
Lord Varys describes the Free City of Volantis.


Tycho Nestoris gives an in-depth description of Braavos.

the  faceless  men

Tycho Nestoris discusses the mysterious guild of assassins known as the Faceless Men.


Roose Bolton gives his views on Winterfell and how the House Bolton influenced its creation and expansion before seizing it.

robert’s  rebellion

Barristan Selmy recounts how he was named to the Kingsguard, saw King Aerys descend into madness but revered Rhaegar Targaryen. Barristan describes the fateful tourney at Harrenhal, the ensuing War of the Five Kings, and how he fought beside Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident where he was killed.


Ellaria Sand narrates a brief history of Dorne from the migration of the First Men to the present day.

the fighting  pits of meereen

Daario Naharis discusses the fighting pits of Meereen, famous for their gladiatorial games.

the  river rhoyne

Lord Varys talks about the Rhoyne, the largest river of Essos, and the people who originally inhabited it, the Rhoynar, and the war they fought against the Dragonlords.

the  many-faced  god

A man known as "Jaqen H'ghar" discusses the Many-Faced God, the syncretic god of death worshiped by the cult of assassins known as the Faceless Men.

greyscale and the  stone men

Qyburn discusses the dreaded plague known as greyscale, and its advanced victims known as "Stone Men".

the great  masters of meereen

Missandei of Naath discusses the self-styled "Great Masters", the powerful aristocratic slaver families that rule over Meereen, the largest city in Slaver's Bay.