season five

Twenty-five years ago, a young Cersei Lannister and her wary tag-along Melara Hetherspoon are creeping through the woods of the Westerlands. Melara doesn't want to continue, but young Cersei eggs her on. They reach a hut within the woods, which belongs to a woodland witch named Maggy. Unafraid, Cersei walks in first. Upon meeting this "witch," Cersei demands to have her future read. Maggy is hesitant at first, but after Cersei threatens to have her eyes gouged out, the witch mirthfully relents. She says she will need a drop of Cersei's blood, so Cersei pricks her finger on a dagger. Maggy tastes her blood and offers the young girl three questions. Cersei's first question was if she will marry the prince. Maggy says she will not marry the prince, though she will marry the king, and become queen. She then asks if she and the king will have children, and Maggy tells her that the king will have twenty children, but she will have three: gold will be their crowns - and gold their burial shrouds, indicating that all three will predecease their mother. Finally, she tells Cersei that her reign will not last: she will be queen, but eventually a younger and more beautiful queen is fated to take her place, along with everything she holds dear.
In the present, only a mere few days have passed since Cersei’s last conversation with Lord Tywin, where she admitted to her incestuous relationship with brother Jaime. The evening following her conversation with her father, Tyrion was released from his prison cell by Jaime to avoid execution. However, before Tyrion’s escape, he snuck into Tywin’s chambers and shot him dead with a crossbow. Some days later, escorted by Ser Meryn Trant, Cersei walks to the Great Sept of Baelor for Tywin's funeral, surrounded by numerous lords and ladies, including Margaery Tyrell, who she glances at suspiciously. Cersei is stopped by the High Septon, who suggests to her that they start soon, since lords and ladies have come from all over Westeros, but she says they will wait a little longer while she has a moment alone with Jaime and their father's corpse. Inside, Jaime warns that all the power and prestige their father built for House Lannister belongs to them now, and that once everyone sees that Tywin is truly dead, their enemies will do everything they can to take it away from them. Cersei bluntly states that their true enemy is Tyrion and that Jaime is partly responsible for Tywin's death since he was the one who released their father's murderer, and then she leaves him.
That evening, during Tywin's wake, Cersei is approached by Ser Loras Tyrell, who babbles on with platitudes about her father, but she ignores him, as she is intently watching her son Tommen sharing a few words with Margaery as they hold hands. Grand Maester Pycelle offers his condolences, yet she completely ignores him as well. Cersei is then approached by Lancel Lannister, who she previously indulged in an incestuous relationship with during the time Jaime had been in imprisonment by House Stark. Lancel has become extremely pious over the years as he has joined the Sparrows, a religious movement that has risen from the Faith of the Seven. Cersei’s uncle Kevan Lannister, who has traveled from the Lannister seat of Casterly Rock to pay his respects to his brother Tywin, apologizes for the appearance of his son Lancel. Cersei comforts Kevan by insisting that Lancel will grow out of this phase. While she is having a private moment, Lancel approaches her again and asks for her forgiveness for their "unnatural" relationship they once shared. Lancel then asks forgiveness for serving the late Robert Baratheon the wine that led to the boar accident, which culminated in the former king’s death. The way Lancel phrases this statement is somewhat accusatory of Cersei’s complicity in Robert’s death, which then causes her to deny knowledge of any involvement, as she then brushes off Lancel's request, and his prayers for Tywin's soul.

Some time later, Cersei summons Jaime to their late father's office and reveals a "gift" from Dorne. As Jaime opens the metal box, he finds inside an ornately carved viper, with a unique Lannister pendant suspended from its fangs. Cersei informs that there are only two pendants like this in the world, the one that is around her neck and the other that was given to their daughter Myrcella. She insists it is a threat against Myrcella, a conclusion Jaime can't refute. Cersei is both unnerved yet unsurprised by the threat as Dorne now blames the Lannisters for the death of Prince Oberyn Martell at Tyrion’s trial by combat, as well as Elia Martell’s death at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane. Cersei lashes out at Jaime for not being a father to any of his children, to which he obviously points out that if he had been, their children would be stoned in the streets. Acknowledging Cersei's distress, Jaime makes a promise: "I'm going to Dorne. And I'm bringing our daughter home." Jaime leaves with his promise to fix the situation in Dorne and ignores Cersei's mocking of his one-handed status.
Afterwards, Cersei is then presented with the severed head of yet another dwarf. Her offer of a lordship for Tyrion's head has indeed motivated people to start killing any dwarf they can find and try to pass it off as Tyrion. Cersei is irate, but won't punish the men who brought her the head for fear this will deter other such bounty hunters. She wants the head disposed of, but Qyburn interjects and politely asks if he can keep the head, as it might be of use in some of his "experiments." With that issue dealt with, Cersei then convenes the small council. Sitting in the Hand's seat, she announces that King Tommen has declared Qyburn the new Master of Whisperers, as Lord Varys has disappeared from King’s Landing un-coincidentally around the same time of Tyrion’s disappearance from the city. Cersei also informs that the position of Hand of the King will remain vacant until Tommen is old enough to decide on a candidate for himself. Tommen has apparently also decided to make Mace Tyrell the new Master of Coin in addition to his duties as Master of Ships, and extends a new position of Master of War to Cersei’s uncle Kevan Lannister. Although Mace preens at his new responsibilities, Pycelle is outraged at Qyburn's promotion, as he was thrown out of the Order of Maesters for conducting human experiments. Kevan is also disgusted at Cersei's blatant power play and refuses the new position as Master of War. He then denounces Cersei as nothing more than the Queen Mother and berates her for abusing her authority to fill the small council with her sycophants. Kevan then walks out, saying he will await King Tommen's own instructions from Casterly Rock.
On the day of the wedding, as Cersei passes a large crowd on her way to the Great Sept of Baelor, she is increasingly annoyed as people cheer on Margaery, completely ignoring her. Inside Tommen Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell are wed, much to the dismay of Cersei. She remains stone-faced throughout the ceremony. The following morning, Cersei walks with Tommen along the battlements and tries to subtly turn him against his wife and asks him “Do you think she’s intelligent?” Tommen, however, tells his mother that he thinks she should return to Casterly Rock if it will make her happy, since she used to talk so fondly of it, but Cersei declines.
Deducing that this is Margaery’s doing, Cersei immediately goes to confront her, finding her bragging about Tommen's libido to her handmaidens. Greeting her mother-in-law, Margaery is now more confident than ever and subtly rubs her queenship in Cersei’s face and also gloats about her “exhausting” night with the king. Cersei attempts to verbally spar with Margaery as she used to, but the younger queen is in her prime, and assaults Cersei with backhanded compliments and subtle barbs, including a comment on Cersei’s drinking habits. Realizing that she is losing, Cersei departs.

In Littlefinger's brothel, the religious faction called the Sparrows, led by Lancel Lannister, attack the High Septon as he engages the services of prostitutes dressed as the Seven. He is then forced to walk naked through the streets while the Sparrows proclaim him a sinner. Angered by the humiliation, he requests for the small council to organize the arrest of the Sparrows and execute their leader, the High Sparrow. Cersei is mildly amused and not particularly sympathetic to the man's plight. However, Cersei decides to meet with the High Sparrow, who turns out to be a humble and modest man serving food to the poor in his bare feet. The High Sparrow makes no efforts to hide the actions of the other Sparrows and assumes that Cersei has come to visit him with an arrest for the actions against the High Septon. However, Cersei tells him that he will not be arrested nor executed. Instead, the High Septon has been imprisoned instead, which surprises the High Sparrow. She insists that the Faith and the crown are the pillars that hold up the kingdoms and if one collapses so does the other. Returning to the Red Keep, Cersei has Qyburn send a message to Petyr Baelish and then asks him how his work is coming along, as Gregor Clegane’s body still lies under a sheet in his laboratory.
Some time later, at a small council meeting, Mace Tyrell brings unfortunate news that the Iron Bank of Braavos is starting to call in its debts. Mace offers that House Tyrell could front the money for the time being, but Cersei clearly does not want to give the Tyrells more power over the crown. Instead, she says that they will send Mace himself to Braavos to negotiate for more time. Mace is oblivious that this is also Cersei's way of removing him from the capital. After he leaves, Grand Maester Pycelle bitterly points out that the small council is growing even smaller, however, Cersei insists that it hasn't quite grown small enough yet.
Later on, Cersei then meets with the High Sparrow, who by her influence, has been elected as the new High Septon. Cersei is trying to build up a new alliance between the crown and the Faith, as a counterweight to the large political influence House Tyrell now possess. Cersei points out to the High Sparrow that the War of the Five Kings has devastated much of the countryside as the High Sparrow admits that wars make men obey the sword more than the gods. Cersei then explains that, as part of the new alliance, she will tell her son to repeal the law and allow the Faith Militant to be re-established. She then advises him that there is a great sinner in their midst who has been shielded by gold and power. The High Sparrow replies with a wish for “the Father” to judge him justly.
The new Faith Militant storm the streets of King's Landing, attacking taverns, brothels, and street vendors selling idols from other religions. The City Watch look on, helpless, and do not intervene. As a sign of their zealotry, the Faith Militant have the Seven-Pointed Star symbol of the Faith carved into their foreheads - including Lancel, who leads a squad of the Faith Militant to apprehend Ser Loras Tyrell while he is sparring in the practice yard. Due to her brother’s arrest, Queen Margarey is furious and as result King Tommen confronts his mother and demands Ser Loras’ release. However, Cersei calmly informs him that she didn't order his arrest, although her tone of voice seems to imply that she knew beforehand that Loras would be arrested and allowed it to happen in order to interfere with Margaery and Tommen's relationship. Cersei calmly points out that the Faith Militant simply dragged him off and imprisoned him, so he should ask the High Sparrow to release him. Afterwards, Tommen’s attempt at this does not work out in his favor and in order to avoid bloodshed between the Faith Militant and the Kingsguard, he retreats without speaking to the High Sparrow.

Some weeks later, Petyr Baelish arrives in King’s Landing and is on his way to meet Cersei when he is confronted by Lancel Lannister and some other Sparrows. Lancel warns Littlefinger that they have purged the capital city of its corrupt ways, and the new King’s Landing will not tolerate his prostitution business, however, Baelish dismisses these threats. Littlefinger then meets with Cersei, who continues to deny her involvement in Ser Loras Tyrell’s arrest by the Faith Militant. Baelish is not fooled and warns that House Tyrell will not tolerate this insult. Cersei then explains she is suspicious where his loyalties truly lie and asks him whether she can rely on the Vale of Arryn to fight for the throne if the time comes. Baelish assures her that he will always counsel loyalty to young Robin Arryn. Baelish then reveals that Sansa Stark is back in Winterfell, where Roose Bolton, who assisted House Lannister during the Red Wedding massacre, has arranged for her to marry his son Ramsay Bolton. Cersei is infuriated by the Boltons’ betrayal but Baelish suggests letting the Boltons and Stannis Baratheon fight each other, and when the victor is still recovering from the battle, step in and defeat them. He then proposes that the soldiers of the Vale could join the fight but Cersei is unsure of Baelish’s ability to lead an army. Baelish convinces her, stating that he "lives to serve", though Baelish asserts that all he wants in return is to be named Warden of the North. Cersei agrees to talk to King Tommen about this arrangement.
Lady Olenna Tyrell also returns to King’s Landing after learning of her grandson’s arrest and tries to talk Cersei into releasing Ser Loras. Cersei sticks to her claim that it was the Faith Militant who arrested Loras and she had nothing to do with it. Olenna then warns Cersei that her actions have endangered the Lannister-Tyrell alliance – the very alliance that is supplying the capital with food. Cersei informs Olenna that the High Sparrow has called for a preliminary hearing to determine whether the charges against Loras have merit and expresses confidence that Loras will be acquitted. At the hearing, the High Sparrow interrogates Ser Loras first, who denies the accusations of sexual perversions. He then questions Queen Margaery, who also denies any knowledge. The High Sparrow then calls in Olyvar, in character as Ser Loras’ squire, who claims that the accusations against Loras are in fact true. Olyvar also testifies that Margaery walked in on them once during an intimate moment, but didn’t seem surprised. To support his testimony, Olyvar tells the High Sparrow of a birthmark Loras has that is shaped like Dorne, much to Loras' shock and fury. Deciding that this is more than enough evidence for a holy inquest, the High Sparrow has Loras arrested. Since Margaery bore false witness before the Gods, she is also arrested. As Queen Margaery is forcefully dragged away, she calls out for Tommen, who is paralyzed with indecision, while Olenna contemptuously regards Cersei's barely-contained smug expression.
Some time later, Tommen has lost his appetite over his wife's arrest and rails over his inability to help Margaery. Cersei attempts to calm him down, however, the king wants to start a war for Queen Margaery, declaring his love for her to a dumbstruck Cersei. She gives him a long speech about how as king he will be faced with many circumstantial situations in which he will be powerless to act, as Robert Baratheon sometimes was. Cersei then proclaims her love for her son by claiming that she will do anything it takes to protect him, even if it means burning down entire cities. Cersei weeps as she holds her son in her arms. To maintain control of the situation, she offers to speak with the High Sparrow for him and advocate for Margaery and Loras' release. Although clearly suspicious, the still-overwhelmed Tommen agrees.
Afterwards, in the Great Sept's cells, Cersei meets with Margaery and brings her food but the queen refuses, revealing that she knows her mother-in-law is responsible for having her and Loras imprisoned. Cersei, fearful of being overheard, denies this. Margaery mocks Cersei for her unconvincing lies of trying to save her, going as far as to say that while Cersei may know how to lie and scheme, she doesn't understand innocence and decency well enough to fake them. Margaery then claims that perhaps this is the reason her son Tommen was willing to cast Cersei aside and send her back to Casterly Rock. Cersei, concealing her fury, tells Margaery her trial will soon begin and that her son needs his mother more than ever. Margaery throws her stew at Cersei, yelling: “Get out, you hateful bitch!” Cersei leaves the cell, smiling smugly at Margaery. On her way out, Cersei thanks the High Sparrow for his arrests, as he proceeds to give her a speech about the history of the Great Sept. He informs her that the Tyrells' falsehoods will be revealed for all the world to see, as with the case for everyone, including Cersei herself. The High Sparrow asks her: “What will we find when we strip away your finery?” He then reveals that Lancel confessed his incestous affair with Cersei following Jaime's capture, and orders Cersei arrested, to her horror. She is taken to a cell by a group of Septas, and after she is thrown onto the floor Cersei threatens them that her face is the last thing they will see before they die.

Cersei remains in custody for the next few days, visited only by Septa Unella, who offers her water in return for a confession, but she repeatedly refuses. Cersei is later visited by Qyburn, who informs her that the charges against her are treason, incest and regicide, which she dismisses as lies. Qyburn warns her that the Faith will not depend on physical proof as much as the crown does in her upcoming trial. She then asks about Jaime, but Qyburn claims there has been no response from her brother with regards to extracting their daughter Myrcella from Dorne. Qyburn further informs Cersei that Pycelle has summoned her uncle Kevan back to the capital and King Tommen has now fallen into a depression. Qyburn, however, asserts to Cersei that she can still confess, however, she stubbornly refuses. Before he exits her call, Qyburn insists that his work in the laboratory is progressing. Afterwards, when Unella visits her again, Cersei offers to make her a Lady of the capital or have her killed, depending on whether or not she will help her. In response, Unella pours her water on the floor and leaves. Cersei finally abandons her pride and licks the water from the dungeon floor, breaking into tears.
Some time later, Septa Unella enters Cersei's cell and orders her to confess again. Cersei finally gives in and decides to confess to the High Sparrow when her hunger and thirst become too much to bear. Cersei is then escorted before the High Sparrow to announce her confessions, however, she only confesses to her adultery outside of the bounds of her marriage to King Robert, and is forced to name Lancel Lannister as the man she laid with. When the High Sparrow enquires about the rumors of her children born out of incest, Cersei denies having any relationship with her brother Jaime and continues to blame Stannis Baratheon for such lies. Cersei then begs to be allowed to go to the Red Keep to see her son Tommen. The High Sparrow does grant her request but informs her that a trial will still be held in order to ascertain the truth behind the charges that she still denies: incest with Ser Lancel and the regicide of King Robert. However, in the meantime she will still have to atone for her admitted confession of adultery. Cersei is then brought to a cell where she is stripped naked and roughly washed before her hair is quickly cut short.
Afterwards, Cersei is then brought outside on the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor and forced to strip down naked in front of the entire city she once ruled over. She is then forced to walk naked through the streets of King's Landing from the Great Sept to the Red Keep as punishment. She is accompanied by six members of the Faith Militant as well as Septa Unella, who continuously repeats the word "shame" while ringing a bell every few steps. Cersei performs her walk of atonement amidst the leering crowds who immediately begin pelting her with filth and vicious insults, such as "cunt" and "brother-fucker". With the rough terrain and filth of the streets, her bare feet start bleeding as she eventually makes it to the Red Keep and bursts into tears. Upon entering the gates, Cersei finds her uncle Kevan Lannister, Grand Maester Pycelle and Qyburn waiting for her. Qyburn attempts to comfort her by covering her body with a cloak. Heavy footsteps are then heard coming down a flight of stairs, as Qyburn introduces Cersei to the newest member of the Kingsguard: an 8-foot-tall man in golden armor, whom Qyburn informs has sworn a vow of silence until all their foes are defeated. Without a shadow of doubt, even through his helmet, Cersei can recognise the new Kingsguard member as the re-animated corpse of Ser Gregor Clegane, whom Qyburn finally has found a way to bring back from peril. Qyburn suggests Cersei go inside where Ser Gregor can attend to her feet, which are badly injured. The enormous knight lifts her up and carries her away, as her expression already begins to harden, fastly contemplating the revenge on her enemies in King’s Landing.

“Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake with stupidity.”
— ‘The Wars to Come’
“You will order her to let me go! I am the Queen! I am the Queen, have you lost your mind? Let me go! Look at me! Look at my face. It's the last thing you'll see before you die.”
— ‘The Gift’
“The Faith and the crown are the two pillars that hold up this world. One collapses, so does the other. We must do everything necessary to protect one another.”
— ‘High Sparrow’
“I will not kneel before some bare-footed commoner and beg his forgiveness!”
— ‘Hardhome’
“And I'll know you're a man of your word when I see Sansa Stark's head on a spike.”
“A lie from the lips of Stannis Baratheon. He wants the throne but his brother’s children stand in his way so he claims they are not his brother’s. That filth, there is not one shred of truth to it. I deny it. ”
— ‘Mother's Mercy’

season six

Some time following her walk of atonement, Cersei sits in her chambers when she is alerted of her brother Jaime’s arrival from Dorne. She rushes outside with anticipation to greet the return of her daughter Myrcella and eagerly awaits their arrival as Jaime sails closer to shore. However, Cersei’s excitement for their return is quickly dashed as she notices Jaime standing alone on the ship, looking at her sullenly next to a covered corpse. Afterwards, Jaime comforts Cersei over the loss of their daughter Myrcella as the conversation shifts to the death of their mother Joanna. Cersei then informs Jaime about the prophecy she’d received as a young girl from the woodland witch named Maggy, concerning the deaths of her children. “Gold their shrouds,” Cersei relays to Jaime regarding the witch’s promise. Jaime brushes this off, however, insisting that they are the only two who have ever mattered and promising they will take back everything that has been stolen from them. Aware that Doran Martell had nothing to do with Myrcella's murder, Jaime sends the passifist prince of Dorne a letter demanding the heads of Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes, who were avenging the death of Oberyn Martell by poisoning Myrcella. The letter then results in the murder of Prince Doran by Ellaria herself, as well as the murder of his son Trystane, completing a mutiny that had been growing within the Dornish kingdom.
Some days later, Myrcella's funeral is held at the Great Sept of Baelor, however, Cersei cannot attend. Due to her impending trial, King Tommen has ordered that his mother is to be confined inside the Red Keep as he is concerned that the Faith Militant will arrest her again if she steps inside the Sept. When Cersei attempts to leave for Myrcella's funeral with the re-animated Ser Gregor Clegane, a squad of Lannister guards block her path. Their leader informs Cersei that by order of the king she is prohibited from leaving the castle, in the interest of her own protection. Cersei demands that they move, however, the guards do not budge, even when Ser Gregor places a hand on his sword. Eventually, Cersei acquiesces and retreats to her chambers. King Tommen later visits Cersei in the Red Keep and apologizes for not being more assertive during her imprisonment. He regrets letting the High Sparrow lock her away, adding that he should have torn the Sept down with the High Sparrow inside of it. Tommen then urges that he needs his mother’s help in being a strong ruler. Cersei remains uncharacteristically silent throughout the exchange, but when her son is done speaking, she embraces him.
Later on, in his laboratory, Qyburn is in the company of the little birds, children who used to spy for Lord Varys, and tries to win the favor of the children by attracting them with candied plums from Dorne. Shortly afterwards, Cersei, Jaime and Ser Gregor enter to request that Qyburn is to gather information from Dorne, Highgarden, the North and wherever people are trying to take advantage of their losses and plotting against them. Afterwards, Jaime and Cersei attend the small council meeting, now consisting of Grand Maester Pycelle, Mace Tyrell and Cersei’s uncle Ser Kevan, who has returned from Casterly Rock as the new Hand of the King. Lady Olenna Tyrell also sits in attendance of the council meeting to lobby for her grandchildren’s release. Cersei, Jaime and Ser Gregor enter the room and upon being questioned about their attendance at the meeting, Cersei replies that she is the Queen, only to be corrected by Olenna that Margaery is the one who fits that description. Jaime then argues that he, as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, also has a right to attend. Cersei then accuses Kevan of not caring about his grandniece Myrcella’s death, while Jaime appeals to the bigger picture and urges his uncle to take action against Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes, who have now taken over Dorne after eliminating House Martell. Displeased with the unwanted newcomers, who are quickly losing their power, Ser Kevan and the small council leave the hall to conduct business elsewhere.

A few days later, Cersei goes to speak to Tommen, who informs her that he is anxious to fight the High Sparrow, since Queen Margaery is still a prisoner. After Tommen reveals his conversation with the High Sparrow and knowledge of something important, Cersei presses him for information to which she and Jaime then bring to the small council, this time presided over by Ser Kevan and Lady Olenna. Though Olenna reminds them that they are not welcome, adding Cersei’s repeated humiliations. Jaime defends his sister and then reveals that the king has been talking to the High Sparrow about Margaery and Loras, insinuating her cooperation is necessary. Cersei points out that the High Sparrow was expecting them to fight among each other, and before the trial, Margaery will perform her own walk of atonement in front of the city, which Olenna agrees must not happen. They agree to work together to remove the High Sparrow from power as Jaime then convinces his uncle Kevan to keep the Lannister forces in reserve and have the Tyrell army visit the Great Sept to free Margaery and Loras. Kevan, however, warns them that the High Sparrow has many supporters and thousands could die in the ensuing civil war. Olenna then notes that many will die regardless of their course of action, insisting: “better them than us.”
On the day of Queen Margaery’s walk of atonement, Jaime leads the Kingsguard and the Tyrell forces to the Great Sept and demands that the High Sparrow release her and Loras, before they can "be on their way." The High Sparrow, however, informs Jaime that Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the faith. To Jaime's astonishment the doors of the Sept open and King Tommen emerges and walks down the steps to join the High Sparrow and Margaery in a demonstration of unity between the crown and the faith. Later in the throne room, King Tommen then strips Jaime’s position in the Kingsguard because “an attack on the faith is an attack on the crown.”
Afterwards, in Cersei’s chambers, Jaime complains to her that he also has been ordered to help Lord Walder Frey recapture Riverrun, but instead he intends to find whatever “killers” can be found, march into the Sept and kill the High Sparrow. Cersei urges that he should go to Riverrun and show everyone how easily a Lannister can take a castle, as to attack the High Sparrow and his fanatics would probably result in Jaime's death, destroying everything they are working towards. Cersei then insists that she doesn’t need Jaime to be in the city for her trial as she will demand a trial by combat, using the undefeated Ser Gregor. She reassures Jaime they will still defeat all their enemies, as they then kiss before his departure.
Some time later, Cersei confronts Lady Olenna about her plans to leave King’s Landing, urging her to remain in the capital for the sake of Margaery and Ser Loras, who is still imprisoned and awaiting trial. Olenna angrily retorts that the reason all of this is happening is because of Cersei herself, as she was the one who allowed the Faith Militant to reform, leading to the arrest of her grandchildren. Olenna then reminds her of the smug look Cersei had given her when Ser Loras and Queen Margaery were being dragged away by the Faith Militant. Cersei admits that she made a mistake with the Sparrows, but insists that an alliance between the Lannisters and Tyrells is more important now than it ever was, if they are to overthrow the High Sparrow. Olenna curtly refuses her, noting that Cersei has neither influence nor support anymore and is surrounded by enemies that she has created for herself. She informs Cersei that she will be leaving King’s Landing as soon as possible, and that Cersei's utter defeat is her only consolation for the recent events surrounding House Tyrell.

Days later, Qyburn informs Cersei that the Faith Militant demand to see her as she meets with them outside of her chambers. Among them is her cousin Lancel, who informs Cersei that the High Sparrow would like to speak to her in the Great Sept. However, Cersei refuses, even when Lancel warns her that it was not a request. Cersei retorts that the High Sparrow promised that she could stay in the Red Keep until her trial, to which Lancel replies that no such promise was made. When Ser Gregor Clegane then threatens the Faith Militant, her cousin tells Cersei to order him aside or there would be violence. Cersei refuses to let the Kingsguard stand down, coldly insisting that “I choose violence.” One of the Faith Militant then proceeds to attack Ser Gregor in the chest, penetrating his armor, but Gregor seems unharmed. In retaliation, the knight rips off his head, forcing Lancel and his men to stand down and retreat the Red Keep.
Shortly thereafter, Cersei, Qyburn and Ser Gregor enter the throne room to find a large crowd awaiting a royal announcement from King Tommen. Cersei asks her uncle Kevan why she was not informed. Ser Kevan, however, bars her from standing beside Tommen, informing her that her place is in the gallery "with the other ladies of the court." Cersei reluctantly takes her place there while the other women hurry aside, not wanting to be near her or Ser Gregor. King Tommen starts by saying that the Crown and the Faith are the two pillars that hold up this world, and should one collapse, so does the other. He also says that “The Father” judges them all, and if they break his laws, they shall be punished. After much prayer and reflection, Tommen announces his decision that a trial by combat will be forbidden in the Seven Kingdoms, calling it a scheme made by those who want to escape true judgement from the Gods, and that Loras and Cersei would stand trial before seven septons as it was in the earlier days of the Faith. As the King leaves, Qyburn informs a shocked Cersei, who had been planning on calling for a trial by combat with Gregor as her champion, that his little birds have been investigating an old rumor that she’s told him about, and that it was found to be much more than a rumor.
Some weeks later, in King's Landing, everyone is getting ready for Cersei and Loras’ trial. The crowd amasses inside the Great Sept, along with Queen Margaery, Lord Mace and Ser Kevan. Meanwhile, as Pycelle heads to the Sept, a small child stops him and whispers something into his ear. The Faith Militant then bring Ser Loras into the Sept, as the High Sparrow awaits. Instead of having a trial, Loras confesses to his crimes and tells the High Sparrow that he wishes to devote his life to the Faith. The High Sparrow tells him that this would mean that he renounces his family name and his future lordship of Highgarden. Loras tearfully accepts. The Sparrows then grab Loras, hold him down and carve a seven-pointed star into his forehead. Lord Mace actually tries to fight his way through the crowd to stop them but Margaery, her voice trembling, holds him back. A shocked Margaery then protests to the High Sparrow for mutilating her brother as the High Sparrow then insists his promise to allow Loras to leave after Cersei faces her trial. Meanwhile, King Tommen prepares to depart the Red Keep for the trial of his mother but Ser Gregor Clegane prevents him from leaving his room. In the Sept, Lancel tells the High Sparrow that Cersei has yet to leave the Red Keep, so the High Sparrow asks him to go retrieve her. As Lancel is walking out, one of Qyburn's "little birds" lures him away to the catacombs below the Sept. Meanwhile, Pycelle follows another little bird into Qyburn’s laboratory. Qyburn apologizes to Pycelle for the inconvenience, then multiple children surround the Grand Maester and begin stabbing him repeatedly to death. Underneath the Sept, the luring child stabs Lancel in the spine and runs off. Paralyzed from the waist down, Lancel looks around where he is laying and discovers that there is a cache of wildfire down the hall.

Back inside the Sept, Queen Margaery, realizing something is very wrong, confronts the High Sparrow noting that Cersei and Tommen have not arrived for the trial. She urges to him that it's a trap, but the High Sparrow does not listen to her. Below the Sept, three lit candles that hover over the cache of wildfire are almost melted down as Lancel desperately crawls toward it in an attempt to put the candles out. Queen Margaery urges for everyone in the Sept to leave immediately, however, the Faith Militant block the doors, preventing anyone from exiting. Down below, Lancel does not make it to the candles in time before the wildfire ignites and kills him as the tunnels flood with green flames. In the Sept, the crowd hears the muffled explosions rising up from below as the fire then punches through the floor, burning the High Sparrow down to his bones where he stands, along with Margaery, Loras, Mace, Kevan and the rest in attendance. The wildfire bursts through with such intensity that the Sept shatters and crumbles to rubble, flinging debris far and wide and leveling the city for a mile around. Cersei, looking out from her chambers, smiles at the explosion even as the screams of the dying population shatter the air. Meanwhile, from his own chambers, King Tommen stares at the explosion in shock and disbelief.
Feeling victorious, Cersei pays a visit to Septa Unella, who has been strapped to a table. She prompts Unella to confess that she enjoyed tormenting her during her imprisonment, not for the sake of the gods, but because it felt good. Continuing her mockery, Cersei smugly goes down a list, confessing her crimes, including her incestuous relationship with Jaime, arranging King Robert's death and the massacre of the people in the Sept, because it all "felt good.” Finally, Cersei reminds Unella of the promise she made that her face would be the last thing Unella sees before her death, to which the septa stiffly declares that she is not afraid to die. Cersei gleefully assures her that she will not die straight away and her torture will last many days, as Ser Gregor then enters. Walking away and closing the door, Cersei echoes the word "shame" three times, just as Unella did during Cersei's walk of atonement. The septa screams in horror at her fate as Ser Gregor begins his torture. Afterwards, once informed of the explosion’s many casualties, including his beloved wife Queen Margaery, a devastated King Tommen takes his crown off his head and sets it down. Feeling all has been lost, he then calmly steps out of the open window to plummets to his death. After Tommen's body is found, Cersei's triumph is greatly diminished. Standing by his covered remains with Qyburn, she insists on seeing her son's face one last time. Qyburn asks Cersei what she wants to do about funeral arrangements, since the Sept of Baelor is obviously no longer an option. She tells him to burn the body and bury the ashes where the Great Sept once stood, so that Tommen may rest with his brother Joffrey, his sister Myrcella and his grandfather Tywin.
Some time later, just in time for Jaime’s successful return from sieging Riverrun, Cersei and her Queensguard enter the throne room as the path to the Iron Throne is flanked by Lannister guards. Cersei ascends the steps and stands before the throne. Qyburn, who is now her Hand, proclaims Cersei the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and all the associated titles. He then places a crown on her head as she sits down on the throne. The crowd of nobles assembled to witness the coronation glare at her with undisguised hatred, aware of what she did in order to gain power, seemingly professing their loyalty only out of fear of Cersei's wrath. Cersei ignores the court, however, as she has eyes only for her brother Jaime, whose expression from across the room is stony. Despite losing her last child, Cersei has achieved her ultimate ambition to become the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms - or at least what little of it the Lannisters still control.

“I thought if I could make something so good, so pure, maybe I’m not a monster.”
— ‘The Red Woman’
“I choose violence.”
— ‘No One’
“The High Sparrow seized power, knowing full well we'd bicker among ourselves, instead of seizing it back. Here we are. Well done to us. Now, the future of the Seven Kingdoms rests in his dirty peasant hands.”
“Shame. Shame. Shame.”
“You love your granddaughter. I love my son. It's the only truth I know. We must defend them.”
— ‘The Broken Man’
“I drink because it feels good. I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him. I fuck my brother because it feels good to feel him inside me. I lie about fucking my brother because it feels good to keep our son safe from hateful hypocrites.”

season seven

Some time after her coronation, Queen Cersei shows Jaime a giant map of Westeros she is having painted on a floor in the atrium of her new quarters. Jaime has not spoken to his sister since his return, due to his anger with her over the death of their son Tommen. Cersei informs Jaime that their estranged brother Tyrion has returned to Westeros as the Hand to the dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen at the head of a large armada. Jaime thinks their latest threat in maintaining the throne will land her forces at the fortress of Dragonstone. He informs that the last living Targaryen is likely to be drawn to her birthplace and the castle has been unoccupied since Stannis Baratheon abandoned it before his death. Jaime also notes that the deep water around the ancestral Targaryen island will allow Daenerys fleet to make anchor. Cersei notes that they have enemies in the south, west, and north: Dorne, the Tyrells and the Starks, respectively. While Cersei has dreams of ushering in a long dynasty, Jaime inists to Cersei that they are losing the war, and with all their children dead, and with the deaths of their uncle Kevan and cousin Lancel in the Sept explosion, there is no Lannister line to inherit the throne. Jaime urges that they need allies and reports that House Frey has been exterminated. Cersei vaguely reminds him that she has been listening to their father Tywin’s counsel for the past forty years and has learned some things.
Afterwards, a large Ironborn fleet bearing the sigil of House Greyjoy sails into King's Landing. Cersei informs Jaime that she is planning to forge an alliance with Euron Greyjoy. Jaime criticizes her decision and points out that the Greyjoys are oath breakers and "bitter killers."
In the throne room, Jaime and Cersei host Euron. Seeking revenge against his niece and nephew Yara and Theon Greyjoy for running away with part of his fleet, Euron proposes that they join forces to murder their enemies, including their brother Tyrion. When Jaime questions Euron's legitimacy and trustworthiness, Euron talks about the Greyjoy Rebellion and praises Jaime's swordsmanship, while subtly inferring to Cersei Jaime's loss of a hand makes him inadequate for the wars ahead. Euron adds that he went into exile because of the Greyjoy Rebellion and has returned a feared and experienced pirate captain, and boasts that the Iron Fleet is the greatest fleet that Westeros has ever seen and a military asset that would let the Lannisters reclaim control of the seas. Euron proposes to marry Cersei to seal a marriage pact. Cersei declines due to Euron's history of oath-breaking and his recent role in murdering his brother Balon Greyjoy. Neither fazed or disappointed, Euron promises that when he returns to King's Landing, he will deliver his "finest gift" to Cersei.
Some time later in the throne room, Queen Cersei gives a speech urging several nobles from the Reach, including Lord Randyll Tarly, to reaffirm their allegiance to the Iron Throne and not follow House Tyrell in supporting Daenerys. Cersei warns that the Targaryen's combined Dothraki and Unsullied armies she brought with her from Essos would pillage their lands and homes, and rape their women. When Lord Tarly points out that Daenerys has three dragons, Qyburn replies that he is "at work on a solution.”
Afterwards, Qyburn leads Cersei to the dragon skulls beneath the Red Keep. He informs Cersei that his spies, the little birds, have reported that one of Daenerys' dragons was wounded by a spear at Meereen, showing that the dragons are not invincible. Qyburn then displays a ballista launcher and reassures her that this will be able to hurt dragons. Cersei tests the ballista on the nearby skull of Balerion the Black Dread, the dragon of Aegon the Conqueror. She is pleased when the bolt pierces through the massive, hard skull.

Some days later, Euron Greyjoy returns to the capital with his promised gift to Queen Cersei: the captured Ellaria Sand and her daughter Tyene. The other two Sand Snakes were killed by Euron himself during Ellaria and his niece Yara’s capture. As Euron stands next to the throne with the captive Sand women, Cersei proclaims Euron commander of her naval forces as well as assuring him of her hand in marriage once the war is won. Jaime quietly mutters that the same people who cheered for Euron would do the same if Cersei put his head on a spike. Euron ignores the jab, but responds with one of his own by asking Jaime for advice on how to sexually please his sister. A furious Jaime almost lunges at Euron, but Euron, delighted at having provoked him, gleefully insists on Jaime to save it for later, in a not-so-public place.
Later, Cersei confronts Ellaria and Tyene in their cell, where both are gagged and chained to opposite walls. Accompanied by Ser Gregor and Qyburn, Cersei remembers Oberyn Martell's showdown with Ser Gregor during her brother Tyrion's trial by combat. She sadistically recalls the Red Viper's savage death to Ellaria and how Ellaria screamed at the sight of it. Cersei then provokes Ellaria's sorrow by recalling Oberyn's fearsome skill with a spear, and how that eventually didn't stop Ser Gregor from killing him, as well as inferring that Oberyn brought his death on himself by taunting Clegane instead of just leaving him to die. She then remembers raising her daughter Myrcella, and the fact that Ellaria murdered her with poison. Cersei goes on to praise Tyene's beauty to Ellaria and suggesting that she is Ellaria's favorite. She contemplates how she will execute them both, cruelly suggesting Ser Gregor kill them the way he killed Oberyn. However, opining that it would be too fast a death, she kisses Tyene on the lips with the same coated poison Ellaria had used, citing poetic justice for Myrcella's murder. Cersei further torments Ellaria by having Qyburn confirm the uncertainty of when the girl will die, but also the inevitability of it, as the Long Farewell varies on how long it takes to kill, depending on the strength of its victim's constitution. Cersei then informs Ellaria that she will be left alive to witness the event and watch her daughter's "beautiful face crumble into bone and dust,” all the while forced to contemplate the acts she’s committed, even to the point of being force-fed if she tries to starve herself to death. Before leaving, Cersei orders that torches be routinely replaced so that Ellaria doesn't miss a moment of Tyene's demise, as Ellaria then frantically struggles against her chains in a futile effort to reach her daughter.
Later that evening, Jaime is drinking wine for supper when Cersei arrives and kisses him. He initially rebuffs her advances but ultimately consents to sex. The next morning, following an intimate night with Jaime, Cersei answers the door for the handmaiden Bernadette who announces that the representative from the Iron Bank of Braavos, has arrived. Cersei acknowledges the message and pointedly requests fresh sheets. Bernadette’s eyes then catch on to the sight of Jaime lying in Cersei's bed. Cersei smiles, no longer concerned of the opinions of the court, as Jaime's initial concern then turns to amusement. Cersei then meets with Tycho Nestoris, who offers his condolences for the loss of her son Tommen. Tycho then thanks Cersei for eradicating the Faith Militant, which he describes as superstition. When Cersei realizes that the Iron Bank wants to bet on the strongest faction, she informs Tycho that Euron Greyjoy controls the sea and is an ally for the time being and then convinces him to side with the Lannisters by denouncing Daenerys Targaryen as a revolutionary rather than a monarch. She promises that the Lannisters will pay their debts unlike the foreign army Daenerys has accrued. Cersei vows to pay the crown's debts in full within a fortnight and invites Tycho to stay in King's Landing. Tycho is pleased and describes Cersei as her "father's daughter".

Days later, Queen Cersei is happy to learn of the gold taken during the Sack of Highgarden. Currently at Highgarden, the Lannister army, led by Jaime, is currently transporting the gold ahead to the capital, though it remains in the north of the Reach seizing grain supplies. Cersei meets again with Tycho Nestoris, this time in her atrium containing the large floor map of Westeros. Tycho is pleased that Cersei will use the captured gold to pay off the Iron Throne's massive debts to the bank, and he engages in overt flattery by saying that she is as cunning at military strategy as her father Tywin was, if not more so. Now that the Lannisters' old debts will be mostly paid off, and the Iron Bank's faith in them somewhat reassured by their recent military victories, Cersei wants to take out new loans to strengthen her position in the war, so she can finish securing control over the rest of the continent. They discuss that Cersei wants to use the money to hire foreign sellsword companies to bolster the depleted Lannister military ranks. Specifically, she reveals that she has had Qyburn make overtures to hire the best and largest private mercenary army in all of the Free Cities: the Golden Company. Tycho approves and assures Cersei that the Iron Bank will be delighted to help her with these future endeavors, once it receives the gold she is bringing them.
Some time later, Jaime returns to King's Landing to inform Cersei of an ambush by Daenerys that cost them the riches taken from Highgarden. He flatly insists that the Lannisters have no chance of defeating her, even if Cersei were able to buy enough mercenaries; Qyburn's scorpion weapon did little more than anger Daenerys’ dragon, and neither the Lannister soldiers nor mercenaries will be able to match the huge horde of Dothraki warriors, who Jaime notes killed their men as if it were sport. Cersei snidely asks Jaime if they are expected to surrender to a Queen whose throne Cersei occupies and whose father Jaime betrayed and murdered, mockingly remarking that Tyrion could intercede for them with Daenerys as an apology for killing Joffrey and Tywin. Jaime reveals to Cersei that Tyrion is innocent of Joffrey's murder, telling her Lady Olenna Tyrell confessed to it. Cersei is dismissive of Tyrion's innocence in all things as usual, so Jaime has to talk her through it, asking her rhetorically if Olenna would have preferred Margaery to marry the strong-willed and sadistic Joffrey or the emotionally pliable and good-natured Tommen. Feeling cheated of yet another vengeance, Cersei can barely contain her fury as she laments listening to Jaime. Jaime informs that Olenna is now dead, nonetheless, along with the rest of House Tyrell, and that they will go the same way unless they are careful. Jaime sees no other path to victory; Tyrion now stands against his own siblings with a foreign invader possessed of a massive army and ferocious dragons. Cersei dismisses his protests and insists that she intends to fight to the death rather than surrender, expecting the same from Jaime and the rest of the Lannister military.
Later on, Jaime informs Cersei that he had just met with Tyrion. When Cersei asks if Daenerys wants to negotiate a surrender, Jaime relays to her that Daenerys is seeking an armistice due to the threat posed by the White Walkers and their army of the dead. Cersei knows that Bronn secretly organized the meeting between Tyrion and Jaime. Cersei says that perhaps an alliance with Daenerys may be a wiser move, but she still retains her determination to destroy any force that stands against her. She also asks if Jaime plans to punish Bronn for arranging the clandestine meeting with Tyrion. Cersei then reveals that she is pregnant with another of Jaime's children, one who she believes will someday be the heir to the throne. After reflecting on their late father's advice that "the lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep,” Cersei hugs Jaime and whispers in his ear that he is never to betray her again.

Some weeks later, inside her solar, Queen Cersei is informed of the arrival of Daenerys' party for the arranged parley. Cersei promptly commands Ser Gregor that if anything goes wrong at the summit, he is to kill Daenerys, Tyrion and Jon Snow in that order, then dispose of the rest as he pleases. The Targaryen and Northern advisors arrive and are escorted by Ser Bronn to the Dragonpit, the location of the summit. Upon arrival, the various factions meet: Jaime, Cersei, Qyburn and Euron representing the Iron Throne and Jon Snow with Brienne of Tarth and others representing the North. Tyrion and Daenerys’ court settle in as well but then Cersei demands to know where her rival is. As if perfectly timed, the dragon queen then makes a suitably dramatic entrance on Drogon's back. Getting the meeting on track, Tyrion and Jon Snow attempt to convince the Lannister queen of the greater threat coming from the North. According to Tyrion, one million live in the capital and they will soon become one million more soldiers in the army of the dead. Cersei dismisses the threat as a ploy to trick her into lowering her defenses. To prove their claims, a crate containing the body of a reanimated corpse is brought out before them and once opened, the enraged wight charges toward the nearest target- Cersei, appropriately enough. Completely stunned at the sight of the undead creature throwing itself towards them, the Lannister queen recoils in horror as the creature is pulled back on a chain and sliced in half. Jaime and Cersei then look on in shock as the wight's upper half still continues to move, shrieking and snarling. After a clearly fascinated Qyburn briefly examines it, the Lannister party witness how to properly kill a wight, as demonstrated by Jon Snow. A terrified Euron then makes his exit, asserting that he is withdrawing his fleet from King’s Landing and heading back to the Iron Islands as these creatures cannot swim. Jaime asks Daenerys of the enemy numbers and he is shocked when she tells him of their overwhelming numerical superiority at around at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei immediately offers terms: satisfied that Daenerys is concerned with the army of the dead, Cersei will not withdraw her troops, but will guarantee that they will not hinder the Targaryen or Northern forces in any way during the battle against the White Walkers. She refuses to deal with Daenerys at all, however, and calls on Jon Snow, as King in the North and Ned Stark's son, to keep the truce and to stay out of any future conflict between Cersei and Daenerys. However, Cersei leaves the parley in outrage due to Jon's public pledge of loyalty to Daenerys.
Tyrion is then escorted by Ser Gregor and meets with Cersei inside her office as she accuses him of having tried to bring down House Lannister from the very beginning. Although she finally acknowledges that Tyrion did not kill Joffrey, she reminds him that he did kill their father, and holds him responsible for the deaths of her other children, as she believed no one would have touched Tommen or Myrcella if Tywin had been alive. Tyrion expresses sincere regret for the deaths of his nephew and niece, but Cersei does not care. Tyrion then tries to goad her into having him killed, if she blames him for everything that has befallen her. Cersei looks ready to give the order to Ser Gregor, but relents. Tyrion wonders why she allowed him to arrange the parley in the first place as Cersei turns the question back at him, wondering why he supports Daenerys as loyally as he does. She then expresses the horror she felt seeing the wight, and her desire to keep her loved ones safe from them at any cost. From this statement and her gestures, Tyrion correctly deduces that she is pregnant with another child by Jaime. The Lannister siblings then return to the Dragonpit as Queen Cersei announces that she will agree to the truce and send the Lannister army north to fight alongside the Northern and Targaryen forces.
After Jon, Daenerys and their forces depart from King’s Landing, Ser Jaime wastes no time assembling the commanders of the Lannister army in preparation for the march north. He is outraged, however, when Cersei interrupts this meeting to reveal that she lied about aiding the North in the war and leaked the news of her pregnancy to Tyrion so he would believe in the truce. Jaime angrily protests that the undead are a threat to everyone, but Cersei dismisses his concerns, preferring to let Jon and Daenerys exhaust themselves, then have her forces deal with whoever emerges victorious from that conflict. She also boasts of Euron’s ruse of taking his fleet back home as he is actually sailing to Essos to bring hired mercenaries back to the capital. Jaime is beside himself that Cersei and Euron plotted this behind his back, only to be left reeling when Cersei accuses him of plotting with Tyrion to advance the cause of their enemies. Jaime then declares that he intends to travel north alone to honor his pledge. As he turns to leave, Ser Gregor blocks his path, causing Jaime to wonder if Cersei is actually going to have him executed. It is in this moment that Jaime finally sees Cersei as a power-hungry, narcissistic tyrant who will betray anyone in order to secure her own dominion. Nodding to Clegane, Jaime informs Cersei to give the order. After a moment's hesitation, she nods and Ser Gregor draws his sword, but Jaime calls her bluff and storms out, leaving a saddened Cersei behind. Afterwards, as Jaime departs from the capital, snow begins to fall as winter has finally come to King’s Landing.

“He betrayed me. He betrayed us both. Should we spend our days mourning the dead? Mother, father, and all our children? I loved them, I did! But they're ashes now, and we're still flesh and blood. We're the last Lannisters. The last ones who count.”
— ‘Dragonstone’
“If anything goes wrong, kill the silver-haired bitch first, then our brother, then the bastard who calls himself king. The rest of them you can kill in any order you see fit.”
“You will live to watch your daughter rot, to watch that beautiful face collapse to bone and dust, all the while contemplating the choices you've made.”
“Do you have any idea what you did when you fired that crossbow? You left us open. You laid us bare for the vultures, and the vultures came and tore us apart. You may not have killed Joffrey, but you killed Myrcella, you killed Tommen! No one would have touched them if father was here, no one would have dared!”
“So we fight and die or we submit and die; I know my choice. A soldier should know his.”
— ‘Eastwatch’
“No one walks away from me.”

season eight

Some time after Jaime has departed from the capital to travel north and join the impending battle against the army of the dead, Euron Greyjoy sails his Iron Fleet back to King's Landing. The Iron Fleet returns with the mercenary army known as the Golden Company. Cersei is standing on the ramparts watching Euron's fleet ferry into the bay when Qyburn brings her the news that the Wall has been breached up north by the White Walkers and their army. She coolly replies "good" as she walks back towards the Red Keep. Afterwards, in the throne room, Euron presents Cersei with the Golden Company's commander, Harry Strickland, who informs that despite a few deaths on the long voyage, he has brought twenty-thousand mercenaries to King's Landing, along with two-thousand horses. Cersei is confused, however, stating that she was told they would also be bringing elephants. Strickland reluctantly explains that while they are ferocious beasts they are not fit for long sea voyages. Though disappointed by this news, Cersei informs Strickland that he is most welcome in King’s Landing, as he asserts that he and his men look forward to fighting on her behalf. After Captain Strickland leaves, Euron arrogantly propositions Cersei to have sex with him, as a reward for his successfully completed task. While Cersei declares that Euron is a “true friend to the crown and an honored guest,” she is not amused by his brashness and tells him as much. She then asserts that “You want a whore? Buy one. You want a queen? Earn her.” As he continues to persist, she eventually relents to his request, as she badly needs whatever remaining allies she has left.
Later that evening, after Cersei finishes having sex with Euron, she is still bitter about her lack of elephants from the Golden Company. She sips at a glass of wine while Euron, buttoning up his shirt with pride, asks how he compares to the late King Robert Baratheon. Cersei informs that despite all the whores he had sex with, Robert was only interested in his own pleasure, and did not know his way around a woman's body. Euron then asks how he did compared to her own brother Jaime - which she refuses to dignify with a response, even though they both know about Cersei's incest. She credits Euron that he isn’t boring and also asserts that he may be the most arrogant man she’s ever met, which is something that she admits to liking. However, she dismisses him for the evening nonetheless, but before Euron leaves, he boasts that he will soon impregnate Cersei with a prince, unbeknownst to him that she is already pregnant with another child by Jaime.

Some weeks later, word has reached Queen Cersei that the united Targaryen and Northern armies have defeated the army of the dead at Winterfell. Though thankful for not having to prepare for a war against the undead herself, Cersei’s larger concern is now having to deal with Daenerys and her dragons, on the assumption that the Targaryen queen will continue her plans with invading Westeros and is likely to attack the capital considering Cersei’s deception in aiding them in the war. Meanwhile, as Daenerys triumphantly returns from the North following the war, she soars above her fleet with her two dragons, as her home of Dragonstone comes into view. Her joy turns to horror, however, as a gigantic scorpion bolt appears from out of nowhere, burying itself deep into one of her dragons’ chest. On Cersei’s orders, Euron Greyjoy’s fleet mounts a surprise attack and his ships are now equipped with huge scorpion launchers. The injured dragon’s roar is silenced when another bolt impales him through the throat as he then plunges into the sea and drowns. A distraught and enraged Daenerys barely manages to turn away and escape with her life on her last remaining dragon, Drogon. Euron's ships then target their scorpions at Daenerys' fleet, smashing them to splinters.
Following the attack and Euron’s return to the capital, Cersei gloats with the Greyjoy lord over their victory while watching the city gates from the Red Keep, as thousands of refugees flood into the city. Qyburn acknowledges that Cersei's true intention is proceeding as planned: thousands of smallfolk are coming into the city to seek "protection" behind its walls from Daenerys' army, when in truth Cersei wants them there as human shields. She knows that Daenerys doesn't want to be seen as a tyrant, and the risk of heavy civilian casualties will deter her from making a direct assault. Cersei feels that the Northern and Targaryen armies are so exhausted after fighting the White Walkers that she can regain the upper hand, securing more strength by the day with new allies. Cersei then proudly declares that “the lion will rule the land, while the kraken rules the sea - and their child shall rule it all.” A surprised Euron looks to Qyburn, who nods in acknowledgement that Cersei is pregnant, as Euron falsely presumes with his own child after their single night together. Cersei then turns to Missandei, Daenerys’ closest advisor, who was taken hostage during the attack at Dragonstone. With her distraught captive bound in chains, Cersei sarcastically gloats that Daenerys is the “Breaker of Chains” indeed.
Some time later, Daenerys and her advisors approach one of the gates of King's Landing to negotiate a surrender and the release of Missandei. Cersei stands atop the gatehouse with Euron, Ser Gregor and the chained Missandei. Her brother Tyrion approaches the gate to parley, urging Cersei's unconditional surrender. Qyburn, however, points out that the Northern and Targaryen armies have been badly depleted and exhausted by fighting the army of the dead, while the capital is now reinforced with the Golden Company. Cersei’s new defenses mean that it would be a risk for Daenerys to attack with her remaining dragon and would kill innocent civilians. Tyrion nonetheless pleads with his sister again as Cersei's archers get ready to shoot him. However, after consideration, Cersei motions for them to stand down. A desperate Tyrion urges that she is not the monster she thinks she is, and that her one redeeming quality is her love for her children. He notes that while Cersei might prefer to go down in flames, dragging Daenerys with her, it would also be condemning her unborn baby to death. After a long pause Cersei then quietly tells Missandei that if she has any last words, now is the time. A defiant Missandei shouts "Dracarys!" which is the command for dragonfire. With a nod from Cersei, Ser Gregor then decapitates Missandei with a single swing of his sword, her head falling onto the ground below. Daenerys, seething with rage, silently turns away and withdraws from the city.

Several days later, in retaliation for Cersei’s actions, the entire united Targaryen and Northern armies arrive at King’s Landing and wait outside the walls as they prepare to lay siege on the capital. Meanwhile, scores of civilians have been crowded inside the walls of the Red Keep to seek protection from the coming invasion. Cersei overlooks the city from her balcony, watching her plan coming to fruition and confident that Daenerys won’t rain fire upon the Red Keep. Meanwhile, the Iron Fleet waits in silence out on Blackwater Bay, when suddenly Daenerys and her dragon ambush them by diving directly out of the sun. The Ironborn fire their scorpion launchers, but are unable to land a hit, as Drogon skillfully dodges with precision. With his flames, Drogon all but destroys the entire fleet with a few breaths. Daenerys then suddenly bursts through the gates with Drogon in a fiery blast, scattering the Golden Company army. The united Northern/Targaryen army then charge the gates and quickly take care of what remains of the Golden Company's men. Realizing their chances of winning are dwindling fast, the Lannister soldiers eventually throw down their weapons and surrender. After a lengthy amount of time passes, the bells are finally rung, signaling what appears to be the end of the siege. However, while the bells keep ringing, Daenerys looks towards the Red Keep with pure hatred in her eyes, becoming more unstable with each bell ring. Then, without uttering a single word, Daenerys takes Drogon to the skies and soars towards the castle. In a terrifying display of rage, Daenerys then has Drogon proceed to burn down the entirety of King's Landing, scorching entire neighborhoods and killing both soldiers and innocent civilians alike, proving Cersei’s assumption of human shields to be a large miscalculation. Further chaos erupts over the city as the united army charges into the inner-most parts of the city, killing anyone, soldier or civilian alike. An increasingly fearful Cersei looks on as the carnage continues and Daenerys starts burning parts of the Red Keep. Having convinced Cersei that all is lost, Qyburn tries to evacuate her from the Red Keep but they come across Ser Gregor’s brother, Sandor Clegane, who returned to the capital with intention of killing Gregor. Sandor effortlessly dispatches the Queensguard before he stands face to face with his brother. Cersei then orders Ser Gregor to protect her. When Gregor ignores her, Qyburn repeats the order and in anger the Mountain smashes Qyburn’s head against a wall, killing him instantly. Cersei then flees as the Clegane brothers battle to the death. As the falling castle continues to cave in around her, a terrified Cersei dodges falling debris when she suddenly sees Ser Jaime from across the atrium. They quickly embrace, as Cersei breaks down in front of him. Her brother, however, is badly wounded from a fight to the death he won against Euron Greyjoy. He cradles her as they continue to make their way out of the atrium and deep below the Keep. Before the attack, their brother Tyrion had informed Jaime that he had planned for his siblings escape and that there would be a boat waiting for them on the beach. However, Cersei and Jaime find their path has been blocked by fallen rubble as the Red Keep continues to crumble. A frightened Cersei begins to cry, wishing for their baby to live, adding that she doesn’t want to die like this. With no hope to escape, Jaime pulls Cersei towards him into an embrace: "Look at me… just look at me. Nothing else matters… nothing else matters, only us." The twins and lovers embrace for the last time as the ceiling caves, killing them both. Some time after the fires around the city die out, Tyrion walks through the remains of the Red Keep, searching for his siblings, hoping not to find them and assuming a successful escape. He then spots Jaime's golden hand underneath the rubble. An inconsolably devastated Tyrion then clears away the rubble to find the corpse of both siblings wrapped around each other. Though having left the world with the man she came into it with, in the end Cersei Lannister leaves behind a hated legacy. It was her selfishness, jealousy and megalomania that caused the destruction of her house, her children, her lover and herself.
*In the aftermath of Cersei’s death, follow Tyrion’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“That's disappointing. I was told the Golden Company had elephants… In any event, you are most welcome here at King's Landing, Captain Strickland”
— ‘Winterfell’
“If you have any last words, now is the time.”
“You want a whore, buy one. You want a Queen, earn her… You're insolent. I've executed men for less.”
— ‘Winterfell’
“Our men will fight harder than sellswords ever could! They will defend their Queen to the last man… The Red Keep has never fallen. It won't fall today.”
— ‘The Bells’
“Keep the gates open. If she wants to take the castle she’ll have to murder thousands of innocent people first… So much for the ‘breaker of chains’.”
“I want our baby to live. Don’t let me die Jaime. Please don’t let me die. Please don’t let me die! I don’t want to die… I don’t like this… don’t like this.”
— ‘The Bells’