‘blood of my blood’

Directed By: Jack Bender / Written By: Bryan Cogman

Original Airdate: May 29, 2016

After fleeing the attack of the White Walkers, which resulted in the deaths of Hodor and the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran Stark and Meera Reed are then saved by a mysterious man in the woods. Meanwhile, Samwell Tarly and Gilly arrive in Horn Hill, to the delight of most of his family, though tensions rise as Sam’s father Randyll Tarly disapproves of his wildling companion. In Braavos, instead of following Jaqen H’ghar’s new assignment for her, Arya Stark recovers her sword and makes different plans. In King’s Landing, King Tommen Baratheon is allowed to reunite with Queen Margaery Tyrell while Jaime Lannister and the Tyrell army march towards the Great Sept of Baelor, with intention to stop Margery's planned walk of atonement.

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beyond the wall

After narrowly escaping the White Walker’s attack at the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave, Meera Reed continues to pull Bran Stark through the snow as he remains stuck in vision-state, she is clearly getting tired. Bran experiences a rush of visions: King Aerys Targaryen shouting "Burn them all !" during Robert’s Rebellion and the Red Wedding massacre at the Twins where King Robb Stark and his mother, Lady Catelyn Stark, were brutally murdered. Bran also sees scores of wights at the fishing village of Hardhome, which had been demolished by the undead several months ago. Quick flashes of wildfire, dragons, Ser Jaime Lannister and the Iron Throne appear to Bran as well. Meanwhile, the wights from the cave are still in pursuit and Meera cannot pull Bran along any further. She successfully wakes Bran, who comes out of his vision and belatedly informs her that : "They've found us". When the wights come into sight, just as all appears hopeless, a mysterious rider suddenly emerges and attacks the wights with a sickle and a flaming flail. Once the wights in the immediate vicinity have been dealt with, the rider urges Meera and Bran to come with him because "the dead don't rest," and they all escape on horseback.

Some time later, after reaching relative safety, the hooded rider prepares a rabbit next to the fire. As he drains the rabbit’s blood, Meera asks the rider why he helped them escape the wights. He reveals to her that he was sent by the Three-Eyed Raven, as Meera then informs that the Raven is dead. Just as the rider asserts that the Raven "lives again," Bran suddenly wakes up. After Meera helps Bran prop himself against a tree, the rider informs Bran that he last saw him when he was a young boy, a “fearless” one who enjoyed climbing castle walls. Once Bran asks him who he is, the rider reveals himself as a disfigured Benjen Stark, Bran's long-missing uncle who has been living beyond the Wall for years since leaving with his ranging party when Jon Snow first joined the Night’s Watch. Much to Bran’s amazement and confusion, he admits that the last he heard Benjen was lost beyond the Wall. Benjen then explains that he was stabbed in the guy with a “sword of ice” by a White Walker and then left to die so he could turn into “one of them”. Continuing, he tells Bran that the Children of the Forest rescued him in time, preventing the magic that would have taken hold by using dragonglass, which Bran saw for himself in his vision when the Night King was created. Benjen then asserts that Bran must now be the Raven, and when the White Walkers come to the realms of men, Bran will be waiting for them.

the twins

Meanwhile, Lord Walder Frey’s dominion over the Riverlands has been weakened when Catelyn Stark’s uncle, Ser Brynden Tully, reclaimed his ancestral seat at Riverrun from House Frey with what remains of House Tully's armies. Lord Frey receives word at The Twins of Brynden’s success and is flabbergasted. He then blames his sons, Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers, for allowing the ‘Blackfish’ to escape during the Red Wedding, which would have prevented House Tully from their latest victory. Despite having superior numbers, Lothar and Walder inform their father that House Mallister and House Blackwood have both risen against House Frey. They also inform that the Brotherhood Without Banners are rallying the smallfolk and raiding their supply lines and camps. Lord Frey demands that the Tully stronghold be taken back, refusing to be humiliated for failing to hold a castle from rebels. He then decides to use his trump card to force the Tully’s surrender: Brynden’s nephew, Ser Edmure Tully, who has been held prisoner at the Twins ever since the Red Wedding. Walder has Edmure escorted into his hall and jokingly tells his son-in-law to cheer up as he is going home.


In Braavos, Arya Stark is watching the second half of the mummers' performance of “The Bloody Hand” in which the caricatured version of Tyrion Lannister poisons his nephew, King Joffrey Baratheon, and then murders his father, Lord Tywin Lannister. Arya displays amusement at the rendition of Joffrey's painful death, while the crowd watches mournfully. She then seems moved by Lady Crane's performance as Cersei Lannister, who weeps over her son's corpse and gives a long and moving soliloquy about her sorrow. Arya becomes distracted by the moving performance when noticing the younger actress Bianca mouthing Crane's lines. This reinforces Arya's suspicion that Bianca is behind the Faceless Men's kill order on Lady Crane. His plots not finished, the evil Tyrion then takes a crossbow and confronts his father Tywin while he sits on the privy, wondering if this will prove that his father really does "shit gold". Tyrion shoots Tywin with the crossbow and as he dies, Tywin denounces his son as the most evil man in Westeros. Having just killed two of his close family members, Tyrion yells out towards the crowed that he will flee across the Narrow Sea to continue his plots against his remaining family.

Following the play, Arya walks backstage and poisons Lady Crane's rum but when leaving Crane notices her and the two converse about theater. Crane explains how she ran away from home to join the theater and escape her poor home life. She asks Arya's opinion of the play, and speaking from experience, Arya suggests that Cersei’s response to the death of her son would not only be grief- it should also include anger. Lady Crane then joins her troupe in the back room and attempts to express her ideas regarding the show, but is immediately shot down by the leading mummer and playwright Izembaro. When Lady Crane then goes to drink the poisoned beverage, Arya rushes in and slaps it from her hands before she can drink it. Arya then accuses Bianca in front the entire troupe, and quickly runs away. Unbeknownst to Arya, however, the Waif had been following her and discovers that she has failed to kill the actress. The Waif then proceeds to the House of Black and White and reports Arya's failure to Jaqen Hg’har, who grants her wish to kill Arya. Jaqen notes, however, that she mustn’t let her suffer. Meanwhile, Arya retrieves her sword Needle from its hiding place and prepares to defend herself, abandoning the goal of becoming a Faceless assassin and knowing her failure has now made her a target.

king’s landing

In King’s Landing, King Tommen Baratheon is speaking with the High Sparrow inside the Great Sept of Baelor about Queen Margaery Tyrell’s impending walk of atonement and his fear that it could be dangerous. Understanding Tommen’s concern the High Sparrow insists the Queen will be protected the entire walk, stating that the Faith Militant are very stern with those who overstep their bounds. The High Sparrow then offers to let Tommen visit with Margaery, as the Sparrow trusts that she too is now devoted to the Faith of the Seven. Tommen then meets with Margaery and is surprised to find her speaking positively about the High Sparrow. He is also surprised to hear her speaking contritely about her past sins, including her vanity about being seen to help the poor and needy. He eventually finds himself agreeing with her feelings towards the High Sparrow as Margaery asserts that there is something about the devoted man and his way of viewing the world. When Tommen then asks of her brother Ser Loras Tyrell’s imprisonment, Margaery explains that she loves Loras, a “pure soul,” and his sins don’t erase his purity, it only obscures it. She then admits that Tommen also needs to atone for his sins.

Some time later, Lord Mace Tyrell leads an army through the streets of King's Landing to a waiting Jaime Lannister, before giving a rather pompous speech at which Ser Jaime cringes.  Together, they proceed to the Great Sept, outside which the High Sparrow, Septa Unella, the Faith Militant and a large crowd of city folk are preparing for Margaery's walk of atonement. The army arrives, along with Lady Olenna Tyrell in a litter, as the High Sparrow is speaking, and Jaime demands he release Margaery and Ser Loras, before they can "be on their way". The High Sparrow refuses and fends off Jaime's threats to kill all the Sparrows by saying each Sparrow yearns to die in the service of the gods. After a tense few moments he proclaims it will not be necessary, as there will be no walk of atonement. Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the faith. To Jaime's astonishment the doors of the Sept open and King Tommen emerges, escorted by his own guards, and walks down the steps to join the High Sparrow and Margaery in a demonstration of unity between the crown and the faith. The crowd burst into cheers after Tommen's speech, demonstrating that the High Sparrow now has the support of both the crown and the smallfolk. Baffled, Mace asks what is happening as Lady Olenna replies in disgust that the High Sparrow has beaten them. At the same time, a furious Jaime seethes at the High Sparrow's triumphant expression. Afterwards, in the throne room, King Tommen strips Jaime of his position in the Kingsguard because "an attack on the faith is an attack on the crown," but reveals that Jaime will not have to face imprisonment or humiliation; he can continue to serve his King and the Lannisters, just not in King's Landing.

That evening, in her chambers, Ser Jaime later complains to Cersei that he has been ordered  to assist Lord Walder Frey in recapturing Riverrun. He asserts to his sister that he instead is intending to find Ser Bronn and whatever “killers” the sellsword can find, in order to march into the Great Sept and kill the High Sparrow.  However, Cersei insists that he should go to Riverrun and remind everyone how easily a Lannister can take a castle. She then lists another reason for Jaime to obey Tommen’s command and aide Lord Frey, as an attack on the High Sparrow and his fanatics would probably result in his death and destroy everything they are working towards. Cersei assures Jaime that she does not need him to be in the city during her trial, as it will be a trial by combat and she has the unbeatable Ser Gregor Clegane to champion for her. After she asserts that they will still defeat all their enemies, the pair then passionately kiss.

horn hill

Meanwhile, in the Reach, Samwell Tarly and Gilly approach Horn Hill by carriage, the seat of House Tarly. As they near his family’s castle, Gilly marvels at the lush countryside while an anxious Sam begins to ramble on about the foliage in the South. When Gilly points out that he’s nervous, Samwell warns Gilly that they must claim Little Sam as his son and that Gilly should also hide the fact that she is a wildling, since his father abhors the Free Folk. Sam then informs an overwhelmed Gilly that he had told his father's retainers that she is a Northern woman he had bedded in Mole's Town. Once entering the castle grounds, Samwell introduces Gilly and Little Sam to his mother, Lady Melessa Tarly, and sister Talla Tarly. In spite of her rough appearance, both immediately notice Gilly's beauty, and Lady Melessa is delighted to meet her first grandchild, who immediately warms up to his grandmother. Noticing their absence, Samwell quickly learns that his father, Lord Randyll Tarly, and brother Dickon Tarly are out hunting. Talla immediately attempts to discuss her upcoming betrothal, but Melessa shushes her. As they head inside, Talla takes Gilly under her wing, offering her a dress and a spare bedroom to settle into.

That evening, Samwell anxiously awaits Gilly’s arrival prior to dinner with his family. Talla has dressed Gilly in an ornate dress in traditional Reachmen fashion, astounding Sam with her beauty. During dinner, Samwell reveals his plans to train as a maester at the Citadel nearby in Oldtown and promises that he will return to the Wall as soon as he has finished his studies. When his brother Dickon asks him about hunting beyond the Wall, Sam responds that he hunts rabbits. An openly scornful Lord Randyll interjects that Jon Snow did all the hunting for him. Randyll then criticizes Samwell for his weight and mocks his attempt to claim hunting and fighting skills, to which Sam admits to also learning from Gilly. Talla is delighted to hear that Gilly can hunt for herself, and suggests that Randyll should be more like Gilly's father, Craster, a suggestion which makes Sam and Gilly wince. As tensions rise at the dinner table, Lord Randyll then asserts that he will not allow for Samwell to inherit Horn Hill or the family's ancestral Valyrian steel sword Heartsbane. Gilly comes to Sam’s defense upon Randyll’s verbal assault. She mentions Sam's heroism on three different occasions in which he had proved himself to be a greater warrior than Randyll will ever be. When defending Sam, however, Gilly inadvertently reveals her origins from north of the Wall. Lord Randyll is not phased with any of Gilly’s sentiment regarding Samwell and instead only hears that she is a wildling. Randyll quickly reveals his prejudice towards wildlings, as well as his contempt for his son for bringing Gilly into his home. Lady Melessa, thoroughly angered by her husband’s behavior, declares that Samwell isn't the one dishonoring the family, he is. Melessa then storms out, taking Talla and Gilly with her. As Samwell’s quietly sits at the table feeling defeated, Randyll eventually agrees that Gilly and Little Sam can remain safe at Horn Hill. He notes to Samwell that Gilly will work in the kitchens, and Little Sam will be acknowledged and raised as a bastard. However, Randyll then commands that this will be Samwell's last night at Horn Hill, “forever”. Afterwards, in their chambers, Sam apologizes to Gilly for not standing up to his father and informs her that he will be leaving at first light. A devastated Gilly asserts that he should not be apologizing for his father's actions. However, Samwell tearfully kisses her farewell and leaves the room. After a few moments, unwilling to be separated from them, Sam returns to Gilly and insists that they all need to stay together. On their way out of the castle, he then steals the family's Valyrian sword from the mantle. As Sam sheathes the heavy Heartsbane, Gilly asks if Randyll will come for it, Samwell asserts that his father can “bloody well try”.

the dothraki sea

Meanwhile, Queen Daenerys Targaryen is riding with Daario Naharis through the Dothraki Sea with her newly-acquired khalasar of one-hundred thousand. She asks Daario how long it will take to get back to Meereen and inquires how many ships would be needed to carry her army across the  Narrow Sea. Daario replies that it will take a week to get back, and at least a thousand ships to transport the Dothraki across the sea. Pondering this, Daenerys tells the khalasar to halt as she rides on ahead. After a while, Daario announces he will look for her, but is stopped by the distinctive shadow of a dragon passing overhead. After a moment, Drogon appears and circles the khalasar  before landing, revealing Daenerys on his back. Daenerys then asks if the khalasar  is willing to cross the Narrow Sea and defeat the armies of Westeros, as Khal Drogo had promised. When they shout their affirmation, Daenerys breaks Dothraki tradition and declares the entire  khalasar her bloodriders and asks if they will give her the Seven Kingdoms, to a resounding confirmation while Drogon enthusiastically roars into the air.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

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Your nose buried in books, spending your life reading about the achievements of better men
— Randyll Tarly
It’s a castle, not a bloody sheep. Presumably you still know where it is?
— Walder Frey
I’ve had lots of time to think about how good I was at seeming good
— Margaery Tyrell
Are you with me, now and always?!
— Daenerys Targaryen
We belong together. All of us
— Samwell Tarly
They have no idea how strong we are. No idea what we’re going to do to them. We’ve always been together. We’ll always be together. We’re the only two people in the world
— Cersei Lannister

 episode six music

* Many thanks for your rips Game of Tens

 inside the episode

did you know?

  • The title of the episode refers to how a Dohtraki Khal and his bloodriders address each other. As a double entendre it apparently also refers to Samwell’s reunion with his family.

  • This is the first time the series has had a scene take place in the Reach, and as of this episode, the show has visited all 9 regions of the Seven Kingdoms. Also, to date, this is the only the second episode (after Lord Snow) of the entire series in which no one actually dies, not even named animal characters.

  • This episode marks the return of Benjen Stark, who has not appeared in the show since the third episode of the first season "Lord Snow." Benjen Stark's fate has not been revealed yet in the books, but Bran’s storyline already surpassed the novels in the preceding episode. Neither novel or series has a term for the kind of creature that Benjen is revealed to be now. As Benjen states in the novels, he was impaled with a sword by a White Walker and left to die so they could reanimate him as a mindless wight, but the Children of the Forest intervened and plunged an enchanted dragonglass dagger through his heart to hold off the other part of the Walkers’ magic.

  • Benjen tells Bran that he is “the three-eyed raven” now. The way the showrunners describe it is that the “three-eyed raven” is something of a title (perhaps used for the most powerful living greenseer), but also much more than that: in some ways the old raven’s memories live on in Bran, so he isn’t purely “Bran Stark” anymore but a mixture of the two.

  • Bran's visions also include several past events never before depicted in the TV series: The Alchemist's Guild creating massive amounts of wildfire at the Mad King's request. The first-ever on-screen appearance of the Mad King himself, Aerys II Targaryen, shouting "Burn them all!" - commanding the pyromancers to put the wildfire plot into effect and burn down King's Landing. Jaime Lannister killing the Mad King at the very foot of the Iron Throne. Then Jaime, having killed the Mad King, sitting on the Iron Throne, stunned by what he has just done. Bran also seems to have visions of the future: Drogon in flight above King's Landing as well as a large underground wildfire stockpile exploding in a spectacular green fireball.

  • In this episode, Samwell Tarly and Gilly arrive at his family's castle-seat at Horn Hill. Samwell's father Randyll Tarly has been mentioned since Season 1 but makes his first on-screen appearance now. Horn Hill is depicted as an opulent fortified villa rather than a castle like those seen in the North or the Stormlands. This is appropriate to the Reach's pleasant climate, which allows for more courtyards and larger interior spaces, since heat conservation isn't an issue. The Horn Hill scenes were even filmed in Catalonia.

  • Hannah Murray and Kit Harington (Jon Snow) came up with a prank to play on John Bradley (Samwell) this season, sort of to make up for that fact that his co-star Murray had to have such an ugly costume all this time and he didn't. The showrunners thought it was hilarious and went along with it: they scheduled Bradley for a fitting at the costume department in a ridiculous new outfit that looked like some absurd variation on something Henry VIII would have worn. Surprisingly, he didn't realize it was a prank at all and rationalized that the show has never actually shown what people in the south of the Reach dress like before, and Samwell was supposed to be a bit of a bookish fop yet son of a powerful nobleman before he came to the Wall, so he thought that it was meant to be an in-universe joke that Samwell's formal wear at dinner was supposed to look silly.

  • Walder Frey, House Frey, and the Twins return in this episode, having not appeared since season 3. Edmure Tully also returns, not seen since the Red Wedding, who has been a prisoner of the Freys ever since. As in the books, they intentionally took him alive because following the death of his father Hoster he is the new head of House Tully, making him a valuable political hostage. Lothar Frey has been recast starting in this episode. In Season 3 he was played by Tom Brooke, but with his reintroduction this season he is played by Daniel Tuite. His brother Black Walder Rivers, however, is still played by Tim Plester as he was in Season 3. Walder Frey’s eighth wife, the teenaged Joyeuse Erenford, died at the Red Wedding in theseries but not in the books. Therefore, Walder’s new ninth wife who he got to replace her is an invention of the show. While not mentioned in dialogue, the HBO Viewer's Guide gives her the name "Kitty Frey”.

  • This is actually the first episode in which House Tyrell’s infantry have been depicted, with their own distinctive costumes. Like the Lannisters they are one of the more wealthy of the kingdoms, so they can afford to give their infantry a large amount of steel plate (in contrast to the Northerners, who mostly have just leather armor and chainmail).

  • This is the first time that Bronn has been mentioned in Season 6. Actor Jerome Flynn was unavailable in the early part of the season due to working on another project, but it didn’t really significantly affect anything because he was only going to become heavily involved in the plot starting with Jaime’s trip to the Riverlands anyway.

  • The showrunners point out that Daenerys is expressly quoting the speech that Drogo made in Season 1, in which he promised to conquer the Seven Kingdoms (except the part of raping women and enslaving children).

  • The shot of Arya retrieving her sword Needle from the wall by the canal which she hid it in was apparently filmed back during the Season 5 finale. Official promo images for that episode actually showed Arya retrieving Needle, but this did not appear in the airing. Southern-unit production for the TV show shifted almost all of its locations from Croatia to Spain in Season 6, so what probably seems to have happened is that back in Season 5 the production team knew they wouldn’t be able to return to the on-site filming location in Croatia the next year, so they filmed Arya retrieving Needle - now in her Lanna costume, which she wasn’t wearing when she hid it there in the first place. Given that Arya hid her sword in a specific wall they couldn’t simply reproduce that part of Braavos in a different location in Spain.