season five

Some time later, the Unsullied topple the large golden harpy from the top of the Great Pyramid in Meereen to show the Meereenese people they are under Targaryen rule now and their old traditions are no longer in practice. After the removal, one of the Unsullied soldiers, White Rat, is seen walking into a brothel and pays a prostitute named Vala that he visits regularly to lie with him and provide comfort, in lieu of sexual conduct due to his castration. While White Rat lies in bed with Vala, eyes closed, he listens to her hum as she strokes his head. Suddenly his throat is then slashed by a member of the Sons of the Harpy, an insurgency group operating in Meereen who oppose Daenerys’ new reign. The prostitute Vala rises from the bed and stands beside the Harpy, indicating her involvement, as they watch the soldier bleed out. Afterwards, in Daenerys’ quarters, the murderer's mask left at the scene is presented to her. Ser Barristan assures her that conquerors are always met with resistance as former Meereeneese slave Mossador reminds her that the Harpies do not see the freed slaves as people. Daenerys then orders Grey Worm to find those responsible and also commands that White Rat is to be buried in the Temple of the Graces as a statement. Following the council meeting, Missandei approaches Grey Worm in private, expressing concern for his safety. She then asks him why White Rat would visit a brothel given that he and all of the Unsullied are eunuchs, adding that she has heard many Unsullied have visited. Uncomfortable with the probing question, Grey Worm states the he does not know why they would visit brothels. He then leaves her to carry out his commands.
Some time later, Daario Naharis and Hizdahr zo Loraq return to Meereen and declare that their mission to Yunkai has been successful, and that the Wise Masters will turn over power to a council of former slaves and former slave owners. In exchange, the Wise Masters have asked that Daenerys consent to the reopening of the fighting pits, an arena where slaves used to fight to the death. Daenerys denies the request. That evening, Daario convinces Daenerys to reconsider, as his youth fighting in the pits gave him the fighting skills necessary for him to join the Second Sons, where he met her. Then upon hearing that her dragon Drogon hasn't been seen in weeks, Daario muses on the irony of a dragon-queen with no dragons. Following their conversation, Daenerys attempts to visit the imprisoned Viserion and Rhaegal in the catacombs, whom she locked underground in order to prevent them from killing innocents or fleeing, both of which Drogon has done. When she approaches them, they attempt to attack her, forcing her to briskly escape the room in panic.
Days later, Daario and Grey Worm find a house belonging to a Son of the Harpy who is allegedly responsible for the Unsullied soldier’s death. Back at the Great Pyramid, Daenerys and her council debate executing the Harpy, but the debate devolves into a shouting match between Mossador and Hizdahr zo Loraq. Daenerys thanks her advisors for their council and dismisses them, but Barristan asks her for a word in private about her father, "the Mad King". Daenerys initially scoffs at Barristan for reminding her of what she considers her enemies' lies. However, Barristan also reminds Daenerys of his past service in her father's Kingsguard and insists that her enemies did not lie. He tells Daenerys about how King Aerys set entire towns and castles ablaze, murdered sons in front of their fathers, and burned men alive with wildfire, laughing as they screamed. All of this led to a rebellion that killed every Targaryen save for her and her brother Viserys. Daenerys is visibly shocked but assures Barristan that she is not like her father. Barristan agrees, but he still warns her that the Mad King gave his enemies the justice he thought they deserved, and each time it made him feel powerful and right until the very end. Daenerys promises not to have the Son of the Harpy executed without a fair trial.

Feeling pressure from the other former slaves, Mossador goes against Daenerys' order and executes the Harpy, angering the dragon queen. She decides to sentence Mossador to death, stating that killing the Son of the Harpy broke the law. A crowd gathers to witness Mossador's execution and Daenerys tells the crowd that when she conquered Meereen she promised freedom and justice, but one cannot exist without the other. Daenerys then has Mossador brought out in chains before the crowd, and warns all Meereenese citizens that freed slave or Great Master, not to pervert the course of justice. Mossador pleads for forgiveness as Daenerys stares out to the scores of citizens begging for his release, but instead has Daario cut off his head. Daenerys is then quickly escorted away by the Unsullied when riots break out between the freedmen and the masters. Later that evening, Daenerys retreats to her chambers where she wants to spend time alone. As stands on her balcony looking out into the night sky, her missing dragon Drogon suddenly lands on top of the pyramid above her, now the size of a small house. Daenerys is elated to see him and tenderly tries reaching out for him, which she hasn't done for some time now. Drogon sniffs her outstretched hand, and while he doesn't attack her, he instead flies away, leaving his mother once again. Daenerys is left heartbroken as she gazes at Drogon soaring into the distance.
Some time later, Daenerys looks down at the streets from her balcony as Ser Barristan arrives and shares a story of how he and her oldest brother Rhaegar used to leave the Red Keep to mingle with the common people on the streets of King’s Landing. Daenerys then learns the truth that Rhaegar never loved killing, as Viserys once told her before. Daario arrives telling her that Hizdahr is in the throne room awaiting her. Daenerys asks Barristan if he’ll be joining them, but Daario assures her that he has her well protected. She then gives Barristan the day off, cheerfully telling him to make some music in the city below. In the throne room, Daenerys hears Hizdahr plead again to reopen the fighting pits of Meereen, but she refuses. Hizdahr rationally argues that the fighting pits provide a great spectacle that has always been enjoyed by both the masters and slaves, and is one of the few things that can bring the city together. During their meeting, the Sons of the Harpy mount a series of large-scale attacks in the streets which results in the deaths of several Unsullied and Second Sons. During the attack, Grey Worm is seriously injured and almost killed but is saved by Ser Barristan’s intervention of the fight, who had been walking around the streets when the Harpies began their attack. Barristan skillfully outmaneuvers several Harpies, but is overwhelmed and stabbed in the stomach, resulting in his death as well.
Following the attack, Daenerys is devastated upon learning of Ser Barristan's untimely death at the hands of the Harpies, having lost another one of her most trusted advisors. She grieves over his corpse in the throne room. Upon the suggestion of Daario, Daenerys decides to round up each of the leaders of Meereen's noble families, including Hizdahr zo Loraq. Bringing the eight of them down to the catacombs where Viserion and Rhaegal are imprisoned, Daenerys, with the enforcement of the Unsullied, forces one of the leaders towards the dragons until he is close enough to be burned alive and brutally torn apart. Drawn into Daenerys' debate between mercy and revenge, Missandei advises her queen to trust the decision that she alone sees. Taking this advice, Daenerys approaches Hizdahr in his cell, admitting her mistake of refusing to open the fighting pits. She also informs that she will marry the head of an ancient family to forge a bond with the people of the city, adding that she luckily has one of them on his knees already. Daenerys leaves a confused Hizdahr to ponder his survival and new marriage arrangement.

Some weeks later, while in bed with Daario, Daenerys reassures him that her marriage to Hizdahr is purely political in order to maintain peace. Daario hints at jealousy and asks if Daenerys would marry him instead, but Daenerys rejects this idea stating that she cannot simply do what she likes without regard for the city. Daario then ironically points out that she is the only person in Meereen that isn’t free. The following day, to everyone's surprise, Daenerys and Hizdahr appear in one of the fighting pits to watch the opening of the games, though Daenerys is visibly uncomfortable at the violent butchery before her, and gets up to leave, she is convinced to stay by Hizdahr. While arguing with him, another fighter emerges into the pit and proceeded to overpower the other participants, knocking them down one by one using non-lethal means that caused Daenerys to become intrigued by this newcomer. When the fighting is over, the surviving fighter reveals himself as Jorah, but Daenerys, who still hasn't forgiven him, orders him taken away. However, Jorah shouts out that he has brought Daenerys a gift. Jorah's companion enters the arena and introduces himself to Daenerys as Tyrion Lannister.
Later on in the throne room, Daenerys ponders on what to do with Tyrion and Ser Jorah. She asks Tyrion why she shouldn't kill him, since the Lannisters are enemies to her House. He claims to have killed both of his parents and by that he is an enemy to the Lannisters as well. Ordered to tell her why he has come to Daenerys from the other end of the world, he explains how he learned about her from Lord Varys. Tyrion asserts that she – a lost girl born in a storm, who with virtually no assistance managed to acquire a barbarian horde, an effective army, conquer three cities, break the slave trade and hatch three dragons – might be the world’s last chance at building a better one. He adds that Daenerys needs his advice despite having a powerful army and large dragons, as she lacks both political experience and practical knowledge of Westeros. She eventually agrees to spare his life, but asks what to do about Ser Jorah, seemingly poised to fulfill her promise of killing him if she saw him again, as it would not do at all for a queen not to keep her word. Tyrion defends Jorah, commenting that he is clearly devoted to her and quite possibly in love with her, but also that he did not trust her enough to inform her of his role as spy for King Robert and that therefore he cannot be trusted to stand by her side. Tyrion, however, argues that just as a queen should keep true to her oaths, she should also not kill those devoted to her. With this, Daenerys exiles Jorah from the city once again.
Afterwards, Daenerys sit in her solar and have a talk about ambitions. When Tyrion mentions what a horrible father Tywin Lannister was, Daenerys admits that she no longer has any illusions about her own father, King Aerys. Tyrion if officially taken on as her advisor as he then asks her what she wants to be advised on. When she mentions the Iron Throne, he suggests that she might want to stay and build a new kingdom for herself in Meereen. Daenerys assures him that she will stay to help stabilize but Westeros is her home. Tyrion asks who will support her in Westeros to which Daenerys idealistically answers that the common people will. He then asks Daenerys what ruling Meereen, with the support of only the common folk and not the rich, is like. Tyrion likens this to Westeros and its Great Houses. He notes that House Targaryen and House Stark are effectively dead and either House Lannister nor House Baratheon will ever support her claim in light of their histories with the Targaryens. Tyrion says that this leaves House Tyrell who might be willing to switch sides due to his sister Cersei’s recent schemes against them. Daenerys stubbornly likens the Great Houses, including her own House Targaryen, to the spokes on a wheel, one on top and then others, and on and on, crushing the commoners beneath them in their struggle for supremacy. Tyrion sarcastically warns that others have dreamed of stopping the wheel, but Daenerys clarifies that she plans to break it.

Some weeks later, Daenerys sits in the royal box at Daznak's Pit alongside Missandei, Daario and her new advisor Tyrion, as they await the start of the Great Games. Her husband-to-be Hizdahr zo Loraq arrives late, claiming to have been putting the final touches on the arrangements for the fight. Daario verbally spars with Hizdahr for much of the first match, drawing Daenerys' attention from the spectacle in front of her. As the fight is about to commence her attention returns to the arena when Ser Jorah Mormont, who didn’t leave the city after all, gives the traditional dedication to her. The grand melee begins with six fighters, with Jorah pairing up against a Norvosi long-axe fighter. The Norvosi is able to land several blows against Jorah, eventually knocking him to the ground, however Jorah is able to bring out his dagger and eventually bury it in the Norvosi's chest after a brief melee. Jorah then finds himself hopelessly outmatched by a Braavosi water dancer and suffers many cuts from his opponent's rapier. During the fight, a Meerenese pit fighter is able to lance his opponent in the chest. The water dancer eventually knocks Jorah to the ground, and is about to deliver a killing blow, but fails to notice the pit fighter who kills him from behind. Jorah then battles the pit fighter and kills him and is the last fighter standing. Jorah stares for a few moments at Daenerys, then suddenly grabs and hurls a spear at the royal box – embedding itself in a Son of the Harpy who was sneaking up behind Daario. The Sons of the Harpy then reveal themselves on every level of the arena and begin slaughtering slave masters and freedmen alike. Hizdahr is also brutally slaughtered in front of Daenerys, as Ser Jorah and Daario quickly evacuate her from the royal box, while Tyrion rescues Missandei. Finding the exits blocked, the group makes a stand in the center of the pit with remainder of the Unsullied defenders. Seeing they are hopelessly outnumbered, Daenerys takes Missandei's hand and closes her eyes, ready to face her death. At that moment, however, a loud, draconic screech pierces the air, as Drogon descends upon the arena, flying out of a giant burst of flames. Once Drogon lands in the arena, many of the Harpies scatter in terror as he bites, crushes and mercilessly burns the nearest ones to death. The Harpies then rally enough to attack Drogon with spears, embedding them in the dragon's tough hide. When Daenerys is able reach Drogon she hastily makes an effort to remove the spears, prompting Drogon to turn on her with a huge roar. He stops short of attacking her and then drops his aggression. Trying to get Drogon out of range, Daenerys climbs on top of his back and bids him to fly. As Drogon takes flight with Daenerys, she has become the first dragonrider in over a century. With the Harpies now retreating from the attack, Daario, Jorah, Missandei and Tyrion look on in astonishment as Drogon soars away from the city with his dragon queen.
Some time after fleeing from Meereen, Daenerys finds herself far away from the city with a wounded Drogon. The dragon queen finds herself in the Dothraki Sea standing atop an impressive hill in a sea of green grass. Drogon is still recovering from the multiple spear wounds he received from the Harpy ambush during the Great Games and although his mother is insistent on returning to Meereen as soon as possible, the dragon is unresponsive when she asks to fly back. Daenerys notes this as further proof that, with Drogon especially, she’s lost control of her growing dragons. To Daenerys’ disappointment Drogon unfortunately is also not interested in finding them any food. Daenerys then wanders away to find something for them to eat, but is startled to see a trio of Dothraki bloodriders emerge in the distance on horseback. Understanding what might happen to her, a fearful Daenerys quickly removes a ring and drops it in the grass, determined to leave a trail, with confidence that she will be searched after. Within minutes, an entire Dothraki khalasar, larger than she’s ever seen before, surround her as the wounded Drogon does not come to her aide this time.

“The powerful have always preyed on the powerless that’s how they became powerful in the first place.”
— ‘The Wars to Come’
“So I should welcome you into my service because you murdered members of your own family?”
— ‘Hardhome’
“You opened your gates to me because I promised you freedom and justice. One can not exist without the other.”
— ‘The House of Black and White’
“Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell, they're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground. I'm not going to stop the wheel... I'm going to break the wheel.”
— ‘Hardhome’
“If I give everyone what they deserve I’ll have no one left to rule.”
— ‘Kill the Boy’
“My poor sweet thing, does it hurt? We have to go home. Drogon? Can you take me back to Meereen? We need to return. My people need me!”
— ‘Mother's Mercy’

season six

Some time after Daenerys’ capture in the Dothraki Sea, Jorah and Daario continue their journey in search of her and Drogon. Jorah stops to inspect the charred bones of a ram, assuming Drogon could have been the only thing to melt a ram’s horn. As they continue to ride, they ponder over her disappearance as Daario then brings up Jorah’s one-sided affection for Daenerys. They then both express the intrigue of what the world would be like once she’s finished conquering it. The pair eventually discover a large circle of hoof prints, where Jorah then finds the pearl ring Daenerys purposefully dropped, leading him to realize a horde of Dothraki has taken her captive. Meanwhile, outside of Vaes Dothrak, now a prisoner of the khalasar, Daenerys is brought before their leader, Khal Moro. Out of jealousy, Moro's wives suggest killing Daenerys, though he repeatedly ignores them. Daenerys quickly reveals her identity, but Moro laughs off her titles, saying she is nothing more than his bed slave. Daenerys refuses, revealing herself as the widow of Khal Drogo. As it is forbidden for a khal to sleep with a widowed khaleesi, Moro has a change of heart, cuts her free and promises no one will touch her. A grateful Daenerys promises to reward him with more horses if she is returned to Meereen, but Moro informs her that she will be escorted to the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen in Vaes Dothrak, a home for other widowed khaleesi.
Daenerys later walks with the Dothraki towards Vaes Dothrak and is ushered into the the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen by Khal Moro's bloodriders. The High Priestess of the Dosh Khaleen orders the bloodriders to leave and strips Daenerys naked, giving her a robe which the dosh khaleen wear. As Daenerys puts on her new clothes, she tells the High Priestess that she will soon regret what she has done as she was the wife of a great khal, the Queen of Meereen and the Mother of Dragons. The High Priestess retorts that she herself was the wife of a previous Great Khal, Savo. Just as Daenerys thought she would conquer the world at Drogo's side, so did the high priestess think she would conquer the world at Savo's. But Savo was slain, and she joined the dosh khaleen. She is now content, just as Daenerys would be in time, if she is in fact allowed to join them. When Dany expressed confusion, the priestess points out that khaleesi are supposed to return to Vaes Dothrak immediately after their khal's death... but Daenerys went out into the world. She explains that all the khalasars have gathered to decide which cities will be sacked and which tribes will be enslaved. The High Priestess adds that now they will have to decide what to do with Daenerys for not coming to the dosh khaleen after Khal Drogo died - allowing her to join the dosh khaleen being the best outcome.
Some time later, Jorah and Daario have snuck into Vaes Dothrak and tries to form a plan for their extraction of Daenerys. Inside the Dosh Khaleen temple the High Priestess gives Daenerys a commentary on the other crones. Some of them hate Daenerys, thinking the Dothraki should not interbreed with other races, but the High Priestess dismisses them, saying that the Dothraki have always interbred and have never been concerned with blood purity. To illustrate her point, the High Priestess indicates another of the khaleen, a Lhazareen girl, Ornela, who was taken from her village at the age of twelve. Daenerys asks to relieve herself, and the High Priestess sends Ornela with her. As they walk, Daenerys learns that Ornela's khal died when she was only sixteen. The pair are interrupted by Jorah and Daario, who take Ornela hostage. Daenerys, unsurprised to see them, cancels their plans for escape – they have a slim chance of surviving an escape from Vaes Dothrak, let alone getting back to Meereen – and tells them that she has a plan of her own. She asks Ornela if she is willing to help them, calling her “khaleesi” (queen) instead of a “khaleen” (crone). The girl reluctantly agrees.

At the khalar vezhven, Daenerys tells the gathered khals that none of them are fit to lead the Dothraki. Daenerys declares that she will lead them herself. After a pause, Moro and the other khals burst into laughter. Daenerys reminds them that her husband Drogo, in the same temple in which they all now sit, declared that he would lead a Dothraki army across the Narrow Sea to retake the Iron Throne for his khaleesi and that all the khals have done since the raid and plunder of villages in lieu of any meaningful conquest. Disgusted with her insolence, Moro declares that she will be raped by each of the khals, then by all of their bloodriders, and then, if she is still alive, by their horses. Daenerys' broad smile deepens at his threats, and replies that she will lead the Dothraki instead. She confidently adds that they won't have to follow her because this is where they all will die. Daenerys then knocks over the braziers at the center of the temple, setting the entire building aflame. The panicked khals desperately attempt to escape the rapidly spreading fire, only to find the temple's only door barred, the bodies of the two khaleen guarding it lying dead outside. Khal Moro tries to confront Daenerys a final time, but she pushes the last brazier on him, completing the conflagration. As the flames climb higher, the dosh khaleen and khalasars gather in confusion. Eventually, the doors collapse and Daenerys emerges, naked and unburnt. Many of the Dothraki onlookers immediately start bowing to her, with the High Priestess, Ornela and the rest of the dosh khaleen following. Jorah and Daario move to the front of the crowd and pridefully bow last.
The following day, Daenerys, Jorah, Daario and the Dothraki horde start their journey back to Meereen. Daenerys, while thankful of his rescue, is unsure of what to do with Jorah, having banished him twice only to see him defiantly return twice, saving her life both times. With this in mind she claims that she can’t take him back but makes more of a point to say that she also can’t send him away, insinuating her ultimate gratitude towards him. As he starts rolling up his sleevs Jorah informs her that she must send him away, then revealing a growing greyscale infection spreading through his body and says that this time, he needs to leave for good. Jorah then confesses that Tyrion Lannister was right about Jorah’s love for her. He tells her he will always love her and gives a sorrowful goodbye to his queen. Jorah then starts to leave and states his plan to take his own life well before the greyscale envelops him, as there is no known cure, but Daenerys tearfully commands him to find a cure and come back to her side when she conquers Westeros. Jorah then departs while Daenerys and Daario Naharis lead the Dothraki horde back to Meereen.
Some time later, Daenerys is riding with Daario and her newly acquired khalasar of 100,000. She asks Daario how long it will take to get back to Meereen and inquires how many ships would be needed to carry her army across the Narrow Sea. Daario replies that it will take a week to get back, and at least 1,000 ships to take her new khalasar across the sea. Pondering this, Daenerys tells the khalasar to halt as she rides on ahead on her white horse. After a while, Daario announces he will look for her, but is stopped by the distinctive shadow of a dragon passing overhead. After a moment, Drogon appears and slowly circles the khalasar before landing, revealing Daenerys on his back. Daenerys asks if the khalasar is willing to cross the Narrow Sea, defeat the armies of the Seven Kingdoms, and rip down the keeps of its lords, as Drogo had promised. When they shout their affirmation, Daenerys reminds them that every khal in history has selected three bloodriders to ride at his side at the head of the khalasar. Daenerys, however, is not a khal and does not have to abide by their rules. Therefore, she declares the entire khalasar her bloodriders and asks if they will give her the Seven Kingdoms, to a resounding confirmation.

Some days later, late evening in Meereen, Tyrion Lannister, Missandei and Grey Worm are preparing for battle in the Great Pyramid as large fleets of slave masters’ ships have travelled from Yunkai, Astapor and Volantis ready to seige the city. They are using trebuchet catapults to bombard the city, reigning fire upon Meereen. Admitting that his diplomacy has failed during Daenerys’ absence, Tyrion lets Grey Worm take command of the battle. Grey Worm then proposes defending the pyramid instead of fighting on the beach. At that point, they hear movement on the roof and prepare for the worst, Missandei grabbing a large knife and Grey Worm in attack position alongside the Unsullied. After one of the soldiers cautiously walks out onto the balcony to inspect he quickly retreats back into the room and bows to the incoming new arrival, with the other soldiers following his bow. As Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm gaze towards the door with curious trepidation, Daenerys steadfastly walks into the room. At the sight of her everyone is relieved but that the chance of a celebratory reunion is quickly dashed as they make no mistake of the look on Daenerys’ face. She is primed for battle.
As the siege has been in pursuit throughout the evening, Daenerys and Tyrion meet at daybreak to discuss their plan in dealing with the slaver fleet as the pyramid is still being bombarded with flaming cannonballs. Tyrion sheepishly uses sarcasm to mask his embarrassment at his failed diplomacy, which Daenerys ignores. She insists on slaughtering their army but Tyrion suggests talking to the masters about terms of surrender, reminding Daenerys about her father's plan to destroy King's Landing using wildfire and the consequences when his brother Jaime Lannister killed her father, King Aerys. Daenerys declares her plans to "return their cities to the dirt" but Tyrion pleads for diplomacy, begging her not to become like her father. He asks to suggest a different approach. Daenerys and her entourage then meet with the slave master from Yunkai, Razdal mo Eraz, whom she’s already met. The other masters in attendance are Belicho Paenymion and Yezzan zo Qaggaz, representing Volantis and Astapor respectively. The masters discuss their terms of surrender, announcing they will allow Daenerys and Tyrion to leave the city, while Missandei and the Unsullied will be sold back into slavery, and the dragons will be slaughtered. Daenerys rejects their terms, informing them they aren't meeting for her surrender, but for theirs. The masters are bewildered by Daenerys' unwavering confidence until Drogon lands beside her. She mounts her dragon and the two take flight, while Rhaegal and Viserion break free from the catacombs of the great pyramid, almost as if summoned telepathically by Daenerys. With all three dragons finally reunited Daenerys then orders her children to burn the slave masters' ships, tilting the negotiating table in her favor. As they reign down fire decimating the slaver’s fleet, Grey Worm swiftly executes Razdal and Belicho but spares Yezzan to spread tidings of her power. Meanwhile, Daario leads the Daenerys' Dothraki khalasar to slaughter the remaining Sons of the Harpy; ending the threat of the slave masters and their Harpy allies for good.
Some time later, Daenerys and Tyrion meet with the Ironborn siblings, Yara and Theon Greyjoy. Yara offers to provide one hundred ships to Daenerys if, in return, she helps them defeat their uncle Euron Greyjoy and recognizes the independence of their home in the Iron Islands. Daenerys accepts Yara's offer of an alliance and observes that both of their fathers left the world worse than they found it, but Daenerys and Yara are going to leave it better than they found it. She demands that Yara recognize her claim to queenship of the Seven Kingdoms and tells her, "No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping." Yara protests this is the Ironborn's way of life, but Daenerys is firm. Yara reluctantly agrees to her terms, and the two Queens make a pact.

Some days later, Daario reports to Daenerys that the fleet is nearly ready to leave. He's eager to see how the Dothraki do on the open sea. Daenerys informs Daario he won't be joining them, which Daario interprets to mean that he will go on to seize Casterly Rock to cut off the House Lannister retreat. Daenerys clarifies that Daario is to stay in Meereen with the Second Sons, to keep the peace until the city can safely choose its own ruler. Furthermore, she cannot bring her lover to Westeros, as marriage is still her most valuable bargaining chip when considering new alliances. Daario begs her to take him, pointing out that kings have mistresses, and queens should be no different, but Daenerys stands firm. Daario realizes that Tyrion convinced her to leave him, but admits that it is a good move politically. He muses that no woman can take her place, although Daenerys is sure he will have many more lovers. Daenerys assures him that she'll leave specific instructions for him to follow in governing the newly-renamed Bay of Dragons. After Daario leaves, Daenerys goes to see Tyrion, who tries his best to console her. Daenerys thanks him, but admits that she's not upset about Daario: rather, she was frightened that she was able to easily dismiss someone who loves her unconditionally. Tyrion says that Daario wasn't the first man to love Daenerys, and won't be the last. Daenerys then turns the topic to Tyrion's rule of Meereen in her absence. He responds that he gave up on believing in himself or in anyone and anything else, but that he believes in her. Touched, Daenerys gives Tyrion a pin she had made for him: the brooch of the Hand of the Queen. Tyrion, struck with emotion, proceeds to kneel in front of her
Some time later, after leaving Slaver’s Bay, Daenerys leads her armada to Westeros. With the liberation of Slaver's Bay complete, Daenerys sails the open Summer Sea with her three dragons, as they fly over her assembled armada, composed of her growing support from Essos and Westeros alike. Sailing with Daenerys and her advisors is the army of Unsullied, the horde of Dothraki, the Ironborn fleet led by Yara and Theon Greyjoy, as well as the newly-recruited Southern-born Dornishmen and Reachmen. Daenerys, clad in Targaryen black, stands on the deck of the flagship with Tyrion, Missandei, and her latest advisor Lord Varys, looking ahead towards Westeros. Daenerys and Tyrion glance at each other respectfully as they embark into the unknown, bracing themselves for the coming war, knowing they could next be met with the gift of a new ally or more enemies than predicted.

“I will not lie with you. And I will bear no children, for you, or anyone else. Not until the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east.”
— ‘The Red Woman’
“My reign has just begun.”
“You are small men. None of you are fit to lead the Dothraki. But I am, so I will.”
“Our fathers were evil men. All of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We’re not going to do that. We’re going to leave the world better than we found it.”
“Will you give me the Seven Kingdoms, the gift Khal Drogo promised me before the Mother of Mountains? Are you with me, now and always?!”
“Tyrion Lannister… I name you Hand of the Queen.”

season seven

Daenerys arrives at Dragonstone after a long voyage across the Narrow Sea. The volcanic island is her birthplace as well as the location of the eponymous castle and ancestral seat of House Targaryen. As the three dragons circle over the castle, Daenerys kneels on the sand and touches Westerosi land for the first time since her birth. She and her entourage then climb the steps to the castle where they silently then enter the unguarded main gates and deserted courtyard. When they enter the castle itself, Daenerys briefly studies the fiery stag on one of Stannis Baratheon’s old banners, as he used to occupy the castle before his death. After a moment, Daenerys rips the banner down with a firm tug before entering the throne room and gazes upon the Targaryen throne itself, hewn from volcanic rock. Daenerys and Tyrion stride right past the throne and enters the Chamber of the Painted Table, the war council room. Surveying the discarded markers from Stannis' last use of the table, Daenerys wastes no time, turns to Tyrion and remarks "Shall we begin?"
Some time later, members of her council comment on how the weather relates to the night of her birth and the storm that came with it. Contrary to what she would have believed, she says that Dragonstone doesn't feel like home and then comments on the fact that Tyion’s sister and newly-reigned Queen, Cersei Lannister, only controls parts of the Seven Kingdoms, to which Lord Varys says this is due to the fact that many nobles despise her. Daenerys then grills Varys on his true loyalties, comparing his desire for a Targaryen restoration to that of her brother Viserys, in which she also states that Varys only supported her when it suited him. She also questions why he betrayed her father for King Robert, to which he explains that he would have been executed if he had, making it clear that he represents the common people, and that his loyalty to them outweighs his loyalty to any monarch. They are interrupted by a visit from a Red Priestess named Melisandre, who is welcomed due to the number of Red Priests who supported Daenerys in Meereen. Melisandre explains to Daenerys that she may have something to do with the prophecy of “The Prince That Was Promised”. Daenerys points out that she is "no prince", prompting Missandei to explain that the prophecy, written in High Valyrian, is gender-neutral. Melisandre further states that Daenerys has a role to play in the prophecy, as does another - the King in the North, Jon Snow. Tyrion is surprised and when Daenerys asks if Tyrion knows him, Tyrion explains he traveled with Jon to Castle Black. Varys asks about Jon, and Daenerys learns of his role of unifying the Northerners and the wildlings against a common enemy. Tyrion tells her that Jon will prove himself a valuable ally in Daenerys's bid to claim the Iron Throne. Clearly intrigued by the sound of this man, Daenerys requests that Tyrion write a letter to Jon, after asking him to come to Dragonstone and bend the knee.
Later, in the Chamber of the Painted Table, Daenerys hosts a meeting with the leaders of her allies, who include Yara and Theon Greyjoy. Amidst discussion Daenerys stops an argument between Tyrion and Ellaria Sand, who represents the Dornish allegiance, as she was responsible for the death of his niece Myrcella Baratheon as payback for House Lannister. When Daenerys asserts that Ellaria must respect her Hand, they move on to discuss strategies. Daenerys and Tyrion agree with Yara's idea to attack the King’s Landing immediately, and that the Unsullied should attack Casterly Rock while the Westerosi armies lay siege to the capital. When everyone has left, she requests a private audience with Olenna Tyrell, the last remaining leader of House Tyrell. Daenerys then tells her that she knows Olenna is on her side due to their mutual hatred for Cersei, rather than a love for Daenerys herself. In response, Olenna encourages her to be “a dragon,” rather than a "sheep,” like the other high lords and ladies.

Some time later, Jon Snow and his advisor Davos Seaworth arrive at Dragonstone and are escorted to the throne room by Tyrion. Daenerys sits on throne, waiting for them. After their entrance, Missandei speaks Daenerys' name and announces her many titles, which stand in stark contrast to Davos simply announcing Jon as "the King in the North". Initially, Daenerys assumes that he has come to bend the knee to her, as she is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Jon, however, reminds her that any fealty House Stark owed House Targaryen ended when her father murdered his grandfather and uncle, though he accepts her apology on behalf of House Targaryen for the crimes committed against the Starks and agrees she is not to blame for her father's sins. Jon states that his purpose is different; he has come to ask for her help in the coming fight against the Night King and his army of the dead, to which Daenerys would also need Jon's help in order to expunge the army. Tyrion urges them to kneel before Daenerys and, after the war against Cersei, their combined forces would defend the North. Jon refuses both because it may take longer to win the Iron Throne from Cersei and, by then, it may already be too late as at that point the Night King's army may have already bypassed the Wall and marched down south into the Seven Kingdoms. During their increasingly heated conversation Lord Varys whispers to Daenerys news of the assault on the Targaryen fleet, in which Yara Greyjoy, Ellaria Sand and their united Dornish and Ironborn forces are all either dead or captured.
Afterwards, Tyrion talks her into letting Jon mine dragonglass. It is noted that dragonglass, which can only be found in the caves of Dragonstone, is the only known weapon that can kill White Walkers. He insists that if Jon is to be their ally, some good-willed intent must be shown from their side and as they have no use for the dragonglass, they have nothing to lose by letting Jon have it. Afterwards, Daenerys and Jon meet in private at a spot overlooking the sea where she expresses similarities between them in having lost their brothers. Daenerys explains that since people once thought dragons were gone for good, they should examine what they believe they know. She then reminds Jon that she won't let Cersei stay in power and also explains that she hasn't changed her mind about which kingdoms belong to the throne. Jon asserts that he hasn't changed his mind about refusing to bend the knee either. Both come to a standstill until Daenerys offers to help him mine the dragonglass he needs and provide what he needs to do so. Jon asks her if she believes him now about the army of the dead, to which Daenerys responds by telling him to hurry and begin his work.
Afterwards, in the Chamber of Painted Table, Daenerys confers with Tyrion, Lord Varys and Missandei. She proposes going out with her dragons to hunt Euron Greyjoy's Iron Fleet, but Missandei and Tyrion argue against it: they have no idea where Euron is, and all it would take is for one stray arrow to kill Daenerys and the dragons would be uncontrollable without their mother. Tyrion also assumes that the Lannisters will put up a fierce fight for Casterly Rock, adding that the gates and walls of the ancestral castle of his House is impregnable to siege. However, as his father Tywin assigned Tyrion to build the sewers in his youth, he informs them that he built a secret tunnel through a cove to bring in prostitutes, which now can be used to their advantage. Meanwhile, however, in the Westerlands, Tyrion’s plans are foiled. The Unsullied do manage to sneak in through Tyrion's secret cove tunnel and after following an initial fight, they overwhelm the garrison and capture the castle. Grey Worm, however, quickly realizes that the Lannisters have only installed a small, skeletal garrison. Overlooking the battlements, Grey Worm questions a wounded Lannister soldier about where the main Lannister forces are, realizing they’ve stumbled into a trap. Euron's Iron Fleet sneaks up on the Unsullied fleet from behind and unleashes projectiles, setting many Targaryen ships ablaze.
Some days later, Jon leads Daenerys through an underground cave with rich walls of dragonglass. He shows her ancient wall drawings, which were made by the Children of the Forest. They depict the children themselves as well as the First Men and how they banded together to defeat their common enemy: the White Walkers. Daenerys is awestruck, coming around to the idea that Jon may be right to be concerned with the looming threat. She promises to defend the North with him when he bends the knee. When Jon insists his people would never accept a southern ruler after everything they’ve suffered, Daenerys asks him whether his own pride is more important than the lives of his people. As they exit the cave, Tyrion and Lord Varys deliver news of the Unsullied's empty victory at Casterly Rock and the sack of Highgarden, which resulted in the murder of Lady Olenna, and with it, the extinction of House Tyrell. Enraged at the loss of her several allies, Daenerys snaps at Tyrion, accusing him of devising soft plans to protect his family and impulsively suggests burning King’s Landing to the ground. She then turns her attention to Jon and asks for his advice, who tells her that her followers have seen her accomplish the impossible and believe she can do so yet again. However, burning the capital down would make her no different than the tyrants she is trying to overthrow.

Following the sack of Highgarden, the combined armies of House Lannister and House Tarly, led by Tyrion’s brother Jaime Lannister and Randyll Tarly, are traveling towards King’s Landing with newly-acquired riches. Suddenly, Daenerys' horde of Dothraki ambush them as they cross the plains of the Reach, with Daenerys herself leading the charge on Drogon. Although the Lannister and Tarly forces fight fiercely and inflict heavy casualties against the Dothraki at first, the khalasar, who live for combat, show the fleeing Westerosi no mercy and cut them down gleefully on and off horseback. The combination of dragonfire and cavalry charges overwhelms the Lannister/Tarly forces, and their formations soon fall apart. However, seemingly out of nowhere a giant bolt whizzes right past Drogon as he flies and Daenerys immediately heads for the giant scorpion to destroy it. Before she can reach it the shooter manages to strike Drogon's wing, causing the dragon to wince in pain and lose his balance. After plummeting nearly to the ground, Drogon regains his balance as Daenerys dismounts on the riverbank and tries to pull the bolt out of Drogon's shoulder. While trying to do so, she turns to see a mounted Jaime Lannister galloping towards her with a spear in hand. Just as Jaime closes in on Daenerys, however, Drogon notices him amidst the chaos of the battle. Shielding Daenerys behind his head, the dragon opens his mouth and his throat glows with the promise of fiery death. Just as Drogon unleashes the flames, Jaime is saved as one of his own men, Ser Bronn, tackles Jaime off of his horse and into the river, narrowly missing the dragon’s fire. In the aftermath of the battle, Jaime and Bronn have swam ashore to safety as Tyrion grimly assesses the carnage out on the battlefield, seeing the ashes of wagons, horses and Lannister soldiers. The survivors are then rounded up and taken before Daenerys. She claims they've been manipulated by Queen Cersei and offers them a choice: bend the knee and join her to build a better world with her, or refuse and die. As if to reinforce this point, Drogon roars menacingly from his perch behind Daenerys. Most of the survivors quickly kneel, with the exception of Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon Tarly. Randyll refuses to trade his honor for his life, claiming he has chosen his queen. Tyrion proposes to Daenerys about having them committed to the cells instead, but Daenerys, being ruthless yet pragmatic, does not wish to grant the reputation of putting traitors in chains, or many would take advantage. She resumes her sentencing for them both, as father and son hold hands. Drogon unleashes his dragonfire, burning Randyll and Dickon alive and reducing them both to flame and ash in seconds, killing them instantly in front of their own soldiers. Terrified, the remaining soldiers instantly kneel as Tyrion reflects uneasily over the execution.
Upon her return to Dragonstone, Jon watches as Daenerys lands Drogon in front of him. The dragon then hesitantly approaches Jon, who stands his ground. After a few moments, Drogon and Jon seem to be transfixed on one another as Jon then inches closer to Drogon and is allowed to make contact, to Daenerys's astonishment. She dismounts, at which point Drogon flies off. She claims that the "gorgeous beasts", as Jon has described them, as are her children. Daenerys then informs Jon of her victory over the Lannisters and they discuss what is needed to help people. Daenerys asks him what his advisor Davos Seaworth meant by "taking a knife in the heart for his people." Jon avoids discussing the matter, claiming that Ser Davos gets carried away, but before Daenerys can press him further, they are interrupted by the surprise arrival of Ser Jorah Mormont, who is escorted onto Dragonstone by the Dothraki. Jorah informs her that has been cured of his greyscale and requests to return to her service. A delighted Daenerys embraces him, saying that it would be her honor. She then introduces him to a wary Jon, but this is diffused when Jorah tells him that his late father, Eddard Stark, was a great man.

Inside, Daenerys then holds a meeting with her advisors alongside Jon and Ser Davos. Daenerys extends her relief to Jon at his discovery that his half-siblings, Arya and Bran Stark, are still alive after years of believing them to be dead. Jon, now having received Bran's message stating that the Night King is marching towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, insists that he must go home to Winterfell to make preparations for the war. Daenerys questions his ability to do so with the modest amount of men sworn to fight for him, and Jon requests her help once again. She refuses, noting that Cersei wins if she abandons her cause to take the Iron Throne. Unsure of how to proceed, Tyrion presents the idea of bringing evidence of the army of the dead to Cersei, in the hopes of convincing her to join the fight against the White Walkers. Jon decides to lead an expedition north of the Wall to capture a wight and bring it south to King's Landing. Daenerys, at first, doesn't agree but is convinced by Tyrion's confidence in the mission.
As Jon, Ser Jorah and their group prepare to depart on boats for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, Daenerys and her entourage arrive and bid Jorah farewell. Jorah quips that he is used to saying farewell. When Jon and Daenerys bid farewell, he sarcastically informs her that there’s a chance he might not return and that she won't have to deal with the King in the North anymore if that’s the case. Daenerys affectionately tells him that she's grown used to him. Then Jon wishes her well in the wars to come. Along with Tyrion, Daenerys watches as Jon, Jorah, and the rest of the party depart on their boats for Eastwatch.
Some time later, Daenerys discusses Khal Drogo, Ser Jorah, Daario Naharis and Jon Snow with Tyrion. A concerned Daenerys says that they're heroes who all do stupid, brave things in attempt to “out-do each other.” Tyrion notes that all the men she's named have all fallen in love with her. Daenerys dismisses this about Jon, then claiming that he is "too little" for her, then immediately apologizes when she realizes she's accidentally insulted Tyrion's height. Daenerys recognizes that Tyrion is no coward. The two then turn their attention to the topic of their impending meeting with Cersei. When explaining that fear is all Cersei has, Tyrion asserts that it made the Lannisters' power brittle. When Daenerys mentions that Aegon the Conqueror made it far on fear, Tyrion tells Daenerys she needs to be different from who came before her if she wishes to break the wheel. The negotiations with Cersei will be difficult and he cautions Daenerys that his sister will likely try to provoke her. He lightly admonishes her for losing her temper and burning Randyll and Dickon Tarly, but Daenerys says it was necessary. Tyrion believes Daenerys acted too hastily instead of exploring other options and giving the Tarlys time to think. He wants Daenerys to defeat her enemies, as he believes in the world she wants to build. The subject turns to her succession and he notes that she’d told him that she can't have children. Daenerys requests to set this discussion aside until after she wins the throne.
Later, after receiving a raven’s message from Eastwatch requesting a rescue beyond the Wall, Tyrion implores Queen Daenerys not to fly off and save them. He informs her that the most important person in the world cannot travel to the most dangerous place in the world. Tyrion further insists that Jon and his companions knew the risks of their mission and that if Daenerys dies, everything they've done will be for nothing and all will be lost. He asserts that she cannot win the throne or “break the wheel” if she is dead, adding that sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing at all. Daenerys counters that he told her to do nothing before and she lost. Dissatisfied with his advice, Daenerys leaves with all three dragons to the lands beyond the Wall to aid Jon Snow and his ranging party. A distraught Tyrion watches the dragons fly off in the distance.

Daenerys arrives far North just in time to save Jon and his party. Hundreds of wights are burned to ashes while others collapse under the ice, which is melted by dragonfire. Jon and his party rush to Daenerys, who is now landed with Drogon and reaches out to help them climb up the dragon. The hunting party drags a captive wight onto Drogon with them, while Viserion and Rhaegal provide a cover of fire from above, blockading the attacking wights. As they all hurriedly climb onto Drogon, Jon hangs back to fight off more wights, ensuring they don’t reach Drogon. Meanwhile, the Night King obtains an icy javelin from one of his lieutenants and carefully lines his sight with the flight trajectory of Viserion. Once the Night King locks in his aim he then hurls the large spear at the dragon, scoring a direct hit into Viserion’s neck. The dragon plunges helplessly into a freefall, shrieking in agony as blood and fire pour out of the fatal wound. Drogon and Rhaegal cry out for their brother as Daenerys watches in sheer horror. Viserion crashes onto the frozen lake, shattering the ice, and slowly sinks beneath it. As the Night King readies another spear, Jon yells at Daenerys to leave without him to avoid any harm to the remaining dragons. Jon is then dragged under the ice by two wights. Daenerys, Jorah and the survivors of the expedition flee with Drogon and Rhaegal before the Night King can kill them, leaving Jon behind for dead. He hurls the second javelin, but Drogon narrowly dodges it, as they race away from the tragic scene.
Once safe at Eastwatch, Daenerys sends Drogon and Rhaegal to scour the surrounding mountains looking for Jon. Peering down from the battlements of the Wall, Dany then sees a wounded Jon approaching on horseback. He is quickly placed on board their ship to tend to his wounds. Once they’ve set sail in the Narrow Sea, Jon wakes to find Daenerys watching over him in his chambers. Jon apologizes for the disastrous ranging party and the fact it caused Viserion's death, but Daenerys tells him she now knows that the army of the dead is real. Overcome with emotion, she tells Jon that the dragons are the only children she will ever have, and vows that she and Jon will together destroy the Night King together. Jon thanks her for her support and addresses her as his queen. Realizing he is agreeing to bend the knee, Daenerys asks Jon what the Northern lords loyal to him will make of this. Jon assures her they will come to see her for the good person she is, as he already has. Touched by his statement, Daenerys gently takes Jon's hand in her own. They gaze into each other's eye for a few moments – but Daenerys suddenly pulls her hand away telling him to get some rest as she leaves the room.

After sailing from Dragonstone, the Targaryen and Northern advisors arrive in King’s Landing. They are escorted to the Dragonpit, where the various factions meet. Queen Cersei, her brother Jaime, her Hand Qyburn, and Euron Greyjoy, who was responsible for the decimation of the Ironborn fleet, represent the Iron Throne while Jon, Ser Davos and Brienne of Tarth represent the North alongside Daenerys' court, comprised of Tyrion, Ser Jorah, Missandei and Theon Greyjoy. Once everyone is attendance Daenerys makes a suitably dramatic entrance on Drogon's back, with Rhaegal flying overhead. Getting the meeting on track, Tyrion and Jon attempt to convince the Lannister queen of the greater threat coming from the North for them all; according to Tyrion, one million people all live crammed together in the city. They will soon become one million more soldiers in the army of the dead. Cersei callously responds that it will likely be an improvement for most of them, her flippancy noticeably angering the normally stoic Jon. Cersei refuses to believe the claims, dismissing them as a ploy to trick her into lowering her defenses. To prove their claims, Sandor Clegane returns with the crate containing the captured wight. When he kicks the crate over the enraged wight spills out and launches itself out toward the nearest target - Cersei, appropriately enough. Visibly horrified, she and her allies recoil in horror as Sandor pulls the wight back on a chain, its claws inches from Cersei's face, and manages to slice the creature in half when it turns to attack him. The assembled look on in shock as the wight's upper half still moves around. Jon steps forward and picks up the wight's discarded hand, using a torch provided by Ser Davos to demonstrate how fire can be used to stop them. He then uses a dragonglass dagger to the heart to end the wight's upper half, bluntly stating that if they don't win the coming war, such a fate awaits every person in Westeros. A horror-struck Jaime asks how many wights are coming, and Daenerys tells him the army of the dead numbers at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei immediately offers terms but refuses to deal with Daenerys at all, however, and calls on Jon to keep the truce and to stay out of any future conflict between Cersei and Daenerys. Jon, however, says that he cannot serve two queens - and reveals to all assembled that he has already declared for Daenerys. Declaring that there will be no truce if it is just her and Daenerys, Cersei storms out, content to let the Starks and Targaryens battle the undead alone and then deal with whoever emerges victorious from that conflict. Daenerys and Tyrion criticize Jon over declaring his allegiance in public, with Tyrion suggesting that learning to lie just a little might be a good skill. Daenerys points out that if they leave without an alliance, everything they've sacrificed, including her dragon Viserion, will be made worthless. Jon responds that while scrupulous honesty may or may not have contributed to getting his father killed, if no one is willing to speak the truth, then everyone's word is worthless, and lies will not help them win the coming fight. Tyrion reluctantly decides that he will go and try to talk some reason into Cersei alone. Daenerys and Jon protest, fearing Cersei may have him killed out of spite, but Tyrion insists it's the only way if they don't want everything they've done to be for nothing and bids them wait.
Some time after Tyrion goes to speak with Cersei, Daenerys and Jon discuss the dragons and how her ancestors caged them, and in turn, her family became less impressive as the power of the dragons waned, that they became like everyone else. Jon responds that Daenerys is not like everyone else. When Daenerys confides she was made infertile back when she was with Khal Drogo by the witch Mirri Maz Duur, Jon questions this, particularly when she admits it was the switch herself who had told her she was infertile. Their conversation is interrupted by the return of all three Lannisters. Cersei has agreed to work with Daenerys, but not by keeping her troops back: the Lannister army will march north to fight alongside the Starks and Targaryens.
Returning to Dragonstone, Daenerys and her court discuss logistics in the Chamber of the Painted Table. It will take the Dothraki a fortnight to reach Jon’s home of Winterfell, and the plan is to have him and the Unsullied cross the sea by ship and meet them at White Harbor. Ser Jorah points out that the North is not really safer for her than anywhere else, as someone with a memory of Robert's Rebellion and an idea of becoming a hero could easily take her out with a single crossbow bolt. Jorah suggests she fly to Winterfell to avoid any potential unpleasantness. Jon counters that Daenerys ride with them so that the North can see her as a liberator and ally. After a moment's consideration, Daenerys decides to sail north with Jon Snow. Ser Jorah, suspecting a different reason for her decision, throws her a look, which she notices but avoids. Some time after departing Dragonstone, Jon knocks on the door of Daenerys' ship cabin. She answers and meets his gaze without words. After a moment, he enters, and they shut the door while intensely staring at each other. Inside her chambers, they finally give into the burgeoning passion between them and make love. Unbeknownst to both of them, Tyrion had also been on his way to speak with his queen, and had seen Jon enter the cabin. Tyrion stands in the hall, deep in thought as he contemplates the ramifications of their new union.

“I have been sold like a broodmare. I’ve been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any gods, not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen.”
“You told me to do nothing before and I listened to you. I’m not doing nothing again.”
— ‘Beyond the Wall’
“My enemies are in the Red Keep. What kind of a queen am I if I’m not willing to risk my life to fight them?”
“[Dragons] were terrifying. They filled people with wonder and awe, and we locked them in here. They wasted away. Grew very small. And we grew small as well. We weren’t extraordinary without them. We were just like everyone else.”

season eight

After a long journey and upon their arrival in the North, Daenerys, Jon Snow and their combined forces march through Winter Town on their way to Winterfell. The townspeople cast Daenerys several suspicious looks as the hordes of Unsullied and Dothraki march in behind her. Jon reminds her that Northerners have a long-established distrust of outsiders. Immediately following this exchange, Drogon and Rhaegal fly overhead, startling the townspeople and causing Daenerys to smile proudly at her children. Once inside the courtyard of Winterfell, Jon sees his younger half-brother Bran Stark and quickly dismounts. Jon hasn’t seen Bran in several years since he initially left Winterfell. He kisses Bran's forehead and then embraces his sister Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell, who keeps a wary eye on Daenerys as Jon introduces her to Daenerys. Sansa formally welcomes Daenerys to Winterfell, however, makes it apparent that it’s a begrudging invitation. Despite the steely reception, Daenerys politely thanks her, remarking that Jon told her about the beauty of the North and Sansa herself. Bran then interrupts, insisting that there isn’t any time for pleasantries, and informs Daenerys that the Night King has resurrected her deceased dragon, Viserion, who has now become part of the undead army.
As Danerys and Jon try to organize their defenses in the Great Hall of the castle, House Mormont leader and relative to Ser Jorah, Lyanna Mormont, voices the anger that many lords have toward Jon bending the knee to Daenerys since they named Jon their King in the North. Jon gravely answers that he said he would protect the North, and the only way they could do that is with allies. Amidst their uproar Tyrion speaks up to insist that they'd all be dead already without Jon - and that the remaining Lannister army will soon arrive to reinforce them as well, upon which the lords resume their objections. Tyrion insists they must fight together in the face of the onslaught of the White Walkers and their undead army. Sansa asks how they are meant to feed Daenerys' army, "While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons." She scoffs, "What do dragons eat, anyway?" to which Daenerys snarkily quips, "Whatever they want". Sansa and Daenerys cast a side-gaze towards one another knowing that they’re disagreements have only just begun.
While inspecting the preparations for the coming battle, Daenerys remarks to Jon upon Sansa's apparent dislike for her. While Jon assures her that Sansa wasn't overly fond of him when they were growing up, Daenerys rebuffs him by saying that they don't need to like each other, but she will be respected as queen. Several Dothraki approach the pair and mention that the dragons haven't been eating as much as they normally do.
Afterwards, Jon and Daenerys ride out together to visit Drogon and Rhaegal and find the two dragons in a bone pit outside Winterfell's walls. Daenerys asserts that they must be upset being in the North. Daenerys mounts Drogon, but then on a whim, asks Jon if he'd like to ride Rhaegal. After much trepidation, Jon climbs on top of Rhaegal as the dragon accepts him, astonishingly so, as typically only those with Valyrian blood, like Daenerys, can easily bond with dragons. The dragons take the pair on a lengthy, romantic flight over the surrounding snow-covered countryside, though Jon initially struggles to fly on Rhaegal. Daenerys is somewhat pleased with Jon's almost instant connection with her dragon. Eventually, they land near a waterfall in an area where Jon used to hunt as a youth. Away from all concerns over the coming battle, Daenerys and Jon share an intimate moment together. However, with her back turned and unbeknownst to Daenerys, as Jon kisses her he catches eyes with Drogon, who stares at Jon intensely, making an uncomfortable Jon ponder her dragon’s thoughts.

That evening, after returning to Winterfell with Jon, Daenerys and Ser Jorah pay a visit to the castle library in order to thank Jon’s closest friend Samwell Tarly for saving Jorah's life. Samwell was the maester-in-training at the Citadel in Oldtown who found a cure for Jorah’s greyscale affliction. After praising him for realizing the secret behind dragonglass as well, Daenerys asks if there is anything she can do to repay him. Samwell jokingly asks for a pardon for stealing books from the Citadel and for taking his father's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane, without permission. Upon hearing his surname is "Tarly", Daenerys realizes that he is, in fact, Randyll Tarly's son, and proceeds to tell him the difficult truth that she executed his father at Highgarden when he wouldn’t bend the knee for her. Despite Randyll's threats to Samwell his entire life, he has a mixed reaction at this, and says the sword would then pass to his younger brother Dickon, who is a good and honorable man - but Daenerys further explains that Dickon refused to leave his father's side, so he was executed as well. Samwell, stunned and devastated by this, rushes out of the room in tears.
The following morning, when Tyrion’s brother Jaime Lannister arrives at Winterfell, he is escorted to the Great Hall immediately. Daenerys begins by saying that when she was a child her brother Viserys would tell her about the man who murdered their father King Aerys and all the things they would do to that man, once they took back the Seven Kingdoms. She also remarks that his sister Cersei had pledged to send her army north and since Jaime came alone it appears Cersei lied. Jaime makes it clear that she lied to him as well, and that she never had any intention of sending her army north. Jaime tells her that Cersei has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops. Even if they defeat the army of the dead, she'll have plenty of men to kill the survivors. Jaime states he promised to fight for the living and he intends to keep that promise. Tyrion tries to step in but Daenerys quickly stops him because Tyrion was wrong about his sister too. Brienne of Tarth steps forward on Jaime's behalf and insists that he is a man of honor and adds that without him, she wouldn't be alive to protect Sansa. Sansa eventually agrees that they should let Jaime stay then Daenerys asks Jon his advice on the matter who informs her they need every man they can get. Daenerys eventually acquiesces, and Tyrion sighs in relief. As Sansa leaves, Daenerys turns to face Jon but Jon awkwardly avoids her. A confused Daenerys walks down the corridor with Tyrion and vents her anger about Cersei's betrayal. She says that Tyrion either knew Cersei was lying or allowed himself to be duped by her. She adds that if he cannot help get Daenerys on the Iron Throne, she'll find another Hand who can.
Later, after a heartfelt conversation with Jorah, Daenerys speaks privately with Sansa, addressing some of the thorny political issues involved in their alliance. Daenerys remarks on how she thought they were on the verge of agreeing in regards to Jaime and asks Sansa why she changed her mind. Sansa replies that she trusts Brienne's judgement completely. Daenerys notes that she can't help but feel they're still at odds with one another but then realizes, "Your brother." Sansa is afraid Daenerys has ulterior motives and that because Jon loves her, he will do stupid things for love. Daenerys assures Sansa this is not the case and confesses her love for Jon, explaining she has had only one goal - retaking the Iron Throne - until she met Jon and now she's in the North helping him fight the Night King and the army of the dead. Although a greater understanding appears to develop between the two women, Sansa remains firm in her conviction that the Northerners will never truly accept an outsider as their ruler again, and bluntly asks Daenerys what her plans for the North are once the dead have been defeated. The awkward moment is interrupted by the arrival of Theon Greyjoy and his men.

When the survivors from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea bring the news that the army of the dead will be at Winterfell's gates within a day, Daenerys meets with all the prominent commanders and heads of houses to discuss battle strategy. Jon notes that even with dragonglass, Valyrian steel and the defenses they have laid, they are still outnumbered to have a chance at winning a conventional battle. He then suggests to make the Night King their primary target; given that he raised every monster in the army of the dead, if they can kill him, his army should die with him. Jaime Lannister predicts that the Night King, knowing this weakness, will never risk himself on the battlefield, but Bran interjects that the Night King will come for him as his ultimate desire is to erase all memory of the world of men, something which Bran Stark now possesses as the new Three-Eyed Raven. Tyrion declares that he and Ser Davos will signal Jon and Daenerys at the right time to ignite the trench around Winterfell, but Daenerys overrides him, declaring he will be in the crypts for his own safety; if the battle is won, she will need him. Davos suggests the dragons will be helpful on the battlefield but Jon notes they need the dragons near the godswood to protect Bran when Bran is luring the Night King in for an ambush. Jon’s sister, Arya Stark, then asks if dragonfire would kill him, to which Bran says “no one has ever tried it before.”
Down in the family crypts, Daenerys finds Jon staring at a statue of Lyanna Stark. She wraps an arm around his waist as he holds her hand before Daenerys asks who the statue is of. After Jon explains, Daenerys then mentions her disbelief that her own brother Rhaegar had raped Lyanna, knowing how out of character that would've been. Jon turns to face Daenerys and tells her a truth that he had only learned the night before. Jon explains that Rhaegar didn't rape Lyanna. They loved each other and were secretly wed in Dorne, adding they also had a son, and if King Robert Baratheon had found out, the baby would've been killed. Lyanna asked her brother Eddard Stark to raise the boy as his own and pretend the child was a bastard. The dying words spoken on Lyanna's birthing bed was the name of her son. It's then that Jon informs Daenerys that he is that child and his true name is Aegon Targaryen. Daenerys finds it nearly impossible to believe, especially that the truth came from two men so close to Jon, Bran and Samwell Tarly. However, as the pieces fall into place, Dany realizes that Jon is the last living male heir of House Targaryen and has the rightful claim to the Iron Throne. Before anymore words are spoken, a horn blast is heard signalling the arrival of the army of the dead. Jon and Daenerys run to the battlements see the army standing in formation far in the distance, ready for battle.

Wasting no time, Daenerys and Jon ride Drogon and Rhaegal away from the castle, as to not alert the enemy to their presence. They view the battle from the west in the distance and the Dothraki army charges the army of the dead, but when the Dothraki are slaughtered, Daenerys breaks away from Jon's plan to wait for the Night King and attacks the army of the dead with dragonfire, Jon following behind to assist on Rhaegal. They make strafing runs on the undead army, just behind the faltering human forces. Thousands of wights are incinerated: for a short time this stems their tide, but more keep coming. Daenerys and Jon's visibility is then cut off when the White Walkers summon a blizzard. High in the skies above Winterfell, Daenerys and Drogon are suddenly attacked by the Night King on Viserion, but she is able to evade him. When she finds Jon above the clouds as well, the Night King has disappeared and makes a run towards the godswood where Bran is. As Jon knows where the Night King is heading, he attacks him from atop Rhaegal as they approach the castle walls. Rhaegal clashes with the undead Viserion and a battle between the two factions ensues in the skies above Winterfell. Daenerys quickly approaches on Drogon and collides with Viserion with such impact that the Night King is spilled from his mount, plummeting to the ground, while Drogon tears into Viserion. Rhaegal, however, is badly wounded enough that he needs to make a forced landing, dropping Jon on the ground again before fleeing. Drogon sends the badly injured Viserion crashing into the castle while Jon regains himself on the ground, not far from the Night King, who survived the fall and is proceeding on foot to the breach the godswood. Daenerys reaches the Night King, and with the command of "Dracarys!", has Drogon blast him with dragonfire. When the smoke dissipates, however, it’s confirmed that dragonfire cannot kill the Night King, who is completely unharmed. The Night King still has one ice javelin left and as he readies to throw it at Drogon, Daenerys flees and manages to narrowly dodge the shot. Jon continues to pursue the Night King and just as he is about to reach him, the Night King silently turns to him and raises his arms, resurrecting all of Winterfell's defenders who died in the battle up to this point. This includes the young Lyanna Mormont and the Dothraki leader Qhono, as they rise up into wights. Jon finds himself surrounded again and struggles to fight off the new wights, as the Night King continues into the godswood. Daenerys then appears with Drogon and burns the wights surrounding Jon. He calls out to Daenerys, planning to pursue the Night King, and Daenerys tells Jon to go. After Jon runs off, Daenerys and Drogon land but stay on the ground for moments too long, finding Drogon being swarmed by dozens of wights. He just barely manages to fly away still covered in them, but Daenerys is knocked off his back in the process. However, Ser Jorah appears and helps Daenerys fight off the wights. Meanwhile, Jon fights his way back into the courtyard of the castle - only to find himself dodging the grounded, but still very dangerous Viserion. Facing certain death and with the battle seemingly lost, Jon emerges from his hiding place and, resolving to die with whatever courage he can muster, bellows defiance at Viserion as the undead dragon's jaws gape open, either to devour Jon or blast him with flame. Meanwhile, Daenerys finds a sword and slays a few wights who are attacking Jorah and herself. However, in his efforts to protect her, Jorah takes multiple stab wounds and although he collapses multiple times, he manages to continue to rise up and save his queen. As the Night King enters the godswood, he swiftly kills Theon Greyjoy, the last man standing who is protecting Bran. Just as the Night King is about to slay the defenseless Bran, Arya Stark suddenly sneaks up behind him and stabs him with a dragonglass dagger, shattering the Night King to ice. At that the very moment, the White Walkers, Viserion and the rest of the wights suddenly fall dead all around the castle, confirming the assumption that the death of the Night King was key to winning the war. The ancient threat of the White Walkers and their army has now been destroyed forever. Jorah then collapses for the final time and a sobbing Daenerys holds his body. Drogon then reappears and lays down beside his mother.

Following the victorious battle against the army of the dead, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are gathered into dozens of funeral pyres, and Jon gives a eulogy stating that it is the duty of those who survived to keep them alive in memory for generations to come. Quoting the funeral speech used for members of his former organization, the Night's Watch, he announces that the fallen soldiers were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the pyres of the fallen. Sansa Stark weeps over Theon Greyjoy's body as Jon himself lights the funeral pyre for the young House Mormont leader, Lyanna. Daenerys is particularly distraught over the loss of another Mormont: Ser Jorah. She tearfully lights his pyre aflame and kisses him on the cheek as her farewell to his devout service and unwavering friendship over the years.
That night, the survivors hold a victory feast in the great hall of Winterfell, though so many have died that the mood is somber at first. Daenerys calls on Gendry Baratheon, noting that he is the bastard son of King Robert- the man who overthrew her family. Gendry humbly responds that he didn't even know that Robert was his father until after he died. Daenerys then asks him who the Lord of Storm's End is now that Robert is dead. Gendry says he doesn't know, as she then declares that she will appoint him the new Lord of Storm's End, as a reward for his heroism. The appointment is met with thunderous applause as the mood lifts in the hall. Quietly at the main table, however, Tyrion notes to Daenerys - with approval - that appointing Gendry wasn't an altogether altruistic move. He adds that it is politically wise, however, as this props up Gendry as a rival claimant to rule of the Stormlands instead of Queen Cersei, while at the same time pacifying what could have been a rival claimant to the Iron Throne by making him dependent on her favor. Sansa looks over at the exchange between Daenerys and Tyrion, silently distressed. The feast becomes more celebratory once everyone starts drinking heavily and boasting about their deeds in the battle. Daenerys stands up and makes her own toast, "To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell!" prompting an entire room of cheers, although Arya is not present. Jon and Daenerys share a smile, which is noticed by Sansa who then leaves the table. With Tyrion and Jon socializing with other groups and Missandei and Grey Worm having excused themselves from the feast, Daenerys finds herself alone and despondently watches the surplus of celebratory exchanges around the room. Lord Varys specifically notices Daenerys' mood and isolation, quietly becoming concerned. Daenerys solemnly gets up to leave the hall.
Daenerys finds Jon in his chambers later that night and they kiss and start to undress, before Jon stops himself due to the recent discovery of their blood relation. Daenerys laments that she wishes Jon never told her about his true identity because otherwise, she'd be happy. She is afraid others will press his claim and take the throne from her. Jon tries to assure her he doesn't want the throne. Daenerys tells Jon it doesn't matter what he wants or how many times he swears fealty to her - he didn't want to be King in the North either. Jon gets on one knee before her and says that he'll refuse the crown because she is his queen. Daenerys begs Jon not to tell anyone else about his parentage, fearing that it will destroy them. Jon insists that he must tell his sisters because he owes them the truth about who he is and is certain they will keep it a secret. However, Daenerys believes the only way they can live together is if Jon keeps his identity a secret from everyone. Jon then urges to Dany that “you are my queen, nothing will change that. And they are my family. We can live together.” Daenerys coldly replies with “We can. I just told you how”. After an intense linger their physicality towards each other changes immensely.

The following day, Daenerys, Jon and their remaining leaders hold a war council. Grey Worm informs that half of the Unsullied and most of the Dothraki were killed in the battle as Jon adds about half of the Northern armies were destroyed as well. Daenerys says that they must attack King's Landing, and rip out Cersei root and stem. Tyrion warns her that a direct assault on the capital would result in so many civilian casualties that it would make the smallfolk hate her, so their focus should be to turn them against Cersei instead. As Daenerys is still insistent on an attack Sansa counters that they are not in a strong position to immediately mount a new offensive as most of their combined soldiers need rest. Daenerys tells her, "I came north to fight alongside you at great cost to my armies and myself. Now that the time has come to reciprocate, you want to postpone," but Sansa pointedly reminds her that this is the same for both the Northern armies and Daenerys' as well. Jon interjects that the North will honor its allegiance to Daenerys, whom he has bent the knee to, and they will just have to leave the badly wounded back home and march south with a smaller army. At this, Sansa and Arya Stark exchange a look. Daenerys declares to the war council that this will be the last war they have to fight in the Seven Kingdoms - adding "ALL of them.” Daenerys and Sansa exchange a tense look before Daenerys and her advisors leave the room. Arya then asks Jon for a word in private. Afterwards, as Daenerys and her dragons depart Winterfell, she notes Rhaegal’s injured take-off from the ground.
Some time after departing the North, Daenerys soars over her fleet on Drogon, with Rhaegal by their side. Dragonstone island comes into view as Daenerys is happy to catch sight of her ancestral home after spending time in the North and treated like a foreigner. Her joy, however, quickly turns to horror as a gigantic scorpion bolt appears out of nowhere, burying itself deep inside Rhaegal's chest: Euron Greyjoy's fleet is mounting a surprise attack, his ships now equipped with huge ballistas. These new weapons are more numerous and much more powerful, punching deep through Rhaegal's iron-hard scales. The first bolt in his chest is soon followed by a second to his wing. The injured dragon's blood-curdling roar of agony is silenced when a third bolt impales him through the throat. Overwhelmed by shock and blood loss, Rhaegal plunges into the sea, where he sinks beneath the surface of the water and drowns. Distraught and enraged, Daenerys tries to make an attack run with Drogon on Euron's ship, but all of the scorpions start raining bolts at her, and she barely manages to turn away and escape with her life. Euron's ships then target their ballistae at Daenerys' fleet, smashing them to splinters. The survivors of the destroyed fleet drag their way onto the nearby shore of Dragonstone, including Tyrion and Lord Varys. Grey Worm stands ashore, only to realize in horror that Missandei isn't with them as Euron’s fleet has captured her on Cersei’s orders.
The furious and bereaved Daenerys meet with her remaining advisors. Grey Worm grimly says they should storm the capital city at once in order to save Missandei. Lord Varys, however, believes this to be a mistake, as Cersei Lannister has not kept it a secret from them they she has swelled the city with refugees to use as human shields. He pleads that trying to remove Cersei's tyranny like this would itself be an act of tyranny, and turn the people of Westeros against her. Daenerys asserts that she knows her purpose in this world, to remove tyrants, and she will tear out Cersei root and stem. Tyrion agrees with Varys, insisting that they must offer Cersei the option to flee Westeros with her life. Daenerys, barely restraining her rage, nonetheless relents: not because she thinks Cersei will ever surrender, but because she would look bad if she didn't at least go through the motions of offering it to her. This way, everyone in the Seven Kingdoms will know that Cersei is the one to blame when Daenerys brings the sky crashing down on King's Landing. As Daenerys remains resolute, Tyrion and Lord Varys offer no other military option.

Grey Worm and a small contingent of Unsullied escort Daenerys, Tyrion and Lord Varys to King’s Landing as they approach one of the gates outside of the city. Along the top of the gates the defenses have been drastically improved in the capital: each of the city wall towers now has one of the improved anti-dragon ballista weapons that were responsible for Rhaegal’s death. Drogon, Daenerys' last remaining child, hangs back behind them on the ground as Queen Cersei stands atop the gatehouse with Euron and a frightened Missandei, who is in chains. Tyrion approaches the gate to plead with his sister. Cersei's archers get ready to shoot him, but after a long pause of consideration Cersei motions for them to stand down. Desperate, Tyrion begs that she is not the monster she thinks she is, and that her one redeeming features has always been her love for her children. He insist that while she might prefer to go down in flames dragging Daenerys with her, it would be also be condemning her unborn baby to death as well. After a long pause, as Tyrion’s words hold some sentiment, Cersei turns to Missandei and quietly informs her that if she has any last words, now is the time. Defiant, Missandei shouts "Dracarys!". With a nod from Cersei, the hulking Gregor Clegane decapitates Missandei with a single swing of his sword, her head falling onto the ground below. Grey Worm is horrified and turns his face away. Daenerys, seething with rage, silently turns away and retreats from the city.
Some days later, back at Dragonstone, Tyrion meets with Daenerys in the war room. Her grief and exhaustion is physically apparent and she hasn’t been eating for days. When she surmises to him that someone has betrayed her, her Hand confirms this and Daenerys names Jon Snow. However, Tyrion says that it was actually Lord Varys as Daenerys then confirms Varys knows the truth about Jon’s heritage and claim to the throne. She assumes correctly that Tyrion is the one who told Varys, who learned from Sansa, who learned from Jon, though Daenerys begged him not to tell his sister. Tyrion asserts that he needs to be aware of this kind of information so that he and Varys can be prepared for anything. Daenerys vocalizes her suspicion towards Sansa's motives for telling Tyrion. Tyrion insists that Sansa told him out of trust. Daenerys responds, "She trusted you to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen. And you did not let her down." Tyrion asks for Daenerys' forgiveness, urging that their intentions were good, "Varys as much as anyone... But it doesn't matter now." Daenerys replies, "No. It doesn't matter now." Later that evening, Varys is writing a letter when he hears the approach of guards. He burns the letter he is currently writing as Grey Worm and his men come into his room, shackles in hand. Varys knows what is about to occur. Without resistance, he is taken to the shores of Dragonstone, where Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion are waiting for him. Tyrion tells Varys that it was him who sold his treachery out to Daenerys. Varys understands, and states that he hopes that he is wrong about his concerns over Daenerys. He bids one more farewell to Tyrion before Drogon burns him on command. Jon looks at Daenerys with concern.
Afterwards, in her chambers, Daenerys and Grey Worm burn a slave collar in the fireplace as they are still both grieving for Missandei. After Jon interrupts and Grey Worm exits, Daenerys reminds him of her warning about telling Sansa the truth. Jon upholds that he doesn't want the crown and urges that this is what he’d told Varys. Daenerys insists that Sansa betrayed his trust, "She killed Varys as much as I did. This was a victory for her. Now she knows what happens when people hear the truth about you." Daenerys confides that the people of Westeros love Jon more than her, that all she has here is fear, not love. Jon tells Daenerys that she will always be his Queen regardless of how others feel about her. Daenerys ponders, "Is that all I am to you? Your queen?" She and Jon then start to kiss. However, Jon breaks off the kiss, still unable to get over their blood ties. In response, Daenerys accepts this but firmly asserts: "Alright then. Let it be fear."
Tyrion later consults with Daenerys, the latter of whom is now ordering Grey Worm and the Unsullied to sack King's Landing. Tyrion is strongly against it, saying that the innocent citizens of the city are not Daenerys' enemy. Daenerys counters that the slaves in Meereen turned against their masters and liberated themselves. Tyrion responds that the smallfolk are afraid of Cersei because Cersei will punish any rebellious acts. As Daenerys understands that they are hostages in a tyrant's grip, Tyrion begs her not to burn the city, or thousands of children will die. Daenerys counters that Cersei is using mercy as a weakness against them but Cersei is wrong, mercy is their strength - her mercy for the future generations of Westeros, not those in the present. In a last-ditch effort to get through to Daenerys, Tyrion bargains one last time: he will go talk to Cersei and convince her to surrender, "Cersei's followers will abandon her if they know the war is lost. Give them that chance." He urges to wait for the city to surrender and call off the attack when the people ring the city's bells, indicating the full, unconditional surrender of Cersei and her army. Reluctantly, Daenerys agrees. Before Tyrion leaves, she informs him that his brother Jaime was caught by her men trying to get past their lines. She warns him that the next time he fails her, it will be his very last.

The next morning, the Unsullied, Dothraki, and Northmen united army are waiting outside the walls of King's Landing. Tyrion tells Jon that when they hear the bells, to call off his men. Meanwhile, a select few citizens of the city have been crowded in the Red Keep as Cersei intends to keep a vast swath of innocent civilians in her path. In Blackwater Bay, the Iron Fleet waits in silence, when Daenerys, riding atop Drogon, ambushes them by diving directly out of the sun. The Ironborn fire their scorpions, but are unable to land a hit, for their target is too fast. Drogon all but destroys the Iron Fleet, though Euron Greyjoy is able to escape by jumping into the sea. As the armies wait at the gates for the bells to ring, Daenerys and Drogon suddenly burst through the gates in a fiery blast, scattering the hired mercenaries. As the united army takes to the streets of King's Landing, taking out any and all enemy soldiers in their path, Daenerys and Drogon strafe the city walls, destroying the remaining scorpions. They make their way to the gates of the inner-most part of the city, where Lannister soldiers are waiting. The two opposing armies come to an intense standstill. Daenerys perches Drogon atop one of the walls. Realizing their chances of winning are dwindling, the Lannister soldiers surrender. The citizens of the city then cry out for the bells to be rung. After a lengthy amount of time passes, the bells are finally rung, signaling what appears to be the end of the sack of the city. While the bells keep ringing, Daenerys looks at the Red Keep with pure hatred in her eyes and becomes increasingly unstable as she recounts all of the recent traumas she’s experienced, largely as result of Cersei’s actions. Without having to utter a single word to her dragon, Daenerys takes Drogon to the skies, and in a terrifying display of rage, proceeds to burn down the entirety of King's Landing, scorching buildings and neighborhoods, and killing both soldiers and innocent civilians alike, as Tyrion and Jon witness in horrified disbelief. Down below, it becomes the call to arms as Daenerys’ army begins killing surrendered forces. The Northmen as well are in no mood to be merciful towards House Lannister and join their new allies in the slaughter. Chaos erupts as the united army charge further into the city, killing everyone, soldier or civilian alike. Daenerys and Drogon then destroy the crumbling Red Keep within a few breaths of fire, ultimately resulting in the deaths of Cersei and her brother Jaime, who were still inside the castle, attempting an escape. Ser Davos and Jon are reeling at the carnage and fire surrounding them as caches of wildfire explode as they share a look and Jon orders his forces to fall back. He and Davos rush people out of the city as fire rains down upon them from above with the last words of the Mad King, "Burn them all," coming to life at his daughter's hand as King's Landing burns to ashes.

Hours later, after the flames have died out and the city is layered with ash, Daenerys lands Drogon and stands over the carnage of King's Landing, as she is cheered on by the Dothraki and guarded by the Unsullied. With Jon and Grey Worm stand behind her she delivers a speech to her victorious armies, proclaiming that they gave her the Seven Kingdoms and "liberated" the people of King's Landing but declares their war is not over. She will continue to "liberate" the rest of the world as they did for King's Landing, and will "break the wheel" to free it from those whom she perceives as tyrants. She then announces Grey Worm as her Master of War and giving her gratitude for his service during the battle. A devastated Tyrion, who just came back from the decimated Red Keep confirming the deaths of his siblings, approaches Daenerys with anger. She confronts him about freeing his brother Jaime before the battle. Tyrion, however, retorts that while he did help Jaime escape, she slaughtered a city. He then tosses his Hand of the Queen pin to the ground in . As reult, a furious Daenerys has him arrested. As Tyrion is escorted to a cell he and Jon share a concerned look towards one another. After Daenerys leaves Jon is joined by his sister Arya Stark who assisted in the battle. She informs Jon that she knows a killer when she sees one and as his parentage is now widely known, he will always be a threat to Daenerys.
Walking through the charred remains of the throne room, Daenerys recounts her vision in the House of the Undying years ago, as the Iron Throne remains the only structure in the room intact. She ascends the stairs of the throne, reaching her hand out to touch one of the blades. Before she can sit down, Jon enters and she recounts to him the conquest of Aegon and how he had the Iron Throne built. An angered Jon ignores this and confronts her about the many atrocities she’s committed during the battle, however, she justifies her actions. Daenerys asserts that they can't hide behind small mercies as Jon desperately argues that their world must be one of mercy. Daenerys assures him that she is building a good world. Distressed, Jon asks her how she knows it's good and Daenerys confidently asserts that she knows what is good, trying to convince Jon that he does too. Upset, Jon is unconvinced, asking about everybody else who thinks they know what is good, to which Daenerys responds, "They don't get to choose." Daenerys embraces Jon and makes clear her desire for him in helping her build the new world she envisages, urging that this is how they break the wheel. Jon tells Daenerys that she is his queen, "Now and always." As the two of them embrace with a passionate kiss, Jon then reluctantly thrusts a dagger into her heart. He catches Daenerys as she falls to the ground, blood escaping her nose and mouth while wearing a look of confusion and heartbreak on her face. As an anguished Jon holds Daenerys, he grieves over her. Drogon then arrives and notices Jon laying Daenerys’ body on the ground. As he approaches, Drogon snarls at Jon before trying to nudge his mother awake. Upon realizing that she is dead, Drogon, roars in rage and grief at Jon before unleashing a jet of fire that melts the Iron Throne to nothing, symbolizing perhaps that it was the journey to the Throne itself that killed Daenerys. Drogon then picks up his mother’s body with his claws and flies off into the distance with her, while Jon watches with sadness.
Weeks following Daenerys’ assassination, Jon is exiled to the Night's Watch for the rest of his days in order to avoid a war between the Unsullied and Jon’s supporters. With House Targaryen now extinct, the remaining leaders of the Great Houses, through the persuasion of Tyrion, decide that the Seven Kingdoms will be an elective monarchy under newly-appointed King Bran Stark, the Three-Eyed Raven, who possesses the sight of all histories past. Through this elective monarchy, Tyrion fulfills Daenerys' wish of "breaking the wheel" as any future ruler will now be chosen in order to prevent the long tradition of unfit rulers claimed by birthright.
*In the aftermath of Danys’ death, follow Jon or Tyrion’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“We could stay a thousand years. No one would find us.”
— ‘Winterfell’
“We have won the Great War. Now, we will win the last war. In all Seven Kingdoms, men will live without fear and cruelty... under their rightful Queen.”
“All my life, I've known one goal: the Iron Throne. Taking it back from the people who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours; my war was against them. Until I met Jon. Now, I'm here.”
— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’
“The war is not over. We will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world! Men, women and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel. Will you break the wheel with me?! ”
— ‘The Iron Throne’
“Never tell them who you are. Swear your brother and Samwell Tarly to secrecy, and tell no one else. Or it will take a life of its own, and you won't be able to control it, or what it does to people!”
“Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason! It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty! We do it together! We break the wheel...together.”
— ‘The Iron Throne’