
Directed By: Daniel Sackheim / Written By: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss

Original Airdate: May 8, 2016

A miracle has occurred at Castle Black when Melisandre manages to revive Jon Snow, as he the Lord Commander is then left to deal with his enemies, resulting in a surprising decision. Meanwhile, Samwell Tarly and Gilly sail the Narrow Sea as they journey towards his home in the Reach. At Vaes Dothak, Daenerys Targaryen is brought to the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen against her will to meet the other Dothraki widows. In Meereen, Lord Varys and Tyrion Lannister discover who is financing the Sons of the Harpy. Meanwhile in King's Landing, Cersei Lannister orders Qyburn to assist her with spying on her enemies as King Tommen Baratheon confronts the High Sparrow. In Braavos, Arya Stark is allowed to continue her training with the Faceless Men.

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vaes dothrak

Queen Daenerys Targaryen walks with the Dothraki towards their home of Vaes Dothrak and is ushered into the the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen by Khal Moro's bloodriders. The High Priestess of the Dosh Khaleen orders the bloodriders to leave and strips Daenerys naked, giving her a robe which all of the dosh khaleen wear. As Daenerys puts on her new clothes, she tells the high priestess that she will soon regret what she has done as she was the wife of Khal Drogo, the Queen of Meereen and the Mother of Dragons. The High Priestess retorts that she herself was the wife of a previous Great Khal named Savo. Just as Daenerys thought she would conquer the world at Drogo's side, so did the High Priestess think she would conquer the world at Savo's. But Savo was slain, and she joined the dosh khaleen. She is now content, just as Daenerys would be in time, if she is in fact allowed to join them. When Daenerys expressed confusion, the priestess points out that khaleesi are supposed to return to Vaes Dothrak immediately after their khal's death but Daenerys went out into the world instead. She explains that all the khalasars have gathered to decide which cities will be sacked and which tribes will be enslaved, and now they will have to decide what to do with Daenerys for not coming to the dosh khaleen after Drogo’s death. The High Priestess adds that allowing Daenerys to join the dosh khaleen is the best outcome for her in this predicament.


the narrow sea

Meanwhile, in the Narrow Sea, Samwell Tarly, Gilly and her baby son are sailing on a ship towards Oldtown. Gilly and Samwell have never been on a ship before and while Gilly excitedly peers out the window during an intense storm Samwell himself is seasick and begins throwing up into a chamber pot. Gilly assures Sam that it won't be long and says that she can't wait to see Oldtown as the ship's captain told her that it's the most beautiful city in Westeros. While Samwell had originally planned to go and study at the Citadel, with intention of joining the Order of Maesters, he adjusts his plans since he cannot bring Gilly and her child along as the Citadel only allows men within its walls. For their safety, Samwell decides to take Gilly and Little Sam elsewhere in the Reach- to his ancestral home of Horn Hill. While he does not get on with his father Randyll Tarly, Samwell assures Gilly that his mother Melessa and sister Talla are very kind. Samwell wants to do everything to protect Gilly and her child from harm. Despite some unease, Gilly promises to follow Samwell and let him decide what is best for them.


Meanwhile, House Umber led by Smalljon Umber travel to Winterfell to meet with Ramsay Bolton, the new Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Smalljon and Ramsay chat about their experiences with their fathers. Smalljon mentions that his father Greatjon Umber has died, but admits that he would have killed him if the opportunity arose. Lord Ramsay denies the recent murder of his father, Roose Bolton, and claims that he was poisoned by his enemies. Like most Northerners, Smalljon doesn't believe Ramsay’s rouse, nonetheless, he declares that he has come to Winterfell in order to forge an alliance with House Bolton against Jon Snow and the wildlings. However, Smalljon refuses to bow to the new Lord Bolton, citing that the late King Robb Stark's betrayal was at the hands of Roose, who had plotted with Walder Frey and Tywin Lannister. Smalljon then reveals that he has a "gift" for Ramsay, who asks if it is a girl, hoping for his runaway bride Sansa Stark. Smalljon replies otherwise and Umber guards enter the room with two hooded figures. The first turns out to be the wildling Osha – the second is Rickon Stark, Lord Eddard Stark's youngest son and heir to Winterfell. A disheveled Osha and Rickon appear uncomfortable to find themselves in Ramsay's presence. When Ramsay asks Smalljon to verify Rickon's identity, an Umber retainer enters the room carrying the severed head of his direwolf Shaggydog, and Rickon's expression of dismay confirms his identity. Satisfied, a gleeful Ramsay sarcastically welcomes Rickon home.



In Braavos, a blind Arya Stark resumes her training inside the House of Black and White with the Waif and Jaqen H'ghar, the former of whom beats her repeatedly when she lies during her melee combat and the latter having her mix potions without sight. During her physical training, Arya continues sparring with the Waif while answering questions about her family as well as Sandor Clegane. Arya admits to leaving the Hound to die instead of killing him, despite wanting his death. The Waif then interrogates Arya about the people on her kill list: Cersei Lannister, Gregor Clegane and the host of the Red Wedding massacre, Walder Frey. The Waif voices her disbelief that Arya's list is so short, but Arya counters by asking which name she wants added. As usual, when Arya insists that she is no one, the Waif does not believe her and tries to hit her. This time, however, Arya is able to deflect her blow and leap out of the way, surprising the Waif. After confirming that Arya has mastered blind sparring, Jaqen approaches her and offers to give back her sight if she tells him her name. Arya replies that "a girl has no name". Satisfied with her dedication, Jaqen then leads Arya to the well where he scoops up a bowl of water and offers it to her. She is reluctant, as she has witnessed others whom have drunk from the well before and have perished, but he says that if she is truly "no one" there is nothing to fear. Arya then drinks from the bowl and her sight is instantly restored. When Jaqen asks Arya who she is, she again replies that she is no one.


beyond the wall

Meanwhile, beyond the Wall, Bran Stark has another vision of the past during his training inside the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave. In this vision, the pair are located at the Tower of Joy in the Red Mountains of Dorne, shortly after the end of Robert's Rebellion where King Aerys Targaryen was slain during Robert Baratheon’s usurpation of the Iron Throne. Two knights who serve as Kingsguard for House Targaryen under King Aerys’ reign, Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Gerold Hightower, both witness the arrival of a small party of Northmen led by Eddard Stark as young man. The Raven identifies to Bran one of Eddard's companions as Howland Reed, Meera Reed's father who eventually becomes Lord of Greywater Watch and a loyal vassal of House Stark. Recognizing his ancestral greatsword, Dawn, Bran then notes the presence of the infamous knight, Arthur Dayne. He informs the Three-Eyed Raven that his father Eddard once told him that Dayne was the greatest swordsman he had ever seen. Bran and the Raven then witness Arthur and Gerold blocking Eddard and his Northern party from entering the tower. Eddard asks where his sister Lyanna Stark is, but Dayne simply wishes him the best in the “wars to come,” as he and Ser Gerold then unsheathe their swords. As this confirms that Lyanna is inside the tower, Eddard and his party then clash against the two knights, with Dayne quickly cutting down their numbers. Eventually, Ser Arthur duels with Eddard one-on-one, as Bran expresses his shock at witnessing the knight’s legendary skills on full display. Dayne easily gains the upper hand on Eddard but is not prepared for Howland Reed coming up from behind and stabbing him through the back of the neck. Eddard then runs towards the tower, having heard a woman's scream come from one of its windows. Bran then runs to follow his father, calling out to him. In response, Eddard looks back for a second, seemingly hearing Bran, but hurriedly runs up the stairs of the Tower of Joy. Though Bran attempts to follow, he is forced out of the vision and back into the cave by the Three-Eyed Raven. Bran is outraged at this, but is informed by the Raven that it was for his safety. Bran asserts that his father heard his voice, however, the Raven sternly reminds him that the past cannot be changed. He further states to Bran that he has waited a thousand years for him to arrive as his replacement, but encouragingly declares that Bran will not share his destiny, as an “old man in a tree”. Before Bran can leave the cave, however, he must learn everything from the Three-Eyed Raven.


In the Great Pyramid of Meereen, Lord Varys holds court alone in the throne room when the Unsullied bring in Vala, the whore who was found to be in league with the Sons of the Harpy after the Unsullied soldier named White Rat was brutally slain. She is known to have seduced and assisted in several other murders of the Unsullied and Second Sons. Vala is instantly defiant and states that she opposes the new regime imposed by the Unsullied and Second Sons as illegitimate. Vala adds that she became a whore out of patriotic fervor for the old ways, expressing vehement hatred for Daenerys, whom she views has been destroying Meereen. She initially refuses Varys, believing that the eunuch wishes to torture her, though he assures Vala this is not the case and will only lead to misinformation from her. Instead, Varys calmly backs her into a corner with knowledge of her young son, Dom, and how bad his life must be if he loses his mother. Varys then declares his wish to strike a deal. In return for revealing who is funding the Sons of the Harpy, Varys offers her and her son safe passage on a ship bound for the Free City of Pentos with a bag of silver to start a new life. Varys then warns Vala that if she doesn't agree to the offer, she will be executed for her crimes instead, leaving her son orphaned.

Meanwhile, Tyrion Lannister passes the time by uncomfortably attempting to engage in small talk with Missandei and Grey Worm. Due to their respective backgrounds in servitude, neither Missandei or Grey Worm are adept with idle chatter and both find Tyrion’s behavior to be perplexing. Tyrion insists that a wise man once said: “the true history of the world is the history of great conversations in elegant rooms”. When Missandei inquires who said this, Tyrion admits that he himself is saying it now. When Tyrion alternatively tries to engage the pair in a drinking game, Missandei informs him that neither of them drink. A relieved Tyrion then welcomes Lord Varys’ return to the chambers, who quickly informs them that the Wise Masters of Yunkai, the Good Masters of Astapor, and the Free City of Volantis have all been secretly funding the Sons of the Harpy . While Grey Worm advocates attacking the cities and executing all of the masters, Tyrion advises against it since that would leave Meereen unprotected. Missandei vehemently asserts that the masters only speak the language of violence and it must be spoken back to them. Though he admits that Missandei and Grey Worm may be correct in their advice, Tyrion instead asks Varys to use his little birds to send the masters a message.

king’s landing

In King’s Landing, as they travel to the Red Keep, Lady Olenna Tyrell scolds her son Lord Mace  over his stupidity concerning Cersei Lannister. She then informs Mace that Kevan Lannister has requested for her to attend the small council meeting. When Mace asks if Olenna will take his place as Master of Coin, she insists that her attendance is solely focused on getting her grandchildren, Queen Margaery and Ser Loras, out of prison and leave this “miserable place.” Meanwhile, Qyburn is in the company of the little birds who are revealed to be children who used to spy for Varys. Qyburn tries to win the favor of the children by attracting them with sweets from Dorne. Cersei and Jaime Lannister, along with Gregor Clegane, then enter and request for Qyburn to gather information from Dorne, Highgarden, the North and wherever people are plotting against them. Afterwards, the small council meeting commences with Kevan Lannister, now Hand of the King, Grand Maester Pycelle and Lord Mace – along with Lady Olenna. Cersei, Jaime and Ser Gregor enter the room, startling Pycelle and Mace. On being questioned about what they are doing at the meeting, Cersei replies that she is the Queen, only to be corrected by Olenna that the rightful queen is the one married to the King and that Margaery is the one who fits that description. Jaime then argues that he, as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, also has a right to attend. Cersei then accuses her uncle Kevan of not caring for his murdered niece Myrcella Baratheon, while Jaime appeals to the bigger picture and urges Kevan to take action against Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes who have taken over Dorne after eliminating House Martell. Displeased with the newcomers, Ser Kevan and the small council leave the hall.

Meanwhile, King Tommen Baratheon and his Kingsguard visits the High Sparrow to secure permission for Cersei to visit her daughter's resting place in the Great Sept of Baelor. The High Sparrow replies that Cersei cannot visit because she still has not been cleared for the other sins that she is accused of. Tommen criticizes the High Sparrow for his self-righteous treatment after Cersei had atoned for two of her crimes. Despite their differences, however, the High Sparrow claims admiration for the deep love that Cersei has for her son, which he attributes to the divine love of the Mother. When Tommen then asks the High Sparrow why he wants to put his mother through more trials, the Sparrow replies that he is merely carrying out the will of the Seven and urges the young King to turn to the Faith for wisdom. Before Tommen leaves, less angry and more uncertain, the High Sparrow tells him that the Seven have worked through his grandfather Tywin and his mother Cersei, even though they may not acknowledge it. 


castle black

Moments after his resurrection at Castle Black, a shocked Jon Snow still finds his breath as he slowly sits up and scans the room. He then looks down and is horrified by his stab wounds. Davos Seaworth, having returned to the room upon hearing the commotion, is also shocked but relieved to find him alive. Davos quickly helps Jon as he struggles to walk and then if he remembers anything. Jon, still processing the trauma, says that he does. An astonished Melisandre then enters and asks Jon where he was after his death. Jon replies he saw nothing, much to her disappointment. However, she insists the Lord of Light brought Jon back for a reason. Davos asks Melisandre to leave them alone so Jon can adjust to his revival. Jon laments that he tried to do what he thought was right, but got murdered for it and asks why he returned from the dead. Davos answers that they may never know, but it doesn't matter in the end, and the important thing is to fight and go on living. After he has recovered somewhat, Jon dons his Night’s Watch armor and walks into the courtyard, seeing many of the wildlings and his fellow brothers arrive before him. Jon, still struggling to walk properly, comes down and greets the dumbfounded Tormund Giantsbane, who jokes with Jon before hugging him tightly which slightly pains Jon due to his stab wounds. Jon then greets the relieved Eddison Tollett and they embrace. Jon believes it's still himself in his body and not a wight, so he jokes to Edd about holding off on burning his body for the time being.

Some time later, the revived Lord Commander oversees the public hanging of the traitors responsible for the mutiny: Alliser Thorne, Olly, Othell Yarwyck and Bowen Marsh. Jon asks if the men have any last words to say as Bowen states that it's not right Jon is alive. Jon coldly replies, "neither was killing me". Alliser says he had a choice: to betray his Commander or the Night's Watch, adding that Jon bringing the wildlings was a dangerous problem and had to be stopped. Alliser then warns Jon that he will be fighting their battles forever. Jon gives his respect to him, in that Alliser would follow his convictions even if he knew this would be the result beforehand because he believed he was doing the right thing. Jon then moves on to Olly, who says nothing and glares furiously at Jon. Jon then cuts down the rope, killing all four traitors. After Jon looks at Olly's lifeless body he takes off his cloak and hands it to the confused Edd. Jon informs Edd that can do whatever he wants with the cloak, unofficially designating Edd as the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Jon then leaves the courtyards and declares his watch has ended, leaving the rest of the brothers to look on in shock.

*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki


6x03 Robert Ball.png
You have Castle Black. My watch has ended
— Jon Snow
Her love for you is more real than anything else in this world, because it doesn’t come from this world.
— High Sparrow
A wise man once said the true history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms
— Tyrion Lannister
If a girl is truly no one, she has nothing to fear
— Jaqen H'ghar
No, now it ends
— Young Eddard Stark
I had a choice, Lord Commander. Betray you or betray the Night’s Watch. If I had to do it all over again knowing where I’d end up, I pray I’d make the right choice again
— Alliser Thorne

 episode three music

* Many thanks for your rips Game of Tens

 inside the episode


did you know?

  • The title of the episode largely refers to Jon Snow leaving the Night's Watch. It could also be referring to Smalljon Umber breaking his oath of loyalty to the Starks.

  • This episode features the Showdown at the Red Mountains between young Eddard Stark and the remnants of the old Targaryen Kingsguard, particularly on Ned's final face-off against the legendary swordsman Ser Arthur Dayne. Ser Arthur actually was mentioned in dialogue in the series before, back in the Season 4 premiere when Joffrey was skimming through The Book of Brothers which records all of the great deeds of past Kingsguard members. Joffrey also read a few lines about how Dayne wielded the sword Dawn. The rest of the page was clearly visible in closeup, and it indeed recounted that Arthur Dayne died fighting against Ned Stark and his companions at the end of Robert's Rebellion. The exchange between Ned and the Targaryen Kingsguard was much longer in the novels, though it would have been difficult to fit every line in due to time constraints and pacing issues. The opening lines about how "I looked for you at the Trident" and the closing lines of "And now it begins"/"No. Now it ends" are still the same as the opening and closing lines in the book. Notice that Ned Stark actually is not wielding the ancestral Stark sword Ice during the fight, which is a large two-handed greatsword. Nor is this an inconsistency of the series: George R.R. Martin himself has pointed out that a large greatsword like Ice is impractical for day to day combat.

  • The Three-Eyed Raven tells Bran Stark that he has been waiting for him in the cave for "a thousand years." Though it is not yet confirmed, much evidence in the books indicate that he is a certain notable figure in Westerosi history, in which case he has actually been in the cave for about fifty years. Possibilities are that either the TV writers made a decision to change his entire background, or, that he was just speaking loosely/poetically (sort of like saying "I've been here for eons"). Given how much the Three-Eyed Raven uses greensight to witness events in the past, even centuries ago, his sense of time might also be a little more loose (he has experienced a thousand years' worth of visions).

  • Jon Snow notably has no memory loss after his resurrection - in contrast with Beric Dondarrion, who explained that being resurrected from death carried a heavy burden: pieces of his mind were lost, and after being resurrected six times he had completely lost all memories of his life before his first resurrection. In "Mother's Mercy," Jon Snow was stabbed by at least six different people. Several others look on, about a dozen people in all. In this episode, however, Jon Snow executes only four mutineers: Olly, Alliser Thorne, Bowen Marsh, and Othell Yarwyck. It is possible that the other two mutineers that stabbed Jon were simply killed offscreen, or they were granted clemency while Jon focused on the main culprits. No CGI effects were necessary for the hanging scene at the end: as is a common technique in telvision and film, the actors are wearing harnesses hidden under their clothes, which carry their body weight across the chest instead of the neck so they won't actually be harmed.

  • Gilly says the ship's captain told her that Oldtown is the most beautiful city in Westeros: this isn't a mere boast, as in the novels it is also broadly believed to be true. Oldtown is only slightly smaller than King's Landing itself, but it is also literally the oldest of the five major cities in Westeros, founded by the First Men well over 6,000 years ago. King's Landing, meanwhile, was quickly constructed as the new Targaryen capital city after the War of Conquest only three centuries ago: as a result it grew haphazardly as a boomtown without much careful "urban planning," leading to dirty slum districts such as Flea Bottom. In contrast, Oldtown had thousands of years to carefully plan out its street network and gardens, resulting in a much more beautiful city famed for its elegant cobblestone streets.

  • Arya's kill list has indeed grown shorter since Season 4, due to the deaths of several on it such as Joffrey Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, and Meryn Trant: now she officially lists it as just including Cersei Lannister, Gregor Clegane, and Walder Frey. Ser Ilyn Payne was also on the list in earlier seasons but due to the actor developing near-terminal cancer and leaving the series, his name was quietly removed from her list.

  • The Sons of the Harpy are in fact being funded by an alliance of slavers from powerful foreign cities: the Wise Masters of Yunkai, the (revived) Good Masters of Astapor, and the slave-masters of Volantis. In the novels this was a much larger subplot as Yunkai send their slave armies and three mercenary companies to reconquer Astapor and then march on Meereen, where they are to be joined by the Volantene army. In the series, it seems that this was condensed to sending money to fund the insurgent group. This episode also strongly highlights what Tyrion and Varys briefly alluded to in the previous episode, that there must be one central leader of the Sons of the Harpy.

  • This episode suggests that there is no secrecy or ambiguity about the identity of the newest member of the Kingsguard, who is openly identified as Gregor Clegane. This is in contrast to the books, where the alias "Ser Robert Strong" is used, but this name has not been mentioned at all in the series, though many characters in the novel have assumed his identity.

  • Despite the heavy impending charges against Cersei, she is free to walk around and do as she pleases. In the book, following the walk of atonement, Kevan has her stripped of all henchmen and authorities, including her seat in the small council, and she is confined to her rooms under guard all the time. The series is stretching out the final chapter of A Dance with Dragons across much of Season 6, however, and apparently she will be given more freedom to move afterwards.

  • Jaime directly states at the small council that "the same women who murdered Myrcella have now overthrown House Martell and taken control of Dorne." Again, Ellaria Sand's coup in Dorne is a massive departure from the novels, in which Doran is not only alive but only feigning a desire for peace so he can betray the Lannisters later. The dialogue in this episode seems to establish that Ellaria and the Sand Snakes in the TV version didn't seize control of "House Martell," but are considered to have overthrown the ruling Great House of the region.

  • This episode sheds light on the fates of Rickon Stark, Osha, and the direwolf Shaggydog, who have been missing since Season 3, showing that they did in fact arrive at Last Hearth as planned. This deviates significantly from the novels - while Rickon has not returned yet, he probably won't be presented as a captive to Ramsay Bolton. Though otherwise this might not be an "invention" of the series but a "condensation" with a similar plotline from a future novel.