season five

Several months later, Reek walks through the partially-repaired Winterfell and is clearly shaken when he sees freshly flayed corpses being hung on the castle walls, as he recalls the two young boys he had killed during the Sack of Winterfell whom he claimed as Bran and Rickon Stark. Afterwards, as Reek serves lunch, Roose Bolton scolds his legitimized son Ramsay on his recent flaying of Lord Cerwyn and his family on what was supposed to be a routine tax collection. Roose reminds Ramsay that terror cannot sustain their hold on the North. With Lord Tywin Lannister's recent death at the hands of his son Tyrion, whom Theon met years ago at Winterfell, the pact between the Lannisters and the Boltons is effectively dead. Roose declares that the best way to cement their control of the North is through a marriage agreement, adding that now is the time for Ramsay to wed and that Roose has the perfect girl in mind. Later on, the Boltons and their households greet the return of Sansa Stark to her home of Winterfell, alongside her advisor Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish. After a tense moment, Sansa graciously accepts Roose's welcome, putting on an air of politeness that protected her from many dangers after years in the capital. From afar, Ramsay's bedwarmer, Myranda, observes with jealousy and anger. After settling back into Winterfell, Sansa explores the castle and nearly runs into Reek, who hides his face from her. However, Reek seems to have difficulty forcing himself not to call out to his childhood friend. Meanwhile, from above the courtyard, Petyr Baelish subtly warns Ramsay against inflicting any harm on Sansa as they are now arranged to be wed.

Some time later, Sansa heads down to the dog kennels, where she finds Reek asleep in one of the cages. Awoken by Sansa’s arrival, he just shakes his head when Sansa calls him "Theon." He warns her that she shouldn't be down there. Seeing Reek in such a pitiful condition, Sansa angrily storms away. That evening, as Reek helps Ramsay get ready for dinner, he confesses to Ramsay that Sansa saw him in his cage. Ramsay, for his own amusement, makes it seem as though he’s going to punish Reek severely, before simply forgiving him. Then at dinner, Ramsay is initially well-behaved, toasting his upcoming marriage to Sansa, but is soon back to his old ways as he forces Reek to apologize to Sansa for “murdering” her younger brothers, a lie still shrouded throughout the Seven Kingdoms. With much difficulty, Reek finally mutters an apology. Ramsay then suggests that Reek be the one to give Sansa away at the wedding, since he is the closest thing Sansa has to kin. Roose distractedly accepts the suggestion, however, in seeing that Ramsay is getting complacent, Roose then has his wife Walda announce that she is pregnant with a boy. Ramsay is clearly distressed by the news, as this threatens his status as heir.

Some days later, the night of the wedding has arrived, as Reek comes to fetch Sansa for the ceremony. Sansa refuses to hold his arm, even after he pleads with her to do so, saying that Ramsay will punish him if she doesn’t. Sansa coldly asks if he thinks she cares what Ramsay does to him, and strides past him. Then, in front of the godswood, Reek gives Sansa away to Ramsay, who is allowed to call himself Theon Greyjoy during the ceremony. The wedding is officiated by Roose Bolton and attended by many Northern lords who once before, and now again, ally with House Stark. After the ceremony, when they retreat to the bedroom, Ramsay first interrogates Sansa about her virginity, then orders her to take her clothes off. Reek turns to leave but Ramsay tells him he must stay, taunting him “you grew up with her as a girl, now watch her become a woman." Annoyed by Sansa's hesitancy, Ramsay then angrily rips open the back of her dress and pushes her face-down over the side of the bed. As he unbuckles his clothes, Sansa obediently remains still but begins crying softly. Reek is visibly distraught and begins to cry himself, as Ramsay proceeds to rape her, and forcibly consummate their marriage.

Some time later, Reek brings food to Sansa’s chambers. She begs him for help, telling him how she has been locked in her room since the wedding and is visited by Ramsay every night as he forces himself on her. Reek simply tells her to obey Ramsay or else he would do worse things to her. Sansa then asks what Ramsay did to Reek to mentally break him to such an extent, but he can't bring himself to tell her. Reek tries to leave but Sansa blocks the door, reminding him that he betrayed her family, which forces Reek to apologize profusely. Sansa informs him that her family still has allies in the North and tells him to light a candle at the top of the broken tower, which will signal to her ally that Sansa is in danger. When Reek refuses to do it, Sansa reminds him of his true name: Theon Greyjoy. She makes him promise that he'll help her, as Reek then hesitantly agrees. Reek enters the courtyard during a heavy storm and trudges through the snow with the candle and up a flight of stairs, however, instead of heading to the broken tower he enters Ramsay’s chambers. Meanwhile, the ally Sansa spoke about, named Brienne of Tarth, stares intently at Winterfell castle from afar, waiting patiently for the sign to rescue Sansa.

Afterwards, Sansa is escorted to see Ramsay on the ramparts, which are still under construction. While he is distracted, Sansa grabs a corkscrew lying on a nearby barrel and pockets it. Ramsay speaks of his thoughts on how they will easily defeat Stannis Baratheon’s marching army since their soldiers, unlike Stannis', are trained to fight in the snow, and how he'll one day be the Lord of Winterfell and the Warden of the North. Sansa reminds him of the unborn baby, who, if a boy, will have a stronger claim on the North since he'll be a true-born. Ramsay informs her that he is Roose Bolton's eldest son, legitimized by King Tommen Baratheon, who Sansa reminds him is another bastard. Ramsay is obviously angered by Sansa's remarks, but doesn't act on it, simply stating that bastards can rise in the world too, informing her of her brother Jon Snow’s appointment as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Ramsay then brings up the reason why he summoned her, and shows her the crucified and partly flayed corpse of the old woman who promised to help Sansa if she lit a candle in the broken tower. Ramsay then reveals to Sansa that Reek, who seems miserable to have squashed Sansa's only hope of an escape, came to him and told him everything. Reek avoids eye-contact as Sansa chokes back tears. A gleeful Ramsay then orders his men to take her back to her chambers.

Some days later, a bitter and determined Sansa confronts Reek about his latest betrayal. Reek apologetically affirms that he was only helping her and that there is no escaping Ramsay. He declares that Theon Greyjoy once tried to escape, but Ramsay caught him and tortured him until there was no Theon left. Sansa coldly expresses approval but reminds Reek of the role he played in her family's downfall, and that if she could do to him what Ramsay already has, she would. Reek shamefully admits that he deserved the torture inflicted on him, as he did terrible things, specifically killing "those boys." Enraged by his dismissive reference to her younger brothers as "those boys," rather than Bran and Rickon, Sansa vehemently demands to know why they should be dead while he still breathes the air. This outburst then forces Reek to finally admit that the two bodies burned and hung on the castle walls were not in fact Bran and Rickon at all, only two farm boys. Stunned by this admission, Sansa's anger towards Reek cools, but she then quickly presses him as to where they might have gone. As she calls him Theon again, Reek breaks down and runs out the room, crying, "Not Theon! Reek!"

Some weeks later, Stannis Baratheon’s dwindling army has arrived outside of Winterfell and the Bolton forces, who outnumber the Baratheon soldiers immensely, strike first outside of the castle. Using the Battle of Winterfell as a distraction, Sansa utilizes the corkscrew she pocketed some weeks earlier in order to escape her room. She then seeks out the broken tower to light her signal, however, her ally Brienne misses the signal as result of the battle. After the candle is lit, Sansa witnesses the Bolton army clash with Stannis' men, and sees this as the opportunity to slip out of Winterfell. Desperately running across the ramparts, Sansa is suddenly stopped by  Myranda and Reek, with Myranda threatening her with a bow. A weary Sansa, realizing that she can't escape a shot from a bow, tells Myranda to kill her while there is still a part of the “real her” left. Myranda informs Sansa that Ramsay needs her to have an heir and for nothing more afterwards - but maniacally insists that Ramsay doesn’t need all of Sansa in one piece to accomplish that. Sansa braces herself for the worst as Myranda tenses her bow. However, Theon finally breaks the Boltons' hold on him and causes Myranda to misfire. He grabs and hurls Myranda over the ramparts as she plummets to her death. Myranda is instantly killed upon impact of the courtyard far below. Theon and Sansa take a moment to process the turn of events and then start running along the ramparts. However, with Ramsay just returning from the victorious battle, they find themselves with nowhere to go. Hoping to land in deep snow and survive the long fall, the desperate pair grasp their hands together and jump off the castle walls.

“I'm sorry… Killing your brothers.”

— ‘Kill the Boy

“I was helping you. You wanted to escape. There is no escape. Not ever. Theon Greyjoy tried to escape. The master knew. He knows everything. He hunted him. He caught him, strapped him to a cross, cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left.”

— ‘Hardhome

“I’ve come to escort you to the godswood, my Lady… Please my Lady, will you take my arm? … Lord Ramsay, he said I’m to take your arm… Please. He’ll punish me.”

— ‘Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

“I deserved everything. I deserve to be Reek. I did terrible things. Turned on Robb...captured Winterfell...killed those boys … They weren’t! They were only… I can’t! Not unless the master says.”

— ‘Hardhome

“You're his wife now… Do what he says! Do what he says or he'll hurt you! … It can always be worse.”

— ‘The Gift

“They were only… THEY WEREN'T BRAN AND RICKON! I couldn't find them. It was two farm boys. I killed them and burned them so no one would know… I can't talk to you anymore.”

— ‘Hardhome

 season six

Theon and Sansa, having survived the plummet from Winterfell's castle walls, run through the Wolfswood realizing there are already Bolton men with Ramsay’s vicious hounds chasing after them. Theon tries to hide their scent by crossing a river. Guiding a frightened Sansa, they make it across and hide by a fallen tree with Theon hugging Sansa to try to keep her warm. Hearing the dogs still after them, Theon urges Sansa to flee to the safety of her half-brother Jon Snow at Castle Black. Sansa, however, refuses to leave Theon behind to the Boltons. A group of Bolton men with the hounds find Theon, who has come out of hiding alone. Theon claims Sansa was hurt when they jumped and he left her to die, but the dogs quickly track her to the tree she hides behind. The leader mocks Theon over what Ramsay will do to him now and prepares to bring them back to Winterfell. Just as they are about to be arrested, Brienne of Tarth and her squire Podrick Payne arrive as a fight begins. Brienne kills most of them while a newly-trained Podrick manages to kill one himself. He is then attacked by another but Theon grabs a sword and kills the Bolton man. Although wary of anyone’s protection at this point, Sansa then accepts Brienne into her service after seeing Brienne’s skills as a fighter and remembering her sworn vow promised to Catelyn Stark.

Some time later, while making camp in the woods for the night, Theon and Podrick begin to prepare a fire while Brienne informs Sansa that her younger sister Arya Stark is still alive. She fills Sansa in on and encounter they shared in the Vale of Arryn several months ago. Brienne adds that she spent three days searching for Arya but was unable to find her. When Sansa asks how she looked Brienne comments that she looked well but wasn’t exactly dressed like a lady. With a smirk Sansa tells Brienne that she wouldn’t have expected Arya to be. Sansa is then reluctant to talk about her experiences under Ramsay Bolton's tyranny at Winterfell. She admits that she ought to have accepted Brienne’s help sooner as Brienne reassures her that it must have been a difficult decision to make. Meanwhile, Theon, wracked with guilt over his betrayal of the Stark family, then decides to leave the group and go home to Pyke instead of joining the Night's Watch. He informs Sansa that Brienne and Podrick will do a better job of looking after her, though he tearfully states that he would have gone with her all the way to Castle Black if necessary. He asks to take one of the horses with him, and the two tearfully embrace before parting ways.

Meanwhile, at Pyke, Yara Greyjoy reads a letter to her father Balon about how the Glovers retook Deepwood Motte and killed all of the Ironborn who held the castle. Yara notes that their invasion is now a definite failure since Motte was the last stronghold that they held in the North. Balon insists that one of the reasons that the invasion wasn't successful was because Yara wasted men when she attempted to rescue her brother Theon. Yara continues to try to convince Balon to end the rebellion, however, Balon tells her that when she rules she can be content with their current standing, but for now she needs to obey his commands or he will make another heir who will. Afterwards, Balon starts walking on the swinging rope bridge that separates two of the towers of Pyke where he is surprised by the sudden return of his younger brother, Euron Greyjoy. Euron insists that Balon is too old to rule and it's now someone else's turn. Balon then tries to stab Euron, but Euron dodges the move and throws Balon off the rope bridge, who then plummets to his death. Some time later, at Balon's funeral, Yara tells the priest, Aeron Greyjoy, that she will find the person who did this and feed them to sharks while they're still alive. She swears to do this upon the Salt Throne, though Aeron explains to her that she isn't the ruler yet, because the law says that the Kingsmoot chooses the next ruler. Yara argues that her father wanted her to rule, but Aeron says that he doesn't make the law.

Some weeks later, Theon finally returns home to Pyke, where he learns of the recent death of his father. Upon arrival his sister Yara informs him that she didn’t believe the rumors of his return were true, as he’s been “dead a long time,” referring to his mental state as Reek years ago under Ramsay Bolton’s capture. She asks if he was let go, as Theon informs of his escape from Winterfell. Yara states her unhappiness about his earlier refusal to leave the Dreadfort when she made an attempt to rescue him from Ramsay, adding that good men died trying to rescue him and that she risked everything for him. Theon continues to profusely apologise, as Yara becomes increasingly annoyed. Theon explains that Ramsay "broke him into a thousand pieces," which Yara affirms, "Yes, he sent us one of those pieces," referring to the box containing Theon's mutilated penis that she and their father received. Yara then suspects that Theon has returned home in order to declare himself King of the Iron Islands. Theon, however, insists that he doesn’t want the crown, adding the fact that he was not aware of their father’s death until he arrived. When Theon starts sobbing, Yara rather violently grabs him by the shirt and shouts at him to look her in the eye. She demands her brother to tell her what he wants. Theon informs her that wants Yara to rule, and offers to help her in any way that he can.

Days later, Yara Greyjoy is the first to lay claim to the Salt Throne, however, an Ironborn man challenges Yara's candidacy on the grounds that she is a woman and of Theon’s return. Theon endorses his sister, urging the gathering to follow suit. Many shout for Yara to be their queen but before they crown her their uncle Euron Greyjoy joins the gathering to lay claim himself. He openly mocks Theon for his military failures and emasculation before deriding Yara as a woman. To their surprise, Euron quickly admits killing his brother, but defends his actions on the grounds that Balon was leading them to defeat in the North, which is met by resounding cheers from the crowd. Still campaigning Yara then suggests building a massive fleet to make their mark on Westeros. In response, Euron announces that he also supports expanding the Ironborn fleet. Revealing a trick up his sleeve, he then proposes to marry the dragon queen,  Daenerys Targaryen, and then carry her army and dragons back to Westeros. The Ironborn support Euron's plan and declare him king. The Drowned Priest Aeron then leads Euron down to the sea to be drowned and reborn, as is custom in the Iron Islands. Knowing that Euron will kill them as soon as he is able, Yara, Theon, and many of their loyalists flee the Iron Islands during Euron's coronation, taking much of the Iron Fleet with them. After Euron revives himself, he is crowned by his brother Aeron. After learning that his niece and nephew have fled with their best ships, Euron calls on his followers to build their own ships so that he may pursue the pair and kill them.

Some weeks later, Theon and Yara have sailed their contingent of the Iron Fleet across the Narrow Sea to the Free City of Volantis in order to rest before their continued journey east of Essos. Inside a brothel, Theon sits despondently as Yara and the Ironborn men carouse with prostitutes. Yara repeatedly attempts to convince Theon to drink some ale, as he repeatedly refuses. Yara is persistent in coaxing Theon to regain his former identity and self- confidence, as she will need his assistance in getting justice and retaking the Iron Islands from their uncle  Euron. When pressed, he informs his sister that if justice were served, he would be burnt for his crimes, so she responds, “Fuck justice then. Do it for revenge.” Eventually Yara convinces him to put his guilt aside and assist her because she needs him. He drinks some ale and begins to gain some composure. She then reveals to Theon that she plans to take the Iron Fleet to a city named  Meereen and forge an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen before Euron does. After the sibling’s conversation, Yara departs to have sex with a female prostitute who has seduced her.

Some weeks after departing from Volantis, Theon and Yara arrive in Meereen to meet with Queen Daenerys and her new Hand, Tyrion Lannister. The Greyjoy siblings offer the dragon queen their fleet of a hundred manned ships if she will help them deal with their uncle and support their claim to the Iron Islands. Lord Tyrion is wary of Theon, however, based on his crimes against House Stark. Theon then asserts that he has paid for what he has done. Daenerys agrees to support an independent kingdom of the Iron Islands, on the condition that the Ironborn will cease all raiding, reaving, pillaging and rape. Yara balks at this, as this is the Ironborn’s way of life, but Daenerys asserts that both of their fathers left the world worse than they found it, but they together are going to leave it better than they found it. Swayed by this, Yara affectively bends the knee for their new ruler. Meanwhile at Winterfell, Sansa and her loyal bannermen emerge victorious against House Bolton, as she and her half-brother Jon Snow retake their castle and kill Ramsay. Following this, out in the Narrow Sea, Daenerys’ three dragons soar above the combined armies of the Ironborn, Dothraki, DornishmenReachmen and Unsullied. Theon and Yara stand on the deck of one of their Ironborn ships as they begin their voyage back towards Westeros to assist their new queen in taking the Seven Kingdoms.

“Stay here, I’ll lure them away… Go North, only North. Jon is Lord Commander of Castle Black. He’ll help you.”

— ‘The Red Woman

“I am Theon Greyjoy, last living son of Balon Greyjoy. And she is your rightful ruler. Those of you that have sailed under her, and there are many of you here, you know what she is. She is a reaver, she is a warrior, she is ironborn! We will find no better leader! This is our queen.”

— ‘The Door

“I don’t want to be forgiven. I could never make amends to your family for the things I’ve done. They’ll keep you safer than I ever could… I would have taken you all the way to the Wall. I would have died to get you there.”

— ‘Home

“If I got justice, my burnt body would hang over the gates of Winterfell.”

— ‘The Broken Man

“Where else could I go? … I only heard he died after we docked… I didn’t know… I don’t want to be King… I should have listened to you, you’re the only one— You should rule the Iron Islands. Let me help you.”

— ‘Book of the Stranger

“Our uncle, Euron, returned home after a long absence. He murdered our father and took the Salt Throne from Yara. He would have murdered us, if we'd stayed... Your ancestors defeated ours, took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back.”

— ‘Battle of the Bastards

 season seven

Months later, following the long voyage back to Westeros, Theon and Yara join House Dorne and House Tyrell leaders at a war council in Daenerys’ ancestral home of Dragonstone. While Yara and Ellaria Sand firmly advocate an immediate assault on King's Landing, Lord Tyrion advises against laying waste to the capital and causing the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents. Queen Daenerys insists that she doesn't wish to be known as the “Queen of the Ashes,” to which Lady Olenna Tyrell sarcastically ponders if Daenerys will take the Iron Throne by asking politely. Tyrion then proposes using a combination of Tyrell and Dornish forces to lay siege to King's Landing, much to the chagrin of Olenna and Ellaria, who balk at the thought of using their own soldiers. Tyrion, however, insists that using Daenerys’ Unsullied soldiers and Dothraki warriors would arouse the patriotism of Westerosi bannermen. Yara and Theon then agree to take the Greyjoy fleet and escort Ellaria back to the Dornish capital of Sunspear in order to rally the Dornish forces and then ferry them up the coast to King's Landing.

Some time later, as they sail down to Dorne, Ellaria drinks Ironborn liquor with Yara, which she compares unfavorably to Dornish wine. She and Yara start to flirt with each other in front of Theon, as Ellaria then proposes that he take part in a threesome, to which Yara tells her to leave him be. As Yara and Ellaria began kissing each other, Yara's ship is suddenly struck. On the deck above, Theon and Yara discover that their fleet has been ambushed by Euron Greyjoy's portion of the Iron Fleet. Euron's flagship rams into Yara's ship and lands a boarding party, with their uncle at the forefront of the attack. Yara and her men, along with the Sand Snakes of Dorne, fight fiercely but are overwhelmed by Euron's soldiers. Ellaria’s daughter Tyene Sand retreats below decks to protect her mother on Yara's orders, while her half-sisters Obara and Nymeria Sand fight against Euron's Ironborn. Obara fights Euron, who quickly kills her by impaling her with her own spear. Nymeria then attacks him with her whip but Euron swiftly outmaneuvers her and strangles her to death with it. Though Tyene herself kills several Ironborn below deck, she and Ellaria are also overwhelmed. Ellaria tells Euron’s men to kill them quickly, but they are taken captive instead. With the entire fleet burning, Euron captures Yara and then goads "little Theon" to come save her. Theon is about to come to his sister's aid, but he instead panics when Euron's men begin mutilating the wounded sailors, reminding him of the tortures he suffered at Ramsay Bolton's hands. To Yara's dismay, Theon quickly returns to his despondent, Reek-like state and jumps overboard while Euron laughs with cruel glee. Upon surfacing, Theon clings to floating driftwood, as Euron's fleet starts sailing towards King's Landing with his captives. Theon watches helplessly as their entire armada is decimated in flames and the ship carrying his sister disappears into the night.

Over at Dragonstone, some time after the ambush, one of Queen Daenerys’ advisors, Lord Varys, informs her that the Ironborn and Dornish allies were attacked en route to Dorne in the Narrow Seas by Euron Greyjoy’s Iron Fleet. He adds that two to three ships have escaped, however, the rest have either sunk or have been captured. Varys then informs her that the Greyjoys, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes are all either dead or captured. Meanwhile, Theon is later rescued from being stranded out in the open Narrow Sea by one of the few surviving ships loyal to Yara. When their captain named Harrag questions him about his sister’s fate, Theon claims that he tried to save her. An unimpressed Harrag chides Theon, begrudgingly telling him that he would be dead if that were actually the truth. The remaining loyal Ironborn men then disperse from the deck, leaving a shattered Theon to pick himself up as they sail back to Dragonstone to plan their next course of action with Daenerys.

During the time Theon sails back to Dragonstone, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch and Theon’s childhood friend Jon Snow has arrived on the island to join Daenerys’ alliance. While Jon is on the causeway of the island, he and his advisor Ser Davos Seaworth see a lone Ironborn ship approaching, with Theon and some of the remaining Ironborn rowing to shore. As Theon disembarks, he is stunned to see Jon Snow, whom he had had last seen leaving Winterfell to join the Night's Watch several years ago. Since they last saw each other, Theon had betrayed House Stark, a factor that nearly destroyed their house and played a hand in a chain of events that contributed to the deaths of two of Jon's half-brothers, Robb and young Rickon. Jon is stunned for a moment as well, as Theon walks up to him, asking if Sansa is all right. A furious Jon angrily grabs Theon by his coat and shakes him, recalling Theon's past treachery. Jon then informs Theon that what he did to save Sansa is the only reason that he is not killing him on the spot. He releases Theon. Visibly relieved, Theon then informs them that his uncle attacked their fleet and took Yara prisoner. He asserts that he’s returned to ask Daenerys' help in saving Yara. Jon begrudgingly tells him that Daenerys has just left the island with her dragons and the horde of Dothraki warriors to attack a Lannister army that have now decimated House Tyrell.

Some weeks later, Theon, Daenerys, Jon and the rest of their advisors sail into King’s Landing to parley with Queen Cersei Lannister. Jon’s motivation for forging an alliance with Daenerys is the same reason as to why they have agreed to the summit meeting with the treacherous Cersei: to warn all of Westeros of a much larger threat than their feuding wars for the Iron Throne. The threat of the White Walkers and their army of the dead who will soon breach the Wall and into the Seven Kingdoms. When the group arrives they are escorted to the Dragonpit where all of the various factions meet. Theon finds his uncle Euron alongside Queen Cersei as they exchange looks. Euron then tries to posture, threatening to kill Yara unless Theon yields to him Euron then derides Tyrion Lannister's dwarfism. Theon and Lord Tyrion both retort to his taunts with their own. Once the meeting is on track, Daenerys and Jon attempt to warn Cersei of the greater threat coming for them all, but Cersei dismisses it as a ploy. To prove their claims, Jon Snow’s ally, Sandor "the Hound" Clegane, returns with the crate containing a captured wight that Jon and a hunting party retrieved from beyond the Wall. When Sandor kicks the crate over, the enraged wight spills out and launches itself out towards the nearest target - Cersei herself. Visibly horrified, Cersei and her allies recoil in horror as the Hound pulls the wight back on a chain and slices the creature in half. The assembled look on in shock as the wight's upper half still moves around. Jon then steps forward and picks up the wight's discarded hand and demonstrates how fire can be used to stop them. He then uses a dagger made of dragonglass to the heart, which finishes off the undead, bluntly stating that if they don't win the coming war such a fate awaits every person in Westeros. A horrified Ser Jaime Lannister asks how many wights are coming and Daenerys tells him the undead army number at least 100,000. Seemingly convinced, Cersei offers terms, however, she refuses to deal with Daenerys at all and calls upon Jon to keep the truce, requesting that he is to stay out of any future conflict between the two queens. Jon, however, says that he cannot serve them both - and reveals to all assembled that he has already bent the knee for Daenerys. With this news, Cersei then storms out, content to let the Starks and Targaryens battle the undead alone. After the meeting disperses, however, the queen’s brother Tyrion ultimately changes her mind as he meets with her in private. Cersei returns to the Dragonpit and agrees to work with Daenerys asthe Lannister army will march north to fight alongside them. Afterwards, Theon and Daenery’s contingent sail back towards the island of Dragonstone.

Some time after their arrival, Daenerys, Jon and their advisors discuss logistics as they plan their journey north. It will take the Dothraki horde a fortnight to ride north towards Winterfell, and the plan is to have Jon and the Unsullied soldiers cross the sea by ship and meet them at White Harbor.  Fearful of his Northmen’s reactions to their new alliance, Jon suggests that Daenerys ride with him instead of on dragonback so that the North can see her as a liberator and ally. After the meeting, Theon talks privately with Jon in the throne room. He informs Jon that even when they were growing up at Winterfell, Jon always seemed to know the right thing to do. Jon explains that he has made mistakes and has done things he regrets. Theon replies: "Not compared to me, you haven't," and confides that he has always felt torn between his Greyjoy heritage and his Stark upbringing. He adds that he tried to do the right thing, but was uncertain about the right step to take. Jon, still angry about Theon's betrayal against his family, asserts to him him that Lord Eddard was more a father to Theon than Balon Greyjoy ever was. However, Jon relents and tells Theon that he never lost Ned, as Eddard is a part of both of them. Jon concludes that Theon is both a Greyjoy and a Stark and insists that he can forgive for what is in his power to forgive. Theon confides that when he was Ramsay's prisoner, his sister Yara tried to save him, urging that he needs to save her now. Jon then encourages him to do so.

Afterwards, Theon returns to the remaining Ironborn on the beach, who continue to regard him with disgust. Theon declares Yara’s rescue mission, however, Harrag shuts him down, declaring Theon a coward, and proclaims that they are going to go where they can rape and pillage as they usually do. Theon reminds them that Yara has forbidden the Old Way, but Harrag threatens Theon and begins to assault him, telling him to stay down. Although he is knocked down, Theon barely reacts to the blows, as he has experienced far greater pain at the hands of the late Ramsay Bolton. He gets up to attack, but Harrag continues to beat Theon, again insisting that he stay or be killed. Theon once more defies him and attacks Harrag, who then grabs Theon and kicks him several times in the crotch. However, as Ramsay had previously castrated Theon, there are no testicles for Harrag to injure. Theon smiles as he gains the upper hand, smashing the captain's face practically to a pulp, and beating him into submission. The other Ironborn finally relent, accepting Theon and his mission. As they prepare to set sail to King’s Landing, Theon wades into the sea to wash his wounds in salt water, embracing his identity as an Ironborn.

“Whatever my Queen commands.”

— ‘Stormborn

“What you did in King’s Landing… What you said. You could have lied to Cersei about bending the knee to Daenerys. You risked everything to tell an enemy the truth… You’ve always known what was right. Even when we were all young and stupid. You always knew. Every step you take, it's always the right step.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

“Euron has her… I couldn’t save her. I tried.”

— ‘The Queen's Justice

“I've always wanted to do the right thing, be the right kind of person, but I never knew what that meant, it always seemed like there was, like there was an impossible choice I had to make, Stark or Greyjoy… When I was Ramsay's prisoner, Yara, tried to save me, she's the only one who tried to save me, she needs me now.”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

“Jon? … I didn’t know you were here… Sansa… Is she all right?”

— ‘The Spoils of War

“All of us chose to follow Yara. You left the Iron Islands for Yara. She would never leave one of us behind… She’s not dead… She’s our Queen! … I ran from my Uncle. I was a coward… We’re going to find her. We’re going to set her free… Not for me. For Yara!”

— ‘The Dragon and the Wolf

 season eight

Some time after sailing to King’s Landing to save his sister Yara, Theon takes advantage of his uncle Euron's absence, who is inside the Red Keep castle with Queen Cersei. Theon and his small remaining crew stage a sneak attack on Euron's ship. Using bows and arrows they silently pick off most of the guards, then Theon bursts into Yara's chamber with an axe and frees his sister form her restraints. She immediately headbutts him for letting her get captured in the first place, however, then embraces him, as they flee together. Afterwards, in their own ship, Yara informs Theon that she intends to sail back to the Iron Islands. She explains that with the bulk of the Ironborn loyal to Euron are concentrated in the east with his fleet. As result, Yara has a chance to rally her remaining supporters to retake the home islands while Euron is away. Despite this plan, Yara can tell that her brother wants her permission to leave in order to assist the Starks as they defend Winterfell against the impending invasion of the White Walkers and their army of the dead. Yara assures Theon that she will secure the Iron Islands as a fallback position for Queen Daenerys - as wights can't swim - and grants his request to leave. They embrace before Theon departs towards Winterfell.

Some time later, Theon arrives at Winterfell and waits with a detachment of Ironborn men in the Great Hall. When Daenerys and Sansa arrive, he informs the dragon queen that his sister Yara’s remaining ships could not be sailed to Winterfell and affectively will not be able to assist in the war. However, Theon then informs her of Yara's plans to reclaim the Iron Islands from Euron in her name. When Daenerys asks why he has not sailed home with his sister, Theon looks over to Sansa and asserts that he's come back to fight and defend Winterfell, if Lady Stark will have him. Sansa welcomes his return and emotionally embraces him. Afterwards, the sound of the horn brings Jon out into the courtyard as some of his allies bring bad news: the army of the dead should be arriving before daybreak. Jon then meets with all the prominent commanders to discuss strategy and notes that even with dragonglass, Valyrian steel and the defenses they have laid, they are still outnumbered. He suggests to make their leader, the Night King, the primary target- given that if he raised every monster in his army, they should all die with him. Bran Stark then interjects that he will come for him, as the Night King’s ultimate desire is to erase all memory of the world of men, something which Bran now possesses as the Three-Eyed Raven. Jon states they will place Bran in the crypts for his safety, but Bran refuses, declaring he'll wait in the godswood to lure the Night King out. Sansa and Arya Stark balk at the prospect of Bran using himself as bait, but Theon declares he and his men will defend Bran, as atonement for his previous capture of Winterfell. Jon then notes that the dragons will be held back until their enemy makes his move for Bran. Arya asks if dragonfire will kill wights, to which Bran can only reply he has no idea, as no one has ever tried it.

Late evening, some of the defenders are congregated together inside, conversing and drinking as a way to distract themselves from the coming battle. Brienne’s squire Podrick Payne starts singing softly. While he sings, various other defenders scattered in and around the castle also while away the evening as they wait for the horn to sound. Samwell TarlyGilly and her son are lying in bed together while Sansa is in the castle courtyard eating a bowl of soup with Theon. Arya Stark and Gendry Baratheon lie in bed after sleeping together, while Missandei gives Grey Worm a deep kiss goodbye, before he leads the Unsullied army towards the battlefield. Suddenly, a horn blast echoes throughout Winterfell, as Jon and Daenerys run upstairs to the ramparts, joining Lord Tyrion. The trio then witness the army of the dead standing in formation in the distance, and ready for battle.

Night has fallen at Winterfell and Bran is wheeled to the godswood by Theon and the Ironborn to wait as bait. On the battlefield, the united armies wait in ominous anticipation as Grey Worm readies the Unsullied army. From the blackened distance a Red Priestess named Melisandre arrives on horseback just in time to aid their army and magically lights a fire on each end of the Dothraki soldier’s weapons, as they then ride into battle and crash into the horde of wights. However, the Dothraki army is quickly decimated as the undead then rush down from the north and slam into the defenders around Winterfell like a tidal wave. Jon and Daenerys make strafing runs on the undead army with dragon fire but more keep coming and does little to affect their outnumbered defenses. Melisandre uses her powers again, this time to light the entire trench ringing Winterfell, as it bursts into flames. In the godswood, Theon can hear their approach and starts to apologize to Bran, but Bran politely cuts Theon off, saying that everything he did led him to where he is now: "Home". Theon is moved, but Bran must "leave" now as he wargs into a flock of ravens around Winterfell and witnesses the Night King psychically direct his army into a concentrated charge across the trenched flames, breaching the outer defenses. Thousands of them start swarming around the base of Winterfell's great stone walls, then climb over each other in a mass, using their strength to grip into stone. The siege takes another turn for the worse as the Night King uses his resurrection abilities to raise all of the defenders who died thus far into wights, and both Jon and Daenerys have been knocked off their dragons. As the castle is overrun, the wights infiltrate the godswood, as Theon and the Ironborn fire several arrows, but it does little to stop the onslaught. When the Night King eventually reaches the godswood with the rest of the White Walkers, Bran calls Theon a good man and thanks him, having finally redeemed himself. Knowing that there is no escaping death at this point, Theon chooses to die with dignity as his final act of atonement. He nods at the Night King, challenging him. The Night King steps forward and Theon charges at the him with a dragonglass spear. The Night King stops Theon and breaks his spear in half, then takes hold of the sharp end and stabs Theon through the stomach with it. Theon then falls to the ground, and bleeds to death as the Night King makes his approach towards Bran. When the Night King draws the sword sheathed on his back for the killing blow, Arya Stark suddenly appears and leaps at him from behind with a Valyrian steel dagger drawn. The Night King instantly reacts, spinning around to catch her by the throat and arm holding the dagger. However, Arya then drops the dagger into her free hand and drives the blade into the center of his chest, shattering him into ice, along with the rest of the White Walkers. With them destroyed, the entire undead army fall apart in and around Winterfell. As the Great War comes to an end, dawn finally breaks over the devastated castle. 

Following their victorious battle against the army of the dead, Winterfell has been cleared of the thousands of corpses in and around it. The fallen are then gathered into dozens of funeral pyres and Theon is mourned by Sansa, who places a pin with the insignia of House Stark on his chest piece, as a sign of gratitude and recognition of what Theon did for Sansa and her family since escaping their tormentor Ramsay Bolton. The survivors listen to Jon Snow give a eulogy as he informs that it is the duty of those who survived to keep them alive in memory for generations to come. Quoting the funeral speech used for members of the Night's Watch, he announces that they were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and they will never see their like again: “now their watch is ended.” The assembled leaders go forward with torches to light the pyres and say their final goodbyes to the heroic warriors who have helped prevent the destruction of humanity.

*In the aftermath of Theon’s death, follow Yara or Sansa’s journey throughout the rest of the series.

“You’re my Queen. I go where you command.

— ‘Winterfell

“He won’t be alone. I’ll stay with him. With the Ironborn…. I took this castle from you. Let me defend you now.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“What is dead may never die.”

— ‘Winterfell

“Bran… I just want you to know. I wish… the things I did—”

— ‘The Long Night

“My Queen… My sister only has a few ships and she couldn’t sail them here. So, she’s sailing back to the Iron Islands instead. To take them back in your name… I want to fight for Winterfell, Lady Sansa. If you’ll have me.”

— ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

“Here they come! Steady lads. Steady now. Make every shot count.”

— ‘The Long Night