‘we light the way’

Directed By: Clare Kilner / Written By: Charmaine DeGraté

Original Airdate: September 18, 2022

Runtime: 60 minutes

While Prince Daemon returns to the Vale of Arryn with an unwelcome reunion from his lawful wife Rhea Royce, King Viserys and Princess Rhaenyra personally sail to the island of Driftmark in order to arrange the marriage between House Targaryen and House Velaryon. After Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys agree to the union between Rhaenyra and their son Laenor, the royal wedding is quickly organized in King’s Landing. Meanwhile, prior to leaving the capital following his dismissal as Hand, Ser Otto warns his daughter Queen Alicent that if Rhaenyra becomes queen, her children would be a political threat and they will all be in danger at Rhaenyra's mercy.

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In the Vale of Arryn, Prince Daemon Targaryen confronts his estranged wife, Lady Rhea Royce, while she is out hunting alone near her family's castle of Runestone. Rhea mockingly asks Daemon if he has come to consummate their marriage, or if his brother, King Viserys Targaryen, has finally expelled him from court after disinheriting Daemon in favor of a girl. Rhea asks if Daemon intends to murder his niece, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen to reclaim his former position, only to realize that Daemon has returned to the Vale solely to kill her, since as a widower, he would be free to marry again and could easily wed his niece in the tradition of House Targaryen in order to reclaim his former status. Realizing her peril, Lady Rhea tries to grab her bow, only for Daemon to spook her horse into throwing her from the saddle. Rhea is badly hurt in the fall when her horse collapses on top of her. Daemon briefly checks Rhea before making to leave, seemingly content in the fact that her injuries would eventually result in her death. Rhea, however, then taunts Daemon that he can't "finish" her, at which point Daemon then picks up a large stone and advances towards her.


King Viserys sails to Driftmark, the island seat of House Velaryon, in order to propose a marriage between Princess Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon, Lord Corlys Velaryon's heir. He is accompanied by Lord Lyonel Strong, recently appointed as the new Hand of the King to replace Ser Otto Hightower. They find no welcoming party in the courtyard of High Tide, only Laenor sparring with his companion Ser Joffrey Lonmouth. Laenor's sister Laena Velaryon politely invites them in, informing them that Corlys was too "tired" from a recent voyage to meet them there. Viserys waves this aside, understanding that Corlys' pride was wounded when the king declined to marry his daughter Laena. Viserys proceeds to the main throne room which his filled with fantastical artifacts from the far corners of the world that Corlys brought back from his infamous voyages. Corlys receives Viserys and is clearly enjoying himself, for the king to come to him to request a marriage alliance to his son, but he stops short of outright arrogance. He also informs the king of Lady Rhea Royce's death. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen then enters the hall, still in riding gear from her dragon. Both sides are outwardly polite but the unspoken truth is that Viserys has come to beg them to unite again with the crown, and they make a show of false modesty. Rhaenys is concerned when she notices that her cousin has lost two fingers on his left hand, though Viserys insists that he is fine. Both sides quickly agree on terms: the firstborn child of Laenor and Rhaenyra, regardless of gender, will inherit the Iron Throne. Corlys also asks that, per Westerosi tradition, their children will take their father's surname. Bemused, Viserys asserts that he can't allow the Targaryen dynasty to end with him just because he had a daughter, but as a compromise, he offers that Laenor's children will take the surname "Velaryon," but after that Laenor's grandchildren will return to the surname "Targaryen". Corlys finds this an "equitable" solution, and the marriage pact is finalized. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra and her cousin Laenor are sent on a courtship walk along the nearby beach. Rhaenyra, however, is aware that both she and Laenor are in love with other people, and that he is no more enthusiastic about this marriage pact than she is. In a friendly conversation, she proposes a mutual arrangement: they will perform their duty for their respective families to marry and produce heirs, but otherwise they will both continue having their own private romantic relationships.

Back at the castle, Corlys privately expresses concern to Rhaenys that perhaps he was too haughty with Viserys, but Rhaenys feels it was Viserys who humiliated himself begging for an alliance. When Corlys asks how Laenor and Rhaenyra are getting on, Rhaenys states as well as can be expected, bluntly telling her husband that they both know of their son's "nature". Embarrassed, Corlys waves it off, insisting that Laenor is just young and will "grow out of it". Rhaenys is instead worried that they have forced Laenor into a dangerous alliance, particularly if the lords of Westeros violently oppose Rhaenyra ascension. Corlys then embraces his wife and declares that this is their chance to set things right after the lords of the realm wronged her and their children by rejecting her as queen as the Great Council. Rhaenys, however, claims that she made peace with this long ago, as she can't be robbed of something she didn't have in the first place. Meanwhile, Laenor sits in private among the beach dunes with Joffrey Lonmouth, revealing that they are actually lovers. Joffrey chides Laenor for still being so worried, as the meeting with Rhaenyra went well beyond their wildest hopes: a bride for Laenor who is fully aware of his relationship with Joffrey who will not only allow it to continue, but isn't even offended, as she intends to have private lovers of her own. Laenor gives him a light shove but the tension breaks and they soon kiss each other passionately.


On a rainy day in King's Landing, Ser Otto Hightower prepares to ride out of the Red Keep with his household guards and return to Oldtown, now that he has been replaced as Hand. His daughter, Queen Alicent Hightower, pleads with him that she believes Rhaenyra's claim that she is still a virgin, and that his dismissal is the culmination of pushing too hard for her son Aegon Targaryen to be named heir. Otto gravely chides her for her naivety and presents her with the cold logic of the situation: Viserys's health is failing and when he dies, Rhaenyra will have to kill Alicent's children simply to ensure her own survival. Alicent therefore has only two choices: either start plotting to secure her position at court or fully commit to ingratiating herself with her stepdaughter and hope that when Rhaenyra takes the throne, this will make her merciful enough towards Alicent. Unable to express in words that he loves her, Otto gives Alicent a desperate final embrace and then rides out of the castle. Afterwards, Alicent visits the godswood where she encounters Larys Strong, the crippled and soft-spoken son of Lord Lyonel. Larys remarks on flowers from Braavos that were removed from their native climate, which have nonetheless managed to thrive there. He then makes a back-handed inquiry into Rhaenyra's health, "accidentally" revealing that the same night Daemon was exiled, Rhaenyra was presented with a medicinal tea brewed by Grand Maester Mellos. Alicent realizes Larys’ implication that Rhaenyra must have received the abortifacient drug, and therefore must be lying to her.

Meanwhile, as they sail into the capital, Ser Criston Cole confronts Princess Rhaenyra on the deck. He tells her he knows she doesn't love Laenor and for years she's talked about her fear of being trapped in a loveless arranged marriage. Instead, he pleads with her to flee with him into exile beyond Westeros, where they can be married. Rhaenyra gently insists that she still has duties to her family and to the realm itself, so she can never leave or marry him, but she doesn't consider this a problem because she just worked out an "understanding" with Laenor. Criston, however, shifts tone and angrily says that he doesn't just want to be Rhaenyra's "whore": he came from nothing and his honor as a Kingsguard is all he has, honor that he forever sullied when he broke his sacred vow of chastity with her. He says that his hope was to restore at least a part of his honor by lawfully marrying her. Rhaenyra begins to explain again that this is impossible, but Criston storms off.

Upon Ser Criston’s arrival in the capital, Alicent summons him to her chambers. She is hesitant and carefully chooses her words, starting to inform him that she has heard rumors that Rhaenyra is no longer a virgin, though not specifying who she had sex with. Overcome with guilt and distraught at Rhaenyra's rejection of his marriage offer, Criston confesses that the rumors are true, because he is the one who had sex with Rhaenyra. This surprises Alicent, as she had assumed the culprit was Daemon. Criston declares that even if Rhaenyra initiated things, it is still his own fault for abandoning his Kingsguard vows. Criston pleads that if Alicent is a merciful queen, he only makes the small request that he be granted a quick death by execution, instead of any drawn-out torture that by right the king will subject him to. Alicent, however, is utterly stunned at Rhaenyra's betrayal, realizing that she used a lie of exact words to swear on her dead mother Queen Aemma’s memory that she never had sex with Daemon, yet still lost her virginity. While some of the details were inaccurate, Otto was fundamentally correct to suspect Rhaenyra of jeopardizing the impending marriage alliance, thus Rhaenyra indirectly cost Alicent's father his high-ranking position at court. Her heart hardening, Alicent surprises Criston by quietly telling him to go and return to his duties without punishment.

Following King Viserys’ stumble in the courtyard, he is rushed to his private chambers and recovers in a bathtub while being attended to by his maesters. Amputating two of his fingers only slowed the advance of the persistent infection, and now after several more years it has once again continued to spread along much of his forearm. Grand Maester Mellos insists on another round of leechings, but his new aide Maester Orwyle instead suggests that a new mixture of medicines might be more effective. The conservative Mellos scoffs at this, stating that his leechings have always improved the king's condition. After Mellos departs, Orwyle hands Lord Lyonel a new medicine anyway and declares that drinking it will help Viserys sleep. Now alone, Viserys laments to Lyonel that he doesn't think he'll be much remembered as king, as he wasn't a great warrior and made no glorious conquests, but neither did he suffer any major defeats. Lyonel states that many would consider the latter a good legacy. A pained Viserys smiles but says that a peaceful reign isn't the stuff of epic songs retold at feasts. He then ponders wistfully, that if some great crisis had occurred when he was younger, it's possible he might have risen to the occasion and in that crucible been forged into a better man. Rather than humour him, Lyonel says many yearn for that test but in truth most men faced with crisis wish it hadn't come to them. Viserys respects his honesty, but can't help but think of another life he may have had and wonder about his legacy.

Some time later, the long-awaited royal wedding ceremonies finally begin: first a grand feast in the Red Keep, to be followed by seven days of tournaments and spectacle, culminating with the marriage ceremony. The Velaryons arrive on their dragons with Laenor on Seasmoke, and his mother Rhaenys on the older and larger Meleys. Meanwhile, Lord Corlys and the full Velaryon fleet arrive in the harbor, as the city's bells toll out to greet them for the festivities. Inside the throne room, envoys from all the major noble houses of the realm are announced by Ser Harrold Westerling as they enter, such as Lord Jason Lannister and Lord Hobert Hightower. King Viserys and Princess Rhaenyra sit at the middle of the high table in front of the throne's base and receive each noble house, though Queen Alicent has noticeably yet to arrive. The entire room comes to a halt for the entrance of the stunning entourage of House Velaryon, dressed in extravagant gold tracery. Corlys, Rhaenys, Laenor, Laena and Ser Vaemond then take their seat on the high table. The assembled guests are surprised, however, with the arrival of Prince Daemon, as he had been exiled for a second time and was commanded by Viserys never to return. As Daemon was Corlys' partner in the capture of the Stepstones, however, they are the only faction at court where he is somewhat welcome. After a tense moment, Viserys silently welcomes his brother back, as it seems Daemon is appearing out of courtesy for his niece's wedding. Viserys orders another chair brought up to the high table for Daemon, next to Lyonel Strong at the opposite side from the Velaryons. After the moment with Daemon has passed, Viserys rises to give a speech in praise of House Velaryon as the crown's most faithful and powerful allies, and that this marriage will unite both families as one. Just then, Queen Alicent enters through the main doors, intentionally interrupting the king in the middle of his speech. As Alicent dons in a striking green dress, Larys notes to his brother Ser Harwin Strong that when House Hightower calls its bannermen to assemble for war, the watch fire in the Hightower is set to burn a green color: in effect, green is the Hightowers' color of war. Alicent silently makes her way through the feast hall as all, save for Daemon, rise for her presence. When she reaches the high table, she gives Viserys a curt peck on the cheek and coldly congratulates Rhaenyra, referring to her only as "stepdaughter". Her fixed, sharp glares and dramatic entrance make it clear to Rhaenyra that she knows she was lied to, and their friendship is over. Viserys returns to his speech, concluding with his hope that, just as the Velaryons have followed the Targaryens since the age of dragons in Valyria, this new union will usher in a second age of dragons in Westeros.

Once the tension subsides, the wedding feast begins in earnest. Musicians begin to play as Rhaenyra and Laenor begin the first dance of the evening, and they are then joined by dozens of other couples in a large-scale ballroom dance. Alicent leaves the high table and approaches her uncle Hobert, who affirms Oldtown's support. Ser Gerold Royce then approaches the high table to openly accuse that Daemon killed his cousin Rhea Royce, as her riding skill is so well known she couldn't possibly have died in an accident. Daemon warns him that such accusations are not only serious but have little evidence, but he will have time to hear them out again when Daemon goes to the Eyrie to present Lady Jeyne Arryn with his claims over his dead wife's inheritance of Runestone. Ser Gerold leaves, and from across the table Daemon exchanges glances with Lady Laena. When Laena joins the nobles on the dance floor, Daemon cuts in to pair with her, and they exchange flirtations. Meanwhile, from observing how Rhaenyra and Ser Criston keep glancing at each other, Joffrey Lonmouth accurately deduces to his paramour Laenor that Criston is her secret lover. Ser Joffrey then speaks with Criston of their informal alliance, and how both of them should protect the secrets of their betrothed lovers. Viewing this as a veiled threat, Criston is on the verge of a complete breakdown. On the dance floor, Daemon cuts in to dance with Rhaenyra and they speak in High Valyrian to keep their conversation private from those around them. Daemon urges that she hasn't married Laenor yet, and though he thinks he's a good man and brave knight, he will "bore" Rhaenyra in their sham marriage, so she has this one last chance to run away with Daemon now that his wife Rhea is dead. Rhaenyra, however, feels spurned by Daemon and suspects that he only wants to marry her to gain political power for himself. As they exchange fiery words, they come close to kissing. King Viserys angrily observes Daemon through the crowd, but just then they are interrupted by a piercing cry from a different part of the feast floor. A brawl has broken out in the packed room, but it becomes clear that at the center of it Ser Criston has begun pummeling Joffrey Lonmouth. Laenor manages to struggle his way through to them and tackles Criston but the enraged knight punches out the groom. Rhaenyra is nearly trampled on but Harwin Strong tosses and punches the crowd aside to reach her, then slinging her over his shoulder and wades out to safety. Ser Joffrey pulls out a dagger but Criston blocks it and snaps his arm. Criston then flies into a dark fury, shouting and continually punching Joffrey while the crowed is too stunned to intervene. When Criston finally relents, it is revealed that he has beaten Joffrey’s face in to the point of death. Criston silently rises and slowly walks out of the throne room, the other guards too terrified to stop him. As the guests clear the floor, Laenor regains consciousness and rushes over to his lover, wailing in anguish while cradling his body. The stress is too much for Viserys' already delicate health and he begins to bleed copiously from his nose. Ser Criston makes his way to the godswood, and slowly removes his blood-stained cloak and armor. He then kneels in front of the sacred heart tree and deliberately draws his dagger, preparing to kill himself. At the last moment, Alicent appears and calls out to him, preventing his suicide. Rhaenyra has ended this day with two enemies bitterly opposed to her. Some hours later, Viserys has cancelled the seven days of festivities leading to the ceremony. Instead, determined to finish this as quickly as possible, the king has called in the High Septon to wed Rhaenyra and Laenor in a private exchange of vows in front of their respective parents and advisors. Rhaenyra and Laenor are still in shock and crying, as they go through the rote exchange of vows on their ruined wedding day. Once the High Septon pronounces them officially married, Viserys, who had been holding himself together on pure adrenaline, drops to the floor in a faint. His aides rush to tend to him, while on the other side of the throne room, rats lick at the pools of the deceased Joffrey’s blood.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

We are placing our son in danger. Rhaenyra’s succession will be challenged. Knives will come out. For her, her husband, and for their heirs.
— Rhaenys Targaryen
So you want me to be your whore? I took an oath of chastity. I’ve broken it. I’ve soiled my white cloak and it is the only thing I have to my fucking name! I thought if we were married I might be able to restore it.
— Criston Cole
The beacon on the Hightower, do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls its banners to war?
— Larys Strong
What will they say of me when the histories are written? I have neither fought nor conquered, nor suffered any great defeat. It hardly makes a good song, does it?
— Viserys Targaryen
I knew you couldn’t finish. Craven!
— Rhea Royce
The King will die. It may be months or years, but he will not live to be an old man. And if Rhaenyra succeeds him, war will follow. The realm will not accept her, and to secure her claim she’ll have to put your children to the sword... Either you prepare Aegon to rule or you cleave to Rhaenyra and pray for mercy.
— Otto Hightower

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 episode Five music



did you know?

  • The title of the episode refers to the motto of House Hightower. This is the first episode of House of the Dragon to be titled after a house's words; three episodes of Game of Thrones shared titles with house mottos: "Winter Is Coming" (House Stark), "Fire and Blood" (House Targaryen), and "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" (House Martell). This is also the first time the words of a vassal house have been used as an episode title.

  • The rolling moors near Runestone where Rhea Royce encounters Daemon were filmed at Derbyshire, northern England. The sandy main floor of the Dragonpit in the first episode was actually filmed at a nearby quarry. Runestone was previously seen briefly in the Game of Thrones: Season 5 premiere, "The Wars To Come". It is an ancient castle, and has the same appearance as it did in that episode.

  • As Ryan Condal explains in the Inside the Episode, Fire & Blood never says that Daemon killed his wife Rhea, but has one cryptic line that she suddenly died in a chance fall from her horse. Condal was intrigued by this and speculated it could imply her death was no accident. There has been fan speculation that Daemon may have been responsible, but in the books he couldn't have personally done it because he was still in the Stepstones at the time.

  • Later during the wedding feast, Daemon says he intends to press his claim to his widow's lands by going to the Eyrie and petitioning Lady Jeyne. This is the first mention of Lady Jeyne Arryn, the current head of House Arryn and ruler of the Vale in her own right, who will be a major recurring character.

  • Behind the scenes videos extensively go over the highly detailed design of the "Hall of Nine", the main hall in High Tide containing the Driftwood Throne. The videos state that it is called the "Hall of Nine" in reference to all of the artifacts from Corlys's famous nine voyages of sea exploration to the corners of the known world.

  • The exteriors for High Tide castle on Driftmark are not CGI or a matte painting, but the famous castle of St Michael's Mount on the south coast of Cornwall, England. "High Tide" is so-called because it is a tidal island, with a land bridge connecting it to the main island at low tide which gets subsumed by the ocean when the tide rises. Rather than digitally add these elements, the production team simply found a castle that is actually located on a real-life tidal island which was willing to allow filming there. Thus the shot of the royal carriage crossing a sand bar at low tide to reach the castle on an outcropping in the distance is entirely real.

  • Corlys remarks that the Velaryons currently control half of the realm's dragons. He is appears to be strictly referring to dragons with riders, the ones that are actually "controlled". At this specific time there are only four dragons bonded to riders: Laenor and Rhaenys have Seasmoke and Meleys, Rhaenyra has Syrax, and Daemon has Caraxes. Corlys doesn't appear to include Daemon in that count, as while he has allied with Corlys he is very much his own agent.

  • Rhaenyra and Laenor's walk along the nearby beach of Driftmark, was filmed at Holywell beach, which is on the north coast of Cornwall.

  • Laenor's sexual orientation is something of an open secret at the royal court in the book, though the extent of who knew about it is unclear. Rhaenyra refers to it when talking to her father before the marriage, and later Criston Cole remarks about it to Alicent and her advisors. The book doesn't mention if Laenor's parents knew or if they did what their attitude towards it was.

  • Maester Orwyle is introduced in this episode as a younger assistant to Grand Maester Mellos. In the book, Mellos is indeed an old-minded physician who insists on the benefits of frequent leechings; but Orwyle doesn't arrive in King's Landing until after Mellos eventually dies. Instead, it is Maester Gerardys who starts treating Viserys somewhat more effectively with various medicinal potions and tinctures. Of course, as both Gerardys and Orwyle are both from a younger generation of maesters than Mellos, it's possible that this is part of a general shift away from leechings in Westerosi medicine.

  • This episode marks the debut of Rhaenys' dragon, Meleys. She is called the Red Queen due to her scarlet scales, with copper highlights on her horns. Meleys is larger than Laenor's dragon Seasmoke but appears to be the same "breed", raising the possibility that Meleys is Seasmoke's mother. The books simply do not give lineages for any of the dragons.

  • Ryan Condal admitted in interviews that the dwarf performing with the royal musicians is meant to be their version of Mushroom, the debauched court jester from Fire & Blood, who later produced an utterly ribald and distorted historical account of these events filled with lies and fabrications.

  • In the book, Alicent starts wearing iconic green dresses but no explanation is given for this choice: she apparently just liked the color green. The detail actually is in the books, however, that House Hightower changes the signal fire on their lighthouse to a green flame when they are calling their banners to war. Thus, green is the Hightower's "war color". It's unknown if this reasoning behind Alicent's dresses originated from Martin, or if Condal and his writing team just developed it retroactively after noting the possible connection.

  • It is only shown in wideshot, but when Alicent makes her entrance and approaches the throne, everyone in the audience and at the royal table rises to their feet to honor her except for Daemon, who remains seated. If it wasn't for Viserys's remarriage to Alicent, Daemon would still be the only male heir to the throne. Daemon even remains seated when Alicent walks directly past him to reach her seat at the middle of the table.

  • Joffrey says that he's called "the Knight of Kisses" but he doesn't know why. In the book, it's because of the heraldry of House Lonmouth: a field quartered six ways, alternating between red lips on yellow and yellow skulls on black. Their motto is "The Choice is Yours" (either be a friend and get kisses, or be an enemy and get death/skulls).

  • Criston Cole doesn't kill Joffrey Lonmouth in the middle of the wedding feast in the book: he mortally injured him at the following tournament held to celebrate the wedding (in the episode Viserys mentions they will hold seven days of tourneys and festivals before the wedding ceremony, but this is abruptly canceled due to Lonmouth's death). This introduces the question of how Criston in the TV series could escape judgement for his actions, because in the book killing a man in a tournament isn't considered murder.