season six

Several months later, in the lush valleys of the Riverlands, a small and simplistic village is in the process of building a small sept from the ground up. While Brother Ray, a former sellsword turned septon, is overseeing the construction and socializing with the other villagers, a large man carries a single log by himself with ease. The man is revealed to be Sandor Clegane, who has survived his wounds from the fight with Brienne of Tarth some time ago in the Vale of Arryn when he was left for dead by Arya. Brother Ray, the village leader, talks with Sandor while he is taking a break from constructing the sept. He recounts to the Hound how he had saved his life, as Sandor had a broken leg and was covered in bugs. Assuming Sandor was nothing more than a corpse when Brother Ray then tried to bury him, the Hound coughed, so he loaded him onto a wagon and took him to be nursed back to health. Ray notes that Sandor is alive because the gods have a plan for him. In this conversation, Ray admits that he does not know much about the gods and wonders aloud if the Faith of the Seven, the Old Gods of the Forest and Lord of Light are all the same deity. He concludes that the most important thing is that there is a force greater than humankind out there. When Ray then mentions justice, Sandor remarks that if there was justice in the world, he should have been punished. Ray responds that perhaps he has been punished already.

Some time later, at a gathering, Brother Ray tells the villagers the story of how he became a religious man after serving as a sellsword who would do whatever he was told. His friends believed he was not afraid of anything, but Ray admits that he was only brave because he was worried people would see him for what he truly was: "a coward who followed orders." His story is interrupted by the arrival of a trio of men from the Brotherhood Without Banners named Lem Lemoncloak, Gatins and Morgan. Upon their arrival, they attempt to extort the villagers, however, after learning that they have no worthwhile possessions, the trio leave. Afterwards, Sandor warns the septon that the Brotherhood will return and they should defend themselves. He tells Sandor that "Violence is a disease—you don’t cure it by spreading it to more people." Sandor replies that you don't cure it by dying either. Later on, after Sandor chops wood, he returns to find the building site sacked and all of the villagers have been mercilessly killed. Brother Ray himself has been hung from the rafters of the unfinished sept, his lifeless body swaying underneath the noose. A raging Sandor then picks up an axe and heads off to find the Brotherhood, leaving his recently peaceful life behind him in order to avenge the village.

Some time later, four members of the Brotherhood Without Banners are exchanging jokes over a campsite fire, including Gatins and Morgan, who took part in the massacre of Brother Ray’s village. While Gatins jokes around and attempts to instruct the others on how to kiss a girl, the four men are set upon by an axe-wielding Sandor Clegane, who has come to exact revenge for the murder of the villagers. The Hound swiftly kills two of them before they can even respond and he then dispatches Morgan after a brief scuffle. Sandor then brings his axe up in a powerful swing and buries it in Gatins' groin, causing his innards to drop out. Sandor demands to know where the one with the yellow cloak is and gets a "Fuck you!" in response. The Hound points out that those are terrible last words and gives him one chance to do better. After a moment's thought, Gatins calls him a cunt and Sandor remarks that Gatins is "shit at dying" before literally cutting him short.

Some time later, Sandor stumbles upon a forest clearing in the Riverlands where he finds seven members of the Brotherhood Without Banners, including leaders Ser Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr. Beric and Thoros are in the process of hanging Lem Lemoncloak and two other renegades for their role in the unauthorized attack on Ray’s village. As the condemned men stand on blocks with nooses around their necks, Sandor explains that they killed his friend and wants to murder the men himself. The Hound wants to inflict a harsher death upon them than hanging, but Beric stops him. Out of respect for Sandor's loss, Beric agrees to let him kill two of the men. However, Thoros refuses to let him butcher them. Sandor complains, pointing out that in days gone by he would have killed all seven of them to get his way, but ultimately agrees to let them simply hang. Sandor kicks the blocks from under the feet of two of the men, including Lem, as Beric kicks the block of the third man. As his body is still twitching, the Hound takes Lem’s boots off to keep for himself. Following the executions, the Hound joins the Brotherhood for a meal by a creek. Beric suggests he should join up with them, as they are fighting for a greater cause and that "cold winds are rising in the North."  Sandor is skeptical of their chances of success and distrusts them due to his earlier acrimonious encounter with them. Beric recognizes that Sandor was born a fighter and tells him that they are now fighting against “things” that seek to destroy all life: “good and bad, young and old.” He then tells Sandor that it’s not too late to start helping more than the harm he’s caused in the past.

“Hate… Aye, there's a reason. I'm a big fucker and I'm tough to kill.”

— ‘The Broken Man

“These are your last words? "Fuck you?" Come on, you can do better… You're shit at dying, you know that?”

— ‘No One

“You didn’t know me back in my time. You don’t know the things I’ve done… If the gods were real, why haven’t they punished me?”

— ‘The Broken Man

“Fuck your name, they’re mine! I killed you once before Dondarrion, happy to do it again… Drop that arrow you bloody girl. Tougher girls than you have tried to kill me.”

— ‘No One

“You don't cure [a disease] by dying, either.”

— ‘The Broken Man

“Half the horrible shit in this world gets done for something larger than ourselves.”

— ‘No One

 season seven

Some time later, Sandor is riding north with the Brotherhood Without Banners through thick snow. They decide to take shelter for the night at an abandoned home but Sandor, recognizing the house, declares it unsafe. Ser Beric dismisses the Hound’s unease and orders that they set up camp for the night. The men enter the house where they discover the corpses of the farmer and his daughter, whom Sandor and Arya had encountered following the Red Wedding. It appears that the father killed his daughter and himself so that they would not starve to death. Sandor then wonders aloud why Beric keeps getting resurrected, as Beric confides that he does not know what the Lord of Light is telling him. Sandor remarks that he does not believe in divine justice, citing the fate of the farmer and his daughter. Despite Sandor's fear of flames, Thoros instructs him to look into the fire. At first, Sandor can only see burning logs, but then, to his own shock, he sees the Night’s Watch fortress Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, a mountain that looks like an arrowhead and thousands of the dead marching past. Beric asks Sandor if he now believes that they are here for a reason. Afterwards, Sandor and Thoros bury the bodies together, and Sandor attempts to deliver an epitaph to the Seven, but can't remember the rest of the verse. Instead, he simply tells the dead that they deserve better.

Upon reaching Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, Sandor and the Brotherhood are immediately apprehended by wildlings serving alongside the Night's Watch, and confined in the ice cells below the castle. Some time later, the King in the North, Jon Snow, and his party meet with a wildling named Tormund Giantsbane, who thinks that Jon's plan to capture a wight beyond the Wall is suicidal, and mockingly asks which of the two ferocious queens is it they need to convince, as Jon replies both Queen Cersei and the dragon queen, Daenerys Targaryen. Jon and his team meet with Sandor and the other prisoners in the cells, where the entire group swiftly establish their reasons for hating each other, given past histories. Jon recognizes Sandor from his visit to Winterfell several years ago, while Gendry Baratheon, Arya’s friend Sandor once met along the Kingsroad, openly distrusts the Brotherhood. When Beric gives a speech claiming that the Lord of Light brought them together, a bored Sandor cuts him off and asks Jon if they are coming with them. Jon agrees and says they are all on the same side because they are still breathing. Despite mutual distrust, they all decide to put aside their differences to fight against the army of the dead. After the Brotherhood is released, Sandor, Jon, Beric, Thoros, Tormund, Gendry and Ser Jorah Mormont all exit Eastwatch's gate together and set out into the lands beyond the Wall on their dangerous mission to capture a wight as proof of their existence.

As Sandor and the rest of Jon’s hunting party travel through the lands beyond the Wall, Gendry complains about the bitter cold and asks Tormund about life as a wildling. Sandor is later approached by Tormund, who shows an interest in his burn scars. Though Sandor is hostile towards Tormund and accuses him of desiring him, he appears shocked when he deduces that the woman Tormund lusts after is Brienne of Tarth, the warrior that defeated him in the Vale of Arryn. Sandor then sees the arrowhead-shaped mountain from his vision and steers the group in that direction. Later on, while trudging through a brutal snowstorm, the hunting party sight a massive polar bear with blue eyes approaching them. The snow bear turns out to have been resurrected by a White Walker. The monstrous creature charges at the group, mauling and killing three of their hunting party. Ser Beric manages to set the snow bear alight with his flaming sword but it continues to attack, forcing Thoros to get in its' way when it attacks the Hound, who is too terrified of the flames engulfing the beast even to defend himself. Thoros is unable to break free of its jaws until Ser Jorah kills it with a dragonglass dagger. Beric then cauterizes Thoros' wounds with his flaming sword.

Some time later, they come upon a White Walker leading a column of wights marching through the canyon below. The hunting party then plants a fire and ambushes the undead, as Jon manages to kill the Walker, causing most of the wights associated with him to disintegrate themselves. The group manages to capture the only unaffected wight. The creature unexpectedly screeches for help, as Sandor slaps his gloved hand over the wight’s mouth but it wrenches its face away when its mouth skin tears off into the glove. As Jorah secures a bag over its head, Sandor and Tormund bind the creature with a coil of rope. However, their captive's howls have drawn the attention of a massive host of wights now heading their way. As the horde approaches, Jon sends Gendry back to Eastwatch to bring news to Daenerys, as he is the fastest. Before leaving, Sandor receives Gendry’s war hammer and has the wight slung over his shoulder. The wights pursue the group over a lake of weak ice, as they flee toward a large stone island. The horde tackles a wildling from their party and their combined weight breaks the ice. This causes a chain reaction of breaking ice until the horde slows to a stop to avoid the water. Throughout the night, Jon and his comrades wait in the middle of the ice while encircled by the undead. Meanwhile, Gendry eventually reaches Eastwatch and has them to prepare a raven for Daenerys.

In the morning, Jon and his company awake to find that Thoros has died from his wounds. Beric and Sandor pay their last respects, with the former praying for the Lord of Light to guard them as the latter assures him freezing to death is said to be one of the better ways to die. At Jon's insistence, they burn the body with Beric's flaming sword so Thoros can't be reanimated. Beric then suggests that Jon kill the Night King, who has just arrived on horseback; given that they've seen killing a Walker destroyed the wights it controlled, killing the Night King might destroy them all. He then adds that the Lord of Light has not resurrected Jon for no reason, but Sandor reminds him that they have just lost their priest, and Beric is now down to his last life. Later on, a bored Sandor hurls two rocks at one of the undead minions, knocking its jaw off. The second however, skids across the ice, and both the party and the undead quickly realize the ice, which has hardened overnight, is strong enough to support their weight, and in ever-increasing numbers, the horde attacks the group's position. The ranging party hack and slash at the wights with their blades but are unable to stem the tide. With the group overwhelmed, Jon orders them to fall back to the highest part of the island. Tormund is overwhelmed by several wights and is nearly dragged under the ice, but is saved by Sandor, who drags him back onto the island. The group continues fighting against the wights. One of the wildlings falls off a ledge and is ripped apart by the creatures, who begin to scramble up the ledge towards the living. When all seems lost, Queen Daenerys then arrives with her three dragons, who attack the wights with dragonfire. Hundreds of wights are burned to ashes while others collapse under the ice that has been melted by dragonfire. Sandor and the party rush to Daenerys and her dragon Drogon, dragging their captive wight with them, while Viserion and Rhaegal provide covering fire from above. Meanwhile, the Night King obtains an icy javelin and hurls it at Viserion, scoring a direct hit. Viserion is struck in the neck and plunges helplessly into freefall, shrieking in agony as blood and fire pour from the fatal wound. Drogon and Rhaegal cry out for their brother as Daenerys watches in horror. Viserion crashes onto the frozen lake, shattering the ice, and slowly sinks beneath it. As the Night King readies another spear, Jon hollers at Daenerys and company to leave with her remaining dragons before being dragged under the ice by two wights. Daenerys and the survivors of the hunting party flee the scene with Drogon and Rhaegal before the Night King can kill them all. He hurls the second javelin, but Drogon narrowly dodges it. Sandor and the hunting party fly away on Drogon, forcing themselves to leave Jon behind.

Afterwards, at Eastwatch, Sandor carries the captured wight into a boat. Tormund Giantsbane and Ser Beric inform him they will meet again, but Sandor retorts that he hopes not. Queen Daenerys sends her dragons Drogon and Rhaegal to scour the surrounding mountains for Jon. Along the battlements on the top of the Wall, Ser Jorah tells Daenerys that it is time to leave but she insists on waiting a bit longer. Before the pair leave, they hear a horn blowing signaling a rider approaching. Looking down below from the Wall, Daenerys sees a wounded Jon Snow approaching on horseback. After boarding him on the ship, Ser Davos Seaworth and Gendry remove Jon’s frozen-stiff garments and tend to him, who has suffered severe hypothermia and several minor injuries. Daenerys looks on with concern.

Some time later, Sandor and the Targaryen and Northern advisors all arrive by boat to King’s Landing to meet with Queen Cersei. Sandor nervously checks on the captured wight below deck, who trashes around inside a crate. Once on land, Sandor is surprised with the additional arrival of Brienne of Tarth, who joins the summit as Sansa Stark’s representative, now the Lady of Winterfell. He recalls to Brienne how she nearly killed him in the Vale. Brienne defends herself in stating that she was only trying to protect Arya, to which Sandor informs her of their mutual purpose over the brutal fight. She then informs him of Arya's safety, and how she can defend herself. Sandor is pleased by the news. They are escorted to the Dragonpit, where the various factions meet. Sandor steps out to confront his now-mutilated brother, remarking that Ser Gregor is now even uglier than himself. Sandor threatens Gregor before leaving to collect the captured wight. Once everyone has sat, Daenerys makes a suitably dramatic entrance on Drogon's back. Getting the meeting on track, Jon and Tyrion Lannister, now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys, both attempt to convince Cersei of the greater threat coming from the North. The Lannister queen refuses to believe the claims, however, dismissing them as a ploy to trick her into lowering her defenses. To prove their claims, the Hound returns with the crate containing the captured wight. When he kicks the crate over, the enraged wight spills out and launches itself out toward the nearest target - Cersei, appropriately enough. Visibly horrified, she recoils in horror as Sandor pulls the wight back on a chain, its claws inches from her face, and manages to slice the creature in half when it turns to attack him. The assembly look on in shock as the wight's upper half still moves around. Jon steps forward and picks up the wight's discarded hand, using a torch provided to demonstrate how fire can be used to stop them. He then uses a dragonglass dagger to the heart to end the wight's upper half, bluntly stating that if they don't win the coming war, such a fate awaits every person in Westeros. A horror-struck Jaime Lannister asks how many wights are coming, as Daenerys informs that the undead number at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei immediately offers terms but refuses to deal with Daenerys at all, however, and calls on Jon to keep the truce and to stay out of any future conflict between Cersei and Daenerys. Jon, however, says that he cannot serve two queens - and reveals to all assembled that the King in the North has already bent the knee for Daenerys. Declaring that there will be no truce if it is just her and Daenerys, Cersei storms out, content to let the Starks and Targaryens battle the undead alone and then deal with whoever emerges victorious. Daenerys and Tyrion then criticize Jon over declaring his allegiance in public. Daenerys points out that if they leave without an alliance, everything they've sacrificed will be made worthless. Jon responds that if no one is willing to speak the truth, then everyone's word is worthless, and lies will not help them win the coming fight. Tyrion reluctantly decides that he will go and try to talk some reason into Cersei alone. After waiting for some time, Cersei returns with Tyrion and Jaime and announces that the Lannister army will march north to fight alongside the Starks and Targaryens in the coming war against the army of the dead.

“I'll tell you what doesn't scare me: bald cocksuckers like you! Think you're fooling anyone with that topknot? Bald cunt.”

— ‘Dragonstone

“Every lord I've ever met's been a cunt. Don't see why the Lord of Light should be any different.”

— ‘Beyond the Wall

“It's my fucking luck I end up with a band of fire worshipers… There's no divine justice, you dumb cunt. If there was, you'd be dead. And that girl would be alive.”

— ‘Dragonstone

“Seems every bad idea has some Lannister cunt behind it.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

“Your lips are moving and you're complaining about something, that's whingeing. This one's been killed six times, you don't hear him bitching about it.”

— ‘Beyond the Wall

“Remember me? Yeah, you do. You're even fucking uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn't matter. It's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you. You've always known.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

 season eight

Some time later, Jon Snow, Queen Daenerys and their combined forces march through the small village of Winter Town on their way to Winterfell. Arya Stark is amongst the crowd of villagers and is excited to see her half-brother Jon after so many years apart. Riding in with the arrival party is Sandor and Gendry, both of whom Arya also hasn’t seen in several years. She is most surprised in seeing the Hound, having left him for dead after his fight against Brienne. The townspeople provide a less-than-enthusiastic welcome, as many of them cast Daenerys suspicious looks over her horde of Unsullied and Dothraki soldiers. Jon reminds her that Northerners have a long-established distrust of outsiders. Immediately following this exchange, Daenerys’ two dragons fly overhead, startling the townspeople. Later that evening, after Sandor has settled into Winterfell, he visits Gendry in the forge, who is preparing him an axe made of dragonglass. Sandor makes a snide remark to Gendry, not entirely impressed with the axe itself. Arya then arrives at the forge and tells the Hound to stop insulting Gendry's work. Sandor and Arya intensely lock eyes, as he then points out that she left him for dead, to which she replies: "First I robbed you." Before he leaves, the Hound gives Arya a back-handed compliment; calling her a "cold little bitch,” but saying that's probably why she's still alive.

Some days later, a horn sounds through the courtyard announcing the arrival of Ser Beric Dondarrion, Tormund Giantsbane and the remaining members of the Night’s Watch. Unfortunately, the new arrivals bring bad news: the undead will reach Winterfell before daybreak. Late evening, upon the castle’s battlements, Arya approaches the Hound who is sitting by himself. She sits down next to him, not saying a word. Sandor then comments that Arya never used to shut up and now she is sitting there like a mute. Arya responds by saying she guesses she has changed, and then enquires as to why Sandor has travelled here, joining Jon and Daenerys’ forces. She pointedly asks him, “when was the last time you fought for anyone but yourself? He looks over to her and matter-of-factly states: “I fought for you, didn’t I?” They are then joined by Ser Beric, who apologizes to Arya for his actions alongside the Brotherhood when they last parted years ago. Beric begins to speak about the Lord of Light before Sandor interrupts him, threatening to throw him off Winterfell's ramparts. Arya gets up to leave, remarking that she’s not spending her final hours before battle drinking with “you two miserable old shits.” Sandor remains drinking with Beric while waiting for the battle to begin. Shortly thereafter, a horn blast is heard as the army of the dead are seen standing far in the distance.

As the Battle of Winterfell commences, Sandor is stationed out on the battlefield with the other defenders that include Beric, Tormund and Brienne. Minutes before the attack they witness the arrival of a Red Priestess named Melisandre who uses her magic to light the arakh weapons used by Daenerys’ Dothraki army. Ser Jorah Mormont then leads the Dothraki as they charge into the blackened field towards the army of the dead. After the wights easily defeat the initial charge of Dothraki calvary, they begin to overwhelm the castle’s defenders, including both dragons being flown by Daenerys and Jon. Sandor fights off many wights but is forced to retreat with the rest of the defenders as there are far too many enemies. On top of the battlements, Arya shoots flaming arrows at the wights as the united army retreats inside the castle walls, narrowly saving the Hound. Melisandre manages to light the trench around the castle with her magic, however, this leaves Sandor distraught as he is in close proximity of the flames. Despite the trenches set aflame, the Night King commands some of the wights to pursue into the trenches, smothering the flames with their bodies, allowing the rest to cross towards the castle and eventually breach the walls. Sandor, Beric and Arya participate in the fight along the ramparts, though Sandor’s pyrophobia resurfaces to the point where he refuses to fight any longer, claiming to Beric that they cannot defeat death. However, the Hound musters the courage to resume the fight upon seeing Arya struggling against a group of wights. The pair chase after Arya as she flees inside the castle to seek refuge. As Arya races through the corridors of the castle against a group of wights that have also found their way inside, she runs into Sandor and Beric. The trio make a running retreat through the narrow hallways, however, Beric is stabbed multiple times and barely manages to drag himself to safety into the Great Hall. While Beric succumbs to his wounds, Arya and Sandor find Melisandre, who remarks that in saving Arya, Beric has fulfilled his purpose the Lord of Light had for him. Melisandre reminds Arya that she once told her that she would close many eyes forever, including blue ones. When Melisandre then asks her, “what do we say to the God of Death?,” Arya replies: “Not today.” With this, Arya runs out of the Great Hall, leaving Sandor and Melisandre behind. She makes her way to the godswood just in time to save her brother Bran Stark from a gruesome death at the hands of the Night King. Stealthily coming up behind him, the Night King whips around and catches Arya by the throat. With her free hand, however, she drives her Valyrian steel dagger into his heart, shattering him to ice. As predicted, the entire army of the dead begin to fall, as the magic animating them dies with their king, thus ending the war.

Following the victorious battle against the White Walkers, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are gathered into funeral pyres and Sandor is present when the bodies of those who fell during the battle are set to be cremated. Jon Snow then gives a eulogy stating that it is the duty of those who survived to keep them alive in memory for generations to come. Jon notes to the survivors in his eulogy: “Our fellow men and women, who set aside their differences to fight together, and die together, so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid.” He also quotes the funeral speech used for members of the Night’s Watch, he announces that they were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the multitude of pyres: Sansa weeps over  Theon Greyjoy's body, who bravely protected her brother Bran in the godswood. Daenerys herself mourns over the body of her closest advisor, Ser Jorah. Meanwhile, Arya  lights the pyre for Ser Beric Dondarrion, thinking back more fondly than she once had of her time with him and the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Later that evening, in the subsequent celebrations, the survivors hold a victory feast in the Great Hall of Winterfell, though so many died that the mood is somber at first. Sandor sits across from Gendry, who gets up to go look for Arya, but as he passes the high table, Daenerys calls on him, noting that he is the late King Robert’s son. She then declares that she will make Gendry the new Lord of Storm's End, as a reward for his heroism. When he informs her of his bastard status, Daenerys addresses this by announcing that in her power as queen, she officially legitimizes him as a Baratheon. The mood is then lightened and the hall becomes more celebratory, as everyone starts drinking heavily and boasting about their deeds in the battle. Tormund encourages Jon to chug an entire horn of wine in one go and raises his horn, "To the Dragon Queen!" As the hall cheers, Daenerys stands up and makes her own toast, "To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell!" prompting more cheers and getting a smile from Sandor, though Arya herself has not attended the feast. Sansa later joins the Hound and the pair discuss the many trials they've suffered over the years, and Clegane reminds her that she could have been spared many horrors if she'd left the capital with him when he offered. Sansa coolly responds that without those horrors, she would still be a "little bird" - ignorant of the cruelty of the world and unable to fend for herself.

Some days later, as Sandor leaves Winterfell, he hears the sound of another horse approaching him and finds Arya. Arya moves to ride alongside Sandor, who enquires why she is leaving her home again. Arya vaguely hints at her intentions as Sandor likewise does, both stating they have unfinished business in the south. It becomes clear to both of them that they intend to seek their long-awaited and respective revenge on Queen Cersei and the Hound’s brother, Ser Gregor Clegane. Sandor cryptically articulates that he doesn’t think he’ll return to Winterfell, as Arya echoes the same sentiment. The two proceed to ride south towards the capital, reminiscent of when they were together years before. In the time it takes for Sandor and Arya to journey down to King’s Landing, much has happened in the development of the war between the Lannisters and the Targaryen/Northern armies. Daenerys witnesses the death of one of her dragons as well as one of her closest advisors, as a direct result of an ambush attack on the command of Cersei. This then sparks an immediate attack on King’s Landing, just in time for the arrival of Sandor and Arya outside of the capital at the Targaryen/ Northern camp. A guard tries stopping them from proceeding beyond the camp, but Arya informs him of who she is, as well as her intentions. The Hound asserts to the guard that if Arya is successful, there might not be a need for a siege tomorrow. When the guard informs that he will have to speak to his captain, Arya and Sandor continue to ride ahead without permission.

On the morning of the attack, a hooded Sandor and Arya make their way into the Red Keep just before the doors are closed off, preventing anymore of King’s Landing citizens from coming inside. Cersei has allowed for some smallfolk in the capital to wait out the attack inside the walls of the city’s fortress to act as a shield and protect herself from Daenerys’ invasion. Cersei confidently assumes that Daenerys would never attack scores of innocent people in her pursuit to sack the city. As the battle commences and the Hound makes his way towards the Red Keep, the Targaryen and Northern army, including Jon, battle the Lannister forces, as Daenerys begins to scorch a large part of the city on her last remaining dragon, Drogon. However, as Cersei orders for the bells to ring, signalling the city’s surrender, her calculation of Daenerys’ mercy is proven incorrect as the dragon queen then begins to burn the entire city, inclusive of the Red Keep and the innocent civilians inside of it. As the Red Keep starts to collapse all around them, Sandor and Arya find their way into the crumbling war room. After Sandor witnesses the destruction being wrought by Daenerys on top of her dragon, he attempts to dissuade Arya from attacking Cersei. He earnestly discourages her from ending up like him - beaten down by the world and driven by nothing but the desire for vengeance. When Arya tries to continue onward, Sandor shouts at Arya, "Look at me! You wanna be like me? You come with me, you die here." Arya gratefully thanks him, calling him “Sandor” for the very first time. They bid each other farewell before Arya then flees from the Red Keep, leaving the Hound to continue his pursuit in finding his brother Ser Gregor. Convinced that all is lost Cersei attempts to flee from the Red Keep with Gregor, but they come across Sandor. The Hound effortlessly dispatches the Queensguard before he stands face to face with his brother. Cersei orders the Mountain to protect her, however, when Gregor ignores her, Cersei flees as the Clegane brothers duel. Gregor beats down Sandor and prepares to gouge out his eyes, however, Sandor grabs a knife from his side and stabs Gregor clean through his eye. Even this does nothing to stop Gregor, who begins pulling the knife from his eye. Knowing that nothing will truly kill Gregor, Sandor musters enough courage and tackles Gregor through a badly-damaged wall, sending them both hurtling hundreds of feet into the fiery remains of the city to their deaths.

*In the aftermath of Sandor’s death, follow Arya or Sansa’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“You're a cold little bitch, aren't you? Guess that's why you're still alive.”

— ‘Winterfell

“You’ve changed, little bird… None of it would’ve happened if you left King’s Landing with me. No Littlefinger. No Ramsay. None of it.”

— ‘The Last of the Starks

“I fought for you, didn't I?”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“You think you've wanted revenge a long time? I've been after it all my life. It's all I care about… and look at me. LOOK AT ME! You want to be like me? You come with me, you die here.”

— ‘The Bells

“I hope you’re not about to give a sermon. Cause if you are, the Lord of Light is going to wonder why he brought you back nineteen times just to watch you die when I chuck you over this fucking wall.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“Yeah, that's you. That's what you've always been… Fucking die!”

— ‘The Bells