a longer life than I deserved, and I only wish I could’ve lived to see the world you’re going to build, standing by your side. I have loved you since the moment I met you - Jorah".

  • The battle sequence on Yara's ship took about six or seven nights to film, on their one prop ship set in front of a green screen. Gemma Whelan (Yara) injured herself at one point, so she had to come back and film her fight sequences months later.

  • Weiss and Benioff comment that Euron's violence and his men mutilating the corpses on the ship is very triggering for Theon. They admit that it would have been unrealistic for Theon to quickly overcome his massive trauma and PTSD symptoms after his torture by Ramsay Bolton.

  • It might not be clearly visible in the dark, but Euron's armor has a variant of his personal sigil carved into it: below the Greyjoy Kraken on his chest, there is a large, lidless eye.