season five

Some days following the murder of Lord Tywin Lannister, Ser Jaime waits inside the Great Sept of Baelor prior to his father’s funeral. Outside, his sister Cersei is escorted by Ser Meryn Trant, as she walks towards the Sept, surrounded by numerous lords and ladies, including Margaery Tyrell, who she glances at suspiciously. Cersei is stopped by the High Septon, who suggests to her that they start soon, since lords and ladies have come from all over Westeros, but she asserts that they will wait a little longer while she has a moment alone with Jaime and their father's corpse. Inside, Jaime warns her that all the power and prestige their father built for House Lannister belongs to them now, and that once everyone sees that Tywin is truly dead, their enemies will do everything they can to take it away from them. Cersei bluntly states that their true enemy is their brother Tyrion and that Jaime is partly responsible for Tywin's death since he was the one who released their father's murderer, and then she leaves him.

Some time later, Cersei summons Jaime to their late father's office in the Tower of the Hand. She has now claimed the office as her own. Upon Jaime’s arrival, Cersei reveals a "gift" from Dorne. As Jaime opens a metal box he finds inside an ornately carved viper, with a unique Lannister pendant suspended from its fangs. Cersei informs that there are only two pendants like this in the world, the one that is around her neck and the other that was given to their daughter Myrcella. She insists it is a threat against Myrcella, a conclusion Jaime can't refute. Cersei is both unnerved yet unsurprised by the threat as Dorne now blames the Lannisters for the death of Prince Oberyn Martell at Tyrion’s trial by combat, as well as the death of Elia Martell at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane. Cersei lashes out at Jaime for not being a father to any of his children, to which he obviously points out that if he had been, their children would be stoned in the streets. Acknowledging Cersei's distress, Jaime makes a promise: "I'm going to Dorne. And I'm bringing our daughter home."  Jaime leaves with his promise to fix the situation in Dorne and ignores Cersei's mocking of his one-handed status.

Afterwards, Jaime travels through the Crownlands to visit House Stokeworth in order to recruit Ser Bronn on his mission to return Myrcella to King's Landing. Bronn has been spending time with his somewhat vapid betrothed Lollys Stokeworth. They seem to get on relatively well, however, Bronn is clearly setting his sights on the castle. To convince him to join him on the journey, Jaime reveals that Cersei has arranged for Ser Wyllis Bracken to marry Lollys instead of Bronn, and offers him a much better girl than Lollys and a much better castle once they return from Dorne. After Bronn’s agreement, they both set out on the Narrow Sea and head south towards Sunspear, the capital of Dorne.

A few weeks later, Jaime and Ser Bronn are on a Pentoshi merchant ship, which is headed to Oldtown in the Reach. They sail past Tarth, off the coast of the Stormlands, which Jaime mistakenly identifies as Estermont. The captain corrects him, stating that they are sailing through the Sapphire Isle, which fondly reminds him of Brienne. Below deck, Jaime explains to Bronn that he bribed the captain to let them take a small boat to shore as they pass Dorne, and they will land just outside of Sunspear and the adjacent Water Gardens. Bronn then remarks on why Jaime must want to go and protect Princess Myrcella for himself: he's the one who let Tyrion escape, and he hopes this will make up for that. However, Jaime curtly asserts that Lord Varys did, when in fact, Jaime forced Varys to help him free Tyrion. Bronn asserts that if Jaime ever sees Tyrion again Jaime should give him his regards as Jaime then angrily insists that if he sees his brother again, he's going to split him in two for murdering their father.

Once they reach the coast of Dorne, Bronn rows the pair ashore at dusk. When they awake the next morning Bronn kills a viper snake that was near Jaime's head and roasts it up for breakfast. Bronn is worried that the ship's captain will subsequently spread word that a Lannister is in Dorne; Jaime says he bribed him with a large bag of gold, but Bronn still worries. A mounted patrol soon comes by, however, and sees their tracks in the sand. Jaime and Bronn present themselves and try to pass off that they are simple travelers and their boat capsized in the night, but the ruse doesn't work, and the sentries demand that they drop their weapons so they can be taken prisoner and their identities confirmed. Bronn plants his sword in the sand - then quickly throws his dagger in the lead sentry's throat. Jaime and Bronn draw their swords and fight the rest. Jaime can't fight very well left-handed so Bronn kills one sentry's horse in order for Jaime to fight him on foot. Jaime is being overpowered but catches the sentry's sword with his metal hand at the last moment. He then uses the distraction to land a killing blow to the sentry with his left hand. Bronn, having finished off the other sentries, notes that they now have their horses: fine Dornish sand steeds, capable of running a day and a night without tiring. Jaime says the bodies need to be buried so they won't raise more questions. Bronn says it will take a lot of time to dig holes for them all, though Jaime again points out that he can't really do much digging with one hand. Annoyed, Bronn then drags off the bodies to bury.

Jaime and Bronn eventually approach the Water Gardens, wearing House Martell disguises from the soldiers they killed. Bronn wonders what Jaime will do once they get inside and find  Myrcella, to which Jaime replies that he likes to improvise; Bronn sarcastically remarks "That explains the golden hand." Meanwhile, Ellaria Sand, the lover of the deceased Oberyn Martell, and three of his bastard-born daughters, known as the Sand Snakes, are aware of Jaime’s arrival and are already inside the Water Gardens. Ellaria sends Oberyn’s daughters outside to abduct Myrcella, telling them to do it "for Oberyn.” When Jaime and Bronn infiltrate the Water Gardens they quickly come upon Myrcella kissing Prince Trystane Martell, who she is arranged to wed. Jaime tries to convince Myrcella to come with him, but the Dornish prince interferes, suspicious of the bloodstains on their stolen robes. When Trystane tries to draw his sword, Bronn quickly knocks him down, to Myrcella's horror. Jaime then tries to lead Myrcella away, but they are suddenly attacked by the Sand Snakes. Bronn fights against Tyene and Nymeria, while Obara  attacks Jaime with her spear, driving him away from Myrcella. Obara orders Nymeria to break away from Bronn and take Myrcella prisoner, but as Nymeria tries to pull her away, they are cut off by Prince Doran Martell’s guards, led by Areo Hotah, who surround them and force them all to drop their weapons. Jaime, Bronn, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes are all taken into custody.

Some time later, Prince Doran has Areo Hotah bring Myrcella to visit Jaime in the quarters where he is confined, as Jaime is concerned for her safety. When she enters, Myrcella takes a long look at Jaime and comments that he looks different from when she left King’s Landing several years ago, stating that he had more hair. Jaime sarcastically retorts that he also had more hands. Jaime then apologises for the attack on Prince Trystane and that it wasn’t intended to happen that way. Displaying a somewhat more critical mind than her brothers Joffrey and Tommen, Myrcella is suspicious about Jaime's "diplomatic mission" to bring her back to King's Landing, to which Jaime only replies that there are "complicated matters" involved. Nonetheless, Myrcella flatly refuses to return with him, stating her intent to marry Prince Trystane, as planned. When Jaime mentions that he doesn’t understand her refusal, she abruptly notes that this is because he doesn’t know her, as she then leaves the room.

Some days later, Jaime is escorted into a luxurious solar in the Water Gardens to meet with Doran, Ellaria, Myrcella and Trystane. Jaime notes that Myrcella is wearing a revealing Dornish-style dress now, and she informs that the warm climate agrees with her. Doran then asks Jaime why he has snuck in to Dorne to abduct Myrcella as Jaime asserts that he feared for her safety. Doran then asks why he didn't simply send a letter by messenger-raven. Jaime explains that they received a threatening message: Myrcella's lion pendant jammed in the mouth of dead viper. Doran immediately glares at Ellaria, while a confused Myrcella explains that her pendant had been stolen from her room. Doran enquires if King Tommen indeed commands that his sister be returned to the capital, and Jaime politely insists that he does. Doran relents, stating that he cannot disobey his king. Myrcella is upset for a moment, however, Doran insists that due to the alliance, her engagement to Trystane must stand. Trystane will travel to the capital with Myrcella and take his late uncle Oberyn's place on the small council. An angry Ellaria urges that it is no wonder Doran cannot stand, because he has no spine. As she walks out, he grabs her by the arm and threatens her if she is to speak to him like that again. Jaime then asks about Ser Bronn, politely insisting that he was only following orders and they can't punish him for it. Trystane agrees, informing that he has learned the value of mercy from his father. Bronn is then escorted from his cell to the solar and he apologizes to Trystane, insisting that he didn't mean anything by hitting him. Jaime then gladly informs Bronn that the Martells agreed to let Bronn go with Jaime, but on one condition. Wordlessly, Areo Hotah then strikes Bronn in the face with his elbow hard enough that he is knocked to the floor, as payback for hitting Trystane.

Afterwards, Ellaria finds Jaime in his quarters writing a letter back to King's Landing informing of his return. He writes very poorly, given that he is using his non-dominant left hand, and Ellaria remarks that he writes like a seven year old. Ellaria then notes how odd it is that she and Prince Oberyn were looked down on for their fluid sexuality in King's Landing. She also notes that Jaime is scorned for his incestuous love for his sister Cersei - to which he remains silent and gives no acknowledgement - though a hundred years ago, if he was a Targaryen, no one would have blinked an eye at such a relationship. Cryptically, Ellaria then informs that she knows "your daughter" Myrcella had no part to play in the death of Oberyn, and maybe even Jaime is innocent of that. Ellaria exits, and Jaime is left to ponder what seems to be an apology.

Some days later, on the docks of Sunspear, Jaime, Bronn, Myrcella and Trystane bid farewell to the Martells as they begin their voyage to King's Landing. Upon saying goodbye, Ellaria kisses Myrcella on the lips, while Ellaria’s daughter Tyene flirts with Ser Bronn. After departing and onboard the ship, Myrcella and Jaime then discuss arranged marriages, as Jaime approves of Trystane and finds him a nice boy. When Myrcella asks if Cersei will like him, Jaime asks her if she’s known her mother to like anyone aside from her children. Jaime then begins to come clean to Myrcella, awkwardly telling her that “you cannot choose who you love,” as he tries to find the words to confess her true parentage. Myrcella then reveals that she knows Jaime is her real father, something she believes she’s always known deep down, and that she is glad that he is. As father and daughter embrace Myrcella’s expression suddenly changes when the smile fades on her face and her nose starts to bleed. A terrified Jaime holds her in his arms after she collapses. Still standing on the jetty in Sunspear, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes watch the vessel sailing away in the distance. Ellaria then wipes a thin stream of blood from her nose and drinks an antidote for the poison that is coated on her lips. As they walk back towards the city, a look of retribution spreads on Ellaria’s face as the Martell-Lannister rivalry reaches new heights.

“They're going to try to take it away, all of it, all of them out there, our enemies. They're waiting in line to make sure he's really dead and as soon as they see the stones on his eyes they'll set to work on tearing us apart.”

— ‘The Wars to Come

“Your mother is worried about you. Threats have been made. Dorne is too dangerous for you. I’ve come to take you home.”

— ‘The Gift

“I’m going to Dorne and I’m bringing our daughter home.”

— ‘The House of Black and White

“Princess Myrcella. What a lovely dress. You must be cold.”

— ‘The Dance of Dragons

“He murdered my father. If I ever see him, I'll split him in two. And then I'll give him your regards.”

— ‘Sons of the Harpy

“We don't choose who we love. It just... well, it's beyond our control. I sound like an idiot. What I’m trying to say, what I’m trying and failing to say…”

— ‘Mother's Mercy

 season six

After his long voyage back to King’s Landing, Ser Jaime Lannister returns from Dorne with the dead body of his daughter, Myrcella Baratheon. Outside, his sister Cersei eagerly awaits their arrival as Jaime sails closer to shore. However, Cersei’s excitement for their return is quickly dashed as she notices Jaime standing on the ship and looking at her sullenly next to Myrcella’s covered corpse.

Afterwards, Jaime comforts Cersei in her quarters and the conversation shifts to the death of their mother Joanna. Cersei then informs Jaime about a prophecy she had received as a young girl from a witch named Maggy concerning the deaths of her children. “Gold their shrouds,” Cersei relays to Jaime regarding the witch’s promise. Jaime brushes this off, however, insisting that they are the only two who have ever mattered and promising they will take back everything that has been stolen from them. Aware that Doran Martell had nothing to do with Myrcella's murder, Jaime sends Doran a letter demanding the heads of Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. The letter then results in the murder of Prince Doran by Ellaria herself, as well as his son Trystane, who is killed by Obara Sand onboard his own ship as he was sailing towards King’s Landing.

Some days later, Jaime and his last remaining child, King Tommen, mourn over Myrcella’s body in the Great Sept of Baelor. When Jaime asks Tommen why he has not allowed his mother to pay respects, Tommen then informs Jaime that the High Sparrow has forbidden Cersei from entering the Sept. When Jaime was away in Dorne, the Sparrows, a fanatical religious faction led by the High Sparrow, came into power within the capital and imprisoned Cersei until she was forced to atone for a charge of adultery. She still awaits trial for other charges, including her rumoured incestuous relationship with Jaime. Jaime then reassures Tommen that he will not allow for another imprisonment and asks Tommen why has he not visited his mother. As Tommen questions his ability to rule and protect his family, the High Sparrow arrives as Jaime then orders Tommen to go visit Cersei. Jaime is furious at what the High Sparrow has done to his sister and considers killing him on the spot but backs down when the Faith Militant surround him. The High Sparrow then revels in the idea that he has managed to take control of King's Landing, effectively ruling the Seven Kingdoms, angering Jaime further.

Later on, in his laboratory, Qyburn is in the company of the little birds, children who used to spy for Lord Varys, and tries to win the favor of the children by attracting them with candied plums from Dorne. Shortly afterwards, Jaime, Cersei and Ser Gregor Clegane enter to request that Qyburn is to gather information from Dorne, Highgarden, the North and wherever people are trying to take advantage of their losses and plotting against them. Afterwards, Jaime and Cersei attend the small council meeting, now consisting of Pycelle, Mace Tyrell and Jaime’s uncle Ser Kevan Lannister. Lady Olenna Tyrell sits in attendance to lobby for her grandchildren’s release, as Queen Margaery, now wed to King Tommen, and her brother Loras Tyrell have also suffered imprisonment at the hands of the High Sparrow. Cersei, Jaime and Ser Gregor enter the room and upon being questioned about their attendance at the meeting, Cersei replies that she is the Queen, only to be corrected by Olenna that Margaery is the one who fits that description. Jaime then argues that he, as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, also has a right to attend. Cersei then accuses Kevan of not caring about his grandniece Myrcella’s death, while Jaime appeals to the bigger picture and urges Kevan to take action against Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes who have taken over Dorne after eliminating House Martell. Displeased with the unwanted newcomers, who are quickly losing their power, Ser Kevan and the small council leave the hall.

A few days later, Cersei goes to speak to Tommen, who informs her that he is anxious to fight the High Sparrow, since Queen Margaery is still a prisoner. After Tommen reveals his conversation with the High Sparrow and knowledge of something important, Cersei presses him for information to which she and Jaime then bring to the small council, this time presided over by Ser Kevan and Lady Olenna. Though Olenna reminds them that they are not welcome, adding Cersei’s repeated humiliations, Jaime defends his sister, revealing that the king has been talking to the High Sparrow about Margaery and Loras, insinuating her cooperation is necessary. Cersei points out that the High Sparrow was expecting them to fight among each other, and before the trial, Margaery will perform her own walk of atonement in front of the city, which Olenna agrees must not happen. They agree to work together to remove the High Sparrow from power as Jaime then convinces his uncle Kevan to keep the Lannister forces in reserve and have the Tyrell army visit the Great Sept to free Margaery and Loras. Kevan, however, warns them that the High Sparrow has many supporters and thousands could die in the ensuing civil war. Olenna then notes that many will die regardless of their course of action, insisting: “better them than us.”

Some time later, Mace Tyrell leads an army through the streets of King's Landing to meet with Ser Jaime and then gives a rather pompous speech at which Jaime cringes. Together, they then proceed to the Great Sept, where the High Sparrow, the Faith Militant and a large crowd of city folk are preparing for Margaery's walk of atonement. The army arrives, along with Olenna Tyrell, as the High Sparrow is speaking, and Jaime demands the release of Margaery and Loras, before they can "be on their way." The High Sparrow refuses, however, and fends off Jaime's threats to kill all the Sparrows by saying each Sparrow yearns to die in the service of the Gods.  After a tense few moments, the High Sparrow then proclaims that it will not be necessary, as there will be no walk of atonement. Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the faith. To Jaime's astonishment the doors of the Sept open and King Tommen emerges, escorted by his own guards, and walks down the steps to join the High Sparrow and Margaery in a demonstration of unity between the crown and the faith. The crowd burst into cheers after Tommen's speech, demonstrating that the High Sparrow now has the support of both the crown and the smallfolk. A furious Jaime seethes at the High Sparrow's triumphant expression. At the same time, a baffled Mace Tyrell asks what is happening. Olenna replies in disgust that the High Sparrow has beaten them, though she later comes to find out that Margaery is simply playing the part of a converted only to escape an impending trial. Afterwards, in the throne room, Tommen strips his father Jaime of his position in the  Kingsguard because "an attack on the faith is an attack on the crown," however, then reveals that Jaime will not have to face imprisonment or humiliation; he can continue to serve his king and the Lannisters, just not in King's Landing.

That evening, in her chambers, Jaime complains to Cersei that he has been ordered to help  Lord Walder Frey recapture Riverrun, but instead he intends to find Ser Bronn and whatever “killers” can be found, to march into the Sept and kill the High Sparrow. Cersei urges that he should go to Riverrun and show everyone how easily a Lannister can take a castle, as to attack the Sparrows and their fanatics would probably result in Jaime's death, destroying everything they are working towards. Cersei adds that she doesn’t need Jaime to be in the city for her upcoming trial, as she will demand a trial by combat and use the unbeatable Ser Gregor. Cersei reassures Jaime they will still defeat all their enemies, as they then kiss before his departure.

Some days later, Jaime arrives on horseback at Riverrun, accompanied by Ser Bronn and an army of eight-thousand Lannister soldiers. Upon their arrival to the castle, Bronn comments on the size of the trenches as he insists this is a sorry attempt at a siege. After riding in further and walking through House Frey’s camp, Jaime witnesses Lord Walder Frey’s sons, Lothar Frey and  Walder Rivers, threatening Ser Brynden Tully to surrender the castle or else they will kill his nephew Edmure Tully, who is bound by the hands with a noose around his neck. When Brynden remains silent and indicates no sign of surrender, Walder removes the noose from Edmure, pushes him forward on the wooden platform and draws a blade to his throat. Walder then shouts to Brynden on the castle walls, reminding him that he was the one to slit his niece Lady Catelyn Stark’s throat at the Red Wedding. Regardless of this, knowing his nephew is too valuable to lose, Brynden dismisses them and Edmure is spared. Jaime then remarks on the Freys' poor attempts at siege warfare and points out that threatening to hang Edmure and then not doing so makes them look weak. To prove his point, he threatens to strike Walder if he speaks again; when Walder then begins to answer, Jaime slaps him hard with his armored hand, drawing blood. Jaime assumes command of the siege and orders Edmure to be washed and fed. Jaime then sends word to Ser Brynden that he wishes to parley with him.

Later that day, Jaime comes face to face with Ser Brynden, as the drawbridge lowers and the Blackfish, as he is called, meets with him outside over the moat. However, it quickly becomes clear that the Blackfish is not interested in surrendering. Brynden asks Jaime whether he has come to honor his vow to his late niece, Catelyn Stark, and return her two daughters, Sansa and Arya. When Jaime informs the Blackfish that he doesn’t have either of the girls, Brynden then asks him if he wishes to resume his captivity. Jaime informs him why he has been sent to Riverrun and commands his surrender in the name of King Tommen. After Brynden informs Jaime that his nephew is marked for death regardless, he then quips that "negotiating with an oathbreaker is like building on quicksand,” declaring that he is prepared to die in his home. Ser Brynden then challenges Jaime to storm the castle or try to starve them out, claiming that they have two years worth of provisions. The Blackfish then asks Jaime, "Do you have two years?"

Somedays into the siege, Brienne of Tarth arrives at Riverrun with her squire Podrick Payne in order to seek an alliance with House Tully for Sansa Stark to fight House Bolton, who had taken over Winterfell following the murders of Robb and Catelyn Stark. After Brienne notices Jaime on horseback riding through camp she discreetly arranges to meet with him in a tent. While Brienne has successfully located Sansa, their situation is complicated by the bounty Cersei has placed on Sansa's head, for the false claims of Joffrey’s murder. Brienne then informs Jaime that she has come to secure Ser Brynden's help in seeking reinforcements for Sansa’s campaign to retake  Winterfell from the Boltons. This is not possible, however, as the Freys and Lannisters are laying siege to Riverrun. Brienne convinces Jaime to let her negotiate with the Blackfish so that Brynden and his men can leave the castle at night to travel to Winterfell. Jaime agrees to grant Brynden safe passage but says that he has to surrender by nightfall. Brienne then tries to return the sword Jaime gifted to her, as the reason for lending it to her has now been fulfilled. Instead, Jaime insists for her to keep it, because it is hers. She reminds him that, should she fail to get the Blackfish to surrender, her oath to Catelyn Stark would compel her to fight against Jaime. Clearly moved by his admiration for her, Jaime replies, "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Brienne then tries to negotiate with the Blackfish, however, Ser Brynden refuses to relinquish his ancestral seat regardless of Lady Sansa’s request.

That evening, Jaime visits the captive Edmure Tully and apologizes for the conduct of House Frey. Edmure is still defiant and insists that his uncle will not surrender Riverrun. Jaime then informs Edmure that he had sired a son with Roslin Frey, whom Edmure married at the Red Wedding. If Edmure can convince the Blackfish and his garrison to surrender, he will allow for Edmure and his family to live in a comfortable exile at Casterly Rock. When Edmure denounces Jaime as an evil man, Jaime responds that he would let the gods decide. Edmure then asks Jaime how he sleeps at night after all the bad things he has done. Jaime then recounts his time as a captive of Edmure’s sister and how she struck him with a stone. Despite her hatred for him, he came to respect Lady Catelyn for her undying love towards her children. Jaime compares her love for her children to Cersei's love for her own. He then reiterates that he loves Cersei so much that he would kill any Tully that stands in his way. Jaime then issues his final ultimatum to Edmure. If the Tullys do not surrender, he will catapult Edmure's son over the wall and kill every Tully who stands between him and Cersei. Jaime then leaves Edmure to decide.

Edmure later accepts Jaime's offer and walks back to the castle, announcing himself as their rightful lord and convincing the guards to lay down the drawbridge, despite the protests of his uncle Ser Brynden. The guards obey Edmure because they have sworn an oath of fealty to  Hoster Tully and his son. The guards lower the drawbridge and Edmure enters the castle. Meanwhile, Lothar Frey criticizes Jaime for losing their most valuable hostage. Once inside the castle, Edmure climbs the ramparts and orders the Tully garrison to lower the drawbridge and to surrender to the Lannisters and Freys. Jaime and the combined army then march into Riverrun and occupy the castle, draping the Lannister and Frey banners over the walls. Edmure then orders his men to find his uncle and put him in chains, in order to hand him over to the Freys. However, Ser Brynden has already escaped. At one of the castle's exits, Brynden helps Brienne and Podrick into a boat. Brienne tries to convince Brynden to come along, but he insists on not running away from this fight. He informs Brienne to continue serving Sansa Stark and assures her that she will do a better job of it than he has done. As Brienne and Podrick escape, the Blackfish stays behind for a final stand against several Lannister soldiers. Shortly after, on the ramparts, Jaime is informed of the Blackfish's death. Jaime then sees Brienne and Podrick rowing away on their boat. He quietly waves goodbye, to which Brienne waves back.

Afterwards, Jaime then marches to the Twins, the home of House Frey, as they then celebrate their victory in retaking Riverrun. At the celebration, Jaime notices a serving girl who smiles at him curiously. Ser Bronn then complains that all the women desire Jaime, who then calls over two young girls and introduces them to the sellsword. Jaime then speaks to Lord Walder Frey, who gloats about their combined victory. When Walder attempts to equate himself with Jaime, calling them both “kingslayers,” Jaime is visibly irritated as Lord Walder could never win a conventional fight. Walder, who is now infamously known for double-crossing House Stark, goes on to say that fear is a marvelous thing as Jaime smugly retorts that people fear the Lannisters, not the Freys. Jaime then questions the need for the Freys if House Lannister continues to keep helping them hold the Riverlands. When Lord Walder does not respond, Jaime then brusquely leaves the celebration to begin his return to King’s Landing. Later that evening, Jaime eventually learns that Lord Walder and his sons are all murdered by the same serving girl that smiled at Jaime earlier, who reveals herself to be the missing Arya Stark in disguise, as she avenges the deaths of her mother and brother.

Some days after departing the Twins, Ser Jaime rides into the capital with Bronn and the Lannister army to witness smoke pouring from where the Great Sept of Baelor and its surrounding districts once stood. Once Jaime arrives to the Red Keep, he joins the crowds of the royal court as they pour into the throne room for Cersei’s surprise coronation. Cersei walks down the path to the Iron Throne, flanked by Lannister guards, and ascends the steps, standing before the throne. Qyburn, who is now her Hand, proclaims Cersei as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and all the associated titles. Qyburn places a crown on her head as she sits down on the throne. The royal court in the throne room glare at her with undisguised hatred, knowing it was on her orders to have the Great Sept blown up with wildfire on the day of her trial to in order eliminate the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant, as well as Queen Margaery and Ser Loras. Jaime’s uncle Kevan was also in attendance when the Sept was demolished. This action, however, traumatized King Tommen to the point of suicide. Queen Cersei ignores the seething crowd as she has eyes only for Jaime, whose expression back at her is stony. Cersei has achieved her ultimate ambition to become the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms - or at least, what little of it the Lannisters still control. Though Jaime loves his sister, the loss of their last remaining child, as a direct result of Cersei’s treachery, is something he finally cannot turn a blind eye to.

“Fuck prophecy. Fuck fate. Fuck everyone who isn’t us. We’re the only ones who matter, the only ones in this world. And everything they’ve taken from us, we’re going to take back and more. We’re going to take everything there is.”

— ‘The Red Woman

“Not everybody wants to die for someone else's home.”

— ‘No One

“The gods won't mind. They've spilled more blood than all of us combined.”

— ‘Home

“I never thought you'd find her. I just assumed Sansa was dead. In my experience, girls like her don't live very long.”

— ‘No One

“Does he understand what we're saying? I mean, to the extent that he ever understood complete sentences in the first place.”

— ‘Oathbreaker

“They don't fear the Freys, though. The fear the Lannisters. We gave you the Riverlands to hold the Riverlands. If we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them, why do we need you?”

— ‘The Winds of Winter

 season seven

Some time after her coronation, Queen Cersei shows Jaime a giant map of Westeros she is having painted on a floor in the atrium of her new quarters. Jaime has not spoken to his sister since his return, due to his anger with her over the death of their son Tommen. Cersei informs Jaime that their estranged brother Tyrion has returned to Westeros as the Hand to the dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen at the head of a large armada. Jaime thinks their latest threat in maintaining the throne will land her forces at the fortress of Dragonstone. He informs that the last living Targaryen is likely to be drawn to her birthplace and the castle has been unoccupied since Stannis Baratheon abandoned it before his death. Jaime also notes that the deep water around the ancestral Targaryen island will allow Daenerys fleet to make anchor. Cersei notes that they have enemies in the south, west, and north: Dorne, the Tyrells and the Starks, respectively. While Cersei has dreams of ushering in a long dynasty, Jaime inists to Cersei that they are losing the war, and with all their children dead, and with the deaths of their uncle Kevan and cousin Lancel in the Sept explosion, there is no Lannister line to inherit the throne. Jaime urges that they need allies and reports that House Frey has been exterminated. Cersei vaguely reminds him that she has been listening to their father Tywin’s counsel for the past forty years and has learned some things.

Afterwards, a large Ironborn fleet bearing the sigil of House Greyjoy sails into King's Landing. Cersei informs Jaime that she is planning to forge an alliance with Euron Greyjoy. Jaime criticizes her decision and points out that the Greyjoys are oath breakers and "bitter killers."

In the throne room, Jaime and Cersei host Euron. Seeking revenge against his niece and nephew  Yara and Theon Greyjoy for running away with part of his fleet, Euron proposes that they join forces to murder their enemies, including their brother Tyrion. When Jaime questions Euron's legitimacy and trustworthiness, Euron talks about the Greyjoy Rebellion and praises Jaime's swordsmanship, while subtly inferring to Cersei Jaime's loss of a hand makes him inadequate for the wars ahead. Euron adds that he went into exile because of the Greyjoy Rebellion and has returned a feared and experienced pirate captain, and boasts that the Iron Fleet is the greatest fleet that Westeros has ever seen and a military asset that would let the Lannisters reclaim control of the seas. Euron proposes to marry Cersei to seal a marriage pact. Cersei declines due to Euron's history of oath-breaking and his recent role in murdering his brother Balon Greyjoy. Neither fazed or disappointed, Euron promises that when he returns to King's Landing, he will deliver his "finest gift" to Cersei.

Some time later in the throne room, Queen Cersei gives a speech urging several nobles from the Reach, including Lord Randyll Tarly, to reaffirm their allegiance to the Iron Throne and not follow House Tyrell in supporting Daenerys. Cersei warns that the Targaryen's combined Dothraki and Unsullied armies she brought with her from Essos would pillage their lands and homes, and rape their women. When Lord Tarly points out that Daenerys has three dragons,  Qyburn replies that he is "at work on a solution, ” which he later shows Cersei is a long-range artillery weapon that he assures can hurt a dragon. Afterwards, Jaime follows Lord Tarly out of the throne room and meets with him in private to request his new appointment as Jaime’s general. However, Tarly is unwilling to break his fealty to Lady Olenna Tyrell and is wary of the Lannisters, who "cut [their rivals'] throats at weddings.” Jaime reminds Tarly that he also swore an oath to the Iron Throne, and tells him that Cersei is preferable to Daenerys and her foreign armies. Jaime also promises that Cersei will make Tarly the new Warden of the South.

Some days later, Ser Jaime is present when Euron Greyjoy returns to the capital with his promised gift to Queen Cersei: the captured Ellaria Sand and her daughter Tyene. The other two Sand Snakes were killed by Euron himself during Ellaria and his niece Yara’s capture. As Euron stands next to the throne with the captive Sand women, Cersei proclaims Euron commander of her naval forces as well as assuring him of her hand in marriage once the war is won. Jaime quietly mutters that the same people who cheered for Euron would do the same if Cersei put his head on a spike. Euron ignores the jab, but responds with one of his own by asking Jaime for advice on how to sexually please his sister. A furious Jaime almost lunges at Euron, but Euron, delighted at having provoked him, gleefully insists on Jaime to save it for later, in a not-so-public place. Afterwards, Cersei chains both Ellaria and Tyene in the dungeons and kisses Tyene with the same coated poison that Ellaria had used to murder her daughter Myrcella when leaving Dorne. Cersei instructs the guards to continually light the torches so Ellaria has no choice but to watch her daughter die in front of her eyes, all the while leaving Ellaria to then starve to death.

Later that evening, Jaime is drinking wine for supper when Cersei arrives and kisses him. He initially rebuffs her advances but ultimately consents to sex. The next morning, following an intimate night with Jaime, Cersei answers the door for the handmaiden Bernadette who announces that Tycho Nestoris, the representative from the Iron Bank of Braavos, has arrived. Cersei acknowledges the message and pointedly requests fresh sheets. Bernadette’s eyes then catch on to the sight of Jaime lying in Cersei's bed. Cersei smiles, no longer concerned of the opinions of the court, as Jaime's initial concern then turns to amusement.

Jaime then leads the combined Lannister-Tarly army, along with Bronn, to Highgarden. In the aftermath of the assault and the massacre of the Tyrell garrison, Jaime confronts Lady Olenna in her study. Jaime notes that the Tyrell forces fought bravely, whereupon Olenna acknowledges warfare was not House Tyrell's strong point. Olenna observes that Tyrion and Daenerys thought the bulk of the Lannister forces would be defending Casterly Rock against the Unsullied attack. Jaime, while pouring two glasses of wine, reveals it was a ruse, explaining that his ancestral home is now practically worthless. Olenna then asks Jaime how he intends to kill her, speculating he do it with Widow's Wail, Joffrey Baratheon's old sword. Remarking on Joffrey's horrible nature, Olenna proudly admits that she enacted measures to protect her family at all costs, with no regrets, but reflects that her actions pale in comparison to the atrocities performed by Cersei. While some may dread her, Jaime insists that none will care what she has done, so long as order is restored. Olenna observes that Jaime really does love his sister, and calls him a fool, claiming that she will be the end of him and then again asks Jaime how he plans to kill her. Jaime tells her of Cersei’s idea of having her whipped and beheaded, or flayed alive and hanged, but he talked her out of those ideas. He then produces a small liquid vial and empties its contents into one of the glasses of wine, giving it to Olenna who then drinks it after Jaime confirms that it will be a painless death. On the topic of poison, Olenna then reflects on the horrible way that Joffrey died and the gruesome affect the poison had caused. She admits that part was unintentional on her part, as she had never seen the poison work in person before. Shocked into silence, Jaime stares at her, realizing at last who really killed his eldest son and let his brother take the blame, setting in motion the deaths of Oberyn Martell, Tywin Lannister, and Myrcella Baratheon. Satisfied at his horror, Olenna insists that he tell Cersei that she was the one who murdered her son, whereafter a furious Jaime storms out, leaving Olenna to die.

Afterwards, Jaime coordinates the soldiers loading up the spoils for transport after the Sack of Highgarden allowed them to seize the Tyrell's substantial gold stores, which they send ahead to King's Landing first, before moving on to securing grain shipments. Jaime procures a large bag of gold coins and gives it to Ser Bronn as payment for his services. Bronn, however, is annoyed that this isn't the full reward promised, which included a wife from nobility as well as a castle. He then half-seriously asks why Jaime doesn't just grant him Highgarden, as they need someone to rule it. Jaime waves this aside by saying they don't actually intend to hold Highgarden for long as it would be difficult for Bronn of all people to rule over hostile territory, and the war isn't over yet.

Shortly after, as Jaime's army continues east, he and Bronn are surprised to hear what sounds like distant thunder, until they see an approaching cavalry of Dothraki warriors. Above the approaching Dothraki, the Lannister army sees a huge adult dragon soaring straight for their lines and ridden by Daenerys Targaryen herself. The Lannister army holds their line for a time, but their enemy has the advantage of weight in numbers, and the tide turns slowly against them. For a moment it looks like Jaime might at least be able to force the Dothraki to a standstill - but then Daenerys devastates the Lannister formations with dragon fire. Nonetheless, Jaime desperately takes command of a group of archers, directing them to concentrate their fire on Daenerys. However, Daenerys sees the attack coming and banks her dragon Drogon upwards so the arrow volley harmlessly bounces off his armored scales. Drogon then blasts the archer formations with fire. Jaime avoids the flames and manages to carve a path through the Dothraki horde with his sword. As it cannot be fired with one hand, Jaime then commands Bronn to reach Qyburn's anti-dragon scorpion. Bronn reaches the scorpion launches spots and misfires. Daenerys is startled by the scorpion-bolt flying a few feet from her head and spots Bronn on the scorpion as he reloads. Bronn eventually manages to shoot Drogon in the shoulder, but the scorpion is destroyed immediately after by dragonfire. To Jaime's disadvantage, the dragon's armored scales are so tough that the scorpion bolt only managed to cause superficial damage. Nonetheless, the flesh wound grounds the dragon, and he howls in pain. Daenerys then dismounts in attempt to pull the scorpion bolt out. Jaime, however, sees that Daenerys is grounded and immobilized, realizing he still has one chance to end her invasion indefinitely. Jaime grabs a spear and charges his horse across the flaming battlefield to make a death-run for Daenerys as she tends to her dragon. His brother Tyrion, who arrived with the Dothraki warriors and is watching the battle from a safe distance, swears under his breath, calling his brother a "fucking idiot,” worried that Jaime’s going to get himself killed. Just as Jaime is nearly on top of Daenerys, Drogon notices him amidst the chaos of the battle; shielding Daenerys behind his head, the dragon lets out a blast of flame. However, Bronn rushes over to tackle Jaime out of the way, saving him from certain death. They both fall into the river, where Jaime is weighed down by his armor, and sinks beneath the waters, in danger of drowning.

In the aftermath of the Battle of the Goldroad, Ser Bronn pulls Jaime from the depths of  Blackwater Rush, and onto shore. The sellsword informs Jaime the only reason he rescued him is that nobody gets to kill Jaime until Bronn gets the reward he's due from the Lannisters. Jaime, shellshocked, remarks on the destructive power one dragon alone unleashed, and realizes they are in great peril if Daenerys deploys all three in future battles. Bronn assures that he won't be around for such an assault, as Jaime laments his duty to report what happened to Cersei. Bronn thinks it would be safer for him to jump back into the river than deal with Cersei's wrath.

Jaime returns to King's Landing to inform Queen Cersei of their defeat. He flatly insists that the Lannisters have no chance of defeating Daenerys, even if Cersei were able to buy enough mercenaries to replace their huge losses; Qyburn's scorpion did little more than anger Drogon, and neither the Lannister soldiers nor any mercenaries will be able to match the huge horde of Dothraki, who Jaime notes killed their men as if it were sport to them, not war. Cersei snidely asks Jaime if they are expected to surrender to a Queen whose throne Cersei occupies and whose father Jaime betrayed and murdered, mockingly remarking that Tyrion could intercede for them with Daenerys as an apology for killing Joffrey and Tywin. Jaime reveals to Cersei that Tyrion is innocent of Joffrey's murder, telling her Olenna Tyrell confessed to it. Cersei is dismissive of Tyrion's innocence in all things as usual, so Jaime has to talk her through it, asking her rhetorically if Olenna would have preferred Margaery to marry the strong-willed and sadistic Joffrey or the emotionally pliable and good-natured Tommen. Effectively, Olenna would have become the true ruler of the Seven kingdoms behind the scenes - in the same way that their father Tywin became the true ruler of Westeros through his grandsons. Feeling cheated of yet another vengeance, Cersei can barely contain her fury as she laments listening to Jaime, insisting that Olenna ought to have died screaming. Jaime says she's dead, nonetheless, along with the rest of House Tyrell, and that they will go the same way unless they are careful. Jaime sees no other path to victory; Tyrion now stands against his own siblings with a foreign invader possessed of a large, fearsome army and three ferocious dragons. Cersei dismisses his protests, however, making it plain she intends to fight to the death rather than surrender her throne, and expects the same from Jaime and the rest of the Lannister military.

Afterwards, beneath the Red Keep, Ser Bronn purports to lead Jaime to a sparring session amongst the skulls of the Targaryen dragons, only for him to discover it is really a secret meeting with his estranged brother Tyrion, whom he hasn’t seen since his betrayal in murdering their father Tywin. Jaime is initially angry that Bronn has arranged the secret meeting, as Bronn then excuses himself. Tyrion compliments Jaime on shrewdly and unsentimentally abandoning the Lannister seat of Casterly Rock, insisting that his plan would have made Lord Tywin proud. Jaime barks at Tyrion, urging to not speak about their father and asserting that he once told Bronn that if he was to see his brother again he would cut him in half. Snapping, an emotional Tyrion points out that their father knew he was innocent but still condemned him to death nonetheless, having hated him all his life for being born a dwarf. When Jaime demands to know what Tyrion wants, his brother responds that Jaime knows Daenerys will win the war, telling him that Daenerys is willing to make peace with Cersei under certain conditions. Tyrion informs that Daenerys has a more important request than bending the knee.

Later that evening, Jaime informs Cersei that he met with Tyrion. When Cersei asks if Daenerys wants to negotiate a surrender, Jaime tells her that the dragon queen is seeking an armistice due to the looming threat posed by the White Walkers and their army of the dead. Cersei knows that Bronn secretly organized the meeting between Tyrion and Jaime. Cersei then notes that an alliance with Daenerys may be a wiser move, but she still retains her determination to destroy any force that stands against her. She also asks if Jaime plans to punish Bronn for arranging the clandestine meeting with Tyrion. Cersei then reveals that she is pregnant with another of Jaime's children, one who she believes will someday be the heir to the Iron Throne. After reflecting on their late father's advice that "the lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep", Cersei hugs Jaime and whispers in his ear that he is never to betray her again.

Some weeks later, in preparation for the parley, the leader of the Unsullied army, Grey Worm, has his soldiers lined up outside the capital walls, watched by a nervous Jaime and Bronn. Jaime wonders how Bronn is unnerved by the idea of soldiers without genitalia, as the Unsullied are known to have been castrated at a young age and sold into what once was a slave army. Bronn insists that the idea of soldiers who fight for no promise of sex is alien to him. As they talk, hordes of Dothraki ride in, a stark contrast to the disciplined Unsullied. Jaime realizes that if this was an attack, the Lannister army would lose. Meanwhile, in the harbor, Tyrion and the Targaryen advisors sail past Euron Greyjoy's fleet. Joining Tyrion is one of Daenerys’ new alliances, the King of the North Jon Snow, Eddard Starks’ bastard son whom Jaime met at Winterfell several years ago. Inside her solar, Queen Cersei is informed by Qyburn of the arrival of Daenerys' party, though there is no sign of Daenerys herself. Cersei promptly commands Ser Gregor Clegane that if anything goes wrong at the summit, he is to kill Daenerys, Tyrion and Jon Snow in that order, then dispose of the rest as he pleases. The Targaryen and Northern advisors arrive and are escorted by Ser Bronn to the Dragonpit, the location of the summit.

At the Dragonpit, the various factions meet: Jaime, Cersei, Qyburn and Euron representing the Iron Throne and Jon Snow with Brienne of Tarth and others representing the North. Jaime spots Brienne among the Northern assembly and the two stare at each other. Jaime quickly looks away from Brienne when he realizes that Cersei has noticed. Tyrion and Daenerys’ court settle in as well but then Cersei demands to know where her rival is. As if perfectly timed, the dragon queen then makes a suitably dramatic entrance on Drogon's back. When Euron attempts to derail the meeting and begins insulting Tyrion, a furious Jaime orders him to sit down, and when he disregards the warning, Cersei repeats it; a subdued Euron then returns to his seat. Getting the meeting on track, Tyrion and Jon Snow attempt to convince the Lannister queen of the greater threat coming from the North. According to Tyrion, one million live in the capital and they will soon become one million more soldiers in the army of the dead. Cersei callously responds that it will likely be an improvement for most of them and then refuses to believe the claims, dismissing them as a ploy to trick her into lowering her defenses. To prove their claims, a crate containing the body of a reanimated corpse is brought out before them and once opened, the enraged wight promptly clambers out and charges toward the nearest target - Queen Cersei, appropriately enough. Completely stunned at the sight of the undead creature throwing itself towards them, the Lannister queen and her allies recoil in horror as the creature is pulled back on a chain and sliced in half. Jaime and Cersei then look on in shock as the wight's upper half still continues to move, shrieking and snarling. After a clearly fascinated Qyburn briefly examines it, the Lannister party witness how to properly kill a wight, as demonstrated by Jon Snow. A terrified Euron then makes his exit, asserting that he is withdrawing his fleet from King’s Landing and heading back to the Iron Islands as these creatures cannot swim. Jaime asks Daenerys of the enemy numbers and he is shocked when she tells him of their overwhelming numerical superiority at around at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei immediately offers terms: satisfied that Daenerys is concerned with the army of the dead, Cersei will not withdraw her troops, but will guarantee that they will not hinder the Targaryen or Northern forces in any way during the battle against the White Walkers. She refuses to deal with Daenerys at all, however, and calls on Jon Snow, as King in the North and Ned Stark's son, to keep the truce and to stay out of any future conflict between Cersei and Daenerys. When Cersei leaves the parley in outrage due to Jon's public pledge of loyalty to Daenerys, Brienne then urges Jaime to convince Cersei to help.

Inside the Red Keep, Tyrion, escorted by Ser Gregor, meets with Jaime, who confirms that he believes the threat of the dead, but has still been unable to convince their sister. Jaime informs that he only accomplished talking at her until she threw him out of her office. Tyrion himself then enters Cersei’s room alone in attempts to convince her. Their discussion, while fraught at the start, eventually ends with Cersei’s agreement to assist. Back at the Dragonpit, the Lannister siblings return to Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. Queen Cersei has agreed to work with the them both, but not by keeping her troops back: the Lannister army will march north to assist in fighting alongside the Northern and Targaryen forces.

Shortly after Jon, Daenerys and their forces depart from King’s Landing, Ser Jaime wastes no time assembling the commanders of the Lannister army in preparation for the march north to Winterfell. However, he is outraged when Cersei interrupts this meeting to reveal that she had lied about aiding the North in the war against the dead and leaked the news of her pregnancy to Tyrion so he would believe her. Jaime angrily protests that the undead are a threat to every living thing in the Seven Kingdoms, but Cersei dismisses his concerns, preferring to let Jon and Daenerys exhaust themselves during the coming war, then have the Lannister army deal with whoever emerges victorious from that conflict. Cersei also boasts of Euron Greyjoy’s ruse of taking his fleet back home as he is actually sailing to Essos to bring hired mercenaries back to the capital. Jaime is beside himself that Cersei and Euron plotted this behind his back, only to be left reeling when Cersei accuses him of plotting with Tyrion to advance the cause of their enemies. After Jaime’s protests fall on deaf ears, he declares that he intends to travel north alone to honor his pledge. As he turns to leave, Ser Gregor blocks his path, causing Jaime to wonder if Cersei is actually going to have him executed. It is in this moment that Jaime finally sees Cersei for what she really is: a power-hungry, narcissistic tyrant who will betray anyone in order to secure her own dominion. Nodding to Clegane, Jaime informs Cersei to give the order. After a moment's hesitation, Cersei nods as Ser Gregor draws his sword, but Jaime calls her bluff and storms out, leaving a saddened Cersei behind him. Afterwards, Jaime abandons his Lannister armor for less recognizable garb and departs the capital alone on horseback. On the ride north, realizing how conspicuous he is, he nervously pulls a glove over his golden hand and then notices that it has begun to snow, indicating that winter has finally come to King's Landing.

“He was a useless old coward, but the Freys supported us. Now they're all dead. Whoever killed them is no friend of ours. We need allies. Stronger, better allies. We can't win this war alone.”

— ‘Dragonstone

“I once told Bronn that if I ever saw you again, I'd cut you in half.”

— ‘Eastwatch

“This same mob spat at my sister not long ago. And if you turn on us, they'll cheer to see your head mounted on a spike.”

— ‘The Queen's Justice

“Maybe it really is all cocks in the end.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

“If you were Olenna, would you rather have seen your granddaughter married to Joffrey or Tommen? Which one would Margaery have been better able to control? Which one would have made Olenna the true ruler of the seven kingdoms? She was telling the truth.”

— ‘Eastwatch

“Are you going to order him to kill me?! I'm the only one you have left. Our father is gone. Our children are gone. It's just me and you now!”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

 season eight

Some weeks after leaving Cersei in the capital, Ser Jaime makes the long journey north on horseback from King's Landing to Winterfell, fulfilling his promise to fight the White Walkers, even though his sister decided to abandon her enemies to the mercy of the undead army. After dismounting in Winterfell’s courtyard, Jaime looks around and is surprised to see none other than Bran Stark waiting for him - the boy he shoved out a window and crippled in this very castle several years ago, who now sits in a wheelchair.

Jaime then stands in front of the dragon queen, Daenerys Targaryen, in the Great Hall of Winterfell. She begins by informing that when she was a child, her brother Viserys Targaryen would tell her a bedtime story - about the man who murdered their father. He told her other stories as well, about all the things they would do to that man, once they took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in their grasp. Daenerys then remarks to Jaime that Cersei had pledged to send her army north, but that all she sees is “one man with one hand,” and it appears that Cersei lied. Jaime makes it clear that she lied to him as well, and that she never had any intention of sending her army north to aid in the war. Jaime tells her that Cersei has Euron Greyjoy’s fleet and twenty-thousand fresh troops, as Euron’s fleet transported the hired mercenaries named the Golden Company to the capital. Jaime adds that even if they defeat the army of the dead, Cersei will have plenty of men to kill the survivors. He then asserts his promise to fight for the living, intending to stay and fight alongside them at Winterfell. His brother Tyrion then tries to step in, but Daenerys quickly stops him as Tyrion was also wrong about his sister as well. Sansa Stark, now the Lady of Winterfell, also insists that they cannot trust Jaime, and that he attacked their father Eddard Stark in the streets of the capital, attempting to destroy her house and family the same as he did Daenerys' father King Aerys. Jaime quickly retorts if it's an apology they are seeking, they won't get one, urging that they were at war and that everything he had done was for his house and family and would do it all again. Bran Stark then interjects: "The things we do for love,” which is what Jaime had said to Bran before pushing him out of the window and crippling him. Brienne of Tarth then stands and steps forward on Jaime's behalf. She insists to Daenerys that Jaime is indeed a man of honor and looks to Sansa, adding that without Jaime, she wouldn't be alive. Moreover, she informs that Jaime armed and armored her, sending her to find Sansa and bring her home because he swore an oath to her mother Lady Catelyn. Sansa eventually relents and agrees that they should let Jaime stay, as she trusts Brienne with her life. Without seeking the dragon queen’s approval, Daenerys looks to Jon Snow and asks his advice on the matter. Jon insists that they need every man they can get. Daenerys eventually acquiesces and Tyrion sighs in relief. Jaime then thanks Daenerys before she frustratedly leaves the room.

Afterwards, in the godswood, Bran Stark is in his wheelchair out in the snow, just beneath the red leaves of the heart tree. When Jaime slowly approached Bran he immediately apologizes for what he had done to him. However, Bran replies: "You weren't sorry then." Jaime insists that he was protecting his family and is no longer that person anymore. Bran then states that he still would be the same person had he not pushed him out of that window, and that he himself would still be Brandon Stark. Curious, Jaime simply asks, "You're not?" Bran replies that he isn't, and that he is something else now. Jaime is curious why Bran isn't angry at him, as Bran informs that he isn't angry at anyone. Jaime then asks why Bran didn't tell anyone the truth. He replies that Jaime wouldn't have been able to help them in this war if they were to murder him first. When Jaime asks about after the war, Bran ponders "how do you know there is an afterwards?"

That afternoon, Jaime approaches Tyrion in the castle grounds when one of the Stark military men spits down near the brothers. Tyrion replies "and the masses rejoice,” as the Northmen struggle with the Lannister presence. Jaime asks Tyrion what they think of his new queen, Daenerys. After reminding Jaime that she's now his new queen as well, he remarks the people remember what happened the last time Targaryens brought dragons north. He also states they'll come around once they see Daenerys is different. During their conversation, Tyrion finds out through Jaime that Cersei's pregnancy wasn't a lie. Jaime insists that Tyrion shouldn’t be too hard on himself, as Cersei fooled him more than anybody. Tyrion then states that Cersei never fooled Jaime, as he always knew exactly what she was and he loved her anyway. As Tyrion is talking, finding some black humor in the prospect that being killed by the undead will deny Cersei the satisfaction of having him killed herself, Jaime is distracted when looking out in the distance at Brienne, who is overseeing sword practicing in the yard. Jaime walks out of the castle gate where moats of traps, catapults, and men are practicing with their swords. He eventually reaches Brienne and they greet one another. Jaime informs her that he’s been told she is commanding the left flank during battle. She states it is great ground and with the rise it would give good advantage. Brienne finally turns to him and asks what he's doing, knowing they've never had a conversation this long without him insulting her. He finally admits that he came to Winterfell because he's not the fighter he use to be, and that he'd be honored to serve under her command, if she'd have him.

As night falls, the defenders gather to make their plans for the battle to come. Jon Snow notes that even with weapons of dragonglass and Valyrian steel, and the defenses they have laid, the army of the dead outnumber them too heavily for them to have a chance at winning a conventional battle. When Jaime asks what they can do, Jon suggests they target the Night King, as he is the army’s leader. Bran Stark then interjects that the Night King will come for him, as he's tried to kill the Three-Eyed Raven many times before. Bran explains that the Night King's ultimate desire is to erase all memory of men from the world, something which he now possesses as the raven. Jon states they will place Bran in the crypts for his safety, but he refuses, declaring he'll wait in the godswood to lure the Night King out. It is suggested the dragons will be helpful on the battlefield, but Jon notes they need the dragons near the godswood and when their enemy makes his move for Bran, they'll strike. Arya Stark then asks if dragonfire will stop the Night King, to which Bran can only reply he has no idea, as no one has ever tried that.

That evening, with the army of the dead sure to arrive within hours, Jaime and Tyrion are drinking near the large fireplace in the main hall of Winterfell castle. At one point Tyrion says he'd love to see their father Tywin’s face when they decided to defend Winterfell. Brienne and Podrick Payne then join them for a drink. Eventually Davos Seaworth and Tormund Giantsbane arrives to warm themselves by the fire. The subject eventually turns to knighthood, and Tormund, unsure of the concept of becoming a knight, asks Brienne why she isn't one - she simply replies, “tradition.” Jaime then states that any knight can make a knight. At first, Brienne isn't sure what to do, but eventually stands up and kneels before Jaime. Bringing his sword with him, Jaime gives Brienne her knighthood, before adding “arise Brienne of Tarth, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms”. While the group applaud her, she stands and gives a tearful smile. Their merriment, however, is then interrupted by the horn blows, signalling the arrival of the army of the dead. A panicked Tyrion is joined on the rooftop by Jon and Daenerys, who then quickly run off to prepare for battle, as does the rest of the castle.

Night has fallen at Winterfell and Bran Stark is wheeled to the godswood to lure in the Night King. Jon and Daenerys then ride their two dragons away from the castle, to not alert the enemy of their presence. Outside the gates, Jaime and Brienne command the left flank as the Unsullied commander, Grey Worm, readies his army. A Red Priestess named Melisandre arrives in time for the battle and magically lights a fire on each end of the Dothraki army’s weapons, as they then ride into battle and crash into the seething undead horde of wights. The infantry around Winterfell can hear their shouts and watch, in the shadowy distance, as Dothraki war cries turn to screams of terror and the flames from their swords are quickly extinguished. The undead then rush down from the north and slam into the defenders around Winterfell like a tidal wave. Jon and Daenerys make strafing runs on the undead with dragonfire but more keep coming and does little to affect their outnumbered defenses. A full retreat into the castle is ordered, and Grey Worm commands the Unsullied to form up a rearguard to protect the withdrawal of their remaining forces. Melisandre uses her powers again, this time to light the entire trench ringing Winterfell, as it bursts into flames. However, the Night King directs his horde of the undead into a concentrated charge across several sections of the fire: many hundreds burn, but eventually their sheer mass extinguishes the flames, breaching the outer defenses. Thousands of them start swarming around the base of Winterfell's great stone walls, then climb over each other in a mass, using their strength to grip into stone. As they continue climbing the castle walls, Jaime is nearly overwhelmed by a dozen wights, but Brienne carves her way to him using her sword and saves his life. The siege takes a turn for the worse as the Night King uses his resurrection abilities to raise all of the defenders who’ve died in the battle up to this point into wights. As Jaime and Brienne fight for their lives in the overrun courtyard, the Night King reaches the godswood to meet Bran Stark, as predicted, but not all goes to plan as Jon and Daenerys have lost the use of their dragons and cannot protect Bran. As the Night King draws the sword sheathed on his back for the killing blow, Arya Stark suddenly leaps at him from behind with a Valyrian steel dagger. The Night King instantly reacts, spinning around to catch her by the throat, but she drops her blade and catches it with her free hand, driving it into the center of his chest, which shatters him io ice. With the Night King destroyed every wight in and around the castle suddenly drop and start falling to pieces, as the magic animating their dead flesh has been broken. As the Great War comes to a victorious end, dawn breaks over Winterfell.

Following the battle, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are gathered into dozens of funeral pyres and Jon Snow gives a eulogy in front of the survivors stating that it is their duty to keep those who have fallen alive in memory for generations to come. Quoting the funeral speech used for members of the Night's Watch, Jon then announces that they were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the funeral pyres and bid their final farewells.

That night, the survivors hold a victory feast in the great hall of Winterfell. Though so many have died that the mood is somber at first, it eventually is lightened and the great hall becomes more celebratory, as everyone starts drinking heavily and boasting about their deeds in the battle. Jaime is joined by Tyrion, Brienne and Podrick Payne as they play a drinking game where you make a statement each round. However, instead of making a statement of yourself, you try to make one about the other person. Jaime and Brienne playfully argue over whether or not she told him she was an only child, but Brienne ends up having to take a drink. Then Jaime tells Brienne that she once had danced with the late Renly Baratheon when she was younger. Brienne knowingly looks at Podrick, the only person she has told this story to, as he smiles and shrugs. As it is a true statement, Tyrion demands her to drink. As they continue playing, Brienne correctly guesses that Tyrion was married to someone else before his forced marriage to Sansa Stark years ago. She takes another guess that Tyrion is drinking wine but prefers ale. Tyrion yells, "No!" and Brienne must take another drink. Brienne and Jaime then exchange smiles and Tyrion then drunkenly guesses that Brienne has never slept with anyone. Brienne's smile quickly fades as Podrick awkwardly takes a drink. Brienne doesn't answer Tyrion’s statement, as she then stands up and informs that she must relieve herself. As she attempts to leave the hall, the wildling Tormund Giantsbane drunkenly propositions Brienne, whom he is smitten with, but is rebuffed by her and then the intervention of Jaime. Some time later, after the feast has finished, a very drunk Jaime shows up at Brienne's chamber in the castle. Jaime pours himself some wine as he comments on Tormund’s affections for Brienne, as she then notes his jealousy, which his doesn’t deny. Quite suddenly, they both then start undressing each other, largely with Brienne’s assistance due to this hand. Before they kiss, Jaime admits he’s never slept with a knight before and she replies that she’s never slept with anyone before.

The next evening, the Lannister brothers are drinking at a local inn in Winter Town, on the outskirts of the castle grounds. Jaime informs Tyrion of his new development with Brienne, and the very drunk Tyrion says that he's happy that now he can finally be the one mocking a brother for being with a taller woman. Suddenly, Ser Bronn bursts through the front door, pointing a crossbow at them. Bronn informs them that Queen Cersei hired him to assassinate both of them. Tyrion, too drunk to care, does not take Bronn seriously, as if he was going to kill them he would have without announcing it - only for Bronn to punch him in the nose so hard he nearly breaks it. Bronn asserts that their sister is not likely to win the war against Daenerys when he saw for himself what her dragons can do, adding that he would prefer to bet on the winning side. Bronn also adds that Cersei offered him the large castle of Riverrun as a reward, and asks Tyrion what "double" Riverrun looks like. Tyrion then casually suggests Highgarden itself. Jaime insists that no "cutthroat" like Bronn would ever be accepted as the Lord of Highgarden. Nonetheless, Tyrion assures Bronn that he will be granted Highgarden. Before departing, Bronn promises that if Tyrion doesn't hold up his end of the bargain he will kill them. After leaving, Jaime asks if they're seriously going to give Highgarden to Bronn, to which Tyrion only says he won't worry about it for now, as that assumes they will all survive the final war against Cersei.

Some time later, after Tyrion, Daenerys and her army have left Winterfell to continue their planned invasion on the capital, Ser Jaime arrives in the courtyard to see that Sansa Stark and  Brienne have just received a messenger-raven informing them of an ambush attack on Daenerys' fleet as they were arriving to Dragonstone. As Cersei ordered the attack, Euron Greyjoy and the Iron Fleet killed one of her dragons and took her close advisor Missandei captive. Sansa wryly notes to Jaime that they will execute his sister for this as there is no way Daenerys would let her surrender with her life now. Late that evening, Jaime gets up from the bed he now shares with Brienne, not able to sleep. Brienne eventually awakes to find Jaime has left, then rushes to catch him outside as he saddles a horse, preparing to ride south in order to save Cersei. Brienne starts crying, pleading that he doesn't need to go and is a good person now. Jaime bitterly tells her that he isn't: he threw Bran out a window for Cersei, killed his cousin Alton to get back to her, and nearly killed every man, woman and child in Riverrun for her. Brienne urges that Cersei is hateful - to which Jaime responds, "So am I, “ as he then rides away, leaving Brienne weeping.

During Jaime’s journey on horseback down the Kingsroad towards King’s Landing, Tyrion and Daenerys have attempted to parley with Cersei and negotiate the release of Daenerys’ advisor, Missandei. However, Cersei does not surrender and has Missandei beheaded in front of the dragon queen instead, which cements Daenerys’ decision to kill Cersei and lay siege on the capital. En route to King’s Landing, Jaime is caught and taken into custody by the Targaryen army in the correct assumption of his intention to interfere with their impending attack. At their camp, where Jaime is chained inside a tent, Tyrion comes to visit him. His brother reveals that he smuggled the key to Jaime's shackles and unchains him, asserting that he wants Jaime to be the one to go to Cersei and convince her to surrender, insisting that it will be much easier for him than it would be for Tyrion himself. Tyrion then informs that he has arranged a boat for Jaime and Cersei in order to escape King’s Landing. Jaime agrees to try persuading Cersei and leave Westeros with her for good, but argues that Daenerys will kill Tyrion for this. Tyrion then replies that he considers his life a fair exchange if it allows Daenerys to take the city without slaughtering thousands of innocents. Tyrion then thanks Jaime for everything he has ever done for him and the two brothers share a tearful goodbye for the last time.

The next morning, the Northern and Targaryen united armies are waiting outside the walls of King's Landing. Tyrion instructs Jon Snow that when they hear the bells, to call off his men. Meanwhile, scores of civilians have been crowded inside the walls of the Red Keep seeking protect from the invasion. Meanwhile, Cersei overlooks the city, watching her plan coming to fruition: she intends to keep the innocent civilians in the path of the Red Keep, seeing if Daenerys will truly burn the city and all the inhabitants with it. When Jaime reaches King’s Landing and is able to slip into the city disguised as a refugee, Daenerys and her last remaining dragon arrive and start demolishing the outskirts of the city along with the Lannister army. Cersei, eventually surrenders amidst the chaos, and the bells ring, however, Daenerys in a fit of rage decides to burn the entire city along with scores of civilians. As dragonfire rains down on the entire city, Daenerys flies towards the Red Keep and Drogon starts deconstructing the castle one breath at a time. Meanwhile, Jaime sneaks around the cliffs on which the Red Keep is situated and encounters Euron Greyjoy. Jaime urges Euron to help him save Cersei, but Euron points out that the city and Cersei are lost. He and Jaime then fight, as Euron urges that he will personally deliver Jaime's severed head to Cersei so she can kiss it one last time. Although Euron stabs Jaime multiple times, Jaime is eventually able to overpower Euron, impaling him through the stomach with his sword. He walks away, severely injured, as Euron utters his final words, smiling: "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister."

As the Red Keep continues to crumble around her, Cersei is alone when attempting her escape. She enters the painted atrium in panic, seemingly unsure of how to exit the castle without being crushed by falling debris. Suddenly she sees her brother Jaime from across the room, who managed to find her within the chaos. Despite the crumbling walls, Cersei demonstrates concern as Jaime is bloodied and badly wounded following his fight with Euron. After a terrified embrace, the lovers then flee underneath the Red Keep to escape the city. They eventually find their way deep below the Keep, where Tyrion instructed Jaime to go so they can find the boat arranged for them on the beach and sail away from the capital. However, they find their path has been blocked by rubble as result of the Red Keep’s destruction. A frightened Cersei begins to cry, insisting that she does not want to die like this. With all hope lost of escaping death, Jaime pulls his pregnant sister into an embrace and asks her not to look at the falling debris around them, stating: "Look at me, just look at me. Nothing else matters… nothing else matters, only us." Hearing the Red Keep above them caving in, the twins and lovers embrace for the last time as the ceiling gives in on them, killing them both instantly. Following the battle and devastation of the capital, the corpses of both Jaime and Cersei Lannister are discovered in the ruins of the Red Keep by Tyrion. Their brother weeps over their bodies in agony as he starts clearing away the crushing debris around his siblings, who perished in each others arms, something Jaime had once told Bronn is how he’d like to die: “in the arms of the woman I love.

Some weeks later, Daenerys has been executed due to her maniacal actions against the city, which has now been restabilized under a new monarchy by the elected reign of Bran Stark. Tyrion himself has now been appointed the new Hand and the knighted Brienne of Tarth joins the newly-formed small council. She finds the Book of Brothers in the White Sword Tower of the Kingsguard and turns to Jaime’s unfinished page. Brienne emotionally completes his entry for him, recording all of his honorable deeds and building his legacy, finishing with stating that he "died protecting his queen.” Despite Jaime’s own struggle much of his life with his idea of nobility, in the end his unwavering devotion to his sister is what was valued above all else.

*In the aftermath of Jaime’s death, follow Tyrion or Brienne's journey through the rest of the series.

“She's always been good at using the truth to tell lies.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“You think I’m a good man? I pushed a boy out a tower window, crippled him for life, for Cersei. I strangled my cousin with my own hands, just to get back to Cersei. I would have murdered every man, woman and child in Riverrun, for Cersei. She’s hateful. And so am I.”

— ‘The Last of the Starks

“In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother, I charge to you to defend the innocent. Rise Ser Brienne of Tarth, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“When have I ever been able to convince Cersei of anything?”

— ‘The Bells

“You know the first thing I learned in the North? I hate the fucking North.”

— ‘The Last of the Starks

“It's alright... it's alright... just look at me... look at me... look me in the eye. Don't look away, don't look. Look at me! Just look at me. Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters. Only us.”

— ‘The Bells