season five

Some months later, the exiled Ser Jorah resurfaces in the Free City of Volantis, drinking in a brothel and shamefully eyeing a whore dressed as Daenerys. From afar, he recognizes Lord Tyrion Lannister, son of the recently-deceased Tywin, who was Hand of the King to his grandson Tommen Baratheon. Sitting with Tyrion is Lord Varys, who was the messenger that Jorah informed of Daenerys’ pregnancy that led to an assassination attempt. Jorah evades Varys and approaches Lord Tyrion outside the brothel while he is urinating alone. The drunk Tyrion, to his surprise, is bound and gagged as Jorah informs him that he is taking him to the queen. With Tyrion captive, Jorah steals a small boat and begins to sail east towards Meereen. After daybreak, Tyrion pesters Jorah until his gag is removed and notices that they are traveling east and not west towards his sister Cersei Lannister in King's Landing. Jorah reveals that he is taking Tyrion to the queen that he serves. Tyrion is pleasantly surprised since he was traveling with Varys to meet Daenerys anyway. He also accurately deduces who Jorah is based on his appearance and equipment. He also correctly assumes that Jorah was exiled from Meereen for spying on her. Tyrion then mockingly asks Jorah if he really believes that he will earn a pardon for delivering him to Daenerys; alternately, she might pardon Tyrion and behead Jorah instead. Fed up with his captive, Jorah knocks Tyrion across the face, leaving him unconscious.

As Ser Jorah continues to sail towards Meereen, Lord Tyrion deduces that they are going to pass through the remains of Old Valyria. Tyrion is apprehensive, but still excited to see the ruins of what was once the greatest civilization in the world. As they catch glimpses of domes, towers and aqueducts, Tyrion recites a poem about the Doom of Valyria, with Jorah joining in at the end. Suddenly, through the fog, they see Drogon fly into view. Tyrion is utterly gobsmacked to see a dragon in person. They are both so distracted that they don't notice when the statues on a nearby aqueduct stand up and leap at the boat. They are known as the Stone Men - victims of greyscale so far gone that they have been sent to live out the rest of their lives in quarantine in the ruins. Jorah tells Tyrion not to let them touch him and fights them off.  However, as Tyrion is tied up and rolls off of the boat and into the water to escape. Some time later, Tyrion wakes up and finds himself on a shore, dragged out of the water by Jorah. After confirming to each other that they had not been touched by the Stone Men, Jorah informs Tyrion that it’s a long walk to Meereen, as he then goes to look for firewood so they can make camp. However, once out of Tyrion's view, Jorah pulls back his sleeve to inspect the cracked skin on his wrist, confirming that he has been infected with greyscale. He looks over at Tyrion and then glances in the direction of Meereen, knowing that even if he dies, he needs to get Tyrion to Daenerys.

Some days later, Ser Jorah and Lord Tyrion continue towards Meereen on foot, having failed to acquire a boat. The topic of why Tyrion was in Volantis comes up, and Tyrion is surprised that Jorah did not ask earlier: he explains that he actually fled from Westeros because he killed his own father, Tywin. He says he did it because his father tried to have him executed for a crime he didn't commit, and then found his father screwing the woman he loved. Jorah nods, as this seems as likely a motivation for kin-slaying as any. Tyrion then asserts that despite how miserable Jorah is now, at least he can say that he had a good father. Jorah asks how he could have known his father, Jeor Mormont, but Tyrion explains he once visited the Wall and met him. Tyrion opines that Jeor was a great leader who seemed to genuinely care about the Night’s Watch, as Jorah is shocked to realize he means that his father is now deceased. Tyrion reveals that he was killed by his own men in a mutiny while returning from a great ranging. Jorah processes this in silent grief, then changes the subject by saying that they have to keep moving.

Later on, as they walk, Tyrion asks why Jorah would support Daenerys Targaryen and how she would be better than any other ruler, or why Westeros would even support her given that her father was the Mad King. Jorah explains that he never used to believe in things like destiny and was very cynical, but after seeing Daenerys emerge from the flames unharmed with baby dragons, he believes in her now, and the Iron Throne is hers by right. Tyrion remains skeptical, saying this doesn't automatically mean she will be a good queen, adding that the Targaryens were famous for going insane, just like King Aerys. Spotting a slaver ship in the distance, Jorah then pulls Tyrion to the ground. However, the pair have already been spotted before they start hiding, and the slavers emerge from the trees behind them, taking them captive. The lead slaver, named Malko intends to return them back to their destination in Volantis. Tyrion, however, manages to successfully persuade him that Ser Jorah is one of the most skilled knights in Westeros, and would fetch a better price being sold to the fighting pits in Meereen, which have just re-opened. Though not in the circumstances they hoped, Tyrion and Jorah are once again quickly heading towards Meereen and Queen Daenerys.

On the outskirts of Meereen, Ser Jorah is put on auction by the slaver Malko, who exaggerates Jorah's accomplishments by claiming that along with fighting alongside the late King Robert, he took part in the Seige of Pyke with his flaming sword, when it was really Thoros of Myr. Malko also claims that Jorah single-handedly killed Khal Drogo, was betrayed by his wife and willingly sold into slavery in order to repay his debts. A slaver named Yezzan zo Qaggaz buys both Jorah and Lord Tyrion, who the latter convinces the buyer that they should be bought together. Yezzan then takes his fighters to Meereen, to test them in the lower pits and seek out those who are worthy to fight in the Great Pit of Daznak. They fight in front of a reluctant Daenerys, as Hizdahr zo Loraq, now politically arranged to wed the dragon queen, has convinced her that Meereen's ruler occasionally makes the rounds to the lower pits ahead of the main tournament. Covering his face with his helm, Ser Jorah enters the pit early upon realizing that Daenerys is watching and will be repulsed by what she's seeing. He elbows the slaver Yezzan in the face who attempts to berate him for entering. Jorah then easily defeats the other fighters without killing them, as an impressed Daenerys witnesses, preventing her from leaving the pit. When Jorah reveals his identity, however, her face swiftly twists into a scowl and she orders him to be taken away. Before the Unsullied can comply, Jorah declares that he brought her a gift, as Lord Tyrion enters the arena and reveals his identity to the astonished queen.

Afterwards, in the throne room of the Great Pyramid, Daenerys ponders on what to do with Ser Jorah and Lord Tyrion. She asks Tyrion why she shouldn't kill him, since the Lannisters are her enemies. He claims to have killed both of his parents and by that he is an enemy to the his house as well. When ordered to inform her why he’s come to see her from the other end of the world, Tyrion explains how he learned about her from rumors, as well as Lord Varys. He adds that Daenerys needs his advice, as she lacks both political experience and practical knowledge of Westeros. She agrees to spare his life, then extends for his advice on what to do with Ser Jorah. Tyrion defends the knight, commenting that he is clearly devoted to her and quite possibly in love with her. However, as Jorah did not trust her enough to inform her of his spy mission for King Robert, Tyrion advises that he cannot be trusted to stand by her side. Dany then exiles Jorah from the city again. However, as he contemplates his progressing greyscale, Jorah returns to the slaver Yezzan and demands that he fight in the Great Pit in front of the queen. Jorah insists that he is the best Yezzan has and that if he wins he will belong to the slaver.

Some weeks later, Daenerys sits in the royal box at Daznak's Pit alongside Missandei, Daario Naharis and Lord Tyrion, as they await the start of the Great Games. Her husband-to-be Hizdahr zo Loraq arrives late, claiming to have been putting the final touches on the arrangements for the fight. Daario verbally spars with Hizdahr for much of the first match, drawing Daenerys' attention from the spectacle in front of her. As the fight is about to commence, her attention returns to the arena when Ser Jorah Mormont offers the traditional dedication to her, much to her anger. The grand melee begins with six fighters, with Jorah pairing up against a Norvosi long-axe fighter. The Norvosi is able to land several blows against Jorah, eventually knocking him to the ground, however, Jorah is able to bring out his dagger and eventually bury it in the Norvosi's chest. Jorah then finds himself hopelessly outmatched by a Braavosi water dancer and suffers many cuts from his opponent's rapier. During the fight, a Meereenese pit fighter is able to lance his opponent in the chest. The water dancer eventually knocks Ser Jorah to the ground, and is about to deliver a killing blow, but fails to notice a pit fighter who kills him from behind. Jorah then battles the pit fighter, quickly dispatching him and is the last fighter standing. Jorah stares proudly for a few moments at Daenerys, hoping his victory comes attached with her acceptance. As his face changes, however, he then suddenly grabs and hurls a spear at the royal box – embedding itself in a Son of the Harpy, who was sneaking up behind Daario. The Sons of the Harpy, an underground insurgency group of former slave masters who oppose Daenerys’ reign, then reveal themselves on every level of the arena and begin slaughtering slave masters and freedmen alike. Hizdahr is also brutally slaughtered in front of Daenerys, as Ser Jorah and Daario quickly evacuate her from the royal box, while Tyrion rescues Missandei. Finding the exits blocked, the group makes a stand in the center of the pit with remainder of the Unsullied defenders. Seeing they are hopelessly outnumbered, Daenerys takes Missandei's hand and closes her eyes, ready to face her death. At that moment, however, a loud, draconic screech pierces the air, as Drogon descends upon the arena, flying out of a giant burst of flames. Once Drogon lands, many of the Harpies scatter in terror as he bites, crushes and mercilessly burns the nearest ones to death. The Harpies then rally enough to attack Drogon with spears, embedding them in the dragon's tough hide. When Daenerys is able reach Drogon, he stops short of attacking her but then eventually drops his aggression. Trying to get Drogon out of range, Daenerys climbs on top of his back and bids him to fly. As Drogon takes flight with Daenerys, she has become the first dragonrider in over a century. With the Harpies now retreating from the attack, Jorah, Daario, Missandei and Tyrion look on in astonishment as Drogon soars away from the city with his queen.

In the aftermath of the attack, Ser Jorah sits in the throne room with Tyrion and Daario, as Tyrion addresses both Jorah and Daario's feelings for Daenerys, understanding all too well how one could love the wrong woman. Missandei then enters with a wounded Grey Worm, who is recovering from a previous Harpy attack. With Daenerys’ disappearance on Drogon since the Great Games, her council is unsure of how they should continue. However, Tyrion concludes that since Drogon flew her north, they must head in that direction if they are to find her. When Jorah assumes his leadership in finding Daenerys, Tyrion argues with him about his betrayal, though it is Daario who asserts that they are not to make any judgments without Daenerys first, as Jorah has saved her life and could feel differently about him now. Daario then firmly advises that Tyrion is to stay in Meereen and rule on Daenerys' behalf, the only one with political experiences, while Grey Worm will enforce this with the Unsullied army and Missandei as his interpreter. Before departing with Jorah, Daario wishes Tyrion luck in keeping the city together.

“I’m taking you to the Queen.”

— ‘High Sparrow

“Take me to Slaver’s Bay. Put a sword in my hand. I’ll prove my worth.”

— ‘Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

“A city of a thousand years and all that men had learned… The doom consumed it all alike. And neither of them turned.”

— ‘Kill the Boy

“Khaleesi… please. I just need a moment of your time… I brought you a gift!”

— ‘The Gift

“Do you believe there’s a plan for this world?… Neither did I. I was a cynic, just like you. Then I saw a girl step into a great fire with three stone eggs. When the fire burned out I thought I’d find her blackened bones. Instead I saw Daenerys alive and unhurt, holding her baby dragons… It’s hard to be a cynic after that.”

— ‘Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

“If I ever kill you… your eyes will be wide open.”

— ‘Mother's Mercy

 season six

Some time after Daenerys’ disappearance from Meereen, Ser Jorah and Daario Naharis continue to ride on horseback along the cliffs that follow Drogon's trail into the Dothraki Sea. Jorah stops to inspect for any leads to Daenerys’ whereabouts as they come upon the charred bones of a ram, assuming Drogon could have been the only thing to melt a ram’s horn. Daario gains confidence as they presume to still be on the correct trail. As they continue to ride, they ponder over Dany’s disappearance as Daario then brings up Jorah’s one-sided affection for the dragon queen. Daario then gets him to admit that he is in love with Daenerys. They both express the intrigue of what the world would be like once she’s finished conquering Westeros. While Daario then rides ahead, Jorah examines the spreading greyscale on his arm in order to determine how long he has left to live. The pair eventually discover a large circle of hoof prints in the grass, where Jorah eventually finds Daenerys' pearl ring in the middle of it. This leads them to realize a horde of Dothraki khalasar on horseback has taken her captive.

Some weeks later, Ser Jorah and Daario approach the outskirts of Vaes Dothrak and discard their weapons, as Jorah recalls that drawing a blade in the city is considered a sacrilege. Within the city itself, Jorah and Daario then run afoul of two Dothraki men who see through Jorah's claims to be a wine merchant. A fight pursues and Jorah is nearly undone by one of the Dothraki warriors, but Daario saves him at the last minute with the stiletto he smuggled in. As a precaution, Daario smashes the Dothraki’s skull in with a rock to disguise his use of a bladed weapon. Later that evening, inside Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys learns that the khal of a Lhazareen girl named Ornela died when she was only sixteen. The pair, out for a walk, are then interrupted by Jorah and Daario, who quickly take Ornela hostage. Daenerys is unsurprised to see them on the assumption that the pair would have left Meereen in order to locate her. However, she cancels Jorah and Daario’s plans for escape as they have a slim chance of leaving Vaes Dothrak, let alone getting back to Meereen. She informs the pair that she has a plan of her own. Daenerys then asks Ornela if she is willing to help them, as the girl reluctantly agrees. Afterwards, Daenerys confronts the khal leaders and burns them down from the inside of their temple. As the flames climb higher, the Dothraki gather outside in confusion. Eventually, the doors collapse and Dany emerges, her clothes burnt off her body but otherwise untouched by the flames. Awed, horrified and fearful in equal measure, the crowd of hundreds bow to Daenerys almost immediately. Ser Jorah and Daario move to the front of the crowd and bow as well. While Jorah has seen this once before, the normally unflappable Daario is utterly awestruck.

The following day, Ser Jorah, Daenerys, Daario and the Dothraki horde start their journey back towards Meereen. Daenerys, while thankful of Jorah’s rescue, is unsure of what to do with him, having banished him twice only to see him defiantly return twice, saving her life both times. With this in mind, she claims that she can’t take him back but makes more of a point to say that she also can’t send him away, insinuating her ultimate gratitude towards him. As Jorah starts rolling up his sleeves he informs her that she must send him away, then revealing the greyscale infection spreading through his body. Jorah insists that this time, he needs to leave her for good and states his plan to take his own life long before the greyscale envelops him, as there is no known cure. Jorah then confesses that Tyrion Lannister was right about Jorah’s love for her. He declares that he will always love her and gives a sorrowful goodbye to his queen. Jorah then starts to leave, however, Daenerys tearfully commands him to find a cure and come back to her side, as she will need him when she conquers Westeros. Jorah then departs while Daenerys and Daario lead the Dothraki horde back to Meereen.

“I’ve been all over the world. There’s no escaping men like us.”

— ‘The Red Woman

“[in Dothraki] My friends… we wandered off from the Western Market and got lost. Could you show us the way back?… Wine. Come down to my stall tomorrow. I’ll give you a cask of the Arbor’s finest.”

— ‘Book of the Stranger

“They have her.”

— ‘The Red Woman

“You must send me away... I don’t know if there is a cure or how long it takes. I’ve seen what happens when it goes far enough. I’ll end things before that.”

— ‘The Door

“The road running through the horse gate, they call that ‘the god’s way’. East of market, west of market. When Khal Drogo died she was supposed to come here and join the dosh khaleen, the widows of the dead khal. That’s where they’ll have taken her. The temple of the dosh khaleen.”

— ‘Book of the Stranger

“Don’t be sorry. All I’ve ever wanted was to serve you. Tyrion Lannister was right… I love you. I’ll always love you. Goodbye Khaleesi.

— ‘The Door

 season seven

Some months later, Ser Jorah has traveled across the Narrow Sea and south of Westeros to the city of Oldtown, seeking a cure for his greyscale in the Citadel, headquarters to the Order of Maesters, scholars who advise the lords of the Seven Kingdoms on matters scientific, medical and historical. The affliction has progressed enough to cover much of his chest and back, as well as his entire left arm and he has now been confined to one of the sick cells in the Citadel. One evening, while gathering empty bowls from the cells of the Citadel sanitarium, a maester-in-training named Samwell Tarly is frightened when he is confronted by a shadowy figure from one of the cells whose arm is almost completely covered in greyscale. Jorah asks Samwell if the  dragon queen Daenerys has reached Westeros yet. Samwell sputters that he does not know, and Jorah withdraws his arm back through the bars into his cell.

Some time later, Archmaester Ebrose and Samwell Tarly examine Ser Jorah, whose greyscale has now spread to his torso as well. The Archmaester tells Jorah that he should have cut off his lower arm instead of letting the infection spread. Ebrose states that Mormont is beyond saving and notes that it is customary for infected smallfolk to be sent to live with the Stone Men in Old Valyria, who were responsible for Jorah’s infection in the first place. Ebrose then gives Jorah one more day, implying with a look at his sword that the anointed knight could choose to commit suicide as an alternative to joining the Stone Men. When Samwell then asks about sending condolences to Jorah's family in Bear Island, Jorah replies that he is estranged from his family.

That evening, a determined Samwell, understanding the risk of his own infection, decides to treat Jorah and secretly visits his quarters after dark. He assures Jorah that: "You're not dying today," and then reveals himself to be a sworn brother of the Night's Watch before he traveled back to the Reach, his regional home. Samwell informs that he served under Jorah's late father Jeor Mormont, and was also present when he died during the mutiny at Craster’s Keep. Samwell then gives Ser Jorah rum to drink after taking a fortifying swig himself, telling him that the process of removing greyscale will be painful. Sam also provides Jorah with a thick strip of leather as a mouth guard so he can focus on biting down on it in order to help muffle his screams, as he then explains that he's performing the procedure without permission from the Archmaesters. Samwell's plan involves using a scalpel to separate and cut away Jorah's infected skin and then applying a medicinal herbal ointment plaster to the exposed layer, though Jorah gives him a look that tells Sam he shouldn't bother trying to explain it to him. Despite experiencing the pain of having a large patch of greyscale skin debrided, Jorah nods his consent for the maester-in-training to continue the debridement.

Some days later at the Citadel, Archmaester Ebrose enters Ser Jorah’s cell and examines his wounds again. To his surprise, Ebrose surmises that the greyscale infection is no longer active. Ebrose then realizes that somebody had treated Jorah, but Mormont claims the belief that rest and the Reach’s warm climate healed him. As result, Ebrose releases Jorah from the Citadel, however, he orders a private audience with Samwell Tarly later that evening. It is then obvious to Jorah that Samwell is in trouble for the treatment, but when in private, Sam asserts that he'll find out how much trouble he is in this evening. Jorah declares to Sam that he is returning to Daenerys because she gave him hope and a sense of purpose. A grateful Jorah then thanks Samwell for saving him, as the maester-in-training says it's the least he could do given everything that Jorah’s father had done for him. Before Sam’s departure from the cell, Jorah is clearly moved when he takes Samwell's offer of a farewell handshake, having expected to never touch another person ever again.

Meanwhile, in the last few months, Daenerys, her new Hand, Lord Tyrion, and her united army of Unsullied and Dothraki have all sailed across the Narrow Sea as well, having reclaimed her ancestral Targaryen home of Dragonstone. She has commanded Daario Naharis to stay behind and rule over Meereen in her stead. After the recent death of King Tommen Baratheon, Daenerys readies her armies in preparation for the coming war against the capital, now under the rule of Tyrion’s sister, Queen Cersei, head of House Lannister. Daenerys has made a new alliance with the King in the North, Jon Snow, who has accepted her summon to the island, and though they share the same intention with regards to joining forces, they are currently in opposition as Jon has a growing concern for a different war, one that is currently marching south from beyond the Wall: the White Walkers and their army of the dead. Some weeks later, Ser Jorah arrives in Dragonstone and the Dothraki escort him to meet Queen Daenerys, who is walking along the beachside cliffs with Jon Snow. Their conversation is interrupted by the return of the recently-healed Jorah. After the Dothraki ensure Daenerys is accepting of his arrival, an elated Daenerys introduces Ser Jorah to Jon, who informs that he worked under  Jorah's father in the Night's Watch. Jorah then reaffirms his allegiance to Daenerys and they both embrace in a hug, as she accepts his offer of returning to her service.

Afterwards, in the war room of Dragonstone, Jon Snow tells Daenerys about the news of his half-siblings return to his home of Winterfell and would like to return, as he is concerned by his brother Bran Stark’s vision which warns that the army of the dead are advancing on the North. As Ser Jorah observes, Dany notes that Jon doesn't have enough men to fight, as he asks her again to join him. However, Daenerys is worried that Queen Cersei will take advantage if she turns her focus to the army of the dead. Lord Tyrion then proposes bringing a wight south to King's Landing in order to prove that the army of the dead is real and convince his sister to come to a truce. Lord Varys, who has also joined their forces, opines that this idea is suicide but Tyrion argues that he can persuade his brother Ser Jaime Lannister. Jorah then volunteers to go north to help capture a wight while Jon volunteers to lead the expedition, as he is the only one who has the most experience facing their enemy. Daenerys, however, asserts that she did not give Jon permission to leave, but she is then reminded that he is the King in the North. Jon asserts that she has the power of life and death over him, but he trusted her even though she was a stranger. He pleads with her to return the favor by now trusting him.

Later on, Ser Jorah, Jon Snow and his party prepare to depart on boats towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, a castle and port located at the far-eastern end of the Wall, where the Wall drops into an inlet of the Shivering Sea called the Bay of Seals. Daenerys and Lord Tyrion arrive to bid them farewell. Tyrion approaches Jorah and admits that he has missed him, adding that nobody glowers quite like he does. As a token of his appreciation for the dangerous mission Jorah is embarking on, Tyrion hands him a keepsake, the coin that was used when they were sold to slavery by Yezzan outside of Meereen. Daenerys then quips to Jorah that they should be used to saying farewell to each other. Jon then arrives at the beach as they are saying goodbye. Jon playfully notes to Daenerys that if their mission is unsuccessful and he doesn’t return she at least won’t have to deal with the King in the North anymore. However, Daenerys responds that she’s "grown used to him,” hinting that she may have feelings for him. Jon then wishes her good fortune in the wars to come before he leaves. Daenerys and Tyrion both watch as Jorah, Jon and the hunting party depart on their boats for Eastwatch, who mentally prepare for the daunting task of capturing a soldier of the dead to bring to the capital.

Some time later, after landing at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, Ser Jorah and the hunting party meet with a wildling associate of Jon Snow’s named Tormund Giantsbane, who thinks that Jon's plan is suicidal. Tormund mockingly asks Jon which of the two ferocious queens is it they need to convince, with Jon replying “both”. Ser Davos Seaworth volunteers to stay behind at Eastwatch because he regards himself as a liability, given his age and relative lack of fighting ability. They later learn that the Night's Watch has detained members of the Brotherhood Without Banners including Ser Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr, who fought alongside Ser Jorah during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Other recruits in the hunting party also include the former bodyguard to the late King Joffrey Baratheon, Sandor Clegane and a bastard son of the late King Robert, Gendry Baratheon. Thoros is surprised to see Jorah, an old comrade from the Siege of Pyke, and at the mention of Jorah's family name, it creates friction with Tormund due to Jeor Mormont's role in persecuting the wildlings. While Jorah, the wildlings and the Brotherhood all distrust each other for varying reasons, they decide to put aside their differences in order to fight against the army of the dead. The hunting party then exit Eastwatch's gate and set out into the lands beyond the Wall on their dangerous mission to capture a wight.

Some time later, the ranging party travel through the lands beyond the wall on their mission. Tormund Giantsbane confides with Jon Snow about the foolhardy nature of their mission, while Jon discusses his difficult negotiations with Daenerys. Gendry Baratheon then confronts Ser Beric and Thoros regarding the time he was sold off by the Brotherhood as a sacrifice to a Red Priestess named Melisandre. Sandor Clegane sneers that Gendry should be grateful that he is still alive and points out that Beric Dondarrion has been killed six times and brought back to life. While walking, Ser Jorah and Jon chat about their relationships with their fathers Jeor Mormont and Lord Eddard Stark respectively. They say that their fathers were good and honorable men, not deserving of their murders. Jon informs Jorah about the brutal death of Jeor at the hands of the Night’s Watch mutineers, then explaining that his father Eddard was beheaded. After Jorah reveals that Lord Eddard once tried to execute him, Jon tries to return Jeor’s Valyrian steel sword Longclaw to Jorah, but Jorah insists that he is not worthy to bear his father's sword, having forfeited any claim to it when he brought shame to House Mormont. His father gave the sword to Jon, and gives his blessing for Jon and his future children to keep it. As they continue their journey, Sandor Clegane sees the mountain range he once saw in a vision lying ahead and steers the group in that direction.

Afterwards, while trudging through the snowstorm, Ser Jorah and the rest of the party sight a massive snow bear with blue eyes in the distance, which quickly approaches them. The snow bear turns out to have been resurrected by their enemy, the White Walkers: an ancient race of formerly-human ice creatures who possess the ability to re-animate the dead, human and animal alike. The monstrous creature viciously mauls and kills three men in their party. Ser Beric and Thoros both manage to set the snow bear alight with their flaming swords but it continues to attack, forcing Thoros to get in its' way when it attacks Sandor Clegane, who is too terrified of the flames engulfing the beast to defend himself. Thoros is unable to break free of the snow bear’s jaws until Ser Jorah kills it with a dragonglass dagger, one of the only weapons proven to be effective against the White Walkers magic of re-animation. Ser Beric then cauterizes Thoros' wounds with his flaming sword.

Jorah later asks the wounded Thoros about his experience charging with a flaming sword during the Siege of Pyke, but Thoros acknowledges that he was so drunk that day that he completely forgot the battle. While navigating through the mountain, they see a White Walker leading a column of wights marching through a canyon. The party then plant a fire and ambush them when the White Walker stops to investigate. Jon manages to kill the White Walker, causing most of the wights associated with it to disintegrate, while the rest of the group manages to  capture the only unaffected wight. As Jorah pulls out a bag from his jacket and secures it over its head, Sandor and Tormund bind the creature with a coil of rope. They then realize their captive's howls have drawn the attention of a massive host of wights now running towards them. As the noise of the horde approaches, Jon commands Gendry back to Eastwatch to bring news to Daenerys, as he's the fastest runner. As the party then rush onto a frozen lake, the wights pursue them over the weak ice, as they flee toward a large stone island jutting out in the middle. One of the party trips and falls behind as a few of the horde tackle him, with their combined weight breaks the ice and falling through. This causes a chain reaction of breaking ice the circles the rock until the horde slows to a stop to avoid the water. Throughout the night, Jorah and his comrades wait in the middle of the ice while encircled by the army of the undead. Meanwhile, Gendry eventually reaches Eastwatch's outer gates that evening and informs Davos Seaworth to prepare a messenger-raven for Daenerys.

In the freezing morning, Ser Jorah and the party awake to find that Thoros has died from his wounds. Beric and Sandor pay their last respects, with the former praying for the Lord of Light to guard them as the latter assures him freezing to death is said to be one of the better ways to die. At Jon's insistence, they burn the body with Beric's flaming sword so Thoros can't be reanimated. The hundreds of wights watch from afar, still unable to cross through the break in the ice until the water freezes over again. Their captive wight still struggles under its hood and restraints. Jorah then proposes killing the wight but Jon counters that they need to keep it as evidence. Beric suggests that Jon kill the Night King, the leader of the White Walkers, who suddenly has just arrived on horseback with the rest of his lieutenants. It is on the assumption that having now killed a White Walker, which destroyed the wights it controlled, killing the Night King might destroy the entire army. Ser Beric then adds that the Lord of Light has not resurrected Jon for no reason, but Sandor reminds him that they have just lost their priest, Thoros, and Beric is now down to his last life.

Some time later, as they are still confined to the frozen rock, the undead quickly realize the ice, which has hardened overnight, is strong enough to support their weight. In their ever-increasing numbers, the horde then start running towards the ranging party. Sandor holds them back while Jon and the others join in, wielding effective weapons of fire, dragonglass or Valyrian steel. Beric manages to set several of the wights alight with his flaming sword while the rest of the party hack and slash at the wights with their blades, but are unable to stem the tide. With the group overwhelmed, Jon orders them to fall back to the highest part of the ledge. One of the wildlings then falls off the ledge and is ripped apart by the creatures. When all seems lost, Daenerys arrives with her three dragons and attack the wights with dragonfire. Hundreds of wights are burned to ashes while others collapse under the ice, which has been melted by dragonfire. Jorah and the party then rush to Daenerys and Drogon, dragging their captive wight with them, while Viserion and Rhaegal provide covering fire from above. Meanwhile, the Night King obtains an icy javelin from one of his lieutenants and hurls it at Viserion, scoring a direct hit in the neck. Viserion then plunges helplessly into freefall, shrieking in agony as blood and fire pour from the fatal wound. Drogon and Rhaegal cry out for their brother, but are powerless to help him as Daenerys watches in horror and sorrow. Viserion crashes onto the frozen lake, shattering the ice, and slowly sinks beneath it. As the Night King readies another spear, Jon hollers at Daenerys and company to leave with her remaining dragons before he himself is then dragged under the ice by two tackling wights. Alongside Rhaegal, Daenerys and the surviving ranging party flee on Drogon’s back before the Night King can kill them all. He hurls the second javelin, but Drogon narrowly dodges it as they fly away. With the dragons gone, the Night King and his army depart from the frozen lake, both sides leaving Jon for dead.

Upon their return to Eastwatch, Sandor Clegane carries the struggling wight into a boat while Tormund and Ser Beric inform him that they will meet again, though Sandor retorts that he hopes not. Meanwhile, Daenerys sends Drogon and Rhaegal to scour the surrounding mountains for Jon, in hopes that he didn’t drown. At the top of the Wall, Ser Jorah tells the shell-shocked Daenerys, still hurting over the loss of Viserion, that it is time to leave, but she insists on waiting a bit longer. Before they depart, they hear a horn blowing signaling a rider approaching the Wall. Looking down from the battlements, Daenerys and Jorah see a wounded Jon Snow approaching on horseback, barely able to sit upright on the mare. Shortly thereafter, aboard Daenerys’ ship, Jon’s wounds are tended to while they set sail towards King’s Landing.

Some time later, Ser Jorah and the Targaryen and Northern advisors arrive in the capital of King’s Landing. They are escorted to the Dragonpit, where the various factions meet. Once everyone has sat, Daenerys makes a suitably dramatic entrance on Drogon's back, with Rhaegal flying overhead. Getting the meeting on track, Tyrion and Jon attempt to convince Queen Cersei Lannister of the greater threat coming from the North for them all. According to Tyrion, one million people all live together in the capital and then notes that they soon will become one million more soldiers in the army of the dead. Cersei callously responds that it will likely be an improvement for most of them, her flippancy noticeably angering Jon. Cersei refuses to believe the claims, dismissing them as a ploy to trick her into lowering her defenses. To prove their claims, Sandor Clegane returns with the crate containing the captured wight. When he kicks the crate over, the enraged wight spills out and launches itself out toward the nearest target - Cersei, appropriately enough. Visibly horrified, she recoils in horror as Sandor pulls the wight back on a chain, its claws inches from her face, and manages to slice the creature in half when it turns to attack him. The assembly look on in shock as the wight's upper half still moves around. Jon steps forward and picks up the wight's discarded hand, using a torch provided by Ser Davos to demonstrate how fire can be used to stop them. He then uses a dragonglass dagger to the heart to end the wight's upper half, bluntly stating that if they don't win the coming war, such a fate awaits every person in Westeros. A horror-struck Jaime Lannister asks how many wights are coming, as Daenerys informs that the undead number at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei immediately offers terms but refuses to deal with Daenerys at all, however, and calls on Jon to keep the truce and to stay out of any future conflict between Cersei and Daenerys. Jon, however, says that he cannot serve two queens - and reveals to all assembled that he has already bent the knee for Daenerys. Declaring that there will be no truce if it is just her and Daenerys, Queen Cersei storms out, content to let the Starks and Targaryens battle the undead alone and then deal with whoever emerges victorious. Daenerys and Tyrion then criticize Jon over declaring his allegiance in public. Daenerys points out that if they leave without an alliance, everything they've sacrificed, including Viserion, will be made worthless. Jon responds that if no one is willing to speak the truth, then everyone's word is worthless, and lies will not help them win the coming fight. Tyrion reluctantly decides that he will go and try to talk some reason into Cersei alone. Daenerys and Jon protest, fearing Cersei may have him killed out of spite, but Tyrion insists it's the only way if they don't want everything they've done to be for nothing.

Some time after Lord Tyrion speaks with Cersei, the three Lannister siblings return to the Dragonpit. Cersei announces that has agreed to work with Daenerys, but not by keeping her troops back: the Lannister army will march north to fight alongside the Starks and Targaryens in the coming war against the army of the dead. Upon returning to Dragonstone, Daenerys and her court discuss logistics in the Chamber of the Painted Table. It will take the Dothraki a fortnight to reach Jon’s home of Winterfell, and the plan is to have him and the Unsullied cross the sea by ship and meet them at White Harbor. Ser Jorah points out that the North is not really safer for her than anywhere else, as someone with a memory of Robert's Rebellion and an idea of becoming a hero could easily take her out with a single crossbow bolt. Jorah suggests she fly to Winterfell to avoid any potential unpleasantness. Jon counters that Daenerys ride with them so that the North can see her as a liberator and ally. After a moment's consideration, Daenerys decides to sail north with Jon. Ser Jorah, suspecting a different reason for her decision, throws her a look, which she notices but avoids. Later that evening, after setting sail to Winterfell, Daenerys and Jon Snow consummate their budding romance, proving Jorah’s suspicions correct.

“Has she come yet?... the Dragon Queen… Daenerys Stormborn.”

— ‘Dragonstone

“With the Queen's permission, I'll go north and take one. You asked me to find a cure so I could serve you. Allow me to serve you.”

— ‘Eastwatch

“There’s no need. I’ve been dead to them for years.”

— ‘Stormborn

“We'll all freeze soon. When you killed the White Walker... almost all the dead that followed it fell… We can go for the Walkers. Maybe we'll stand a chance.”

— ‘Beyond the Wall

“I’ve surrendered to this sickness the moment I first saw it. I knew it would kill me but I’d kill myself before it could. Daenerys Stormborn convinced me otherwise. The only place for me is back with her. I owe her my life… her, and you.”

— ‘The Queen's Justice

“Perhaps you should fly to Winterfell, your grace. You have many enemies in the North. Thousands fell fighting your father. All it takes is one angry man with a crossbow. He’ll see your silver hair on the Kingsroad and know that one well-placed boat will make him a hero. The man who killed the conqueror.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

 season eight

After a long journey and upon their arrival in the North, Ser Jorah, Daenerys, Jon Snow and the Targaryen forces march through the village of Winter Town on their way to Winterfell. The townspeople cast Daenerys several suspicious looks as the hordes of Unsullied and Dothraki march in behind her. Jon reminds her that Northerners have a long-established distrust of outsiders. Immediately following this exchange, Drogon and Rhaegal fly overhead, startling the townspeople and causing Daenerys to smile proudly at her children. Once inside the courtyard of Winterfell, Jon quickly dismounts and reunites with his younger brother Bran Stark, whom he hasn’t seen in several years. He kisses Bran's forehead and then embraces his sister Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell, as Jorah and Daenerys await patiently as they witness the family reunion. Lady Sansa keeps a wary eye on Daenerys when Jon introduces her to the dragon queen. Sansa formally welcomes Daenerys to Winterfell, however, makes it apparent that it’s a begrudging invitation. Despite the steely reception, Daenerys politely thanks her, remarking that Jon told her about the beauty of the North and Sansa herself. Bran then interrupts, insisting that there isn’t any time for pleasantries, and due to his visions as the Three-Eyed Raven, he informs Daenerys that the Night King has resurrected her deceased dragon, Viserion, who has now become part of the undead army.

Afterwards, Danerys and Jon try to organize their defenses in the Great Hall of the castle. House Mormont leader and cousin to Ser Jorah, Lyanna Mormont, voices the anger that many lords and ladies have towards Jon for bending the knee to Daenerys since they named him their King in the North. Jon gravely answers that he said he would protect the North, and the only way they could do that is with allies. Amidst their uproar Lord Tyrion speaks up to insist that they'd all be dead already without Jon - and that the remaining Lannister army will soon arrive to reinforce them as well, upon which the lords and ladies resume their objections. Tyrion insists they must fight together in the face of the onslaught of the White Walkers and their undead army - or perish if they do not. Sansa then asks how they are meant to feed Daenerys' army, "While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons." She scoffs, "What do dragons eat, anyway?" to which Daenerys snarkily quips, "Whatever they want." Sansa and Daenerys cast a side-gaze towards one another knowing that they’re disagreements have only just begun.

That evening, Ser Jorah escorts Daenerys to the castle’s library in order to pay a visit to the man who saved Jorah’s life from his greyscale infection: Samwell Tarly. Queen Daenerys thanks him for his service to Jorah and also praises him for realizing the secret behind dragonglass as well, as one of the only weapons that can be used to kill White Walkers. Daenerys asks if there is anything she can do to repay him. Samwell jokingly asks for a pardon for stealing books from the Citadel when he recently left the Order of Maesters in order to ride north and aide in the coming war. He also jokes about a pardon for taking his father's ancestral Valyrian steel sword from his home without permission. Upon hearing that his surname is "Tarly," Daenerys realizes that he is, in fact, Randyll Tarly's son, and proceeds to tell him the difficult truth that she executed his father some months ago when he wouldn’t bend the knee for her. Despite his thorny relationship with his father his entire life, Samwell has a mixed reaction at the news, then asserting that the sword would now pass to his younger brother Dickon Tarly, who is a “good and honorable man.” However, Daenerys further explains that Dickon refused to leave his father's side, so he was executed as well. Samwell, stunned and devastated by this, rushes out of the room in tears, as Jorah and Daenerys exchange a look of concern.

The following morning, Lord Tyrion’s brother, Ser Jaime, arrives at Winterfell without the promised Lannister army. Ser Jorah is in attendance when Jaime is escorted to the Great Hall. Daenerys remarks to him that Queen Cersei had pledged to send her army north, but that all she sees is “one man with one hand,” and it appears that Cersei lied. Ser Jaime makes it clear that she lied to him as well, and that she never had any intention of sending her army north. Jaime then informs her that Cersei has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops in the Golden Company, hired mercenaries from Essos. It is noted that even if they defeat the army of the dead, Cersei will have plenty of men to kill the survivors. Jaime states, however, that he promised to fight for the living and he intends to keep that promise. Brienne of Tarth, long-affiliated with House Stark, stands and steps forward on Jaime's behalf telling Daenerys that he is a man of honor. Daenerys looks at Jon and asks his advice on the matter. Jon insists that they need every man they can get. Daenerys eventually acquiesces, and Lord Tyrion sighs in relief. After the meeting, alongside Ser Jorah and Lord Varys, Daenerys vents her anger about Cersei's betrayal with Tyrion. She asserts that Tyrion either knew Cersei was lying or allowed himself to be duped by her. Both Daenerys and Tyrion agree he was a fool in this matter, and she then informs that if he cannot help her take the Iron Throne, she'll find another Hand who can.

Shortly thereafter, Ser Jorah enters Daenerys’ chambers to speak on Tyrion's behalf. He tells her that she should give Tyrion a second chance, as they both then remark on why Jorah isn't her Hand. Daenerys declares that if Jorah hadn't gone away, he surely would've have taken on that role and not Tyrion. Jorah, however, insists that Daenerys made the right choice in naming Tyrion. He notes that while Tyrion has made mistakes, he learns from them, takes them to heart and acts in Daenerys' best interest. Jorah advises that Daenerys forgive Tyrion, and then also to speak with Jon’s sister Sansa, who she has had an increasingly awkward rivalry with since arriving at Winterfell. As night falls, the defenders gather to discuss strategy for the battle that is hours from commencing. During the war council, Bran Stark interjects that the Night King will come for him, as he's tried to kill the Three-Eyed Raven many times before and explains the Night King's ultimate desire is to erase all memory of the world of men, something which he now possesses as the new raven. Jon states they will place Bran in the crypts for his safety, but Bran refuses, declaring he'll wait in the godswood to lure the Night King in. Ser Jorah's advice is then heeded by Daenerys, to which she orders Tyrion to hide in the crypts during the battle, as he is too valuable for her to lose. Jon’s other sister, Arya Stark, then asks if dragonfire will stop the Night King, to which her brother Bran can only reply he has no idea, as no one has ever tried that. The council then disperses to attempt to enjoy their last evening before battle, as the dead are hours away from arrival.

Some hours later in the courtyard, Ser Jorah is speaking to his young cousin Lyanna Mormont. As everyone prepares for the imminent arrival of the army of the dead, Lyanna and Jorah have an argument. Jorah strongly advises her to remain in the crypts with the other women and children, as she is the future of House Mormont, but Lyanna stoutly refuses. She wants to fight along the rest of the men and women, and Jorah allows her to make up her own mind. Samwell then approaches Jorah and gifts his family’s sword to him, knowing that it'll be put to better use with Jorah wielding it, in honour of his late father Jeor, who was more of a father to Sam than his own. Jorah assures that he will use it in his father's memory, "to guard the realms of men." Before Sam departs, he adds "I hope we win." Suddenly a horn is heard in the distance, signalling the arrival of the army of the dead, as Jorah mounts his horse and heads towards the battlefield.

Daenerys and Jon ride their two dragons away from the castle, to not alert the enemy to their presence. The moonless darkness is impenetrable and eerily silent until a lone rider appears: Melisandre, the Red Priestess. She rides up to Ser Jorah and asks him to command the Dothraki to raise their arakhs as she starts praying in High Valyrian. The army's arakhs suddenly burst into flame, sweeping from one side of the field to the other as the cavalry then charge ahead into the night- until they crash into the seething undead horde of wights. The overwhelmed Dothraki war cries turn to screams of terror as the flames from their swords are quickly extinguished. Stray horses and riders retreat back to the castle, one of them a haggard-looking Jorah. The army of the dead then advance in earnest as the defenders are quickly overrun. A savage melee sees most of them surrounded as they kill wights with dragonglass while Daenerys and Jon, on dragonback, incinerare thousands of wights, and for a short time this stems the tide, but more keep coming. A full retreat into the castle is ordered, and Grey Worm commands the Unsullied to form up a rearguard to protect the withdrawal of their few remaining forces. Melisandre then appears, laying her hands on the trenchworks and repeats her prayers as she eventually lights the entire trench surrounding the castle. However, the Night King then directs the horde of wights into a concentrated charge across one spot: many hundreds burn, but eventually their sheer mass extinguishes the flames as they start swarming around the base of Winterfell's stone walls. They climb over each other in a mass, using their strength to grip into stone. The castle's walls are a major force multiplier for the defenders, and they kill many more hundreds of wights as they reach the tops of the battlements. Jorah manages to save Samwell Tarly using the sword that Sam lent him for the battle. Meanwhile, Lyanna Mormont tries to organize the defense of the main courtyard, a large wight-giant bashes its way through the main gate of Winterfell. The giant then picks her up but she stabs dragonglass into the giant's eye: it instantly dies and topples to the ground. Lyanna falls free of his grasp, but dies from her injuries sustained from the giant’s grip. Outside of the castle, after Jon follows the Night King, Daenerys and Drogon land but stay on the ground for moments too long, finding Drogon being swarmed by dozens of wights. He just barely manages to fly away still covered in them, but Daenerys is knocked off his back in the process. However, Jorah appears and helps Daenerys fight off the wights, but they are both exhausted and more wights continue to surround them. In the godswood, the Night King is eventually destroyed by Arya Stark, and with his death the other White Walkers shatter as well, and in turn, every wight falls. The wights attacking Jorah and Daenerys drop dead, but Jorah is fatally wounded defending Daenerys. He dies in the arms of the woman he loves, as Daenerys cries while holding him. Drogon, who survived the wights, curls himself around them to comfort her as she mourns.

Following the victorious battle against the army of the dead, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are gathered into dozens of funeral pyres, and Jon gives a eulogy stating that it is the duty of those who survived to keep them alive in memory for generations to come. Quoting the funeral speech used for members of his former organization, the Night's Watch, he announces that the fallen soldiers were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the pyres of the fallen with Jon himself lighting the funeral pyre for the young House Mormont leader, Lyanna. Daenerys is particularly distraught over the loss of Ser Jorah. She tearfully lights his pyre aflame and kisses him on the cheek as her farewell to his devout service and unwavering friendship over the years.

*In the aftermath of Ser Jorah’s death, follow Daenerysjourney throughout the rest of the series.

 “They could. They just wouldn’t.”

— ‘Winterfell

“We have all we need to win this war… Please, listen to me. You’re the future of our house. You’ll be safer in the crypts. These things we’re fighting- ”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“… As have we all. But he owns his mistakes. And learns from them.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“I’ll wield it in his memory, to guard the realms of men.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“When I heard you’d named Tyrion your Hand, it broke my heart… You made the right choice… His mouth hardly stopped moving between Volantis and Meereen. It was all I could do not to throw him in the sea. But the mind behind all those words…”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“[in Dothraki] Lift your weapons.”

— ‘The Long Night