Lesser Houses Westerlands.png


  • The Kingsguard Arrest Eddard Stark

  • The Death of Preston Greenfield

House Greenfield of Greenfield is a knightly house from the Westerlands, sworn to House Lannister, the Lords of Casterly Rock and Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. According to semi-canon sources, their heraldry consists of a double tressure white on green.

The Greenfields are an ancient line, dating back to the days of the First Men. During the Dawn Age they built the Bower, a weirwood castle now called Greenfield. In 209 AC, Ser Myles Greenfield participated in the tourney at Ashford Meadow. Prior to the War of the Five Kings, Ser Preston Greenfield served on the Kingsguard for Robert Baratheon until his assassination. He then continued to serve as Kingsguard under King Joffrey Baratheon’s short reign until the young king was also assassinated at the Purple Wedding. Following Joffrey’s murder, Ser Preston subsequently served under the king’s younger brother and heir until Tommen Baratheon took his own life as result of his mother Cersei Lannister’s treachery against House Tyrell during the Destruction of the Great Sept. Following this, Preston served as Cersei’s Queensguard and during the Battle of King's Landing, it is unknown if he was one of the Queensguard crushed by the falling debris of the Red Keep or if Ser Preston was slain while defending his queen upon the arrival of Sandor Clegane.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, House Greenfield is a house of landed knights sworn to Casterly Rock. Their seat is Greenfield, though its location has not yet been revealed. Neither their arms or their words appear in the books. Ser Preston Greenfield is noted as the shortest member of the Kingsguard and, unlike the series, accompanied King Robert on his boar hunting trip where he was mortally wounded. Also dissimilar to the series, Ser Preston was killed during the riot of King's Landing, having been stabbed and hacked so cruelly that he was red-brown from head to heel.

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  • Melara and Cersei Meet the Woods Witch


House Hetherspoon is a noble house from the Westerlands, sworn to House Lannister, the Lords of Casterly Rock and Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. According to semi-canon sources, their sigil is an oak spoon within a white cartouche on orange and black lozengy.

Known members of House Hetherspoon include Ser Tybolt Hetherspoon, the head of the house. Tybolt’s daughter, Melara Hetherspoon, was a childhood friend and companion of Cersei Lannister, the daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock. Melara reluctantly accompanies a young Cersei through the forest close to Casterly Rock. Melara doesn't want to continue, but Cersei eggs her on. They eventually reach a hut deep in the forest where they visit with Maggy, a woods witch and reputed fortune teller. Melara watches as Cersei pricks her finger to draw a drop of blood for Maggy to taste and read Cersei's future. Once Maggy finishes her ominous prediction, a terrified Melara tells Cersei they have to leave. Decades later, following the War of the Five Kings, as well as Lord Tywin’s death, House Hetherspoon remained loyal during Queen Cersei’s reign on the Iron Throne. Following the Battle of King’s Landing, where Cersei then perished, the sole remaining member of their house, Tyrion Lannister, became the Lord of Casterly Rock.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, House Hetherspoon is a house of landed knights sworn to Casterly Rock. The name of their seat and its location are unknown. During Melara and Cersei’s visit with Maggy, Melara asks about her future, asking if she will someday marry Jaime Lannister. The question angers Cersei, who thinks that Melara is "a greedy little schemer with ideas above her station," and that her twin brother Jaime is not even aware that she exists. Maggy answers "Not Jaime, nor any other man. Worms will have your maidenhead. Your death is here tonight, little one. Can you smell her breath? She is very close." Some short time later, Melara dies by drowning in a well. It is heavily implied that Cersei pushed her into the well out of jealousy, thus fulfilling the prophecy.

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  • Leo Lefford Dines with Lord Tywin

  • Leo Lefford Sits on War Council

House Lefford of the Golden Tooth is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. Their lands are the main entrance to the Westerlands from the east, and their castle is the Golden Tooth. House Lefford’s heraldry consists of a golden pile on blue, with a sun to the left in the sky.

During the Dance of the Dragons, Humfrey Lefford was the Lord of the Golden Tooth and the head of House Lefford. Humfrey followed his liege, Lord Jason Lannister, in siding with King Aegon II Targaryen and the greens. He, however, was eventually slain in the ensuing Battle by the Lakeshore, the bloodiest battle of the war. At the start of the War of the Five Kings, the current head of the house, Lord Leo Lefford, has dinner with Lord Tywin Lannister and his other commanders the night before their victory against House Stark in the Battle of the Green Fork. He is later present for a strategy meeting with Tywin following the defeat in the Battle of the Whispering Wood and reported that King Robb Stark’s direwolf, Grey Wind, killed a dozen men and as many horses during the battle. Lord Lefford believed that they should try to ransom Tywin’s eldest son, Jaime Lannister, who was captured in the Whispering Wood. He also suggested returning to Casterly Rock to raise levies. Lord Tywin then announced plans to relocate to Harrenhal and dismisses his bannermen. Some years following the war, as well as Tywin’s death, House Lefford remained loyal during Queen Cersei Lannister’s reign on the Iron Throne. Following the Battle of King’s Landing, where Cersei then perished, the sole remaining member of their house, Tyrion Lannister, became the Lord of Casterly Rock.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the bannermen present for Tywin’s meeting are Leo Lefford, Harys Swyft and Addam Marbrand. It is Lefford who suggests ransoming Jaime, but several of Lefford's other lines from the passage in the book are given to Kevan Lannister in the episode. Lefford is the bannerman in charge of Lord Tywin's baggage train and later participates in the Battle of the Fords - called the "Battle of Stone Mill" in the TV series, in which he drowns. According to the appendices of the fourth and fifth novels, he is succeeded by Lady Alysanne Lefford as the head of House Lefford.

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  • Amory Lorch Kills Yoren

  • The Death of Amory Lorch

House Lorch is a knightly house from the Westerlands who are sworn to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, the Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. Their heraldry consists of a black manticore on white, beneath a crimson chief with three gold coins.

During the Faith Militant uprising, Ser Lyonel Lorch fought in the Battle at the Great Fork alongside Lord Rupert Falwell and other knights from the Westerlands and Riverlands, as well as hundreds of Poor Fellows, against the royal army led by King Maegor I Targaryen himself. “Maegor the Cruel” later used Balerion to set aflame the seat of the Lorches. Centuries later, during the War of the Five Kings, Ser Amory Lorch was a knight in the service of House Lannister who was raiding in the Riverlands when the City Watch requested assistance from Lorch in order to capture a royal bastard named Gendry Baratheon, who had been protected by Yoren and his Night's Watch recruits. After killing Yoren, Ser Amory imprisons Gendry in the ruins of Harrenhal, a former castle that Lord Tywin Lannister was using as his base during the war. Later, Amory attended a war council held by Lord Tywin, who criticizes his men for underestimating the King in the North, Robb Stark, and demanded that they devise a new strategy. Amory is then chastised by Tywin during another war council, since due to his illiteracy - a letter meant for their bannermen was instead accidentally sent to a vassal house of their enemy. Afterwards, Ser Amory catches Tywin’s cupbearer with a stolen letter and tries to seize her, and then heads to inform Tywin. Frantically, she seeks out an assassin named Jaqen H'ghar and names Amory as her next kill. Ser Amory is then swiftly killed with a poisoned dart to the neck, just as he enters Tywin's chambers. Some years following the war, as well as Tywin’s death, House Lorch assumingly remains loyal to the Lannisters, as the sole remaining member of their house, Tyrion Lannister, has now become the Lord of Casterly Rock.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the only known members of House Lorch are Ser Amory and Ser Lorent Lorch. Ser Amory serves as the castellen of Harrenhal in the absence of Tywin Lannister. After the Fall of Harrenhal to Northmen and the duplicitous Brave Companions, Amory is thrown in the bear pit to die. The revived Lord Beric Dondarrion recalls that Amory once captured a pair of innocent beekeepers at Rushing Falls and told Beric that he intended to kill them if Beric did not surrender himself. When Beric did so, Amory hanged him between the beekeepers. Ser Roger Hogg tells Ser Jaime Lannister how Amory attacked his towerhouse at Sow's Horn, even though Roger is a bannerman to a house sworn to King's Landing.

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  • Addam Marbrand Sends Word to Lord Tywin

  • Addam Marbrand Sits on the War Council

House Marbrand of Ashemark is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. Their lands in the Westerlands are in the hilly area where the Tumblestone begins, and their castle is Ashemark. House Marbrand’s heraldry consists of a burning tree, orange on smoke. Their house words are "Burning Bright."

A historical member of the house is Ser Lorent Marbrand, a knight of the Kingsguard who served during the reign of King Viserys I Targaryen and chose to side with Rhaenyra Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons. He later became Lord Commander of her Queensguard, succeeding Ser Steffon Darklyn, before dying in the riots in King's Landing. Nearly two centuries later, during the War of the Five Kings, the current head of the house and Lord of Ashemark is Damon Marbrand, who is the father of Ser Addam Marbrand. Reporting to Lord Tywin Lannister, Ser Addam's scouts noticed Robb Stark's forces had crossed the Neck and moved south along the east bank of the Green Fork of the Trident. Tywin's forces later engaged and defeated the Stark force in the Battle of the Green Fork. Ser Addam is later present for a strategy meeting with Tywin following the subsequent defeat in the Battle of the Whispering Wood by the main portion of the Stark army. He enquired about Stannis and Renly Baratheon, as Kevan Lannister then confirmed that both Baratheon brothers have declared against the Lannisters. Ser Addam dismisses suing for a truce so as to not appear weak, and proposed that they march against the Starks instead. However, Lord Tywin then announced plans to relocate to Harrenhal and dismisses his bannermen. Some years following the war, as well as Tywin’s death, House Marbrand remained loyal during Queen Cersei Lannister’s reign on the Iron Throne. Following the Battle of King’s Landing, where Cersei then perished, the sole remaining member of their house, Tyrion Lannister, became the Lord of Casterly Rock.

In A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Ser Addam Marbrand is a childhood friend of Jaime Lannister and a principal officer in the Lannister army. House Marbrand is also closely tied to Lannisters through marriage: Jeyne Marbrand was the wife of Lord Tytos Lannister and mother of all five of his children, including Tywin and Kevan. Thus all of the Lannister characters who appear in the series have some blood relationship with the Marbrands. Tywin's younger brother Tygett also married Darlessa Marbrand - Tygett died of a pox before the novels begin, and Darlessa is his widow.

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  • Ser Ilyn Executes Eddard Stark

  • Podrick Payne Squires for Brienne

House Payne is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. It is divided into several branches. House Payne's heraldry consists of purple and white chequy with gold coins in the checks.

Ser Ilyn Payne once served as Lord Tywin Lannister's captain of household guards when Tywin was acting as Hand of the King to Aerys II Targaryen. After being heard to joke that it was Tywin who truly ruled the Seven Kingdoms, the “Mad King” ordered Payne's tongue be removed with hot pincers. Following Robert’s Rebellion and the death of King Aerys, the usurper king, Robert Baratheon, then named Ser Ilyn as King’s Justice, the royal executioner. Once Joffrey Baratheon then eventually ascended the Iron Throne, Ser Ilyn executed Lord Eddard Stark on his command for accusations of treason, which ignited the War of the Five Kings. Ser Ilyn was later present during the Battle of Blackwater, though, as the Lannisters came out victorious, his purpose in executing the women in Maegor’s Holdfast had the city fallen was not necessary. His current status is unknown. Ser Podrick Payne is a distant cousin of Ser Ilyn and a member of a lesser branch of House Payne, who was the squire of Ser Lorimer, a lesser knight in the Westerlands army. One night Ser Lorimer got drunk and stole a ham, which he shared with Podrick, and as result both were sentenced to be hanged. Podrick, however, was spared because of his family name and as punishment, Lord Tywin sent him to King's Landing to serve as squire to his son Tyrion Lannister. He served Tyrion until King Joffrey’s assassination, where he was then sent away by Tyrion for his own protection, as result of being associated with the accused. Podrick eventually came into the service of Brienne of Tarth and together they travelled through the Riverlands in search of Sansa Stark, whom Brienne vowed to protect, as well as escort her home to Winterfell. Once achieved, Podrick remained at Winterfell as an ally to House Stark, with Brienne training him to combat like a knight. Following the Battle of Winterfell against the army of the dead, as well as the Battle of King’s Landing, Podrick is eventually knighted by Brienne herself, who both now serve as Kingsguard under the newly-elected King Bran Stark.

In A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Ser Ilyn is illiterate, thus after his tongue was removed he can no longer communicate complex messages to other people. Two main subplots in the series surrounding Ser Jaime Lannister replace Ser Ilyn with the character of Bronn, including the Siege of Riverrun and Jaime’s training following the loss of his sword hand. By the point the novels have reached, Ilyn is one of the four people with whom Arya Stark has not settled the score yet. Unlike his TV counterpart, Podrick Payne is barely thirteen years old during the events of the third novel and has never had sex with prostitutes. Following Joffrey's murder, Podrick does not leave King's Landing until after Tyrion leaves, and it is not as Brienne’s squire. He flees the capital on his own accord after hearing from one of Sansa Stark's maids that Brienne is searching for the Stark girl. After Podrick meets up with Brienne in the Riverlands, they are both taken captive by the Brotherhood Without Banners, now led by the vengeful Lady Stoneheart (the re-animated Catelyn Stark). By the point the novels have reached, Podrick is likely still under her captivity.

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  • Ser Harys Sits on the War Council

  • The Death of Harys Swyft’s Grandchildren

House Swyft of Cornfield is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. Their seat in the Westerlands is Cornfield, located north-east of Crakehall and south of Clegane's Keep. They are landed knights rather than a full noble house. House Swyft’s sigil is a blue bantam rooster on yellow. Their house words are "Awake! Awake!"

House Swyft joined their Lannister lieges in siding with King Aegon II Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons. At this time they were a full noble house, but by the time the War of the Five Kings begins they are a knightly house. How the Swyfts lost their lordship is unknown.​ The current head of the house is Ser Harys Swyft, the Knight of Cornfield, and his daughter is Dorna Swyft, who was married to Ser Kevan Lannister, the younger brother of Lord Tywin Lannister. Together, Kevan and Dorna had four children: Martyn, Janei, Willem and their eldest Lancel Lannister, who served as squire to King Robert Baratheon. Ser Harys was present for a strategy meeting assembled by Lord Tywin, following the defeat and capture of his eldest son, Ser Jaime Lannister, during the Battle of the Whispering Wood. Ser Harys remains quiet while the other bannermen discuss their next move. When Tywin grows exasperated and dismisses the council, Ser Harys departs along with everyone present. Some time later, Ser Harys’ grandsons, Martyn and Willem, are captured by House Stark and are murdered by Lord Rickard Karstark in retaliation for the murder of his son Torrhen at the hands of Jaime Lannister. Following the war, as well as Lord Tywin’s death, Dorna’s husband Kevan is also eventually killed during the explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor, however, House Swyft remained loyal during Queen Cersei Lannister’s reign on the Iron Throne. Following the Battle of King’s Landing, where Cersei then perished, the sole remaining member of their house, Tyrion Lannister, became the Lord of Casterly Rock.

In A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Tyrion Lannister considers Ser Harys to be a chinless craven and lickspittle of little worth; the other Lannisters also have a negative opinion about him. Dorna is described as "equally chinless" as her father. After Tywin's death, Cersei appoints Ser Harys as her puppet Hand of the King, instead of leaving the position vacant as in the show, because he is both weak and a hostage for Kevan's good behavior. Later, Ser Harys is demoted to the position of Master of Coin. Following Cersei's downfall, Ser Harys and Grand Maester Pycelle take control of the council and request that Kevan return to King's Landing as regent.

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  • The Mutiny at Castle Black

  • The Death of Othell Yarwyck

House Yarwyck is a vassal house who hold fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock, the Lords Paramount of the Westerlands. They blazon their arms with two bronze halberds crossed between four red diamonds, on white.

The only known member of House Yarwyck was Othell Yarwyck, who was the First Builder at Castle Black, a senior position within the Night's Watch, a military order which holds and guards the realm from foreign or otherworldly threats. Yarwyck was tasked with organizing the builders in maintaining the Wall and the castles belonging to the Watch. He was introduced during the induction of new recruits where they discover the corpses of two deceased Black Brothers, Othor and Jafer Flowers. Yarwyck remains at Castle Black while Lord Commander Jeor Mormont leads an expedition beyond the Wall, which eventually results in Mormont’s death. Some time later, Yarwyck participates in the choosing of the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, which goes to the late Mormont’s personal steward, Jon Snow. When Jon eventually returns to Castle Black with thousands of wildlings and lets them in through the Wall, Yarwyck is among the many brothers who look at their enemies, as well as their Lord Commander, with disgust. He later takes part in and helps organize a mutiny against Jon Snow, as many of the brothers felt that he had forsaken the Night's Watch for their enemies. As result, Othell Yarwyck was eventually executed for treason. If there are any living members of House Yarwyck remaining, they assumingly stayed loyal to Queen Cersei Lannister during her reign on the Iron Throne. Following the Battle of King’s Landing, however, where Cersei then perished, the sole remaining member of their house, Tyrion Lannister, became the Lord of Casterly Rock.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, House Yarwyck is briefly mentioned, and its only known member is Othell Yarwyck. It is not explained how he, a highborn westerman, ended up at the Wall. It is also not mentioned whether Yarwyck is one of those who stabbed Jon Snow following Bowen Marsh and Wick Whittlestick. Following the death of Lord Tywin Lannister in the novels, the men of House Yarwyck accompany his corpse back to Casterly Rock.

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