
Directed By: David Nutter / Written By: Dave Hill

Original Airdate: April 14, 2019

Jon Snow escorts Queen Daenerys Targaryen and her Unsullied and Dothraki army to Winterfell. Upon their arrival, they receive a cold reception from the local Northerners of Winter Town, who remain wary of outsiders. Gendry Baratheon and Sandor Clegane ride into Winterfell alongside the arrival party, much to Arya Stark’s surprise. After introductions are made in the courtyard, Bran Stark informs Daenerys that the army of the dead have breached the Wall and have turned her dragon Viserion into one of them. The united leaders waste no time as they meet in the Great Hall to discuss the impending war. Meanwhile, Euron Greyjoy and his fleet return to King’s Landing where he introduces the captain of the Golden Company to Queen Cersei Lannister.

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king’s landing

In King’s Landing, Euron Greyjoy sails his Iron Fleet back to the capital, returning with the mercenary army known as the Golden Company. Euron is still keeping his niece Yara Greyjoy as a prisoner on his own ship, taunting her. Queen Cersei Lannister is standing on the ramparts watching Euron's fleet ferry into the bay when Qyburn brings her the news that the Wall has been breached up north by the White Walkers and their army of the dead. She coolly replies "good" as she walks back towards the Red Keep. In the throne room, Euron presents  Cersei with the Golden Company's commander, Harry Strickland, who informs that he has brought twenty-thousand mercenaries to King's Landing, along with two-thousand horses. Cersei is confused, however, stating that she was told they would also be bringing elephants. Strickland reluctantly explains that while they are ferocious beasts they are not fit for long sea voyages. Though disappointed by this news, Cersei informs Strickland that he is most welcome in the capital, as he asserts that he and his men look forward to fighting on her behalf. After Captain Strickland leaves, Euron arrogantly propositions Cersei to have sex with him, as a reward for his successfully completed task. While Cersei declares that Euron is a “true friend to the crown and an honored guest,” she is not amused by his brashness and tells him as much. She then asserts that “You want a whore? Buy one. You want a queen? Earn her.” She eventually relents to his request, however, as she badly needs whatever remaining allies she has left.

Later that evening, after Cersei finishes having sex with Euron, she is still bitter about her lack of elephants from the Golden Company. Euron, while buttoning up his shirt with pride, asks how he compares to the late King Robert Baratheon. Cersei informs that despite all the whores he had sex with, Robert was only interested in his own pleasure, and did not know his way around a woman's body. Euron then asks how he did compared to her own brother Ser Jaime Lannister - which she refuses to dignify with a response. Cersei does, however, credit Euron that he isn’t boring and also asserts that he may be the most arrogant man she’s ever met, which is something that she admits to liking. However, she dismisses him for the evening nonetheless, but before Euron leaves, he boasts that he will soon impregnate Cersei with a prince, unbeknownst to him that she is already pregnant with another child by her brother.

Elsewhere in the Red Keep, Ser Bronn is getting ready to have sex with three prostitutes - Marei, Dirah and Craya - but they can't stop gossiping to each other about how many Lannister men the Targaryen dragon Drogon burned alive during the Battle of the Goldroad. Annoyed, Bronn points out that he actually managed to wound that very same dragon during the battle using a scorpion-launcher, which Marei quips was "brave" before brusquely shoving him down and mounting him. The prostitutes continue to gossip, but before Bronn can get really started, Qyburn interrupts. He apologizes but says Cersei told him to hurry: the queen wants to re-hire Bronn for a new assassination: Qyburn points out that she promises to reward Bronn with gold, a castle and a noble-born wife, which were previously taken away from him. Qyburn informs that Cersei wants to correct that mistake. Paying in advance, there is already a wagon laden with gold waiting outside for Bronn. As for the target, Qyburn then presents him with the late King Joffrey Baratheon's former crossbow - the same one that Tyrion Lannister used to kill his father Lord Tywin. Stating poetic justice, Cersei wants Bronn to use it to kill Tyrion, as well as Ser Jaime for abandoning her, in the event that they survive the undead assault on the North against the White Walkers.

Meanwhile, after sailing to the capital in order to save his sister Yara, Theon Greyjoy and his small remaining Ironborn crew stage a sneak attack on Euron's ship, taking advantage of his uncle’s absence. Using bows and arrows they silently pick off most of the guards, then Theon bursts into Yara's chamber with an axe and frees his sister form her restraints. She immediately headbutts him for letting her get captured in the first place, however, then embraces him, as they flee together.

Afterwards, as they sail the Narrow Sea in their own ship, Yara informs Theon that she intends to sail back to the Iron Islands. She explains that with the bulk of the Ironborn loyal to Euron are concentrated in the east with his fleet. As result, Yara has a chance to rally her remaining supporters to retake the home islands while Euron is away. Despite this plan, Yara can tell that her brother wants her permission to leave in order to assist House Stark as they defend Winterfell against the impending invasion. Yara assures Theon that she will secure the Iron Islands as a fallback position for Queen Daenerys Targaryen- as wights can't swim - and grants his request to leave. They embrace before Theon departs towards Winterfell.


Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow and their combined forces march through the small village of Winter Town on their way to Winterfell. Arya Stark is amongst the crowd and excited to see Jon after so many years apart. Among Daenerys’ arrival party is Sandor Clegane and Gendry Baratheon, both of whom Arya also hasn’t seen in several years. The townspeople provide a less-than-enthusiastic welcome, however, as many of them cast Daenerys suspicious looks over her horde of Unsullied and Dothraki soldiers. Jon reminds her that Northerners have a long-established distrust of outsiders. Immediately following this exchange, Daenery’s dragons fly overhead, startling the townspeople and causing Daenerys to smile proudly. Sansa Stark warily watches from Winterfell's battlements as Drogon and Rhaegal circle above the castle. Once inside the walls of the castle, Jon sees a wheelchair-bound Bran Stark, whom he last saw in a coma several years ago now. Jon quickly dismounts and greets Bran with a kiss on the forehead. Bran reacts warmly to seeing Jon again, but does not meet their reunion with the same level of emotion. Jon then embraces his sister Sansa, who keeps a wary eye on his queen. Jon then introduces Daenerys and Sansa to one another. Sansa formally, yet begrudgingly, welcomes Daenerys to Winterfell and Daenerys thanks her, remarking that Jon told her about the beauty of the North and Sansa herself. Bran curtly interrupts that there is no time for pleasantries, informing Jon and Daenerys that the Night King has resurrected her deceased dragon, Viserion, who has now become part of their undead army.

As Jon tries to organize the defense against the undead in the Great Hall of Winterfell, Lyanna Mormont voices the anger that many lords have toward Jon bending the knee to Daenerys since they named Jon their King in the North. She presses that “you left Winterfell a King and came back a- - I’m not sure what you are now.” Jon gravely answers that he said he would protect the North, and the only way they could do that is with allies. Amidst their uproar, Tyrion Lannister speaks up to insist that they'd all be dead already without Jon, who has brought dragons and a large army back with him. Tyrion then adds that the Lannister army his sister Cersei has promised will soon arrive to reinforce them as well. With this announcement the lords resume their objections. Tyrion insists that although House Lannister are their enemies, they must come together now in the face of the coming war: “we must fight together now, or die.” Sansa asks how they are meant to feed Daenerys' army, "While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons." She scoffs, "What do dragons eat, anyway?" to which Daenerys snarkily quips, "Whatever they want.” Sansa and Daenerys cast a side-gaze towards one another, understanding that they’re disagreements have only just begun.

Afterwards, Tyrion encounters Sansa in the courtyard, whom he hasn't seen since Joffrey's wedding, during which Joffrey was assassinated and she was whisked away by Petyr Baelish during the chaos. He notes that it made it look more incriminating for him that his wife fled right after the assassination. After discussing the Lannister army, Sansa points out that she used to think he was the most clever man she'd ever met, but he is foolish to put his trust in his sister. Meanwhile, Jon visits Winterfell's godswood, and while standing in front of the heart tree, Arya appears seemingly out of nowhere and startles him. Arya runs to Jon and they embrace, Jon lifting Arya in his arms. Jon then asks Arya if she still has her sword Needle and Arya unsheathes it. He asks if she's ever had to use it as Arya quietly responds, "Once or twice." After a silence, Jon shows her his sword Longclaw. Arya admires it but remarks it's too heavy for her. Jon confides that he could have used her help with Sansa in the Great Hall and Arya surmises that Sansa doesn't like Daenerys. Jon asserts that Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone but, to Jon's confusion, Arya defends her sister and tells Sansa is the smartest person she knows and is defending her family. Arya tells him not to forget he's family too, as they warmly hug again.


Some time later, along the battlements, Tyrion, Lord Varys, and Ser Davos Seaworth observe Jon and Daenerys from a distance, remarking that a marriage-alliance might help cement their alliance. While inspecting the preparations for the coming battle, Daenerys remarks to Jon upon Sansa's apparent dislike for her, stating that they don't need to like each other, but she will be respected. Several Dothraki approach the pair and mention that the dragons haven't been eating as normal. Jon and Daenerys ride out to visit them in a bone pit outside of Winterfell. Daenerys asserts that they must be upset being in the North. She then mounts Drogon, but then on a whim, asks Jon if he'd like to ride Rhaegal. After much trepidation, Jon climbs on top and the dragon accepts him. The dragons take the pair on a flight over the surrounding countryside, though Jon initially struggles to fly on Rhaegal. Daenerys is somewhat pleased with Jon's almost instant connection with her dragon. Eventually, they land near a waterfall in an area where Jon used to hunt as a youth. Away from all concerns about the coming battle, Daenerys and Jon share an intimate moment. Unbeknownst to Daenerys, as Jon is kissing her, he catches eyes with Drogon, who stares at Jon intensely, making him uncomfortable as he ponders what Drogon may be contemplating.

That evening, Arya visits Winterfell's forges and comes upon Gendry Baratheon, who is presenting the Hound with a custom-made axe of dragonglass, which the latter is not especially impressed with. Arya tells Sandor to stop insulting Gendry's work and the two lock eyes. Before he leaves, the Hound gives Arya a back-handed compliment; calling her a "cold little bitch,” but saying that's probably why she's still alive. In private, Arya and Gendry exchange banter, recalling their past time together on the road in the Riverlands and she asks him to craft a special weapon for her. Although skeptical, Gendry agrees. Arya shows him her Valyrian steel dagger, and he playfully replies that he always knew she was just another highborn girl. Before leaving, Arya cheekily shoots back that Gendry doesn't know any other highborn girls. Meanwhile, Sansa informs Jon that Lord Glover has chosen to remain at his seat of Deepwood Motte and hold off the army of the dead there, in protest of Jon bending the knee. Jon is furious, but Sansa admits Glover's anger at his decision is shared by a lot of Northern nobles, including herself. Jon bluntly tells Sansa that defeating the army of the dead is impossible without allies and that Daenerys will be a better ruler than her father King Aerys. However, he doesn't answer when Sansa asks him "Did you bend the knee to save the North, or because you love her?"

Later, Daenerys visits Winterfell’s library with Ser Jorah Mormont to thank Samwell Tarly for saving Jorah's life by treating his greyscale. She then asks if she can offer him anything in return. Sam requests a pardon for stealing books from the Citadel, as well as "borrowing" his family's sword, Heartsbane. Hearing this, Daenerys realizes that Sam is the son of Lord Randyll Tarly and informs him that his father refused to bend the knee following the Battle of the Goldroad and was executed as result. Samwell is shaken by the news of his father's death, but jokes that at least his brother will allow him to return to Horn Hill. When Daenerys reveals that Dickon Tarly was executed alongside his father, however, Sam is visibly upset and chokes back some tears. He then asks to leave the library to gather his composure. Outside, Samwell runs into Bran Stark and asks why he's sitting in the courtyard. Bran states he's "waiting for an old friend," and reminds him it is time to tell Jon the truth about his true parentage and rightful claim to the throne. Bran insists that Sam must be the one to tell Jon, because Jon trusts him more than anyone.

Afterwards, Samwell finds Jon by himself in the crypts of Winterfell visiting Eddard Stark’s tomb. They warmly greet each other, having now been reunited for the first time since Samwell departed Castle Black to join the Order of Maesters. Jon jubilantly asks Sam why he has come to Winterfell, playfully asking if he’s read every book in the Citadel already. Sam’s solemn and shell-shocked expression, however, raises concern with Jon, who asks him what is wrong. Sam then confronts Jon about the executions of his father and brother, asking if he would have done the same thing in Daenerys' position. He then tells Jon about the diary entry he found from High Septon Maynard stating that he annulled the marriage between Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. Sam then further explains that Rhaegar then married Lyanna Stark in Dorne and reveals that Jon is their trueborn son, all of which Bran confirmed using his greensight abilities. Jon, visibly shocked at the revelation, says that Lord Eddard Stark was the most honorable man he’s ever known and cannot believe that he would have lied to him his entire life. Samwell reminds Jon that Eddard lied to protect him from the usurper king, Robert Baratheon, who would have killed him if he ever found out the truth of Jon's true parentage, as Robert was married to Jon’s mother. Samwell goes on to state to the astonished Jon that he, as Aegon Targaryen, is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. He then asks rhetorically whether Queen Daenerys would give up her crown to save her people, as Jon has already done.

last hearth / winterfell

Meanwhile, Tormund Giantsbane, Ser Beric Dondarrion and the survivors of the garrison at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea make their way south to Last Hearth, the seat of House Umber. They find the castle totally abandoned and damaged from a battle, though without bodies- implying that the White Walkers already raised them as undead wights. As they tensely investigate the castle, they stumble into Eddison Tollett. Following Jon Snow's message, Edd is leading the remaining Night’s Watch garrison from Castle Black down to Winterfell. Tormund and Beric ask if Edd found anyone, at which he leads them to the main hall, to show the young Ned Umber's corpse pinned to a wall, and surrounded by a spiral design made out of severed limbs. They realize that it is a warning from the Night King. Tormund and Beric worry that the White Walkers' army will reach Winterfell first, but the wights are slow moving and on foot, and Eddison’s men brought horses which they can ride to outpace them. As they discuss what to do, Umber re-animates as a wight, trying to grab Tormund but unable to free himself from the wall. Beric sets his sword on fire to kill the wight, which bursts into flame at its touch, also igniting the symbol of the spiral.

The following morning, back at Winterfell, a hooded stranger rides into the courtyard and is revealed to be none other than Ser Jaime Lannister, fulfilling his promise to aide the North even though his sister decided to abandon her enemies to the mercy of the undead. Looking around, Jaime is shocked to Bran Stark waiting for his “old friend” - the boy he shoved out a window and crippled in this very castle years ago.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki


You’ve completely ruined horses for me
— Jon Snow
What is dead may never die… but kill the bastards anyway
— Yara Greyjoy
You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same?
— Samwell Tarly
You should consider yourself lucky. At least your balls won’t freeze off
— Tyrion Lannister
You want a whore, buy one. You want a Queen, earn her
— Cersei Lannister
What if the Seven Kingdoms, for once in their whole shit history, were ruled by a just woman, and an honorable man?
— Davos Seaworth

 episode one music

* Many thanks for your rips Game of Tens

 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The episode title refers to the ancestral seat of House Stark.

  • Star Wars creator George Lucas visited the Winterfell set during filming of this episode, specifically when Jon and Daenerys are walking around outside the walls and talk about Sansa. Benioff and Weiss have been contracted to write new movies set in the Star Wars universe, and they were surprised to hear that Lucas was interested in a set visit. Lucas even sat in the director's booth with David Nutter while filming (Lucas didn't give any directions himself, but would go around complimenting the cast between takes).

  • Jon and Sansa refer to Robett Glover's vow of fealty in "The Winds of Winter". Apparently he changed his mind because, as Sansa said, the Northern lords swore themselves to him as king, not to Daenerys.

  • As Daenerys Targaryen is traveling to the North for the first time, and never had a cold-weather scene before, the cast pointed out in the behind-the-scenes featurettes that this was actually the first time that Emilia Clarke visited the TV show's shooting locations in Iceland. Kit Harington said he enjoyed the chance to show her the stunning natural beauty of the national parks they are allowed to film in there.

  • Consternated, Sansa asks how they will provision Daenerys's large army and what dragons even eat - setting up Daenerys's response that "they eat whatever they want". Dragons only eat meat - and only cooked meat, which Daenerys had to figure out in Season 2. Beyond that, in the books dragons have been seen eating pretty much any kind of meat - cattle, fish, horses, even men in battle - though many of them seem to prefer mutton (apparently a reference to the myth of St. George and the dragon).

  • Lyanna Mormont notes her confusion as to how Jon should be referred now that he isn't King in the North. Because Jon retained his bastard surname after being crowned, it stands to reason that he wouldn't be a lord even after losing his crown. This appears to confirm that Jon, despite being crowned and later given the title and position of Warden of the North, still does not carry the right to be considered a Lord. This can be confusing as merely three episodes later, Gendry expressed to Daenerys that he can't be Lord of Storm's End due to his bastard status. Why Jon is exempt from this is never fully explained

  • Alys Karstark and Ned Umber were introduced at the beginning of Season 7, as the new heads of their Houses after their parents were killed in the Battle of the Bastards and they bent the knee to the Starks again. Alys Karstark is a somewhat prominent character in the fifth novel, but her storyline was cut - as the Karstarks are a cadet branch of House Stark, she is a distant cousin of the main Stark family.

  • A line was cut from the aired version of this scene, but can be heard in the "Game Revealed" behind the scenes featurette for this episode: after Jon dismounts and say "You've completely ruined horses for me", he originally went on to say "It almost seemed like he knew where I wanted to go". This may have been cut from the final version because it made it a little too obvious Jon has some sort of special bond with the dragon.

  • As explained in behind the scenes featurettes, nearly all of the beautiful landscapes when Jon and Daenerys fly on her dragons were entirely real locations in Iceland, filmed using a helicopter. The dragons were digitally added in afterwards, but otherwise everything on-screen was real - except for the large waterfall where they landed, which was added in using CGI.

  • Isaac Hempstead-Wright explained in interviews how he is able to make such a "creepy", distant stare for Bran Stark: he needs high prescription glasses now that he is older, and cannot see without them. Rather than wear contacts, he just takes his glasses off when the cameras are filming - the simple result of which is that his eyes don't focus on whoever he's talking to (he just faces their blurry image) and his unfocused eyes seem to be staring past and through them.

  • The storyline of the Golden Company is actually a major subplot introduced in the fifth novel, which will feature prominently in the sixth novel: the company, led by Jon Connington on behalf of the presumed-dead son of Rhaegar and Elia, Aegon Targaryen, lands in Westeros and begins a military campaign to help Aegon ascend the Iron Throne. Virtually all of this has been cut from the show, beyond the simple fact that the Golden Company is a large sellsword company.

  • In the post-episode interview with Entertainment Weekly, Lena Headey said she strongly disagreed with Cersei having sex with Euron, feeling she wouldn't lower herself to that level and she's only had sex with two people her whole life, King Robert and her brother Jaime. She said that showrunners Benioff and Weiss had to spend a lot of time arguing to her that Cersei is a survivor, and would do anything to survive.

  • Euron tells Yara that they (and Theon) are the last Greyjoys left in the world. It is unclear why he does not include Aeron too; it can be an oversight, or perhaps Aeron was killed off-screen after his appearance in Season 6 episode "The Door".

  • Joffrey Baratheon's crossbow returns in this episode - the new crossbow he showed Margaery in "Dark Wings, Dark Words", which is a very intricate and detailed prop in real-life. Tyrion later re-used it to kill Tywin, and the reason is given that Cersei thinks it would be poetic justice to kill Tyrion with it.

  • Last Hearth has been mentioned in dialogue since Season 1, but appears on-screen for the first time briefly in this episode. It is famously the closest castle-seat to the Wall - that is, the most northerly "normal" castle of a lordship, not including the castles of the Night's Watch at the Wall itself.

  • The burning of the Ned Umber wight was done entirely with practical effects, not CGI. When it came time to burn him, stuntman Paul Lowe took his place, wearing a full head prosthetic mask that resembled the wight-turned main actor. As for what the spiral signifies, Benioff and Weiss already gave an explanation in the behind the scenes videos for Season 6's "The Door": previously we had only seen this symbol left by the White Walkers, but now we were seeing it being used by the Children of the Forest in a pattern of monoliths they had set. They explained that the symbols the White Walkers leave behind are magic runes originally used by the Children of the Forest, and the fact that the Walkers use the same symbols is a visual tie-in that the Children actually created the White Walkers, as living weapons to wipe out humanity.