season one

In the Free City of Pentos, across the Narrow SeaViserys and his sister Daenerys Targaryen live in the hospitality of Magister Illyrio Mopatis. Viserys has arranged to wed his sister Daenerys, also called "Dany,” to Khal Drogo, the warlord of a Dothraki khalasar of forty thousand warriors. In return, Drogo will give Viserys the army he needs to reclaim the Iron Throne, across the sea in Westeros, as he is the last surviving male heir of the Targaryen dynasty, who once ruled over the Seven Kingdoms for nearly three centuries. Also in attendance of the customary violent Dothraki wedding is Ser Jorah Mormont. The exiled knight of House Mormont approaches Daenerys and gifts her with a selection of books containing stories and songs from the Seven Kingdoms. She thanks him as he informs the Targaryen siblings of his Northern origin that he served her father, Aerys Targaryen, for many years, and pledges to serve the rightful king, Viserys. Illyrio then gifts Daenerys with three dragon eggs from the Shadow Lands beyond  Asshai, that have turned to stone with the passing of time, while her new husband himself presents her with a white mare. When Daenerys asks Ser Jorah how to thank Drogo in Dothraki, he explains that there is no word for thank you in their language. Drogo and Daenerys then ride down to the shore as he forcibly consummates his marriage with the Targaryen girl on the beach at sunset. Daenerys is visibly upset and terrified.

The Dothraki khalasar led by Khal Drogo have departed Pentos and are heading east to Vaes Dothrak. They travel away from the Free Cities and into the Dothraki Sea, the long-grassed plains that the Dothraki call home.  Daenerys is finding adapting to her new role as ‘khaleesi’ to be a huge challenge. Only Mormont offers her some solace, telling her it will become easier. Daenerys is however fearful of her new husband and it is revealed that their first sexual encounter has left her slightly injured. Viserys  accompanies the khalasar, meaning to stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and provides him with an army with which to invade Westeros, despite Ser Jorah's suggestion. He tells Viserys that he offended his liege lord, Eddard Stark, by selling poachers into slavery. When he received word that Eddard meant to execute him for the crime, as slavery has been illegal in Westeros for centuries, he fled to  Essos. Viserys laughs at the notion, saying such trivialities would not be punished under his reign. 

Some time later, Drogo's khalasar is passing through a vast forest of bamboo. Daenerys asks Ser Jorah if the Dothraki buy their slaves, but Jorah informs that the Dothraki do not believe in money and instead take slaves as tribute from cities in lieu of sacking them. However, Jorah points out that the Dothraki at times feel insulted by the quality of slaves and will sack the city anyway. Daenerys then sees a Dothraki hitting a slave and orders the whole khalasar to halt until she says otherwise. Jorah notes that she is starting to speak like a queen, but she insists not like a queen, but like a khaleesi. She then goes for a walk in the forest but is chased down by her brother. Viserys is furious at being ordered to halt with the rest of the horde and tells Daenerys that he does not take orders from savages or their sluts. Before he can say more, a whip wraps itself around his throat and he is dragged to the ground by Daenerys’ bodyguard, Rakharo, who has followed them with Irri, one of Daenerys’ handmaidens. Translating for Rakharo, Irri suggests killing Viserys but Daenerys orders him spared. Rakharo is disappointed at not even being allowed to take an ear to teach Viserys respect. Viserys orders Ser Jorah to kill the Dothraki dogs. After a considering moment, Ser Jorah ignores him and escorts Daenerys back to the khalasar. Amused, Rakharo makes Viserys walk back as being forced to travel on foot is the ultimate insult from a Dothraki.

That evening, Ser Jorah and Rakharo are comparing their respective weapons and ways of fighting. Jorah notes that the Dothraki arakh is a superior weapon to use from horseback, with its curved blade. However, the arakh is unable to penetrate heavy armor. In that case the Westerosi broadsword is superior. Rakharo points out that the Dothraki do not wear armor, as it makes a man slow. His father taught him that speed defeats size. Jorah agrees, but armor can also keep a man alive. He asks Rakharo about his father Jeor Mormont, a man he has heard was a great warrior. Rakharo proudly says he was bloodrider to Khal Bharbo, Drogo’s father. He asks about Jorah’s father in return and if he was a great warrior. Jorah replies he still is, a man of great honor that he has betrayed. Irri then enters and informs them they need something more interesting for dinner as Daenerys is pregnant. Jorah, thoughtful, says they can procure a goat from the herds. After Irri leaves, Jorah says he must ride to the nearby Free City of Qohor. Rakharo points out that the khalasar is moving on eastwards towards Vaes Dothrak, but Jorah promises to catch them up, as the horde’s trail is easy to find. In Qohor, Jorah sends information to Lord Varys in King's Landing with an update regarding Daenerys' pregnancy.

Some days later, arriving at the Dothraki home of Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys asks Jorah if he thinks the Dothraki could retake the Seven Kingdoms for House Targaryen. Mormont points out the difficulties of persuading them to cross the Narrow Sea, but believes success would be possible if that could be accomplished and if King Robert Baratheon was foolish enough to meet them in open battle. He says that if their opponents retreated behind stone walls, the Dothraki would not be able to root them out. They move to discuss Jorah's background, and he admits to selling the poachers as slaves to raise money for his expensive wife. When Daenerys asks him where his wife is, Jorah replies that she is with “another man in another place.” Daenerys later invites Viserys to dinner and provides fresh clothing in the Dothraki fashion for him to wear. Viserys reacts angrily at being dressed in the "rags of savages" and strikes the pregnant Daenerys across the face. However, for the first time in her life, Daenerys fights back, hitting Viserys across the face with a heavy gold belt. As an astounded Viserys gawps at her, a furious Daenerys angrily reminds him of her position as Drogo's wife and the mother of his child, finishing with a threatening promise that if Viserys raises a hand to her again, she will see to it he loses his hands. Afterwards, Daenerys confides in Ser Jorah her realization that Viserys will never become King of Westeros.

Some weeks later, Daenerys is summoned by the dosh khaleen: the wives of khals slain in battle. During a ritual, Dany eats a stallion's raw heart as the crones read the omens. At first it seems she won't keep the organ down, but, to both her and Drogo's relief, she is able to compose herself. The crones declare Daenerys and Drogo's son will be "The Stallion That Mounts The World", a great conqueror whose coming is long foretold in Dothraki history. Daenerys informs that his name will be "Rhaego," for her brother Rhaegar Targaryen, slain by the usurper, King Robert. Viserys is rather disgusted by it all, despite an explanation of the ritual from Ser Jorah. It is only when the Dothraki are chanting Rhaego's name, and Drogo lifts Daenerys up and carries her about the room in a celebratory fashion, that her brother Viserys realizes how much the Dothraki love her. Jealous of the tribe's worship of his sister, Viserys storms out of the tent. He is later discovered in her tent by Ser Jorah, trying to steal Dany's dragon eggs, but Jorah won't let him. Viserys tells Jorah that to rule one must be feared or loved, and he has never been loved as the Dothraki love Dany. He asserts he knows that Jorah wants Daenerys, but he doesn't care. He just wants the eggs so he can hire an army, but he can't get past Jorah and leaves the eggs.

Later that evening, at the prospect of his sister gaining the respect of the Dothraki, a drunk and bitter Viserys interrupts a feast that is being held for Daenerys and Drogo. He angrily demands for his payment in return for giving Daenerys to Drogo. Viserys then draws his sword, which is considered an offense punishable by death within the walls of the sacred city of Vaes Dothrak. When he threatens Daenerys and the unborn child, with his blade pointed towards her pregnant stomach, Irri translates to Khal Drogo. Drogo then responds that he will give Viserys what he requests: a golden crown "that men will tremble to behold.” Viserys is pleased with the Khal’s response until Drogo's bloodrider Qotho seizes him and breaks his arm, forcing him to drop his sword. Qotho kicks Viserys to the floor. Drogo melts his golden belt of medallions in a boiling pot over the fire, while Viserys begs Daenerys to help him. Ser Jorah tells her to look away, but she won't. She watches as Khal Drogo "crowns" Viserys by pouring molten gold over his head, causing Viserys to cry out horridly in agony. Viserys falls forward and his head covered in hardening gold makes a loud clang as it connects with the floor. As Daenerys watches her brother die, she coldly states that, having been killed by fire, Viserys was no true dragon.

Some days later, Daenerys attempts to convince Khal Drogo about the benefits of an invasion of the Seven Kingdoms, but Drogo is reluctant to cross the Narrow Sea, despite the thousands of ships they could find in the Free Cities to do the job. He insists that the “stallion who mounts the world” has no need for an “iron chair.” Daenerys tells him that the earth does not end at the sea and much lies beyond Essos. Still Drogo remains insistent that a man doesn't need an "iron chair" but only a horse. Daenerys and Ser Jorah travel to the marketplace with her handmaidens, Irri and Doreah. She asks Jorah to help convince Drogo since the Seven Kingdoms are hers by birthright, but he reminds her that her ancestor Aegon the Conqueror took six of the Seven Kingdoms because he was capable of doing so with dragons. In private, a messenger gives Jorah a letter from Lord Varys: a royal pardon for his past crimes. He quickly realizes that this news would only come if he was no longer needed as a spy. Seeing Daenerys with a wineseller who is keen for her to try a particular vintage, Jorah realizes that the wine has been poisoned and this is an assassination attempt. He steps in, stopping Dany from drinking it as the wineseller then attempts to flee. Rakharo, however, captures the man. Afterwards, Jorah tells Daenerys that King Robert will never stop trying to kill her or her future children. Drogo quickly arrives, glaring at the wineseller, and offers Jorah the reward of any horse he chooses for foiling the assassination. Enraged, he begins to yell out in Dothraki that his army will cross the "poison water" as no  khalasar has done before and take the Iron Throne for his son. Drogo's khalasar departs Vaes Dothrak the next morning, with the wine seller tied naked to the saddle of Daenerys' horse, forced to walk until he eventually falls of exhaustion and is dragged to his death.

That evening, with the wine seller captured, Ser Jorah urges to Daenerys that King Robert will never stop trying to kill her and her future children, as a Targaryen will always be viewed as a threat in both Essos and Westeros alike. Jorah, however, still remains tight-lipped about his own part he’s played in the assassination attempt. Drogo then quickly arrives in the tent and glares at the wineseller. He goes to Daenerys to ensure she is okay, before offering Jorah the reward of any horse he chooses for foiling the assassination. Enraged, Drogo begins to yell in Dothraki  that his army will cross the "poison water" as no khalasar has done before and take the Iron Throne for his son. The next morning, Drogo's khalasar departs from Vaes Dothrak and travels south through the Dothraki Sea, with the wine seller tied naked to the saddle of  Daenerys'  horse, forced to walk until he eventually falls of exhaustion and is dragged to his death.

Some time later, having taken an oath to take the Iron Throne, Drogo has begun his march of conquest, as the Dothraki raid a village in Lhazar, a peaceful country south-east of Vaes Dothrak. In order to finance the war to come, they must raid the village and take people to sell into slavery, which will provide money to hire ships for the khalasar to sail across the Narrow Sea and assault Westeros. Ser Jorah and others try to explain this to Daenerys, but she is disturbed to see the aftermath as the Dothraki kill the villagers and attempt to rape their women. She orders this to be stopped. The Dothraki then grow angry at not being able to take the spoils of victory, as that is the way of their people. Dany starts claiming all the women she can find in order to protect them. The angry warriors take their complaints to Drogo, but he is amused at his wife's fierceness. He tells them that Daenerys may keep the women she has claimed, as they can find others. One man won't listen, and angrily accuses Drogo of being a slave to a foreign whore. Drogo stops the complaints by killing Mago, the warrior who challenges him. Drogo, however, takes a deep wound to the chest in the process. Dany insists it be treated and allows one of the women she rescued, a healer called Mirri Maz Duur, to treat the wound, despite the distaste of Drogo's bloodriders, who call the woman “maegi”, or “witch”.

The khalasar marches southwards to the edge of a great wasteland, but Drogo's wound festers, and he falls from his horse, a grave sign of weakness amongst the Dothraki. Daenerys tells the khalasar that they are stopping and orders Qotho to get Mirri Maz Duur to help Drogo. Qotho is unhappy with entrusting Drogo's care to the woman, whom he repeatedly calls a witch, but relents. At Daenerys' request, Ser Jorah armors himself and he then advises her to leave now, because Drogo is certain to die and when he dies, his lieutenants will fight amongst themselves to be his successor. Whomever wins will kill Daenerys' son, rather than risk the boy growing up to be a rival. Daenerys, however, refuses to abandon her husband. Mirri Maz Duur promises to save Drogo's life, but she needs to sacrifice a life in exchange. She takes Drogo's horse into his tent and starts the ceremony, slitting the animal's throat over Drogo's comatose body. As the crowd stands outside, loud growls are heard as a supernatural ritual begins. Some of Drogo's warriors become enraged at what they see, as Daenerys' attempts to interfere with the natural way of things. Qotho then tries to attack her, but Ser Jorah kills him after a swift fight. Daenerys starts to go into labor, but none of the Dothraki midwives will help her, thinking she is cursed. With no choice, Jorah takes Daenerys into the tent as the ceremony continues.

The following morning, in the wastelands beyond Lhazar, Daenerys wakes up to terrible news from Ser Jorah. Her son, Rhaego, is dead. He was born dead and deformed, covered with scales. The majority of the khalasar have also moved on, leaving them behind. However, Drogo lives. Daenerys insists on seeing her husband, and Jorah joins Dany and Mirri Maz Duur, where they find Drogo in a catatonic state. Daenerys demands to know why, as Mirri explains that when Daenerys "saved" her, she had already been raped three times and the temple she served had been burned and defiled by the Dothraki. She has now gotten her revenge and adds that while Daenerys did save her life, “what is life worth when all else is gone?

That evening, Daenerys is in her tent tending to the dying Drogo, who remains in a vegetative state. She bathes him, talks to him, even tries to seduce him, but nothing she attempts shows any signs of reaction. Daenerys painfully realizes he is no longer cognizant and witnessing him in a state of immobility, she is brokenhearted. Absolutely devastated, Daenerys kisses her husband goodbye, then smothers him with a pillow until he reaches the Night Lands, the land of the dead where a Dothraki’s soul travels to.

Afterwards, Daenerys and her small retinue prepare a funeral pyre for Drogo. She makes a speech to the few who are left, saying if they stay with her she will lead them into a glorious future as equals. At Daenerys' command, Rakharo places the dragon eggs on the pyre. Ser Jorah believes that Daenerys intends to kill herself and pleads for her to reconsider, as they can sell the eggs and travel far away. Ignoring Jorah's pleas, she kisses his cheek, and sets the pyre ablaze, to which Mirri Maz Duur is bound to. Daenerys calmly walks into the flames as the witch screams in agony. She stands below the pyre as flames appear to consume her. At dawn, the fire dies down to smoke and ashes. Jorah and the rest of the khalasar awaken in astonishment to find a naked Daenerys alive and sitting among the ashes with three newly-hatched baby dragons crawling over her. Her clothes have burnt away and her body is covered in ash, but she is completely unharmed. One dragon nuzzles in her arm, another climbs her leg, and the third  pulls itself up to sit on her shoulder. At the sight of the mythical animals born anew, an amazed Jorah and Dothraki kneel and swear their allegiance to the “Mother of Dragons.” After Daenerys slowly stands up, the black hatchling on her shoulder rises, spreads its wings and screams, announcing the return of dragons to the world.

“Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. I served your father for many years. Gods be good, I always hope to serve the rightful king.”

— ‘Winter Is Coming

“And yet, here I stand.”

— ‘A Golden Crown

“Still is… A man of great honor. And I betrayed him.”

— ‘Lord Snow

“Khaleesi, my Queen, I vow to serve you, obey you, to die for you if need be. But let him go Khaleesi. I know what you intend. Do not!… Don’t ask me stand aside as you climb on that pyre. I won’t watch you burn!”

— ‘Fire And Blood

“Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon. Viserys is less than the shadow of a snake… Do you want to see your brother sitting on the Iron Throne?… The common people pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don’t care what game the high lords play.”

— ‘Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

“Blood of my blood.”

— ‘Fire And Blood

 season two

Several weeks later, Daenerys and Ser Jorah lead the remnants of the Dothraki khalasar across the barren deserts of the Red Waste, hoping to find shelter, food and water in the far lands of the east. She tries to feed her newborn dragons, but they refuse the raw meat she offers. The mare Khal Drogo gave her as a wedding gift dies of exhaustion and Dany laments her inability to protect her people from starvation, asking Jorah if the desert ever ends. Jorah admits that he has never been this far east before but asserts that everything ends and states the dangers that lie in the other directions. Daenerys then decides to send her three bloodriders, Rakharo, Aggo  and Kovarro, with their remaining horses to explore in three separate directions, knowing that they are her last hope. She then stares at a red comet in the sky above whom, unbeknownst to her, some people believe it signifies the return of dragons into the world. Some days later, Dany, Ser Jorah and the khalasar lie exhausted in the heat, their water dwindling as they wait for the return of her bloodriders. Rakharo's horse returns riderless and Jorah discovers his head and severed braid in the mare’s saddlebag. He surmises that Rakharo was caught and killed by a rival khalasar. Irri is devastated by the death and believes the mutilation will prevent Rakharo from entering the Night Lands. Daenerys promises Irri that they will hold a funeral for Rakharo and burn his body, allowing him to join his ancestors in the Night Lands.

On the return of her other bloodrider Kovarro, Daenerys receives word that the city of Qarth is nearby, and they are willing to receive the "Mother of Dragons." Ser Jorah cautions that the desert surrounding Qarth is known as the "Garden of Bones," as those who are turned away by Qarth perish outside the city walls due to exposure and thirst. Daenerys and her khalasar  eventually reach the city of Qarth. Upon arrival, The Thirteen, a group of wealthy nobles and merchant princes and the leaders of Qarth, emerge to greet her, guarded by a group of shielded spearmen. One of the Thirteen, the Spice King, speaks for the group. They request that the "Mother of Dragons" present her children, but Daenerys insists that her people be fed and sheltered before she reveals her dragons. The Thirteen decide to turn Daenerys' group away as Daenerys swears vengeance on Qarth, with "fire and blood," should they not comply. Jorah seems to find these threats rather reckless, but one of the Thirteen,  Xaro Xhoan Daxos, chooses to vouch for Daenerys through Sumai, a blood oath by which a Qartheen may vouch for a visitor. Daenerys and her khalasar are let into Qarth.

After settling into the city, Jorah and Dany consort with the people of Qarth in the gardens of Xaro’s home. A warlock named Pyat Pree approaches them and welcomes Daenerys on behalf of the Warlocks of Qarth. He gives her a green jewel and asks her to look deeply into it. He says that she might see herself within its many facets. An identical copy of Pyat Pree seemingly appears from nowhere across the garden. It speaks with his voice, saying that you might “see yourself more than once.” Pyat Pree then invites her to the House of the Undying. The onlookers applaud as both Pyat’s depart. Xaro apologizes, as he was bound by custom to invite Pyat because he is a member of the Thirteen. Daenerys asks what the House of the Undying is and Xaro dismisses it as the dusty library of the warlocks, adding that they are so addled they actually believe that their parlor tricks are magic. Jorah is then approached by Quaithe in private, a woman in an intricately carved wooden mask. She says that he watches over Daenerys. Jorah asks if he knows her and she says only that she knows him, reciting his name and origin. He asks who she is and she says that while she is no one, Daenerys is the “mother of dragons”. She declares that Dany needs true protectors, predicting that people will come “day and night to see the return of wonder to the world.” Quaithe then asserts to Jorah that dragons are fire made flesh, and that fire is power.

That evening, Daenerys returns to her bed chamber and seeks the counsel of Ser Jorah, as Xaro Xhoan Daxos has offered to fund her invasion of Westeros in exchange for her hand in marriage. Xaro has also informed her of King Robert Baratheon’s recent death. Ser Jorah warns against attempting to take the Iron Throne with a bought army and accepting the reports of the Qartheen at face value, given her brief association with Xaro. Daenerys urges that they must strike now or spend the rest of their lives rotting away at the edge of the world. Jorah insists that rich men always expect a return on their investment and will believe that they own Daenerys if she takes their ships and soldiers. Daenerys warns him not to speak to her like a child, as Jorah asserts that he only wants to see Daenerys on the Iron Throne. She asks why, as he then describes how he sees her. Jorah insists that, although she denies it, she has a gentle heart and he believes she would be a great ruler. Jorah then adds that he sometimes looks at her and cannot believe she is real. His honest admission of his feelings towards her creates an awkward atmosphere. Ignoring this statement, Daenerys asks Jorah for his counsel as her adviser, and he urges that she should find her own way back with a single ship and can win the allies that she needs in Westeros. She wonders how she will find a ship and he answers that he will find it for her saying that it will be a good ship with an honest captain.

Some time later, while Jorah is away seeking a ship, Daenerys appeals to members of the Thirteen for aid. She is refused and returns to Xaro's home only to find that her handmaiden Irri and several of her guards have been murdered and her three dragons have been stolen from their cages. Upon Jorah’s return he finds a distraught Dany in her chambers staring at the empty dragon cages. He informs that he returned as soon as he heard what had happened. Jorah asks about her other handmaiden, Doreah, and Daenerys stresses that she has gone missing. He asserts that his place is by her side and that he should not have left her alone. Daenerys wonders who she should trust, as Jorah insists that her people are in Westeros. She retorts that most of them do not know that she is alive, adding that Viserys believed that he would be welcomed but was a fool. Jorah firmly asks her to trust him. Dany declares that she no longer needs or wants trust, as he places a hand on her shoulder, beginning to say that she is too young for her feelings. She warns him that he is too familiar and he steps back, saying that no one can survive in their world without help and asks her to tell him how to help her. She orders him to find her dragons.

Ser Jorah then seeks out the mysterious Quaithe and finds her painting the skin of a sailor. The masked priestess explains that she is preparing the man for a voyage past Old Valyria and that all who sail past the Doom need protection. Jorah asserts that he did not come for a lesson and she correctly surmises that he is looking for the dragons. Jorah puts a hand to the pommel of his sword and asks Quaithe if she has them, as she turns to face him, urging him to draw his sword and find out what his steel is worth. She then stares at him and deduces that he is trying to please Daenerys, calling her the mother of dragons. He firmly asks where the dragons are and Quaithe counters by wondering if he will betray Daenerys again, revealing her awareness of his time spent spying on Daenerys for Lord Varys. Jorah is stunned into silence as Quaithe repeats the question. He responds “never.” Quaithe then informs Jorah that Daenerys is already with the thief, and he leaves hastily to find the dragon queen.

Meanwhile, Daenerys joins Xaro, who hosts a council of the Thirteen inside his home, as Kavarro stands guard behind her. The Spice King asks who Daenerys is to accuse them of thievery as she pleads that the dragons are her children, stressing that they will die without her. The Spice King asserts that their death is for the best as they would cause misery when fully grown. He adds that if he knew where they were he would not say. The warlock Pyat Pree calls him cruel, stating that Dany is right and should be reunited with her “babies,” adding that he will take her to the House of the Undying where he has put them. Daenerys is astounded as Pyat informs that when he learned she was coming to the city he made an arrangement with the King of Qarth. The rest of the Thirteen laugh, assuming that he is joking because the city has no king. Dany incredulously asserts that there is no king, as Xaro then stands to inform that there is now. He admits to being the other party in the warlock’s arrangement and asserts a need for Qarth to change if it is to truly become “the greatest city that ever was or will be.” Pyat circles around the table to stand behind Xaro, as the Spice King insists that an alliance with a charlatan and three small dragons do not make Xaro a king. Xaro retorts that empires have been built by less, as the warlock then moves in front of him. Pyat Pree proclaims that Daenerys will be reunited with her children, as the servants in the room then step forward behind the seated dignitaries with knives in hand. The servants then slit the throats of the eleven seated members of the Thirteen. Dany looks on in horror as she realizes that every servant has Pyat’s face. Ser Jorah arrives just in time to flee from Xaro’s home with Daenerys and Kovarro.

After fleeing from the massacre of the Thirteen, Daenerys, Ser Jorah and Kovarro take refuge in a disused courtyard within the city walls of Qarth. Jorah reports finding a suitable ship with a good captain and informs her that it is sailing for the city of Astapor the following day. He insists that they cannot stay any longer. Daenerys refuses to leave without her dragons, however, referring to them as her children. Jorah urges that dragons can never be children but asserts that he would never abandon her nonetheless and reaffirms that he is sworn to protect and serve her. Daenerys instructs him to do so by taking her to the House of the Undying, as Pyat Pree is keeping her dragons there. Jorah warns against doing what the warlock wants, fearing a trap. He adds that the Pyat’s magic is strong. Daenerys reminds him of her own magic; hatching the dragons by stepping into Drogo’s funeral pyre set ablaze. Jorah insists that he will remember that moment until his last breath, even after forgetting his mother’s face. Daenerys then caresses his cheek tenderly and reminds him that she cannot have children of her own, and believes that her three dragons are the only children she will ever have. She asks Ser Jorah again to take her to them.

Some time later, Daenerys, Jorah and Kovarro ascend the steps to the House of the Undying. Kovarro informs his khaleesi that the place is a “house of ghosts,” adding the common Dothraki phrase “It is known.” As they reach the imposing stone tower they notice that it has no windows, only spikes. Kovarro then notes the absence of guards as Ser Jorah advises him that the warlocks kill with sorcery, not steel. Daenerys defiantly asserts: “let them try.” She leads her guards within the walls to the base of the tower. There appears to be no door and she asks if it is a riddle. She hastily circles the tower as Jorah attempts to keep up with her pace, trailing behind her and motioning to Kovarro to stay by the entrance. The curvature of the tower, however, takes Daenerys out of his sight for a moment. Jorah continues after her and finds himself having traveled back around to the entrance with Kovarro, Daenerys nowhere in sight. They realize that she has disappeared and Jorah screams “khaleesi!” to no avail. Once inside, Daenerys follows the cries of her dragons and eventually finds her way into the room where they are chained. She then quickly overcomes the warlock's spells and reunites with her dragons. Once they are together, she then commands the dragons in High Valyrian by saying “dracarys,” the word for “dragonfire”. Her three children follow command and breathe flames towards the sorcerer, eventually killing him and allowing for an escape.

Afterwards, Ser Jorah and the khalasar join Daenerys as they return to Xaro's manse in order to confront him for his treachery. They find him in bed with her missing handmaiden Doreah, who has been turned against her, likely with the promise of Xaro’s wealth.  Kovarro uses Xaro’s key around his neck to then unlock a Valyrian stone vault Xaro told Dany was full of gold, as Jorah helps the bloodrider pull back the heavy door. Daenerys steps through the threshold and realizes that it is empty. She thanks Xaro for the lesson in fraudulence and then nods to a bloodrider who pushes Xaro as well as Doreah into the vault. Xaro protests that he is the King of Qarth and can now truly help her while Doreah cries out for mercy. Daenerys is unmoved, however, and watches Jorah seal them inside the vault and hand her the key. After, Dany and her people return to Xaro’s hall as Jorah informs that Xaro’s fortune was a lie. She counters that his possession look real enough to her as she empties out a golden dish. She asks if it is enough to buy a ship as Jorah nods, saying that they can afford a small one. He calls to the Dothraki to take all the gold and jewels and his command is met with cheers of delight. Daenerys triumphantly carries her dragons out of the room as her people hurry to prepare for their coming journey.

“This is further East than I’ve ever been… but, yes Khaleesi. Everything ends, even the Red Waste… The dragons are too weak to fight as are your people. You must be their strength.”

— ‘The North Remembers

“Forgive me, Khaleesi. No one can survive in this world without help. No one. Let me help you, please. Tell me how.”

— ‘A Man Without Honor

“Only that the desert around their walls is called the ‘garden of bones’. Every time the Qartheen shut their gates on a traveller… the garden grows.”

— ‘Garden of Bones

“They're not your children. I know they call you the Mother of Dragons and I know you love them, but you didn't grow them in your womb, they didn't suckle at your breasts. They are dragons, Khaleesi, and if we stay in Qarth we'll die.”

— ‘The Prince of Winterfell

“You have a gentle heart. You would not only be respected and feared, you would be loved. Someone who can rule and should rule. Centuries come and ago without a person like that coming into the world. There are times when I look at you, and I still can’t believe you are real.”

— ‘The Ghost of Harrenhal

“[in Dothraki] No guards. The warlocks kill with sorcery, not steel.”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

 season three

Following their exit from Qarth, Daenerys' ship, Balerion, sails towards the city of Astapor in Slaver's Bay. During their journey, Daenerys' dragons have now grown to the size of small dogs. While these dragons are now capable of hunting fish for themselves, they are still not large enough to be used as weapons of war to invade Westeros. Thus, Daenerys needs an army. Astapor has built an army called the Unsullied, an elite group of warrior-eunuchs who are regarded as some of the finest soldiers in the world. Daenerys, however, knows that being  soldiers who were born into slavery would become problematic in Westeros, where slavery is outlawed. However, Ser Jorah convinces Daenerys that she has no choice but to settle for this solution since she has no other means of acquiring an army in Essos. Daenerys considers expanding her small Dothraki khalasar, most of whom have become seasick since the Dothraki have never traveled on ships before. However, Jorah explains that the Dothraki follow “strength above all.” He adds that a larger Dothraki khalasar will only join her once she’s proven to be in a stronger position.

Upon arriving in Astapor, Jorah and Daenerys meets with Master Kraznys mo Nakloz, one of the slave-owning merchants of the city. Kraznys takes her and Jorah to the barracks to meet a detachment of Unsullied soldiers, which he has left standing for a day and a night without food or water as proof of their hardiness. Kraznys communicates with Daenerys through his slave girl and translator Missandei, who interprets his Low Valyrian into the common tongue of Westeros. Kraznys frequently insults Daenerys, though Missandei respectfully changes his translation to avoid insulting Daenerys. Throughout the tour, Kraznys explains that the Unsullied were trained for battle from the age of five and that only one in four recruits survive the training. He also demonstrates that the Unsullied do not fear pain or death by slicing off the nipple of one soldier, much to Daenerys' disgust. This soldier not only shows no sign of pain but even thanks his slave master for the opportunity to serve him. Daenerys also learns that the Unsullied are trained not to show mercy or weakness by killing a newborn slave child in front of its mother at the end of their training. While Daenerys is outraged by this, she still asks Kraznys how many Unsullied are available to her. She is told that there are eight thousand soldiers for sale and that she has until the next day to make a decision as there are other buyers interested.

En route back to their ship, Daenerys ponders what kind of person she will be to take ownership of eight thousand slave-soldiers who have killed eight thousand babies between them. Ser Jorah recommends that Daenerys purchase the Unsullied, arguing that under her command, these slave soldiers will have a far better quality of life serving her than they would under Kraznys and his ilk. Daenerys is then distracted by a young girl that follows her and Jorah. However, neither of them noticed a hooded man, armed with a dagger, also following them. The child offers Daenerys a gift, a wooden ball that she rolls to her and gestures for her to open it. Before Daenerys can open the ball, the cloaked stranger knocks it out of her hand. In response, Jorah grabs the stranger, and in their struggle knocks Daenerys to the ground. The ball then cracks in half, releasing a manticore that was hidden inside. Before the venemous, scorpion-like creature can harm Daenerys with its lethal sting, the stranger kills it with his dagger. Meanwhile, the little girl hisses in a reptilian manner and uses magic to escape, confirming the suspicion that the Warlocks of Qarth are still after Daenerys and her dragons. The cloaked stranger is revealed to be Ser Barristan Selmy, who quickly identifies himself as one of her father Aerys’ Kingsguard. He begs her forgiveness for failing House Targaryen during Robert's Rebellion and in return for his wrongs, he offers to serve in her Queensguard, which Daenerys accepts.

The following day, Ser Jorah accompanies Daenerys and Ser Barristan as they walk along a sea wall known as the "Walk of Punishment". Here, any slave who shows insubordination is strapped to a cross and left to die out in public, as a warning to all other slaves. When Daenerys asks for water to give to a condemned man, Jorah reminds her that this man has been sentenced to death. Nonetheless, Daenerys offers condemned man water, but he refuses to drink, saying that he just wants to die. Jorah tells her that if she wants to win the Iron Throne, she must take it, "That will mean blood on your hands before the thing is done," but Daenerys responds, "The blood of my enemies. Not the blood of innocents." Daenerys then continues her negotiations with Kraznys over her planned purchase of the Unsullied. During the meeting, Daenerys announces that she would take all 8,000 Unsullied soldiers, including those in training. Kraznys initially dismisses her offer and instead offers to sell her one hundred soldiers. Daenerys then offers to sell him one of her dragons. In the end, Daenerys reaches an agreement with Kraznys to sell her biggest dragon, Drogon, for all of the Unsullied soldiers. Jorah and Selmy object to this deal on the grounds that her dragons are key to winning the Iron Throne. However, Daenerys appears to brush away their concerns and accepts the transaction, and also takes Missandei as a token of faith. Upon leaving the meeting, she scolds Jorah and Selmy for criticizing her decision in public. Daenerys also asks Missandei for her name and whether she has any living family, but Missandei responds that she does not. Daenerys warns her that she was heading to war, she may be killed and fall sick and die. In response, Missandei recites the Valyrian aphorism: "Valar morghulis," which translated into the common tongue as "all men must die". Daenerys then realizes that Missandei actually knows High Valyrian, and also adds that "but we are not men."

On the day of the exchange, the slave masters and Kraznys, along with the eight-thousand Unsullied warriors, meet with Daenerys, Jorah and Barristan to complete the deal. Daenerys hands the chained Drogon to Kraznys, who is hostile towards his slave master. Kraznys then gives her the golden whip, the symbol of ownership over the Unsullied. After finalizing the transaction, Daenerys tests her new powers by ordering the Unsullied, in Valyrian, to march forward and then halt. This shocks everyone, including Ser Jorah, who was not aware that she spoke Valyrian. Kraznys then complains that Drogon did not obey his command, to which Daenerys angrily retorts in Valyrian that a dragon does not obey him because a dragon is not a slave. Kraznys is both stunned to learn she speaks fluent Valyrian and horrified to realize Daenerys understood his derogatory comments and insults about her the entire time, merely feigning ignorance to lull the Astapori into a false sense of security. She then orders the Unsullied to kill all of the slave masters but to harm no innocent people. When a panicking Kraznys desperately shouts for someone to kill her, Daenerys orders Drogon to burn Kraznys alive. With the Unsullied under her command, Daenerys sacks Astapor with little resistance. Shortly after the surprise attack on the city, Daenerys addresses all of her newly-acquired Unsullied warriors, insisting them of their freedom. She gives them the option of leaving unharmed or fighting under her command as free men. At first, the Unsullied remain quiet, not knowing what to do with their newfound freedom. However, one Unsullied soldier begins to beat his spear against the ground, signifying his allegiance to her. The rest of the Unsullied then follow suit shortly thereafter. Daenerys rides triumphantly out of the smoking wreck of Astapor alongside Jorah and Barristan, and drops the slave-master's whip on the ground. She rides out with her eight thousand strong army of Unsullied marching in formation, as her three dragons soar above them. For the first time in generations, a Targaryen has begun to conquer again, starting with the Liberation of Slaver's Bay.

Some time later, the Targaryen force heads north to the next great slave city of Yunkai. Ser Jorah tells Ser Barristan how he was knighted, explaining that he was the second man through the breach during the Siege of Pyke. The late King Robert himself knighted Jorah for his bravery that day, the proudest of Jorah's life. Barristan admits that Robert was a good man and warrior, but laments that he turned out to be a terrible king. Their talk then turns to Dany, as Barristan respectfully warns that it might not be well for her to be seen with Jorah when they return to Westeros. Jorah admits that he may never be rid of the moral taint of selling slaves and then begins to ask about the advisors on the small council, if any of them spoke against Robert when he wanted Daenerys assassinated. It becomes apparent that Jorah is trying to figure out if Barristan knew that Jorah was initially a spy for King Robert. Jorah and Barristan then briefly bicker about the fact that Barristan only just came to them, while Jorah was defending Daenerys from Robert Baratheon's assassins for months. Meanwhile, Daenerys addresses the chosen Unsullied leader, Grey Worm, who gives his respects for setting them free.

Later, while Daenerys and Barristan are confident that they can conquer Yunkai, Ser Jorah expresses his concerns that the city's defenders will not fight them on the field but will rather strengthen their position behind the walls. He also views the Yunkai campaign as a distraction from their main goal of taking Westeros. Daenerys is, however, adamant on freeing the slaves of Yunkai and orders Grey Worm to send a messenger to the city, informing the slaver rulers that they must either surrender or suffer the same fate as Astapor. Daenerys then holds an audience with the Yunkish herald, Razdal mo Eraz, who is one of the ruling "Wise Masters," who attempts to discourage her from attacking by claiming that numerous armies throughout history had tried and failed to conquer it. However, Daenerys comments that a hard-fought battle will give her Unsullied much-needed practice. Razdal then attempts to bribe her by providing her with gold and ships in exchange to leave Yunkai in peace. In response, Daenerys makes a counter-offer: she will spare the lives of Razdal and the slave-masters if every slave in Yunkai are set free, and given food, clothing and property. She threatens to show no mercy if Yunkai rejects her offer. Razdal is offended by her demands and when he threatens to use Yunkai's "powerful friends,” Dany’s dragons intimidate Razdal, now unable to reclaim the chests of gold he had brought with him. Following his departure, Daenerys orders Jorah and Barristan to find out more about Yunkai's "powerful friends" before she decides to attack the city.

Some time later, they eventually discover that these "powerful friends" are the Second Sons, a professional mercenary company. As typical of sellswords, they are a rough-and-tumble private army who fight for the highest bidder. While there are only 2,000 of them, the Second Sons are armored and mounted, enough to cause trouble for the Unsullied. Daenerys instructs Barristan to organize a meeting with the Second Sons' captains, saying that men who fight for gold "can't afford to lose to a girl.” Daenerys later meets with a Braavosi captain named Mero and a Ghiscari captain named Prendahl na Ghezn. Prendahl's underling Daario Naharis is also in attendance. During the proceedings, Mero insults Daenerys by likening her to a whore and touches her translator Missandei inappropriately. Prendahl and Mero refuse her offer of an alliance, noting they will not receive any rewards until she reclaims the throne. In response, Daenerys replies that she had no army a fortnight ago and that she had no dragons a year ago. Daenerys gives them two days to make up their mind and sends them away, with Daario smiling over his back at her as they depart. After the sellswords leave, Daenerys instructs Ser Barristan to kill Captain Mero first if they have to fight with them. Barristan replies that he would be glad to do so.

Days later, outside the walls of Yunkai, Daenerys and her commanders plan the attack on the city. Joining them is the newest Second Sons captain, Daario Naharis, who murdered both Mero and Prendahl, as he disagreed with their rejection of supporting Daenerys. Daario suggests a plan using a lightly defended back gate so a small group can infiltrate the city and open the main gates for the rest of the army. Though Ser Jorah is skeptical of both the plan and Daario's loyalty, Daenerys is convinced to try it when Grey Worm informs that he trusts Daario. During the meeting, Daario touches her on her hand, flirting with her without any subtly, much to Jorah’s chagrin. As the captains depart, Barristan asks to go along, but Jorah reminds him that a Queensguard's place is at the queen's side, regardless of his pride. That evening, Ser Jorah, Daario and Grey Worm sneak into the city and fight their way through the slave soldiers guarding Yunkai. There are far more soldiers than Daario anticipated, but it seems that the three are evenly matched - just barely. Some hours later, an impatient Daenerys paces in her tent, when Jorah and Grey Worm finally return, covered in blood but grinning widely: Yunkai is defeated. Daenerys is elated, but asks after Daario, who is still absent. After a suspenseful moment, Daario then strides into the room and kneels before Daenerys. He presents Yunkai's torn flag and triumphantly informs that the city is now hers.

The morning following their victory, Daenerys and her advisors wait outside the walls of Yunkai for the city's slaves to appear. Daenerys frets that the Yunkish slaves, who are better treated than Astapor's might have grown to like their chains and will not welcome freedom. Finally, the gates open and the freed slaves pour out. Missandei then begins to tell them of how Daenerys “the Unburnt” freed them, however, Daenerys interrupts and says that it is the slaves' own choice for freedom. After a moment, one of the freed slaves stretches his hand towards Daenerys and calls out “mhysa”. After a moment, another follows suit, then another and another until the entire crowd is chanting "mhysa". Bewildered, Daenerys turns to Missandei, who reveals that the word means "mother" in the Old Ghiscari language. When the slaves then advance on Daenerys, the Unsullied step into formation, but the queen tells them to stand down. Telling her dragons to fly, Daenerys steps out of the protection of the Unsullied and into the crowd, who carry on their chanting. To Jorah’s delight, Daenerys is embraced by the former slaves, offering a glimmer of hope in an increasingly darker and hopeless world.

“Even the bravest men fear death.”

— ‘Valar Dohaeris

“The proudest moment of my life. One knee in the dust, the King’s sword on my shoulder. Listening to the words ‘in the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave…’ All I could think of was how badly I had to piss. ”

— ‘Kissed By Fire

“There is a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand.”

— ‘Walk of Punishment

“'Mind your tongue.”

— ‘Second Sons

“Rhaegar fought valiantly. Rhaegar fought nobly... and Rhaegar died.”

— ‘Walk of Punishment

“Or perhaps you’ll lead me and Grey Worm to the slaughter. Cutting the head off our army. The masters of Yunkai will pay you your fee and you won’t have to split it three ways cause you’ve already slaughtered your partner.”

— ‘The Rains of Castamere

 season four

Some time after liberating Yunkai, Daenerys sits near the sea with her three dragons, each one now about the size of a small horse. Rhaegal and Viserion fight over a dead lamb as Drogon then joins the fight. Daenerys tries to calm Drogon down as he then roars and goes to contest the kill. Drogon snarls a warning at his mother. The act of her own children threatening her, and that they are outgrowing her influence and ability to control them, leaves Daenerys shaken. Ser Jorah then approaches and tells her that dragons can never be tamed, not even by their mother. Dany and Jorah then return to the Unsullied army to resume their march towards the greatest of the slave cities, Meereen. They notice that Grey Worm and Daario Naharis are absent and set out to find them after being told they are "gambling”. Some time later, on the road to Meereen, the marching army comes to a halt after discovering a slave child nailed to a cross. The child is dead, her hand pointing the way to Meereen, and Jorah tells Daenerys there is one for each mile to the last of the great slave cities, one-hundred and sixty-three in total. Ser Barristan offers to have outriders go ahead and bury them, but Daenerys refuses, ordering that each of them is buried, and their collars removed, but not before she has looked upon each and every face.

Some days later, Daenerys and her army arrive outside of the gates of Meereen. As they approach, Daenerys is in full view of the Great Pyramid, a visible reminder of where the larger wealth and population lies within Slaver’s Bay. As the final city Daenerys intends to liberate, there lives three slaves for each free man. Upon their arrival the city’s chosen champion barrels out of the gates on horseback and insults the new arrivals by literally pissing on his territory in plain sight. Daenerys is then faced with a “champions' duel,” where the riding knight of Meereen challenges her to choose a champion that will fight for her. Grey Worm, Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan all volunteer to stand as her champion. She refuses all three of them, however, as they are too valuable to her. Daario Naharis, commander of the Second Sons and the most expendable member of Daenerys' entourage, volunteers to be her champion in their place. Once Daario quickly dispatches the Meereen champion by throwing his dagger into the eye of the charging horse, Daenerys then begins her siege of the city. She speaks to the slaves who are all gathered along the walls of the gate along with their masters. Daenerys then commands the Unsullied to catapult barrels over the city walls that are filled with broken chains of those she has freed along her journey to Meereen, demonstrating her previous successes. As the slaves examine the broken chains with curiosity and excitement, the Great Masters look on in fear.

Some time later, Daenerys and Ser Jorah interrupt Missandei teaching Grey Worm how to speak the common tongue. She then commands Grey Worm and several Unsullied to infiltrate Meereen disguised as slaves in order to convince them to rise against their masters. As commanded, Grey Worm and a few Unsullied visit a slave pen where a number of slaves are discussing whether or not to rise against the Great Masters. One of the young slaves named Mossador is already trying to convince his fellow men in chains to fight, but the older slaves argue they have no means to oppose their Masters, who have squashed every previous slave rebellion. Grey Worm asserts that only they can free themselves, then presenting the slaves with weapons. The uprising is a resounding success. With the city hers, Daenerys enters through the gates as a liberator and the freed slaves of Meereen celebrate her arrival by shouting "mhysa" and throwing their old slaves' collars at her feet. Daenerys then orders the crucifixion of 163 of the masters in retaliation for the 163 slave children crucified on the road to Meereen. Ser  Barristan advises her against it, saying that sometimes it is best to answer injustice with mercy. Daenerys displays her Targaryen blood by firmly declaring that she will "answer injustice with justice." The cries of the crucified Great Masters then reaches Dany's ears atop the Great Pyramid, where the city's emblem, the golden harpy of Ghis, has been draped in the banner of House Targaryen. Now, she has liberated all three cities of Slaver's Bay.

After a few days settling into her new headquarters atop the Great Pyramid, Daenerys learns of King Joffrey Baratheon's death in King’s Landing, as well as his brother Tommen's coronation. She is irritated to learn that Daario Naharis has captured Meereen's navy without her explicit orders to do so, but mulls over the possibility of setting sail for Westeros and taking King's Landing with her 8,000  Unsullied and 2,000 Second Sons. Barristan is optimistic about their chances, believing that old Westerosi families will flock to their cause once Daenerys crosses the Narrow Sea, swelling their numbers. Ser Jorah is less enthusiastic: while 10,000 troops should be enough to take the Westerosi capital from its exhausted defenders, there's still the rest of the continent to worry about. Her advisors then reveal more troubling news: the Wise Masters have re-enslaved every freed man in Yunkai, and although Astapor remains free, the council Dany installed has been deposed by a butcher named Cleon. Daenerys dismisses everyone but Jorah and muses that her plans are in shambles. He reminds her that she is the last Targaryen and the Mother of Dragons, but Dany says she needs to be more than that. She laments that if she cannot keep order in three cities, she has no hope of controlling seven kingdoms. She is therefore resolved to remain in Meereen and "do what queens do" by ruling.

Some time after, on a sunny day outside of Meereen, a goat herder and his son are peacefully tending the goats on a hill while the son throws rocks to pass the time. Suddenly, Drogon  appears and burns the field and kills a flock of goats while taking one with him. The goat herder travels to Meereen to visit the queen and lays the charred remains of his flock before Daenerys, hoping to not anger her. With Jorah by her her side in the throne room, Daenerys apologizes about Drogon's actions and promises to pay back three times the worth of his flock. After he departs, Hizdahr zo Loraq presents his petition: the right to bury his father's remains in the Temple of the Graces, as he was one of the Meereenese Great Masters crucified on Daenerys' orders. She counters that he was one of the masters that crucified the children. Loraq reveals that his father actually spoke out against their crucifixions and was overruled, but later was killed due to Daenerys' judgment anyway. Somewhat mollified, Daenerys allows him to bury his father and as he leaves, Missandei informs her that she still has 200 more supplicants waiting.

Some weeks later, Ser Jorah enters Daenerys' chambers early in the morning and is not pleased to find a partially-dressed Daario buttoning up his shirt as he exits. Daario quips that it is a good time to petition Daenerys because she is in a very good mood, alluding to an intimate evening he shared with her. When entering the queen's council room, Jorah expresses his distrust for Daario, insinuating that Daario only murdered his superiors and joined forces with Daenerys out of lust, and thus is not a trustworthy ally. Ignoring any shades of jealousy, Daenerys informs Jorah that she sent Daario to take the Second Sons to Yunkai to regain control over the city and kill the masters that have resurfaced. Jorah relates to the mercy shown by Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell for his dealings in slavery and convinces Daenerys to bring the masters to justice without execution. Daenerys considers for a moment and then tells Jorah to assign Hizdahr zo Loraq as her ambassador to offer the masters a choice: they can live free in the new world she wants to create, or they can die clinging to their old one. Daenerys also inform him to let Daario know that it was Jorah who changed her mind.

Some time later, as Ser Barristan watches the Unsullied take the bodies of the crucified masters down, a young boy approaches him, giving him a scroll bearing the seal of the Hand of the King. After reading the scroll, he then confronts Ser Jorah as the document is an old royal pardon signed by the late King Robert. Barristan surmises that Jorah spied on Daenerys in exchange for the pardon. Jorah begs to speak with her privately, but Barristan tells him that he will never be alone with her again. In an audience before her, a seething Daenerys demands for Jorah to explain as he then insists that it is a ploy by Lord Tywin Lannister to divide them. She then counters that the pardon was signed the year they met. Asking Jorah whether he claims the pardon was forged, Jorah admits that it was not, then confessing to share information on her activities in Essos. Daenerys angrily recounts the near-poisoning at the hands of a wine merchant, which she can now understand was as result of Jorah informing King Robert of her pregnancy. Jorah protests that his actions stopped her from being poisoned, however, Daenerys retorts this was only because he knew it might be coming. He then begs for her forgiveness, but Daenerys  rebuffs him, saying he betrayed her, selling her secrets to the man she holds responsible for the death of her family. However, Daenerys spares his life and gives him a day to leave the city. She warns that if he is seen in Meereen after that, his head will be thrown into Slaver's Bay. A distraught Jorah is last seen riding away from the city gates on horseback.

“There's one on every mile-marker between here and Meereen… One hundred and sixty-three, Your Grace.”

— ‘Two Swords

“They treat men like beasts, as you said yourself. Herding the masters into pens and slaughtering them by the thousands is also treating men like beasts. The slaves you freed, brutality is all they've ever known. If you want them to know something else, you'll have to show it to them.”

— ‘Mockingbird

“We're not fighting to make you Queen of King's Landing. Ten thousand men cannot conquer Westeros.”

— ‘First of His Name

“Who do you think sent this to Meereen? Who profits? This is the work of Tywin Lannister. He wants to divide us. If we're fighting each other, we're not fighting him.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper

“You could sail for Westeros and leave it all behind. A boy sits on the Iron Throne, a boy whom many believe to be a bastard with no right to it. They have never been more vulnerable.”

— ‘First of His Name

“Forgive me. I never meant... Please, Khaleesi. Forgive me… I have protected you, fought for you, killed for you!… I have loved you. Daenerys, please.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper